Relationship between Ilya Glinnikov and Ekaterina Nikulina. Glinnikov and Nikulina after the Bachelor show: juicy details, first joint interview, hints of a wedding

Famous actor Ilya Glinnikov and model Ekaterina Nikulina met on the show “The Bachelor”. Millions of fans watched the development of their relationship. At the end of the project, the actor asked the girl to marry him, but the fans did not wait for the wedding - Nikulina recently announced her breakup with Ilya.

Glinnikov was in no hurry to comment on the breakup, but recently he did publish a post on Instagram dedicated to ex-fiancée. From it we can conclude that the lovers did not part on a friendly note, and Ilya is experiencing the situation painfully.

“Let's forgive those we don't want to forgive. We will endure even when our strength is running out. Dear Katya, I read your interview and remembered how we peeled pomegranates together. How I watched the fireworks on my favorite rooftop on the ninth of May wearing glasses and bandanas. As we moved forward close attention television cameras and became stronger,” Ilya wrote on the social network.

Ilya Glinnikov // Photo: Instagram

Fans were upset, because many people liked the couple. Some expressed regret that Ilya did not choose Madina. Also, followers expressed the hope that if the lovers failed to maintain their love, then they would at least be able to remain friends. Catherine insisted that they simply did not get along in character.

Ekaterina Nikulina’s path on the project cannot be called simple, since the girl could not find mutual language She repeatedly quarreled with the participants, and even with the “bachelor”. However, fans of the show relied on the bright blonde from the first episodes. The fact is that the future winner was immediately able to impress the actor with her extravagant appearance. For the first meeting, she chose a blue dress covered in sequins and opted for bright makeup.

“The evening is no longer languid,” said Ilya, seeing Katya for the first time.

“I liked Ilya right away,” said the glamorous participant.

But the girl had to wait a long time for the treasured rose. In the first issue she was named third from last. However, already on their first date in private, Ekaterina showed her bright charisma. Glinnikov has repeatedly admitted that he burns with real passion for the blonde.

“When we came ashore, I couldn’t leave her side. I was literally magnetized,” the actor admitted in the fifth episode of the show.

But the other participants were hostile to Nikulina, apparently feeling that she was a serious rival. The girls emphasized that Catherine always looks arrogant, behaves distantly and coldly.

Closer to the middle of the season, there was no doubt left: the extravagant blonde would reach the finals. Ilya could not resist her, repeatedly calling the girl a witch. According to the actor, the future winner literally bewitched him, and he could not resist it. After the scandalous departure of Daria Klyukina, the girl literally had no rivals left.

“This rose has been yours for a long time, it’s just that now the rules of our show do not allow us to present them directly on dates,” the actor said frankly at one of the last “ceremony.”

On best friend The participant also made a strong impression on her chosen one, Alexander Ilyin. “Katyukha is a real witch,” said the performer of the role of Lobanov in the acclaimed TV series “Interns.”

The girl managed to conquer Ilya with her education, mystery and ability to show her passion in any situation. Together they water skied, danced and went horseback riding. While meeting the relatives of the “bachelor,” Ekaterina Once again showed her character. She openly stated that she would not trade the actor for anyone, being offended that he doubted her sincerity. As a result, Glinnikov’s relatives were fascinated by Nikulina, but did not draw sudden conclusions about her.

“Only time will tell whether Katya can be trusted,” said Ilya’s grandmother.

After Lesya Ryabtseva left the show, the fatal blonde decided to go for broke. During the last date, she was left alone with Ilya in the bedroom. This gesture finally convinced Glinnikov that he could not go against his own heart.

“Katya is fire, and everything melts with me,” the “bachelor” admitted in the finale of the show.

“Do I regret what happened between us? Absolutely not,” said the winner.

Apparently the winner conquered the enviable groom with her frankness and mystery. The lovers quarreled repeatedly, and several times Katya was even on the verge of being eliminated. However, in the end, the predictions of the fans of the program were justified, and it was with Nikulina famous actor now plans to connect his life.

