Julia born in March. Names according to the Saints and church calendar for girls born in March: meaning, origin, patron saint

Celebrates name day in March huge amount people. This month, like any other, honors the memory of many great holy companions who were engaged in the main work of their lives, preaching the Gospel. There are comparatively more name days for men in March. But the most important thing here is that if it were not for the holy work of these God's saints, then perhaps the true and real faith in Jesus Christ would not have been preserved, and a huge number of Orthodox churches and monasteries would not have been built, it would not have been written like this there is a lot of necessary spiritual literature, and there would not be a huge host of priests - warriors with the invisible demonic world. This means there would be no salvation for man...

It all began with the preaching of Jesus Christ, and then his work was continued by the twelve apostles, who, bearing their heavy cross, walked half the world, sowing the grain of the truth of faith. So, whose name day is celebrated in March? Orthodox Church? And what did these people become famous for?

Name day in March (men's). Theodore Tyrone

On March 2, Orthodoxy commemorates the Great Martyr Theodore Tiron, who lived at the end of the 2nd and beginning of the 3rd centuries. on the Black Sea coast. He openly professed the Christian faith under the emperor Galerius (306), who wanted to force him to sacrifice pagan gods. But he did not want to do this. Then he was captured and tortured for a long time, and then burned at the stake. But Theodore's body was not damaged. The saint was buried in the city of Evkhaitakh, and after some time his holy relics were transferred to Constantinople.

Half a century after this event, the Emperor of Constantinople, Julian the Apostate, ordered his mayor to sprinkle the goods sold in the market with blood sacrificed to idols during the first week of Great Lent.

That same night, the archbishop sees in a dream Saint Theodore, who warned him that Christians should not buy anything in the markets, but should eat boiled wheat and honey. Now, in memory of this event, another celebration of the Holy Great Martyr Theodore is celebrated - in the first week of Great Lent, on Saturday.


The list of name days in March includes the name of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus', Holy Martyr Hermogenes, who lived at the end of the 16th - beginning of the 17th century. The church remembers him on March 2. This was the first Kazan metropolitan who converted many local residents to his faith.

In 1606 he was elected to the Moscow primate see. When the Time of Troubles came, the Poles came to Moscow, and the patriarch was taken into custody in the Chudov Monastery. He blessed the Russian people for the war with foreigners. Ten months later he died as a martyr from hunger. After the liberation of Moscow, the patriarch's body was buried in the Chudov Monastery in 1654, and then transferred to the Assumption Cathedral.

We can continue further short list name day in March (men's). On March 5, the memory of the blessed Prince Yaroslav the Wise, the son of Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duke Vladimir, is honored. He was born in 978. His special merit was the basis of the life of Russians - the code of laws of “Russian Truth” Kievan Rus, which was later supplemented by his sons and grandson Vladimir Monomakh. He was canonized as a saint in 2005 with the blessing of Patriarch of All Rus' Alexy II.

On March 9, the first and second finding of the head of John the Baptist is celebrated. After the beheading of John, his disciples buried the body of the last prophet in the city of Savastia. Then the wife of the royal steward secretly stole the head of the Forerunner, put it in a vessel and hid it on the Mount of Olives. Four centuries later, the nobleman Innocent preparatory work Before the construction of the temple in this area, he discovered the head of St. John, but, fearing desecration by the infidels, he left it there. A little later, the saint appeared in a dream to the monks and indicated the place where his head was located. A monastery was later built on this site. However, the head was again hidden in a cave, and only in 452 the Forerunner again appeared in a dream to the archimandrite and indicated the location of his head. And then she was transferred to Constantinople.

Name day in March (women's). Evdokia

The Venerable Martyr Evdokia lived in Samaria in the 2nd century and led a sinful life. Her name day in March takes place on March 14th. But one day this woman heard a prayer singing and reading performed by Elder Herman behind the wall. She soon became acquainted with him and opened her heart to faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Evdokia decided to accept the sacrament of baptism, and then, having distributed all her property to the poor, she went to a monastery to repent. During the time of persecution of Christians, Evdokia’s torturers also believed in Christ when they saw how the woman for whom she had offered prayers to heaven had been resurrected. But under the ruler Vincent, Saint Eudoxia was beheaded.


Orthodox name days Natalia is also celebrated in March. March 31st is the memory of the Venerable Martyr Natalia Baklanova, who was the daughter of the peasant Vasily Baklanov from the village of Shestovo, Podolsk district. After graduating from school, she helped her parents with housework, but then became a novice at the Novodevichy Convent. When the persecution of the Church began during the 1917 revolution, the monastery was closed and turned into communal apartments. At first, Natalia worked as a cleaner. But then, together with the novices and sisters, she began to work with different people housework. Having moved to Moscow, she became a cleaner in one of the institutes, whose employees soon noticed that she performed only technical work, refused public assignments and did not go to meetings, thereby allegedly showing hostility to the existing system.

In the winter of 1937, NKVD investigators set up a case and indicated that a local priest had denounced her. And she was accused of counter-revolutionary activities. Baklanova was arrested and sentenced to 8 years in prison. And then she was sent to Siblag. The hard labor of the camp was beyond her strength; after a while Natalia became very ill and died in the Mariinsky Hospital. She was buried on March 31, 1938.

Juliana and Paul

There are very few women's birthdays in March, unlike men's. Therefore, it is also important to note that on March 17 they commemorate the holy martyrs Juliana and her brother Paul, who were executed in the city of Ptolemais under the emperor Aurelian (270-275). Upon arrival in the city, the ruler noticed that among those who greeted him stood Pavel, who suddenly made the sign of the cross. He was immediately captured, put in prison and subjected to terrible torture.

His sister Juliana began to defend and justify her brother in every possible way, citing the cruelty and injustice of the emperor. They began to beat her, like her brother, tear their bodies with iron hooks and burn them on grates. But they could not break their spirit.

Looking at all their torment and inflexibility, three of the emperor’s soldiers believed in Christ. They too were immediately executed. Aurelian promised to take Juliana as his wife if she renounced her faith. But she didn't even want to hear anything about it. And then she was given over to be desecrated in a fornication. But even there no one could touch her, as they immediately went blind. Then it was ordered to behead the sister and brother. The holy martyrs accepted death singing prayer.


This is just a small list of name days in March. church calendar. Actually he is great. Each of the saints did a lot to glorify faith in love, justice and goodness, faith in their Lord Jesus Christ.

How to name a girl born in March according to the calendar.

March girls grow up to be sensitive and receptive natures. In some situations they may appear indecisive.

  • They are easy to offend. They are ready to spend hours admiring their reflection in the mirror and trying on their mother’s outfits.
  • To name in the best possible way influenced fate, it is worth giving the March girl a firm name. This way the baby will be able to overcome her indecision and suspiciousness.
  • March girls are ready to make compromises and adapt to circumstances. “The life of the party” is not about them.
  • They can be envious and curious.
  • March girls choose men with high position in society. It is important for them that the other half succeeds.
  • In a house whose owner was born in March, main role belongs to a woman.
  • However, with their friendly attitude towards people and the ability to share someone else’s grief, the March representatives of the fair sex win the favor of others.

