Former trash brutally beat up a St. Petersburg school teacher. Crimea's personnel problem kicked in the groin

Alexander Petrov still holds the post of head of the Nizhnegorsky region of Crimea.

In Crimea, the case of the beating of Nizhnegorsk village council deputy Ekaterina Samburskaya is stalled. The young woman was sent to a hospital bed by the head of the Nizhnegorsky district, Alexander Petrov. Samburskaya had a concussion and severe bruises. She is also in the hospital common law husband Timur Mamatkulov, also seriously injured in this fight.

Petrov’s attack on a village council deputy on September 2, 2017 near Samburskaya’s house. According to the woman, the head of the district got out of the car and addressed her with the words “What are you looking at?” Samburskaya replied that she was at home and a quarrel began. Mamatkulov came out to see what was happening, but then Samburskaya’s uncle, Sergei, hit him in the head from behind. The men grappled, Petrov ran up and pulled Samburskaya away. Later, the woman and her husband said that he strangled his victim, lifting him off the ground. The head of the district also hit her hand hard against the fence several times.

Samburskaya’s aunt also intervened in the conflict. She attacked Mamatkulov, to whom the enemy was able to inflict serious injury groin After this, the fight, according to the victim, ended. Petrov also stopped the execution. According to the woman, leaving her alone, he calmly began to eat grapes

Mamatkulov was hospitalized with a broken leg and torn scrotum, Samburskaya with a concussion and a suspected broken arm. They both were treated at the Nizhnegorsk regional hospital. At the same time, the victim at the hands of the head of the Nizhnegorsky district, Petrov, was given a mild degree of bodily injury, while Mamatkulov was assigned a medium degree. In a conversation with a Blokpad correspondent, an employee of a medical institution, on condition of anonymity, said that, on the instructions of the official Petrov, the injured deputy Samburskaya was literally “pushed out of the hospital” on the 20th day of treatment, since “if she had been treated for 21 days or more, then the beatings could qualify as moderate."

All these more than a month and a half after the beating, Alexander Petrov continues to hold the position of head of the Nizhnegorsky district. Every other day, he came to the hospital to visit another patient, and at the same time saw Samburskaya, wishing her to gain strength for the trial. In response, she wished Petrov to “gain a conscience.” Samburskaya said that she had a long-standing feud with Petrov, and he did a lot of nasty things to her family, for example, he contributed to the dismissal of her husband. The woman is with her uncle strained relations, in particular, due to inheritance rights to the house. Petrov, on the contrary, is friends with him.

It seems that this is not the first time for Alexander Petrov to give up. On March 9, 2014, he pushed the vice-rector of the Crimean Federal University, Vladimir Polishchuk, off the stage and beat him. Petrov’s opponent also received serious injuries: a fracture of the lower vertebra, a sprained ligament. There are other episodes in the criminal biography of the head of the Nizhnegorsky district. In 1999 in Yevpatoria for possession and transportation of drugs. Petrov was then sentenced to a fine of 1,000 hryvnia and a year of suspended imprisonment. In addition, in 2010 he had a conflict with traffic police officers. Petrov was fined for “illegally interfering with the activities of state inspectors on motor vehicles.”

All this did not prevent Petrov from taking the post of head of the district, first under the Ukrainian government, and then under the Russian one. He also gets away with new dubious actions. Perhaps the reason for Petrov’s “unsinkability” is his family relationship with the deputy State Duma faction "United Russia" Andrei Kozenko, who is called the husband sister Petrova. Previously, Kozenko served as vice-speaker of the Crimean parliament. In the fate of a relative he accepts lively participation. By the way, Kozenko called the report about Petrov’s beating of Samburskaya “nonsense.”

Question about future fate Petrova in " United Russia“The ethics commission of the regional branch of the party should decide. However, like the investigative authorities, the commission is in no hurry to act. There are persistent rumors among the population of the Nizhnegorsky district that Alexander Petrov will get away with this brawl and he is already jokingly called “the leader of the region.”

