How the battle is filmed. Are actors starring in the “battle of psychics”? "Frank Confession" about the "Battle of Psychics"

In “The Battle of Psychics,” incredible things happen all the time: they either reconstruct the history of the death of this or that person, or determine damage, or find a hidden object, or even directly on camera contact dead spirits and conduct a dialogue with them. Miracles and nothing more!

Of course, everything mystical and unknown attracts the attention of viewers, and fans of this long-standing television project are looking forward to the new season, raising the show’s rating with their views to the delight of the organizers and owners of the channel. But let's try to look at this TV project through the eyes of a skeptic and understand how psychics are filmed and why.

"Battle of psychics": a true struggle or a bright show?

If you read the stories of people who tried to get on this TV project and participated in it, then the general scheme for selecting participants is as follows: everyone comes to the casting on a certain day, participates in several qualifying tests and, if they successful completion get included in the TV project among the participants. Next, all participants undergo the same tests, based on the results of which the most successful one is identified, who becomes the winner, receives recognition and a cash prize.

That is, before the viewer’s eyes there appears a struggle between different psychics, as a result of which only one receives recognition. Is all this even fair? They say that if a person has a real gift, he will not put it on public display in order to prove something to someone, as well as to enrich himself financially - and as we remember, in this program the winner receives a substantial cash prize. In addition, with such an attitude towards your gift, you can easily lose it.

Another important point: those who believe in extrasensory perception and use it are completely different people. Some find it easier to read information from objects, others see a person’s energy better, etc. Psychics cannot have all their abilities equally developed so that they can all be objectively tested using the same tests, as happens in transfer.

If you search for information about this show, you may also find the following information:

  • The most attentive people notice certain “blunders” when they say one thing, but what is filmed is not quite the same. For example, they make mistakes in years, exact dates and numbers, etc.
  • You can argue with the conditions of some tests: not all of them are as objective as possible - sometimes the chances of winning for a quick-witted, attentive and psychologically prepared person are much higher.
  • With the participation of psychics in the transmission, they pass all tests more or less successfully, but in many real situations, when they are asked to help in solving a specific situation, many are often very mistaken.
  • The very behavior of some participants and their appearance attractive to viewers. Bright appearance, unusual manner of speech, attributes - all this arouses interest and is done in order to attract attention. However, they say that a true psychic does not need all this external “tinsel”, because he does not try with all his might to prove something to someone, using all available means for this.
  • Finally, you can find recordings of interviews with people directly involved with the show. So, for example, in one of them, a girl talks about how, on the eve of the next test, the participant received a letter in the mail with detailed description what will happen and how to behave in order to successfully pass it.

Some skeptics also say that the participants in the show may not be completely mentally healthy - they actually begin to believe that they have some kind of abilities, etc., when in fact they do not.

Not everyone is ready to demonstrate their abilities on camera outside of the show. However, after the program, many such psychics gain wild popularity - people come to see them in droves. Based on all of the above, you yourself can draw a conclusion and understand whether all this is for real or just a successful commercial move to attract mass attention of people.

“Battle of Psychics” is a popular TV show broadcast on the TNT channel since 2007. To date, fourteen seasons of the program have been released, and casting is underway for the fifteenth season. This article contains the whole truth about the “Battle of Psychics”.

Program format

"Battle of Psychics" was created in the likeness of a British TV show. Also, similar programs are published in the USA, Israel, Australia and many countries of the former USSR.

In order to become a participant in this project, you must go through several qualifying rounds. The very first and easiest one is never shown to the audience. People with paranormal abilities must determine which geometric figure drawn on a piece of paper hidden in an envelope. From several thousand applicants, three or four hundred people are selected to advance to the next round.

The second stages differ from each other in different seasons. There may be a test where they need to determine what or who is behind a black screen, and sometimes applicants are given the task of finding a person hidden in one of several dozen cars.

