Ilya Glinnikov: “Katya is a girl of old traditions. Ilya Glinnikov and Ekaterina Nikulina: when is the wedding, why did Ilya choose Katya, Madina Tamova’s reaction

Fans of the show “The Bachelor” have long been concerned about rumors about whether Ilya Glinnikov and the winner of the show, Katya Nikulina, broke up. In the spring of 2017, the TNT channel introduced us to a new bachelor - Ilya Glinnikov. Who is known for his roles in cinema, but the actor’s real popularity came after filming the TV series “Interns”, where he played the role of an intern and the son of a hospital director. Of the twenty-five girls, the hero chose 22-year-old Ekaterina.

Ilya Glinnikov and Ekaterina Nikulina remained together after the finale of season 5 of the bachelor: what did the couple do after the show

When filming ended, the couple had to hide for a long time so that no one knew who the TV hero chose. Ilya said that his chosen one was ideally suited to his character, and they got along well together, so they moved in very quickly and began to live together.

Judging by the photos from a joint vacation, everyone thought that the couple was strong and they had real love, they said that the couple was preparing for the wedding. Immediately after filming, the couple went to meet the bride's parents. Glinnikov in interviews always noted the culinary abilities of his bride.

Ilya Glinnikov and Ekaterina Nikulina remained together after the finale of season 5: a wedding in Georgia and another ring

The couple had a great time together. Ilya was planning a wedding in Georgia, so the lovers visited this country and visited the artist’s grandmother. The actor decided that he would propose to Catherine and give him another ring, so that it would be only their event, and not for the whole country. The girl thought seriously about family and children.

But then the press began to increasingly notice quarrels and troubles between the couple. Catherine said that her parents did not approve of her relationship, but she acted contrary to them. Recently, Ekaterina officially confirmed that she and Ilya are no longer a couple. They parted as friends and maintained good relations.

Famous actor Ilya Glinnikov and model Ekaterina Nikulina met on the show “The Bachelor”. Millions of fans watched the development of their relationship. At the end of the project, the actor asked the girl to marry him, but the fans did not wait for the wedding - Nikulina recently announced her breakup with Ilya.

Glinnikov was in no hurry to comment on the breakup, but recently he did publish a post on Instagram dedicated to ex-fiancée. From it we can conclude that the lovers did not part on a friendly note, and Ilya is experiencing the situation painfully.

“Let's forgive those we don't want to forgive. We will endure even when our strength is running out. Dear Katya, I read your interview and remembered how we peeled pomegranates together. How I watched the fireworks on my favorite rooftop on the ninth of May wearing glasses and bandanas. As we moved forward close attention television cameras and became stronger,” Ilya wrote on the social network.

Ilya Glinnikov // Photo: Instagram

Fans were upset, because many people liked the couple. Some expressed regret that Ilya did not choose Madina. Also, followers expressed the hope that if the lovers failed to maintain their love, then they would at least be able to remain friends. Catherine insisted that they simply did not get along in character.

The Ural beauty left in the middle of the TNT project and thereby broke the heart of bachelor Ilya Glinnikov. And after the show she admitted: she was glad that the actor chose the fatal Ekaterina Nikulina in the finale, and not her friend, the sweet Madina Tamova. Why, read only on Woman's Day!

A participant in the fifth season of the Bachelor project (TNT) graduated from UrFU this summer. The other day she defended her thesis with a B. And the day before I took a walk with Woman's Day on my own memorable places In Ekaterinburg. And she spoke frankly about her family, about her current young man and why he plans to move to Moscow.

“When I saw myself on the show, I wanted to fall face first into the pillow and cry.”


We meet with Dasha near the monument to the founders of the city - Tatishchev and De Gennin. She arrives as beautiful as always, in unusual pants with green flowers, with her hair down and a blue folder in her hands.

