100 ways to change your life part two torrent

Continuation of the bestseller with inspiring stories about how to change your life for the better.

The series “100 Ways to Change Your Life” was born from the column of the same name by Larisa Parfentyeva on the website of the publishing house Mann, Ivanov and Ferber. Having just appeared, this section caused a lot of responses. People started writing about how different stories help them move forward.

The first book in the series has already become a bestseller. For your attention - Larisa’s second book with new inspiring stories, author’s techniques and a solid dose of motivation to dramatically change your life for the better.

Among the tools you will learn about:

    Wheel of Vocation. Interesting scheme, which helps you understand whether you are going there. This is a tool that clearly shows in which business you will feel in your place. The author of the book has been working on this technique for the last 3 years.

    The era of accumulation. This chapter is for those who are stuck at one level and cannot move. The Five Points system awaits you, which will allow you to finally turn from a “friend of the main character” into the main character. Believe me: you have already “accumulated” enough to become the main one.

From the author

After the release of the first part of the book, several hundred reviews appeared online. Most of them began like this: “I would never have bought a book with this title if [name of some authoritative critic/blogger/friend] hadn’t recommended it.”

So if you don't know anything about the 100 Ways to Change Your Life series, don't be put off by the pretentious title. I promise: next book I will call it so that no one will suspect me of pathos and “vanilla.” For example, “Pasta, boards, Salvador Dali.”

And now you have in your hands an unusual book, despite the title. To create the two parts of 100 Ways, I read over 1,000 books. Best ideas, techniques, thoughts and quotes I mixed in my head, flavored with stories real people, added soul, heart, irony, healthy self-criticism and put it on these pages. As one girl wrote in a review: “This book replaces hundreds of books on self-development.”

At the same time, on these pages you will find many author’s works (others would stretch each of them into a whole book) that you will not find anywhere else.

The power of the book is that it quietly puts you in a state of inspiration, insight and the desire to immediately move towards the realization of your great plans. As one reader wrote: “The pages are programmed to inevitably elevate your mood, a sense of self-worth and self-confidence.”

Who is this book for?

This is a book for fans of Larisa Parfentyeva’s work and readers of her first book.

And for everyone who wants to improve their life and become happier.

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The power of the book is that it quietly puts you in a state of inspiration, insight and the desire to immediately move towards the realization of your great plans. As one reader wrote: “The pages are programmed to inevitably elevate your mood, a sense of self-worth and self-confidence.

Year 2016-2017
Series: 100 ways to change your life
Genre: Self-development, personal growth, Self improvement
Quality: Originally electronic (ebook)
Size 10.1 MB

Download Larisa Parfentyeva. 100 ways to change your life. Part 1-2

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Larisa Parfentyeva
100 ways to change your life. Part one

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© Larisa Parfentyeva, 2015

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* * *

This book is well complemented by:

Dreaming is not harmful

How to get what you really want

Barbara Sher

Important years

Why you shouldn't put off life until later

Get out of your comfort zone. change your life

21 methods to increase personal effectiveness

Brian Tracy

Dedicated to my dad Victor, who always believed in me


Several years ago I found myself in a deep impasse in life: an unloved (albeit prestigious) job, 30 kilograms excess weight, a bunch of bad habits, a rented apartment, loans, forever unsuccessful relationships and a feeling of complete meaninglessness.

But the worst thing was not even this, but the feeling of unfulfillment. I felt some kind of strength inside me that was asking to come out. I saw potential in myself. I knew I could become something more.

Somehow I came across a quote from Goethe: “In the depths of man lies a creative force that is capable of creating what should be, which will not give us peace and rest until we express it.”

I constantly asked myself: “How to truly self-actualize? And what does it mean? Where to begin? How to break out of this vicious circle?

I read success stories and thought that they were trying to deceive me: at first in these “beautiful fairy tales” everything is completely bad, and then bam – everything is good. But not a word about how the path from “the very bottom” to the “cover of Time magazine” was covered.

How did a single mother who worked as a waitress for seven years become a life coach and help more than a million people find their purpose? How did a boy from the slums who didn't even have shoes become an actor and win an Oscar? Where did a 28-year-old girl, left alone with a child and living on social benefits, find the strength to finish a book about a boy wizard, which later brought her world fame? How a guy named Walt survived being fired from a newspaper for "lack of imagination" and became known as the creator of the Walt multimedia empire. Disney Company? How did a grandmother named Lynn Miller, at the age of 78, first take to the stage and become a stand-up comedian? Why didn't scientist Thomas Edison give up after 10 thousand attempts and finally discover the incandescent lamp?

...And I found answers that helped me change. And now I help others - through books, master classes and performances. All the answers are in this book, which was born from the weekly column “100 ways to change your life” on the website of the publishing house Mann, Ivanov and Ferber.

Having just appeared, this section caused a lot of responses. People began to write about how different stories helped them move forward.

It’s decided: I’m launching my project. I realized that in 20 years I would really regret it if I didn’t start right now. Thank you!

Hooray! I feel happy. Today for the first time in Last year took up my favorite hobby and found the motivation to go to the gym.

My friends never believed in me and never strived for anything. But your article helped me look at everything from a different perspective and find a new environment.

Your articles gave me confidence in my own strength at a time when I was ready to give up. But now I will continue.