The third round, based on the results of which the final participants in the project are determined, is conventionally called “The Masked Man.” Blindfolded psychics need to determine what kind of person is sitting in front of them. During the existence of the program, Mikhail Porechenkov (who is also the host of the first seasons), Decl, Natalie and others managed to sit in the chair of the invisible man. In different seasons, the number of people included in the final list turned out to be different. The minimum is eight participants, the maximum is thirteen.

The episodes themselves consist of several tests (two to three), based on the results of which the jury members choose the strongest and weakest psychics of the week. The latter leaves the project.


Many viewers are interested in the question of what the “Battle of Psychics” is - true or staged show? Of course, doubts may arise, since some participants pass the tests brilliantly, answer all the questions as if they had memorized the answers, while others fail the tasks. Perhaps it all depends on the level of skill and long practice.

So, over fourteen seasons, more than a hundred people took part in the “Battle of Psychics.”

The first season was released in 2007. Nine people had the chance to prove themselves. The winner was Natalya Vorotnikova. The second and third seasons were filmed the same year. The number of participants was eight and ten, respectively. The second season was won by Zulia Radjabova. The third winner was Mehdi Ebrahimi-Vafa.

Three seasons were also released in 2008. Their winners were Tursun Zakirova and Alexander Litvin. The seventh season in 2009 was won by Alexey Pokhabov.

Also in 2009, the presenter changed. Mikhail Porechenkov was replaced by Marat Basharov. The winner of the eighth season was Vladimir Muranov. Season nine (2010) won

Every year interest in the project increased. Spectators were attracted not only by the mystical component, but also main secret program "Battle of Psychics". Is it true or a stage show shown to us on the screen? This intrigue has haunted television viewers for eight years.

Mohsen Norouzi (2010), (2011), Elena Yasevich (2011), Dmitry Volkhov (2012), Alexander Sheps (2013), Julia Wang (2014) also won the “Battle of Psychics”.

Rumors of a fake show

The project has been repeatedly criticized by the press and television personalities. It has been mentioned many times that by launching this program, the TNT channel is trying to advertise itself. Psychics are constantly under attack and accused of fraud. So, is the “Battle of Psychics” true or a staged show? Of course, like everyone else television program, "Battle" has a production director and other specialists working for " beautiful picture"But we must not forget that real people take part in the project, looking for a solution real, not imaginary problems. They come and talk about their life tragedies and receive help, completely free of charge.

Perhaps some psychics conduct receptions after the project and take money for it. But this is their job, which should also be paid. Whether or not to turn to people with unusual and extraordinary abilities is a personal choice for each person.

In each episode of the “Battle of Psychics” it is mentioned that participation in the program is free. The presenter also warns inattentive citizens against the tricks of scammers. Some latest broadcasts were dedicated to exposing them with the participation of real psychics, and people who suffered at the hands of attackers were able to receive free consultation.

Winners after the project

You can think a lot about whether the “Battle of Psychics” is true or a staged show, but you should understand that real people took part in it, whom you can easily run into on the street.

Some of the participants and winners have gone into the shadows and are no longer involved in extrasensory perception, while others, on the contrary, after the program decided to seriously work with mysticism and witchcraft. For example, Natalya Banteeva has her own coven, where she trains young witches and provides witchcraft services. Mehdi Ebrahimi-Wafa opened an online store where he sells various mystical souvenirs, amulets and more.

There are also participants who have never received money for their prophecies and do not intend to make money from it in the future. For example, Julia Wang announced to the whole country that she does not provide services to the population.

Mikhail Porechenkov about the "Battle of Psychics"

Porechenkov repeatedly noted in his interviews that he is an Orthodox man and everything mystical is alien to him. That is why he was interested in working on the project, in order to find charlatans and make sure there were no superpowers. Surprisingly, there were people who proved the opposite to the actor. Mikhail claims that each participant has his own characteristics and strengths. It was on the program that he became convinced of the existence of psychics.

Marat Basharov about the "Battle of Psychics"

The presenter was repeatedly asked by journalists and just onlookers: “The show “Battle of Psychics” - or a production?” As Basharov aptly put it, he has already erased the language of explaining that everything here is the pure truth. After all, the essence of the program is to find out whether there are people with paranormal abilities, or whether the world is full of only charlatans.

