Ibrahim name meaning origin. The name Ibrahim in different languages. The meaning of the letters of the name Ibrahim

If you want your son to grow up to be a freedom-loving, inventive and intelligent man, then give him such a sonorous male name like Ibrahim. Perhaps at some points it will be difficult to find an approach to such a representative of the stronger sex, but the merits of character will more than compensate for any inconvenience. The meaning of the name Ibrahim reveals in great detail all the shades of the personality of such people.

Little Ibrahimushka is incredibly stubborn and persistent in getting what he wants. The meaning of the name Ibrahim for a boy conveys a seriousness unusual for this age. The baby is already in the sandbox playing serious games, for real. men's games. The interpretation of the name states that his favorite game is “robbers.” I also like complex construction sets and, of course, cars.

The detailed meaning of the name Ibrahim for a child also reveals his attitude to learning. These boys simply love to read. They read a lot and the most various literature. Distract from interesting story Ibrahimushka is simply impossible, and the seriousness of the reason does not matter.

He behaves like a real knight with girls. Tries to help and protect if necessary. But he can also show surprising external coldness and indifference. Especially if the little lady causes pleasant emotional excitement.

As a teenager, he often enjoys swimming and even achieves good results in this sport. Loves to ride a bike and get into exciting stories. Absolutely no violence is tolerated. You can find mutual understanding with this baby only with the help of affection and kindness. Any, even seemingly insignificant violence causes incredible rage and aggression.


He behaves with women like a true gentleman. Loves to take care of and beautifully look after his chosen one. Adds romance to love great value. Prefers long-term relationships built on mutual sexual and intellectual attraction. He will not maintain contact with a girl who does not understand his hobbies and does not share his views.

Tries not to enter into short-term relationships. If this happens, he will try to quickly break off unnecessary relationships, so as not to mislead his partner and not give her vain hopes. IN love relationships is a passionate, decent and sincere person, which means that the chosen one can count on exceptional decency and spiritual dedication on the part of Ibrahimushka.


He takes an accomplished and strong-willed woman as his wife, which means that the future wife must have an unbending character and incredible courage and determination. IN family life It is she who is assigned the leadership role. Ibrahim is faithful to his wife until the breakup. Decency is given serious importance. Never starts relationships on the side.

A successful marriage can be with Aida, Bella, Rufina, Sarah, Dina, Isolde, Elina, Emma, ​​Karina, Mirra, Susanna and Rebekah. You should not enter into long-term relationships with Evgenia, Inga, Arina, Vanda, Leila, Nonna, Glafira, Danuta, Polina, Isidora, Kaleria, and Taisiya.

Business and career

He approaches the choice of profession with a sober calculation, which means he often achieves success in his profession. Strong intuition helps you avoid serious problems and take the right steps. Will never take on a task or project if he feels that he cannot complete it as required.

Ibrahim should try himself in the service sector. Can achieve good results in areas such as history, art, literature. With a serious approach, hard work and perseverance, he will be able to occupy a high social level, achieve fame and wealth.

Origin of the name Ibrahim

History reports several versions of the origin of the adverb. According to the most common of them, the origin of the name Ibrahim is Arabic. Where the adverb comes from undoubtedly leaves its mark on the translation. The etymology in this case is “prophet.”

Also, the secret of the name tells about the Jewish origin. Translation from Hebrew is “father of nations.” The Bible says that the man whose name was Ibrahim was the founder of the Jewish people. Currently, this adverb is incredibly popular among Old Believers in Russia, but for ease of pronunciation it was transformed into Abraham.

Characteristics of the name Ibrahim

It is believed that the characteristics of the name Ibrahim directly depend on the time of year when the man so named was born. Ibrahimushka, who was born in winter, has a rather complex character. In communication, he is extremely difficult and unpredictable. The main thing is to find the right approach.

Mutual understanding can be achieved through patience and common interests. The implementation of a joint business will help Ibrahimushka to show his positive qualities like amazing ingenuity and an inquisitive mind.

“Autumn” Ibrahim also has a sufficient number of character pros and cons. It may seem to others that he is overly indifferent to many things happening around him. This is actually not true, Ibrahim is just practical and prudent. Attaches great importance material well-being and does everything possible to achieve financial independence.

Born in the summer, he is incredibly intelligent and well-read. Able to find common language with any person thanks to innate diplomacy. Attaches importance to friendship. He knows how to make friends and is able to come to the aid of a friend exactly when it is needed. At the same time, in any matter he tends to rely only on his own strength.

“Spring” Ibrahimushka loves everyone’s attention. It attaches enormous importance to universal adoration and admiration. Prefers to consume and give nothing in return. The main personality traits are narcissism and selfishness. But he loves to take care of his loved ones.