I stopped being afraid of mistakes and failures in my business and finally understood the reasons for perfectionism. Thank you!

Today I became free because I found the strength to honestly admit that I don’t like my job and want to realize myself. This is my second birthday.

An unreal charge of motivation! I want to create! My inner strength is raging!

In the book you will find answers to many questions.

How can I express the power that I have inside?

How to leave a job you don't like and realize yourself?

How to take the first step towards a new life?

How to overcome fears and take a “leap of faith”?

How to combine work and what you love?

How to find an environment that will support you?

How to develop personal power and get what you want from the Universe?

How to forgive old grievances and “take the knife out of your back”?

In addition, you will receive a personal formula for happiness from seven components.

The book includes sections “Purpose”, “Motivation”, “Movement”, “Laws of Life”. Each of them consists of several small subsections. So you can safely start reading from any page.

The book was intended as a universal gift for anyone who wants to improve their life and become happier. I'm pretty sure it will change the life of anyone who spends even an hour on it.

Get inspired.


Change your life!

You will succeed.


How to quit a job you don't like, lose 30 kilograms and find yourself

The first story about how to give up everything and turn your life around 180 degrees is mine. So, exactly three years ago my life changed dramatically after one trip on the Moscow metro...

But first, about who I was then. From the outside, everything was just great: I graduated from the journalism department of Moscow State University, worked for many Moscow media, was a “glossy” interviewer, talked with all the stars - from Alla Pugacheva to Keanu Reeves. I thought it was very cool. At the same time, I was hosting my own TV show, and my last place work at that time was the TV project “Top Model in Russian,” which was hosted by Ksenia Sobchak. We went to filming in New York, London, Miami.

In general, everything looked really cool from the outside. But inside I was constantly tormented by one feeling: “This is not what I really want.” It seemed to me that my real life hasn't started yet. I was gaining weight and hanging out in bars on the weekends.

Last straw

In April 2012, I was traveling on the Moscow metro. I stood and held on to the handrail. Suddenly, the grandmother sitting in front stood up from her seat and said: “Sit down, girl. You need it more. You’re still expecting a baby.”

Has your grandmother ever given up your seat on the subway? Seriously?

I was ashamed. What could I tell her? “Sorry grandma, it’s not the baby, it’s the 133 pizzas, 196 burgers and 838 sandwiches I’ve eaten over the past few years”? I couldn’t disappoint her, so I sat down in her place, smiling ridiculously and holding my imaginary child. So I drove to the final station: me and my fat child.

This story changed my life. I left everything and went to my hometown Ufa. Here I truly found favorite hobby, got slimmer, got rid of bad habits, changed my attitude towards the world and now I help people take the first step towards a new life.

How to take the first step?

Most people start changes with the question: “How long can I tolerate this?” But the right question is: “What can I do today to change my life?”

Psychologists have a term: “one hour a day.” It is believed that if a person devotes an hour a day to some business, then sooner or later he will achieve, if not brilliant, then obvious success. Even with a complete lack of talent and conditions.

For example, Margaret Mitchell, author of " Gone with the wind”, created her masterpiece over the course of ten years. She spent literally 20–30 minutes a day writing text on napkins and scraps of paper that could hold anywhere from several paragraphs to one phrase. That's how this masterpiece came to be. Abraham Lincoln studied law while on night duty at a warehouse.

I also decided to spend an hour finding myself: reading books, talking to people, walking and thinking. After six months, I realized what I really like: inspiring people and reading books. Then I started my own VKontakte group and began sharing my thoughts. I didn’t think about whether I could make money from it or not: I just did what I liked.

Now I know for sure that only things that you truly love can bring satisfaction and success. I am sure that each of us - natural resource. And if you were born with a unique talent to be, for example, a cool comedian, and you sit in the office over investment reports, then from the point of view of the world you are a bad natural resource.

Only when we do what we truly love does life begin to support us.

What to do with fear?

Everyone is afraid to leave their comfort zone and leave their “familiar” places. But as American businessman George Adair famously said: “Everything you dream of is on the other side of your fear.”

Adair's philosophy is simple: if you want to live the life you dream of, you must overcome fear. And for this you need to believe in the result. There is an abyss between fear and results. And the only way to change your life is to jump into the void.

Don't be afraid to take this step - and the fear will disappear. When I left Moscow and quit television, my main fear was the same as many: I was afraid that I would run out of money. And, you know, that’s what happened. But nothing terrible happened: no one died, fell ill with consumption or committed suicide. It was a wonderful and fun time. I learned to love regular walks, learned dozens of ways to combine my wardrobe, and learned how to change the heels of my shoes myself.

Waiting for a miracle

In my past life I had a dream. I dreamed that one day a courier would ring at my door and say: “Hello, I’m from the Mikhail Prokhorov Foundation. Mikhail found out that you are a very talented person. And so here’s five million rubles for you. There is no need to give up - this is for you to find yourself.”

I waited for several years, but the courier never came. That's bad luck. We are all waiting for a miracle. We dream that tomorrow we will win a million in the lottery or that a wizard will fly to us in a blue helicopter - and our lives will change. But, as you know, only the Ministry of Emergency Situations can fly in a blue helicopter, especially in Russia. And then only in emergency situations.

We expect miracles from anyone. Just not from myself.