That's mine graduate work“I’ll defend myself tomorrow,” he explains with a smile. - After “The Bachelor” ended and they stopped showing me on television, they didn’t stop recognizing me on the streets - they kept coming up to me. But they don’t write nasty things on social networks anymore. Yes, I didn’t pay attention to them - you won’t be nice to everyone. But after the show, you need to come up with some new projects to be visible. And for this, of course, you will have to move to Moscow. I'm already ready for this. Although I really like Sochi, where I live now. And in Yekaterinburg there are places about which I have pleasant memories.

- What emotions did you experience while watching “The Bachelor” at home?

A second wave of experiences washed over me - I lived it all over again. It's over, I'm already living ordinary life. And when you watch it, you return to those moments, remember how you cried. Perhaps some time will pass and I will re-watch the entire show - the whole movie.

-Are you very emotional?

Yes, I am very emotional, I live here and now, if I feel sad, I can’t hold back my tears. And after 10 minutes it becomes easier.

- Did you like the way you looked on the screen, how the episodes were edited?

I think I looked good on the show. But I didn’t think I was speaking so badly! (Dasha stutters a little - website note) When I looked at my profile, I wanted to fall face first into the pillow and cry. Now I would really like to work on my speech - go to courses acting or radio presenter courses. I think that if I constantly step out of my comfort zone, I can overcome my defect.

We go down the steps to Plotinka. It’s sunny, there are a lot of people, mostly tourists and schoolchildren, as well as graduates of Polzunov College, who take selfies in front of their alma mater.

I associate the dam with mass festivities,” says Dasha. - I was born in small town Karpinsk in the Sverdlovsk region. Therefore, when I moved to Yekaterinburg, I was always pleased to attend City Day, Youth Day, when people gather a large number of of people. I like that there are beautiful fountains here, and on a hot day like today, it’s nice to get under their spray. This is probably the most a nice place in our city! But for some reason I never got a date here. And I love walking here. Sometimes I came here alone - with headphones on. I like to be alone with myself and with music. I have been involved with music since birth: my mother is a piano teacher, I studied at music school, sang in the choir, and later was the soloist of the group. That's why I'm a headphone man. Now there is a lot of different music on my playlist, I am a music lover, I can listen to rap, pop, and deep house. My favorite singer is Basta.

“I am often asked to return to Glinnikov”

"Yeltsin Center"

- You were born in 1994 and, of course, you don’t remember the 90s...

Of course, I don’t remember the 90s, but I know from my parents’ stories that it was a difficult time. We didn't live richly. Dad and mom worked hard to feed our family and make me the happiest person on earth. At that time, dad worked in the zone and caught criminals. He was often away from home. At the Yeltsin Center, I like the recreated atmosphere of those years. Here I can imagine how my parents stood in line for groceries, and the counters were empty. And, of course, the Yeltsin Center is the number one place for tourists; there is no shame in bringing foreign friends here. And the space around it is very pleasant, you can have a good time.

We don’t even have time to take a couple of shots when a guy and a girl approach Dasha:

Are you Dasha Klyukina?

Yes it's me.

We were really rooting for you on The Bachelor. Why did you leave?

Well, because Ilya and I are not suitable for each other...

Such meetings have become common for Dasha, she admits. She even has ready-made answers to all the questions that she is constantly asked. The most popular one is “why”. They also ask: “Is everything that happened on the show true?”, “Which of the girls did you become friends with?” And they also ask: “Come back to Ilya.”

Dasha tried for a long time to convince herself that she liked Ilya...

- In your opinion, was Ilya sincere in that episode when you told him about your decision to leave?

It seems to me that Ilya showed sincere emotions, but I did not know about them. I was sitting in a restaurant and didn’t see all this.

- Was this decision easy for you?

While on “The Bachelor,” I realized that I was deceiving myself and trying to convince myself that I liked Ilya. And I decided that I no longer wanted to go against myself. So as not to hurt anyone, I left the project. Besides, I was really drawn to home...

- What was the most difficult thing on the show?

