How to create a friendly team? MUP "Editorial office of the newspaper "Zarya"

Working together does not mean being a team. A close-knit team is the key to the development of any enterprise. All employees should have one goal, only then will the business develop and all participants receive decent financial rewards for their efforts. Main task All managers need to do is create a spirit of teamwork, but this is not so easy to do. There are even special sciences for this, such as team building and sociometry, but these topics deserve a separate discussion. Today there are professions - HR manager, recruiter, corporate secretary and HR specialists who work in big companies, dealing with such issues. After all, making money is simply impossible without a close-knit team. Trainers and HR professionals have developed very simple techniques that allow you to create successful team. There are extremely many of them, we have chosen the methods most suitable for small businesses.

Each team consists of different personalities in temperament and character, completely different from each other. These discrepancies can create conflicts between people, which is especially pronounced in a team when a deadline approaches. Yes, time is money, but many people are mistaken that spending time on building a team is a pointless waste of money and effort. Each leader must decide for himself which path is best for his team and business. So, let's talk about what can be done?

Most effective method- This joint vacation: picnic or hike. In other words, this is an opportunity for everyone to relax together. It is at such events that employees have opportunities to reveal themselves in a completely different light, not only as a professional. This will help employees get to know each other better.

An alternative could be a simple picnic, a camping trip, a trip to a camp site, a trip to a skating rink, for example, or to another place of entertainment (bowling or billiards). But for the bravest there are different types team games, ranging from rafting to paintball. Such trips allow you to “blow off steam” and relieve stress, which is very fun and impressive.

Planners, five-minute meetings, meetings- another great method of communication between employees. Typically, one such meeting per week is sufficient. As a creative option, you can come up with a topic for discussion, for example: “Come up with a slogan for your company,” and then print it out and stick it on the office wall. It all depends on your imagination. Even if these are work meetings where professional issues or issues of improving the office environment will be discussed, this provides a huge opportunity to build team spirit. It is necessary to give everyone the opportunity to express their opinion, then employees will quickly understand that they are an integral team.

Trainings and seminars are simply necessary if tension arises within the team. They allow you to find general solution set of professional problems, exchange experiences on controversial issues. Experts will help you clear up any ambiguities. If it is difficult for management to unite the team at the initial stage, then trainers recommend inviting a psychologist or conducting a series of team building trainings.

Promotions are also welcome in the team. Every person loves praise, this is how nature created us. When management gives motivation for a completed project, it’s more interesting to work. It’s like “prize games”, when you need to achieve your goal at any cost. It is better to reward the whole team, but never individual employees, since others may feel jealous or unfair. Working together for a shared reward increases the sense of team spirit. It’s good when employees work on the same projects, then there is a common goal and incentive for remuneration. During collaboration Colleagues will not only learn to communicate regularly with each other, but also work together, achieving a common result.

Problems at home directly affect the employee’s performance. Of course, it is unrealistic to know all the information about every person, but it is still worth asking from time to time. In this way, management grows in the eyes of their subordinates, people develop a sense of support and concern, which is very important. If you demonstrate your respect for your employees, their performance will increase, which means your profits will increase.

Encouragement is good, but we must also not forget about important events. For example, this is the birthday of a company or some project, the same applies to employees and their personal holidays: birthdays, weddings, and so on.

It is recommended that the entire department celebrate both small and significant achievements. You can also come up with your own awards: the most sociable, the life of the party, the most responsive, introduce a system of trivial awards (for example, giving something to your desk or putting stickers on your clothes). Received the most in a month - the bonus grows.

Some little things that also affect the atmosphere in the office are the room itself. Now it's fashionable to start office animals, it all depends on your finances and preferences. These could be hamsters, chinchillas, a parrot or an aquarium.

Capture each event in photographs, but don’t just leave them in megabyte sizes, but print them out and make your own “corner of impressions and emotions.” It's all about creativity here. Coaches also advise marking all victories and completions of projects on special boards on the wall. In addition, with such devices it is easier to conduct a meeting and explain specific tasks.

​Good afternoon! I'm looking for a job. When I read a job description, it is important for me: functionality, salary, company activities, office location. But when once again I see a “young and friendly team”, I filter out the vacancy for myself. Why are they writing this? Is this really important to someone and does it matter when applying for a job? Or is this a hint at the age of the applicants? We must assume that such phrases in the job description indicate that “corporate fun starts” are more important to employers than work. What should applicants do if they don’t need this at all?

