Analysis of the labor potential of the enterprise. Assessment of the labor potential of an enterprise

The social and labor activities of an organization depend on its labor potential, which can be considered in relation to a specific employee or group of employees. The concept of “labor potential” is revealed through the definition of each of its constituent terms, the main of which is “potential”, or potentia, which has a double meaning: on the one hand, it characterizes “the degree of power in some respect” 4, and on the other - indicates that this power is hidden, because it is not only “a set of some means”, but also “opportunities” 5. The term “labor” determines a set of studied characteristics directly related to work activity. The totality of the labor potential of employees forms a system with its own characteristics, reflecting the labor potential of the organization, which is understood as the potential capabilities of personnel with certain socio-economic, physiological and psychological characteristics. In Russian practice, the personnel of an organization include workers (main and auxiliary), managers, specialists, office workers, junior service personnel, security, and students.

In countries with developed market economies, the personnel of an organization is understood as the entire set of not only employees, but also owners, whose labor potential corresponds to production and ensures effective economic activity. The personnel structure of a modern organization includes its employees, managers (managers), shareholders, the board of directors, which bears full responsibility for the organization’s activities and management decisions made at the level of strategy formation, as well as individuals, groups or parties interested in successful results economic activity. Russian organizations often use a classification according to which they distinguish: top management, i.e. senior management (president, general director and other members of the board; middle management, i.e. middle management (heads of departments and independent departments); lower management - lower management (heads of subdepartments and other similar divisions), engineering and technical staff and office workers; manual workers; social infrastructure workers.

The main goal of labor potential analysis is to establish the validity of the number and qualitative composition of the organization’s personnel and to identify the effectiveness of its use.

The main objectives of analyzing the labor potential of an organization are:

Establishing the level of staffing;

Study of the distribution of numbers by specialty, position and skill level, as well as identification of the gender and age composition of personnel;

Analysis of the use of working time and the state of labor discipline;

Study of the forms, dynamics and reasons for the movement of workers;

Development of measures aimed at improving the supply of personnel to an enterprise, improving their structure, and rationalizing working time costs.

Analysis of an organization's labor potential involves the use of an integrated approach, including determination of the absolute and relative deviation of the number; identification of compliance with the number calculated in aggregate and in detail; study of the organization's personnel structure.

Analysis of absolute and relative deviations in numbers. Absolute deviation is defined as the difference between the analyzed and base quantities and manifests itself in the form of absolute savings or absolute overruns. Absolute savings are achieved under the condition I h  1, which occurs at I in  I p. Absolute overconsumption is characterized by the inequality I h  1, which occurs at I in  I p.

When calculating the relative deviation (H rel.), the change in production volume is taken into account:

H rel. = H 1 – H 0  I in, (1)

where Ch 0, Ch 1 are the base and analyzed number of employees, respectively;

I in - index of production volume.

Similar calculations are carried out for all categories of personnel, taking into account the production volume indices corresponding to these categories. With absolute savings, relative overspending can be identified, and vice versa. Since H 1 can be represented as H 0  I h, then relative savings, characterized by inequality: H rel.  0, is possible only under the condition that I h  I century. Accordingly, based on the same logic, the following statement is true: a relative overexpenditure of numbers occurs when the number index exceeds the volume index. This analysis is based on the assumption that the change in volume is achieved as a result of a change in the number of personnel without taking into account the impact of labor productivity. In reality, changes in output are a function of changes in both numbers and productivity. Therefore, to obtain an accurate result, it is necessary either to adjust the production volume index by the labor productivity index, or to adjust the increase in the production volume index by the share of the increase in volume obtained due to the increase in the number of workers:

P 1 – P 0  I in  I p = P 1 – P 0  (1 + I in  D  in h) (2)

where I p is the labor productivity index;

I in - increase in production volume index;

D  hc - the share of the increase in production volume obtained due to an increase in the number.

Determination of absolute and relative changes in numbers, carried out by personnel categories, is the basis for further stages of analysis.

Analysis of the compliance of the number calculated in aggregate and in detail. The enlarged justification involves calculating the number of all personnel of the enterprise based on the use of statistical dependencies of the form:

Ch 1 = Ch 0  I ch = Ch 0  I in  I p. (3)

The number of employees calculated in aggregate must correspond to the amount of employees calculated in detail, i.e. for each category of personnel. A detailed justification allows you to obtain information about the number of main and auxiliary workers, managers, specialists, and employees.

The analysis of the quantitative level is complemented by an assessment of the degree of compliance with the requirements of the required qualifications. For this purpose, the qualification level of workers, and above all, workers, is assessed. An analysis of the compliance of the level of tariffs for work and workers is carried out. For this purpose, the average tariff category of work and workers is compared, calculated as follows:


Where - average wage category of workers;

- average tariff category of work;

R i- rank accordingly i-th worker or job;

i- numbers of categories of the current tariff schedule;

H i- number of workers with i-th rank;

T i- labor intensity of work performed according to i-th category.

If there is no data on the labor intensity of the production program, then the average level of work can be calculated based on the following dependencies:


where R m is the tariff category corresponding to the smaller of two adjacent tariff rates, between which the average tariff rate is located;

С с - average tariff rate;

C m - the lower of two adjacent tariff rates;

C b - the larger of two adjacent tariff rates.

The average level of work can also be calculated in the following way:

, (7)

where R b is the tariff category corresponding to the larger of two adjacent tariff rates, between which the average tariff rate is located.

Comparison of the average tariff category of work and workers contributes to the adoption of informed management decisions regarding the formation of the professional and qualification composition of the enterprise’s personnel. A comparative analysis of the average level of work and workers allows us to draw the following conclusions:

If the average grade of work exceeds the average grade of workers, but not by more than one, then this situation is acceptable; to a certain extent, it even stimulates workers to increase their skill level in order to obtain a higher grade; minor savings in the wage fund are achieved;

If the average grade of work is more than one higher than the average grade of workers, then the consequence of this situation, as a rule, is an increase in defects; savings fund wages may be covered by payment for work to correct the defect;

If the average grade of a worker is higher than the average grade of work, then the enterprise is forced to pay the worker the so-called intergrade difference, which leads to overspending of the wage fund;

If the average category of work is equal to or slightly differs from the average category of workers, then the organization of labor and its payment in terms of tariff regulation is correct; the wage fund is fully used.

The analysis of the correspondence of the level of qualifications of work and workers can be continued in the direction of identifying the share of work performed for each category, and comparing this share with the share of workers with the corresponding category and attracted to perform these works.

The compliance of jobs with the level of qualifications of workers and the complexity of the work performed is also revealed. The coefficient of compliance with the qualification requirements of workplaces (K skt) is calculated as follows:

Kskt = Ch zan.  H required, (8)

where Ch zan is the number of workers occupying jobs in accordance with qualification requirements;

H required - the required number of workers of the appropriate skill level.

The identified discrepancies show shortcomings in personnel planning and make it possible to develop measures to change the qualification level of workers or to change the requirements for the skill level of the work they perform.

The analysis of the quantitative and qualitative level of the organization’s personnel is complemented by a study of its structure.

Analysis of the organization's personnel structure. Structural characteristics relate to various aspects of the organization's labor potential. Depending on the selected criteria, an analysis of the structure of the organization’s personnel is carried out: by category, by skill level, by gender and age, by length of service, by level of education, by the degree of participation in various fields of activity, by membership in public and other organizations, etc. In each of these cases, not only the share characteristic is examined, but also its change over a certain period of time. Based on the results of the analysis, appropriate management decisions are made.

Structural characteristics may relate to the number of permanent, hired and dismissed personnel (including those dismissed for reasons of turnover). Such an analysis allows us to identify the main reasons for changes in the personnel structure. In practice, in accordance with the “Instructions for organizations to fill out information on the number of employees and the use of working time in the forms of federal state statistical observation” No. 121 of December 7, 1998, the number of hired and dismissed employees is used to calculate personnel movement rates. Analysis of the movement of personnel in an organization involves the calculation of the following coefficients: turnover coefficient for admission, turnover coefficient for retirement, turnover coefficient, stability coefficient and personnel turnover coefficient. When calculating all these coefficients, the average number of employees is used.

In accordance with instructions No. 121 calculation average number for the month is made by summing the payroll for each day of the month, taking into account holidays and weekends, and dividing the resulting amount by the number of calendar days in the month. Moreover, on holidays and weekends the number is taken at the level of the previous working day. The average payroll number for an incomplete month is calculated by summing the payroll number for each day of the worked period, taking into account holidays and weekends, and dividing the resulting amount by the number of calendar days in the month. The average headcount for a quarter is calculated by summing the average headcount for each month of the quarter and dividing the resulting amount by three. The average number of employees for the year and partial year is determined by summing the average number of employees for each month of the worked period and dividing the resulting amount by twelve.

Calculation of the turnover ratio for the reception of personnel is carried out as follows:

. (9)

The turnover rate for personnel retirement is calculated using a similar formula:

. (10)

The personnel turnover rate in an organization is defined as the ratio of the smallest number of hired and dismissed employees to the average number of employees.

The personnel stability coefficient is calculated using the following formula:


The staff turnover rate is determined as follows:

Special reasons characterizing turnover include: dismissals due to at will, for violation of labor discipline, due to inadequacy of qualifications, in connection with criminal prosecution.

The level and dynamics of the turnover rate are analyzed not only for the enterprise as a whole, but also for its structural divisions, as well as for categories of employees. The method for calculating these coefficients, called partial turnover coefficients, is similar to that presented above. A comparison of private and general turnover rates allows us to determine the rate of personnel turnover (K ​​int. turnover):

K int. fluid = K fluid. private: To fluid. general, (13)

where K is fluid. private, K fluid. general - private and general turnover rates, respectively.

The turnover intensity coefficient allows you to compare departments and groups of employees according to their level of turnover and identify the most problematic areas.

Among all the coefficients of personnel movement, the most significant for assessing the state of the organization’s labor potential is the analysis of the turnover rate. An increase in turnover has a negative impact on business results, since each act of hiring and dismissal is associated with losses for the organization. It is believed that on average 18 working days are lost for each hiring and dismissal act. Based on this, the impact of changes in staff turnover on product output (B current) is characterized by the dependence

where Ch tek1, Ch tek0 - the number of employees who quit for reasons of turnover, respectively, in the analyzed and base periods;

P srdn0 - average daily labor productivity in the base period;

D tech - the average number of days lost by one employee upon dismissal, equal to 18.