The incident was reported this evening on Facebook and Telegram by Crimean social activist and lawyer Alexander Talipov. According to him, the official intervened in an intra-family conflict, but instead of defusing the situation, he joined in the beating of the deputy and her husband. As a result, United Russia deputy from Nizhnegorsk Ekaterina Samburskaya and her husband ended up in the hospital. The woman has a concussion, a fractured arm bone, abrasions and bruises throughout her body. Her husband has injuries in the groin area, a broken face, and a broken leg.

The incident occurred on Saturday at about 18:00 in the village of Nizhnegorskoye. Samburskaya was in the courtyard of a private house, where she lives with her father and his two brothers - the last three inherited the house, and now they cannot share it. It all started because of the house.

“I was watering the flowers in our private house,” Ekaterina Samburskaya told Notes. “I take out another bucket and look: the car of the head of our Nizhnegorsky district, Alexander Petrov, is parked - he is friends with his uncle, my father’s brother. The trunk is open, and Petrov himself is walking around .

Head of the Nizhnegorsky district Alexander Petrov. Everything about this guy says he doesn't like to joke.

I wondered why he came to us. I see my uncle’s wife sitting in the car - he apparently got out when I went to fill the bucket. I thought that they went to Simferopol together and brought some things to the house. Then Petrov saw me and asked: “What are you looking at?” I replied that I was at home and had every right to do whatever I wanted. A verbal altercation began between us. My common-law husband came out and asked what happened. At that moment, my uncle (my father’s brother) came out from behind and, with the words “I’ll tell you what happened here,” began to quarrel with him in a raised voice, then hit him. A fight broke out, my uncle’s wife jumped out of Petrov’s car, ran up and tried to separate them, although at the same time she was striking my husband.”

Membership in United Russia does not guarantee security in the Nizhnegorsky region even for ladies

Catherine also jumped up to separate the fighting. According to her, at that time Petrov ran up to her and began purposefully beating the girl.

“I intervened, Petrov jumped up, grabbed me by the shoulder blades and made a choke hold with his left hand, tearing me off the ground so that my breath was taken away. Right hand he started hitting me in the face and head with his fist. I fought back and scratched myself, so he grabbed my hand and started hitting it against wooden fence. He shouted insults."

When the fight subsided and turned into a verbal exchange of pleasantries, Petrov, according to Samburskaya, stood silently and smiled eating grapes. Meanwhile, Catherine’s husband clearly had no time for smiles: he was bleeding due to his broken face. He is later diagnosed with lacerations in the groin area and a broken leg.

Ekaterina called an ambulance. Dear uncle and aunt called the police.

Ekaterina's common-law husband Timur

An hour later, after the ambulance took her husband away, Samburskaya began to vomit. The girl called her mother, who called an ambulance. “On the way, I vomited in front of the doctor. Presumably a concussion, but I haven’t seen my papers yet. Yesterday they took an X-ray and put me in a cast - a crack in the bone of my arm.”

According to Samburskaya, the conflict in the family has been going on for a long time, but the reason for Petrov’s intervention in the fight is not known to her.

He and I have a long-standing feud at work,” she says.

He did a lot of nasty things to me personally, to my family personally. The husband was fired illegally due to his interference. Gossip and scandals in our family between my father and uncle are also because of this man, who deliberately sets people at odds. This situation, I think, was also planned and provoked by him. Most likely, while they were driving with my uncle and his wife, they apparently discussed that I lived in the house, but was not a direct heir.

My father is the direct heir and his two brothers. And they haven’t been able to sell or divide this house for three years. This is the reason for all our scandals. How Mr. Petrov got involved here is hard for me to understand. When dad asked what he was doing here, Petrov said that he had come to visit Sergei (uncle).”

“Petrov got involved, but he turned away from me. The only spark was that I stood there watching. And of course, I’ll go to the police to write a statement. But it’s interesting that they still haven’t come to me.”

“Notes” was unable to find out Petrov’s own version. A certain Anton answered us at his number, who said that Alexander could not talk now, since they were vacationing at sea, and advised us to try to dial him later.