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Union of Developers of Gelendzhik
[email protected]

    answer hidden


    Ekaterina, good afternoon!

    Good question!) The fact is that HR tasks are very close to sales. Only HR does not sell the company’s product to clients, but to job seekers their company and the idea of ​​working for them. Practice shows that about 90% of people, when looking for a job, put the team in the top 3 important criteria for choosing a job. This is due to the fact that we spend half of our time (not counting sleep), or even more, at work. And this is especially important for those who have encountered unfriendly employees, gossips, intriguers and imitators of vigorous activity who poisoned the work and life of the team. From own experience and the experience of my colleagues, I know that not a single HR, describing a vacancy in this way, in any way intends to offend someone or give the implication that only young people are welcome here. On the contrary, we strive to show that we select people who are not only professionals in their field, but also with whom it is pleasant to work, communicate and be friends. In our company's vacancies there is always an emphasis on this too. The average age of our employees is 25-35 years. And at the same time, we have and have had employees over 40 and 50 years old who fit perfectly into our company and show themselves wonderfully as specialists, team members and just people. Very often during interviews we hear that older candidates draw attention to this in a positive way, saying: “You have a young team, active, this is great, I like to be among young people to be active, recharge with energy and keep up to date with all the modern features ". I think you are wasting your time refusing such vacancies. Thus, you refuse modern companies with progressive methods of work, and which select really good people. Be more positive about things. At least go to the interview to see how things are there with your own eyes, and not based on speculation. This does not oblige you to go work there if you are disappointed))

    Good luck in your job search!

    Violetta Tkacheva, Executive Director
    Union of Developers of Gelendzhik
    [email protected]

    Thank you (1)
    • Violetta, thanks for the advice, but I don’t want to be around active youth (or rather, for them to be around me) and I don’t need all these modern tricks. I don’t need corporate drinking parties either, even when I was much younger, I worked in a similar team, where at birthday parties they literally forced me to drink or kept asking me why I didn’t do it. The only useful thing I took away from working at this company was what my boss taught me and passed on her knowledge. And by the way, she is much older than me.
      From work I expect work and salary, constructive interaction with colleagues, and, of course, communication, but with those with whom I feel comfortable communicating, and vice versa too. There are people who, at 50 and 60, are the life of the party and the ringleader, and there are those who don’t need it even at 25. They are bad, so it turns out from the point of view of HR specialists? And where should they go?

      Thank you (4)
    • answer hidden


      Ekaterina, I agree with you, the whole point is not in age, but in the head) And in fact, not a single manager would want people working for him who crave corporate parties and partying. “Tricks” - I mean subtleties and wisdom, unique useful work experience, new solutions to old problems. That is, the very knowledge that managers usually share. What to do is one of the eternal questions. Don’t judge the company just by the words written in the vacancy, but check it in practice: look for employee reviews about working here, go to an interview and see with your own eyes what kind of office it is, what kind of people are there, what they talk about, what they do, in the end - After all, you can go there as a client. You will immediately see and understand a lot, and you will be able to make the right decision based on what you yourself will see, hear and feel while within the walls of the organization and will be able to make the right decision - whether this company is right for you or not. No one will determine this except you.

      Violetta Tkacheva, Executive Director
      Union of Developers of Gelendzhik
      [email protected]

      Thank you (1)
      • Violetta, such companies usually conduct interviews in separate rooms, where I don’t see anyone except the HR specialist and, in some cases, the chief accountant. No one will take me on a tour of the office, I'm mine workplace They won't even show it. This is the case if you are called for an interview. Usually they immediately send a refusal, and if you call to find out the reason for the refusal, they answer: “We have middle age employees are 32 years old, you won’t fit into our team” or “How old are you? 44? Oh, you’re old!” And this is the answer given to many of my peers who are looking for work. Why, people of the same age who are a little over 35 are no longer invited. If a company presents its team in the job description, then the phrase “close-knit, friendly team” sounds better to people of all ages. And in a young team, boys and girls 20 years younger will not be addressed by their first name or patronymic, but by Lenka, Mashka, Tanka, etc. I heard this too, I was shocked after working in a decent organization.