So what is next?

Following the group that I started on VKontakte, a job appeared at the publishing house Mann, Ivanov and Ferber (MYF). All this raised my self-esteem, in addition, I gained the strength to change myself. Over the next year and a half, I lost almost 30 kilograms. And I followed the same “One hour a day” method: I devoted an hour a day to studying the topic. I built it step by step new life overcoming fear.

And one day my doorbell rang. There was... no, not a courier from the Mikhail Prokhorov Foundation, but acquaintances of my acquaintances. And they said: “We read your VKontakte group, and we really like it. We want to gather fifteen people, can you tell them your story?”

And it was cool: I had a chance to inspire fifteen people. And this is already a whole world. Then there were fifteen more people and fifteen more. And then one of those fifteen came up to me and said, “I like what you’re saying. Let’s gather one hundred and fifty people.”

And we collected one hundred and fifty, then another hundred and fifty, and then two hundred and fifty. And now the car can no longer be stopped. And I have already opened the TEDx conference with my speech 1
TEDx is one of the projects of the TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) conference, allowing those who wish to different countries, cities and communities are licensed to organize their own independent scientific conferences in the style of TED and share new ideas from different fields. They have been held in Russia since 2009. Note ed.

In Kazan. This is a great honor for me, because the most the mighty of the world this - from Bill Gates to Tony Robbins.

I don't know exactly how the Universe works and why it turns out this way. Is it true.

I know one thing: if you follow your heart, periodically jumping into the abyss of fear, then everything will be fine.

I know that a courier from some oligarch’s foundation will never knock on your door and offer you a couple of million to find yourself.

I know that there are no miracles in this world except those that we create ourselves.

I am sure many of you are now standing on the edge of this abyss, on the other side of which is your real life.

Scary? Very.

But the only way not to regret something unfulfilled at the end of life is to believe and jump.

Take this step.

Summary for those who do not like to read long texts

Here's what you need to do to make the creative hour technique work.

1. Right now, take a diary or calendar and find “windows” in your schedule for the coming week. Plan creative hours for the coming week.

2. Choose a topic that excites you. This could be anything: from finding a job you love to figuring out problems in your personal life or the desire to become a “fit girl” 2
"Fitonyashki" - cute nice girls who are actively involved in fitness. Note ed.

3. Plan your first creative hour. I think, a win-win– read a book or go to an event on a topic that interests you in your city. After this, you yourself will understand where to move next. You can plan for the next hour. Follow Lao Tzu's advice: “A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.”

The Survivor's Paradox, or Why Success Stories Don't Work

How do you feel about dolphins? Probably most people consider them wonderful creatures. After all, they save drowning people by pushing them to the shore.

How many people did the dolphins push not to the shore, but into the open sea, where they drowned? No one can know this: a drowned person is not included in the statistics.

This is called the survivor bias, and it applies just as much to success stories. Let’s say the head of a large company comes out in front of an audience of thousands and says: “I think that an excellent tool for business is to smear horseradish on your head. While you are smearing it, brilliant ideas for development will come to you.”

And people rush in droves to buy horseradish. But those for whom this method did not help, just like those drowned by dolphins, cannot be counted.

Perhaps there are many more.

The systemic error of a survivor is well demonstrated by this story. During World War II, not all British bombers returned to base. And those that returned had many holes from shelling on the wings and tail.

Then the top management decided that it was necessary to strengthen the wings and tails: they have the most holes. But the Hungarian mathematician Abraham Wald (1902–1950) correctly posed the question and said that the wings and tails are well protected. After all, the planes, despite the holes in these parts, still return to base. And what is poorly protected - only the planes that have not returned can say about this, which, of course, no one takes into account. As a result, it turned out that the real “ pain points» bomber - fuel tank and cockpit. It is after shells hit that planes do not return.

Techniques that don't work and stories of failure

Typically, in articles about system error, a survivor writes: “You can’t believe in success stories, because very often they are explained by chance. For example, the head of a company got stuck in an elevator shopping center and there I met a promising client. Or the client accidentally took a wrong turn while driving to a competitor, and the contract went to another company. This means that success is due to chance and cannot be used as a recipe.”

Even at such moments, the question is asked: “The history of Apple is written in great detail, so why has no other company been able to repeat their success?”

In addition, many analysts advise first of all to study the stories of those who did not succeed. I agree with this. But for me, the survivor's paradox is a much deeper problem. The most important thing it can teach is to find your own path, and not to create success using ready-made patterns.

Everything here is about the same as with pills. Open the reviews for any medical product, and it will be written there: “It helped me,” “But it didn’t help me,” “Wonderful thing!”, “They just take money, but there’s no point.”

What does “your way” mean?

I am absolutely sure that there is not a single universal tool that is guaranteed to help you achieve success. And that’s why I urge you to test everything I write about for yourself, and not take my word for it.

As Dan Waldschmidt said in Be the best version myself" 3
Published in Russian: Waldschmidt D. Be the best version of yourself: How ordinary people become outstanding. M.: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 2015.

: “Success is not what you do, but what you are.”

And I agree with him. The only way to succeed is to gain inner strength. (Read more about this in the chapter “Personal power, virtual cashback and how to take everything you want from the Universe.”)

...One day after a seminar, a guy approached a wise business coach and asked: “When can I write my success story?”