The head of the Nizhnegorsky district is not new to the criminal chronicle. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, he has a criminal record under the article “Illegal storage and transportation of drugs.”

Petrov was sentenced to one year of suspended imprisonment and a fine of 1,000 hryvnia. The decision was made by the city court of Yevpatoria in 1999, about this reported newspaper "Izvestia".

And on March 9, 2014, Petrov inflicted bodily injuries on the vice-rector of the Crimean Federal University, Vladimir Polishchuk.

The victim was diagnosed with a fracture of the lower vertebra and a sprained leg.

In addition, as follows from the police report of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine on an administrative offense of corruption, on January 12, 2010, Petrov “illegally interfered with the activities of state inspectors on vehicles” and was fined 340 hryvnia.

All criminal episodes were registered at a time when Crimea was part of Ukraine. Criminal records and offenses did not become an obstacle to the election of Petrov for the first time as chairman of the district council of the Nizhnegorsky region of Crimea under Ukraine. In the fall of 2014, he was elected to this position for the second time - already as part of the Russian Federation.

Let us remind you that Valery Podyachey, a veteran of the Russian Community of Crimea, who was convicted in Ukraine for calling for the reunification of the peninsula with Russia, has not been hired in Crimea for three years, even as a school watchman - on the basis of a Ukrainian political conviction.

And already Russian courts Crimea is denying patriot Podyachiy rehabilitation. But a criminal conviction for drugs does not prevent the rowdy Petrov from heading an entire district. Unlike Bakharev and Krysin, no one is filming him and, most likely, they will not be filming him even now.

What is the secret of such enviable political longevity?

According to Talipov, Mr. Petrov is a relative of the former vice-speaker of the republican parliament, Andrei Kozenko. Now Kozenko is a State Duma deputy. The same one who still cannot accept amendments to the Russian law on the rehabilitation of victims of political repression, so that the Russian patriot Clerk in the Russian Crimea can finally be hired.

Perhaps this is all you need to know about the personnel problem that Sergei Aksenov is complaining about.

At school 339 in the Nevsky district of St. Petersburg, the stepfather of one of the first-graders, who previously worked in the police, beat the teacher, reports, and he is also suspected of drug trafficking, the website of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation reported on Saturday.

“On suspicion of committing a crime under paragraphs “a, d”, part 3 of article 228.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (drug trafficking), he was detained former employee police Andrei Petrov,” the message says.

According to the publication, the children were playing in an after-school group when one of the girls bit her tongue. The nurse treated the wound and called the mother to school, who came with her common-law husband.

The mother took the child’s briefcase and the girl herself and went out with her into the corridor while the stepfather of the first-grader began beating the teacher in front of the children, hitting her until she fell. The mother and girl waited until the stepfather came out and went home together.
Teacher Olga Kharitonova The teacher was taken to the hospital with a concussion and beatings, but there was no room for her in the room and she was offered to lie on a couch in the hallway. The husband took the girl, who worked at school for the first two months after college, home, where she is now on sick leave.

The teacher herself is not sure that she wants to return to school due to psychological trauma after the incident.

It is interesting that the materials on the incident were transferred to the same police department where the stepfather of the first-grader who beat the teacher previously worked. Having left the police, he now works in a security structure, writes

Fontanka found the family of the girl who became the unwitting catalyst of the conflict. First I managed to communicate with her aunt. Renata Akhmetdinova said that the family was outraged that the teacher did not keep an eye on the girl during the walk. The husband of Ekaterina Kononenko’s sister went to school to talk with the young teacher. But she allegedly met with a boorish attitude towards herself - when asked to leave the class in order to “socialize”, the woman allegedly stated that “she herself will decide who and where to go.” Then the visitor took her hand and led her out of the room. The conversation did not work out in recreation either - the brother-in-law, Akhmetdinova claims, realizing that further disputes were pointless, allegedly decided to go home, but for some reason Kharitonova began to grab him by the sleeve. The man quickly got tired of the harassment and he, as they say, “moved.” It is noteworthy that the woman characterizes her relative as a “balanced person.” “How can he be unbalanced if he worked in the police?” – she is sincerely surprised.

