About sea statuses and tranquility. Interesting quotes about the sea

This section contains beautiful short quotes about the sea. Sea rare person leaves you indifferent, and even more so when it’s vacation, sun and sea water. A person at the sea feels at one with nature, and therefore, once he has been by the sea, the sea constantly calls. A boat trip enchants and while admiring the sea you understand that this is happiness.

If you look closely, you can see that the sea is blue differently every day. Maria Parr.

If you want to learn something about the sea, you must be at the sea, otherwise it is impossible. Ernest Hemingway. The old man and the sea

Living by the sea, people become wise. They are not locked in the mountains and are not tied to a monotonous plain. The sea has plenty of space for the eyes. This probably helps people think freely. Patrick Rothfuss.

Life is a surf, so be like the sea. Edward Gibbon

Life by the sea. This is the best thing - to hear its noise day and night, to inhale its smell, to walk along the shore and look beyond the horizon where the earth is rounded... Jojo Moyes. Villa Arcadia

The smell of the sea is something a sailor cannot forget. This is the best and cleanest smell. The smell of the sea and the sounds of the sea always attract those who knew them and those who left them. Milt Dominy.

And no one knows what nightmares are hidden behind this smooth sea surface. Elchin Safarli.

For everything ultimately returns to the sea, to the cycle of the ocean, to the ever-flowing river of time, which has no beginning or end. Yulia Shilova.

The sea, it washes away all the bad things that have managed to stick to land. Salt water first tears, then heals wounds. The waves rock you like a mother's hand - a cradle, and whisper... Whisper... Raymond Queneau

When there is no sea outside, there is always a sea inside...Dhobi Ghat. Mumbai Diary

Anyone can go to sea - some by plane, some by hand. Valery Filatov

When I look at the sea, it seems to me that its waves carry away my sadness. Jules Verne.

Summer rain always carries with it the smell of the sea. From the shore the sea is beautiful, from the sea the shore is beautiful. Alessandro Baricco. Sea-ocean
It seems to me that more people come here for fresh air, of which there is so little. The sea air is completely different... It smells of people's dreams. Koji Suzuki. Dark Waters

The sea is also a prayer book; it testifies to God. Jean Paul Starter.

Its subtle variability delights people who have imagination and feel the poetry of the ocean.

The sea - it washes away melancholy and disappointment better than any medicine. Iris Murdoch.

The sea is eternal movement and love, eternal life. Annika Thor.

The sea is sensuality embodied. Ernest Hemingway. The old man and the sea

The sea is a noisy beauty that calms... (Taguhi Semirjyan)

The sea is calling...You will understand this, the sea is nothing more than a constant call. No matter where, the sea will always be waiting for you.

The sea does not push away any river. Alessandro Baricco. Sea-ocean

The sea never gets old. Maria Parr. Waffle heart

The sea attracts our gaze, and the earth attracts our feet. Mark Levy.

The moon worries the sea like a woman. Maria Parr.

There is no better bath than the sea. Angelika Miropoltseva

The sea itself is a mystery. It is the space where the world of the living and the world of the dead come into contact with each other. Veniamin Kaverin. In front of the mirror

The craving for the sea helps grief. Valery Kazanzhants

A wise man fears three things: a storm at sea, a moonless night, and the wrath of a calm man. Joseph Alexandrovich Brodsky

On our planet there are seas of lonely people, but there are no seas of lonely people. Konstantin Armov

It's a shame to live your life and never visit the Red Sea. Veselin Georgiev

I came from the sea with a sea of ​​impressions. Alexander Konopatsky

Speech is like the sea; if you squeeze out the water, its salt remains. Pavel Sharpp

The sun was happy because it was shining, the sea was happy because it reflected its jubilant light. Daniel Glatthauer.

Calm seas are not for everyone. Some perceive calm as inner peace, others as stagnation. Elizaveta Dvoretskaya.

Happiness is like the waves that caress the rocks, and we were looking for it in the city blocks. Dennis Lehane. Shutter Island

Only fish in the seas know the price of freedom. Maxim Gorky.

Don't you understand? The shell is the home of the sea. Thornton Wilder.