How to choose the right name for a newborn girl according to the Saints in March?

Naming according to the calendar means that parents choose the name of a saint who is revered on the day the baby is born. It is believed that in this way the baby receives a patron for life.

  • You should not opt ​​for an unusual, rare name from the Saints in an effort to give your child originality. After all, in this way a child can receive a name that will negatively affect his fate.
  • The meaning of the tradition of naming a baby according to the calendar is the sacrament of baptism, after which the baby receives a name. The name given by God can only belong to a baptized person.
  • Before choosing a name according to the calendar, parents should find out about its meaning and origin.
  • If the baby’s Angel day coincides with his birthday, and the name he is given is pleasant to the ear for both parents, then this is considered good sign. This name was given to the child from above.

Advice for parents who decide to name their child according to the church calendar

Parents choosing a name for their daughter face a difficult task. There are many factors to consider. For example, will the name sound beautiful in combination with the surname and patronymic, what is the meaning of the names, and is the version of the name you like relevant?

  • Today, more and more often, young parents prefer names from the Saints. Thus, baby name becomes a talisman and talisman for the baby, and the same date will be considered Angel Day and the girl’s name day.
  • If you need to choose a name for your baby according to the church calendar, where all the names of saints are collected, then first of all give up those options that have an unusual sound and are very rare. This way you will relieve your child of the feeling of discomfort that he may experience among his peers.
  • Choose a name that matches your surname and patronymic. Parents should not rely solely on the chosen name. A child will grow up to be a real person not only thanks to a skillfully chosen name, but also to many other factors, among which upbringing, the child’s environment, love, and care are of no small importance.

  • Parents choose a name according to the church calendar in church, listening to the priest who reads the name options from the Saints. Saints - orthodox calendar, which indicates religious holidays or days of remembrance of saints.
  • Parents have the opportunity to choose: to name the child one of the names of the saints revered on the baby’s birthday. But there are cases when the date of birth of the child does not fall on the day of veneration of the Saint or the same name appears on several dates at once.
    How to choose that perfect name for a baby, if there are more than a thousand such names in the Saints?
  • The saint, revered on the baby's birthday, will be his patron. And the child will receive both strength and protection on behalf of his saint, will have a close connection with him, and will be able to partially adopt his good qualities.
  • If the baby was born on the day of veneration of several saints in the calendar, then the parents can choose the name they like best.
  • If in the church calendar only one saint is venerated on this day, then parents can either name the baby with this name, or, as an exception, name him by the name of the saint revered in the family.
  • If the church calendar does not assign a name to the baby’s day, then they name it with a name from future dates, up to the eighth day from the baby’s name day.
  • From the calendar, they do not take a name from past dates after the child’s name day.
  • Names in the church calendar have different origins. Some of them are Slavic, some are Greek or Roman, and some are Hebrew.
  • The Book of Bible Names is an endless source of options, but even here some parents of girls may have problems.

Not every day there is a date for commemorating a saint; parents may not like the name of the saint assigned to the date of birth of their baby, or they simply cannot find a suitable name for my daughter. In this case, according to church traditions:

  • take the name of a saint who is revered on the baby’s birthday
  • take the name of the saint who is remembered on the day of the naming ceremony
  • take the name from the date in front (before the eighth day)
  • take a name on the 40th day from birth, during the sacrament of Baptism

Important: you should know that all of the above naming options are advisory in nature, and therefore no one forces parents who do not like the name from the Saints that falls on their daughter’s date of birth to agree with the proposed option.

Some couples prefer to give the baby a double name: secular and church. A secular name is given at birth, and a church name at Baptism. The name received at Baptism cannot be changed; it is assigned to the person for life.

Names according to the Saints and church calendar for girls born in March: meaning, origin, patron saint

March Name Meaning Origin Patron Saint
March 1 Valentina strong Latin Great Martyr Valentina
March 2 Anna grace Jewish Martyr Anna
Nina brave girl Spanish Martyr Nina
Marianne sad beauty Jewish Righteous Mariana, sister of the Apostle Philip
March 3 Camilla noble Latin
March 4 Alexandra protector of people Greek Martyr Equal to the Apostles Apsia
March 6 Varvara foreigner Greek Martyr Barbara
Elizabeth Worshiping God Jewish Martyr Elizabeth
Irina attractive; peace-loving Greek Martyr Irene
March 7 Anfisa blooming Greek Martyr Anfusa
March 9 Karina flawless Greek Martyrs Karina and Kira
March 10 Anna grace Jewish Venerable Martyr Evdokia
March 11 Theresa protection Greek Martyrs Antonina
March 12 Marina loving the ocean; maritime Latin Holy Martyr Marina
Kira madam Greek
Victoria winner Latin Holy Martyr Euphalia
March 14 Hope hope; beginning of life Russian Holy Martyr Nadezhda
Daria gift of God Jewish Holy Martyr Daria
Matryona noble woman Russian Holy Martyr Matryona
Antonina entering into battle Latin Holy Martyr Antonina
Olga saint; great; perfect Latin Holy Martyr Olga
Anna grace Jewish Holy Martyr Anna
March 16 Marfa noble woman Aramaic Venerable Martyr Martha
March 17 Ulyana belonging to Julius Latin Venerable Martyr Piama the Virgin
Julia curly Greek Holy Martyr Julia
March 18 Iraida hero's daughter Greek Holy Martyr Iraida
March 19 Elena beautiful; light; chosen one Greek Holy Martyr Helen
March 20 Hope hope; beginning of life Russian Holy Martyr Nadezhda
Maria bitter, stubborn biblical Venerable Martyr Mary
Capitolina Capitoline Latin Venerable Martyr Catherine
Antonina entering into battle Latin Venerable Martyr Antonina
Xenia guest Greek Holy Martyr Xenia
Catherine clean; great; domineering Greek Holy Martyr Catherine
Matryona noble woman Russian Holy Martyr Matryona
Anna grace Jewish Holy Martyr Anna
March 22 Alexandra protector of people Greek Holy Martyr Alexandra
Natalia Latin Holy Martyr Natalia
Alina noble Old Germanic Holy Martyr Alina
Olesya protector Ukrainian Holy Martyr Alexandra
March 23 Victoria winner Latin Martyr Hariessa
Galina calm Greek Martyr Galina
Nika victorious Greek Martyr Nina
Vasilisa princess Greek Martyr Vasilissa
Anastasia resurrection Greek Holy Martyr Anastasia
Theodora gifted by God Italian Martyr Theodora
March 24 Karina flawless Greek Venerable Anastasia Patricia
Bertha bright Old Germanic righteous Bertha
March 26 Christina follower of Christ Greek Martyr Christina of Persia
March 28 Maria bitter, stubborn biblical Holy Martyr Mary
March 30 Marina loving the ocean; maritime Latin Venerable Eutrophia of Chorion
March 31 Natalia native; born on Christmas Latin Venerable Martyr Natalia

Video: What to name a girl? GIRLS NAMES IN 2017


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    Boys with such a common name can have very different personalities. They can be quiet and inconspicuous, or they can be fidgety and rowdy. In Ivan, a combination of a wide variety of qualities is possible: strength and weakness, kindness and cruelty, tenderness...