And the coach replied: “Nobody knows that. The main thing is to constantly try. Perhaps you will succeed on the first try. Maybe in a year or five years. Or maybe it will never work out. In any case, every new attempt increases your chances.”

Pay it forward, or Why does the dragon need virgins?

A couple of months ago I met my friend Slava. During the two hours of drinking tea, I was surprised to notice that he never ran out to smoke. And Slava, I must say, has been praying almost non-stop for fifteen years.

I wonder what this wonderful method is? Plasters? Allen Carr? Miracle mushrooms? Or maybe the famous manual “Treatment with dumplings” 4
It’s easy to find some information about this manual by Dr. Ya. S. Pesikov (and even links to download it) on the Internet. Note ed.

Which one blew up the internet?

It turns out that Slava has been using a technique for a long time, which he calls “Pay it forward.” Its essence is simple: in order to get something later, you must “pay” with something now. Moreover, the “sacrifice” you make will not necessarily be directly related to what you want.

– I’m preparing for the most important tender in my life. And I asked myself: “What sacrifice am I willing to make to win this tender?” And I decided that I would cope with my most harmful habit. I’m sure it works: for me it’s like a statement to the world that the tender is very important to me and I’m ready to do a lot for it,” said Slava.

...And the other day he called me and said that he had won the tender.

How it works?

This may seem strange: how are smoking and gender related? But in reality there is nothing surprising here. I can think of at least three reasons why this technique worked.

1. When a person copes with himself and overcomes his “demons,” he is guaranteed to receive something from the Universe. No, not because someone sits upstairs, monitors how we behave, and then says: “Wow, Slavik, handsome! Here's a tender for you! Here's why: the person who wins big victory over oneself, sharply increases self-esteem. Every victory makes us feel more confident. And inner confidence always attracts the best opportunities and events to us.

2. The more we “pay” for something, the more valuable it becomes to us. For example, some people put so much effort into their old motorcycle that later they are not ready to sell it even for 100 thousand dollars, although the red price for it is 10 thousand rubles.

3. And the simplest reason is this: perhaps Slava simply had a lot of time freed up, and he began to invest it in the tender.

He who does not donate does not drink champagne

In all areas, maximum success is achieved only by those who are willing to “pay” the most. I am often asked the question: “How did you lose almost 30 kilograms? Tell! We will do the same."

I begin to talk about how I had to pay “expensively” for this. My sacrifice consisted of a complete change in attitude towards life, eating habits, movement and so on. Moreover, this sacrifice must be made in advance, even before the results appear.

After this, people say something like this: “Oh, we still need to do something, or what? Well, I thought it would be somehow easier...” It could be simpler, of course, but then the results would be a hundred times simpler.

Dragon and virgins

There are many tales about different victims. For example, about the evil Dragon, who needs to bring six virgins every week. A creepy story: why does a dragon need virgins? They will also be useful to us in everyday life.

You can also recall historical stories when people were asked to sacrifice a son or babies. In general, we won’t go deeper. Of course, you can twirl your finger at your temple and express yourself in the spirit of Gopnik: “Virgins, son, babies? Why were you all messing around, or what?”

But for me personally, all these stories are about one thing: in order to get what you want on a grand scale, you need to give up what is most “dear” - our efforts, time, money, fears, laziness, bad habits. And first give, and then receive.

One of my friends had a dream - to write a collection of short stories. But here’s the problem: she didn’t have time for this, because she had a second job. She needed it because it brought money for feminine pleasures like a mink coat. Moreover, the fur coat “outweighed” the collection of stories for several years. And at some point, a friend realized that time is running, and she doesn’t even have anything to leave behind. Maybe a mink coat. Sadness.

In general, a second job, a fur coat and expensive spa treatments were sacrificed for the sake of a collection of stories. But when he was ready, her happiness knew no bounds. What are you willing to sacrifice?

So, Google. Simple questions for those who don’t like “a lot of letters”.

Ok, do you want to become like Steve Jobs? What sacrifices do you make every day for this? How many hours do you spend, how do you overcome yourself?

Ok, do you want perfect body? What are you ready to give up? What will we invest? Time, money, effort?

Believe me: the size of your “sacrifice” is directly proportional to your success. Write down right now what you are willing to sacrifice to achieve what you want, and “just do it.”


Several years ago, I found myself in a deep impasse in life: an unloved (albeit prestigious) job, 30 kilograms of excess weight, a bunch of bad habits, a rented apartment, loans, eternally unsuccessful relationships and a feeling of complete meaninglessness.

But the worst thing was not even this, but the feeling of unfulfillment. I felt some kind of strength inside me that was asking to come out. I saw potential in myself. I knew I could become something more.

Somehow I came across a quote from Goethe: “In the depths of man lies a creative force that is capable of creating what should be, which will not give us peace and rest until we express it.”

I constantly asked myself: “How to truly self-actualize? And what does it mean? Where to begin? How to break out of this vicious circle?

I read success stories and thought that they were trying to deceive me: at first in these “beautiful fairy tales” everything is completely bad, and then bam – everything is good. But not a word about how the path from “the very bottom” to the “cover of Time magazine” was covered.