        Thank you (1)
      • answer hidden


        Ekaterina, unfortunately, not all specialists are specialists in all areas upper class, this applies to sellers, HRs, accountants, economists, managers and everyone else. I regret that you and your friends had to deal with such unprofessionalism. Maybe HR actually correctly determined that you will be uncomfortable in their team, because everyone pokes at you and doesn’t call you by your patronymic. They really don’t do excursions, but that’s not what I’m talking about, having visited a couple of rooms: the reception room, the office, sometimes that’s enough. Every person will always find what is wrong around him. In any case, the purpose of your request is to get advice, not to be outraged. You have a goal - to get a job with decent pay and a good attitude. There will be obstacles on the way to it. Focus on the goal, not on complaints, otherwise you will lose your nerve. In addition, there are companies that value people like you - you are unlikely to be on maternity leave, have sick small children, you are unlikely to be late, be distracted at work by some extraneous matters, and approach your work very responsibly. Remember this, continue your search, and you will find exactly the company where you will feel comfortable and where they are waiting for you))

        Violetta Tkacheva, Executive Director
        Union of Developers of Gelendzhik

Lack of proper employee motivation can lead to disastrous results. The ability to competently (and therefore effectively) influence the increase in personnel productivity is one of the primary tasks of any manager. Employees working in a business are the most valuable tools for achieving success and should and should be motivated. As practice shows, not everyone succeeds in this. How many promises are sometimes made, the timing of which is not known to this day. But putting pressure on a person only causes the opposite effect – resistance. By stomping your foot or demoting you, you forever lose the respect of your employee, which is almost impossible to regain. The work will be performed only “from start to finish”, according to the regulations. No initiative, not to mention a creative approach.

It’s a completely different matter when employees feel sympathy for you, enhanced by respect. They are confident that you believe in their abilities and capabilities. This is the first step towards accomplishing great things. It depends on the leader whether his staff will want to help him become successful. And to do this, you just need to take care of those who work for you, understand their desires and needs. And then they will do everything in their power and even more. Otherwise, the result will be zero.

There are several things that can demotivate a person. Take, for example, the feeling an employee feels when, trying to do everything in his power, he realizes that these efforts are not enough. And if someone else fails, then his hands simply give up, he comes to the conclusion that such hard work is not worth the effort. And only understanding and patience on the part of the boss will ultimately help to obtain significant results that were not achieved through exhaustion of emotional and physical strength, rather the opposite. The desire to earn a loyal attitude from management develops in employees diligence and desire to work, achieve high performance and prosperity of the company as a whole. It is this kind of motivation that will avoid staff turnover and bring stability and success.

In any case, in order to achieve understanding and higher productivity from people, you must first take the first step towards them. And, believe me, they will undoubtedly appreciate it.



From this article you will learn:

  • What are the conditions for forming a cohesive team?
  • What are the criteria for a cohesive team?
  • What events and games bring the team together?

Any manager cares about the microclimate in his organization. Nobody needs squabbles and discord that interfere with the effective functioning of the company. Team cohesion is very important both for management and for each employee. Agree, it’s nice to come to work and see smiling faces, solve all current issues in a team constructively and calmly, and in case difficult situation to know that you will not be drowned, but will be given a helping hand. A successful leader must have an idea of ​​how to unite the team, how to bring different people, what methods of uniting people into a team are generally accepted, because very often it is joint cohesive work that leads a company to success. Read about all this in our article!

When it is necessary to create a cohesive team

  1. In the absence of necessary and truthful information, there is always someone who comes up with the missing information himself, screwing up the entire team, filling it with rumors and gossip. This situation is typical for organizations where there is corruption, abuse of power, opacity of the remuneration system, calculation of bonus payments, etc. An expert method that optimizes personnel policy can help achieve the goal of uniting the team in such a situation. The method, designed to unite the organization's staff, is based on systematic monitoring with the involvement of HR professionals.
  2. Discord in a team is most often caused by a virtual lack of control. Illiterate management makes possible the lack of a clear distribution of roles and responsibilities, discipline, order and mutual respect. There is no way to unite people. In such an environment, unspoken rules and codes of conduct in society are easily forgotten. Mini-groups appear with their own informal leaders who manipulate people and conflict with each other. The purpose of such behavior is not at all aimed at increasing labor efficiency and the success of the enterprise. They satisfy only their ambitions. All this leads first to a split in the team, then to disintegration and ultimately to a complete separation of the team.
  3. Illiterate team management gives rise to internal competition and dissatisfaction with each other. This is also impossible to unite the team. A successful team leader must understand that competition is only beneficial for development market relations, but not the relationships between people working in the same team. This will not help unite the team. Working according to the “carrot and stick” principle, when the best receive bonuses, ranks, bonuses, etc., and others receive reprimands and fines, the team is deprived of basic trust in each other and mutual assistance, receiving in return hypocrisy, name-calling, and obvious “set-ups” and hidden sabotage. Many team members are forced under these conditions to forget about principles, just to get an unsurpassed result, better than that of their colleagues. Teams with such internal relationships have long forgotten about team spirit. Joint decision complex issues constructively in such a situation is almost impossible.
  4. In the absence of existing strategies aimed at the formation and development of internal corporate culture, improving the microclimate in the group, uniting people with a common goal that is significant for each and everyone together.

