Cool hour for Mother's Day. “Mom, there is no one closer.” Class hour for Cosmonautics Day "Space exploration"

Irina Samokhina
Class hour for Cosmonautics Day


Development of general intellectual skills on material that complements school curriculum, with the formation of self-development skills.


To teach how to master the acquired amount of knowledge, applying it in non-standard situations;

Develop interdisciplinary connections by actively using the knowledge gained from studying one subject in another;

Instill self-development skills, emphasizing speech culture, analytical need, logical thinking;

Develop skills of self-regulation and self-control of one’s psychophysical activity;

Instill interest in cognitive activity;

Test students' creative abilities and knowledge in the field of conquest space.

Equipment: Presentation with phonograms of A. Pakhmutova’s songs “You know what kind of guy he was!”, “Gagarin’s Constellation”, phonogram space music.

Progress of the class hour


In the minds of scientists for many years

Lived a cherished dream:

Take off with rockets

Into interplanetary space.

Since ancient times, people have dreamed of rising to the sky. Even in fairy tales these dreams came to life (Magic carpet). People made wings for themselves, but all these experiments were unsuccessful. And then the first planes appeared. People's dream has come true. A man could rise to the sky! He could fly!

In Russia, the idea of ​​​​the possibility of flying to space was first expressed by Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky. He worked all his life as a teacher of physics and mathematics, and in free time designed rockets and engines for them. (slide 2)

Sergei Pavlovich Korolev took over the baton from Tsiolkovsky. (slide 3)

Under his leadership, many were built in our country space devices - artificial earth satellites and spaceships.

In the post-war period, scientists began to think about the possibility of long-term space travel.

You know that our planet has a natural satellite.

What is it called? (Moon) (slide 4)

But man was able to create and launch space artificial earth satellites. (slide 5-8)

Nowadays thousands of artificial satellites fly around our planet. What are they needed for? (Children answer)

Teacher's conclusion: Satellites help watch TV shows, conduct telephone conversations, send and receive telegrams, and connect people with each other. People created satellites in order to study the earth, the sun, planets, stars, and unravel the secrets of nature.

First astronauts-dogs, rabbits, insects and even microbes were scouts. First mouse astronaut stayed above ground for almost a whole day. White hairs appeared in her black fur. They turned gray from cosmic rays, but the mouse returned alive. (slide 9)

Then it was the turn of dogs, smarter animals than mice and rabbits.

But not every dog ​​is suitable for flying. You need to find one that is a little larger than a cat, that weighs 4-6 kg, that she is no more than two or three years old, and that she has light fur—it is easier to see in the camera.

Purebred dogs are not were suitable: They are too pampered and capricious.

Affectionate, calm and hardy mongrels were best suited for space experiments.

The dogs were taught not to be afraid of shaking, noise, to endure heat and cold, to eat and much more.

Passed better than others "final exams" smart and brave Laika. (slide 10) A special spacesuit was put on Laika, and the rocket sped off the brave scout into space. Scientists learned about the dog’s health using special instruments that were installed on the rocket. Laika from space didn't return. Other dogs followed Laika. Belka and Strelka - Soviet dogs - astronauts, the first animals to make an orbital space flight and returned to Earth unharmed. The flight took place on a ship "Sputnik-5". The launch took place on August 19, 1960, the flight lasted more than 25 hours, during which time the ship made 17 complete orbits around the Earth. They all returned to Earth. (slide 11)

This is how scientists became convinced that living beings can live in weightlessness. Path to space was discovered.

(slide 12) April 12, 1961 27-year-old pilot senior lieutenant (on the same day he became a major) Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin accomplished the first thing in the history of mankind space trip, became the first earthling who had the opportunity to directly see that the Earth is a ball. On spaceship"Vostok-1", Gagarin flew around the Earth in 108 minutes. The rocket launched from cosmodrome Baikonur in Kazakhstan, but landed astronaut on the right bank of the Volga near the village of Smelovka, Ternovsky district, Saratov region. Both the launch vehicle and spaceship "Vostok-1", and the launch complex were created under the leadership of Sergei Pavlovich Korolev, who also supervised Gagarin’s flight. (slide 13)

Yuri Gagarin's smile is immortal. She became a symbol. Gagarin smiled to the whole world. He smiled at our planet, rejoiced at the sun, forests and fields. And he said: “Having flown around the Earth in a satellite ship, I saw how beautiful our planet is. People, let us preserve and increase this beauty, and not destroy it. “Yes, she is beautiful. And our beautiful and small planet, the only one where there are flowers, streams, birches, where there is laughter and smiles and love, must be protected! (slides 14-15)

Astronaut. There was no such word

Among many, many thousands of words.