Marat Basharov claims that rumors about leaking information to participants and the unreality of what is happening are spread by the “psychics” themselves, who left the project and harbored a grudge.

Skeptics' opinions

Skeptics, who are also co-hosts of the program, always side with the truth. Their goal is to expose unscrupulous participants and bring them to clean water. During the existence of the project, Lera Kudryavtseva, Elena Valyushkina, psychologists Mikhail Vinogradov and Alexander Makarov were skeptics.

Sergei Safronov, perhaps, can be considered the main skeptic of the project, and outside of it he also doubts psychics. He claims that in all time there have been only five people who really have any kind of power. The rest are either excellent psychologists or worthless charlatans. The whole truth about the popular TV show “Battle of Psychics” will be described in his book, in which the reader will also find advice on how not to fall for a scammer, how to avoid disappointment in everything mystical.

Psychiatrist Mikhail Vinogradov mentioned in one interview that some of the tests (not related to human tragedies) were truly staged, but this was done to make the program more spectacular. In addition, he has no doubt about the existence of psychics, and some participants in the show work in his center and provide psychic assistance to the police and the investigative committee.

Psychics about the project

Of course, negative reviews about the program are most often left by those who dropped out of it initial stages. But this criticism cannot be ignored, since the burning question remains about the “Battle of Psychics” project. Is everything we see on screens true or show?

In his diary on this question answered Valeks Buyak, a participant in the eighth battle. He said that there is a certain system of leaking information on the show. The first one is unauthorized. Someone from the film crew over the phone (incognito) offers to buy information from him about the upcoming tests for money. But few psychics agree to this. Another form is sanctioned, when the organizers themselves can hint or ask a leading question. All this is needed for greater persuasiveness, and a lot of money is spent on filming, so good ratings are needed. One day, a test that not a single participant could complete was simply cut off the air.

The whole truth about the “Battle of Psychics” can also be found by an inquisitive viewer in interviews with some of the finalists of the project.

about "Battle"

The famous radio presenter Katya Gordon is famous for her loud statements and unleashing scandals. So, she stated on her blog that she was going to sue the TNT channel for fraud. The whole truth about the “Battle of Psychics” project, in her opinion, is that only charlatans are participating there. And the winner of the fifteenth battle cannot at all be a girl with paranormal abilities, since she worked as a hairdresser and personally, Katya Gordon, dyed her hair.

The girl also stated that she would pay a million rubles to anyone who would demonstrate her psychic abilities in person. According to the Internet public, this is not at all an exposure of the project on TNT, but a way to promote itself through a popular TV show.

"Komsomolskaya Pravda" about the project

On their pages, Komsomolskaya Pravda journalists exposed pseudo-psychics Daria Mironova, Natalya Nosacheva, and Mikhail Filonenko. Their activities after the “Battle” caused discontent among people who turned to them for help. It turned out that while they receive a lot of money for their appointments, they do not help in any way, and sometimes even worsen the situation.

It also became known that some psychics got into the project not because of their abilities, but with the help of connections. There are large centers where so-called psychics work, and they send their wards to promote their services on television, in the “Battle of Psychics” program. The truth or lie behind this statement is also unknown.

"Frank Confession" about the "Battle of Psychics"

An exposé program on the TNT channel released a story on the topic “The Magic of Money.” And, of course, such a popular project as “Battle of Psychics” did not go unnoticed. A woman was invited to the studio who claimed that she was somehow dependent on the “psychic” Daria Mironova. In fact, she gave her money for nothing. Mikhail Vinogradov confirmed that Daria is most likely a fraudster who does not have any special abilities other than psychoanalysis. And she completely accidentally ended up on the TV show “Battle of Psychics.” Fact or fiction is that Daria extorts money from ordinary people, is still unknown, since the girl refuses to comment.

People who fall into the clutches of scammers can only wish them sanity, no matter how difficult the situation they are in. You can't believe everything you see on TV, especially a TV show. "Battle of psychics" - real or show? Of course, the second one. This is not documentary, A entertainment program. Even despite the participation of real heroes and the help provided to them, we must remember what television is and what it was invented for.