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    Boys with such a common name can have very different personalities. They can be quiet and inconspicuous, or they can be fidgety and rowdy. In Ivan, a combination of a wide variety of qualities is possible: strength and weakness, kindness and cruelty, tenderness...


    In early childhood, he is a calm child who does not cause problems for his parents. He loves to draw, loves to be read about animals and taken to the zoo. At school, such boys study well, have many friends, are fond of adventure literature and technology...


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    The character in early childhood is calm, the boy does not cause trouble either to his family or to his teachers. He is surrounded by friends, studies well at school, plays music, and reads a lot. Moses is often born in big family and grow up independent and kind, always helping...


    Nikolai has been growing strong and healthy since childhood and rarely gets sick. He doesn’t bother his parents with whims, which is probably why they don’t always devote enough time to Nikolai. He studies well in all subjects. Among his peers he is distinguished by his strength, activity and courage...


    As a child, Sergei is a weak and sickly boy who causes his parents a lot of trouble. With age, he becomes stronger and begins to play sports. His character is becoming more and more masculine. Sergey prefers energetic...


    As a child, Fyodor was a little gloomy, silent and stubborn. He never acts as the ringleader of children's games and is sometimes aloof from his peers. Parents and teachers will especially like Fedor's neatness. His things will always be in perfect order...

  • 9 March Sat Ivan

    Boys with such a common name can have very different personalities. They can be quiet and inconspicuous, or they can be fidgety and rowdy. In Ivan, a combination of a wide variety of qualities is possible: strength and weakness, kindness and cruelty, tenderness...


    Hilarion has enviable qualities: a sense of humor, honesty, and sociability. People love him for his ability to listen, give advice, and support. Because of their ability to take everything to heart, they often end up in stories. Modest and hesitant...

  • 10 March Sun Alexander

    As children, Alexandras often get sick, but if teenagers begin to harden themselves and engage in physical exercise, then they grow into strong and persistent men. The Alexandras persistently achieve their goal. They can become the head of a coll...


    As a small child, Anton is charming and immediately puts you at ease. These qualities remain with him throughout his life. The main character traits of Anton are in many ways similar to the character of his mother, but his father is his support in childhood. Anton's parents are...


    Little Eugene will begin to read and write early. He also develops early a penchant for rich imagination. He will be good at solving problems that require a certain ingenuity. It will be easy for Evgeniy foreign languages. He is friendly with his peers, uses...


    Nikolai has been growing strong and healthy since childhood and rarely gets sick. He doesn’t bother his parents with whims, which is probably why they don’t always devote enough time to Nikolai. He studies well in all subjects. Among his peers he is distinguished by his strength, activity and courage...

    Taras Fedor

    As a child, Fyodor was a little gloomy, silent and stubborn. He never acts as the ringleader of children's games and is sometimes aloof from his peers. Parents and teachers will especially like Fedor's neatness. His things will always be in perfect order...

  • 11 March Mon Anna

    From early childhood, Anna manifests her main quality - kindness. She happily takes care of kittens, puppies, and birds. When playing with his dolls, he treats them like younger children. At an older age, it can provide serious...


    Boys with such a common name can have very different personalities. They can be quiet and inconspicuous, or they can be fidgety and rowdy. In Ivan, a combination of a wide variety of qualities is possible: strength and weakness, kindness and cruelty, tenderness...


    Nikolai has been growing strong and healthy since childhood and rarely gets sick. He doesn’t bother his parents with whims, which is probably why they don’t always devote enough time to Nikolai. He studies well in all subjects. Among his peers he is distinguished by his strength, activity and courage...

    Peter Porfiry

    In early childhood, Porfiry is a very sickly, but obedient and compliant child. He always smiles and leads an active lifestyle, even when he gets sick and has a high fever. Illnesses do not exhaust him, but on the contrary, they force him to overcome difficulties...

    Sevastyan Sergey

    As a child, Sergei is a weak and sickly boy who causes his parents a lot of trouble. With age, he becomes stronger and begins to play sports. His character is becoming more and more masculine. Sergey prefers energetic...

  • 12 March Tue Makar

    From birth, Makars are given many things that others dream of for many years. Unfortunately, not all Makars are able to appreciate this gift, so it is often wasted. These are capable and at the same time stubborn children with change...


    Teachers and parents, as a rule, have no problems with the boy Mikhail. He tries to do everything well and on time. Can participate in sports games with his friends and sing in a children's choir. Mikhail has a logical mind...


    Boys with this name are calm, modest, often indecisive, and capable of learning. Some, especially the “winter” ones, are selfish and calculating. They have many friends, but no close heartfelt friends. Usually these are people of intellectual work. Are born into intelligence...


    He is interested in everything: why birds build nests, where trams are located at night, how an alarm clock works. Little Peter is musically gifted; he may have a good voice. It would be nice for parents to place their son in music school. Peter learns easily and...


    As a child, Sergei is a weak and sickly boy who causes his parents a lot of trouble. With age, he becomes stronger and begins to play sports. His character is becoming more and more masculine. Sergey prefers energetic...


    Little Stepan is a playful and restless boy who loves a wide variety of games. Communicating with him is easy and fun. Stepan is very active, and it is difficult for him to sit still at his textbooks. But, having a good memory, he quickly grasps required material, easy e...


    Timofey experiences a difficult childhood because his mother’s power in the family was too strong, and the boy, even having a father, did not receive a male upbringing. Having become an adult, but never escaping from his mother's care, the young man finds himself in yet another situation...


    Little Yulik has weak lungs, an unstable nervous system, he always catches colds - in short, his parents have a lot of trouble with him. Nevertheless, the boy studies well, he always has friends around him, and, despite his poor health, he is able to stand...

  • 13 March Wed Arseny Vasily

    As a child, Vasily loves to tinker with little animals and birds and will never offend a defenseless creature. Vasya is the favorite of his grandparents. He constantly needs to be in the company of his peers. Communication with friends comes first for Vasily. He m...


    Stubborn, proud women, and also vain. Good athletes, but unlucky in life. Principled and purposeful, they move towards the goal in a direct way. Somewhat withdrawn and untalkative. These are typical introverts, I deeply worry...


    Marina is a person who knows her worth, and if she is beautiful, then her self-esteem may be too high. She is able to subordinate her emotions to reason, so she performs all actions prudently and deliberately. From early childhood, Marina becomes the object of...