Conditions for forming a cohesive team

Let's consider the basic conditions and criteria for forming a cohesive team. The team will become united if:

  • interests, views, values ​​and worldview coincide more team members;
  • The team is homogeneous in age. It is difficult to unite fifty-year-old and seventeen-year-old team members into one group, it is only possible on the basis of mutual respect;
  • the team should be dominated by goodwill, acceptance of the opinions of others, and general psychological safety;
  • the entire team must lead an active, emotionally rich joint activities aimed at obtaining a result that is meaningful to everyone;
  • the team leader or his leader represents a model of behavior for the most effective employee and colleague;
  • a successful leader is able to take special actions or events to enhance team cohesion;
  • there is another group of people or collective that can be seen as competitors;
  • in the team there is a person who opposes himself to the team and is significantly different from the main number of its participants.
  1. Focus. The goal orientation of a team is the desire for a common goal. unites group interest in the content of the goal put forward by this group, dictates collective social attitudes, beliefs, and ideals. The degree of focus can be determined by the following indicators:
    • the level of interest of group members in joint activities, in improving the microclimate of the team, mutual understanding between people, focusing on the failure of positions in general activities and in relationships;
    • relationship between these parameters;
    • correspondence between the goals of the individual and the team, their complementarity, inconsistency, similarity and difference.
  2. Motivation. This criterion determines the level of activity, interest and effective attitude (desire) to the common activity of all team members. Motivation is characteristic of participants in such collective work when each of them experiences a need, attraction, desire to work together, realizes the need for teamwork and is biased and enthusiastic about applies to her. The activity and interest of each group member in the overall result, involvement in its achievement, the efforts made, the degree of satisfaction from participation in the common cause are indicators that determine motivation. .
  3. Integrity or the commonality of a team is the unity of its members. The interconnectedness and interdependence between group members determine the degree of their cohesion, compatibility, conjugation, etc. The degree of integrity of a particular team can be determined by analyzing the relationship between joint achievements and the total number of completed works, understanding which type of work dominates - joint or individual. This helps to unite the team.
  4. Structurality determined by a clear and strict order of interaction. It regulates the functions, tasks, rights, duties and responsibilities among group members. Thanks to this, the team is able, if necessary, to quickly divide into groups and subgroups, depending on the tasks being solved and the goals set. Structurality is determined by the prevailing methods of redistribution of responsibilities, through complementarity, insurance, and duplication. Also important criterion is a way of distributing responsibility - concentration, division, diffusion. Business mutual influence is also important. This helps to unite the team.
  5. Consistency team members are determined by their harmonious interaction, conditioned by the presence of a common goal. Coherence can manifest itself to varying degrees at any stage of collaboration. The degree of agreement or inconsistency is determined by the dominance of methods for eliminating contradictions and divisive factors, the level of conflict among team members and typical behavior in resolving conflict. Coordination of actions helps to unite the team.
  6. Organization characteristic of groups that are distinguished by orderliness, composure, subordination to the established order regulating joint activities, the ability to accurately follow a pre-established plan (planfulness), and manageability, including diligence and self-organization. By diligence we should understand the ability, frequency and style of performing external control actions. The self-organization of a team directly depends on the degree of its participation in its work and is characterized by the number of participants involved in management; the number of management actions carried out; leadership potential; the way group members participate in management, etc. Organization helps to unite the team.
  7. Efficiency characterizes the degree of cohesion of the group in achieving high results and the intended goal. This is an integral characteristic of the productivity, productivity and efficiency of teamwork. Performance indicators require specification of the characteristics of the group’s work. High performance helps unite the team.

Evgeniy Kotov will cover two topics on personnel management at , which will be held from May 3 to 10 in Turkey at the Rixos Premium Belek hotel.

How a cohesive team is formed

Forming a cohesive team is a rather long process. Experts have defined a step-by-step methodology that includes five mandatory stages that should not be skipped or their sequence changed. A successful manager must understand the importance of each of them and know that only strict implementation of the requirements will help unite the team at work.