Is it true that the TV project Battle of Psychics reveals psychics? This is the most important question that interests every fan of the show.

Here you will find the answer to it and other questions about the Battle of Psychics, which are most often components first.
Where did the idea come from that a television project was looking for and finding psychics? Maybe this is a fiction, and the Battle of Psychics is “just a show,” as many say? No! See how it is positioned in advertising, on the website,

146 people with unusual abilities!

as well as project participants.

Also, in confirmation, I cite the words of the chief expert of the project, psychiatrist-criminalist Mikhail Vinogradov:

“For every one, up to a thousand people who call themselves psychics come to the project. Three people are people who actually confirmed their abilities.

Another interview:

“- Sick people, scammers, various outrageous personalities who want to show themselves come to our show. We do not guarantee their psychic abilities. Such we give guarantees only for three winners- people who occupied prizes in season. These are truly professional psychics who can help.”

Mikhail Vinogradov's statements are clear and do not leave much room for interpretation. The battle of psychics, according to him, effectively sifts out hundreds of applicants for participation extra people and leaves three true professionals in whose abilities, thanks to numerous and convincing tests, there is no doubt.
I will reveal to you the truth about the Battle of Psychics by refuting this dangerous statement.

The TV show “Battle of Psychics” does NOT identify real psychics

Even if we assume that psychics really exist, Mikhail Vinogradov’s statement that the three finalists are necessarily strong psychics is either an outright lie or a naive delusion (hardly). The amazing successes of the participants can be observed mainly within the framework of this program. Outside of it, their magic instantly fades.

Finalists outside the Battle of Psychics

Psychic Bakhyt Zhumatova at the Harry Houdini Prize

In 2015, the Harry Houdini Prize was established in Russia. The winner will receive a reward of 1,000,000 rubles.

In her application for participation in the award, the finalist of the seventh season of the Battle of Psychics, Bakhyt Zhumatova, indicated that she has the gift of clairvoyance and can see money well. Unsuccessful participants in such awards like to claim that their organizers do their best to interfere with the completion of tasks.
Contrary to such statements, money was used to test the psychic Bakhyt Zhumatova, which she needed to find in one of several black closed boxes.
At the press conference, she expressed confidence in her abilities and the successful completion of the experiment, but did not even pass the preliminary test.

Instead of a successful, eloquent result, the audience received the eloquence of Bakhyt Zhumatova:
“If I, for example, were looking for money for myself, I would find it, but this is, as it were, for an experiment.”

Not very convincing:
Firstly, the winner of the award receives 1,000,000 rubles for himself, so there is no need to talk about lack of motivation.
Secondly, if she had voiced this requirement before the start of the test, there would probably have been people willing to risk a couple of hundred pieces of paper to create suitable conditions experiment.
Thirdly: this is a typical story for such tests. Participants always find excuses for failure after failure. They didn’t eat enough, they didn’t sleep enough, they drank too much, or the stars didn’t align well...

Later, another reason for the defeat of the psychic Bakhyt Zhumatova became clear. This is “stress from dealing with police officers.” Five criminal cases were opened against Bakhyt Zhumatova.

If you want to better understand what the finalists of the show are, it makes sense to also familiarize yourself with the predictions of the clairvoyant. They are quite entertaining:
“And in 2014, Brad Pitt will die in a car accident...
- What are your bold predictions based on?
- All I need to do is see a person, write a name on paper, light a match - and I will see his life, past and future. Like a series of fragmentary images: health, career, family...”

Surely many writers would like the same. No inspiration, light a match - and go!

Checking the finalists of the Battle of Psychics Kazhetta Akhmetzhanova and Maxim Vorotnikov in the Big City program

This experiment does not pretend to be scientific, but it also casts doubt on the words of expert Mikhail Vinogradov about the abilities of the finalists. Be sure to check it out! This is a very interesting video:

Ilona Novoselova is a finalist in the 7th season of the battle of psychics

Ilona makes generous promises to clients on her website and guarantees 100% success.