That we didn't have personal time. In “The Bachelor” everything is strict: you are filming, you don’t have your own daily routine, they tell you it. You want to get some more sleep, but you hear: “We’re going to filming.” It was difficult without a phone - you couldn’t call your family and friends at any time. And I’m used to calling them every day and more than once.

- How did you feel about Ilya’s chosen one Katya?

I am very glad that in the final Ilya chose Katya and not Madina. Because with Katya they suit each other well. I won’t say anything bad about Katya - we didn’t communicate with her, she’s not my person, I couldn’t find common topics for conversation with her. I probably can’t evaluate her objectively, but she didn’t arouse my sympathy.

And I’m still friends with Madina and I think that she is more worthy than Katya in all aspects - in terms of upbringing, behavior, and appearance. And therefore deserves more.

“Before the study committee I start to stutter”

This year Dasha graduated from UrFU

Main building of UrFU

I moved to Yekaterinburg from Karpinsk for higher education. Together with my mother, we looked at 5-6 universities, but when we arrived at UrFU, I immediately realized that this is where I want to study! I like that it is very big, there are many buildings, a lot of people study here. The inside of the university is also beautiful – there are such columns! My specialty is “state and municipal government" At first I wanted to go to law school, but there you have to take history, and at that moment I was not very interested in it - I was not good at it. And I decided to take social studies, as well as mathematics and Russian. With my subjects and scores, I entered the specialty "SMU". I completed my first year full-time, then transferred to part-time. And this year I graduated from university!

The topic of my diploma is “Implementation of paid educational services in the activities of municipal preschools budgetary institutions" I wrote both a project on this topic and a practice in kindergarten took place in Sochi. I decided to introduce paid services in my project additional classes so that the kindergarten can earn money and the children are more prepared for school. I have been writing my thesis since the New Year. Well, how it happens: you sit for an hour, and then another hour... a week later! (laughs)

- How did you prepare for the defense?

Honestly? I washed all the dishes, washed them twice, slept... In general, I collected my thoughts for about 10 hours. It seems to me that this is the case with many people: you do everything you want, just don’t prepare for defense! But still I pulled myself together, got into it well, and read it. Of course I was worried. You're not a student if you don't worry. For me, of course, the biggest fear is the commission. After all, you need to perform in front of them, but when I see people in front of me, I immediately fall into a stupor and start stuttering very badly! For such exciting cases, I have a technique: you need to speak while exhaling - then you will stutter less. But in stressful situations I forget about it...

“After the hostel I understand that I can live in any conditions!”

UrFU Dormitory

After university we go to the hostel on Kominterna Street, 1a, where Dasha lived in the first years of her studies. We enter a nine-story building with a shabby entrance.

It was difficult for me to get a place in the hostel,” says the girl. “But my mother and I achieved this because my parents could not financially afford to rent an apartment or room for me. They gave me a room on the 9th floor. When I walked in, I was shocked and thought: “How am I going to live here?” The elevator never worked for us; I always walked to the 9th floor. One shower for the entire dormitory, one toilet, three washbasins and one stove for the entire wing. There were four of us in the room, and there was only one small wardrobe. Of course, we missed him.

I lived here for one year, but now I understand that I can live in any conditions! Because it definitely won’t get any worse than here. One day my mother came to me, sat down on the bed and cried: “Dasha, why were you silent and didn’t say that you live like this!”

I didn't have much money. Therefore, my neighbor girls and I cooked modestly: either buckwheat with stewed meat, or pasta with stewed meat.

The hostel kitchen where Dasha learned to cook

After the first course, I immediately started working: I distributed flyers, worked as a representative of a cosmetics company in a supermarket. Then she got a job at a tobacco company, where she finally started earning money. 2,500 rubles a day, 70 thousand a month - that was crazy money for me back then! I immediately rented an apartment in half with a friend, and never came to the hostel again until today...

Two girl students entered the dormitory and, when they saw Dasha, ran up to her shouting:

This is Dasha Klyukina from “The Bachelor”! Can I take a photo with you?

Of course, you can imagine, but I lived here too...

Come on! - the girls didn’t believe it.