On the first Saturday of June it came out on TV screens. latest issue program "Bachelor" of the fifth season. But in real life the young actor and his beautiful bride have been living together for several months. And today, the star couple, consisting of Ilya Glinnikov and, shared with journalists how their life together was going after the “Bachelor” project and talked about general plans for the future.

Photo: Ilya Glinnikov and Katya Nikulina together after the project

Almost immediately after filming, the newly-made couple went to the bride’s parents. According to Ilya, he personally packed his beloved’s things, and told the girl’s mother that he would even throw away the suitcases after Katya moved in with him. The man explained this by saying that Catherine would no longer need them, because she was moving to him forever. By the way, Ilya really did just that. Glinnikov is very pleased life together with your chosen one. The actor admitted that he could not even imagine that people could be so suitable for each other everyday issues and spending time together, like he and Katerina. According to the couple, they do everything together, they watch movies, read books, and chat for hours on end. And the star of “Interns” absolutely loves how his beloved cooks. According to Ilya, if you compare Katya’s food and restaurant food, then, of course, his bride will win. Glinnikov even invited Nikulina to open her own restaurant, as he saw in her potential, experience in this field and organizational skills. And Catherine herself admitted that she really wanted to please her man with delicious food and for this purpose she specially purchased books with various recipes.

After the young people moved in together, they went to the artist’s paternal grandmother in Georgia, home country Ilya's father. Unfortunately, at first, the grandmother did not want to accept Glinnikov’s bride. One of the reasons was Catherine’s nationality. According to the man, his grandmother did not even immediately accept his mother, and she was also Russian. But a pleasant surprise for the former bachelor was that when his lover and grandmother were left alone, they were able to find a common language and even drank for brotherhood.

Ilya declares that he will definitely make another proposal to Katya and give her another ring, so that everything will not be on camera, but for the two of them. For young people, the most important thing is the wedding they want to organize in Georgia. And, of course, the young couple is thinking about children. According to Katerina, the most important thing that every woman must achieve is to become a good mother and loving wife. But the girl also wants to find herself in the professional field. Now Nikulina sings, writes poetry and dreams of returning to equestrian sport, and would also try herself as an actress, but only in Glinnikov’s films, as the winner of the project said.

After filming star couple I had to hide from the public, because according to the terms of the program, no one was supposed to know who the hero chose until the episodes were released on TV screens. This became a big stress for Katya, because young people wanted everything free time spend together, but I had to think about how no one would see them together and recognize them. It turned out that when viewers just started watching the first episodes of the TV show, the show was already over for the main characters. We had to hide, wear dark glasses, hoods and even wigs. And only now, when the “Bachelor” project has completely aired, Katya and Ilya can relax and enjoy each other, because, according to Glinnikova and Nikulina themselves, it is now real happiness for them to hold hands and calmly walk down the street together, without fear that someone will take a photo or video of them.

Fans who were eagerly awaiting news of the couple's wedding are sharing their disappointment online. “Have you broken up? It’s a pity”, “So the fairy tale ends... And we believed, eh...”, “I don’t want to believe, Ilya, let’s take a photo together with Katerina! Put the haters in their place at once”, “Initially I made a mistake with my choice. I should have stayed with Madina,” fans write.

Not long ago, we decided to remain friends, despite the fact that we had been together since the finale of the fifth season of the show “The Bachelor.” We didn't get along, and our lives took different paths, although we have a great relationship. We decided to announce this publicly so that we would no longer be perceived solely as a couple and everyone would have their own lives.

After all, otherwise, even very strong feelings would not be able to prevent quarrels in couples. In his opinion, the wife should go out with her husband and not abuse alcohol. Otherwise, marriage will turn into a regular get-together with showdowns, scandals and betrayals.