An intelligent person is like the sea - both have salt, and both attract to the horizon... (Sergei Fedin)

A man at sea is never alone. Mark Levy. Thief of Shadows

A drop falling into the sea becomes the sea. Angelius Silesius

There are three kinds of people: those who live by the sea; those who are drawn to the sea; and those who return from the sea. Tatiana Stepanova.

This is the sea. Some people find themselves here. It subjugates others. Agatha Christie

WITH sea ​​elements Comparing the world, you will soon notice: first the tide comes in, then the tide goes out - the whole world is like a sea. Raymond Queneau.

True freedom is the only possible freedom, true peace God's - begin five miles from the coast.

God has given it to man for happy life ocean.. Valery Kazanzhants

In life, everything repeats itself much more often than you might think. The sea is infinitely more diverse. Rachel Carson

Ultimately, all roads lead to the sea. Laura Beloivan. South Russian Ovcharovo

The wind and waves are always on the side of the more skilled navigator. Jonathan Trigell.

Time, like the sea, unties any knots. Christopher Paolini. Eragon

Even the tiredest river comes to the sea. Jojo Moyes. Villa Arcadia

Even the sea has shores, and only human greed has no shores! Banana Yoshimoto. Tsugumi

Section topic: quotes about the sea are short and beautiful. The sea has always attracted people. The warm, gentle sun, the sounds of water beating against the sandy shore have a relaxing effect on the human body.

Vulnerability at sea is just as dangerous as defenselessness on land.

"P. Stolypin"

In life, everything repeats itself much more often than you might think. The sea is infinitely more diverse.

"Rachel Carson"

Ultimately, all roads lead to the sea.

"Lora Beloivan"

People usually swim in the sea of ​​love without swimsuits.

"Yana Dzhangirova"

If you want to learn something about the sea, you must be at the sea, otherwise it is impossible.

"Ernest Hemingway"

There are three kinds of people: those who live by the sea; those who are drawn to the sea; and those who return from the sea.

"Tatiana Stepanova"

Victims of legendary shipwrecks who died prematurely, I know: it was not the sea that killed you, it was not hunger that killed you, it was not thirst that killed you! Rocking on the waves to the plaintive cries of the seagulls, you died of fear.

"Alain Bombard"

Living by the sea, people become wise. They are not locked in the mountains and are not tied to a monotonous plain. The sea has plenty of space for the eyes. This probably helps people think freely.

"Patrick Rothfuss"

Life is a surf, so be like the sea.

"Edward Gibbon"

Seasickness will never occur if you confine yourself to the shore, sitting under a palm tree.

"Spike Milligan"

A seaman must always remember God. Water is not a dry way. Don’t joke with her and don’t think too much about yourself; a person who has been to the sea and has an understanding of himself must certainly be simple in soul, compassionate towards people, and reasonable in mind, and have courage for the reason that at sea death is always in sight.

"TO. Stanyukovich"

A sailor without a sea needs either the sea again, or new love.

"A. Perez-Reverte"

The most pleasant thing in sailing is the proximity of the shore, and in land navigation - the proximity of the sea.


The starry sky and the endless sea became symbols of infinity and limitlessness.

"Giuseppe Mazzini"

The sun was happy because it was shining, the sea was happy because it reflected its jubilant light.

"Daniel Glatthauer"

Calm seas are not for everyone. Some perceive calm as inner peace, others as stagnation.

"Elizabeth Dvoretskaya"

I want the sea without a husband, children and control. Friends all around, a fun campaign, complete relaxation. No cooking, no cleaning, just sun, beach, boulders and swimming in the depths. Life flies by - she keeps dreaming about the beach.

A man at sea is never alone.

"Mark Levy"

God gave the ocean to man for a happy life.

"Valery Kazanzhants"

"Arturo Perez-Reverte"

The sea is a great reconciliator.

"F. Iskander"

The sea - it washes away melancholy and disappointment better than any medicine.

"Iris Murdoch"

The sea is eternal movement and love, eternal life.

"Annika Thor"

The sea is sensuality embodied.

"Ernest Hemingway"

The sea is everything! His breath is pure and life-giving. In its vast desert, a person does not feel lonely, because around him he feels the beat of life.

"Jules Verne"

The sea is a noisy beauty that calms.