How did a single mother who worked as a waitress for seven years become a life coach and help more than a million people find their purpose? How did a boy from the slums who didn't even have shoes become an actor and win an Oscar? Where did a 28-year-old girl, left alone with a child and living on social benefits, find the strength to finish a book about a boy wizard, which later brought her world fame? How did a guy named Walt not break down when he was fired from a newspaper for "lack of imagination" and go on to become known as the creator of the multimedia empire, the Walt Disney Company? How did a grandmother named Lynn Miller, at the age of 78, first take to the stage and become a stand-up comedian? Why didn't scientist Thomas Edison give up after 10 thousand attempts and finally discover the incandescent lamp?

...And I found answers that helped me change. And now I help others - through books, master classes and performances. All the answers are in this book, which was born from the weekly column “100 ways to change your life” on the website of the publishing house Mann, Ivanov and Ferber.

Having just appeared, this section caused a lot of responses. People began to write about how different stories helped them move forward.

It’s decided: I’m launching my project. I realized that in 20 years I would really regret it if I didn’t start right now. Thank you!

Hooray! I feel happy. Today, for the first time in the last year, I took up my favorite hobby and found the motivation to go to the gym.

My friends never believed in me and never strived for anything. But your article helped me look at everything from a different perspective and find a new environment.

Your articles gave me confidence in my own strength at a time when I was ready to give up. But now I will continue.

I stopped being afraid of mistakes and failures in my business and finally understood the reasons for perfectionism. Thank you!

Today I became free because I found the strength to honestly admit that I don’t like my job and want to realize myself. This is my second birthday.

An unreal charge of motivation! I want to create! My inner strength is raging!

In the book you will find answers to many questions.

How can I express the power that I have inside?

How to leave a job you don't like and realize yourself?

How to take the first step towards a new life?

How to overcome fears and take a “leap of faith”?

How to combine work and what you love?

How to find an environment that will support you?

How to develop personal power and get what you want from the Universe?

How to forgive old grievances and “take the knife out of your back”?

In addition, you will receive a personal formula for happiness from seven components.

The book includes sections “Purpose”, “Motivation”, “Movement”, “Laws of Life”. Each of them consists of several small subsections. So you can safely start reading from any page.

The book was intended as a universal gift for anyone who wants to improve their life and become happier. I'm pretty sure it will change the life of anyone who spends even an hour on it.

Get inspired.


Change your life!

You will succeed.


How to quit a job you don't like, lose 30 kilograms and find yourself

The first story about how to give up everything and turn your life around 180 degrees is mine. So, exactly three years ago my life changed dramatically after one trip on the Moscow metro...

But first, about who I was then. From the outside, everything was just great: I graduated from the journalism department of Moscow State University, worked for many Moscow media, was a “glossy” interviewer, talked with all the stars - from Alla Pugacheva to Keanu Reeves. I thought it was very cool. At the same time, I hosted my own TV show, and my last place of work at that time was the TV project “Top Model in Russian,” which was hosted by Ksenia Sobchak. We went to filming in New York, London, Miami.

In general, everything looked really cool from the outside. But inside I was constantly tormented by one feeling: “This is not what I really want.” It seemed to me that my real life had not yet begun. I was gaining weight and hanging out in bars on the weekends.

Last straw

In April 2012, I was traveling on the Moscow metro. I stood and held on to the handrail. Suddenly, the grandmother sitting in front stood up from her seat and said: “Sit down, girl. You need it more. You’re still expecting a baby.”

Has your grandmother ever given up your seat on the subway? Seriously?

I was ashamed. What could I tell her? “Sorry grandma, it’s not the baby, it’s the 133 pizzas, 196 burgers and 838 sandwiches I’ve eaten over the past few years”? I couldn’t disappoint her, so I sat down in her place, smiling ridiculously and holding my imaginary child. So I drove to the final station: me and my fat child.

This story changed my life. I left everything and went to my hometown Ufa. Here I found a truly favorite activity, gained weight, got rid of bad habits, changed my attitude towards the world and now I help people take the first step towards a new life.

How to take the first step?

Most people start changes with the question: “How long can I tolerate this?” But the right question is: “What can I do today to change my life?”

Psychologists have a term: “one hour a day.” It is believed that if a person devotes an hour a day to some business, then sooner or later he will achieve, if not brilliant, then obvious success. Even with a complete lack of talent and conditions.

For example, Margaret Mitchell, author of Gone with the Wind, took ten years to create her masterpiece. She spent literally 20–30 minutes a day writing text on napkins and scraps of paper that could hold anywhere from several paragraphs to one phrase. That's how this masterpiece came to be. Abraham Lincoln studied law while on night duty at a warehouse.

I also decided to spend an hour finding myself: reading books, talking to people, walking and thinking. After six months, I realized what I really like: inspiring people and reading books. Then I started my own VKontakte group and began sharing my thoughts. I didn’t think about whether I could make money from it or not: I just did what I liked.

Now I know for sure that only things that you truly love can bring satisfaction and success. I am sure: each of us is a natural resource. And if you were born with a unique talent to be, for example, a cool comedian, and you sit in the office over investment reports, then from the point of view of the world you are a bad natural resource.

Only when we do what we truly love does life begin to support us.

What to do with fear?

Everyone is afraid to leave their comfort zone and leave their “familiar” places. But as American businessman George Adair famously said: “Everything you dream of is on the other side of your fear.”