They brought him to earth from heaven

Pilots Gagarin and Titov.

Flights began to space. The first daily flight around the Earth was performed by German Titov. (slide 16)

Can you imagine, guys, in space Not only men, but also women can fly. Who is the first woman? astronaut?

- Valentina Tereshkova. June 16-19, 1963 The first joint flight was carried out by Valery Bykovsky and Valentina Tereshkova - the first woman astronaut. She flies over the globe, and her distant sounds sound throughout the world. call signs: "I am the Seagull!" (slides 17-18)

First exit into the open space also belongs to our compatriot Alexey Arkhipovich Leonov. (slide 19)

The astronaut spent time in outer space, 12 minutes 9 seconds and moved away from the ship at a distance of up to 5 m - the entire length of the halyard - "umbilical cord", connecting him with the ship. In the open space Leonov experienced the strongest emotional stress: the pulse rate more than doubled - to 143 beats per minute, the breathing rate almost doubled, the body temperature exceeded 38 degrees, sweat filled the spacesuit to the knees, during the day of the flight he lost 6 kg. Return astronauts the mission to Earth took place in a mode close to emergency, but ended, thank God, safely.

The first woman to go out into the open space, was Svetlana Evgenievna Savitskaya. The exit took place on July 25, 1984 from the orbital space station"Salyut-7" (slide 20)

IN space Representatives from other countries of the world also began to come out. For example, the first landing on the moon belongs to the American Neil Armstrong. (slide 21)

Years have passed. IN space managed to visit hundreds astronauts. You can even fly with a tourist voucher. On April 30, 2011, the first flight took place space tourist Dennis Tito. (slide 22)

Now let's carry out a little quiz. (slides 23-24)


The first competition is the easiest. You need to answer the questions with only two words - "Yes" or "No". All questions about space and people who conquer him.

2. Only the Earth has a satellite? (No.)

3. Is the sun a star? (Yes.)

4. First Yuri Gagarin was a cosmonaut? (Yes.)

5. First in the open American out of space? (No.)

6. Is the closest star to Earth Venus? (No.)

7. Have Americans already flown to the moon? (Yes.)

8. Is a planet a relatively cold celestial body? (Yes.)

9. Astronauts flew to Mars? (No.)

10. First woman - cosmonaut - Svetlana Savitskaya? (No.)

11. Gagarin’s flight lasted a day? (No.)

12. Is Planet Earth approximately 4.6 billion years old? (Yes.)

13. Were the Assyrians and Babylonians the first to highlight the signs of the Zodiac in the sky? (Yes.)

15. Is a constellation a section of the starry sky? Yes.)

Teacher. The second competition is called "Choose an answer". You are presented with a question, and there are three answers to it, one of which is correct. You need to call this answer.

1. Who was the first to go to space?

a) Gagarin;

b) Leonov;

c) Armstrong.

2. Who was the first to suggest that the Earth is spherical?

a) Aristotle;

b) Pythagoras;

c) Ptolemy.

c) Pluto.

4. The closest star to us: a) Sirius;

b) Aldebaran;

c) The sun.

5. The first woman - astronaut:

a) Tereshkova;

b) Savitskaya;

c) Petrova.

6. Flight of Yuri Gagarin lasted:

b) 36 hours;

c) 108 minutes.

7. The world's first open air space accomplished:

b) Leonov;

c) Gagarin.

8. Science that studies the celestial body:

a) biology;

b) anatomy;

c) astronomy.

9. In which month of the year is the Earth closest to to the sun:

a) in July;

c) in January.

10. How many planets of the solar system can be seen with the naked eye eye:

a) ten;

Teacher: Of the 40,000 professions existing on Earth, profession the astronaut is the most difficult, dangerous and responsible. This is quite a feat. The feat is scientific, technical, organizational, but, above all, purely human. Conquest space is just beginning! (video “Do you know what kind of guy he was?”)

KSU "Beregovaya" high school»

Class hour: Kazakhstan way 2050,

"One people - one country - one destiny."

Class: 4

Teacher: Semenkevich I.A.

year 2014.

Class hour: “One people – one country – one destiny.”