"Taguhi Semirjyan"

And no one knows what nightmares are hidden behind this smooth sea surface.

"Elchin Safarli"

For everything ultimately returns to the sea, to the cycle of the ocean, to the ever-flowing river of time, which has no beginning or end.

"Yulia Shilova"

True freedom - the only freedom possible, the true peace of God - begins five miles from the shore.

The captain on his ship is first after God, because he is not allowed to take his wife on the ship.

"Yanina Ipohorskaya"

The sight of the sea always makes a deep impression; it is the embodiment of that infinite, which constantly attracts thought and in which it is constantly lost.

"Anna Steel"

There were gentlemen and sailors in Charles II's navy, but the sailors were not gentlemen, and the gentlemen were not sailors.

"Thomas Macaulay"

Time, like the sea, unties any knots.

"Christopher Paolini"

All rivers flow into the sea, but the sea does not overflow.


Sometimes there is a puddle above sea level.


Even the tiredest river comes to the sea.

"Jojo Moyes"

Even the sea has shores, and only human greed has no shores!

"Banana Yoshimoto"

I’m lying carefree on the beach, my dream has finally come true, and it seems like there’s no more beautiful life, a wave caresses my feet, and life is carefree, finances flow like water, but most importantly, the vacation is wonderful, and everything else is bullshit!

Summer rain always carries with it the smell of the sea. From the shore the sea is beautiful, from the sea the shore is beautiful.

"Alessandro Baricco"

The moon worries the sea like a woman.

"Maria Parr"

There is no better bath than the sea.

"Anzhelika Miropoltseva"

The best cure for seasickness is to sit under a tree.

"Spike Milligan"

The sea never gets old.

"Maria Parr"

The sea attracts our gaze, and the earth attracts our feet.

"Mark Levy"

The sea itself is a mystery. It is the space where the world of the living and the world of the dead come into contact with each other.

"Veniamin Kaverin"

The craving for the sea helps grief.

"Valery Kazanzhants"

I came from the sea with a sea of ​​impressions.

"Alexander Konopatsky"

Speech is like the sea; if you squeeze out the water, its salt remains.

"Pavel Sharpp"

You can’t play tricks with the sea... You can’t flatter yourself with it... It’s everyone on the shore who learns these dirty tricks, but in the ocean you need to have a brave soul and a clear conscience

"TO. Stanyukovich"

Comparing the world with the sea element, you will soon notice: first the tide comes in, then the tide goes out - the whole world is like a sea.

"Raymond Queneau"

Happiness is like the waves that caress the rocks, and we were looking for it in the city blocks.

"Dennis Lehane"

The Pacific Ocean is huge - just a modest sea in the future.

"Alexander Herzen"

Only fish in the seas know the price of freedom.

"Maxim Gorky"

Don't you understand? The shell is the home of the sea.

"Thornton Wilder"

An intelligent person is like the sea - both have salt in them, and both are drawn to the horizon. The sea connects the countries that it separates.

"Alexander Pop"

The sea, it washes away all the bad things that have managed to stick to land. Salt water first tears, then heals wounds. The waves rock you like a mother's hand - a cradle, and whisper. They whisper.

"Raymond Queneau"

Sea? I love him to pieces, sitting on the beach.

"Douglas Jerrold"

The sea cannot overflow because of sponges, which the Lord created so that they absorb moisture, giving it away during drought.

"Alphonse Halle"

The sea does not push away any river.

"Alessandro Baricco"

The sea is not subject to despots. On the surface of the seas they can still commit lawlessness, wage wars, and kill their own kind. But at a depth of thirty feet under water they are powerless, here their power ends!

Just imagine: sea, sand, a light breeze blowing your hair... Can you imagine?

Here... And everything else is bullshit...

Yes, cover it all with sea foam, shells, corals and chocolate tan...ツ

I really wanted the sea

You've been missing me all year.

Saved, collected money,

To see what I am like.

“And finally, the sea!

Huge and unexpected, it rushed into the eyes and showered with persistent salty freshness. Usually we didn’t have the patience to reach it, and we ran down a steep path to the shore and, without having time to slow down, flew into the warm, gentle water...”

Fazil Iskander

Take a little sand from each beach where you relax, and over time you will get an original interior decoration

“And then I look up and see it - I - see it: the sea.