Personnel turnover is one of the unorganized forms of labor movements caused by objective and subjective reasons, in identifying which every organization is interested. The main reasons for staff turnover are determined through sociological research. Most often they are associated with the fact that the salary is not satisfactory, the distance to get to work is far, and the working conditions are not suitable. Elimination of identified causes helps to increase the labor potential of the organization and improve the results of its activities.








in the discipline "Human Resource Management"

TOPIC: Labor potential of the employee and the organization: characteristics, structure and assessment

3rd year student

directions "Management"

full-time education,

groups 26m121

V.P. Lizun

Tyumen 2014


Chapter 1. Theoretical concepts of the labor potential of the employee and the organization

1 Concept and assessment of the labor potential of the employee and the organization and characteristics of its main components

2 Structure of the labor potential of the employee and the enterprise

3 Assessment of the labor potential of the employee and the enterprise

Chapter 2. Study of labor potential using the example of Retail Technology LLC




Economy Our society is a complex system, one of the sensitive points of which is labor potential. In the context of the transformation of the Russian economy, the reorganization of the entire economic system, it is labor problems and, in particular, the problems of developing labor potential that become particularly acute and relevant. The degree and direction of impact on the labor potential of workers largely determines the direction of economic development of both an individual enterprise, industry, and the country as a whole.

The problem of developing labor potential is no less relevant at the level of an individual employee. Changes occurring in the economy and politics at different levels of management, on the one hand, create great opportunities for personal development, on the other hand, they pose serious threats to the sustainability of human existence and introduce a significant degree of uncertainty into his life. The market, while creating a flexible system of motivational mechanisms for intensive and highly productive work, at the same time does not guarantee the right to work, education, income, health, social protection, etc. Today, state guarantees of employment and social protection are almost completely absent; state support for improving professional skills, improving health, and solving everyday problems. In such conditions, the degree of social sustainability individual workers, as well as social and professional groups working in the reformed labor market, determined primarily by the level of their competitiveness, largely depends on the development of certain qualitative characteristics of labor potential among workers.

With the help of analysis of production activities, assessment of the financial and economic situation, as well as analysis of the use of labor resources, a strategy and tactics for the development of the enterprise are developed, management decisions and plans are substantiated, control over their implementation is implemented, reserves for increasing production efficiency are revealed, the results of the activities of the enterprise and its divisions are assessed and workers.

Improving the use of existing production potential is one of the main tasks of the current stage of socio-economic development of our country, since in order to re-equip production, replace outdated equipment with advanced equipment, the enterprise itself must earn the necessary funds for this.

The purpose of this work is to consider the characteristics, structure of the labor potential of the employee and the organization, and their assessment, analysis of labor potential using the example of a Tyumen company specializing in the field of integrated trade automation and data collection systems based on barcoding technology. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve a number of problems:

consider the essence and characteristics of the labor potential of the employee and the organization;

consider methods for assessing labor potential;

conduct an analysis of the labor potential of a particular organization.

Chapter 1. Theoretical aspects labor potential of the employee and the organization

1 Concept and characteristics of the labor potential of the employee and the organization

The term “labor potential” began to be actively included in state and government documents in our country since the 90s. In May 1994, the Government of the Russian Federation adopted Decree No. 434 on the entire project “Formation of labor potential for knowledge-intensive production”

The basis for the formation of labor potential includes the organization’s personnel policy, the system of strategic goals of the enterprise, norms, rules for working with personnel in accordance with labor market factors and organizational factors, such as production organization, labor organization and enterprise management organization.

Labor potential is closely related to the level of production, innovation, economic and social activities of the enterprise, the supply of material, labor resources and means of labor. The leading managerial factor in the formation of human resources is labor market marketing.

The labor potential of an employee is the totality of a person’s physical and spiritual qualities that determine the possibility and boundaries of his participation in labor activity, the ability to achieve certain results under given conditions, as well as improve in the process of work.

The labor potential of an employee is the main structural element of the formation of labor potential at a higher level: an individual work collective, a territory, the country as a whole.

The main components of an employee’s labor potential are:

· psychophysiological component: state of health, endurance, performance, abilities and inclinations of a person, type nervous system etc.;

· socio-demographic component: age, gender, marital status, etc.;

· qualification component: level of education, volume of special knowledge, ability to innovate, work skills, intelligence, professionalism, creativity;

· personal component: attitude to work, discipline, value orientations, activity, morality, motivation, etc.

The labor potential of an employee is not a constant value; it can change both upward and downward. The creative abilities of an employee accumulated during work activities increase as new knowledge and skills are acquired, health is improved, and working conditions are improved. But they can decrease with tougher work hours, deteriorating health, etc. The realization of the employee’s potential, his abilities, intellectual and physical qualities, volitional properties influences the solution of problems of increasing efficiency, since the increase in the production output of equipment and the rational use of resources directly depend on the initiative and creative approach to the assigned work of all production participants - from the worker to the manager , achieving high final performance indicators. Incomplete use of an individual's resources, abilities, and potential leads to economic and social losses: weakened motivation, decreased labor productivity, etc.

Characteristics of the employee’s labor potential:

ability to work, time away from work due to illness;

attitude towards others;

creativity, desire to realize abilities, entrepreneurship;

accuracy, rationality, discipline, frugality, commitment, decency;

knowledge, number of years of study at school and university;

skills, qualification level;

busy times throughout the year.

The labor potential of an enterprise is always greater than the sum of its constituent parts - the individual labor potential of individual workers.

The following components can be distinguished in the labor potential of an enterprise: professional, personnel, organizational and qualification.

The personnel component includes: educational potential (cognitive abilities) and qualification potential (skills and skills, professional knowledge).

The professional structure of the team is associated with changes in the content of labor under the influence of scientific and technological progress, which determines the emergence of new and dying out of old professions, and the complication of labor operations.

The qualification structure is determined by qualitative changes in labor potential (growth of skills, abilities, knowledge) and reflects, first of all, changes in its personal component.

The organizational component of the enterprise's labor potential includes high organization and work culture, which is expressed in rhythm, clarity, coordination of labor efforts and a high degree of employee satisfaction with their work.

The higher the labor potential of the enterprise, the higher the potential capabilities of the hired workforce, the more complex problems can be solved by the team (in relation to product output, its quality, the speed of mastering new types of products, the efficiency of production and economic activities, etc.). However, the presence of such advantages does not at all indicate that the main task of personnel management is to maximize labor potential. There are also limitations here, in particular the emergence of a labor force whose labor potential will be too high for the specific conditions of production, will not meet its needs, and will be “excessive.” This situation is undesirable for several reasons. First, it is too expensive for a business to recruit or train a workforce of this quality. And secondly, this labor potential will not be fully used, and the funds spent on labor will not pay off. For the employees themselves, this may cause dissatisfaction with work at this enterprise, which will be followed by dismissal of their own free will.

2 Structure of the labor potential of the employee and the organization

In fact, potential simultaneously contains three levels of connections and relationships:

Firstly, it reflects the past, i.e. represents a set of properties accumulated by the system in the process of its formation and determining its ability to function and develop. In this regard, the concept of “potential” actually takes on the meaning of the concept of “resource”.

Secondly, it characterizes the present in terms of practical application and use of existing abilities. This allows a distinction to be made between realized and unrealized opportunities. In this function, the concept of “potential” partly coincides with the concept of “reserve”.

Thirdly, it is focused on development, that is, the future: in the process of work, the employee not only realizes his existing abilities, but also acquires new abilities and strengths. Representing the unity of stable and changeable states, the potential contains elements of future development as “potency”.

To consider the concept of “labor potential” of a worker (person), let us once again turn to the definition of “labor power” given by K. Marx: “... the totality of physical and spiritual abilities that the body, the living personality of a person, possesses, and which are put to use by it whenever he produces any use-values.” This definition applies primarily to the individual workforce, since it refers to “the body and living personality of a person.”

Two important conclusions follow from this definition. Firstly, until a person is engaged in work, one can only talk about his labor power conditionally as physical and spiritual ability to work in general, as a possible potential labor contribution. Secondly, the result of the use of individual labor is the real labor contribution of the employee, it is expressed in a specific product, as well as in a certain level of productivity and labor efficiency achieved by this employee.

The labor potential of an employee is not a constant value; it is constantly changing. A person’s ability to work and the worker’s creative abilities accumulated in the process of work increase as knowledge and skills develop and improve, health improves, and working and living conditions improve. But they can also decrease if, in particular, the employee’s health deteriorates, work schedules become more stringent, etc.

The process of metamorphosis of an organization's labor resources into a workforce goes through a number of stages.

At the first stage, labor resources exist in the form of a potential labor force (a certain set of able-bodied workers with a combination of spiritual and physical abilities), which does not appear outside the labor process, that is, outside objects and tools of labor.

At the second stage, labor resources occupy jobs. The process of spending physical and mental abilities, and labor resources become the labor force.

At the third stage, labor power, spent over time and realized in the labor process, creates use values.

From the moment of termination of labor activity, due to release, the labor force again becomes the labor resources of the enterprise (if it remains in it) or the region (when released from it).

The difference between the concept of “labor potential” and the concepts of “labor force” and “labor resources” is that labor potential is a personalized labor force, considered in the totality of its qualitative characteristics. This concept allows, firstly, to assess the degree of use of the potential capabilities of both an individual employee and their totality, ensuring in practice the activation of the human factor, and, secondly, to ensure a qualitative (structural) balance in the development of personal and material factors of production.

The qualification component of labor potential, on the one hand, characterizes the preparedness of workers to perform increasingly complex tasks. labor functions, a change in labor, and on the other hand, it is a factor that creates an attitude towards work, labor discipline, and labor intensity. It can be classified according to the following characteristics, reflecting individual characteristics each employee:

· Level of training: level of basic education, broad profile, narrow specialization.

· Creative abilities: organizer, experimenter, theorist, mixed type.

· The desire to increase personal potential: knowledge, skills, ability, age, type of nervous system, gender, work experience (general and specialty).

· Labor activity: creative worker, performer.

· Labor mobility: macromobility, micromobility. Labor productivity: quality of labor, quantity of labor, labor efficiency, rational use of working time.

The identification of the social and personal component in the composition of labor potential is intended to focus attention on the probable, i.e. either promising or simply “unused” social opportunities of the employee. This component characterizes a person’s ability to self-transform and self-development.

The structure of personal potential includes the following main elements:

· ability to cooperate, interact (communication potential) and collective organization;

· creative abilities (creative potential);

· value-motivational properties (ideological, worldview and moral potential).

As a complex and multi-structural socio-economic formation, the labor potential of an organization includes the following components: personnel, qualifications, professional and organizational. This allocation is conditional, not absolute, and is intended to more clearly determine the level of targeted influence on one or another group of factors that form each of the components of the organization’s labor potential. This is more than necessary in modern conditions, when the structure of TVET is determined not by rigidity and stability, but by mobility and flexibility, and the ability to quickly change.

The personnel component includes:

a) skills and abilities that determine professional competence (qualification potential) and professional knowledge;

b) cognitive abilities (educational potential).

This component of labor potential can be considered from two perspectives. Subjectively, it acts as a form of personal expression and satisfaction of the individual’s needs and can be considered as a person’s ability to perform certain types of work. Objectively, it is an expression of a set of characteristics that reflect the material, technical and socio-economic specificity of a set of professions.

