Miroslav's name origin and nation. Name day and church name. The meaning of the name Miroslava

"the winner who glorifies the world"

Origin of the name Miroslav


Characteristics of the name Miroslav

a boy named Miroslav has a calm, balanced character. This is a sensitive, vulnerable, kind, not devoid of ambition child. If he is raised correctly, without indulging his whims, then Miroslav can maintain such a character in adulthood. But in childhood, Miroslav’s desire to insist on his point of view can develop into despotism - parents need to remember this. By nature he is not a careerist, he has patience, loves and knows how to work. Miroslav is reasonably practical, diplomatic, an attentive interlocutor who tries to keep his thoughts to himself. He knows how to celebrate, have fun, and is generous with friends and loved ones. The Miroslavs often achieve success in business, finance, law, and management. Even in his youth, Miroslav often falls in love, but due to his impressionability and vulnerability, he often fails in relationships with women. Therefore, it happens more than once in marriage. True, having reached adulthood, Miroslav usually takes into account past negative experiences, draws conclusions from them and still creates a strong family.

Famous personalities: Miroslav Nemirov (1961) - Russian poet, prose writer, essayist, contemporary art figure. Miroslav Romashchenko (1973) is a famous Soviet and Belarusian football player.

The name Miroslava is one of those names that passed into the Russian tradition from Slavic ancestors, but at the same time has no analogue in the Saints. An appropriate question is whether Miroslava can be called traditional Orthodox name, if this is not reflected in the calendar. According to the Saints, this name is not baptismal, but in its meaning it is close to the Christian name Irina. Thus, having decided to name their daughter this way, parents can turn to their confessor to choose the right spiritual analogue.

Shortened forms of the name: Mira, Slava, Mirosya, Slavochka.

History of the origin of the name Miroslav

Names with the root "slav" were the most common group in Ancient Rus', while etymologically going back to the name of the tribe of our ancestors. The second most common root was “peace.” The two most popular components for personal names were eventually combined to create the name Miroslav.

The formation of a female personal name on the basis of a male one is also typical feature Old Russian onomastics. The name Miroslava, which appeared in this way, quickly became independent, but never had particular popularity (unlike the male version). This is partly due to the absence of a name in the Saints. In Russian Orthodox tradition it is not baptismal.

But the prevalence of the name Miroslav is strong in the following countries:

  • Czech Republic;
  • Bulgaria;
  • Slovakia;
  • Ukraine.

This is due to the fact that Orthodox Christians in these countries traditionally identify the names Miroslava and Irina on the basis of the commonality of their meanings.

Thus, the name day of the owner of this name in one of the listed countries will be on the day of honoring the memory of the Holy Great Martyr Irene. For Bulgarians and Ukrainians this date is 5 May. Representatives of the Western Slavs congratulate Miroslav on his name day March 29 And April 5.

The meaning of the name Miroslav in Orthodoxy

After reading the information above, everyone will wonder whether it is possible to name a child with this name if the name is not entirely Russian. In fact, for a girl Miroslava is very good name associated with the Greek tradition. Let's look at the issue in more detail.

First let's compare the meaning of the two names:

  • Irina - Greek name, derived from the name of the goddess Eirene, patron of the world (meaning “tranquility”).
  • Miroslava - Old Russian, meaning “she who glorifies the world.”

Such an onomastic connection between two words is not striking, but knowing this, it is easy to draw an analogy. Among the Bulgarians, for example, these two words are completely interchangeable.

We have already mentioned the saint whose memory is honored on May 5 (Irene the Great). She became famous in Christian history as a great martyr who suffered during the persecution of Christians.

But usually, when they talk about the patroness of all who bear this name, they mention Miroslava (Irina) of Constantinople. She lived ten centuries after the martyrdom of Irene the Great, but she also suffered from attacks on true believers. According to legend, together with their husband Saint Gregory, they were ardent icon-worshipers, so they refused the order of Theophilus, the iconoclast emperor. The family couple had to endure the hardships of exile. Together with their children, they left Constantinople, and therefore died on foreign soil.

It is this date that will be the correct Orthodox birthday day for all girls named Miroslava. Knowing the history and essence, you can easily answer anyone who tries to call Miroslava a pagan name alien to Orthodoxy.

Description of the name Miroslav

Little Mira is traditionally a very mobile, active child with high level curiosity. It is these children who are usually “why-much”, who learn to read early and learn about the world by independently interacting with it. Parents will have to work hard, trying to protect the girl from danger environment so that curiosity does not bring negative consequences. A distinctive feature of little Miroslava is stubbornness. She sees only the goal and moves towards it, not paying attention to obstacles, even if the obstacle is parental care. A smart parent will direct the child’s energy in the right direction in a timely manner: to study or to the development of talent. Thus, as Slava grows older, she will have a hard work ethic and develop her skills at the proper level.