    Nikolai has been growing strong and healthy since childhood and rarely gets sick. He doesn’t bother his parents with whims, which is probably why they don’t always devote enough time to Nikolai. He studies well in all subjects. Among his peers he is distinguished by his strength, activity and courage...


    As a child, Sergei is a weak and sickly boy who causes his parents a lot of trouble. With age, he becomes stronger and begins to play sports. His character is becoming more and more masculine. Sergey prefers energetic...

  • 14 March Thu Alexander

    As children, Alexandras often get sick, but if teenagers begin to harden themselves and engage in physical exercise, then they grow into strong and persistent men. The Alexandras persistently achieve their goal. They can become the head of a coll...

    Alexandra Anna

    From early childhood, Anna manifests her main quality - kindness. She happily takes care of kittens, puppies, and birds. When playing with his dolls, he treats them like younger children. At an older age, it can provide serious...


    As a small child, Anton is charming and immediately puts you at ease. These qualities remain with him throughout his life. The main character traits of Anton are in many ways similar to the character of his mother, but his father is his support in childhood. Anton's parents are...

    Antonina Vasily

    As a child, Vasily loves to tinker with little animals and birds and will never offend a defenseless creature. Vasya is the favorite of his grandparents. He constantly needs to be in the company of his peers. Communication with friends comes first for Vasily. He m...


    As a child, it is important to notice Benjamin’s talent. Parents and teachers need to special attention treat the boy’s talent and create the necessary conditions for his development. Benjamin is persistent in achieving his goals and therefore often achieves...


    As a child, the girl Dasha often commands her peers in games. She is smart and impulsive in her actions. He can quickly restore order among children and even fight with bullies. Cannot stand loneliness, loves noisy and fun games. But Daria spends...

    Evdokia Ivan

    Boys with such a common name can have very different personalities. They can be quiet and inconspicuous, or they can be fidgety and rowdy. In Ivan, a combination of a wide variety of qualities is possible: strength and weakness, kindness and cruelty, tenderness...


    Teachers and parents, as a rule, have no problems with the boy Mikhail. He tries to do everything well and on time. Can participate in sports games with his friends and sing in a children's choir. Mikhail has a logical mind...

    Hope Olga

    As a child, Olga is a serious and thoughtful girl. She experiences the insults inflicted on her very painfully, and may cry after a harmless remark. She is not devoid of stubbornness, she can deny her guilt for a long time, and will never ask for forgiveness. At school he studies...


    He is interested in everything: why birds build nests, where trams are located at night, how an alarm clock works. Little Peter is musically gifted; he may have a good voice. It would be nice for parents to enroll their son in a music school. Peter learns easily and...

  • 15 March Fri Arseny

    Kind by nature, these boys do not cause trouble to their parents. They study well and have few conflicts with peers. They are sociable, but not everyone will be called a friend. Vulnerable and sensitive. They study music, but under pressure from their parents. They love animals, keep...


    In early childhood, Joseph can be irritable. This boy is difficult to please: either the porridge is not the same, or the toy is not the same as what he saw in the store window. TO school age this quality passes unnoticed. Josephs grow up to be flexible, kind, and...


    Nikolai has been growing strong and healthy since childhood and rarely gets sick. He doesn’t bother his parents with whims, which is probably why they don’t always devote enough time to Nikolai. He studies well in all subjects. Among his peers he is distinguished by his strength, activity and courage...


    Fedot combines all the advantages. As all his friends and acquaintances see, he is beautiful not only externally, but also internally. Little Fedot is a dreamy, quiet child. Busy with his toys, books, herbariums, insect collections. Very...

  • 16 March Sat Marfa Michael

    Teachers and parents, as a rule, have no problems with the boy Mikhail. He tries to do everything well and on time. Can participate in sports games with his friends and sing in a children's choir. Mikhail has a logical mind...


    Sevastyan has a sharp mind and achieves success in almost all areas of activity. He is respected by his friends and loved by women, but at the same time he remains constantly grateful to fate for all the gifts. If Sevastyan was born in winter, there is nothing wrong with him...

  • 17 March Sun Alexander

    As children, Alexandras often get sick, but if teenagers begin to harden themselves and engage in physical exercise, then they grow into strong and persistent men. The Alexandras persistently achieve their goal. They can become the head of a coll...


    As a child, Vasily loves to tinker with little animals and birds and will never offend a defenseless creature. Vasya is the favorite of his grandparents. He constantly needs to be in the company of his peers. Communication with friends comes first for Vasily. He m...


    The Vyacheslavs are strong boys, have endurance and good willpower. Parents need to give Vyacheslav to sports section. Possessing physical strength, he will always fight injustice and protect the weak. Vyacheslav is quick-tempered, he can instantly...


    As a child, Georgy stays somewhat aloof from his peers, but not to such an extent that they understand this as arrogance. Georgy does not reach the line after which he begins to oppose his comrades. Knows how to listen...


    Gerasim loves quiet games, can sculpt or draw for hours, loves having books read to him, and is ready to listen to fairy tales all day. At school, Gerasim is very worried if he gets a bad grade. He is dutiful and obliging, always completes his homework...


    Boy Gregory tries to be good child. But his restless character constantly prevents him from being calm. Having gone for a walk, Grigory will definitely return with knocked-out knees and soiled clothes. He especially likes to launch boats in puddles...


    Daniil is a calm and kind boy. In character he is more like his mother. Sick a little. Loves outdoor games. Sociable, constantly surrounded by friends. Daniel cannot stand lies, he may even flare up, but he quickly moves away and does not remember the evil for a long time. Born of winter...


    Pavel is a kind and sympathetic child. He will be very willing to help his mother take care of his younger brother or sister. He will never violate the prohibitions of adults and will convince his friends not to overstep the bounds of what is permitted. With age, Pavel...


    In girls named Ulyana, the traits of an addicted person begin to appear from childhood. It is possible that such a girl will develop a sense of understanding of beauty with age, and she, experiencing love for various areas art, will strive to...


    Yasha is one of the practical, calculating children. He is a little slow-witted and must get used to a new situation and new people. He always gives preference to old, trusted friends. He easily develops respiratory diseases. Loves adventure...

  • 18 March Mon Adrian

    In early childhood, Adrians are sickly, excitable, and cause a lot of trouble for their parents. They are similar to their mother, closer in character to their father, just like him, stubborn and selfish. They study well at school, are active, and will not sit still. They love pets - they can...


    As a child, Georgy stays somewhat aloof from his peers, but not to such an extent that they understand this as arrogance. Georgy does not reach the line after which he begins to oppose his comrades. Knows how to listen...


    Character is proud, persistent, pragmatic. The Davids are sociable, surrounded by friends, but it is because of them that they get into a lot of trouble. Look like mother. They have remarkable physical strength. They can’t stand lies, they can flare up, but they quickly move away, no harm done...