Target: Expand knowledge about the Motherland. Develop interest in the history of the state, thinking, logic, ability to communicate, work in groups, draw conclusions, develop an emotional and sensory environment. To cultivate moral and patriotic feelings, love for the native land.

During the classes.

- Good morning, dear parents,expensivestudents!

Good not only because of the clear weather, but, above all, good because of the good it brings us.

After all, today is the day of the beginning of classes, new good meetings with the world of knowledge that the school is ready to give you.

Good morning to everyone who came here again, who spent several interesting and useful years at school.

Good mood to everyone present!

Teacher: yours flashed summer holidays which lasted three months. You have all grown up and matured a lot. Look healthy, cheerful, smart. Today you were already congratulated on the holiday, but we received more telegrams. Guess who they are from.

1. Congratulations ! I wish to profitably exchange all textbooks for theater tickets. (Buratino, A. Tolstoy “The Golden Key”)

2.I wish you learn everything that I can do myself: write poetry like Tsvetik, play the musical instruments like Guslya, drive a car like Vintik and Shpuntik. (Dunno, N. Nosov “Dunno in the Sunny City”)

3.I wish you better find out how to cook sharp brains from bran with needles, how to sew loving, kind heart from silk, how to prepare a brew of courage. (Goodwin, A. Volkov “The Wizard of the Emerald City”)

4. Unscramble the word and find out who sent this telegram: TEROLIDI (that's right, parents). The text of the telegram from the parents is read out.

    Our dear children! You are already fourth graders!

    The school bell called you to class again.

    This means that the noisy summer is over.

    There is a school ahead that is waiting for you.

    Bon Voyage! You will succeed!

    And we? Parents?

    We will always help children with their studies! (YES)

    So that the school is proud of the children!

    We are not afraid of leapfrog tasks!

    Formulas to remember are nonsense for us!

    We swear to never scold children!

    Just scold a little sometimes!

    Let's be calm, like water in a river!

    We will be wise, like a star in the sky!

    We will get up in the morning in the cold,

    To be on time both here and there!

    When the study period is over,

    Let's take a walk with the children then! (YES)

Teaches : Today we have a joyful holiday - the first day of school after the holidays. Congratulations to you guys on the start of the new school year. Let our class be light from the desire to increase our knowledge and skills, let it be warm from a kind attitude towards each other.

We will start our lesson with a warm-up.

Warm up.

Students stand in a circle and warm up.
-If you are happy to go to school in the morning, wave your right hand.
-If you value honesty and integrity in people, take a step forward.
- If you are confident in your abilities, stamp your foot.
-If you think that we should respect the rights of people, regardless of their nationality and social background, take a step back.
-If you care about the fate of our country, clap your hands.
-If you consider yourself patriots, raise both hands up.
-If you believe that our country will take its rightful place in the world, stretch both hands forward. If you believe that the future of the country depends on you, join hands.
Teaches : I want you to be attentive, resourceful in class, and most importantly, I want you to show what you know and how you can work.
- And in order to find out what we will talk about, you must first guess the riddle:

Born and live here

You leave - you miss

What is the name of this place, do you know? HOMELAND

Student 1

Teaches: Every person has his own homeland. And everyone loves her. Loves the place where he was born and lives. Loves his native language, dancing, books. A person cannot live without his homeland and without his people.
Bekinip bugan white

The work will take place in groups:

"Bolashak" - "Future"

"Muragerler" - "Heir"

"Patriottar" - "Patriots"

Each tour is rated with a star.

1 TOUR “Patriot of your Motherland”

Continue the sentence

1. Kazakhstan is……. (state)

2. Capital of Kazakhstan….. (Astana)

3. Head of state….. (president)

4. What is the name of the president of our country? (N.A. Nazarbayev)

5. What is the official language? (Kazakh)

6. What song is performed standing? (hymn)

7. The basic law of our state? (Constitution).
8. As citizens of Kazakhstan, what rights and responsibilities do you have? (the fundamental right is to go to school, receive an education and become worthy citizens of their homeland)
9. What cities were the capitals of Kazakhstan? (Orenburg, Kzyl-Orda, Almaty, Astana)

Teaches : To love and defend the Motherland means to be a patriot, to be proud of one’s Motherland, to respect and abide by the laws of the country, to fulfill one’s duties, and to be active in public life.