We go to the second floor to look at the kitchen, toilet, and washbasins. Dasha smiles at the memories:

When I first moved away from my parents, I didn’t even know how to peel potatoes! But a lot has come with experience. Now I love cooking and this is how I relieve stress. Favorite dishes are carrot cake and borscht. I really do make them very tasty! The whole secret is that I cook with love. But I hate cleaning up; I mentally prepare for this for two days!

For photo shoots, Dasha wears exquisite makeup and dresses up...

- Dasha, now that you have financial opportunities, how do you take care of yourself?

I recently went for a hair mesotherapy procedure - it was terrible. There, hair follicles are pierced many times for hair growth and prevention against hair loss. To be effective you need to do it 10 times, but I don’t know if I can do it a second time – it hurts like hell. I try to make masks, eye patches, and use eye creams, night and day. I go for massages. I'll be back to fitness soon. While I live in several cities - Sochi, Moscow, Yekaterinburg - I don’t have time for him.

- What do you have more in your wardrobe: dresses or jeans?

I have more jeans and sneakers. There are only 5 pairs of heels. The rest of the shoes are sneakers, flip-flops, ballet flats. Now I feel comfortable with it. Perhaps as I get older I will switch to a more elegant style.

“I like to sing karaoke – it’s a way to relieve stress”

Central Park of Culture and Culture named after. Mayakovsky

My parents brought me here for the first time when I was little – and it was like I was in a fairy tale! Carousels, swans in the pool - I’ve never seen this before, because in Karpinsk we don’t even have a cinema, let alone big park entertainment or cafes! Then I came here in 9th grade and rode all the carousels. And even now I wouldn’t mind finding company! But all the girlfriends already have children, it’s not possible to climb the “Free Fall Tower” with a three-year-old child! Of course, I am a grown girl, but at heart I am a child.

- Who did you dream of becoming as a child?

A school teacher or a singer. I had a piano at home and I used it as a board. I glued two A4 pieces of paper, wrote on them and imagined that there was a class in front of me. Mom brought me magazines and pointers from work. I also absolutely loved singing. I had a microphone and karaoke. I sang songs and danced. We lived on the first floor, and there were no curtains on the windows, only tulle. One day I go out into the yard, a neighbor comes up to me - my friend’s mother - and says: “Dasha, if we don’t come, you’re dancing so beautifully in the window! Let’s go out into the yard and admire you!” I was ashamed! Since then, I began to do this very carefully - when nothing is visible from the street.

Now I no longer dream of becoming a singer, but I would like to take vocal courses for myself. I like going to karaoke - it's a way to relax. Sometimes you feel sad in your soul, anxious, you need to throw out your emotions somewhere, you want to “scream.” Then I sing all my favorite songs and I feel good.

- Do you often see your parents?

Alas, rarely. When I took the exams in Yekaterinburg, I came home to Karpinsk to visit my mother. I haven’t seen my dad for two years now, because he lives in Severodvinsk, in the Arkhangelsk region. My parents divorced two years ago, when I was 20 years old. It was very painful for me. I saw how my classmates suffered when their parents separated. But I didn’t even think about how painful it really is, even when you’re already an adult. We lived differently, things happened, but I grew up in such love! I never felt that my parents did not earn much - they spared nothing for me. My dad always called my mom and me “my girls.” Therefore, it was a blow for me: how is it possible, we have such a friendly family, and it fell apart!

- What kind of person does a woman need to be in a relationship for it to be long and happy?

The main thing is trust. You need to treat your boyfriend the way you want him to treat you. Take care of him, cook, listen carefully, try to be in good mood. A man can have anything going on at work, so he comes home in the evening and wants to feel that he is welcome and that he will not be nagged. This comes with experience; I myself do not always behave well. I try not to nag, but it happens to everyone Bad mood. Sometimes the closest people come to hand...

- What qualities do you value in men?

A man should be reliable, kind, and supportive in all my endeavors. I would like my beloved not to be jealous, but to trust. I want this to be the kind of person with whom I would like to have children. And you could have children with him.