After the finale of the show, our parents, however, were skeptical at first about our relationship, but, putting myself in their place, I understand everything perfectly - if my daughter went to a “reality show about love” and returned from there with a young man, I would too I would doubt it. But for my parents, the most important thing was that I was happy. At that moment it was so.

On September 17, information appeared in a number of media outlets about a fight between actor Ilya Glinnikov and his chosen one. Ekaterina Nikulina. It was reported that as a result of the fight, 32 ended up in the Sklifosovsky Research Institute. However, the agent of the hero of the show “The Bachelor”, season 5, denied this information and stated that Ilya did not fight with anyone. “He (Ilya Glinnikov. - Ed.) on this moment in Georgia, everything is fine with him. And in general everything is fine,” said Ekaterina Sycheva. The couple themselves did not comment on the situation.

In the spring of 2017, the 5th season of the show “The Bachelor” premiered on TNT. In the finale of the show, the bachelor made his choice and blonde Katya Nikulina became his chosen one. All TV viewers are very interested in how this relationship will develop after the show. You can follow the news from the life of the couple on this page of our website.

Despite rumors that appeared in the press about a loud quarrel that occurred before the breakup, the star of the series “Interns” did not put forward a refutation or comment on this incident in any way. But attracted by the conflict between the sweetest couple of this year, journalists were quick to note that Catherine had stopped wearing wedding ring. Fans, upset by the news floating around in fashion magazines, noticed that Ilya and Ekaterina stopped posting photos from joint walks on Instagram.

Ilya Glinnikov and Ekaterina Nikulina broke up after the girl once again appeared at home in the morning drunk. When the groom asked her not to enter the apartment and go to wake up and sober up with those with whom she spent time, Catherine threw a huge scandal. The squabble between the bride and groom raised half of the entrance and did not go unnoticed by the neighbors.

Ilya Glinnikov and Ekaterina Nikulina together latest details. (updated).

I worked as an art director, built a career, and everything in my life went as usual. I ended up on the show “The Bachelor” completely by accident after much persuasion from my best friend. We practically argued with him, he showed me several episodes, and in the end I went to the casting, especially since the offer from the producers came for the second time, and we girls try to find signs in everything.

In 2009, during the filming of the 147th episode of “Univer,” Ilya Glinnikov also appeared in the series. He played the sporty comrade Kuzi. And a year later, the actor completely accidentally ends up in the TV series “Interns”. Initially, he planned to participate in the casting of the project “The Office,” but he was late and decided that he should not pass by another chance to find a job. The young graduate of GITIS was accepted almost immediately, because he ideally suited the role of major Romanenko.

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However, all posts in in social networks young people indicate that they are doing well. Therefore, fans are eagerly waiting for the treasured information to leak out about a trip to Glinnikov’s homeland or a secret ceremony somewhere on the tropical islands.

By the way, in mid-September, a number of media outlets disseminated information about a fight between Ilya Glinnikov and his chosen one Ekaterina Nikulina. It was reported that as a result of the fight, the 32-year-old actor even ended up in the Sklifosovsky Research Institute. However, the agent of the hero of the show “The Bachelor”, season 5, denied this information and stated that Ilya did not fight with anyone. “He (Ilya Glinnikov - Ed.) is currently in Georgia, everything is fine with him. And in general everything is fine,” said Ekaterina Sycheva.

“Not long ago we decided to remain friends, despite the fact that we had been together since the finale of the fifth season of the show “The Bachelor,” Nikulina shared. “We didn’t get along in character, and our lives took different paths, although we have an excellent relationship.” We decided to announce this publicly so that we would no longer be perceived solely as a couple, and everyone would have their own lives.”

In September, fans of the couple were seriously alarmed by the news about the conflict that occurred between Ekaterina and Ilya. Journalists wrote that the young people allegedly had a serious quarrel, and it ended in a fight. According to some reports, Nikulina herself provoked aggression against herself. According to media reports, Glinnikov was not pleased that the girl returned home to a noisy party.