The formation of relationships begins with lapping. This is typical for any team, especially for newcomers joining an already formed group. During this period, they pay special attention to each other, reveal their essence, demonstrating strong and weak side their character, leadership abilities, conflict behavior, etc. The most important aspect of this period are general characteristics selected contingent. The work of a professional psychologist, aimed at forming interpersonal relationships, taking into account all their features, helps to minimize the problems of the following stages. This helps bring the team together.

Next comes " conflictual» stage. It should be understood that the occurrence of any conflicts is normal for any team. The ability to resist them and successfully resolve such situations is the key to creating a strong and cohesive team. At this stage, it is permissible to form small subgroups and identify outsiders. It is also acceptable that there is misunderstanding on the part of management and subordinates. Often the conflict stage ends with some dismissals - on the employee’s personal initiative or on the instructions of management.

Third stage " experimental" Settlement and resolution of all significant internal conflicts leads to the inevitable growth of the potential of each employee and the entire group as a whole. This applies both personally and at work. This period is characterized by an uneven distribution of efforts, minor disruptions in work, but ultimately, the enterprise achieves great results than on initial stages. All this helps to unite the team.

Creative stage occurs after successful completion of the first three. Leaders stand out and form around themselves a team of people who share their positions and opinions. At the first stages, employees might make a mistake in choosing a leader, but by this stage everything is clear to everyone, people know each other well enough, and all assessments have already been made.

Mature team– the result of the fifth stage, the final one. The debates and disagreements that arise at this stage, which arise especially often with the arrival of a new employee, are resolved extremely quickly and calmly, only positively influencing the work of the entire team. This is considered the highest level of uniting people, and every leader who wants to be successful should strive for this.

How can you unite your team?

  • Make traditions it helps bring the team together

Think about it, it’s not in vain that kids watch their favorite cartoons several times. Psychologists say that they are pleased and attracted by the fact that the plot is known in advance. The child is comfortable because he knows what will happen and there is nothing uncertain or unexpected. Adult employees, who solve some issues every day, invent something and learn something, also dream of peace and comfort. Then the work goes better. There is nothing easier to solve this issue than establishing traditions. For example, you can start every morning with music, or every Wednesday go to the pool with the whole team, every Friday chat on English, celebrate holidays, birthdays together, attend various quests. All this brings people together, brings them closer to each other, reveals their potential and is also team building.

  • Get together it helps bring the team together

Try to gather all team members together. It doesn't matter how often this happens: once a month, a week or a day. It's important that this happens. Discuss achievements, successful results, share ideas, thoughts and doubts. People in the team must understand that their work is important and their opinion is heard. It is necessary to know the essence of the work of each team member, emphasize the importance of his participation in the common cause, share problems and find solutions together. You don’t have to go into too much detail about your work, you can just point out problem areas, and maybe someone can easily help you with these issues. This maximizes team performance and makes people united.

  • Corporate media helps to unite the team

Organizing the publication of a corporate newspaper or magazine is the best opportunity to communicate latest news employees, make suggestions, celebrate achievements, including individual ones, congratulate them on holidays and anniversaries. Holding an open day will serve to improve relationships between departments and departments. In order to unite employees, you can initiate monthly events where each department takes turns presenting the importance of its work in a creative format.

  • Corporate holidays helps to unite the team

Collective trips and joint recreation help to establish contact between employees. This increases the efficiency of each employee and the enterprise as a whole, because:

  • a change of environment defuses any complications that have arisen in the team, helps to see each other in a different light and under different conditions;
  • non-standard situations help to look at employees in a completely different way;
  • the relaxed atmosphere brings out the unexpected potential of each employee. People get to know each other better, discover common interests, and learn new things about each other.

In order to unite the team, use a type of corporate vacation such as tourism: regular, adventure or even story-based. Any of the options is attractive and special, but all create a team spirit, unite people into one group with common interests and mutual respect. Thanks to corporate recreation, all team members get to know each other again in a relaxed atmosphere, enjoy taking a break from routine work, and absorb positive emotions, which is extremely useful for preventing emotional burnout and decreased performance. This guarantees cohesive teamwork.

  • Gamify it helps to unite the team.

One of the most significant trends recent years- application of principles and technologies characteristic of computer games to increase the involvement of consumers and users in any process. And this method works great for keeping people engaged in the work process. Make completing tasks, solving problems or achieving indicators the goal or stages of the game - and now, the whole office is enthusiastically playing a quest called “Work”. The system of rewards, badges, titles and skill levels turns any process into fun and, using the competitive spirit, draws gamers into its abyss headlong. According to analysts, by 2017, about half of all companies will use gamification technologies in corporate management, so you should not delay studying and implementing this method, otherwise you risk finding yourself in the sad and backward half of the global business community.