The professional structure of the team is determined by changes in the nature and content of labor under the influence of scientific and technical progress, which determines the emergence of new and dying out of old professions, the complication and growth of the functional content of labor operations. In other words, this structure acts as a kind of system of requirements for labor potential, implemented through a set of jobs.

Increasing the personnel component of labor potential includes work on:

· professional guidance, recruitment and placement of personnel;

· increasing the content of workers’ work;

· adaptation of youth and newly hired employees to the enterprise;

· increasing the educational, professional and qualification level of personnel and their promotion in production;

· expanding the scope of work on retraining workers.

The team is the one social environment, in which the process of forming the labor potential of an employee and the formation of personality directly takes place. Everything is important here: the presence of prospects for professional and qualification growth of workers, and increasing the prestige of certain types of work activity, and job satisfaction, and a well-thought-out system of moral and material incentives.

Thus, the personnel component of labor potential is associated with the formation of the worker as the main productive force of society. Under the influence of factors that constitute it (for example, increasing educational, professional, technical and cultural level workforce), development and improvement of the human factor occurs.

The organizational approach, based on the adaptation of the workforce to the organizational and technical conditions of production, gradually eradicated itself. The introduction of flexible labor organization systems is aimed at freeing the employee from a rigid connection with technological process and thereby create conditions for the realization of his potential, qualification growth, increasing the content and attractiveness of work.

The most important practical task today is to create such conditions, to introduce such forms of organization of production that will allow every worker to feel like a true owner of the enterprise. Thus, the need to highlight the organizational component is associated with the consistent and purposeful formation of conditions that contribute to the full realization of a person’s potential capabilities and the acquisition of new qualities and abilities.

High organization and culture of work, expressed in clarity, rhythm, coordination of labor efforts and a high degree of employee satisfaction with their work, contributes to the effective use of both the labor potential of the employee and the labor potential of the team.

Thus, the quality of potential is a comparative concept. It is revealed using a set of characteristics: demographic, professional qualifications, medical and biological, social, ideological and political, psychophysiological and moral.

3 Assessment of the labor potential of the employee and the organization

labor personnel personnel

Assessment of labor potential - assessment of currently available and foreseeable future labor opportunities, characterized by the number of able-bodied personnel.

.Frequency of assessment: one-time, permanent.

.Assessment method: testing.

.Possible uses: building a personnel forecast, career planning.

Labor assessment - measures to determine the compliance of the quantity and quality of labor with the requirements of production technology.

Job evaluation makes it possible to solve the following personnel tasks: assess the potential for promotion and reduce the risk of promotion of incompetent employees; reduce training costs; maintain a sense of loyalty among employees and increase work motivation; organize feedback with employees on the quality of their work; develop personnel training and development programs.

For organization effective system assessing the labor potential of workers, it is necessary to: 1) establish labor productivity standards for each workplace and criteria for its assessment; 2) develop a policy for conducting performance assessments; 3) oblige certain persons to evaluate labor productivity; 4) impose an obligation on persons conducting assessments to collect data on labor productivity; 5) discuss the assessment with the employee; 6)make a decision and document the assessment.

The stages of labor assessment at a specific workplace include: description of functions; definition of requirements; assessment by factors (of a specific performer); calculation of collective assessment; comparison with the standard assessment of the employee’s level; communicating the assessment results to the subordinate. Basic approaches to labor assessment: assessment of results; behavior assessment; success ratings; ranking procedures.

Methods of labor assessment. Individual assessment is carried out using an assessment questionnaire. An assessment questionnaire is a standardized set of questions or descriptions. The evaluator notes the presence or absence of a certain trait in the person being assessed and puts a mark opposite its description.

The descriptive evaluation method involves asking the evaluator to describe the advantages and disadvantages of the employee's behavior. Often this method is combined with others, such as behavioral rating scales.

Method of assessment based on a decisive situation. Assessors prepare a list of descriptions of “correct” and “incorrect” behavior of employees in individual situations and distribute them into categories in accordance with the nature of the work.

Behavior Observation Scale. Like the method of assessment based on a decisive situation, it is focused on recording actions. To determine the behavior of the employee as a whole, the evaluator records on a scale the number of cases when the employee behaved in one way or another.

Group assessment methods. These methods make it possible to compare the performance of employees within a group and compare workers with each other.

Classification method. The person conducting the assessment must rank all employees in turn, from best to worst, according to one general criterion. However, this is quite difficult if the number of people in the group exceeds 20.

Chapter 2. Study of labor potential using the example of RKS Service Siberia LLC

1 Characteristics of the enterprise Retail Technology LLC

The company was founded by three people and initially was only involved in intermediary in the sale of equipment; after opening the main office in the city of Tyumen, the company began to specialize in the field of integrated trade automation and data collection systems based on barcoding technology.

The first clients of Retail Technology were such organizations as TS Fortress and TS Kvartal. New clients purchased large number equipment, but they needed to put it in for maintenance, i.e. Retail Technology needed to create its own Technical Service Center. The CTO was organized in October 2007, it included the head of the CTO and 2 engineers. They assembled, repaired, diagnosed equipment, and also carried out scheduled monthly maintenance.

Every year the number of clients increased, from the end of 2003 to the beginning of 2007, such companies as TS ALPI, NYP, Obuv XXI, Kuzina, Snow Queen, SM Ramos, Mango, SM Avoska, SM Treshka.

By the end of 2007, the company already included about 40 people, the company was doing great, the number of clients was growing and Retail Technology easily solved all the tasks assigned to it.

Later, new departments appeared: sales department, programming department, implementation department.

The Retail Technology company specializes in the field of comprehensive trade automation and data collection systems based on barcoding technology.

The main types of supplied equipment are:

Label printers,

Computer cash registers (POS terminals),

Barcode scanners,

Electronic scales,

Portable terminals for autonomous data collection,

Product protection systems in trading floors.

The Retail Technology company is the official dealer of the largest Moscow company Service Plus Retail Automation, which is the general supplier of POS terminals of well-known models: Siemens, Toshiba, IPS.

Thanks to the availability of our own engineering and production resources, imported equipment, if necessary, is adapted to the needs of the domestic consumer and the requirements of Russian legislation. The company's warranty obligations are ensured by the availability service centers who have everything necessary equipment and an elemental base for prompt and high-quality maintenance and repair of equipment.

Distinctive feature company "Retail Technology" is that in addition to equipment and software, they also offer technological solutions for organizing the accounting of goods movement, both for single stores and for retail chains.

The main competitors of Retail Technology are companies such as LLC 1C , OOO DataKrat-S , OOO Siberia Service and LLC R-TsTO .

2 Labor potential analysis and assessment tools

Effective personnel management is impossible without clear information about the personnel themselves. To do this, it is necessary to conduct a detailed analysis of the personnel composition, which involves a targeted study of workers according to the characteristics of gender, age, qualifications, education, length of service and other characteristics.

Let's analyze the staff of Retail Technology according to the most general and common indicators:

Age structure of the labor force

The age characteristics of the team influence the effectiveness of the actions taken by the leader and his relationships with subordinates. Each age group that is part of the team has certain differences (for example, with age, a person’s motivational sphere changes, experience accumulates, skills and abilities are formed, and at the same time, stereotypes that reduce the speed of mastering new knowledge and skills determine a negative attitude to innovations, etc.). At the same time, it is necessary to keep in mind that the rules of developmental psychology should be used carefully: this or that particular person may be absolutely not subject to age-related psychological characteristics, maintaining the acuity of perception at an advanced age, or, conversely, young man there may be characteristic features of a mature, thoughtful assessment, analysis of attitudes towards work, characteristic of a person in the second half of life.

The traditional indicator of human resource statistics is middle age, calculated as the sum of the ages of all employees divided by the total number of people working at the enterprise. However, this method is not the most effective; we can get a clearer picture by presenting the age structure by grouping [Table. 1].

Table 1 - Age structure of Retail Technology personnel in 2007 (in % ratio)

Groups by age, years Share of employees, % Younger 203020-304231-4020Older 408Total100

The data obtained tells us that the age structure of the Retail Technology personnel is quite homogeneous, with only a slight predominance in the age group of 20-30 years. It should be noted that at the time of the study there are no people over 50 years old in the organization, and only 4 people are classified as employees over 40 years old. The majority of the company's employees (92%) are under 40 years of age, i.e. the organization is dominated by young and middle-aged people, which has a positive effect on the organization’s potential and the possibility of economic growth, especially since the organization itself is young and is at the stage of development.

Educational structure.

Similar to the age structure, organizations analyze the composition of the workforce by level of education received.

Table 2 - Educational structure of Retail Technology personnel in 2007 (as a percentage of the number)

Level of educationShare of employees, % Incomplete secondary 0 Secondary 16 Specialized secondary 12 Incomplete higher 24 Higher 48 Total 100

Judging by the data given in Table 2, large share workers have higher education (48%). It should be noted that this share mainly includes administrative personnel. Workers with secondary education are mostly maintenance mechanics who compensate for knowledge with skills acquired in the process of work. In the end educational structure Retail Technology can be called balanced.

Work experience

An important indicator of the stability of the workforce and the dedication of employees to the organization is the indicator of the duration of work in the company (experience). For length of service, the average makes more sense than for age structure, but even in this case it is preferable to use the grouping method.

Table 3 - Personnel structure of Retail Technology LLC by duration of work in the organization in 2007 (as a percentage of the number)

Work experiencePercentage of employees, % Less than 1 year481-2 years383-4 years14Total100

Having analyzed the results obtained in Table 3, at first glance we can conclude that the stability of the workforce at the enterprise is low. At the time of the study, about half of the employees (48%) had been with the organization for less than a year. But this phenomenon is quite natural, since Retail Technology is a young organization and initially had a very small number of employees, but over time its position in the market changed, which required attracting new labor due to the expansion of production.

Gender structure of the organization

Gender structure of the organization - percentage men and women - is another traditionally tracked indicator of human resource statistics. However, the practical usefulness of this indicator is limited to those cases where, according to the law, women enjoy certain benefits, such as additional compensation or shortened working hours.

As for the gender structure of Retail Technology, here the homogeneity is sharply disrupted. The male to female ratio is 43:7, or 16% female to 100% male. This is due to the fact that the services provided by the company are more easily sold by men. Since men are more resistant to physical labor and more tolerant of uncomfortable working conditions. Main part women's team occupies such departments as accounting, personnel department, as well as the position of secretary-dispatcher.

Calculation of the quantitative characteristics of labor potential can be carried out using the formula


where Chrp is the number of personnel of the enterprise,

Fr - working time fund for the period,

Kni is an integral indicator for assessing the state of labor regulation at an enterprise.

Such tools will be used as options for the ratio of the labor potential of an employee (or team) (we denote it by P), its actual use (F) and the level of labor potential required by production conditions (T). They may be different.