For the first time in these long days I really see him. And I hear his terrible voice, I feel his strongest smell and non-stop internal dance, an endless wave. Everything disappears and only this remains. In front of me. Above me. Like a revelation.

The veil of pain and fear that captivated my soul melts, the net of abomination, cruelty and nightmare that obscured my eyes is torn, the twilight of death that has clouded my mind dissipates, and in an unexpected light the desired clarity dawns on me, I finally see, and feel, and understand .

It seemed like a silent spy, even an accomplice. Or a frame, a stage, a decoration. Now I look at it and understand: the sea was everything. It was everything from the very beginning. I see it dancing around me, illuminated by an icy light, a triumphant, beautiful and immense monster. It was in the hands that brought death, in the dying dead, in thirst and hunger, in agony, meanness and madness, it was hatred and despair, pity and refusal, it was this blood and this flesh, this horror and this brilliance. There is no raft, no people, no words, no feelings, no actions - nothing. There are no guilty and innocent, condemned and saved.

There is only the sea.

Everything has become the sea."

Alessandro Baricco

“I love the sea, I like to look at the ebb and flow of the tides, alternating without rest or rest, indifferent to everything except their original purpose - to lick the shore and polish the stones. The surf has always been and will be after all of us. Our life itself is like the surf with its eternal dance of waves. Ebbs and flows, sometimes joys, sometimes sorrows.”

Julio Travieso Serrano

I don't want to go to the sea... I want to live there! Here.

Tips for vacationers

“If you've never seen the sea, I feel sorry for you, kid,” said Skipper, scratching behind his ear. - However, don’t worry. The fact is that the sea splashes in everyone. Only over time, some turn it into a stagnant swamp, others into a shallow lake, and still others into an endless ocean.... Svetlana Yagupova

Good morning is when it's 11:00

summer on the calendar

and outside the window is the sea...

In every person's life there is a moment when there is only one thing left - to be happy!

I want all my “Wants” to come true!

The sea is sensuality embodied.

The sea knows how to passionately love and hate, knows how to laugh and cry.

The sea rejects any attempts to bind him with spells, throws off any shackles. No matter how much you talk about it, there will always be something that you couldn’t even imagine...

Christopher Paolini

What is happiness?

Frederic Beigbeder

The sea does not reward those who are too worried, too greedy or too impatient... calm, calm, calm is what the sea teaches.

Anne Morrow Lindbergh

Sea, I want you.

Write down grievances in the sand, carve blessings in marble.

Pierre Buast.

“This is what she missed so much - the sea, her great neighbor for twenty-five years, the sea with its salty air, its angry gusts, its booming voice, its powerful breath, the sea that she saw every morning from her window in Poplars, which she breathed night and day, which I constantly felt near me and, without realizing it, I fell in love with as a living person...”

Guy De Maupassant

When you look at the sea for a long time, you begin to miss people, and when you look at people for a long time, you begin to miss the sea.

Haruki Murakami

“The sea bewitches, the sea kills, excites, frightens, and also makes you laugh, sometimes disappears, on occasion it disguises itself as a lake or piles up storms, devours ships, bestows wealth - and does not give answers; it is wise, and gentle, and strong, and unpredictable. But the main thing is that the sea is calling. The sea is nothing more than a constant call. It doesn’t stop for a moment, it fills you, it’s everywhere. You can not notice anything - it’s useless. The sea will still call you. These are other seas that you will never see; they are eternal and will patiently wait for you one step away from your life.”

Alessandro Baricco

I've been dreaming about you all year. I fall into your transparent arms, you caress me tenderly and reverently. I listen to the gentle whisper. Even our spouse can join us for a dip and swim. The sea is fabulous! I love and miss you!

Seasickness will never occur if you confine yourself to the shore, sitting under a palm tree. – Spike Milligan

I want the sea without a husband, children and control. Friends all around, a fun campaign, complete relaxation. No cooking, no cleaning, just sun, beach, boulders and swimming in the depths. Life flies by - she keeps dreaming about the beach.

I’ll buy a house near the sea so that I can count all my relatives. It will not be possible to find out the exact number of relatives and friends - there will be more of them every time. But I'll have fun.