    Boys with such a common name can have very different personalities. They can be quiet and inconspicuous, or they can be fidgety and rowdy. In Ivan, a combination of a wide variety of qualities is possible: strength and weakness, kindness and cruelty, tenderness...


    As a child, Iraida is often mischievous, daring and disobedient. True, a girl usually studies well, even excellently, but often out of a desire to be first. Peers do not like Iraida for her arrogance. She doesn't help her parents much around the house. After school he tries to...

    Kirill Konstantin

    As a child he was very fearful and was constantly in a state of anxiety. It is very difficult to get used to strangers and new surroundings. Getting used to kindergarten and school will require significant effort from Konstantin, and will cost parents a lot of worry. From...

    Mark Nikolay

    Nikolai has been growing strong and healthy since childhood and rarely gets sick. He doesn’t bother his parents with whims, which is probably why they don’t always devote enough time to Nikolai. He studies well in all subjects. Among his peers he is distinguished by his strength, activity and courage...


    As a child, Fyodor was a little gloomy, silent and stubborn. He never acts as the ringleader of children's games and is sometimes aloof from his peers. Parents and teachers will especially like Fedor's neatness. His things will always be in perfect order...

  • 19 March Tue Arkady

    As a child, Arkady was everyone's favorite. Grandparents dote on him. For parents, he is the greatest joy in the family. Arkady will experience the delight and tenderness of all his closest relatives. But don’t spoil the atmosphere of universal worship...


    Little Elena loves fairy tales. Keeps himself a little reserved, lives his own life inner world. She is very trusting, but if someone takes advantage of this quality of hers and deceives her, then Elena will certainly punish the deceiver, showing extraordinary ingenuity. ...


    As a child he was very fearful and was constantly in a state of anxiety. It is very difficult to get used to strangers and new surroundings. Getting used to kindergarten and school will require significant effort from Konstantin, and will cost parents a lot of worry. From...


    As a child, Maxim does not cause any trouble to his parents and teachers. He studies well and has normal relationships with his peers. He reads different books and develops a rich imagination. She enjoys going to the theater to see children's performances. ...


    It has long been believed that a girl named Martha is simple-minded and sweet. She is not characterized by cunning and malice; she is pleasant and easy to communicate with. Good-natured, ready to help, friendly and undemanding - this is the bearer of the name Martha. ...


    As a child, Fyodor was a little gloomy, silent and stubborn. He never acts as the ringleader of children's games and is sometimes aloof from his peers. Parents and teachers will especially like Fedor's neatness. His things will always be in perfect order...


    Little Yulik has weak lungs, an unstable nervous system, he always catches colds - in short, his parents have a lot of trouble with him. Nevertheless, the boy studies well, he always has friends around him, and, despite his poor health, he is able to stand...

  • 20 March Wed Anna

    From early childhood, Anna manifests her main quality - kindness. She happily takes care of kittens, puppies, and birds. When playing with his dolls, he treats them like younger children. At an older age, it can provide serious...


    This name contains, as it were, two names: Tonya and Nina. By naming the child Tonya, parents instill in her friendliness, cheerfulness, and good nature. But the older she gets, the more strongly the second part of the name manifests itself - Nina: bearing authority and prudently...


    As a child, Vasily loves to tinker with little animals and birds and will never offend a defenseless creature. Vasya is the favorite of his grandparents. He constantly needs to be in the company of his peers. Communication with friends comes first for Vasily. He m...


    Little Eugene will begin to read and write early. He also develops early a penchant for rich imagination. He will be good at solving problems that require a certain ingenuity. Evgeniy will be able to learn foreign languages ​​easily. He is friendly with his peers, uses...


    In early childhood, Evdokia is mischievous and stubborn; she usually does not obey her mother and grandmother, only her father, whom she fears and respects. This girl is easily offended, capricious, and it is difficult to calm her down. Little Evdokia is very inquisitive, even curious, ...


    Ekaterina already in childhood stands out for some originality. She loves to stockpile while being greedy. He will try to steal more candies from the table and hide them in a secluded place, and will get his hands on a stray apple. Proudly, laboriously...

    Emelyan Ephraim

    Ephraim's striking traits are impulsiveness, straightforwardness, explosive temperament, acute pride; it is difficult to expect calm and balance from him. Due to his increased sensitivity to external irritating factors, he is easily enraged...


    This girl has been kind since childhood. Sensitive, gentle. Her honesty towards people amazes those around her. She is always happy to help her neighbor in trouble. Ksenia is a sweet, calm and obedient child. She studies well, is not lazy, is neat and performs...


    Masha is a kind, gentle, calm girl. She has the most favorite activity- be a nanny for small children. She is very vulnerable and has a hard time taking even a small remark addressed to her. At the same time, her character contains firmness, dignity, ability...


    Nadezhda is often the only child in the family. She is very active, loves noisy games, and her emotions run high. She always strives to be in the company and command her peers. At an older age, the character becomes masculine traits. ...


    Nikolai has been growing strong and healthy since childhood and rarely gets sick. He doesn’t bother his parents with whims, which is probably why they don’t always devote enough time to Nikolai. He studies well in all subjects. Among his peers he is distinguished by his strength, activity and courage...


    Pavel is a kind and sympathetic child. He will be very willing to help his mother take care of his younger brother or sister. He will never violate the prohibitions of adults and will convince his friends not to overstep the bounds of what is permitted. With age, Pavel...

  • 21 March Thu Afanasy

    This is a born researcher. With an expression of sly simplicity, he, not yet able to walk, will turn out all the drawers, examine all the shelves and cabinets. In adult life, he may be content with traveling and going to bars and cafes, telling his friends stories from...


    From early childhood, Vladimir shows curiosity and strives to test his knowledge in practice. He is prone to risk and, to some extent, even to adventure. Strives to take a leading position in the company of peers. Listens to advice from parents...


    Boys with such a common name can have very different personalities. They can be quiet and inconspicuous, or they can be fidgety and rowdy. In Ivan, a combination of a wide variety of qualities is possible: strength and weakness, kindness and cruelty, tenderness...

  • 22 March Fri Alexander

    As children, Alexandras often get sick, but if teenagers begin to harden themselves and engage in physical exercise, then they grow into strong and persistent men. The Alexandras persistently achieve their goal. They can become the head of a coll...


    If Alexandra is the only child in the family, then she becomes stubborn and capricious. In childhood, she is prone to diseases of the upper respiratory tract, bronchitis, pulmonary diseases, and gastritis. She often falls and her knees do not have time to heal. Nered...


    A calm and quiet woman will give this name to her son. Although from childhood Alexey is very attached to his mother and is in many ways similar to her, he immediately begins to feel like his mother’s protector, and in a more mature age he can become a protector for other women. Al...


    This is a born researcher. With an expression of sly simplicity, he, not yet able to walk, will turn out all the drawers, examine all the shelves and cabinets. In adult life, he may be content with traveling and going to bars and cafes, telling his friends stories from...