TOUR 2 “Poetic”

Every person, being a worthy citizen of his country, devotes his work, knowledge, and creativity to his family, relatives and, of course, to his Motherland. So now you will dedicate your work to your Motherland. We will compose a five-line poem according to the scheme.

What? Who? (1 word) KAZAKHSTAN

Which (2 words)

Action (3 words)


Conclusion (synonym)

For example:


Big, beautiful!

Flourish, richer and stronger!

We love you!

Our homeland!

Teaches: The Kazakh people, like any other, have their own traditions, culture, and art.

I suggest playing the game “Baiga” ROUND 3.
Teaches: I think the guys know Kazakh proverbs and sayings. We'll check now. (The teacher distributes proverbs, divided into two parts. The children must collect and read them.)

Warmth blows from the Motherland, and cold from foreign lands.
If friendship is great, then the Motherland is strong.
People's friendship and wealth are more valuable than wealth.
The native land is a golden cradle.
A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without a forest.
Motherland, know how to stand up for her.
This is what it is, our Kazakhstan! And people live everywhere. Do you think there are many people in Kazakhstan? (children's answers) The population of Kazakhstan is more than 17 million people.
- How can you call them all in one word? (Kazakhstanis).
That's right, we are all Kazakhstanis. But everyone's nationality is different.

Teaches: Kazakhstan is united multinational state. It is inhabited, in addition to the Kazakhs, by representatives of another 120 nations and nationalities: Russians, Ukrainians, Tatars, Germans and others. The population of Kazakhstan is large. And all people in our country have equal rights: women and men, young people and old people, people of any nationality. Each nation has its own language, its own customs, its own culture.

ROUND 4 Man - that sounds proud
Teaches: Think and write what character qualities a person living on planet Earth should have.
Each group is given a sheet on which the outlines of a person are depicted.
“We don’t know where this person lives, how old he is, what nationality he is. He's just a man. Each group performs

ROUND 5 Think and explain.

Explain why the lesson was called "one people - one country - one destiny."

Because “one people” means national interests that are common to all.

“One country” is our common homeland for all.

“One destiny” is the difficulties and victories that we went through together!

This is our common prospect - a prosperous and prosperous Kazakhstan!

All this taken together means that for the successful implementation of the Strategy, unity is necessary society.

ROUND 6 " I wish you, motherland

Representatives of the teams take turns going to the board and tracing their hand on whatman paper and writing down their wishes for Kazakhstan (goodness, peace, happiness, etc.) in the resulting outline.


Counting stars. We glue stars on the board under the name of each team.

Teaches: May these little stars that you lit today become big in your life and illuminate your path, may they shine brightly over you and over our Motherland.


  • Contribute to the activation of students’ cognitive activity; developing a sense of patriotism through acquaintance with the great achievements of the Russian people;
  • broadening the horizons of students; developing a sense of solidarity and healthy competition.


  1. Drawings and illustrations on the topic.
  2. Exhibition of books about space, photographs of cosmonauts.
  3. Audio recordings of songs: “You know what kind of guy he was,” “I am the Earth, I see off my pets.”
  4. Tables by number of teams.

Preliminary work: Before starting the event, it is necessary to divide the class into 2 teams consisting of 5-6 students and determine the captains. Prepare cards with questions.

Teacher: Dear guys, today is April 12 - Cosmonautics Day, in connection with which we are holding a class hour on the topic “Space Exploration”. Humanity will never forget the beautiful April day of 1961, when the Russian guy Yuri Gagarin was the first in the world to open the road to space. We are proud that our compatriot was the first to go into space - Russian man. He said: “Let's go!” Indeed, now satellites and rockets are roaming space, a lot of space technology has been to the Moon and Mars. It's only the beginning? And this day, April 12, is traditionally celebrated as Cosmonautics Day.

1st student.

Space has become ours part of life,
For astronauts it is like home.
We congratulate you on this day,
When on the star stages
A Russian man rushed by,
And, in love with the beauty of the Earth,
Glorified the Motherland forever.

2nd student.

We, of course, know about Yuri’s feat.
And today, as it was, as it is and as it will be,
We sincerely congratulate you on a good holiday.
The world will never forget its heroes.

3rd student.

Gagarin said “let’s go”,
The rocket flew into space.
This was a risky guy!
Since then the era began.
The era of wanderings and discoveries,
Progress of peace and labor,
Hopes, desires and events,
Now all this is forever.

4th student.