The sea cannot overflow because of sponges, which the Lord created so that they absorb moisture, giving it away during drought. – Alphonse Allais

Sometimes there is a puddle above sea level. – Shenderovich

The starry sky and the endless sea became symbols of infinity and limitlessness. – Giuseppe Mazzini

The Pacific Ocean is huge - just a modest sea in the future. – Alexander Herzen

Continuation beautiful quotes read on the pages:

A sailor without a sea needs either the sea again or new love. – A. Perez-Reverte

People usually swim in the sea of ​​love without swimsuits. – Yana Dzhangirova

The sea is bottomless. – Image of infinity. – Brings up deep thoughts. – Gustave Flaubert

Sea? I love him to pieces, sitting on the beach. – Douglas Jerrold

The most pleasant thing in sailing is the proximity of the shore, and in land navigation the proximity of the sea - Plutarch

The best cure for seasickness is sitting under a tree - Spike Milligan

If the sea does not overflow, it is only because Providence has taken care to supply the ocean waters with sponges - Alphonse Allais

A sailor without a sea needs either the sea again or new love - A. Perez-Reverte

The sight of the sea always makes a deep impression; it is the embodiment of that infinite, which constantly attracts thought and in which it constantly gets lost - Anna Stahl

All rivers flow into the sea, but the sea does not overflow - Ecclesiastes

And here, in our ward, a new vessel was lowered to the floor, and the captain had not yet sobered up... - Vladimir Borisov

When should a rat leave the ship if it is the captain? – Shenderovich

There were gentlemen and sailors in Charles II's navy, but the sailors were not gentlemen, and the gentlemen were not sailors - Thomas Macaulay

Defenselessness at sea is as dangerous as defenselessness on land - P. Stolypin

The sea is the great reconciliator - F. Iskander

The captain on his ship is first after God, because he is not allowed to take his wife on the ship - Yanina Ipohorskaya

Sea and sky - two symbols of infinity – Giuseppe Mazzini

We sailors work for money like horses and spend it like donkeys. – Tobias Smollett

I'm lying carefree on the beach, A dream has finally come true, And it seems there is no more beautiful life, A wave caresses my feet, And life is carefree free, Finances flow like water, But the main thing is a wonderful vacation, And everything else... bullshit!

The sea is eternal movement and love, eternal life. – J. Verne

When should a rat leave the ship if it is the captain? – V. Shenderovich

You can’t play tricks with the sea... You can’t flatter yourself with it... It’s everyone on the shore who learns these dirty tricks, but in the ocean you need to have a brave soul and a clear conscience - K. Stanyukovich

Look at the ocean, isn't it a living thing? Sometimes angry, sometimes tender! – J. Verne

I love transatlantic ships. These are luxury hospitals for healthy people. – Salvador Dali

The sea is eternal movement and love, eternal life - J. Verne

Quarrels on the ship - terrible thing, my friend, and with them there is no swimming, but, one might say, just an abomination... On the shore you quarreled and separated, but there is nowhere to go to sea... always in front of each other... Remember this and restrain yourself if you have a hot character... Sailors need to live as a friendly family - K. Stanyukovich

The weather vane was nailed down tightly, and the wind was blowing doomedly in the indicated direction - Shenderovich

Traveling the sea is necessary; living is not so necessary. – Pompey the Great

Summer... sun... sea... beach... children... bags... husband... luggage... room... bed... shower... hubbub... was there a vacation - you'll understand...

The sea is not subject to despots. On the surface of the seas they can still commit lawlessness, wage wars, and kill their own kind. But at a depth of thirty feet under water they are powerless, here their power ends! – J. Verne

The sea is clean... - A. Perez-Reverte

Who would have thought that not even a hundred years would pass before the science fiction would not be submarine ships created to destroy “their own kind,” but that the words about a peaceful sea and the absence of the threat of destruction of its inhabitants would become fantastic - J. Verne

Those who are not used to losing ground under their feet get seasick. – Leonid S. Sukhorukov

And now - white dance! Those who are not tanned invite those who are tanned.

I’m trying... to persuade my husband... to go... to the sea... For the third day... I’ve been sleeping... with him... in fins!!:) ...