    Valery's character has given his parents a lot of worry since early childhood. Valery loves outdoor games, enjoys running and climbing trees. To sharpen his senses, he can run across the road in front of a nearby car, go to some place at night...


    Dmitry grows up as a sickly child. He will suffer from a variety of diseases, which will affect his nervous system. He will be capricious and demanding of others. She will constantly seek protection and help from her mother. Growing up, Dmitry gets rid of...


    Boys with such a common name can have very different personalities. They can be quiet and inconspicuous, or they can be fidgety and rowdy. In Ivan, a combination of a wide variety of qualities is possible: strength and weakness, kindness and cruelty, tenderness...


    Irakli can achieve a lot in any professional field, because a person wearing given name, surprisingly energetic. He is able to move mountains to achieve his goal. But as for family life, here is the strength and assertiveness of Irakli...


    Little Kirill is very inquisitive. He is interested in literally everything: why planes fly, where children come from, why sparrows chirp. He begins to read early and quickly devolves all the books in the house, sometimes without understanding the content at all. Possession...


    They have been stubborn since childhood, although their parents do not have any particular problems with them. They are quite difficult in communication; when choosing friends, they pursue a certain benefit. They are greedy, not without careerism, and treat people with arrogance. Very similar to mother. They master a variety of...


    Teachers and parents, as a rule, have no problems with the boy Mikhail. He tries to do everything well and on time. Can participate in sports games with his friends and sing in a children's choir. Mikhail has a logical mind...

    Natalia Nikolay

    Nikolai has been growing strong and healthy since childhood and rarely gets sick. He doesn’t bother his parents with whims, which is probably why they don’t always devote enough time to Nikolai. He studies well in all subjects. Among his peers he is distinguished by his strength, activity and courage...


    He is interested in everything: why birds build nests, where trams are located at night, how an alarm clock works. Little Peter is musically gifted; he may have a good voice. It would be nice for parents to enroll their son in a music school. Peter learns easily and...


    As a child, Sergei is a weak and sickly boy who causes his parents a lot of trouble. With age, he becomes stronger and begins to play sports. His character is becoming more and more masculine. Sergey prefers energetic...


    As a child, Taras is active and stubborn. He will always act in his own way, so it is better not to waste time on explanations and instructions - he will listen silently, maybe even nod his head in agreement, but will stubbornly move towards his goal. Among the Taras rose...

  • 23 March Sat Anastasia

    Nastenka ( diminutive name from Anastasia) is the most common name of the heroines of Russian fairy tales. A girl with that name is destined to be the most beautiful, the smartest, the most gentle. She is everyone's favorite and will never disappoint good expectations. A...


    Vasilisa has intelligence and beauty, nobility and grace. She loves to help people who turn to her and takes other people's problems as her own. Vasilisa is a very sympathetic and gentle person, however, her gentleness is combined with stubbornness and purposefulness...


    Victor is a gullible boy, he believes everything that adults tell him. Having learned about the deception, he is very upset; Victor is not vindictive, quickly forgets grievances and again treats people with trust. You can try to force Victor to study music, for example...


    Since childhood, she has been growing up as her father's daughter and prefers the company of boys. She is well aware that she belongs to the beautiful half of the human race, and therefore loves to dress up, twirl in front of the mirror (lace, bows - all this is her element!), but in the environment...


    As a child, Georgy stays somewhat aloof from his peers, but not to such an extent that they understand this as arrogance. Georgy does not reach the line after which he begins to oppose his comrades. Knows how to listen...


    Denis is growing up to be a very sociable boy. His best friends are not only the children in the neighborhood, but also the neighbor's dogs, which he feeds with sandwiches on the way to school. It would be nice to buy a puppy for the boy. This would help raise such...


    Dmitry grows up as a sickly child. He will suffer from a variety of diseases, which will affect his nervous system. He will be capricious and demanding of others. She will constantly seek protection and help from her mother. Growing up, Dmitry gets rid of...


    Boys with such a common name can have very different personalities. They can be quiet and inconspicuous, or they can be fidgety and rowdy. In Ivan, a combination of a wide variety of qualities is possible: strength and weakness, kindness and cruelty, tenderness...


    Since childhood, Leonid has learned to closely monitor his health. Demanding in choosing food. A small abrasion will definitely be lubricated with iodine and a bandage will be applied. Even with a low temperature, he will definitely adhere to bed rest. His...


    Mark is self-centered, and this trait, which later, in adulthood, will be successfully masked by a charming smile, emphasized by politeness and readiness for self-sacrifice, can be easily distinguished in early childhood. Mark does everything to ensure that mom...


    Teachers and parents, as a rule, have no problems with the boy Mikhail. He tries to do everything well and on time. Can participate in sports games with his friends and sing in a children's choir. Mikhail has a logical mind...


    Nika is distinguished by masculinity, fortitude, kindness, but her main qualities are honesty and justice. This woman is woven from contradictions, she can be capricious, aggressive, and selfish. According to his mood, he can destroy the most faithful friend with one word...


    Pavel is a kind and sympathetic child. He will be very willing to help his mother take care of his younger brother or sister. He will never violate the prohibitions of adults and will convince his friends not to overstep the bounds of what is permitted. With age, Pavel...


    As a child, Fyodor was a little gloomy, silent and stubborn. He never acts as the ringleader of children's games and is sometimes aloof from his peers. Parents and teachers will especially like Fedor's neatness. His things will always be in perfect order...

  • 24 March Sun Vasily

    As a child, Vasily loves to tinker with little animals and birds and will never offend a defenseless creature. Vasya is the favorite of his grandparents. He constantly needs to be in the company of his peers. Communication with friends comes first for Vasily. He m...


    As a child, Georgy stays somewhat aloof from his peers, but not to such an extent that they understand this as arrogance. Georgy does not reach the line after which he begins to oppose his comrades. Knows how to listen...


    Outwardly, Efim looks like his mother. He has a sensitive nervous system - a dog suddenly jumping out from around the corner barking can cause him to stutter or have a nervous tic. Also susceptible to diseases of the digestive system. Efim's parents need to keep an eye on his...


    Boys with such a common name can have very different personalities. They can be quiet and inconspicuous, or they can be fidgety and rowdy. In Ivan, a combination of a wide variety of qualities is possible: strength and weakness, kindness and cruelty, tenderness...

  • 25 March Mon Alexander

    As children, Alexandras often get sick, but if teenagers begin to harden themselves and engage in physical exercise, then they grow into strong and persistent men. The Alexandras persistently achieve their goal. They can become the head of a coll...


    From early childhood, Vladimir shows curiosity and strives to test his knowledge in practice. He is prone to risk and, to some extent, even to adventure. Strives to take a leading position in the company of peers. Listens to advice from parents...