The days will come when space
Anyone who wants to can plow!
At least to the moon, please, travel!
Nobody can ban!
This is how life will be! But let's remember anyway
That someone flew first...
Major Gagarin, a modest guy,
He managed to open an era.
(Makhmud Otar–Mukhtarov)

And Yuri Gagarin's smile is immortal. She became a symbol. Gagarin smiled to the whole world. He smiled at our planet, rejoiced at the sun, forests and fields. And he said: “Having flown around the Earth in a satellite ship, I saw how beautiful our planet is. People, let us preserve and increase this beauty, and not destroy it!...” Yes, she's beautiful. And our beautiful and small planet, the only one where there are flowers, streams, birches, where there is laughter and smiles and love, must be protected!

And Gagarin also said this: “And tomorrow?...Settlements on the Moon, travel to Mars. Scientific stations on asteroids, communication with other civilizations. All this is the future. Maybe not so close, but real. And we will not be upset that you and I will not become participants in long-distance interplanetary expeditions. Let's not envy the people of the future. They will, of course, be very lucky; things that we can only dream about will become familiar to them. But we were also very lucky. The happiness of the first steps into space.”

Host: How many of you have watched a movie or read a book that talks about how people can easily move from one planet to another?

Do you think this is just fantasy or our very real future?

Host: Game “Hot Question”. For both teams - a question Is there life on Mars?. One team makes the case that there is no life on Mars. Another team is that there is life on Mars. Preparation time 3 minutes. The team with the most arguments wins.

Of all the planets in the solar system, Mars is most similar to Earth. There are volcanoes and plains on the surface of the planet. Here, like on Earth, there are four seasons. Temperatures on Mars are usually low, but summers can be quite warm. There is an assumption that life once existed on Mars. Dry seas and river beds on the surface of Mars indicate that there was once water on the planet, and water, as we know, is the source of life. Perhaps some forms of life have survived to this day. Maybe on this planet life is at a higher level than on Earth, maybe - so far only in the simplest forms. Scientists have not yet provided us with direct evidence of any life. But I think these discoveries are not far off.

Presenter: Question for both teams: why is Mars called the Red Planet?

Mars is called the Red Planet because it is covered in reddish dust. Sometimes, as a result of dust storms, dark areas of rocky soil are exposed. Like Earth, Mars has polar caps at the planet's South and North Poles. The polar ice caps are made of carbon dioxide and frozen water.

Warm-up questions:

1 team: Can Gagarin be called a pioneer and if so, why?
2nd team: Who was the second cosmonaut in our country? (G.S. Titov)
1 team: Which Soviet cosmonaut was the first to go into space? open space? (A.A. Leonov)
2nd team: What was the name of the first spacecraft that took astronauts to the Moon? State the commander's name. (“Apollo 11, Neil Armstrong)
1 team: What is the name of the phenomenon when all the planets of the solar system line up in one line? (Parade of planets)
2nd team: How many Earth days make up a day on Mars? (24.6 Earth days)

Leading: And now the game “You’ve got mail.” There are 4 envelopes with questions on the table for you. Each envelope contains five questions. The captain of each team chooses the envelope he likes: blue, green, red or yellow. The right to choose is first given to the team in front. Preparation time 3 minutes.

1 envelope:

  1. Which of the scientists in our country is the founder of astronautics? (K.E. Tsiolkovsky)
  2. Name an outstanding designer of rocket and space systems, whose name is associated with our country’s first victories in space exploration. (Academician S.P. Korolev)
  3. Why is October 4, 1957 considered the beginning of the space age of mankind? (On this day, an artificial earth satellite was launched into orbit for the first time in our country.)
  4. Name the astronaut who made the first space flight. (Yu.A. Gagarin)
  5. What event is the celebration of Cosmonautics Day dedicated to? (On April 12, 1961, Yu. A. Gagarin made the first space flight)

2 envelope:

  1. Name the first woman astronaut of our country. (Valentina Nikolaevna Tereshkova)
  2. What does our solar system consist of? (From the Sun and all bodies revolving around it under the influence of gravity)
  3. What is the universe? (Space and all the bodies that fill it)
  4. What is a galaxy? (Giant clusters of stars scattered throughout the universe)
  5. What galaxy do we live in? (Milky Way)

3 envelope:

  1. What planets are ours solar system You know? (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto)
  2. Which planet is called the Morning Star? (Venus)
  3. Which planet is the largest in the solar system? (Jupiter)
  4. Which planet is the smallest? (Pluto)
  5. Which scientist proved that the Earth revolves around the Sun? (Polish scientist Nicolaus Copernicus)

4 envelope:

  1. At what time of year is the Earth closest to the Sun? (Winter)
  2. Which planet is the brightest visible from Earth? (Venus)
  3. Which planet has the most high mountains? (On Mars)
  4. Why is the planet Mars called the red planet? (Because of the color of her deserts)
  5. Is it possible to distinguish a planet from a star with the naked eye? (The star twinkles, and the planet shines with an even light).