The sea is a great reconciliator. – F. Iskander

Sea? I love him madly, sitting on the beach - Douglas Jerrold

I want to go to the sea now. I want to listen to the sound of the waves, the cries of the seagulls. I just want to relax, just away from everyone...

Experienced sailors get seasick on land. – Leonid S. Sukhorukov

You have to work as a cook on ships of the longest voyages. And I will never be able to say that there is no work, an empty refrigerator at home, no personal life and, my God, how long it has been since I’ve been to the sea!

There is nothing more hopelessly monotonous than the sea, and I am not surprised at the cruelty of pirates - James Russell

The sea connects the countries that it separates - Alexander Pop

We sailors work for money like horses and spend it like donkeys - Tobias Smollett

The most pleasant thing in sailing is the proximity of the shore, and in land navigation - the proximity of the sea -

Traveling the sea is necessary; life is not so necessary - Pompey the Great

If the sea splashes in your soul, then waves of inspiration will certainly flow, splashing beautiful thoughts onto the shore of life. – Georgy Alexandrov

My reflection in the mirror, on my knees, begs to be let go to the sea!!!

There were gentlemen and sailors in Charles II's navy, but the sailors were not gentlemen, and the gentlemen were not sailors. – Thomas Macaulay

The captain on his ship is first after God, because he is not allowed to take his wife on the ship. – Yanina Ipokhorskaya

Times change, we save money for Sochi and Yalta, and if that doesn’t work out, we go to Turkey.

If a woman goes on a diet and starts working out her abs, that means... That means she has to go to the seaside in two days!

Nothing pleases the eye more than a packed suitcase at sea...

The sea is calling... The wave is singing... And I’m like this in the garden...)))

What kind of sea are you talking about? I'm sick on dry land! – Shenderovich

I love transatlantic ships. These are luxury hospitals for healthy people - Salvador Dali

A seaman must always remember God. Water is not a dry way. Don’t joke with her and don’t think too much about yourself... a person who has been to the sea and has an understanding of himself must certainly be simple in soul, and compassionate towards people, and reasonable in mind, and have courage for the reason that at sea death is always before our eyes - K. Stanyukovich

Pacific Ocean - Mediterranean Sea of ​​the Future – Alexander Herzen

I lick my wounds like an animal... And like coffee I dissolve grief... I smell like happiness, the southern sun and hookah... Come! I miss! (signature) SEA

The sea is everything! His breath is pure and life-giving. In its boundless desert, a person does not feel lonely, because around him he feels the beat of life - J. Verne

Victims of legendary shipwrecks who died prematurely, I know: it was not the sea that killed you, it was not hunger that killed you, it was not thirst that killed you! Rocking on the waves to the plaintive cries of the seagulls, you died of fear - Alain Bombard

Sea, summer, sun, beach... I'm going to board!

I'll add salt to the puddle, there will be a small sea)))

And at sea white sand... A warm wind blows in ... You can even touch the sky with your hand*))

Even the most azure sea can hide reefs... Don’t “dive” into a person without knowing about his “pitfalls”... You may end up disabled...

The coolest thing about childhood is rubber boots and a puddle, it looks like the sea! And only in childhood the sea is actually knee-deep!

If the sea were a woman, she would be the most unrestrained lover in the world.

The sea loves no one, but many people feel happy near it...

I think the sea, the beach, a luxury hotel, a lot of fruit, and I will sell this world!

Ironic statuses about the sea

Sea, sun, beach... What could be better? Especially when it's all in dreams!

You can drown in blue eyes, like in the sea... You can wrap yourself in green eyes, like in grass...

New ironic statuses about the sea

I'm rocking on the waves. Harmony!

This year for the first time I will not look for a girl at sea, but will bring my own :)

I want to go to the sea, to be covered by the waves. I want to be with the sea, alone and nothing more...

Once the kids were walking by the sea, a shark’s net was torn nearby, the children were hardly familiar with fear - their faces were stuffed, their gills were torn =)

The window is open. I hear the stars and the sea breathing calmly...

I dream of going on vacation with you to the sea in the summer... I don’t care about the sea, as long as you are with me...

I’m lying on the beach, I’m not slowing down at all - I’m taking off my swimsuit, catching everyone’s eyes on me.