Psychic Ilona unconditionally believes in herself

And she seems to get into trouble more often than most of us. She is unable to warn them relying on her clairvoyance.

Soon Ilona Novoselova and her young man found and released. During the investigation it turned out that Previously, Ilona's name was Andrey, and her boyfriend, Oleg Petrov, turned out to be a girl!!!

What a twist!!

Recently, the lover of 26-year-old Ilona Novoselova underwent gender reassignment surgery. Oleg Petrov, a 21-year-old native of Yaroslavl, became a woman by getting rid of male genitals.

Less than two years have passed since Ilona once again appeared in crime chronicles:

Psychic Dilaram Saparova finalist of the Battle of Psychics of Season 8

Dilaram Saparova In addition, he is the winner of the Battle of Psychics of Season 12 on the STB TV channel (Ukraine).

In January 2010, she was tortured and robbed by Alexey Veselov, Dilaram Saparova’s sponsor at the Battle of Psychics and his friend.

They came to the apartment where Dilaram lives with his common-law husband, tied them up and, threatening them with a knife and a stun gun, took a million rubles, a TV, a telephone and other equipment from the apartment.

The clairvoyant, who, while participating in the “Battle of Psychics” project, often solves problems of finding missing people and stolen valuables, turned out to be powerless in the face of my misfortune. She immediately contacted the local police.

Am I the only one who thinks that even after being robbed, the psychic should have led the police to the criminals on the same or the next day?

Psychic Sadykov Irik Salikhovich finalist of the fifth season and employee

As you already know, Battle of Psychics expert Mikhail Vinogradov argued that the finalists of the show are undoubtedly professionals.

“Professional” Irik Sadykov is not just a finalist, but also an employee of Mikhail Vinogradov’s center, which means we can safely assume that the main expert of the Battle of Psychics has special trust in him.

“I don’t just have a tough selection, but a truly police selection,” says Mikhail Vinogradov.

Listen to this extremely entertaining story from the life of a trusted psychic who passed the police selection:

The idea was undoubtedly good. Once in two days no people were found in the river, it means they are unlikely to be found. We can safely, with a high degree of probability, say that they are alive. But probability is an unreliable thing; it does not give guarantees. This time Irik Sadykov was unlucky. Irik immediately stated that the missing people were alive and repeated this several times. But while he began to talk about the details of the abduction, divers began to pull the corpses out of the water.

Eh, that was awkward!!

It is difficult to imagine a more uncomfortable situation for a psychic, but nevertheless he was not struck by lightning from heaven, nor was he overtaken by the anger of the relatives of the victims and he didn’t even lose the trust of Mikhail Vinogradov, Irik Sadykov live and continues to practice at his center. Welcome to your appointment, the price of a magician’s consultation is only 12,000 rubles.

Irik Sadykov is well-fed, drunk and with tobacco on his nose.

"my best friend I visited Irik Sadykov. This one actually made me laugh. I kept trying to get something out of her, but it wasn’t there, my friend sat with a stony face. They looked at each other like that for about ten minutes, and then he said that the information was closed (this is their favorite excuse). True, the money was returned...

You know, I read positive reviews about these psychics, but I also saw people who were at receptions in front of me; so they themselves blurted out everything, and the psychics said it only in other words.
In any case, my advice to you is that if you decide to visit a psychic, then at least don’t talk about yourself, let him speak for himself, and you can decide whether he has abilities or not.”

Show organizers don't need real experiments

Now let's dig a little deeper. Why and how does this show identify psychics?

I was once made to think seriously by the words uttered on the show “Who Will Fool Pen and Teller?”

“I knew exactly what you were doing, but I didn’t notice the slightest catch.” That is, even an illusionist with extensive experience, a leader in his profession, sometimes cannot always see how they are trying to deceive him.

Talentedly created and carefully worked out tricks brought to perfection make a huge impression and looks like real magic This is why they are created.