The mystery of the name

  • Stone - turquoise.
  • Doesn't celebrate his name day.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign of the name - Libra, Taurus.

Famous people named Ibrahim

  • Ibrahim Hasanbekov is a famous football player who plays as a striker.
  • Ibrahim Rugova is the President of Kosovo.

Name Ibrahim in different languages

The most common translation of the name Ibrahim is “father of nations.” How is the adverb translated into various languages listed below:

in Chinese - 易卜拉欣 in Japanese - イブラヒム

Name forms

  • Full name: Ibrahim.
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other variants - Ibrahim, Ibrahim, Abraham, Abra.
  • Declension of the name - Ibrahim - Ibrahima.
  • There is no church name in Orthodoxy.

Meaning of the name Ibrahim

Ibrahim - Old Hebrew Abraham, father of nations “Prophet” (Tatar) An active child, stubborn and persistent. Suitable for lung diseases and cardiovascular diseases. He has a wonderful appetite; you should limit his food intake, especially sweets, which Ibrahim adores. Ibrahim grows up very serious. His games are purely masculine - cars, construction sets, and he likes to play “robbers” with friends. He is distinctly cold with girls, but will never offend. Ibrahim is an excellent swimmer and loves cycling. He reads a lot, preferring adventure literature. The worst punishment for him is to take away the unread book. Does not perceive force, may become angry and leave home. Ibrahim is very proud, "winter" can be tough. It’s not easy to communicate with him, but you can find an approach. He is willful and stubborn, but smart and inventive. If you press these levers, touching upon the problems that most interest him, you can always find his “pain points.” He only needs to give ideas, and he will do the rest himself. Although he has plenty of his own ideas. "Autumn" Ibrahim is serious and reasonable. He is not as cruel in character as the “winter” one, but he is also more indifferent to the problems of others. He is practical and prudent, he is more interested in the material well-being of the family than in the problems of the team. He is self-interested and reluctant to help colleagues if his interests are not taken into account. However, in everything else that is not related to money, he is fair and honest. "Summer" Ibrahim is an intellectual and erudite. He is attentive and gallant with women. An excellent diplomat, he knows with whom and how to behave. He is gentle in character, but on occasion he can fight back against anyone. We love women and friends, a devoted friend himself. He easily gets along with people and easily breaks up with those who have let him down at least once. He relies only on himself and does not expect help from anyone. Always ready to help others. "Spring" Ibrahim is somewhat selfish and narcissistic. Experiences an urgent need for communication and general attention. Without this, he becomes depressed and feels very lonely. Feels the need for stability, although he himself is not very constant. Maybe get married early so as not to feel loneliness so acutely. However, even in this case, he cannot sacrifice his independence, and, as a rule, such an early marriage breaks up sooner or later. Ibrahim maintains close relationships with his family, never forgets about his parents, and remembers all family dates. He takes an active part in the lives of his brothers and sisters and tries to help everyone.

Numerology of the name Ibrahim

Soul Number: 5.
The name number 5 means freedom and independence. “Fives” rarely listen to outside advice; they are used to relying on their own own experience. They tend to try rather than think. “Fives” love adventure and travel; sitting still is not in their nature! They are gamblers and adventurers, a thirst for risk and excitement accompany everything they do. life path. The native element of the “fives” is bargaining; in any commercial matters, few can compare with the “fives”. It is worth remembering that “fives” avoid responsibility at all costs.

Hidden Spirit Number: 3

Body number: 2


Planet: Venus.
Element: Air and water, heat and humidity.
Zodiac: Taurus, Libra.
Color: Green, yellow-blue, pink.
Day: Friday.
Metal: Copper, bronze.
Mineral: Emerald, aquamarine, beryl, peridot, sapphire, carnelian.
Plants: Periwinkle, lemon balm, forget-me-not, lady's slipper, non-predatory orchids, iris, cauliflower.
Animals: Pigeon, bull, cat, rabbit, seal, fallow deer.

The name Ibrahim as a phrase

B Buki
R Rtsy (Rivers, Speak, Sayings)
A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
G Verb (Speak)
AND AND (Union, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, “Together with”)
M Think

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Ibrahim

B - spiritual romanticism, constancy, strength, penetration abilities, desire to financially secure one’s life.
P - the ability not to be deceived by appearances, but to delve into the being; self-confidence, desire to act, courage. When carried away, a person is capable of taking stupid risks and is sometimes too dogmatic in his judgments.
A is a symbol of the beginning and the desire to start and implement something, a thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.
G - the desire for knowledge, introduction to a hidden secret, the ability to understand everything in inextricable connection with life, attention to detail and the need to do everything in good faith.
And - subtle spirituality, sensitivity, kindness, peacefulness. Outwardly, a person shows practicality as a screen to hide a romantic, soft nature.
M - caring personality, willingness to help, possible shyness. At the same time, a warning to the owner that he is part of nature and should not succumb to the temptation to “pull the blanket over himself.” By being predatory towards nature, the owner of this letter harms himself.