The background to the conflict, according to Akhmetdinova, is as follows: on October 22, Ekaterina came for the child, noticing that her daughter had a broken lip and a scratched face (the girl explained this by saying that some boy had pushed her), and demanded to find the offender. Kharitonova allegedly said that the boy is from a disadvantaged family and does not study at their school. Kononenko, apparently, considered the arguments insufficient...

“Milena fell on a hard football surface. At the emergency room, she was cleared of the beatings. We have all the information. True, not in my arms,” Akhmetdinova assured.

Ekaterina Kononenko refused to comment on the situation. “Fontanka” tried to talk to the “hero” of the story, but Kononenko’s relatives did not connect with him; later a certain man answered the phone, flatly refused to introduce himself and literally stated the following: “I said everything.”

At school the day before, teachers conducted an emergency Parent meeting— children are afraid to study in the same class with Milena. Her parents insist that she be transferred to another school.

Nothing is yet known about Kononenko’s intention to fulfill this wish, in contrast to Kharitonova’s announced decision - she is going to quit the school. And I even wrote a statement:

Investigative authorities of the Investigative Committee for St. Petersburg detained a former police officer who is suspected of beating a high school teacher and drug trafficking.

The Department of Internal Affairs for the Nevsky District of St. Petersburg has opened a criminal case under the article “threat of murder” against Andrei Petrov.

The investigation sent a petition to the court to select a preventive measure in the form of detention against Petrov.

Earlier it was reported that the case had been placed under the personal control of Governor Matvienko..

Previously, a criminal case was opened against Petrov under the article “Threat of Murder.” Now the two office processes are combined into one. The investigation sent a petition to the court to impose a preventive measure against Petrov in the form of detention.

On the eve of the arrest of her common-law husband, the mother of a 7-year-old girl, because of whom a St. Petersburg school teacher was beaten, wrote a statement against the school, accusing the teacher of negligence and improper supervision of children.

“I came to pick up the child from after-school care, and her entire cheek was broken and there was a hematoma on her lip,” says Milena’s mother, Ekaterina Kononenko. - They told me that my child was pushed by some teenager and she fell. But no one even called me or told me about the incident! It is unacceptable!

Teacher Olga Kharitonova took the baby to the school first aid station, where Milena’s abrasions were washed and she was given a referral to the emergency room. According to the mother, when she asked to sort out the situation, the teacher suggested that the conflict be “hushed up.”

Apparently, the director taught the young teacher how to behave in this situation. We don’t know anything, we don’t remember anything, nothing happened,” Ekaterina complains.

Kononenko eventually asked to talk to her fiancé’s teacher, Andrei Petrov. How it ended can be seen on the CCTV footage.

Yes, perhaps Andrei went too far, but the rudeness and disregard for children does not suit me, so we wrote a statement to the police against the school, says Katya.

The 34-year-old instigator of the fight with the teacher himself primary classes also claims that the conflict was provoked by the teacher herself.

Milena with her mother Ekaterina

My future wife Katerina (we recently submitted an application to the registry office) came to the teachers for an explanation,” said Andrei Petrov, “but they simply ignored her. So they said: “Go home, take a walk!” I realized that there was no point in talking. He promised to resort to the help of the police and was already leaving when the teacher ran after him and began grabbing his clothes, screaming and waving her arms. I had to endure all this?!

I am an adult man weighing 120 kilograms, I play sports. Do you think if I wanted to beat up a teacher, it would be like this?! This is a domestic situation. It’s a pity that now, because of this whole farce, Milena will have to look for new school. The girl will not be able to attend class - she cries and is afraid that she will be beaten again at school and none of the adults will come to help.

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This wild incident happened in high school N 339 Nevsky district of St. Petersburg in front of children. The beaten teacher required hospitalization. The scoundrel who raised his hand against the woman has already been detained.

It would have been impossible to believe if it weren’t for the surveillance camera that recorded the incident. The footage shows the school hall briskly a thin girl crosses. A large man in a dark jacket catches up with her. He punches the girl in the face several times, and when she falls, he continues to kick her.