An amateur, assuming that he can distinguish a skillful illusion from a manifestation of extrasensory abilities, almost always overestimates his strength.

Moreover, in the video below you can see that even a person who has exposed charlatans and has an idea of ​​how illusionists work may well be deceived:

“Illusion is the art of showing what is impossible, you will see it with your own eyes!”— illusionist Denis Chertovsky.

Unskilled testing also has many other problems - for example, guessing, which, together with the Barnum Effect, produces a strong impression and “information leakage”.

The leak of information can be either accidental, for example, an expression of interest on your face, or special. Maybe you think that in such a “serious” program as the Battle of Psychics, leaks are excluded?

Yes, it’s excluded, says Mikhail Vinogradov, the chief expert of the Battle of Psychics: “When the tests begin, here I am, one of the leaders of these tests, I find out about the test in two to three hours. Then they tell me where it will be, I come. Then they tell me what the test will be and only two editors know about the essence of the test. No one from the crew really knows.”

At least two people know everything for a long time, but you can’t get a word out of them. All preparations for the transfer are carried out in the strictest secrecy. Let's take the word of the creators of the TV project?

It’s strange to hear something like this from a doctor of medical sciences. It is impossible that he has never heard of the double-blind method.

With this method, neither the experimenter nor the subject knows important details of the experiment.

This is necessary to exclude the influence of the experimenter on the subject (in our case this is also a leak of information) and subjectivity in assessing the results.

If you do not exclude ANY possibility of a conscious or unconscious hint, it is impossible to say exactly how the subject received the information - from completely ordinary sources or accurate answers are a consequence of his special “super” abilities.

« Experts" in the show are needed to create the visible seriousness of what is happening

This becomes completely obvious when you see the reaction of expert and skeptic Sergei Safronov to passing the test with Pakhom searching for a person in the trunk:

“In short, you can fire me, today you lost a skeptic.”

Pretty groin famous freak and outcast and he couldn’t get on the show by chance, Sergei Safronov knew him.

Pakhom himself will tell you briefly but very succinctly about himself:
“Here I am, Pakhomov, a forty-year-old Muscovite with no education - I sing, I dance, I show my dick, I act in banned films, I use drugs, if I have them, I’m as poor as a church mouse...”

He also used to draw a lot:

Mushrooms means mushrooms.

Small Dutchman shows small Dutchman.

An interesting fact: Pakhom at the Battle of Psychics in at least two tests imitated a bird, copying its movements, taking an unusual pose, and purring.

Curls when studying the skull:

Sergei Pakhom finds a man in the trunk of a car with a purr.

The first time he did this was back in 1999 on the set of the film “The Green Elephant”. According to the script, his character wanted to purr to return the taken shoulder straps - then it didn’t work. It seems that over the years the strength of the cooing has increased significantly.

Kurlyk for the shoulder straps.

And this, let me tell you, is Pakhom’s music video “Kurlyk”. The bird theme is present.

Why Pakhom came to the Battle of Psychics is not at all a secret; he himself openly talks about it in his interview:

Most of the finalists of the Battle of Psychics have websites designed primarily for selling services. At Pakhom's It is only clear that Pakhom does not seek to sell expensive sessions. From paid services He only has computer tests with payment via SMS. It is quite logical for him to remain a psychic for those who learned about him in this particular role, but refuses to conduct receptions, not wanting to bend his heart.

Cook, you see, the magician Sergei Safronov quite deliberately committed deception for the sake of the show and his popularity, playing along with Sergei Pakhom for the benefit of the show. This is the price of conscience, professional honor and ethics of an expert in the Battle of Psychics.

Conclusions: the whole truth about the battle of psychics

In this article, I in no way set out to refute the existence of psychics, but look at the facts in the face - the television project Battle of Psychics does not identify psychics, it is a lie, deception, ordinary television show. The program experts, apparently having the knowledge to conduct such checks, do not use them, but their authority is exploited with all their might to promote the show.

I took part in the “Battle of Psychics” on TNT in the summer of 2013. He suggested that TNT film a story on the topic of “weather control”, and...received an invitation to the casting of the “battle”.