The ideal case is characterized by the following relationship:

This means that the existing labor potential, i.e. all the capabilities of workers as carriers of labor power are fully used and this corresponds to the needs of production.

This option is also widespread:

This ratio indicates that the available labor potential is not fully used, but the level of its actual use meets the needs of production. The supply of labor, its capabilities, is greater than the demand for it. For this reason, the existing reserve cannot be used, since there is no direct need.

A situation where the underutilization of the available labor potential becomes too great:

P > F< Т

This indicates that the actual level of use of the existing potential is already so low that production suffers and the problem of realizing the existing labor reserves is acute.

This option is also possible:

Despite the full use of the available labor potential, the needs for labor, both in terms of quantity and quality, are not fully satisfied. Indicators of this situation are a shortage of labor, a large number of overtime works, a gap between the average level of workers and the level of work performed, which leads to low quality of work, large defective products due to the fault of workers, etc.

labor potential personnel personnel


The labor potential of an employee is the initial unit that forms the basis for the formation of the labor potential of the organization and society as a whole. Quantitative assessment of labor potential is carried out in terms of such components as gender, age, health status, level of education, etc. Qualitative characteristics of labor potential are aimed at assessing the physical and psychological potential of workers, the amount of knowledge, labor skills and abilities that determine the ability to work, and can be carried out using quantitative indicators.

The labor potential of an employee is characterized by the following components: ability to work, attitude towards others, accuracy, discipline, creativity, frugality, skills, level of qualifications, knowledge.

In its structure, labor potential includes three levels: it reflects the past, characterizes the present and is focused on the future.

The structure of an organization's labor potential is the ratio of various demographic, social, functional, professional and other characteristics of groups of workers and the relationships between them.

Assessment of labor potential is an assessment of currently calculated and predicted future labor probabilities, characterized by the number of able-bodied personnel. Each enterprise carries out such work in order to see whether the staff is working effectively.

In the considered organization “Retail Technology”, despite the full use of labor potential, the needs for labor, both in terms of quality and quantity, are not fully satisfied. This happens due to the fact that there is not enough labor, due to a large number of overtime works, which leads to low quality of work, large defective products due to the fault of workers, etc.


1.Egoshin A.P. Personnel management - Novgorod: Publishing House "Mart", 2009 - P. 360

Ivanov N.A., Odegov Yu.G., Andreev K.L. Labor potential of an employee - Saratov: SSU Publishing House, 2011. P. 122

Marx K. Capital: criticism political economy- Eksmo Publishing House, 2011 - P. 1200

4. Kravchenko A.I. Labor organizations: structure of organization, behavior. - Yurist Publishing House, 2012 - P. 127

5. Stakhanova O.V. On the structure of labor potential // Sociological studies. 2013. No. 2. P.75-79;

Ivanov V.N., Poyrushev V.I., Gladyshev A.G. Fundamentals of social management. - M.: Yurist, 2012. - P. 158

Characteristics of the company RKS Service Siberia LLC.

Personnel analysis.


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Department of Production Organization


in the discipline "Economics and Sociology of Labor"

on the topic: “Assessing the labor potential of an enterprise”


Student, S.V.

Faculty of Business

Group: FB-41


Delivery date:


Introduction........................................................ ........................................................ ................3

1. Theoretical aspects of assessing the labor potential of an enterprise……...5

1.1 The essence and components of the enterprise’s labor potential……….5

1.2 Development of ideas about assessing the labor potential of an enterprise………………………………………………………………………………...11

1.3 My understanding of the issue of assessing the labor potential of an enterprise………………………………………………………………………………………...17

2. Characteristics of the research object of RKS Service Siberia LLC and tools for analyzing the assessment of the enterprise’s labor potential......19

2.1 Characteristics of the company RKS Service Siberia LLC…………..19

2.2 Analysis of personnel……………………………………………...23

2.3 Tools for assessing the labor potential of an enterprise……..27

3.1 Results of the study of the enterprise’s labor potential……..31

3.2 Main conclusions based on the results of assessing the labor potential of the enterprise………………………………………………………………………………………...33

3.4 Analysis of costs for the implementation of the proposed activities………...35


List of sources used......................................................... ....................39


Assessing labor potential is not only a problem for today's organizations, but at the same time it is also a problem for solving tomorrow's long-term problems related to improving the quality of life and improving the well-being of the population. The formation of effective labor potential is one of the most important conditions for the struggle for increased labor productivity, as well as the quality of products and services provided. The assessment of labor potential begins with an analysis that is designed to reveal changes in labor potential under the influence of certain factors, rationality of use, and the degree of compliance with the needs of the enterprise. This explains the relevance of the chosen topic and the practical significance of the work on economics and sociology of labor.

The content of labor potential reveals, on the one hand, the possibilities of participation of the employee (or all members of the enterprise team) in socially useful activities as a specific production resource, and on the other hand, the characteristics of the qualities of the employee (workers). Characteristics reflect the degree of development of his (their) abilities, suitability and readiness to perform work certain type and quality, attitude to work, ability and willingness to work with full dedication of strength and abilities. Accordingly, the parameters of labor potential are divided into two groups

1) parameters characterizing the socio-demographic components of the labor potential of the enterprise team: gender and age structure, level of education, family structure, health status, etc.;

2) parameters of the production components of labor potential: professional qualification structure, increasing and updating the professional level, creative activity.

The purpose of the work is to assess the labor potential of a particular enterprise with subsequent recommendations for its improvement or optimization for the selected organization. The efficiency of using labor potential largely depends on the field of activity of the company (production, provision of services, etc.). To achieve the goal of this work, the currently operating company RKS Service Siberia LLC was selected, a detailed description of which will be given space in the work.

In accordance with the goal, the following research tasks arose: 1. Consider the theoretical aspects of assessing the labor potential of an enterprise 2. Study the development of ideas on this issue. 3. Form your point of view on assessing labor potential 4. Select tools for studying the labor potential of the enterprise 5. Conduct an analysis of the labor potential of the company RKS Service Siberia LLC. 6. Develop recommendations for improving and effectively using labor potential based on the analysis of the research results.

The object of the study is the assessment of labor potential and its analysis. The subject of the study is the assessment of the labor potential of the team of a particular company.

Research, analysis and processing of data, comparisons, descriptions, and tabular presentations were chosen as the main methods of work. In the process of work, economic and sociological literature was used.

An important, but not fully resolved, problem is the assessment of labor potential, with the help of which one can measure and intensively use personal labor potential, therefore, as a result of this work, it is planned to obtain a specific picture of the labor potential of RKS Service Siberia LLC and identify ways of its effective use.

1. Theoretical aspects of assessing the labor potential of an enterprise

1.1 The essence and components of the enterprise’s labor potential

The results of the activities of any organization are directly related to the state and degree of use of its labor potential. The labor potential of an organization is the possible quantity and quality of labor available to the organization’s workforce at the level of scientific and technological progress. Being a specific form of materialization of human activity, the labor potential of an organization acts as a personalized workforce, taken in the totality of its qualitative and quantitative characteristics, as the personnel potential of the organization.

Human resource potential of the organization - a cumulative assessment of the personal and professional capabilities of the organization’s personnel based on a study of the labor potential of employees and the organization as a whole.

The labor potential of an employee is the employee’s capabilities, which determine the boundaries of his participation in labor activity, the quantity and quality of labor available to the employee. The labor potential of an employee is manifested through his personnel potential. The basis of an employee’s labor potential is the qualities inherent in nature (health capabilities, creative abilities presented in Table 1).

Table 1. Components of labor potential.

Components of labor



1) Health

Lost working time due to

illnesses and injuries. Costs of ensuring personnel health.

2) Morality

Relationships between employees. Losses from conflicts. Fraud

3) Creativity

Number of inventions, patents, innovation proposals,

4) Activity

new products per worker. Enterprise.

5) Organization and assertiveness

Losses from violations of discipline. Purity. Performance. Effective collaboration.

6) Education

Share of specialists with higher and secondary education in the total number of employees. Costs for staff development.

7) Professionalism

Product quality. Marriage losses.

8) Working time resources

Number of employees. The number of hours worked per year by one employee.

Using the example of managers and specialists, we present a system of professional and personal characteristics covering the following groups of qualities: 1) social and civic maturity; 2) attitude towards work; 3) level of knowledge and work experience; 4) organizational skills; 5) ability to work with people; 6) ability to work with documents and information; 7) the ability to make and implement decisions in a timely manner; 8) the ability to see and support the cutting edge; 9) moral and ethical character traits used in the analysis and assessment of the employee’s personnel potential.

The first group includes the following qualities: the ability to subordinate personal interests to public ones, the ability to listen to criticism, be self-critical, actively participate in public activities, and have a high level of political literacy.

The second group covers: a sense of personal responsibility for the assigned work, a sensitive and attentive attitude towards people, hard work, personal discipline and insistence on the observance of discipline by others, the level of aesthetics of work.

The third group includes: having qualifications corresponding to the position held; knowledge of the objective principles of production management; knowledge of advanced leadership methods; age, length of service in the organization (including in a managerial position).

The fourth group includes: the ability to organize a management system, the ability to organize one’s work, possession of advanced management methods, the ability to conduct business meetings, the ability to self-assess one’s capabilities and one’s work, and the ability to evaluate the capabilities and work of others.

The fifth group includes: the ability to work with subordinates and managers of different organizations, the ability to create a cohesive team, select, place and secure personnel.

The sixth group includes the ability to briefly and clearly formulate goals, compose business letters, orders, instructions; the ability to clearly formulate instructions and issue tasks; knowledge of the capabilities of modern management technology and the ability to use it in one’s work, the ability to read documents.

The seventh group covers: the ability to make decisions in a timely manner, the ability to ensure control over the implementation of decisions, the ability to quickly navigate in a difficult environment and resolve conflict situations, the ability to maintain mental hygiene, the ability to control oneself, and self-confidence. potential enterprisesAbstract >> Economics

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  • 2. Analysis and assessment of the labor potential of the organization MB LLC

    2.1 Analysis of the enterprise’s supply of labor resources

    Research shows that rewards influence people's decisions about joining a job, their absenteeism decisions, and their decisions about how hard they work. The number of absenteeism and staff turnover are directly related to the satisfaction of the remuneration received. With good work that gives a sense of satisfaction, absenteeism tends to decrease. When work is unpleasant, absenteeism increases significantly. The term "wages" refers to monetary reward. Expected salary is one of the main motivational requests of the applicant. It is aimed at rewarding employees for work performed (services sold) and at motivating them to achieve the desired level of productivity.