Adair's philosophy is simple: if you want to live the life you dream of, you must overcome fear. And for this you need to believe in the result. There is an abyss between fear and results. And the only way to change your life is to jump into the void.

Don't be afraid to take this step - and the fear will disappear. When I left Moscow and quit television, my main fear was the same as many: I was afraid that I would run out of money. And, you know, that’s what happened. But nothing terrible happened: no one died, fell ill with consumption or committed suicide. It was a wonderful and fun time. I learned to love regular walks, learned dozens of ways to combine my wardrobe, and learned how to change the heels of my shoes myself.

Waiting for a miracle

In my past life I had a dream. I dreamed that one day a courier would ring at my door and say: “Hello, I’m from the Mikhail Prokhorov Foundation. Mikhail found out that you are a very talented person. And so here’s five million rubles for you. There is no need to give up - this is for you to find yourself.”

I waited for several years, but the courier never came. That's bad luck. We are all waiting for a miracle. We dream that tomorrow we will win a million in the lottery or that a wizard will fly to us in a blue helicopter - and our lives will change. But, as you know, only the Ministry of Emergency Situations can fly in a blue helicopter, especially in Russia. And then only in emergency situations.

We expect miracles from anyone. Just not from myself.

So what is next?

Following the group that I started on VKontakte, a job appeared at the publishing house Mann, Ivanov and Ferber (MYF). All this raised my self-esteem, in addition, I gained the strength to change myself. Over the next year and a half, I lost almost 30 kilograms. And I followed the same “One hour a day” method: I devoted an hour a day to studying the topic. Step by step I built a new life, overcoming fear.

And one day my doorbell rang. There was... no, not a courier from the Mikhail Prokhorov Foundation, but acquaintances of my acquaintances. And they said: “We read your VKontakte group, and we really like it. We want to gather fifteen people, can you tell them your story?”

And it was cool: I had a chance to inspire fifteen people. And this is already a whole world. Then there were fifteen more people and fifteen more. And then one of those fifteen came up to me and said, “I like what you’re saying. Let’s gather one hundred and fifty people.”

And we collected one hundred and fifty, then another hundred and fifty, and then two hundred and fifty. And now the car can no longer be stopped. And I have already opened the TEDx conference with my speech 1
TEDx is one of the projects of the TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) conference, which allows those from different countries, cities and communities to organize their own independent scientific conferences in the TED style under a license and share new ideas from different fields. They have been held in Russia since 2009. Note ed.

In Kazan. This is a great honor for me, because the most powerful people in the world have spoken at TED international platforms - from Bill Gates to Tony Robbins.

I don't know exactly how the Universe works and why it turns out this way. Is it true.

I know one thing: if you follow your heart, periodically jumping into the abyss of fear, then everything will be fine.

I know that a courier from some oligarch’s foundation will never knock on your door and offer you a couple of million to find yourself.

I know that there are no miracles in this world except those that we create ourselves.

I am sure many of you are now standing on the edge of this abyss, on the other side of which is your real life.

Scary? Very.

But the only way not to regret something unfulfilled at the end of life is to believe and jump.

Take this step.

Summary for those who do not like to read long texts

Here's what you need to do to make the creative hour technique work.

1. Right now, take a diary or calendar and find “windows” in your schedule for the coming week. Plan creative hours for the coming week.

2. Choose a topic that excites you. This could be anything: from finding a job you love to figuring out problems in your personal life or the desire to become a “fit girl” 2
“Fitonyashki” are cute, pleasant girls who are actively involved in fitness. Note ed.

3. Plan your first creative hour. It seems to me that a win-win option is to read a book or go to an event on a topic that interests you in your city. After this, you yourself will understand where to move next. You can plan for the next hour. Follow Lao Tzu's advice: “A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.”

The Survivor's Paradox, or Why Success Stories Don't Work

How do you feel about dolphins? Probably most people consider them wonderful creatures. After all, they save drowning people by pushing them to the shore.

How many people did the dolphins push not to the shore, but into the open sea, where they drowned? No one can know this: a drowned person is not included in the statistics.

This is called the survivor bias, and it applies just as much to success stories. Let’s say the head of a large company comes out in front of an audience of thousands and says: “I think that an excellent tool for business is to smear horseradish on your head. While you are smearing it, brilliant ideas for development will come to you.”

And people rush in droves to buy horseradish. But those for whom this method did not help, just like those drowned by dolphins, cannot be counted.

Perhaps there are many more.

The systemic error of a survivor is well demonstrated by this story. During World War II, not all British bombers returned to base. And those that returned had many holes from shelling on the wings and tail.

Then the top management decided that it was necessary to strengthen the wings and tails: they have the most holes. But the Hungarian mathematician Abraham Wald (1902–1950) correctly posed the question and said that the wings and tails are well protected. After all, the planes, despite the holes in these parts, still return to base. And what is poorly protected - only the planes that have not returned can say about this, which, of course, no one takes into account. As a result, it turned out that the real “pain points” of the bomber were the fuel tank and the pilot’s cabin. It is after shells hit that planes do not return.