Ekaterina Nikulina became the bride of Ilya Glinnikov on the show “Bachelor-5”. Main character For a long time he could not decide on the winner and admitted that Katya’s choice was “a step into the unknown” for him. On the eve of the final, in one of the episodes, Ilya and Katerina retired to the bedroom.

Ilya Glinnikov’s heart was won by Katya Nikulina from Moscow. Yesterday the grand finale took place on the Bachelor season 5 project. Its apogee was a declaration of love from the lips of the main character, as well as a gift to the chosen one - a ring with “ best friend girls" - a diamond. The final episode took place in a very romantic atmosphere of the Middle Ages on top of a fortress. The finalists sparkled like gems, and the bachelor himself demonstrated with all his appearance how difficult it was for him to decide with whom he wanted to connect his life.

In a recent interview, Ilya Glinnikov explained why he chose Ekaterina Nikulina and not Madina Tamova in the final of the show “The Bachelor.” It is known that the actor’s family, and many viewers, were sure that Glinnikov would choose Madina, since she is a gentle person who dreams of a strong family.

“Katya is fire, and everything melts with her,” Ilya said in latest issue TV project.

But it wasn’t easy for Ekaterina on the show, she couldn’t find mutual language with other girls.

Until the very end, the audience was sure that Madina Tamova would win. The 25-year-old oriental beauty immediately charmed the entire family of Ilya Glinnikov, and the actor’s grandmother even joked, saying that there was no point in showing other girls, they say, the family had already made a choice. But the bachelor’s heart chose Ekaterina Nikulina, the young talented blonde with blue eyes. It was she who was able to charm the star of the series “Interns” and make her believe in love again.

As Glinnikov admitted to Ekaterina, if on the project he had to choose not from 25, but from a thousand girls, he would still choose her. The bachelor also called his choice a leap into the unknown, but this is what attracts him. According to Ilya, he is drawn to Katya, she is a real witch with whom he will burn, with whom he is interested.

“In every action of my chosen one, her values, character, nobility and dignity speak. She filled my heart completely, and I can no longer imagine life without her. Our feeling has just begun, but if we manage to get to the last station together, I will be the most happy man in the world!" - says Ilya Glinnikov about Katya Nikulina.

On the eve of the finale, Ekaterina gave an interview, talking about the beginning of filming in “The Bachelor” and her relationship with Ilya. Katya admitted: as soon as she came to the project, she was haunted by thoughts of leaving the show after the first episode. However, everything changed when she first saw the main character - Ilya Glinnikov.

Before “The Bachelor,” Nikulina was only superficially familiar with his work. But when she managed to communicate with him live, face to face, she realized that he was a very sensitive, emotional, deep person.

The audience highly appreciated Madina's beautiful act. She prepared a surprise for her lover - a paragliding flight. The second participant, as many admit, acted dishonestly and lured Ilya Glinnikov into the bedroom.

Madina Tamova stated that this was very primitive on Nikulina’s part. “Things like this are very devalued when they are brought out into the public eye,” the “Bachelor” finalist added. Ekaterina Nikulina herself did not see anything prejudiced in her actions. The girl said that she has absolutely no regrets about what happened between the couple.

As a result, after Ilya announced his decision, Madina did not hide her disappointment. And Glinnikov justified himself to her with her own words, reminding him that he made the choice with his heart, as Tamova advised.

According to the rules of the project, Ilya presented the winner with a luxurious diamond ring, which symbolizes their strong union.

What do we know about the winner? Katya is 22 years old. She is crazy about horse riding and equestrian sports, loves to go to restaurants and enjoy delicious dishes. Prefers haute French cuisine.

The girl tries her hand at modeling and also works as an art director of one of the Moscow cafes. Who her parents are, who her father is, is unknown. However, Katya’s mother appeared in the Bachelor season 5 during one of the family dinners.