What events bring the team together?

Holding collective events brings employees very close together - jointly celebrating holidays, participating in games and quests, psychological or gaming trainings that encourage people to actively interact with each other, moving towards a common goal. All these activities are united by the term “team building” - team building, methods that help connect different people into one strong team. This helps to unite the team.

  • Extreme team building, helping to bring people together

Extreme team building is based on collective participation in extreme sports, which involve some risky situations and a surge of adrenaline.

  1. Adventure racing

This is the most popular look training conducted to form a team, similar to adventure and extreme racing. The task of such an interesting team race is to overcome a certain distance with various tasks and find checkpoints. Each team goes through several stages, each team has a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 12 people. Employees go from point to point in a fun way, demonstrating knowledge, ingenuity, and the ability to act together and plan these actions. This is a great way to bring the team together.

  1. Orientation as a way to bring a group of people together

Orienteering is a great sport. The team must find the required number of control points on the ground. A compass and a map with marked destinations are provided to help. Such trimbuilding can reveal the leadership qualities of employees, the ability for mutual assistance, the degree of conflict of a person and the level of his communication skills. One of modern species orienteering jeep orienteering. The basic principles are the same as for a regular sport, only orienteering takes place in jeeps and in deserted areas. The drive and feeling of extreme helps to unite the team.

  1. Transfer by helicopter a fun way to bring a group of people together

Such a quest requires quite significant expenses for renting a helicopter, however, large companies conduct it for their top managers. The main point of such an adventure is to develop among staff the ability to quickly make decisions, focused on obtaining the desired result as efficiently as possible, and the ability to unite a team. This helps bring the team together. The essence of the quest is that several people are dropped by helicopter into an area that is completely new to them and left there. Their task is to get out on their own.

  1. Rafting as a way to bring a group of people together

What can definitely bring people together into one team is conquering the water element. Several employees are invited to go rafting down the river. This type of trimbuilding is not very popular in Russia and is rarely used in practice as independent holiday. Such activities are extremely common in areas where bamboo grows. For a large, stable company, it is not difficult to organize a tourist trip to places where the local population would help the team build their own raft and go on a trip on it. Joint production of food and water, protecting the raft, and overcoming obstacles can unite all participants.

  • Intellectual team building, helping to bring people together

This technology can be presented in the form of quests, ethnic games, photo hunts, role-playing events, etc. The main thing is that there is an opportunity to show ingenuity and mental work. Such team building perfectly reveals the employee’s potential, all his talents and helps unite people into a team.

  1. Quest in the city / Orientation in the city. This is the most popular quest in the opinion of modern marketers. He has a bright future in terms of being in demand. Organization of a specific competition, puzzle, rich internal communication of the group, manifestation of all creative potentials.
  2. Photonavigation/Photohunting. A great opportunity to show your intelligence, change your surroundings and relax. The reference points for this quest are photographs and images of noteworthy places in the city. Necessary with the help of gadgets, including the Internet and mobile phone, to be in the right place at the right time.
  3. Made by hand. A great idea for employees to show creative thinking and a creative approach. It is necessary to invite team members, especially those who work in offices and receive everything ready-made, to create something with their own hands. This technology relieves tension and fatigue, switching people to something new that requires a completely different approach and action.
  4. Architecture and painting. This is always interesting to everyone. A joint visit by the entire team to an exhibition or church turns into an educational vacation, helps to get to know colleagues from a different perspective and unites employees. Possible interesting conversations, discussions on topics not related to work, which also has a positive effect on the emotional state of the team. You can add participation in various master classes to the program, for example, during the restoration of a temple or work.
  5. Ancient Russian crafts. Antiquity always attracts people with its history of development, the development of crafts is especially interesting. Chasing, forging, wood carving, embroidery, making mead, etc. You can choose a common activity for the group to suit every taste, unobtrusively learn a new skill for almost everyone, identify talents and plunge into the last century for a while. Shared passion and common interests greatly help unite the team.
  6. The last hero. Thanks to the creation of extreme situations provided for by this type of team building, all the negative sides of the team members, the degree of conflict of each of them, and the tendency to create or destroy are easily revealed.
  • Creative team building, helping to bring people together

Unlike extreme team building, creative team building more subtly helps to unite the team, effectively solving most collective problems and issues. Creative team building can increase the level of trust in a team, build communications, distribute roles, strengthen emotional cohesion, and determine a common goal. In Russia this is still a fairly unfamiliar technology, but its prospects are undeniable.