At the castingI was shown a photo of a girl about 35 years old.
- What can you say about her?
- She is no longer alive.
This is determined quite simply by energy connections.
- You're right. What happened to her? - second question.
I go through the options: illness - no; killed - no; accident - yes.
“She died in a car accident,” the clear energy is visible.
- Maybe she drowned? - Lyudmila watched my work and added an option.
“No, I didn’t drown,” I answer confidently.
“She was hit by a car,” says Lyudmila.
There were also questions like “married, not married”, “how many children”.
- We will inform you of our decision.
And so they parted. The entire test was filmed on the phone.

You passed the casting - come to the first test, a call from Lyudmila in a couple of days.

So I ended up at the “battle”. The people are in abyss. In the park Losiny Island“About 200 people who passed the qualifying casting by region gathered. Plus accompanying people, I think - at least 500. A beautiful warm sunny day. We hung out in the shade of the park, escaping the heat.

The strangely dressed lady with many strange attributes in the first photo is a city shaman, she made it to the top ten, and showed good results in tests, for example, she found a “bomb”.
After registration, the interviews began - the presentation itself.
“I am Alexander the Wanderer - a psychic, I use the automatic writing method for my work.”
“I am Martha, the village witch, I tell fortunes with herbs, I prepare a potion, I can kill you to death.”
And so for five hours, - 200 people - no way.
At the same time, the “most interesting” ones were filmed in more detail. Heated debates ensued about who is cooler, which techniques are stronger. None of the “coolest” passed the first test. These shootings were for the archive, in order to later show the finalists from the very beginning of the battle.
Next is a passage along the alley (show mass participation), this picture is in the first minute of the first episode. They chased us down the alley three times.
- Put away the bags. Get your act together. “You don’t look like psychics,” the director commanded.

We gathered in the foyer. Entering the hall. They did the same thing twice. Let's go. Settled down. Transplanted for the sake of beauty of the picture.

Screen test.
There is a screen on the stage. It is necessary to describe in as much detail as possible what is hidden behind an impenetrable screen. It's already about 20. Ladies in high heels are out of luck - they're on their feet all day.

There was a SHARP change in the mood of the candidates for psychics in the hall.
In the park, everyone (or almost everyone) is very cool, everyone knows, everyone can do it. Demons are driven out, damage is removed, the future is predicted, and healed. Various witchcraft (clown) attributes are shown (there was even a girl with a real python)…
In the hall in front of the “screen” there were no longer any self-confident people.
- What do you “see”, what do you “feel”? - they whisper in groups of people who came together. And in response - silence... Where has the coolness gone...

A strange guy was sitting not far away, he was dressed in such a washed-out shirt and trousers, in such worn rubber slippers on his bare feet - well, he was definitely blessed. He was brought along by very well dressed people, and they kept asking him what he saw. Neither the guy nor his companions made it to the next stage.

Half an hour was allotted to “get a feel for what’s behind the screen.” You could take turns coming close to the screen, just not touching. Any attributes could be used.
They beat tambourines, blew trumpets, burned candles, laid out cards, looked into shells, looked into balls - who knows what.

Time is up. The curtain was lowered.
They began to record on camera who saw what. They recorded it on six cameras at once at different ends of the building. After recording, we were immediately taken out onto the street.

I “looked at what was behind the screen?” using the “Creative Drawing” technique, consistently asked a question, and drew the probability of an answer to this question from 0 to 100%.
Is there a living object behind the screen? - it turned out “YES” (the line went from NO to YES).
Is there a person behind the screen? - it turned out “YES”.
Is there a man behind the screen? - it turned out “YES” (here I was mistaken - it was a woman).
He also asked about age, hair color... but that was all unimportant.

That’s what he answered to the camera when my time came, at about two in the morning. I didn't expect filming to last so long. I went to the dacha, not knowing the result.
The organizers of the show did not reveal the secret of the “screen” until the first broadcast of the battle, until September. Well done for keeping everyone in the dark.