The man is 28-year-old Andrei Petrov, an employee of a private security company and the common-law husband of the mother of one of the first-graders. The girl is 24-year-old primary school teacher Olga Kharitonova. She recently graduated Pedagogical University and in September I took the first class in my life. The parents were pleased with the teacher: the girl enthusiastically set to work, managing to find an approach to all the first-graders, and the children responded to her with love.

According to school director Oleg Kuzmichev, the cause of the current conflict was an incident that occurred shortly before with first-grader Milena. While playing with the children during an after-school program, she fell and bit her tongue. The girl was treated at the school first aid station and her mother was advised to take the child to the clinic for examination just in case. However, the relatives were dissatisfied with the school’s reaction, and after some time Andrei Petrov came to investigate. First-graders recall that a man burst into the classroom and literally dragged Olga Stepanovna into the corridor. Then the frightened children heard the screams of their first teacher...

Olga Kharitonova was taken by ambulance to the hospital. Here the girl was diagnosed with bruises and a concussion. As soon as the doctors allowed the teacher to go home, she immediately left the city, writing a letter of resignation.

I’m afraid that she was literally kicked off her desire to work at school,” says director Oleg Kuzmichev.

The school administration did not hush up the incident. On the contrary, it did everything to make this terrible story public and released video footage from surveillance cameras. Such activity did not go unnoticed by Petrov and his comrades. For several days in a row they came to school, trying to continue the showdown - this time with the director. The guests even left a threatening note demanding that the “teacher” withdraw the statement from the police. However, as RG was assured at the school, despite the incident, educational process took place as usual.

The support of Petrov's friends did not help. The Department of Internal Affairs for the Nevsky District opened a criminal case against him under the article “threat of murder.” It turned out that Andrei Petrov is a former police officer. Moreover, at one time he worked in the same 75th department, where the application was received from Olga Kharitonova.

But Petrov’s former colleagues will not investigate the case. According to the official representative of the RF Investigative Committee, Vladimir Markin, the Investigative Committee asks to transfer this criminal case from the Department of Internal Affairs to its own proceedings. They immediately decided to arrest the rowdy. It turned out that the beating of the teacher is not the only thing that the former policeman is accused of. Andrei Petrov has long been in the sights of security forces as a member of a criminal organized group involved in drug trafficking. On the night from Friday to Saturday, he was detained, and, as reported by the Investigative Committee, he tried to resist.

Criminal cases of assault on a teacher and drugs have been combined into one proceeding. The detainee himself did not admit his guilt: they say he communicated with Olga Kharitonova, but did not beat her, and he does not know where the video recording came from.

It is clearly impossible to hush up the Petrov case - it has sounded too loud. Governor of St. Petersburg Valentina Matvienko has already stated that she is taking the investigation under personal control. Commenting on what happened, the mayor does not hold back her emotions:

Some bastard, I can’t put it any other way, allowed himself to beat up a teacher at school, in front of the children. This is simply a monstrous crime that has received, most importantly, public condemnation. “I don’t know how this person can even continue to live in the city and how he can be called a St. Petersburger,” Matvienko said.

After the arrest of Andrei Petrov, school No. 339 breathed a sigh of relief, and St. Petersburg teachers launched an entire campaign to prevent Olga Kharitonova from resigning. But the other day Olga herself denied rumors about her leaving school. “I won’t give up my profession. I love children. And I can’t see my life without them,” the girl wrote on her blog.

Olga's Internet page is now filled with hundreds of messages from colleagues, graduates of school N 339, friends and strangers. Among them are the words of a police captain, who writes that he is ashamed of his former colleague.

By the way, neither Petrov himself nor Milena’s relatives considered it necessary to apologize to the teacher.

Now the schoolchildren have left for the autumn holidays. This respite could not have come at a better time. Teachers and parents hope that within a week the children who witnessed the massacre of the first teacher will recover from the shock, and Olga Stepanovna will find the strength to return to work.