  1. Theatrical. Try to attract a professional director to stage a performance chosen jointly, in which all roles are occupied by members of the team. A most exciting activity for all participants and spectators can tremendously unite people with a common goal and interest, making interaction with each other habitual.
  2. Musical. Create your own musical group. It could simply be an ensemble consisting of musically gifted employees who play instruments and have vocal abilities. Or a brass band performing works where the solo parts of each participant are combined into the most beautiful collective works. Most popular in Russia folklore ensembles, a group of musicians playing African musical instruments, jazz groups. Common interests will help bring people together.
  3. Dance Team building activities lift your spirits and improve the emotional component of the team’s microclimate, making it more united. Practice dancing together, go ice skating together in winter, take part in various competitions, and the team will become united, people will be closer to each other, and their attitude towards their work and the company will improve.
  4. Historical team building. When planning an event for your team, add historical notes to its plot. It could be some kind of plot or interesting historical fact. You can try, for example, to hold knightly battles, Pioneer Day or a Viking campaign. Create a great opportunity to unite your team with new, brightest emotions and unexpected experiences.
  5. Military. Nowadays many people are interested in paintball. A kind of game “Zarnitsa”, with a military atmosphere, artifacts, abandoned training grounds. A common goal, collective planning of actions make this a team game the best way bring people together.
  6. Literary team building. Organize thematic literary readings. They don't have to be long. You can read interesting articles to each other for five to ten minutes every morning. You can compete between departments for the best article of the week. All this unites, distracts, gives the opportunity to relax for a while and helps unite employees with a common passion.
  7. Cinema team building. Create your own movie. It can be timed to coincide with some date, anniversary or professional holiday. Each member of the team will make their contribution, fulfill their role, and watching it together will improve the mood and help unite the team even more.
  8. Culinary team building. Have a dinner together after a cooking match. You can create teams from departments or separate groups. Let people surprise everyone with their culinary talents. Collective preparation and eating of dishes brings people incredibly closer together. A change of environment and activity helps relieve fatigue, gain positive emotions and unite people into a team.

Team cohesion is a sign of indestructibility, coherence and inviolability of interactions and microclimate in the team. Cohesion is a necessary condition for effective practice and work process. In a society made up of strangers, a certain period of time will inevitably be spent completing assigned group tasks. It is precisely the cohesion of the brigade that gives more guarantees that obstacles to the development of partnership will be successfully overcome and losses will be kept to a minimum. It also matters how united the employee and the manager are.

Compatibility implies a high probability of solving the problem. The cohesion represents an exemplary integration of the team's composition.

In the personnel field of the movement, as in society in general, there is a division into unions and communities. Their formation occurs on the basis of the existence of structures in the association and enterprise, social division established in a certain environment. A striking example– an example of a work environment.

However, the main factor in the formation of a certain association seems to be a person, his behavior, his position in relation to the people around him. Often, a person in a faction may seek to evaluate their own needs, passions, and hobbies. The personal contact formed among colleagues may or may not correspond to this.

A friendly team is the key to successful work

The boss's goal is to form a sung company. The question arises about how to achieve this. Of course, the effectiveness of a common cause is determined by the harmonious interaction of community members. This also applies to the activities of the community, which must turn into a single unit with a specific intention, tasks and goals.

Each enterprise leader sets a goal for himself that seems impossible - creating a cohesive team, ready to do work not only for the sake of monetary reward, but also to implement general ideas and achieve results. This is not an easy task, since even representatives of the same occupation have different characters, temperaments and hobbies. The goal of the leader is cohesion and the formation of a friendly community.

The most used technique is inviting a psychologist into a friendly circle. However, the arrival of a specialist has the opposite effect. This is stiffness and unwillingness to open up. Method number two: solving the problem on your own.

The main part is creating a favorable climate in the office. You should make sure that you have all the necessary things to carry out your tasks. job responsibilities personnel and temporary leisure at work places.

In addition, it is important to periodically contact colleagues outside the office. A joint outing into nature will give more positive impressions, the opportunity to discover the hidden talents and hobbies of colleagues, will have a positive impact positive influence on the process of cohesive partnership.

Methods and mechanisms for forming a cohesive team

What methods exist to unite people in your team?