Like most modern girls, Katya Nikulina loves social networks. In particular, Instagram. You can find hundreds of photographs on her page. It is noteworthy that the girl appears in the photographs in completely different images, so everyone can form their own opinion about her beauty. In some photos Katya is completely without makeup, which makes her especially touching and delightful.

Later, the actor explained how Catherine was able to amaze him. “This is a woman from another planet. Thanks to her parents,” the man shared his feelings. In his opinion, Nikulina is an honest man with whom you can build a trusting relationship. The actor also liked that Catherine never judged other girls and did not participate in intrigues. “Katya is a girl of old traditions; I haven’t seen anyone like her for a long time,” the actor admitted.

“I stand, listen to Ilya and understand that, most likely, he did not choose me. I raised my head to hold back my tears. Although I had already cried so much during the project, at that moment I tried to hold on. And then he says that he would like to say something else. I asked: is it necessary? Ilya replied that he didn’t have to talk if he didn’t want to. Okay, she said, I’m listening to you. And Ilya begins to quote pages from the same notebook that he kept throughout the entire filming. He says: if I had to choose from 50 million, I would still choose me, but it would take more time. And then he took out a box with a ring.”

Let us remember that three months ago actor Ilya Glinnikov met 25 girls who passed the casting and got into the show. In the first issue, the Interns star chose 15 beauties who went with him to Sri Lanka. By the finale, as in previous seasons, the Bachelor had to leave only two participants on the project.

TV presenter Ilya Glinnikov and model Ekaterina Nikulina began new life. The separated couple does not plan to reconcile, but last news the summer of 2018 is full of new photos of Ilya, who started it all with clean slate. The failed marriage of the participants in the show “The Bachelor” caused active discussions in the press throughout the winter and spring of this year. But the young people who revealed the reason for the quarrel and separation have already begun life without each other.

The beginning and end of the scandalous story

The latest news of January 2018 seemed incredible to fans, because it turned out that the actor from the series “Interns” was admitted to the hospital. Sklifosovsky because of a fight with his future bride Ekaterina Nikulina. But a few days later, the actor made a shocking statement, saying that there was no quarrel or fight, and all this time he was vacationing with his lover abroad.

First time star couple denied the breakup. And Catherine even made an announcement that the separation was a farce. The model admitted that she was tired of the excessive attention of the press and fans. That is why they announced that they no longer exist as a couple.

On the project "Bachelor"

But then in January 2018, Ilya Glinnikov wrote a sincere and sincere post on Instagram page, saying goodbye to his beloved.

In his address to the would-be bride, he recalled how they peeled pomegranates together and walked on Victory Day under the close attention of journalists. He promised himself to forgive Nikulin even if he didn’t want to and to start life from scratch.

The fairy tale never happened. And the information about the upcoming wedding and subsequent separation was confirmed. What the fans dreamed of was not destined to come true. And never became a wife famous actor Nikulina also decided to radically change her life. Already in February it became known that Catherine was not wasting any time. The girl recorded her first studio album and decided to become pop singer, taking the pseudonym MOONCAT.

Star-crossed lovers now

When it became clear that Ilya Glinnikov would not get back together, and the latest news was not marked by reconciliation, the fans were very upset. But the personal life of stars is something that can only be observed. Only now it has become quite problematic to follow Ilya’s life.

The actor stopped appearing at significant events in the world of show business and even stopped publishing in in social networks. After a long break, when Glinnikov disappeared from the press radar, he decided to shock followers with a new publication.

The man posted a selfie, appearing to fans in a new image. Ilya grew a beard, stopped cutting his hair and began to look like a dork who had not visited a beauty salon for a long time.

But some followers suggested that the “not macho” image appeared for a reason and that the actor was simply preparing to star in a new film project. Then Glinnikov surprised with new publications, posting a photo showing female and male silhouettes.

This means that Ilya still managed to survive the scandalous breakup with Nikulina and met new love. But some Instagram readers suggest that Glinnikov has again made peace with Nikulina. However, there is no confirmation of the rumors.