Now Catherine decided to personally talk about her breakup with the artist. In an interview with, Nikulina explained why she publicly announced her breakup with Glinnikov - it was important for her that she and Ilya stop being perceived as a couple.

Ilya Glinnikov and Ekaterina Nikulina life after the project. All latest information as of January 29, 2018.

But in 2013, Ilya apparently decided to correct the mistake and nevertheless reproduced the feelings from the series in real life. An affair with Kupitman’s niece from “Interns” grew into passion with Aglaya Tarasova in life. IN within three years, numerous reasons for discussion. Aglaya’s character simply did not allow her to lead a calm and measured life. The actors often quarreled and immediately made up. But in 2016, after the final breakup, the girl left for the Serbian Milos Bikovich. And in November of the same year, Ilya was persuaded to participate in the fifth season of the show “The Bachelor”.

Journalists contacted Ilya Glinnikov with a request to comment on public speculation. The young man did not refute or confirm the information about a serious quarrel with Ekaterina Nikulina. Instead, the actor made it clear that he was not experiencing any problems.

Among the 25 participants, Glinnikov chose a former art director, a modest blonde from Moscow. According to the terms of the contract, they could not talk about the novel until viewers saw the finale of the program. But now they are not hiding anything and show that relationships after the show are a reality!

Ilya Glinnikov is free again: his relationship with the finalist of the show “The Bachelor” Ekaterina Nikulina is over. Rumors that not everything was going smoothly between the lovers appeared at the beginning of autumn. Then the Internet community shook loud scandal. It was reported that as a result of a fight with his fiancee, the actor ended up in the Sklifosovsky Research Institute. True, this news was immediately denied by Glinnikov’s agent, assuring that Ilya was vacationing abroad. “Ilya and I laughed at this news,” recalls Nikulina.

Neither he nor I had ever had such a relationship - it arose in the most unnatural conditions, but we managed to survive, despite increased attention from all sides. For example, when information about our quarrel or even a fight appeared in the summer, my family and friends and I could only laugh.

As a result, he was enrolled in Valery Garkalin’s course. Already in his second year of study, Ilya Glinnikov made his debut in an episode of the youth series “Club”. Soon the actor made his mark in the musical “First Love”. His dancing skills helped Ilya become famous, and his name appeared in the credits next to Yulia Savicheva. Simultaneously with filming the musical, Glinnikov appeared on the theater stage in the play “The Third Shift.” Subsequently, the play was nominated for the Golden Mask.

Feeling insufficiently prepared, Ilya went to advanced training courses abroad. He studied according to the Lee Strasberg system, deciding to follow Marlon Brando and Paul Newman on the road to the heights of mastery. After completing his studies, the actor decided to try out new skills in the musical “The Bremen Town Musicians”.

Bachelor – Evgeniy Levchenko

Winner – Olesya Ermakova

The winner of the first season of the show “The Bachelor” in 2013 was Olesya Ermakova. It was she who managed to win the heart of football player Evgeniy Levchenko, who at one time played for CSKA Moscow and the Ukrainian national team.

However, nine months later, the athlete announced his separation from his chosen one. But the beautiful Olesya did not remain alone for long; a year later, an old acquaintance from London proposed to her. Fortunately, this time the distance did not become an obstacle to the relationship.

Currently Ermakova is producing various television projects, and also works as a model.

Photo: TNT channel, @olesyayermakova

Second season

Bachelor – Maxim Chernyavsky

Finalists – Maria Drigola

The winner of the second season of the reality show was Maria Drigola, who competed for the heart of entrepreneur Maxim Chernyavsky, who shortly before his participation in the program broke up with the ex-soloist of the group “ VIA Gra» Anna Sedokova.

The relationship of this couple lasted almost a year and a half. The lovers even began to prepare for the wedding, but everything collapsed in November 2015. As in the first story, love was ruined by distance.