    The boy Gregory tries to be a good child. But his restless character constantly prevents him from being calm. Having gone for a walk, Grigory will definitely return with knocked-out knees and soiled clothes. He especially likes to launch boats in puddles...


    Dmitry grows up as a sickly child. He will suffer from a variety of diseases, which will affect his nervous system. He will be capricious and demanding of others. She will constantly seek protection and help from her mother. Growing up, Dmitry gets rid of...


    Boys with such a common name can have very different personalities. They can be quiet and inconspicuous, or they can be fidgety and rowdy. In Ivan, a combination of a wide variety of qualities is possible: strength and weakness, kindness and cruelty, tenderness...


    As a child he was very fearful and was constantly in a state of anxiety. It is very difficult to get used to strangers and new surroundings. Getting used to kindergarten and school will require significant effort from Konstantin, and will cost parents a lot of worry. From...


    Young people and men bearing the name Semyon are advised to treat themselves with a certain amount of humor - it is this approach that will allow him to avoid many problems in life. By the way, even in childhood, Semyons often resort to humor and jokes in order to...


    As a child, Sergei is a weak and sickly boy who causes his parents a lot of trouble. With age, he becomes stronger and begins to play sports. His character is becoming more and more masculine. Sergey prefers energetic...

  • 26 March Tue Alexander

    As children, Alexandras often get sick, but if teenagers begin to harden themselves and engage in physical exercise, then they grow into strong and persistent men. The Alexandras persistently achieve their goal. They can become the head of a coll...


    The boy Gregory tries to be a good child. But his restless character constantly prevents him from being calm. Having gone for a walk, Grigory will definitely return with knocked-out knees and soiled clothes. He especially likes to launch boats in puddles...


    An active, smart, cheerful girl with an excellent memory. She comes across as shy, even timid, but in reality Christina simply observes, listens and remembers everything. She is not very mobile, she needs time to...


    Teachers and parents, as a rule, have no problems with the boy Mikhail. He tries to do everything well and on time. Can participate in sports games with his friends and sing in a children's choir. Mikhail has a logical mind...


    Nikolai has been growing strong and healthy since childhood and rarely gets sick. He doesn’t bother his parents with whims, which is probably why they don’t always devote enough time to Nikolai. He studies well in all subjects. Among his peers he is distinguished by his strength, activity and courage...


    Terentii are painfully sensitive to any injustice on the part of others. Although they themselves are selfish and often make “friendly” connections with people who occupy a prominent position in society. They will never say to your face everything that they think about...

  • 27 March Wed Michael

    Teachers and parents, as a rule, have no problems with the boy Mikhail. He tries to do everything well and on time. Can participate in sports games with his friends and sing in a children's choir. Mikhail has a logical mind...


    It can be difficult to deal with little Rostik: he is very stubborn, capricious and knows how to get his way with tears. The boy is often sick, he has an unstable nervous system, and his parents try to indulge him in everything. But as he gets older, he gets rid of these...

  • 28 March Thu Alexander

    As children, Alexandras often get sick, but if teenagers begin to harden themselves and engage in physical exercise, then they grow into strong and persistent men. The Alexandras persistently achieve their goal. They can become the head of a coll...


    A calm and quiet woman will give this name to her son. Although from childhood Alexey is very attached to his mother and is in many ways similar to her, he immediately begins to feel like his mother’s protector, and in a more mature age he can become a protector for other women. Al...


    Denis is growing up to be a very sociable boy. His best friends are not only the children in the neighborhood, but also the neighbor's dogs, which he feeds with sandwiches on the way to school. It would be nice to buy a puppy for the boy. This would help raise such...


    Teachers and parents, as a rule, have no problems with the boy Mikhail. He tries to do everything well and on time. Can participate in sports games with his friends and sing in a children's choir. Mikhail has a logical mind...


    Timofey experiences a difficult childhood because his mother’s power in the family was too strong, and the boy, even having a father, did not receive a male upbringing. Having become an adult, but never escaping from his mother's care, the young man finds himself in yet another situation...

  • 29 March Fri Alexander

    As children, Alexandras often get sick, but if teenagers begin to harden themselves and engage in physical exercise, then they grow into strong and persistent men. The Alexandras persistently achieve their goal. They can become the head of a coll...


    Denis is growing up to be a very sociable boy. His best friends are not only the children in the neighborhood, but also the neighbor's dogs, which he feeds with sandwiches on the way to school. It would be nice to buy a puppy for the boy. This would help raise such...


    Emelyan is constant and principled. He is very stubborn, which sometimes causes him harm. Emelyan does not like haste or fuss; he plans all his affairs in advance. He prefers to have a few acquaintances, one or two best friends, and rarely when the composition is "approximately ...


    Boys with such a common name can have very different personalities. They can be quiet and inconspicuous, or they can be fidgety and rowdy. In Ivan, a combination of a wide variety of qualities is possible: strength and weakness, kindness and cruelty, tenderness...


    Pavel is a kind and sympathetic child. He will be very willing to help his mother take care of his younger brother or sister. He will never violate the prohibitions of adults and will convince his friends not to overstep the bounds of what is permitted. With age, Pavel...


    As a child, Roman often gets sick, and even unwanted complications are possible, so parents need to monitor the boy’s health. Due to frequent absences from classes, Roman may not be doing well at school; here, too, he may need help...

    Trofim Julian

    Little Yulik has weak lungs, an unstable nervous system, he always catches colds - in short, his parents have a lot of trouble with him. Nevertheless, the boy studies well, he always has friends around him, and, despite his poor health, he is able to stand...

  • 30 March Sat Alexander

    As children, Alexandras often get sick, but if teenagers begin to harden themselves and engage in physical exercise, then they grow into strong and persistent men. The Alexandras persistently achieve their goal. They can become the head of a coll...


    A calm and quiet woman will give this name to her son. Although from childhood Alexey is very attached to his mother and is in many ways similar to her, he immediately begins to feel like his mother’s protector, and in a more mature age he can become a protector for other women. Al...


    Victor is a gullible boy, he believes everything that adults tell him. Having learned about the deception, he is very upset; Victor is not vindictive, quickly forgets grievances and again treats people with trust. You can try to force Victor to study music, for example...


    All those bearing this name easily overcome obstacles that stand in their way and do not hesitate to face difficulties in business and work. But as for personal relationships, here Gabriel sometimes cannot keep the situation under control, he forgives all betrayals and...


    From birth, Makars are given many things that others dream of for many years. Unfortunately, not all Makars are able to appreciate this gift, so it is often wasted. These are capable and at the same time stubborn children with change...


    Pavel is a kind and sympathetic child. He will be very willing to help his mother take care of his younger brother or sister. He will never violate the prohibitions of adults and will convince his friends not to overstep the bounds of what is permitted. With age, Pavel...

  • 31 March Sun Gregory

    The boy Gregory tries to be a good child. But his restless character constantly prevents him from being calm. Having gone for a walk, Grigory will definitely return with knocked-out knees and soiled clothes. He especially likes to launch boats in puddles...