Techniques that don't work and stories of failure

Typically, in articles about system error, a survivor writes: “You can’t believe in success stories, because very often they are explained by chance. For example, the head of a company got stuck in a shopping center elevator and met a promising client there. Or the client accidentally took a wrong turn while driving to a competitor, and the contract went to another company. This means that success is due to chance and cannot be used as a recipe.”

Even at such moments, the question is asked: “The history of Apple is written in great detail, so why has no other company been able to repeat their success?”

In addition, many analysts advise first of all to study the stories of those who did not succeed. I agree with this. But for me, the survivor's paradox is a much deeper problem. The most important thing it can teach is to find your own path, and not to create success using ready-made patterns.

Everything here is about the same as with pills. Open the reviews for any medical product, and it will be written there: “It helped me,” “But it didn’t help me,” “Wonderful thing!”, “They just take money, but there’s no point.”

What does “your way” mean?

I am absolutely sure that there is not a single universal tool that is guaranteed to help you achieve success. And that’s why I urge you to test everything I write about for yourself, and not take my word for it.

As Dan Waldschmidt said in Be the Best Version of You. 3
Published in Russian: Waldschmidt D. Be the best version of yourself: How ordinary people become extraordinary. M.: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 2015.

: “Success is not what you do, but what you are.”

And I agree with him. The only way to achieve success is to find inner strength. (Read more about this in the chapter “Personal power, virtual cashback and how to take everything you want from the Universe.”)

...One day after a seminar, a guy approached a wise business coach and asked: “When can I write my success story?”

And the coach replied: “Nobody knows that. The main thing is to constantly try. Perhaps you will succeed on the first try. Maybe in a year or five years. Or maybe it will never work out. In any case, every new attempt increases your chances.”

Pay it forward, or Why does the dragon need virgins?

A couple of months ago I met my friend Slava. During the two hours of drinking tea, I was surprised to notice that he never ran out to smoke. And Slava, I must say, has been praying almost non-stop for fifteen years.

I wonder what this wonderful method is? Plasters? Allen Carr? Miracle mushrooms? Or maybe the famous manual “Treatment with dumplings” 4
It’s easy to find some information about this manual by Dr. Ya. S. Pesikov (and even links to download it) on the Internet. Note ed.

Which one blew up the internet?

It turns out that Slava has been using a technique for a long time, which he calls “Pay it forward.” Its essence is simple: in order to get something later, you must “pay” with something now. Moreover, the “sacrifice” you make will not necessarily be directly related to what you want.

– I’m preparing for the most important tender in my life. And I asked myself: “What sacrifice am I willing to make to win this tender?” And I decided that I would cope with my most harmful habit. I’m sure it works: for me it’s like a statement to the world that the tender is very important to me and I’m ready to do a lot for it,” said Slava.

...And the other day he called me and said that he had won the tender.

How it works?

This may seem strange: how are smoking and gender related? But in reality there is nothing surprising here. I can think of at least three reasons why this technique worked.

1. When a person copes with himself and overcomes his “demons,” he is guaranteed to receive something from the Universe. No, not because someone sits upstairs, monitors how we behave, and then says: “Wow, Slavik, handsome! Here's a tender for you! Here's why: a person who achieves a great victory over himself dramatically increases his self-esteem. Every victory makes us feel more confident. And inner confidence always attracts the best opportunities and events to us.

2. The more we “pay” for something, the more valuable it becomes to us. For example, some people put so much effort into their old motorcycle that later they are not ready to sell it even for 100 thousand dollars, although the red price for it is 10 thousand rubles.

3. And the simplest reason is this: perhaps Slava simply had a lot of time freed up, and he began to invest it in the tender.

He who does not donate does not drink champagne

In all areas, maximum success is achieved only by those who are willing to “pay” the most. I am often asked the question: “How did you lose almost 30 kilograms? Tell! We will do the same."

I begin to talk about how I had to pay “expensively” for this. My sacrifice consisted of a complete change in attitude towards life, eating habits, movement and so on. Moreover, this sacrifice must be made in advance, even before the results appear.

After this, people say something like this: “Oh, we still need to do something, or what? Well, I thought it would be somehow easier...” It could be simpler, of course, but then the results would be a hundred times simpler.

Dragon and virgins

There are many tales about different victims. For example, about the evil Dragon, who needs to bring six virgins every week. A creepy story: why does a dragon need virgins? They will also be useful to us in everyday life.

You can also recall historical stories when people were asked to sacrifice a son or babies. In general, we won’t go deeper. Of course, you can twirl your finger at your temple and express yourself in the spirit of Gopnik: “Virgins, son, babies? Why were you all messing around, or what?”

But for me personally, all these stories are about one thing: in order to get what you want on a grand scale, you need to give up what is most “dear” - our efforts, time, money, fears, laziness, bad habits. And first give, and then receive.

One of my friends had a dream - to write a collection of short stories. But here’s the problem: she didn’t have time for this, because she had a second job. She needed it because it brought money for feminine pleasures like a mink coat. Moreover, the fur coat “outweighed” the collection of stories for several years. And at some point, a friend realized that time was passing, and she didn’t even have anything to leave behind. Maybe a mink coat. Sadness.

In general, a second job, a fur coat and expensive spa treatments were sacrificed for the sake of a collection of stories. But when he was ready, her happiness knew no bounds. What are you willing to sacrifice?

So, Google. Simple questions for those who don’t like “a lot of letters.”