With school knowledge, everything is different: often a schoolgirl, Miroslava, can study with grades of three and four, and argue with teachers. The girl is bored in close quarters school curriculum. She comprehends best those subjects where knowledge can be applied in practice. She will not make a good theorist, because the spirit of the experimenter is strong in the child.

By adulthood, Mira changes, leaving stubbornness and love for argumentation in the time of youthful maximalism. Stubbornness transforms into persistence. If you learn to correctly apply this trait in practice, the girl will experience success in life. In her work, Slava is a true perfectionist who will try to do everything correctly and in strict accordance with the requirements. This serious attitude accompanies Miroslava in love affairs. The girl is in no hurry to marry the first person she meets: she needs to be convinced of her partner and his intentions. Such people strive to create one union for life, so the search for a husband often drags on for many years.

The secret of the name Miroslav

Each name has special characteristics in its meaning. Miroslava is no exception. The main secret with which Mira goes through life is her cheerful and extremely optimistic mood. It is impossible to unsettle such a person, because even in hopeless situations she will look for positive aspects and ways to solve the problem. Seeing Slava in despondency is a rarity; she knows how to withstand all the hardships from fate. She deflects every blow with resilience that is enviable.

Another secret skill is mental acuity and great vocabulary. People like Slava are called “mindful of words.” In any situation, the girl will be able to fight back. At the same time, she understands when it is better to restrain herself and not show her insolence. Mira is not a good diplomat, but still, when it comes to choosing a negotiator with a sharp tongue, she is the best candidate.

And, of course, the active nature of this woman requires continuous development. Slava grows above himself and takes on new endeavors with enthusiasm. It may seem that the girl is simply looking for herself, but in reality she finds her place in life precisely in this endless cycle of development. Even in old age, Miroslava is not afraid of experiences that are unusual for her. It is these old ladies who actively travel and learn new skills.

At birth, every person receives a name. What does it mean and what influence does it have on fate? Many people have questions like these at least once in their lives. This article will reveal the meaning of the name Miroslav.

A little history

This name is of ancient Slavic origin and consists of two bases: “glory” and “peace”. The name received the meaning “glorifying the world” or “glorious by the world” thanks to the daughter of St. Vladimir. After her marriage to the Polish king, 800 Russian people were released from captivity.

Nowadays, the name is gaining popularity again. Little Miroslava can be found in Russia, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Belarus, Macedonia and Ukraine. Quite often this was the name given to girls born in the USSR in the late 50s of the last century.

There is a male pair version - Miroslav. The meaning of the name, character have significant differences from the female counterpart. In the relationship between Miroslav and Miroslava, many contradictions can arise.

This name in Orthodox calendar No. Therefore, during baptism, its owner is called differently, choosing the most consonant option (for example, Miropia or Maria).

The diminutive forms are Mila, Slava or Mira. The latter is also used as an independent name.

Childhood years

The meaning of the name Miroslava for a girl is generally favorable. This is a very active child who shows persistence in any situation. Miroslava can be noisy, mischievous, stubborn and even impudent.

For her, dolls are not of much interest. Mira spends her time in the company of boys with great pleasure. Often a girl can be seen in a fight. However, Miroslav will never allow himself to be offended.

Unfortunately, her explosive nature prevents her from studying. Disputes with teachers, misunderstanding of parents - all this is reflected in academic performance.

The meaning of the name Miroslava for a girl is not always positive. Its bearer is stubborn and does not compromise during conflicts. With such behavior she brings a lot of trouble to her parents. She does not help her mother at home, and her father is not an authority for her either. Quite often Miroslava is called a difficult child.


The girl does not always live up to her name - Miroslava. Its origin and meaning bear the characteristics of restraint and grandeur. Mira grows up to be a very conflicted person. However, in this way she is only trying to prove that she is right, the recognition of which is of great importance to her.

Miroslava's self-esteem is usually a little high, which is not a minus for her. Thanks to this, she sets herself seemingly impossible tasks, but always achieves her goal.

The meaning of the name Miroslava for a child and adult woman not the same. Character changes with age better side. When communicating, softer traits begin to appear, Mira becomes a balanced person. It should be noted that such metamorphoses do not occur immediately, but gradually.

Many character traits remain, the girl just uses them differently. For example, activity and perseverance will help her not only in work, but also in her personal life.

But with age, a tendency towards intrigue also begins to appear. At the same time, no one can influence the opinion of Miroslava herself.

Character traits depending on time of birth

The owners of this name, depending on the time of year in which they were born, are characterized by different traits.