The name Ibrahim, like many other names, has several versions of the origin and meaning of the name. About these versions and much more in our review article.

The most popular name in Russia is Ibrahim among those professing Islam. Naturally in this case, the most popular version of the meaning of the name is associated with Arab culture. According to linguists, translated from Arabic the meaning of the name Ibrahim (ابراهيم‎) is “prophet”, “father of nations”. It should be added that this is the Arabic form of the more familiar name Abraham. One of the most revered prophets in all Abrahamic religions.

There is also a Hebrew version of the meaning of the name, although it should be noted that the name still sounds different in Hebrew. Some linguists argue that the name Ibrahim (Abraham) is translated as “ancestor”. This is very close in meaning to “father of nations”, because the meaning is the same. This is not surprising, because Islam, Christianity and Judaism have common biblical roots. It’s not for nothing that these religions are called “Abrahamic,” which comes from the name Abraham.

The meaning of the name Ibrahim for a child

As a child, Ibrahim is distinguished by high mobility and an active character. At the same time, he is a rather serious child and strives to build relationships on equal terms even with adults. He actively explores the world around him and shows a genuine interest in a huge number things. Do not discourage his desire to develop and learn new things with your indifference. It may not be easy, but over time you will begin to reap the rewards of your efforts.

Ibrahim does not like to study, despite his curiosity. Ordinary lessons make him bored, and therefore special success You shouldn't expect anything from a boy. Only an informal, sincerely loving approach to the subject can truly interest Ibrahim. It is worth noting that in his hobbies he still shows constancy and perseverance. The boy does not like to give up in the face of difficulties, and therefore achieves serious results in his hobby. Already in childhood, his strong-willed and purposeful character is noticeable.

Ibrahim’s health cannot be called heroic, but he does not suffer from any particular illness. His health is rather at an average level, but the child’s vitality can be called high. He is a cheerful and cheerful kid. In adulthood, he should be more attentive to his diet, because many owners of the name are endowed with a tendency to be overweight. Do not underestimate this predisposition and let everything take its course. The good news is that Ibrahim loves physical education and generally gravitates towards active pastime.

Abbreviated and diminutive forms of the name Ibrahim.

Ibrahimka, Ibrahimchik, Ibrahimochka, Ibrahimushka.

Children's middle names

Ibrahimovic and Ibragimovna

Name Ibrahim in English

IN English the name Ibrahim is written as Ibrahim, but the transliteration Ibragim can also be used.

Name Ibrahim for international passport-IBRAGIM

Church name Ibrahim(in the Orthodox faith) not defined. This name is not in church calendar, and therefore church name Ibrahim will be different from the worldly.

Characteristics of the name Ibrahim

Adult Ibrahim is an independent and slightly closed man. He treats all new acquaintances carefully and is in no hurry to call someone a friend. Ibrahim categorically does not accept any means of putting pressure on himself, and his response to such behavior will not be long in coming. But, in the case of a gentle and respectful attitude towards himself, Ibrahim himself becomes calm and patient. Determination is another characteristic feature of Ibrahim. Having set a goal for himself, he will systematically achieve his goal. Ibrahim is especially interested in material wealth. He spends most of his energy on achieving financial well-being.

As for work, Ibrahim prefers to work for himself. He does not like to be anyone's subordinate, and therefore with youth he has a noticeable entrepreneurial spirit. Except own business, Ibrahim can achieve serious success in sales. He likes to sell, and he is not particularly interested in what exactly. You need to understand that work will take up a lot of time in Ibrahim’s life. Even having a family won't change his priorities much.

Family relationships are important to Ibrahim, although they are not his main priority. Surprisingly, with this approach, Ibrahim often starts a family early. He is a good provider for the family, although he cannot be called an ideal owner. He knows how to earn money, but avoids household chores in every possible way. If the wife takes on all the household chores, then Ibrahim, for his part, will provide her with everything else. He is quite strict towards his family, but he also shows no less strictness towards himself. His character changes somewhat when a girl is born into the family. The daughters will be allowed everything that was previously strictly prohibited.

The secret of the name Ibrahim

Ibrahim's secret is that he is prone to doubt. Until Ibrahim makes a final decision, he will torture himself. Naturally, he strives not to show this, but it is impossible to hide this from loved ones. Don’t rush him at such moments, but rather just leave him alone for a while. You definitely won’t be able to help, and therefore you shouldn’t go to him with questions and advice.

Planet- Saturn.

Zodiac sign- Taurus.

Totem animal- Rabbit.

Name color- Blue.

Tree- Ash.

Stone- Turquoise.