Presenter: The teams were preparing homework– questions for opponents. The teams answer in turn: the captain of the team in front asks the first question. The rival captain answers his question. Having answered the question, the captain asks his question to the next participant from the opposing team, etc. If a team cannot answer a question, then the team that asks the question answers. A complete answer is worth 5 points, an incomplete answer is worth 3 points. So the game begins.

First team questions:

  1. How many days does it take for the Sun to rotate around its axis? (Within 27 days)
  2. Name the place in the solar system where man has set foot. (Moon)
  3. What is astronomy? (Science of celestial bodies)
  4. What are meteorites? (Fragments of comets that fell to Earth)
  5. What is an observatory? (Building equipped for astronomical observations)

Second team questions:

  1. What is a telescope? (Astronomical instrument for observing celestial bodies)
  2. Who invented the first telescope? (Italian scientist Galileo Galilei)
  3. What is the name of the flying spacecraft? (Rocket)
  4. How long will a match burn on the moon? (It will only flare up and go out, since there is no oxygen on the Moon)
  5. An astronaut needs to exercise in zero gravity conditions. Can dumbbells be useful for this? (No, because they will lose weight)

The results of the game are summed up.

The presenter sums up the final result and the winning team is determined.

Babarykina Tatyana Vladimirovna

Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 36" Angarsk

teacher primary classes

class hour for the Day of Knowledge 2-4 grades.

Class hour for the Day of Knowledge

"Our cool class»

Teacher: I am glad to welcome you, my dears!

Teacher: When we meet the dawn, we tell it...

Children: Hello!

Teacher: With a smile, the sun gives light, sending us its...

Children: Hello!

Teacher: When you meet after many years, you will shout to your friends...

Children: Hello!

Teacher: And they will smile back at you from a kind word...

Children: Hello!

Teacher: Let’s all say it together, in response, to each other...

Children: Hello!

Teacher: So simply and easily we greeted each other in Russian. What gestures can you and I use when we say “hello”? (wave hand, clap hands to each other). Give your greetings to each other. But for some reason the parents were modest and did not give out their greetings. Well, since they don’t want to give their greetings, then they will catch them. The game “Catch Hello”: parents clap their hands together, approaching first one, then the other, at the moment when he claps, the teacher quickly passes his palm between the palms of the clapping person. The latter, in turn, tries to “catch hello” with a clap, that is, the teacher’s hand.

Teacher: Great! All greetings were given away. We did this in Russian, and you know that every nation and tribe has its own interesting greeting gestures. Let's imagine a little. Imagine:


Stick your tongue out at your interlocutor, hug him, rub your noses together.


Bending forefinger right hand, bring it to the tip of your nose and rub your nose with the knuckle of the second phalanx.


In the New Guinean Koiri tribe, when they meet, they tickle each other with their chins.


Among the tribes living on the shores of Lake Tanganyika, the greeting begins with those meeting each other patting each other on the stomach, then clapping their hands and shaking hands.


When the Ainu meet, they fold their hands, raise them to their foreheads, turn their palms up and slap themselves - men on the beard, and women on the upper lip, after which they shake hands.


The greeting of the Aborigines of New Zealand: when meeting, they first shout words in a fierce and abrupt manner, then slap their hands on their thighs, then stamp their feet with all their might and bend their knees, and finally puff out their chests, bulge their eyes and stick out their tongues from time to time.

Teacher: These are such amazing greetings!

Well, the summer holidays are over and the school bell has rung. For 9 whole months we have to study, communicate with each other in lessons and extracurricular activities, and this is 1085 teaching hours, 210 school days, 34 classroom hours, 30 school hours and 25 cool events. This list can be continued, but we will now try to answer the question: “Who do you want to be close to for so long: with a school friend or with a person who will never come to the rescue, will not ask: “How are you?”, will not tell you how to lesson, won't he talk to you at recess?" Of course, the answer is clear - with a friend.