A couple of days later a call: “You made it to the second round - tomorrow is filming.”
About 30 out of 200 were selected for the second round, those who showed results close to reality (or were especially colorful).

The “trunk” stage was filmed completely differently.
There was no more excitement. They gathered in groups near the Airport metro station. My group gathered at 23. They brought us “to the factory” and placed all ten of us in the “dressing room”. The phones were taken away. Exit to the toilet must be accompanied. The task is to calmly wait your turn.

In our group I saw the finalists: Sheps and Marilyn. I saw both Anar and Nazira. Marilyn really went to filming almost immediately. I hardly remember Nazira, she was dozing in the corner on an armchair, it was night. She chose the best decision and remained unnoticed until the start of filming. The rest failed to remain unnoticed.
Yu. Kornilova “moved” us all, in my opinion, she is definitely an artist. She was screaming (singing) something everywhere, in the park, in the hall on the screen, and here in the dressing room. There was simply no escape from her; she filled the entire space. When she left, thank God quite early, we all breathed a sigh of relief.
“Each of us has our own characteristics,” Volodya, an employee of the company, remarked philosophically, thereby stopping the jokes.

In the dressing room in front of the trunk. Neither the shamans from Tuva nor the “black witch” - the winner of the virtual battle - passed the stage.

Sheps and Anar continued to “fight” further. In one of the broadcasts, Sheps blurted out: “I would be happy to send some of these people away from here.” In this “war of psychics”, Sheps won. Anar was unable to show anything interesting, and soon dropped out. After the “battle” was over, TNT showed a story where Sheps and Marilyn performed a strange ritual against the rest of the psychics in order to deprive them of their power.
“This is a battle, everyone wants to win, let them defend themselves,” Sheps answered the host’s bewildered question.

"Trunk" test.
I go into the hangar with the cars. Around five in the morning. The hangar is flooded with light. There are 30 cars, fifteen in two rows. I chose a consistent way to answer the question: “in which car is the person hidden?”
“In the row on the right - in the row on the left,” “in which five,” “in which car.”
Then I approached each car “and looked for interference in communications with Space and Earth,” making the assumption that if there was a person in the car, these interferences would be detected, and so I would “see” him.
I was wrong! When Safronov opened the trunk and there was no one there, I was shocked. I was absolutely sure that I had found a person...
Perhaps I was confused by too much fuss. Perhaps it was necessary to look for a different approach to solving this problem...
Now I would like to solve this problem differently.
At this stage, we immediately became convinced with our own eyes whether there was a person in the trunk or not. Unfortunately, we weren't shown what car he was actually in. I think that this is the same correct approach of the show organizers.

So. Artists or not artists?
Definitely not artists. I heard conversations in the park, in the hall, in the dressing room. Everyone told how the castings took place in the regions, how they traveled, where they stayed.
The winners of regional castings were called to a “battle” in Moscow, paid for travel, paid for hotel accommodation, issued temporary registration, and provided transfer from the hotel to the filming location. The participants lived next door to the hotel and drank tea together. This is all real.

The “screen” and “trunk” tests were organized brilliantly (I did not participate in the others). Complete secrecy, no hints, and, at the same time, absolute goodwill of the organizers, their sincere desire to “find psychics.” Their sincere joy for the result when it works out. You can't play this.

All participants are given the opportunity to demonstrate their abilities.
Some came in whole “schools”. We walked important. They handed out business cards. They told me what TV programs they appear in. However, they didn’t even get through the “screen”.

I am sure that the vast majority of participants - real people, to whom no one suggested anything, who acted with their own abilities. There were rumors about a desire to buy a place in the final for a lot of money, but again, according to rumors, this was not possible.

Are the finalists psychics or part of the project? - they ask me.
Don't know. I didn’t have a chance to observe them at work, and it’s not good to get into the energy sector without permission, for the sake of curiosity.
I didn’t have a chance to get to know the finalists better that time. Perhaps I will take part in the next season, the interest remains.
If someone can show their abilities during the tests, the organizers will only be happy.
Go for it!

TNT was not interested in the “weather” video I sent.