Thus, “winter” Miroslava is extremely stubborn, but at the same time very hardworking. You can entrust her with any difficult task and have no doubt that she will cope with it.

The meaning of the name Miroslava for a girl born in spring will be different. She doesn't like long trips or delays at work. “Spring” Mira can be very soft and affectionate with her family. She has few friends, but she completely trusts them. She is very close spiritually to her husband; she endures any quarrels in the family very hard. In rare cases, the woman herself can take the first step towards reconciliation.

“Summer” Miroslava is her complete opposite. Sharp, energetic and impetuous. She is constantly busy with something, she simply cannot sit idle. Movement for her is life. Prefers to work in places where you need to travel on business trips. The relationship with her spouse is very intense. During quarrels she is emotional, and afterwards she often regrets what she said. Very jealous.

“Autumn” Miroslava is also stubborn. She is used to living in her inner world, and often becomes a deeply religious person. She takes all events in life to heart, and it doesn’t matter whether they happen directly to her or just to friends. She lets everything pass through herself. Outwardly, the girl is calm in any situation.


As a child, Miroslava practically never got sick, which makes her parents very happy. However, as you age, poor nutrition may cause digestive problems. This is gastritis or an ulcer.

After 25 years, Mira may have nervous disorders. Most often they arise due to prolonged anxiety or grief.

A girl rarely gets sick, but usually for a long time. At such moments, the attention and care of loved ones is very important to her. Good medicine for Miroslava are sleep, rest and a change of environment. She needs to visit more often fresh air.


The meaning of the name Miroslava suggests that she can cope with any job. Most often it stops at prestigious professions. This is a lawyer, manager, lawyer, diplomat. However, Mira can choose a creative direction and achieve great success.

If something doesn’t work out, she won’t give up, but will start all over again, putting in even more effort. She loves to command and give advice to colleagues.

Miroslava dreams of beautiful life without financial problems. She wants to achieve all this herself. To achieve her goal, the girl is ready to do anything.

While building a career, she can become two-faced. For her bosses, Mira is the best worker, she has no equal. But in order to achieve such success, she is ready to literally go over the heads of her colleagues and even friends.

Despite all the achievements at work, a stable financial situation and promotion career ladder achieves only closer to 40 years.


The name Miroslav, the origin and meaning of which has a great influence on the fate of its owner, also brings a lot of trouble to the girl in her personal life. Men like her, but they fear her on a subconscious level. However, the powerful, self-confident and strong Miroslava is very amorous. She does not hesitate to take the first step and confess her love. Such behavior already at the beginning of the relationship makes her a leader; the man can only fulfill her desires.

Mira is a self-sufficient woman; she can only be satisfied with meeting a man on neutral territory. If she truly falls in love, she can even help her chosen one financially. However, Miroslav will not create a family with such a person.


Mira usually gets married late; for her this is a very important step. Search true love can last a lifetime.

The meaning of the name Miroslava makes it clear what she is looking for strong man. However, this will in different ways try to remake it for yourself.

Real feelings make her soft and caring. She is faithful to her husband and expects the same from him. In marriage, Mira becomes a good housewife. She doesn't like to do household chores, but her apartment is always clean, cozy, and there is a delicious dinner on the table.

He rarely receives guests; he tries to spend more time with his family. She loves her children very much, but will not sacrifice her career for them. Miroslava is one of those women who skillfully combine work and family.

For marriage, it is better for her to choose Arthur, Pavel, Trofim or Gerasim. You should avoid relationships with Igor, Gennady and Boris.

Female name Miroslava: meaning and secrets

The girl has a rather sharp tongue. Of course, as she gets older, she becomes more reserved. However, it is better to refrain from conflicts with her, since it will not be possible to avoid barbs on her part. The way she does this sometimes arouses admiration among others.

But even with such a complex character, she attracts people to her, while skillfully manipulating them.

Miroslava’s second secret is the ability to look great without spending a lot of money on yourself. Thanks to good taste, she is able to surround herself with things that visually look more expensive than they actually cost. This is where she has a special talent.

General information. Miroslava: the meaning of the name

  • Name days are October 25 and April 13.
  • Stone - carbuncle, alexandrite.
  • Color - orange and yellow.
  • Zodiac sign - Sagittarius.
  • Happy day of the week is Wednesday.
  • Planet - Jupiter.
  • The plant is carnation.
  • The bird is a golden eagle.

The origin and meaning of which we will now discuss is quite unusual and not particularly popular. It has ancient Russian roots.

The name consists of two words - “peace” and “glory”, the meaning of which is already clear. The name itself means “glorified for peace” or “glorifying peace.” It is also often identified with the word “winner.” In general, it's very interesting topic, so now it’s worth talking in a little more detail about the secret of the name Miroslav and its features.