Sharks punish those who urinate in the sea!

Parents went to the sea. They left a note: “DON’T FORGET to feed the cat, water the flowers, wash the dishes, go to university!!!”

Water to the horizon... The sea... How you want romance!

Moonlight, sea, night, cool breeze and warm water, like fresh milk, + good company! What else is needed for happiness) Oh, yes, music too xx))

Sea, girls, beach - my best landscape!

Optimistic ironic statuses about the sea

From the shore the sea is beautiful, from the sea the shore is beautiful.

She is beautiful, like hundreds of white roses, she will drown you in a sea of ​​bitter tears...

For me " Good morning"at the sea in the summer, this is when it's already "good afternoon" :)

The old man threw a net into the blue sea, pulls back, pulls... And they answer him: “The network is unavailable” =)

Now I am where there is no Internet... the sea is agitated... summer is on fire!!!

Family vacation. Dad wants to go to the Alps, and mom wants to go to the sea. Dad began to look for a compromise, but mom had already found a compromise - the whole family was going to the sea, but dad was allowed to take skis with him :)

Take me, wind, to where the sea is of handsome guys!

According to statistics, every person who has been sunburned has a friend who will slap you on the back and ask how you rested.

Swimming different styles, drown - alone.

Oh, well, you might think you don’t suck in your stomach when taking pictures at sea :)

Remember! The north is where the moss is on the trees... What would you do on the open sea without my knowledge :)

Where sunsets give way to dawns, the blue sea merges with the sky, where it is warm during the day and hot at night... ?I'm in the south?

It's summer outside, my soul is warm, I want warmth and ultraviolet radiation... on the seashore...

If your husband went fishing and brought a mermaid with him, go, girls, to the seas - there are 33 heroes there!!

Cool ironic statuses about the sea

The heat will show... who has what tits

Salty air, the wind through your hair, the sweet taste of a kiss, the feeling of tenderness in your fingers, the shiver from the touch of the sun, and there is no fuss... There is only us and no one else... We merge with bliss...

I wish you a sea of ​​happiness and an ocean of love, but be careful not to drown in this ocean!

The sea bewitches, the sea kills, excites, frightens, and also makes you laugh, sometimes disappears, on occasion it disguises itself as a lake or piles up storms, devours ships and bestows wealth; it is wise, and gentle, and strong, and unpredictable. But the main thing is that the sea is calling!..

Comrades, don't swim behind the buoys! Two sharks have already choked!

I want to go to the sea! To the big, deep, immense. I'm tired of bathing in the shower...)

The Germans get up at 5 am to put their towels on the still free sunbeds, then calmly go to bed. Russians get up at 3 o’clock in the afternoon, go to the sun loungers and think: “What great service in Turkey - sun loungers with German towels!”

Love can be compared to the sea: some people like the feeling of a storm with huge waves of feelings, while others prefer calm, smooth water with a moonlit path to the horizon...

Four things that cannot be understood: the path of an eagle in the sky, the path of a serpent on a rock, the path of a ship in the middle of the sea, and the path of a man to a woman’s heart.

The sea and love do not tolerate pedants.

Super ironic statuses about the sea

If you run very quickly past Aivazovsky’s paintings, you’ll end up with a cartoon about the sea...

Gentlemen, journalists, do you want to tell the people the whole truth? - Yes! - Then write down: “The Volga flows into the Caspian Sea!”

I chose my path. From this day on, I am like the sea, indifferent to everything. I don’t need to suffer from separation and remember love.

Let's share the world! The sun is for you, the light is for me; The sea is for you, the waves are for me; The sky is for you, the stars are for me... - Listen, wait, but let’s do it this way: everything is for you, and YOU are for me.

I want to go to the sea now. I want to listen to the sound of the waves, the cries of the seagulls. I just want to take a break, just away from everyone...

Take me quickly, take me over a hundred seas and you will get seven years, I’m not eighteen!

And the sea foams and foams... Resort love is not valued at all!

Are you asking me what is love? For me, it's primarily the waves. They roll towards me, then roll away. And even with an absolutely calm sea, we cannot help but feel the proximity of the ocean...

They say if you stick your head in the toilet, you can hear the sounds of the sea...