    An organization cannot recruit and retain workers unless it pays competitive rates and has pay scales that incentivize people to work in a given location. In addition to wages, the organization provides its employees with various additional benefits, which were previously called “minor privileges.” The traditional approach to providing fringe benefits is that all employees at the same level have the same benefits. However, this does not take into account differences between people. Research shows that not all employees value these benefits. The perceived value of fringe benefits depends on factors such as age, marital status, family size, etc. For example, people with large families are usually very concerned about the size of preferential health care and life insurance, older people about benefits provided upon retirement, and young workers about immediate cash receipts. Most workers welcome flexible benefit plans. Basically, such methods of remuneration are practiced in Western or here in “pro-Western” companies. Remuneration systems can be divided into two groups. The first includes traditional systems: piecework, time-based and contract (chord) wage systems. They are based on quantitative indicators: time spent, quantity of products produced (sold), etc. The remuneration systems that make up the second group are based on complex indicators that take into account criteria such as the method of achieving results, complexity of work, responsibility, impact on the final result, required qualifications, etc. First of all, we note that intensive systems predominate in trade wages.

    The variable part of wages (bonus) is almost universally used as an effective stimulating component of employee wages. At the present stage, companies find it most expedient (according to the “effective - cheap” criterion) to pay bonuses based on the results of work in the reporting period. It is difficult to disagree with this, especially in cases where there is no real management accounting in companies, and decisions on bonuses are made on the basis of accounting data. Practice shows that extensive remuneration systems are easier to use, but have disadvantages. They do not stimulate work intensity and are not focused on the final result. The use of intensive systems in the trading business is complicated by the fact that, for example, it is difficult for sellers to find an objective system for assessing the effectiveness of their work. The number of sales may increase or decrease depending on a variety of reasons that do not depend on the qualifications of the seller. For example: paydays, religious and other holidays, weather conditions, vacation season, etc. – all this will correct and distort the assessment of the seller’s preparedness.

    Source data taken from MB LLC. It is advisable to begin the analysis of the personnel management system with an assessment of the provision of MB LLC with labor resources. All the data below are used as the basis for the analysis of the use of labor resources in 2005–2006 and are shown in table 2.1.

    Table 2.1. Provision of MB LLC with labor resources

    Table 2.2. Distribution of workers by age of MB LLC

    Groups of workers by age, years Number of workers at the end of the year people/actual Specific gravity, %
    2005 2006 2005 2006
    up to 20 15 9 10 5
    20–30 15 25 10 15
    30–40 30 34 20 20
    40–50 30 51 20 30
    50–60 39 34 26 20
    over 60 21 17 14 10
    TOTAL: 150 170 100 100

    Table 2.3. Distribution of workers by education

    Education Number of workers at the end of the year Specific gravity, %
    2005 2006 2005 2006
    initial 5 - 3,3
    incomplete secondary 30 34 20 20
    secondary, secondary special 105 119 70 70
    higher 10 17 6,7 10
    TOTAL: 150 170 100 100

    To characterize the movement of the labor force of MB LLC, we will calculate and analyze the dynamics of the following indicators:

    The turnover coefficient for the hiring of workers (CPR) is calculated as the ratio of the number of hired personnel to the payroll number of personnel:

    Kpr = 80/200=0.4 (1)

    The attrition turnover ratio (Q) is calculated as the ratio of the number of employees who quit to the average number of personnel:

    Kv = 40/200=0.2 (2)

    The staff turnover rate (TCR) is calculated as the ratio of the number of employees who resigned at their own request for violation of labor discipline to the average number of personnel

    Ktk =28/200=0.14 (3)

    The coefficient of personnel constancy of the enterprise (CP) is calculated as the ratio of the number of employees who worked the whole year to the average number of personnel of the enterprise

    Kp=14/200=0.07 (4)

    Let's analyze the degree of use of labor resources of MB LLC. Let's consider the balance of work time for one worker, given in Table 2.4.

    Table 2.4. Balance of work time per worker, days

    Indicators 2006 plan Fact 2006
    1. Calendar time 365 365
    2. Weekends and holidays 92 92
    3. Absences:
    main and additional holidays 32 38
    Diseases 14 16
    Truancy - 2
    Others 2 2
    4. Effective working time fund 225 215
    5. Average working day, hour. 7,5 7,8

    The effective working time fund (table) is determined by subtracting weekends and holidays and absenteeism from the calendar time for reasons:

    where is calendar time;

    – weekends and holidays;

    – absenteeism due to reasons.

    Table 2.5. Use of labor resources of MB LLC

    Indicator 2006 Deviation from plan (+,–)
    plan fact
    Average annual number of workers (CR) 160 164 4
    Days worked by one worker per year (D) 225 215 -10
    Hours worked by one worker per year (D) 1755 1612,5 -142,5
    Average working day (P) hours 7,8 7,5 -0,3
    Total working time fund (FWF), people. 280800 264450 -163,5

    The tension in providing MB LLC with labor resources can be somewhat relieved through a more complete use of the existing workforce, an increase in worker productivity, intensification of production, comprehensive automation and mechanization of production processes, the introduction of new, more productive equipment, improvement of technology and production organization.

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    The main source of human well-being and quality of life is labor and capital. By combining labor and capital in the process, a person creates all material and spiritual values, develops his professional abilities and labor potential.

    Personnel management in any organization is as effective as its employees skillfully and fully use their labor potential, all their mental, physical and entrepreneurial abilities in achieving the main economic and organizational goals facing the enterprise.

    There is a direct relationship between labor potential, the result of labor and a person’s standard of living: the growth of some factors causes a corresponding change in all others. A person’s labor potential has its limits, determined by his mental and physical abilities, moral and intellectual qualities, and other personal characteristics. Studying the state of the labor potential of an enterprise is of important practical importance for balancing labor resources and the number of jobs, taking into account changes both in the number and composition of the labor potential, and in the field of application of labor, improving the structure of the economy and production, territorial location and other factors.

    In this regard, this topic is very relevant for a modern enterprise. The purpose of the course work: to reveal the essence of analyzing the efficiency of using the labor potential of an enterprise using the example of IT Service LLC. To solve the topic, it is necessary to solve the following problems:

    1). reveal the essence of the concept of labor potential;

    2). identify methods for calculating labor potential;

    3). reveal the theoretical foundations of the quantitative characteristics of labor potential;

    4). reveal the theoretical foundations of the qualitative characteristics of labor potential;

    5). describe the main characteristics of the economic activity of the enterprise in question;

    6). determine and analyze the main technical and economic indicators of the economic activity of the enterprise in question;

    7). analyze the quantitative characteristics of the use of labor potential by the enterprise;

    8). analyze the qualitative characteristics of the use of labor potential by the enterprise;

    9). conduct an analysis of the working time fund at the enterprise in question;

    10). conduct an analysis of labor productivity at the enterprise in question;

    11). identify the main problems of the enterprise in the issue of efficient use of labor potential;

    12). propose measures to solve these problems at the enterprise;

    The object of the study is the IT Service enterprise, the subject is a set of methods and means for assessing the labor potential of the enterprise. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study was the work of domestic and foreign scientists specializing in assessing labor potential. The information base of the study will be the data of the enterprise in question.

    Chapter 1. Theoretical aspects of analyzing the efficiency of using the labor potential of an enterprise

    1.1 Methodological basis for analyzing the efficiency of using the labor potential of an enterprise

    The labor potential of an enterprise is one of the fundamental indicators affecting the financial condition of the enterprise. Analysis of the efficiency of using labor potential is the most important part of a comprehensive analysis of the economic activity of an enterprise.

    There are several approaches to determining the labor potential of an enterprise. According to A.B. Borisov, labor potential is nothing more than the currently available and foreseeable future labor capabilities of an enterprise, characterized by the number of working-age population, its professional and educational level and other qualitative characteristics (Dictionary “Borisov A.B. Bolshoi” economic dictionary - M.: Knizhny mir, 2003. - 895 p.)

    B. M. Genkin considers labor potential as the maximum value of the possible participation of workers in production, taking into account their psychophysiological characteristics, level of professional knowledge, accumulated experience in the presence of the necessary organizational and technical conditions. The labor potential of an enterprise as a system is always greater than the sum of its constituent parts - the individual labor potential of individual workers. (Economics and sociology of labor. Genkin B.M. 7th ed., additional - M.: Norma, 2007. - 448 pp.)

    The employee’s labor potential includes:

    1) psychophysiological potential - a person’s abilities and inclinations, his state of health, performance, endurance, type of nervous system, etc.;

    2) qualification potential - the volume, depth and versatility of general and specialized knowledge, labor skills and abilities that determine the employee’s ability to perform work of a certain content and complexity;

    3) personal potential - the level of civic consciousness and social maturity, the degree of assimilation by the employee of the norms of attitude towards work, value orientations, interests, needs in the world of work.

    Thus, we can say that the specificity of labor potential as an economic phenomenon lies in the fact that this category can be considered both in the form of a numerical indicator and in the form of a qualitative characteristic. That is, we can conclude that the analysis of the efficiency of using labor potential has quantitative and qualitative characteristics.

    The quantitative characteristics are determined by demographic factors and the intensity of the labor process. Qualitative characteristics - the ability of labor resources to produce added value and socio-economic relations. In this regard, it is possible to construct a matrix of methods for assessing the labor potential of an enterprise:

    Table 1 Matrix of methods for assessing the labor potential of an enterprise


    Natural approach

    Cost approach

    Relative Approach







    Number of labor resources

    Working time fund


    Added value

    Quantitative gradations

    Workforce efficiency


    Qualification of strength

    Quality of working time fund

    Cost of advanced training

    Innovativeness of products (services)

    Qualitative gradations

    Efficiency Boosters


    Total number

    General working time fund

    Total costs

    Total added value

    Overall score

    Overall efficiency

    Approaches to calculating labor potential are divided into three interrelated groups:

    1). natural approach, in which labor potential is defined as a resource expressed in natural units of measurement (man-days, man-months, man-years);

    2). a cost approach that takes into account the cost of labor potential expressed in monetary terms;

    3). a relative approach based on taking into account the synergistic characteristics of labor potential and the demand for labor in a given situation.

    Among the indicators for assessing labor potential, it is necessary to distinguish the following groups: quantitative, qualitative, and integral. Analysis of the presented matrix shows that it is advisable to calculate such quantitative indicators using natural and cost approaches. Qualitative and integral indicators are most relevantly reflected by a system of indexes as the basis of a relative approach. Generalized indicators of labor potential are determined by a rational combination of integral indicators, taking into account external and internal factors. It should be noted that most of the known methods for assessing labor potential relate to the enterprise, and at the same time there are very few methodological developments for assessing the potential of a region, country, group of countries, or relative assessments.

    According to cost-effective approach potential is considered as a set of labor resources used in the production process and is assessed by actual or standard wages, costs of reproduction of labor resources until they are involved in the production process, costs of advanced training, the average annual duration of work and the average period of labor activity.

    The result approach is aimed at considering labor potential as a means by which an organization, in the face of the need to transition to innovative development, to ensure the achievement of strategic and tactical goals.