    Daniil is a calm and kind boy. In character he is more like his mother. Sick a little. Loves outdoor games. Sociable, constantly surrounded by friends. Daniel cannot stand lies, he may even flare up, but he quickly moves away and does not remember the evil for a long time. Born of winter...


    Dmitry grows up as a sickly child. He will suffer from a variety of diseases, which will affect his nervous system. He will be capricious and demanding of others. She will constantly seek protection and help from her mother. Growing up, Dmitry gets rid of...


    Little Kirill is very inquisitive. He is interested in literally everything: why planes fly, where children come from, why sparrows chirp. He begins to read early and quickly devolves all the books in the house, sometimes without understanding the content at all. Possession...


    As a child, Natalya is a cheerful child. He loves to play and be naughty, he is a great inventor - in well-known games he will try to come up with something new and interesting to make it even more fun. IN school years shows vigorous activity. She is a good student, str...


    Little Trofim is a child like a child: moderately capricious, moderately restless and disobedient, except that he is more noticeably lazy than other children. With age, its character changes, and for those born in winter it is far from the same as for those born in the fall. At "winter...

March girls are almost the most feminine in astrological forecasts: They are very domestic, feminine and calm. The sensitive soul of such a girl will often fall in love, be offended, or be filled with joy from every little thing. Vulnerability and uncertainty will go hand in hand with her throughout life, so a girl born in March needs to be protected for a long time and tried to be devoted to her more attention. This girl won’t tell you directly what’s eating her or how you might have hurt her, but you’ll see a change in her mood right away. She will become caring and loving mother, reliable wife and best friend. Do not give your baby a name that is too feminine and soft; it is better to pay attention to the advice of astrologers.

What to name a girl born in March - astrology

Some names will be able to give the March girl more determination and self-confidence, so that in the future she will not suffer from excessive vulnerability, which is inherent in many Pisces. Give preference to more strong-willed names:

  • Stanislava,
  • Martha,
  • Kira,
  • Irina,
  • Rome,
  • Christina,
  • Veronica,
  • Tonya,
  • Nina,
  • Nika,
  • Svetlana,
  • Catherine,
  • Evgenia,
  • Marina,
  • Arina,
  • Natalia.

With them, the girl will feel a little more confident in what she is doing. Avoid the following names:

  • Tatiana,
  • Alena,
  • Dina,
  • Sofia,
  • Raisa.

Try to surround her with more care throughout her life and learn to feel any changes in the March girl’s mood, since behind them lies something significant for her.

What to name a girl born in March - church names

This list is perfect for all branches of Christianity. Don't forget that each name only matches a certain number months. As an example, look at:

  • March 1 – Valentina, translated from Latin as “strong, healthy girl.”
  • March 6 – Varvara.
    Elizabeth, which is from the Hebrew “girl who worships God.”
    Irina, translated from Greek as “loving peace.”
    Olga, a name derived from the Scandinavian name Helga, meaning “holy or wise.”
  • March 22 – Alexandra.
    Natalya, translated from Latin as “native”.
    Alina, from the ancient German dialect “noble”.
  • March 30 – Marina, which from Latin means “sea”.
  • March 31 – Cornelia.

When choosing a name according to the church calendar, pay attention to unfavorable names from astrologers for March girls.

How to name a girl born in March in honor of great people

The name of a great man always serves as a good example for a young girl to follow:

  • On the first day of spring, name the girl Vera, in honor of the great chess player Soviet Union Vera Menchik,
  • March 4th is perfect for Larisa, since theater artist Larisa Luzhina was born on the same day.
  • On March 13, give preference to the name Anastasia, in honor of actress Anastasia Vyaltseva.
  • On March 23, Elizaveta, Agata, Elizaveta, named after the children's writer Elizaveta Vodovozova, also Juliet, are preferred.

If you contact full calendar famous people, then easily choose for the March girl good example for imitation and interesting name, which will harmonize beautifully with her last and patronymic names.

Pregnancy - happy time For many families, future parents look forward to meeting their baby with pleasure. Somewhere around 6-7 months of pregnancy, when the sex of the child has already been determined, most parents begin to think about a name for the child. Let's look at the character traits and names of those born in March

What are the character and lucky names of those born in March

This is very important point not only in the life of the parents, but also of the child. After all, the name, in essence, gives rise to a new life, affects the baby’s character, and, to some extent, his fate. Before choosing a name for your child, you need to know not only the gender of the child, but also what time of year the baby will be born, which is important, in this case the month of birth.

March- “March” people are very sensitive and impressionable. Failures are difficult to bear and therefore poorly promoted. If they show stubbornness and persistence, it is most often to their detriment. They are cowardly, indecisive, and easily vulnerable. They believe that their life has not worked out. Among the “March” people there are many losers and envious people. All their lives they strive for success, but remain unrecognized. And if they find themselves at the pinnacle of glory, it is not for long, and the fall for them means the collapse of all hopes. These “spring” people are selfish and ambitious. They are irritable, sarcastic, and perceive the success of others as their own defeat. They are very boring and pester their loved ones with endless complaints about their fate. Suspicious people believe in superstitions and often turn to fortune tellers.

Names for March girls:

Let's imagine the situation that your baby will be born in the spring, in March, and you will have a girl. How to choose a name for her? What names of girls born in March brought happiness to their owners? - these are the first questions that come to mind. March is the first month of spring. Children born in spring are flexible, they show flexibility in many matters, so it is very difficult for them to achieve success in life. In addition, March children, in particular girls, can be very impressionable and sensitive. Distinctive features children born in March is their talent; March children mainly express their emotions through art. Children born in spring have a soft character, they are pliable, so the names of girls born in March should be “hard” and sonorous. It is desirable that the name contain the letters P or N, for example, Nadezhda or Ruslana.

The most suitable names for those born in March are: Antonina, Evdokia, Ruslana, Seraphim, Stella, Stanislava, Rostislava, Bronislava, Sophia.

Names of girls born in March according to the calendar





Perhaps you do not like the names listed above, then in this case, study the meanings of the names you have chosen. Believing families can choose a name for the child according to the Saints, that is, name the child in honor of the Saint based on his birthday. Don't forget to take into account the child's middle name. After all, the name must be consonant with the patronymic.

Sometimes some parents want to make their child stand out from the crowd, and for this they give the baby an extraordinary name. Perhaps at a more mature age your daughter will thank you for such an unusual and unique name, but until the age of 17-20 she will have to put up with the ridicule of friends and acquaintances; it will be especially difficult for her in kindergarten and in elementary school. Therefore, first think about how your daughter will live with a name like Bronislava, for example, or Pavlina. It is unlikely that the baby will be pleased if children deliberately distort her name and mock her. Therefore, choose names that are pleasant to the ear and gentle, especially for those born in early spring.