After breaking up with his bride, Maxim said that they really wanted to be together no matter what, Maria often came to see him in Los Angeles, but in the end nothing worked out.

Maria Drigola now travels a lot and manages to manage the legal department in her father’s company, which deals with repairs and sales. military equipment. The girl’s personal life remains unsettled, but given the popularity of her Instagram page, she has quite a few fans.

Season three

Bachelor - Timur Batrutdinov

Finalists – Daria Kananukha

Few people believed in the sincere choice of Timur Batrutdinov in the third season of the show. Although Daria Kananukha received the ring, many fans suspected that the showman had feelings for the second finalist Galina Rzhaksenskaya. After the project, Timur and Daria tried to maintain the legend of the relationship, despite the fact that the girl spent all her time in hometown in Kazan, and Timur, meanwhile, was seen more than once in the company of Gali. And a little later, the TNT channel confirmed the fictitious relationship.

“So the contract is over. Dasha and Timur were never together. Dasha immediately returned to Kazan, and Timur began his work,” said the message that appeared in official group"Bachelor" VKontakte. And Timur really had a difficult relationship with Galina Rzhaksenskaya, which did not last long.

After filming ended, Dasha defended her diploma from Kazan Federal University with a degree in organizational management and opened an etiquette school for children in Kazan. And after that, her personal life improved; Kananukha met a man whom she plans to marry this July.

Everything turned out well for Galina Rzhaksenskaya, she got married last year and is preparing to become a mother in October of this year.

Photo: @kananukha, TNT TV channel, @senoritagalo

Season four

Bachelor - Alexey Vorobyov

Finalists: Natasha Gorozhanova and Yana Anosova

The final fourth season the show was the most unpredictable. “Bachelor” Alexey Vorobyov faced a choice between Natalya Gorozhanova and Yana Anosova; in the end, the artist did not choose either of the girls.

“I came into the project with confidence that there would be a happy ending. But if one girl tells me to my face that she doesn’t love me, and the second, after three months of communication, having already managed to get to know me closely, first gives me an icy heart, saying that I have the same, demonstrating that she mistakes me for someone else, and not can give an answer to the question: “What do you feel about me?”, which she herself asked me five minutes ago. And then, in a frank conversation, it turns out that she has no serious plans to change her life in the near future, except for her career. What beautiful fairy tale can we talk about? I understand perfectly well that the audience wanted to see a fairy tale with a happy ending, but believe me, I wanted it much more than the millions of people who watched my life for 13 weeks,” Alexey told Woman’s Day.

The 22-year-old singer, model and actress from Yakutsk was very upset by the ending. Anosova later admitted more than once that she really fell in love with “The Bachelor” and for a long time hoped that fate would bring them together again, but this never happened. Now she works as an actress; what her personal life is like remains a mystery.

Brought up in orphanage Natalya Gorozhanova tried to extract as many lessons as possible from the project. According to the participant, she was able to look at herself with different eyes. The girl was definitely Alexei's favorite. If she had not admitted that she did not have feelings for him, she most likely would have become the winner of the fifth season of “The Bachelor.” In the meantime, the girl continues to work as a model and seek her happiness.

Photo: @gorozhanova, TNT TV channel, y_anosova

Season 5

Bachelor - Ilya Glinnikov

Winner – Ekaterina Nikulina

The story of the fifth “Bachelor” unexpectedly ended with a happy ending for everyone! Until the last episode, viewers were sure that the ring would go to Madina Tamova, an oriental beauty who attracted Ilya Glinnikov from the very beginning. It was she who received the first impression rose from “The Bachelor”, from the first minutes of communication she literally charmed the entire family of the actor, and in general it seemed that it was Madina who was more suitable for the star of the series “Interns” than Ekaterina Nikulina. But it turned out that during the project, Ilya truly fell in love with the complete opposite - a blonde with blue eyes. Immediately after the end of the project, the lovers began to live under the same roof, got two dogs and are planning a wedding.