    In a general sense, the labor potential of an organization is usually understood as the possible quantity and quality of labor available labor collective enterprises at a certain level of development. In this regard, labor potential, through the materialization of activity in the labor process, acts as a personalized workforce, taken in the totality of its qualitative and quantitative characteristics, as the personnel potential of the organization.

    1.2 Basics of analysis of quantitative characteristics of labor potential

    To characterize labor potential from a quantitative perspective, the following indicators are used:

    1). number of industrial production personnel and personnel of non-industrial divisions;

    2). the amount of working time that can be worked at a normal level of labor intensity;

    3). wages of industrial production personnel and personnel of non-industrial divisions.

    Regarding the analysis of the number of teaching staff and personnel of non-industrial divisions, we can distinguish the following system of indicators characterizing the labor potential of the enterprise from the standpoint of quantitative characteristics:

    1). PPP structure by gender;

    2). age composition of the PPP (under 18 years old, 18 - 25, 26 - 36, 37 - 50, over 50);

    3). distribution of PPP by length of service (up to 1 year, 1 - 2, 2 - 5, five years or more);

    4). educational level of the teaching staff (incomplete secondary, general secondary, specialized secondary, incomplete higher, higher);

    5). qualification composition of employees;

    6). level of professional training.

    Also, these indicators need to be analyzed in connection with the categories of workers and the share of this indicator result in the overall structure.

    The labor potential of an enterprise in physical terms is determined by the product of the number of industrial production personnel or personnel of non-industrial divisions and working time. The labor potential of an enterprise through the prism of the cost approach can be determined by the formula:

    Where Chi is the number of workers in the group;

    Зi - wages of workers in the group;

    Ti - group work time; n is the number of groups in the system.

    The number of industrial production personnel (IPPP) is one of the most important indicators characterizing the production capabilities of an enterprise. The greater the number, the greater, other things being equal, the volume of production. This way of increasing production volume is classified as extensive.

    However, the indicator of the number of employees, even by type of activity (employed in the main activity, employed in non-production divisions of the enterprise, etc.), by category of industrial production personnel is insufficient for full characteristics labor potential, especially for the purposes of personnel management in a market economy.

    In addition to the number of employees, a quantitative characteristic of the labor potential of an enterprise and/or its internal divisions can also be represented by the labor resource fund (LRF) in man-days or man-hours, which can be determined by multiplying the average number of employees (Hcc) by the average duration of the working period in days or hours (Trv):

    Frt = Chc x Trv.

    In relation to an enterprise, the value of the total potential working time fund is determined by the formula:

    FP = H? D? TSM

    where FP is the total potential working time fund of the enterprise; N - number of employees, people; D - number of days of work in the period; TSM - duration of working day, shift, hours.

    Thus, the quantitative characteristics of labor potential are an integral part of the analysis of the effectiveness of using the labor potential of an enterprise. Assessment of the quantitative side of the object under consideration consists in determining indicators characterizing the size of the enterprise and indicators illustrating the working time fund.

    1.3 Basics of analyzing the qualitative characteristics of labor potential

    Qualitative characteristics of labor potential are aimed at assessing:

    1). physical and psychological potential of the enterprise’s employees (the employee’s ability and inclination to work, state of health, physical development, endurance, etc.);

    2). the volume of general and special knowledge, labor skills and abilities that determine the ability to work of a certain quality (educational and qualification levels, fundamental training, etc.);

    3). qualities of team members as subjects of economic activity (responsibility, conscious maturity, interest, involvement in the economic activities of the enterprise, etc.);

    4). qualities of team members as subjects innovation activity(creative approach to functional responsibilities, innovation in professional activities).

    The qualitative characteristics are represented by the following qualitative components:

    1). health;

    2). moral;

    3). creativity;

    4). activity;

    5). organization;

    6). assertiveness;

    7). level of education;

    8). professionalism;

    9). working time resources.

    For example, to assess health status, you can propose a health status coefficient KZ, which can be calculated using the following formula

    KZ = 1 - KB = 1 - FB/F

    where KB is the morbidity rate, calculated as the ratio of absenteeism due to illness to the total working time, i.e. the state of health is assessed indirectly through the morbidity level (in fractions of a unit).

    To assess the level of qualification, the QC qualification coefficient is used. This coefficient is calculated differently for different categories of enterprise personnel. Thus, for a category of workers it can be calculated as the ratio of the average rank of workers at an enterprise to the maximum rank:


    where KKR is the worker qualification coefficient (in fractions of one); RCP is the average category of workers in the enterprise as a whole;

    RMAX is the maximum level for workers.

    If the maximum discharge has a different value in different sections, then the average value of the maximum discharge is taken.

    For employees, a necessary condition for advanced training is participation in seminars, trainings, and advanced training courses with the subsequent implementation of the results in the current process. Therefore, a characteristic of the qualifications of employees (managerial and service personnel, as well as the main one, if this organization provides services) can be calculated by calculating the qualification coefficient as the ratio of the number of employees who have completed advanced training courses, internships, participating in seminars, and training in their specialty to the total number of employees. The formula for calculating the qualification coefficient for employees will be as follows:

    KKS = NK/N, ()

    where KKS is the employee qualification coefficient;

    NK -- number of employees who have improved their qualifications during last year(persons); N -- total number of employees (persons).

    At manufacturing enterprises, the qualification coefficient is calculated as the sum of the worker qualification coefficient and the employee qualification coefficient. For an enterprise providing services, calculations should be carried out only using the formula for calculating the qualification coefficient of employees.

    The moral climate in a team can be characterized by the morality coefficient КN, which can be determined by the ratio of time lost due to conflict resolution to the working time fund:

    where FC is the amount of time lost to resolve the conflict (hours);

    F -- total working time fund (hours).

    The innovative component of labor potential is determined by the coefficients of innovation KN, innovative activity Ki and the level of education of CR. The innovation coefficient characterizes the effectiveness of employee innovation as a result of the introduction of new and improved work methods, the introduction of technologies, inventions, innovation proposals, and new products per employee. However, innovative activity should not be an end in itself. The end result of innovation activity is an increase in production efficiency. Therefore, the innovation coefficient is calculated as the ratio of additional income from innovation activities to the total cost of introducing innovation:

    Where Ei is the economic effect from the introduction of innovation (rubles);

    Зi - costs of introducing an innovation (rub.).

    At the same time, there are types of innovations in an enterprise that are not accompanied by a direct economic effect or it is very difficult to identify in quantitative terms. Nevertheless, there is an effect from the employee’s innovation, which reduces the time it takes to process documentation. And it is expressed in an increase in labor productivity. Therefore, along with the innovation coefficient Kn, for a more complete assessment of the organization’s labor potential, the coefficient of innovative activity Ki should be calculated using the formula:

    Where Ni is the number of introduction of new and improved work methods, introduction of technologies, inventions, rationalization proposals, new products (units); N -- number of employees (persons).

    Education level coefficient Ko, determined by the share of workers with higher and secondary education in the total number of employees, is calculated by the formula:

    where NO is the number of employees with higher and secondary education (persons); N is the total number of employees (persons).

    Satisfaction with working conditions, work results, moral climate and the level of material remuneration is the key to high performance results of the enterprise. That's why significant place When assessing labor potential, the team stability coefficient is taken into account, which can be calculated as the ratio of the number of employees who have worked in a given organization for at least 3 years to total number workers according to the formula:

    where NC is the number of employees who have worked in the organization for at least 3 years (persons); N -- total number of employees (persons).

    As is known, a person, as a labor resource, goes through various stages development. So, immediately after receiving education, the accumulation of experience begins (a period of approximately 22-28 years). Then follow the successive stages of formation, maturity and maximum realization of one’s labor potential, which corresponds to the life stages of 28-35 years; 35-40 years old; 40-50 years old. Further, it is common for a person to lose his physical abilities and professional skills. Experience is becoming obsolete and younger workers and specialists are replacing them. Of course, the time frames indicated above are approximate; in each specific case, changes are possible due to the specifics of the production process. For example, in production with harmful working conditions, the boundaries of the stages will shift towards rejuvenation. Following this scale, we can assume that the greatest potential for labor development and increased productivity are achieved by teams consisting mainly of workers aged 28-50 years. Therefore, a characteristic of physical working capacity is the corresponding coefficient - CFT, which is calculated as the ratio of the number of workers aged 28-50 years (the most productive age) to the total number according to the formula:

    KFT = NPR/N

    where NPR is the number of workers at the most productive age of 28-30 years (persons); N -- total number of employees (people).

    When assessing labor potential, one should take into account the specifics of the enterprise’s activities, which is expressed in the different significance of the component parameters. For this purpose, any of the expert methods can be applied. For example, using the Delphi method, a group of enterprise experts determines the significance of each of the component parameters of labor potential. Next, the integral indicator is calculated using the formula

    where a, b, c, d, e, t, f, g, h are the significance coefficients of labor potential parameters.

    Thus, an important task in assessing labor potential is to develop a set of indicators that evaluate it, allowing to cover all components.

    From all of the above, we can conclude that the uniqueness of the category of labor potential lies in the fact that it is based on both a quantitative and a qualitative component, bringing which into quantitative form is the most difficult task in analyzing the effectiveness of the labor potential of an enterprise.

    The combination of quantitative and qualitative characteristics of labor potential provides accurate and reliable information about the indicator of the labor potential of an enterprise.

    Analysis of these characteristics helps to identify the main problems in managing labor potential, which should have a positive impact on the results of the economic activity of the enterprise.

    Chapter 2. Analysis of the effectiveness of using the labor potential of IT Service LLC

    2.1 General economic characteristics of the enterprise IT Service LLC

    The IT Service company is part of a network of enterprises belonging to the Grocery Service brand. The network of enterprises "Grocery Service" has been supplying food products to Omsk for more than 12 years and supplies small wholesale and retail enterprises not only in Omsk, but also in all districts of the Omsk region, in the adjacent areas of the Novosibirsk and Tyumen regions. The brand relies on its partners from all over Russia (Abakan, Irkutsk, Kursk, Ulyanovsk, Tambov, Chita, Khabarovsk, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk and many others). Close ties with its partners ensure minimal transaction costs, making the brand's activities less expensive. The company has its branches in Voronezh and Chelyabinsk, as well as in the cities of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Astana, Karaganda, Alma-Ata).

    "Grocery Service" is a large distribution organization that is the official distributor of the companies "Nestle", "Sladko", "Kiev-Konti", "AVK", "Roshen", "GalinaBlanca", "Dirol-Cadbury", "Multon", " Borjomi", "Makfa", "Rollton". Her field of activity also includes the restaurant business (Dali restaurant, Cantanello pizzeria chain), confectionery production (Lasena LLC), and sale of non-production goods (shoes, hosiery, household chemicals, cosmetics, perfumes).

    The company carries out retail trade through its own network of stores (currently there are more than 50). More than 20 of them are self-service stores, and another 12-15 shopping complexes are planned to open this year.