The boy, whom his parents decided to call him this way, has a calm and balanced character. He grows up very friendly and smiling, and practically does not cause mom and dad any trouble, because he does not need special attention, and he does not demand practically anything from his elders.

After entering school, independence begins to clearly manifest itself in his character. The boy will never tolerate anyone bothering him or imposing his opinion. Yes, he is a surprisingly patient child, but he has not accepted unnecessary advice since childhood. This is perhaps the only thing that can piss him off.

He likes to study. Parents don’t even have to choose a hobby for him - Miroslav will find one for himself. However, since he is characterized by impressive endurance and determination, they can send him to sports section. This is perhaps worth considering when studying the meaning of the name Miroslav for a boy.

He shouldn't have any health problems. It can be weakened only for two reasons - due to irregular nutrition and a chaotic lifestyle. And to the most weak points includes vision and the immune system.


As he grows up, creative inclinations begin to appear in the guy’s character. This is also worth considering for people studying the meaning of the name Miroslav for a boy and the fate that it prescribes for its owner if they want to call him that. In creativity, he will be able to express himself to the fullest, so it is worth contributing to the development of these abilities.

But also in adulthood, Miroslav begins to show other characteristics. He notices in himself a tendency to generate a lot of unusual plans and ideas, the ability to set goals and persistently achieve them.

Despite his creative inclinations, he has an analytical mind. Thanks to him, as well as hard work, patience and appropriate stubbornness, Miroslav always achieves what he wants.

Professional activities

And it’s worth talking about it briefly, since we’re talking about the meaning of the name Miroslav.

Thanks to the above-mentioned qualities inherent in him, he can prove himself in entrepreneurship or management. He is calculating, selfish, patient.

True, sometimes Miroslav becomes petty and irritable, so it is important for him to have time to rest in order to gain strength. This will not relax him, like some businessmen who find it difficult to get back on track after a vacation. Miroslav is not like that, he is not used to giving up. Motivation always lives inside him.

In general, there are two areas in which this guy will find success, even if it will be difficult for him in both cases. We are talking about sports and business. Also, thanks to his diplomacy, he can become a good mediator, lawyer, diplomat or judge.

"Spring" Miroslav

He has a very difficult time in life. And it all starts from childhood. Born in the spring, Miroslav can still primary school lose faith in people if his parents do not help him understand the complexities of interpersonal relationships. You shouldn’t think that it’s too early for this, otherwise it will be too late later.

If relationships with people do not work out, then he will immerse himself in his studies, begin to get involved in literature (historical, science fiction and detective stories, most likely), and collect books. This is not a bad thing, but socialization skills are also necessary.

"Summer" Miroslav

It is important to note that people with the same name, born in different seasons, have very different characters. And if the meaning of the name Miroslav is one, then the guys who own it can be completely different.

Those born in summer are introverts. They are often closed in their own little worlds. Summer Miroslav is not easy to provoke into a frank conversation, it is difficult for him to make friends, but he has enough friends. However, he avoids noisy parties and big companies, even if he is often called there.

In addition, the summer Miroslav is very sensitive to negativity and vulnerable. This is very kind person, who wishes everyone well-being and loves animals. By the way, they are his too. It's amazing how subtly the younger brothers feel his kindness.

"Autumn" Miroslav

He is an excellent, if taciturn, communicator, a good listener and a diplomatic adviser. Since childhood, he displays the qualities listed earlier when discussing the meaning of the name Miroslav: rationality, enterprise and independence.

But he is also a mood person. A lot depends on what mood Miroslav is in. And sometimes it’s difficult for him to get in the right mood.

Miroslav, who was still born in the fall, constantly generates some new ideas and supports others proposed by one of his comrades, participating in their translation into reality. In business, this person is very obligatory and careful, albeit somewhat slow. But he does everything conscientiously, efficiently - after him you never have to redo anything.

"Winter" Miroslav

The most stubborn and difficult to communicate with of all. The most unyielding, intractable and difficult is Miroslav, who was born in December. This is a very addicting and amorous nature with heightened sexuality, with a character completely adopted from the mother.

In the case of winter guys, the meaning of the name Miroslav manifests itself somewhat differently. They most clearly demonstrate themselves strengths. These guys love to argue and prove that they are right, and they do it skillfully - with competent construction of arguments and presentation of arguments.

It is the “winter” Miroslavs who can become the most successful in sports and business. Since childhood, they like to lead their peers and masterfully suppress any objections. At an older age, they use these abilities in entrepreneurship.


Continuing to talk about Miroslav, it is also worth noting this topic.