  • A meeting is a great way to establish contact between members of a given society. In most cases, one consultation per week is enough. As a creative option that will positively affect the cohesion of the union, you can come up with a topic for discussion, for example, put together a slogan for the organization, then print it and stick it on the walls in the office. In this case, your imagination plays the main role. The entire circle of those present should be given the opportunity to speak; in this case, colleagues will more likely develop an awareness of the integrity of the team.
  • Round tables and workshops also take place if there is any tension among colleagues. They make it possible to look for ways to resolve many troubles in professional activities, and every employee has the right to speak out.
  • Motivation is also favored by doers. It is appropriate at any stage of squad formation. When there is motivation to work, the process is more active. This is perceived as “playing for a prize” in cases where it is necessary to achieve goals by any means. But the entire team should be encouraged, and not an individual employee, since others may have doubts about the impartiality of the manager’s attitude. Activities carried out under the influence of common motivation give workers a clearer sense of team spirit. Engaging in a common project has a positive effect, in this case there is common task, and encouragement. As the group practice progresses, students will learn how to interact productively and find contact with their comrades.

These are the main factors.

Advice from psychologists: share your victories and failures with the corporation. The solidarity of the labor community sets us up for effective action to resolve the issues raised.

Listen to the opinions of your colleagues. Even if they are not experts in the field of the issue at hand. Every employee has the right to be heard. More often interesting ideas voiced by specialists who see the issue from a different angle, not understanding the patterns and variants of primitive conclusions.

Difficulties at home directly affect the performance of personnel. It is impossible to have everything about everyone, but sometimes it is still useful to be curious. This way, authority increases in the eyes of your subordinates, they will have a feeling of protection and participation, this is an important part. Demonstrating attention to employees, you thereby increase their performance and ensure growth in profits, and each employee strives to give back as much as possible as invested.

The foundation of collective interaction is the creation and maintenance of a sense of team spirit. However, this is not at all easy. To help a manager, there are many different courses and trainings where they talk about the basics of working with people, consider the issue from a psychological point of view, and make an assessment labor potential company employee.

It should be understood that a team is always created from individuals who different characters, temperaments, and each employee has his own ambitions and potential. Differences of this kind can become causes of inconsistency and discord. This is most clearly manifested in such a society on the verge of a deadline. Despite the fact that time is money, you should still take time to form a unified team and give colleagues the opportunity to get used to each other. That's enough important stage formation of a labor association and will help bring cohesion to a new level.

Factors to keep in mind during the team formation phase

  1. The squad will not form into a single whole in a few days. This is a process that takes a lot of time. Collaboration should be made the main operating style of the organization.
  2. When trying to create a team, the manager cannot always take into account the data. The partnership is taking part in the game, it won’t be any other way. What is the essence of the game? Every business is a game, but if there are tasks in it, be it receiving material rewards, promotion social status and so on. Rules are norms and regulations. There are also opponents. This should not be forgotten.
  3. Employee, how long he is in the circle labor collective, always strives to play. In the absence of competitors, he will create them for himself on his own. Let's say the group is on the rise. The mission is to conquer the top of the mountains, the obstacles are physical difficulties, the means are knowledge and skills, the opponents are an emergency situation. The public, taking these factors into account, understands that they cannot cope with the mission alone, and members of such a society begin to look for methods to solve the problem. But if you place the same union in a less uncomfortable environment, the team spirit will disappear.
  4. A mentor who is trying to make a team out of his group should not limit himself to conducting trainings, he should also highlight the style of work in society, present the essence of the issue to employees as accurately as possible, discuss the rules, and provide the opportunity to see the enemy. The enemy is not always a person. Firefighters are fighting the fire, doctors are fighting the disease.


Every boss must understand the mechanisms of collective initiative and remember that each employee is an individual who has the right to his point of view. He is part of this community. Working methods and approach should be different for everyone. We should not forget that such factors as temperament, perception and dissimilarity of characters will not go away. As long as humanity has existed, people have been dividing the workload of the brigade for as long.

There are several stages in the formation of a cohesive labor association: grinding in, the stage of “palace coups”, effectiveness, efficiency, skill, aging and death - the stage of reorganization of the institution. With each of these stages, group cohesion increases.

The above are methods that will undoubtedly help ensure that the cohesion of the labor partnership increases. Of course, this is also influenced by factors such as dissimilarity of characters and incompatibility of temperaments, but such problems are solved by psychological methods of influence. The main thing is that every employee should be heard.

Many factors influence the cohesion of the work community, but one thing remains unchanged: the employee is always the decisive unit.