    "Grocery Service" has its own production and warehouse premises with an area of ​​more than 7,000 square meters. meters with access railway tracks. We have established our own production of confectionery, flour, sparkling water, powdered milk and other dairy products. In addition, trade is carried out through three wholesale warehouses located in the city of Omsk and trading centers located in the regional centers of the Omsk region (Tara, Kalachinsk, Isilkul, Kormilovka, Poltavka).

    The brand includes about ten organizations involved in wholesale and retail trade, information support, personnel selection, and economic planning with a total workforce (in Omsk alone) of more than 2,500 people.

    The IT Service company is precisely an organization that is part of the brand and is engaged in personnel selection, personnel policy planning and IT support for other organizations that are part of the brand. The company also engages in personnel outsourcing and computer software outsourcing. This helps the company generate additional profits.

    The significance of the IT Service company in the brand’s activities can be seen in the following schematic diagram:

    Rice. 1. Structure of the Grocery Service brand from the position of the IT Service company

    The company has the status of a limited liability company. Authorized capital divided into shares, the company's participants are not liable for the company's obligations and bear the risk of losses associated with the company's activities, within the limits of the value of their shares in authorized capital. The company is a commercial organization, that is, an organization that pursues making a profit as the main goal of its activities and distributes the profits among its participants.

    Current management of the company has been transferred executive body, who was appointed by the founders. The founders of the company retain the rights to strategically manage the company.

    The company has the status of a legal entity since 2011, when it was formed. In such a short time of existence, the company has managed to establish itself as a very successful agent between the employer and the workforce. The company's personnel are highly qualified specialists who know a lot about their business. Thanks to IT Service, there are no problems in recruiting personnel in such organizations in Omsk as the supermarket chain Sibiriada, Omich and K, Pobeda, Povorot, Eda, the Dali restaurant, the Cantanello pizzeria chain ", LLC "Lasena", IP "Kurtsaev", etc.

    "IT Service" is a small business enterprise. The size of the company is 57 employees, the company pays taxes according to the simplified taxation system. Basic details of the company:

    The management structure considered in course work enterprise is shown in Fig. 2.

    Rice. 2. Organizational management structure of the enterprise IT Service LLC

    From the organizational structure it is clear that the structure is linear. This is specific to small businesses. The organizational structure regulates the division of tasks among departments and divisions of the company, their competence in solving certain problems, and the general interaction of these elements. Thus, the company is created as a hierarchical structure.

    All departments and divisions create the necessary conditions for the normal and effective functioning of such a small organization as IT Service. The main technical and economic indicators of the economic activity of the enterprise in question are presented in the following table:

    Table 2

    Main technical and economic indicators of IT Service LLC

    Indicator/reporting period

    1st quarter 2011

    Plan completion percentage

    1st quarter 2012

    Plan completion percentage

    Growth rate

    Cost of fixed production assets, thousand rubles.

    Income from sales of services, thousand rubles.

    Average number of personnel, people.

    incl. main workers, people

    Total output, thousand rubles/person.

    Output of main workers, thousand rubles/person.

    Average monthly salary, thousand rubles.

    Payroll fund, thousand rubles.

    Expenses from economic activities, thousand rubles.

    Profit (loss), thousand rubles.

    From studying this table, the following conclusions can be drawn:

    1. The percentage of plan fulfillment in the first quarter of 2011 in terms of the cost of OPF was 100.04%, in the first quarter of 2012 - 100.03%. The actual figure for the period under review increased from 3463.6 thousand rubles. to 3791.23 thousand rubles, which is reflected by a growth rate of 109.46%.

    2. In the first quarter of 2011, the plan for income from the sale of services was not completed by 15.44%. The planned figure was 3150.00 thousand rubles, but in fact the figure dropped to 2663.67 thousand rubles. In the first quarter of 2012, the plan was exceeded for this indicator from RUB 3,107.00 thousand. up to 3261.00 thousand rubles, which is reflected by exceeding the plan by 4.96%. The overall increase during this period was 22.43%.

    3. The planned average number of personnel in the first quarter of 2011 was fulfilled by 100%. The number of personnel for this period was 57 employees, with 50 of them being core workers. In the first quarter of 2012, the plan was exceeded in terms of the average number of personnel by 3.33%, as well as the plan was exceeded in terms of key workers (the indicator actually increased from 50 to 51 people, which is reflected by the plan implementation rate of 2%). The overall growth rate of the SSC indicator is 108.77%, the main workers = 102%.

    4. In the first quarter of 2011, a failure to fulfill the production plan by 15.44% was revealed. In the first quarter of 2012, an increase in total output was recorded from 51.78 thousand rubles. up to 52.60 thousand rubles. The overall growth in total output for the period under review was 12.55%. In the first quarter of 2012, the output of core workers actually exceeded the target by 2.9%. The overall growth of this indicator is 20.02%.

    5. The average monthly salary in the first quarter of 2011 actually varies relative to the target from 10.20 thousand rubles. up to 10.26 thousand rubles. In the first quarter of 2012, the plan was not completed by 1.77%. The overall growth of the indicator for the period under review was 2.67%.

    6. In the first quarter of 2011, the wage fund indicator was exceeded from 1745.00 thousand rubles. to 1755.06 thousand rubles, in the first quarter of 2012 - from 1931.00 thousand rubles. to 1959.97 thousand rubles, the growth rate was 111.68%.

    7. The indicator of expenses from the economic activity of the enterprise in the first quarter of 2011 was not exceeded by 8.05%, in the first quarter of 2012 the plan was exceeded by 2.1%. The overall growth of this indicator was 13.72%.

    8. During the period under review, it is necessary to record the loss from economic activity both according to plan and actually. In the first quarter of 2011, the loss indicator increased by 34.13%. In the first quarter of 2012, this indicator was underfulfilled by 10.85%. The growth rate of the loss indicator was 82.41%.

    Thus, the enterprise considered in the course work is a limited liability company, engaged in outsourcing of personnel and information technology. It is also worth noting that the enterprise is unprofitable, but its losses are associated with the peculiarities of economic activity.

    2.2 Analysis of quantitative characteristics of the labor potential of IT Service LLC

    To analyze the quantitative characteristics of labor potential in terms of the number of personnel of the enterprise under consideration, it is necessary to conduct a study of the following indicators: average number of personnel; personnel structure by gender; age composition of personnel; distribution of personnel by length of service; educational level of personnel; qualification composition of employees; level of professional training. In this regard, it is necessary to identify these indicators for the general structure of the enterprise in question, as well as regarding categories of employees.

    To solve this problem, let’s create a summary table for the above indicators:

    Table 3. Analysis of quantitative characteristics of the labor potential of IT Service LLC by personnel structure


    Absolute deviation

    Growth rate

    Specific gravity

    Specific gravity

    1. Enterprise personnel


    1.1. Average number of main workers

    1.2. Average number of other categories of workers

    2.1. Men

    2.2. Women

    3.1. up to 18 years old

    3.5. over 50

    4.1. up to 1 year

    4.2. 1-2 years

    4.4. 5 years or more

    5. Educational level

    5.1. Incomplete secondary

    5.2. Overall average

    5.3. Secondary special

    5.4. Unfinished higher education

    5.5. Higher

    6. Qualification composition of employees

    6.1. up to 7th grade

    6.2. 8 - 10 digits

    6.3. 11 - 13 digits

    6.4. 14th category and above

    Based on the analysis of this table, the following conclusions can be drawn:

    1. The average headcount in 2011 was 57 employees, of which 50 people (or 87.72% were main workers), 7 people (or 12.28%) were other categories of workers. In 2012, the average number of employees increased by 5 employees (or 8.77%). At the same time, the number of main workers increased by 1 employee (or 2%), and the number of other categories of workers increased by 4 employees (or 57.14%). Also, the share of key workers in 2012 decreased compared to 2011 to 82.26%. Accordingly, the share of the average number of main categories of workers increased to 17.74%). No obvious problems were identified for this group of indicators.

    2. The personnel structure by gender in 2011 was as follows: 37 employees were men (or 64.91%), 20 employees were women (or 35.09%). In 2012, the personnel structure by gender was as follows: 38 employees were men (or 61.29%), 24 employees were women (or 38.71%). The number of men during the period under review increased by 1 person (or 2.7%), the number of women - by 4 people (or 20%). There have also been changes in the share indicators for these categories: for 2011-2012. The share of men in the overall personnel structure has decreased, while the share of women has increased, but the number of men in the structure continues to prevail over the number of women. No obvious problems were identified for this group of indicators.

    3. The age structure of personnel in 2011 looked in such a way that the largest number of personnel in the structure were occupied by workers aged 26 to 36 years (30 people or 52.63%), the smallest number were workers from 37 to 50 years old (12 people or 21.05%). There were 15 workers aged 18 to 25 years (or 26.32%). There are no workers in the age groups under 18 and over 50 years old. In 2012, the share of the category of workers aged 26 to 36 years is 51.61% (or 32 people); there is a decrease in the share of workers in this category compared to the previous period. Moreover, for the period under review, quantitatively this category increased its performance by 2 employees, the growth rate was 6.67%. The number of workers aged 18 to 25 years increased by one person (or by 6.67%), while in the overall structure the share indicator decreased to 25.81%. The number of workers aged 37 to 50 years increased during the period under review by 2 people, the increase was 16.67%, the share indicator increased to 22.58%. For this group of indicators, a negative trend is observed: the number of young specialists is growing at a lower rate than other categories of workers. Since the company’s activities are related to outsourcing in the field of information technology and personnel management, and this type of economic activity is quite new for Russian reality, more mobile and adaptive specialists are needed, which is what distinguishes young specialists.

    4. The distribution of personnel by length of service in 2011 was as follows: greatest number employees have more than five years of experience (29 people or 50.88% of the total number of employees), the smallest number of employees have less than one year of experience (4 people or 7.02%), the number of employees with one to two years of experience is 14 people (or 24.56%), the number of employees with experience from two to five years is 10 people (or 17.54%). In 2012, the situation was as follows: the largest number of employees have more than five years of experience (31 people or 50% of the total number of employees), the smallest number of employees have less than one year of experience (4 people or 6.45%), the number of employees with experience from one to two years is 16 people (or 25.81%), the number of workers with experience from two to five years is 11 people (or 17.74%). During the period 2011-2012. the number of employees with less than one year of experience has not changed in absolute and relative terms; the share in 2012 decreased by 0.17%. The number of employees with one to two years of experience increased by 2 people (or by 14.29%), while the change in the share indicator was 1.25% upward. The number of employees with experience from two to five years increased by one employee (or by 10%), which is manifested by an increase in the share of 0.2%. Workers with more than 5 years of experience increased by two people during the period under review (or 6.9%), while the share indicator decreased by 0.88%. In this case, a double situation emerges for this category of indicators: on the one hand, more than half of the employees have extensive work experience, and on the other hand, the number of young specialists makes up a third of the total staff.