In a female society, a guy named so by his parents shows all the charm, charm and eloquence given to him by nature. He knows how to treat girls, shows amazing sensitivity and attentiveness. If we talk about sex, it is worth noting that he is a very passionate and sensual partner.

However, relationships are not easy for him. Again, the meaning of the name Miroslav reveals itself. The egoism inherent in its owner to a certain extent does not give him the opportunity to consider them in girls. best qualities. In addition, if ambition takes over, which also happens, he will become sarcastic and arrogant. In a relationship, he will highlight only himself. The girl will simply have the feeling that Miroslav is fixated on himself, and this will be true.

Who does he need? If you believe the experts who study the name Miroslav, the meaning of the name and the destiny prescribed for him, then only a proud, proud and cold-blooded woman will be able to conquer his heart. The difficult victory of winning her attention will bring him incredible pleasure.

Marriage and family

It is impossible not to pay attention to this topic, since we are talking about the origin and meaning of the name Miroslav.

It has already been said above that relationships are not easy for him. So, the first marriage most often turns out to be unsuccessful. It disintegrates quickly and very dramatically. As a rule, due to the complex character of Miroslav.

It can be really difficult to get along with him. Romance and sensuality disappear, replaced by constant imposition of opinions and a commanding tone. Naturally, not every woman will tolerate this. Many people can’t stand it and file for divorce.

But who will suit him is an active and strict lady who will not allow Miroslav to relax and will always push him forward, serving as an example and inspiration. Under her leadership, he will become an excellent owner and will support his family.

WITH the right woman Miroslav will prove himself as a faithful and loving spouse, and with children he will be a caring and attentive father, ready to suggest or teach something at any moment. He is also a very hospitable and generous owner, the doors of whose house are always open to his comrades.


Much has been said above about the summer, autumn, winter and spring Miroslavs, the meaning of the name, the character and fate prescribed for its bearers. We can finally talk about compatibility.

They say that girls with the names Nadezhda, Agafya, Faya, Borislava and Damira are suitable for him by temperament. By sense of humor - Madina, Aglaya, Leocadia, Bereslava, Yulia and Esmeralda.

But with the girls whose names are Nina, Gloria, Maya, Fatima, Linda, Agunda, Evangelina and Dinara, it’s better for him not to even try to start a relationship. They will lead to nothing but disappointment.

Well, that's all the most interesting facts concerning interesting and unusual name Miroslav. The men named by him are complex personalities, but in any case, their temperament distinguishes them from the rest of the stronger sex.

Miroslava - ancient Slavic name, known since the time Kievan Rus. The name is the feminine form of the male name Miroslav, which consists of two words “peace” and “glorify, glorify”. The ethnological translation of the name Miroslav sounds like “glorifying the world,” but some interpret it as “victor.”

In the post-revolutionary years, the name Miroslav was somewhat forgotten, but now it is confidently gaining popularity again. Young parents like the melodic sound of the name, as well as its intuitive meaning. Many of our contemporaries wear it with pride, among them such extraordinary personalities as actresses Miroslava Karpovich and Miroslava Kraevskaya, journalists Miroslava Gongadze and Miroslava Duma and many others.

Name days and patron saints

The name Miroslav is not in the Orthodox Russian calendar, since in Russia there is no tradition of baptizing women male names, as well as vice versa. But if the parents still decide to name their daughter Miroslava, then they can choose any consonant name from among those that are in Orthodox calendar. Among the church names, the closest in sound to the name Miroslav is the name Miropia, whose name day is celebrated on December 15.

One should confess and receive communion under a church name, but in the world one can safely use the beautiful and gentle name of Miroslav.

Characteristics of the name

Miroslava is a person with a very difficult character, who is followed everywhere by changes and surprises, which are the main factor in her personal development. Despite the melodic sound of her name, Miroslava has an indomitable temperament, she is stubborn and persistent, sometimes stubborn and harsh. The most unpleasant trait of her character is her habit of criticizing everyone and everything. If harshness turns into arrogance, then conflicts with others are inevitable.

Miloslava has excellent intuition, she is independent and self-reliant. She has more than enough energy and enthusiasm, nothing can make her deviate from her chosen path. She doesn’t like other people’s advice, doesn’t know how to listen to them, prefers to learn from her mistakes. Miroslava is a big fan of weaving intrigues - with this she tries to add emotions to her life, to increase her importance in her own eyes and the eyes of others.

Miroslava loves noisy companies, active recreation and extreme sports. She simply cannot imagine her life without strong emotions and drive, without communication with interesting people and new impressions. By nature, she is an absolute leader, is not afraid of any responsibility and is always ready to fight back. Energy named after Miroslav amazes with its inner strength, perseverance and courage, so there are no goals that she could not achieve. Miroslava is able to withstand any tests intended for her from above.