Ok, do you want to become like Steve Jobs? What sacrifices do you make every day for this? How many hours do you spend, how do you overcome yourself?

Ok, do you want a perfect body? What are you ready to give up? What will we invest? Time, money, effort?

Believe me: the size of your “sacrifice” is directly proportional to your success. Write down right now what you are willing to sacrifice to achieve what you want, and “just do it.”

I'm amazed at how many positive reviews there are. In order not to be unfounded, I will share quotes:
The book is a classic male gaze - a male gaze. Women don’t have to read it, as the book is intended for men who have a caring, submissive wife/mother who will take care of the household chores while the man overcomes and achieves.
I read a wonderful “inspirational” story about a man who was told that he was dying of cancer, and then, when he left everything and went to the sea, he was told that they were mistaken.
"I call it the option for the lazy. Just sit and wait for serious problems." Those. want to change your life quickly? Just sit and wait, maybe you'll get lucky and get cancer.
In the best traditions of overcomers:
“The Coffin technique is one of the effective techniques that helps force a person to act.” “They were taken to the forest, they dug “graves” and put them in coffins. So they were left for a couple of hours - to think about their lives.” - the story of one of the trainings.
Maybe it shouldn’t be used for people with an unstable psyche, and yet death is an excellent motivator for almost everyone." Go ahead, put on a sheet and crawl to the cemetery! Look, life will get better!
There are also cool stories scattered throughout the text here and there. Here's how Marquez wrote one hundred years of solitude:
"I had a wife and two little sons. I worked as a PR manager and edited film scripts. But to write a book, I had to give up work. I pawned the car and gave the money to Mercedes. Every day she somehow got me paper, cigarettes, everything I needed for work. When the book was finished, it turned out that we owed the butcher 5,000 pesos - a lot of money. A rumor spread around the area that I was writing a very important book, and all the shopkeepers wanted to take part. To send the text to the publisher, you needed 160 pesos, and there were only 80 left. Then I used a mixer and a Mercedes hair dryer. Having learned about this, she said: “The only thing missing was that the novel turned out to be bad.”
The author of the book considers this an inspiring example and a “leap of faith”, and so that we can all look up to Marquez. I don’t remember that at least one woman said to her husband - so husband, I have mortgaged our property, including your personal belongings, take care of our small children, and I went to write a book, and so that cigarettes, food and paper are supplied to me uninterruptedly! And the guy was like that - he understood everything! Just write a good book!
“Why do we call people who have sex for money prostitutes, but for people who “sleep” with their work only because of money, we haven’t come up with anything? Probably because then half the world could be called “prostitutes.” "
Who do you even have to be to stigmatize victims of trafficking? Considering that half of them are underage girls. How can you compare working in an office to a series of brutal rapes? Who can this motivate and for what?
"Healing from resentment begins with the understanding that your offender was once also traumatized. Any manifestation of evil is pain that a person carries within himself. Many serial killers experienced violence and abuse in childhood. And, growing up, they chose the path of evil . They can be understood and forgiven, but, of course, evil must be stopped."
Forgive ISIS, their mother didn’t love them much.
Victim blaming (victim blaming):
"- Very touchy person gets into situations where he is offended. For example, he is the one where the checkout line ends in a supermarket, or he is the first to be laid off. - The “victim” always meets his “maniac”
The story of a woman who was beaten by her husband:
“And she answered: “You know, I even liked it. Because after he beat me, I received so much attention: from my family, from my friends, and at work. That’s why I didn’t leave him for a long time.” , was an attention addict. I loved playing the victim.
If we really want to have some experience, we will get it. (Of course, this does not mean that all victims of domestic violence want attention. But a certain percentage of them are definitely not against the current situations.)"

Gaslighting (manipulation used to make a person doubt his adequacy):
“Many readers wrote to me in a personal message: “Yes, everything is written correctly. You know, I would also forgive my offender, but if you knew my story... you would understand how difficult it is for me to forgive THIS!" This is wonderful fun, the favorite entertainment of an egoist: "my problem is the most problematic problem in the world." Earth. No mortal has ever been so wronged as I have been."
Classism (discrimination based on social class):
“It’s simple: you make a list of 10 people from your close circle, next to each name indicate the salary of this person per month. Then calculate the arithmetic average. If average salary your environment is lower than yours, which means your salary will not increase.”
Then again a cool story about how the boy didn’t want to weed the nettles because it hurt. Learn from his father:
“A person decides for himself when it hurts,” said the father and became very serious. He walked up to the nettle, grabbed the bush with his bare hands and began to calmly pull out bush after bush and throw it into a pile. He did not stop until he had weeded out all the nettles. Nothing in his facial expression showed how much pain he was in..."
I beg you, someone tell daddy that people invented gloves for this occasion!
And finally, the best advice:
“I have an entrepreneur friend who has a countdown timer on his computer desktop. This is not a typo: he has a clock on his desk that counts how long he has left to live.”
*Sepulchral voice with hissing* You have 7 days left!
Is there anything good in the book? Eat. Interview with Barbara Sher, quotes from Barbara Sher's book, retelling of Barbara Sher's books. In short, read Barbara Sher’s books, because there you won’t be buried in a coffin and overcome, achieved, forced to leave your comfort zone, accused of depending on food and water. And it works!