    5. Regarding the level of education of the employees of the enterprise in question, it can be stated that there are no employees with incomplete secondary and general secondary education. Number of specialists with secondary specialized education for 2011-2012. decreased from 11 employees to 9 employees, that is, the growth rate was 81.82%. Quantity with unfinished higher education in 2011 was 5 people (or 8.77%), in 2012 this figure dropped to 4 employees (or 6.45%), the growth rate was 80%. The highest growth rate was observed in relation to workers with higher education: the indicator increased from 41 to 49 workers, the growth rate was 119.51. Moreover, the share of this category of workers is more than 70% for both periods under review. This situation is positive in relation to this group of indicators.

    6. Qualification composition of employees for the period 2011-2012. remained virtually unchanged: the number of workers with a category less than 7 was 7 people (in 2011, the share of this group was 12.28%, in 2012 - 11.29%), the number with a category from 8 to 10 was 24 people (in 2011 year, the share of this group was 42.11%, in 2012 - 38.71%), the number of workers with grades from 11 to 13 increased by five people (from 18 to 23 people (the share was 31.58% in 2011, in 2012 - 37.1%)), the number of workers with grade 14 and above remained at the same level of eight people (the share of this group was 14.04% in 2011, 12.9% in 2012). It should be noted that a negative trend is emerging for this group of indicators: a low growth rate for each of the subgroups. Growth was observed in only one group of indicators.

    An analysis of the personnel structure depending on the category of employees can be presented using Table 4. In this table, you can monitor the main indicators of the efficiency of using labor potential from a quantitative perspective, as well as identify the share of a particular category of employees in the overall personnel structure.

    According to Table 4, the following conclusions can be drawn:

    1. The total number of personnel has the following structure:

    1) in 2011, workers made up 12.28% (or 7 people), managers were 5 people (or 8.77%), the largest number in the structure of the total number were occupied by specialists (44 people or 77.19% of the total number of personnel) , one employee belonged to other categories;

    2) in 2012, workers made up 11.29% (or 7 people), managers were 5 people (or 8.06%), the largest number in the structure of the total number were occupied by specialists (46 people or 74.19% of the total number of personnel) , 4 employees belonged to other categories;

    3) the growth rate of indicators for the number of workers and managers during the period under review was 100%, the number of specialists increased by 4.55%, and the number of workers in other categories increased four times (from one employee to four).

    2. The structure of personnel by gender is such that the category of workers includes only men (7 people in both 2011 and 2012). During both periods under review, the leadership structure did not change: three men and two women. In 2011, the structure of specialists by gender consists of 27 men and 17 women. In the overall personnel structure, male specialists make up 47.37%, female specialists - 29.82%. In 2012, there was one more male specialist, and one more female specialist. In the overall structure, male specialists make up 45.16%, female specialists - 29.03%.

    3. According to the age composition, the category of workers is divided as follows: in 2011-2012. two workers were aged from 18 to 25 years, four workers were from 26 to 36 years old, three workers were from 37 to 50 years old. At the same time, in 2012 there was an increase in the indicator of workers from 37 to 50 years old by two workers. At the same time, the increase in this indicator was 66.67%. In 2011-2012 The structure of managers by age has not undergone any changes: three people are aged from 26 to 36 years, two are from 37 to 50 years old. The only change occurred in the indicators of the share of these categories: in 2011, for the categories of managers aged 26 to 36 years and from 37 to 50 years old, there were indicators of 5.26% and 3.51%, respectively; in 2012, for the categories of managers aged 26 to 36 years and from 37 to 50 years old, there were indicators of 4.84% and 3.23%, respectively. In 2011, specialists aged 18 to 25 years made up 21.05% of the total number of personnel (12 people), specialists aged 26 to 36 - 25 workers (43.86%), specialists aged 37 to 50 years make up 8.77% (5 people).

    Table 4. Analysis of the personnel structure of IT Service LLC by employee categories



    Growth rate

    Growth rate

    Growth rate

    Growth rate


    Specific gravity


    Specific gravity


    Specific gravity


    Specific gravity


    Specific gravity


    Specific gravity


    Specific gravity


    Specific gravity

    1. Enterprise personnel

    2. Personnel structure by gender

    2.1. Men

    2.2. Women

    3. Age composition of personnel

    3.1. up to 18 years old

    3.5. over 50

    4. Distribution of personnel by length of service

    4.1. up to 1 year

    4.2. 1-2 years

    4.4. 5 years or more

    5. Educational level

    5.1. Incomplete secondary

    5.2. Overall average

    5.3. Secondary special

    5.4. Unfinished higher education

    5.5. Higher

    In 2012, the number of specialists aged 18 to 25 years did not change, but the share indicator decreased to 19.35%, the number of specialists aged 26 to 36 years increased by two people, but the share indicator decreased by 0.31% .

    4. Regarding the educational level by category of workers, the following points should be noted:

    1). During the period under review, there was an improvement in the educational level of the category of workers: from seven workers with secondary specialized education in 2011 to five workers with secondary specialized education and two workers with incomplete higher education in 2012.

    2). the directors of the enterprise, with the exception of one person, have higher education, while one representative of the management is at the stage of incomplete higher education;

    3). The majority of specialists are specialists with higher education. In 2011, specialists with higher education made up 71.93% (41 people) of the total number of workers, in 2012 - 70.97 (44 people). The growth rate was 107.32%. The company also has specialists with specialized secondary education: in 2011 there were three of them, in 2012 the situation changed to positive side- two workers.

    Another important component of the quantitative characteristics of labor potential is the working time fund indicator. To illustrate the influence of this indicator on the amount of total income received, let’s draw up a table:

    2.3. Analysis of qualitative characteristics of the labor potential of IT Service LLC

    The qualitative side of labor potential can also be characterized using quantitative indicators.

    To assess health status, we calculate the health status coefficient. To do this, it is necessary to use the morbidity rate, which is calculated as the ratio of absenteeism due to illness (2193 hours in 2011 for the enterprise) to the total working time:

    From the obtained result we can conclude that the morbidity rate is quite high, that is, the number of absences from work due to health reasons is only 1.6% of the total working time.

    To assess the level of qualification, the qualification coefficient is used. For the category of workers, this coefficient is equal to: KKR = ((6+7?4+8+9)/7)/15=0.486. This coefficient does not characterize the most positive picture of the qualification status of the category of workers.

    For employees, the formula for calculating the qualification coefficient will be: KKS = 5/57 = 0.087, which indicates the need to change the attitude of the enterprise to measures to improve the qualifications of its employees.

    The moral climate in a team is characterized by the morality coefficient KN, which can be determined by the ratio of time lost due to conflict resolution to the working time fund: KN = 1 - 1967/(300?8?57) = 1 - 0.043=0.957, which indicates good moral climate at the enterprise in question.

    To more fully assess the labor potential of an organization, the coefficient of innovation activity Ki should be calculated using the formula:

    Ki = 231/57 = 4.052

    This result indicates that the enterprise is actively implementing new innovative solutions on many issues, since for each employee there are 4 new and improved implementations.

    Education level coefficient Ko, determined by the share of workers with higher and secondary education in the total number of employees, is calculated using the formula

    KO = (41+11)/57 = 0.912

    which indicates quite high level education at the enterprise.

    A significant place in assessing labor potential is occupied by the team stability coefficient, which can be calculated as the ratio of the number of employees who have worked in a given organization for at least 3 years to the total number of employees: CC = (10+29)/57 = 0.684, which indicates an average levels of team stability.

    Now let’s determine the indicator of physical working capacity - the KFT coefficient, which is calculated as the ratio of the number of workers aged 28-50 years (the most productive age) to the total number according to the formula: KFT = 29/57 = 0.508. An indicator at this level indicates that half of workers at the time of 2011 were at their most productive age.

    TP = a?KZ + b?KKR + c?KK + d?KN + e?KH + t?Ki + f?KO + g?KS + h?KFT

    where a, b, c, d, e, t, f, g, h are the significance coefficients of labor potential parameters. The enterprise conducted a survey among managers on the importance of these indicators. The results can be seen in the following table:

    Table 5. Significance coefficients for labor potential parameters of IT Service LLC

    Based on this table, it can be concluded that the enterprise focuses on the importance of labor potential parameters on the stability of personnel and their physical ability to work.

    TP=2*0.984+2*(0.486+0.087)+0.957+4.052+2*0.912+3*0.684+3*0.508 = 13.523.

    Thus, at the enterprise under consideration, the qualitative labor potential is 13.523. You can also calculate the average labor potential: 13.523/8=1.690.

    2.4 Analysis of the working time fund of IT Service LLC

    The full use of labor potential can be assessed by the number of days and hours worked by one employee during the analyzed period. This characteristic for the enterprise in question is presented in Table 6:

    Table 6. Estimated data for analyzing the impact of the working time fund on the gross income of the enterprise IT Service LLC for 2011.

    According to the table, the main conclusion can be drawn: despite the fact that the average hourly output actually exceeded the target, income from the sale of services decreased by 105,872.43 rubles.

    For analysis we will use the absolute difference method:

    By this analysis It turns out that in fact the income from the sale of services decreased by 105,872.43 rubles. This result was influenced by the following factors:

    1) a decrease in the number of days of work by two days led to the fact that income from the sale of services decreased by 91,802.92 rubles;

    2) a decrease in the working day indicator by 0.02 hours led to a decrease in income from the sale of services by 34,325.31 rubles;

    3) an increase in average hourly output by 0.15 rubles/hour led to an increase in income from the sale of services by 20,255.85 rubles.

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      course work, added 02/18/2011

      The essence of the economic potential of an enterprise as a factor in its sustainable innovative development. Analysis of the resource potential of the enterprise LLC "Agrosoyuz-Levzhensky". Determining the efficiency of using labor, financial and material resources.

      course work, added 01/05/2017

      Problems of assessing the qualitative characteristics of an enterprise's labor potential. Changing employment structure. The price of labor. Labor turnover. Types of labor and intellectual potential of Russia, its characteristics. Labor activity potential of the population.

      course work, added 02/09/2009

      The essence of the enterprise's fixed assets, their composition and structure. Wear and depreciation of equipment. Analysis of the financial condition and assessment of the efficiency of use of fixed assets of Kupe Service LLC. Recommendations for improving the use of fixed assets.

      thesis, added 01/09/2015

      Analysis of the main economic indicators of the enterprise ZAO "Caprice-M". Assessment of the enterprise's personnel potential, personnel movement and use of working time. An event to improve the workplace of an enterprise.

      course work, added 02/13/2014

      Analysis of retail turnover commercial enterprise OPT-Service KMV LLC, assessment of its resources and potential. Inventories and turnover. Receipt of goods, distribution costs. Labor resources of the enterprise, its financial results.