Little Miroslava is a stubborn, daring, restless little girl who causes a lot of trouble for her parents. She is reluctant to listen to teachers and educators, does not like to help her mother around the house, but is always ready for any mischief. Gaining the authority of this restless child is difficult, making her obey and live by the rules is even more difficult.

Miroslava's abilities allow her to study well, but perseverance and diligence are not among her virtues. The girl’s energy must be directed to good purposes, for example, to send her to a sports section or a creative club.

Teenage Miroslava is still straightforward and stubborn, but at this age she is already beginning to understand that the world does not revolve around her alone. As a teenager, she resembles a wild cat, which is still drawn to people, to the hearth, but really doesn’t want anyone to notice it.


As a child, Miroslava hardly gets sick, but due to her restless nature, there is a danger of injury. In adulthood, nervous disorders and digestive problems are common.

Miroslava’s well-being largely depends on her state of mind and moods. A woman should definitely get a good night's sleep and spend more time outdoors. Miroslava’s loved ones must remember that even such a strong personality needs support and understanding.


Woman with beautiful name Miroslava has not only strong character, but also attractive appearance. Even without being recognized as a beauty, she is so charming that others, especially men, find her incredibly sexy and attractive. From a young age, Miroslava is surrounded by a mass of fans who idolize her, and some are afraid of her.

Men for her are, first of all, trophies through which she asserts herself. Her chosen one must not only put up with her difficult temperament, but also be a strong personality himself.

Miroslav will demand from his partner the same ardor and passion that he gives to him. A woman’s passion can be so strong that it takes over her, makes her jealous and suspicious, and pushes her to do crazy things.

Marriage and family, compatibility

Miroslava is in no hurry to tie the knot, as she is very proud of her freedom and independence. She cannot be called a homebody, obsessed with cleanliness and order in the house. Miroslava is reluctant to deal with everyday life, which not every man will like.

IN family relationships much will depend on the patience of her husband, since Miroslava has difficulty making compromises, is very jealous and does not tolerate any pressure. Even in family life she requires a certain degree of freedom, and besides, her husband will have to come to terms with the fact that men will always pay attention to this extraordinary woman. Miroslava will be happy in marriage if she manages to build a partnership with her husband based on love and absolute trust. Oddly enough, Miroslava, who has a great understanding of people, intuitively finds a suitable partner, and her marriage is usually stable.

The strongest union is possible with men named Pavel, Andrey, Ivan, Arthur, Vasily, Alexander, Sergey and Vladimir. You should avoid relationships with Nikolai, Valentin, Oleg, Konstantin, Igor and Boris.

Business and career

Miroslava is an ambitious and purposeful person, so most often she chooses prestigious professions that bring her not only material, but also moral satisfaction. Responsibility and hard work only help her professional growth, and ambition helps her move forward. In addition, a woman will always strive for financial freedom, and to achieve material well-being she will spare no time or effort.

Miroslava feels great in leadership positions, her subordinates respect her and are even a little afraid of her. It must be said that a woman’s moral principles allow her to engage in deception and forgery, since she sincerely believes that all means are good to achieve the goal.

Miroslava’s organizational skills allow her to set up her own business and succeed in it. She is also perfect for professions that require toughness and fortitude: such as a doctor, teacher, law enforcement officer or security officer.

Talismans for Miroslava

  • Patron planet - Jupiter and Venus.
  • Patronizing zodiac sign - Sagittarius and Pisces.
  • A good time of year is autumn, a good day of the week is Friday.
  • Lucky color - red, yellow, green.
  • Totem plant - red carnation and hornbeam. Carnation is a talisman-amulet for strong in spirit people, for warriors and fighters. The flower represents courage, steadfastness and honor. Hornbeam is a symbol of order, justice, responsibility and discipline. Since ancient times, this tree has been considered sacred, so it should not be broken or cut down, so as not to bring trouble into the house.
  • The totem animal is the golden eagle. In the Christian religion, this bird is considered the embodiment of divine love, justice and fortitude. The flight of the golden eagle is associated with the ascension of Jesus, as well as prayers sent to heaven.
  • Talisman stone - jade and carbuncle. Jade is a stone of calm and prudence, it clears the mind and helps to make the right decision. This is a stone with very strong energy, which serves as a talisman against the evil eye and witchcraft. Carbuncle, also known as red pomegranate, is a symbol of beauty, power and might. It can enhance qualities such as temper and cruelty, so it is not recommended for aggressive and unrestrained people to wear it. Carbuncle will bring good luck to people who are active, creative, and positive-minded.