Look around, there are 21 of us. We are lucky: each of us has maybe 20 friends in our class. And that's great! Yes, yes, you heard right, this year there are 21 of us. There is an addition to our friendly family. We don’t know anything about them yet, but it doesn’t matter, because we have a “magic chair”. "The Magic Chair" only shows good qualities of people. Let's try to see these qualities and traits. I'll start with your permission. "The Magic Chair" shows that Dima and Danil are very inquisitive. Children and parents continue (kind, sympathetic, smart, patient, diligent, diligent, hardworking, athletic, talented, modest, creative, handsome, etc.).

So we met! Now let's tell the guys what kind of family they ended up in. After all, our class is big family. Let's think about what kind of family this is. For each letter of the word “CLASS”, name words that characterize a friendly class.

K – strong, sociable, cool, cool, creative

L – loving, inquisitive, dexterous, affectionate

A – active, artistic

S – happy

C – independent

Teacher: I think that Dima and Danil are very glad that they ended up in such a great class! And how smart we are! We give the correct answer to any question. Now we will prove it.

Guys, today I am for you

I'll ask tricky questions.

If the answer is negative,

Please answer with the word "no"

And affirmative - then

Say the word "yes" out loud.

I have no doubt, guys

Every mind has a chamber,

But I have some advice for you:

Answers "YES", answers "NO"

Don’t rush to give instantly,

After thinking hard, speak.

1. You will see a mole on a clear day,

Soaring in the sky, right? ...

2. The reader, having read, always

Eats a book, doesn't it? ...

3. A skinny boy, like a skeleton,

Can you lift the barbell easily? ...

4. Trains from the airport

Do they take off along the runway? ...

5. Pedestrians have a dream -

Stumble and fall into a hole? ...

6. When the cold comes,

Are all the moose flying south? ...

7. The toad definitely doesn’t have a tail.

Does the cow have it? ...

8. Mommy will buy you candy

Because you were lazy? ...

9. On the trolleybus, having bought a ticket,

Do you need to ride on the roof? ...

10. What does a frog eat for lunch -

Elephant with peas, right? ...

The questions are over, friends!

And I praise everyone, guys.

The test has come to an end.

Well done to those who didn't make a mistake!

And who made a mistake even a little,

Not a good guy, but a hammer!

Teacher: That's it! And how attentive we are!

Attention game “Nose, floor, ceiling.” The teacher slowly points to the floor, saying the word “floor”, etc. But the teacher’s role is to confuse the children, so after a while, calling “nose”, he points to the ceiling, etc.

Teacher: And we got such steady attention from our attentive parents. Let's show how attentive they are. Game "Us too!" After each phrase, the teacher and parents must repeat the same words, “We too!”

This morning I woke up... (We did too!)

I washed my face with warm water... (Us too!)

I drank delicious tea... (We did too!)

Went outside with in a great mood… (We, too!)

I met a cat on the street... (We did too!)

The cat was scared... (So are we!)

And she climbed up the drainpipe onto the roof... (We did too!)

Teacher: Our parents are such wonderful ones! They climb drainpipes in the morning!

Well, I think that you will definitely need a sharp mind and attention in the fourth grade! And besides this, a bag of patience and a wagon of diligence will come in handy! And how you and I dream of studying for straight A's! And each of us has a bunch of different desires related to the new school year! And when all the children and adults on the planet make wishes? (IN New Year to the sound of the chimes).

But September 1 is also the first day of the new year, the New School year. Therefore, on this day you can wish something for yourself for the future. Moreover, we will do this in an organized manner. Here I have a bottle and a lot of small leaves. On pieces of paper, each of you, after thinking, will write 1, 2 or 3 main desires, they can only relate to educational process. Then we will roll them up and put them in a bottle and hide it, and at the end of the fourth quarter, on last lesson Let's check if our wishes come true. And so they began... (Parents count down 12 times).

Teacher: To make your wishes come true, you must cast a spell. Say the phrase three times: “IKRETYAP AN YASTICHU UCHOKH”(this is the phrase “I want to study for straight A’s” pronounced in reverse). Then you need to throw your hands up with outstretched fingers, of which, as you know, there are five on each hand and which, precisely, symbolize the desired rating.

And in order to consolidate the power of the spell, you need to make a “sacrifice”. Pull a hair from your eyebrows and place it on your palm (wait for all the guys). Now let's blow it all away together.