Aries- a selfish and straightforward person who does not look for easy ways in life. She is strong and capricious at the same time, brave, full of energy, quite confident in herself and in her desire to always be one step ahead of everyone. Miroslava-Aries sympathizes, cares and tries very hard to make her care noticeable; most of all she is afraid of inattention to her person. This woman is capable of deep feelings, but at the same time she will never cease to value her own independence above all else. She is a person of progress and action; idleness is destructive for her. For all her energy and determination, Miroslava-Aries is surprisingly gullible and naive; she can step on the same rake again and again. Optimism and the belief that tomorrow will be better than yesterday drive her through life. Sometimes, giving vent to her raging energy and emotions, she goes to extremes and can offend with her incontinence. Over the years, a woman will not lose her brightness, and as long as her age allows her, she is ready to conquer, seduce and move forward.

Taurus- a phlegmatic, restrained nature, at the same time able to steadily move towards her goal. The most important professional qualities Miroslav-Taurus is characterized by patience and perseverance, but its disadvantage can be called conservatism and narrow-mindedness. She can be distrustful, jealous, touchy, and does not forget the insults inflicted for a long time. She has a well-developed financial sense, as well as a desire for luxury and comfort. This woman has a wonderful aesthetic taste, a natural desire for beauty and harmony, but still looks at everything exclusively from a practical point of view. Miroslava-Taurus values ​​such qualities in men as reliability, usefulness and the ability to earn money. She has a great understanding of people and therefore is usually happy in marriage. In love, Miroslava-Taurus is tender and caring, always devoted to the interests of her family and children. This woman's calm energy is inexhaustible, but strong emotional outbursts are quite possible, especially when she is angry.

Twins- an active, witty, intelligent woman, a little frivolous about life. She is prone to deception and exaggeration, often considering herself much smarter than others. A woman’s character clearly shows a penchant for everything new, natural curiosity, research and inventive abilities. Miroslava-Gemini is always ready to talk, but she is not always ready to listen to her opponent, and even more so will not follow the advice given. She has a changeable mood, she grasps everything easily, loves fun and noisy companies, and has the ability to lead double life. Frequent changes of scenery, people and surroundings are important to her; she cannot stand monotony, lack of communication and boredom. Surprisingly, for all her apparent openness, this woman knows how to carefully hide her true intentions and thoughts, play a double game, double-face and deceive. In her personal life, Miroslava-Gemini is rarely happy, since she is doomed to eternal longing for an ideal partner, and she quickly gets bored with her own husband.

Cancer- a reserved, calm, slightly shy woman who loves her home and family. She is a materialist by nature, her motto is “everything goes to the house, everything goes to the family.” She can be very touchy, because she is internally very sensitive, reacts painfully to any criticism, does not tolerate rudeness and any violence. Miroslava-Cancer does not like change, although she knows how to skillfully adapt to people and circumstances. She is well aware of her vulnerability and therefore always tries to hide her vulnerabilities and is in no hurry to expose her soul and thoughts even to close people. Outwardly, Miroslava-Cancer may look insecure, but inside she has a large supply of endurance and strength, she is able to pass through any test with dignity. Ambition and the desire for material wealth help her achieve her goal, especially in professionally. She really doesn’t like to lose and always tries to preserve and increase what she has acquired. But still, the main value for Miroslava-Cancer is family and traditional family values, for the sake of her loved ones, she is ready to make many sacrifices.

Lion- a proud and powerful woman with a great sense of self-esteem, quite capable of pretending to be a house cat. She always strives to be in the center of attention, really needs fans and compliments, and reacts painfully to criticism and lack of attention to her person. Typical shortcomings of Miroslava the Lioness include narcissism, impetuosity, desire for external brilliance and show, and intolerance to the shortcomings of other people. Nature generously endowed her with talents, but Miroslava-Leo does not always use the gift that she has, preferring entertainment and an idle lifestyle. If a woman has enough self-discipline, she is able to achieve great success in her chosen profession and enjoy well-deserved respect. Miroslava-Leo is unusually generous with those she loves, her distinguishing feature- hospitality. If a woman learns to wear her crown quietly, then she has every chance of finding family and professional happiness.

Virgo- an intelligent and observant woman, demanding of herself and others. She is a great neat person, and in life she shows herself to be a reserved and cautious person. Passion in a relationship is not about it, but the manifestation of love, care and compassion for the world around us can be quite obvious. Whatever business Miroslava-Virgo undertakes, you can be sure that it will be completed. A clear and structured approach, compliance with all points of the plan, reliability and professionalism make this woman an indispensable worker. IN love relationships Miroslava-Virgo can show restraint and even some coldness; it is not always easy for her to express her feelings in words. But if the other half is able to accept this restraint and coldness, then there is no doubt about the devotion of this woman. She is able to be an excellent wife, mother, lover and businesswoman at the same time.

Scales- a sociable, polite, charming person with refined manners and high intelligence. She is a born peacemaker and a master of compromise, has a diplomatic gift and knows how to connect opposing things. She easily adapts to people and circumstances, does not strive for leadership, and is not devoid of ambition. In his actions he is always guided by logic and common sense, he knows how to persistently move towards the intended goal and at the same time not make too much noise. Feeling attracted to harmony and balance, a woman skillfully avoids any conflicts and open aggression. Miroslava-Libra is excellent at working in a team, for successful management own business she lacks assertiveness and disruptive qualities. In her personal life, this woman also needs a strong partner who can satisfy her innate desire for luxury and comfort. But disruptive qualities alone will not be enough for her chosen one, since for Miroslava-Libra, mutual understanding and common interests are no less important.

Scorpion- secretive, observant and temperamental woman with tenacity and perseverance. Her distinctive feature is the desire for psychological pressure on others; she is an excellent manipulator and a subtle psychologist. Miroslava-Scorpio achieves her goals with great tenacity and perseverance; all achievements in life come to her very difficult, often at the cost of great losses. But the woman has amazing resilience, the ability to survive in the most terrible conditions. Relationships with others are also difficult, since she does not at all strive to make a good impression. Miroslava-Scorpio really needs the love and attention of her loved ones, for whom she is ready to move mountains. In love relationships, she behaves very emotionally, pushes her partner to take active action, and becomes a real support and support for him in life.

Sagittarius- a generous, optimistic, assertive person with an irrepressible temperament and optimism. She strives for communication, is always open to new experiences and information, and loves to be the center of attention. Miroslava-Sagittarius tries to take as much material wealth, money and power from life as possible. She will not tolerate restrictions on her freedom and jealousy from her husband, but there is no point in being offended or angry with her, since this woman’s straightforwardness and even tactlessness usually hide high moral principles. Whatever Miroslava-Sagittarius is, her true nature is a generous and cheerful idealist. She always speaks and acts exactly as she feels. She will remain a naive child until she is very old, and her heart is defenseless and easy to break. As a wife, she may not be the best good housewife, but there is no doubt about her impeccable devotion.

Capricorn- a melancholic, depressive, always doubting person who, like no one else, knows how to achieve her goal. The character of this woman is restrained and purposeful at the same time; she has a strong will and diligence, which makes her an indispensable worker. From negative qualities Miroslava-Capricorn can be noted for his isolation, secrecy, and suspicion. She is used to relying only on herself in life and having her own opinion on everything. A woman can be so absorbed in her professional activities that even her family fades into the background. In her views, she is, as a rule, conservative, and therefore has a hard time getting along with people, does not like change, and strives for stability in everything. Miroslava-Capricorn never makes public scenes or demonstrates passion, and her marriage is usually stable and durable. But any man who enters into a relationship with her should know that she seems calmer and more balanced than she really is.

Aquarius- a sociable, kind, positive person with an original view on the most ordinary things. Calm and friendly by nature, she takes great pleasure in challenging public opinion. Her main character trait is curiosity; she is interested in literally everything. Miroslava-Aquarius desperately strives to be the center of attention, but sometimes she has periods of gloomy loneliness when she needs to be alone with herself. But, no matter what state she is in, she always retains a keen insight, which is much deeper than that of other people. When entering into a relationship with Miroslava-Aquarius, you should be prepared for the fact that in love it is just as paradoxical as in life. You shouldn't try to tie her to the stove or the bedroom, but you can build a harmonious relationship if you give her the freedom to follow her interests and move among her friends. Her demand for freedom is very persistent, as is loyalty to the one with whom she has linked her destiny.

Fish- a good-natured woman who knows how to empathize, skillfully hiding her inner world, and therefore seeming closed and secretive. She often falls under the influence of her environment, instinctively absorbing the norms of behavior accepted in her social circle. By herself, she is a passive nature, not inclined to leadership and active action. Despite her impracticality and romanticism, Miroslava - Pisces loves money and material goods, and loves shopping. At the same time, she is characterized by carelessness about tomorrow, she is generally indifferent to many important things in life, and very little can force her to take active action. She was already born with the desire to see the world in a rosy light, and nothing can be done about it. Being married, Miroslava-Pisces will not try to outshine her man; she will be quite comfortable and cozy in his shadow. At the same time, she will force him to move forward, to work for the benefit of the family, but only at his own speed. Miroslava-Pisces will make an excellent housewife, a very caring mother, but her husband will have to take upon himself the financial support of the family and responsibility for making important decisions.