Weller explained the scandal on Vote Rights: “A cross between stupidity and insult. How Weller, Linter and Babayan argued about the rights of Russians in the Baltics (another fight in the studio) Mikhail Weller threw a glass at Babayan

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Famous presenter television show“The right to vote” Roman Babayan was unexpectedly attacked by the writer Mikhail Weller during a dispute about the situation of Russians living in the Baltic states.

Writer Mikhail Weller arranged loud scandal during the recording of the socio-political talk show “Right to Voice” on the TVC channel.

Weller's hysteria was caused by the support of presenter Roman Babayan's opinion about the deplorable situation with the rights of Russian compatriots living in the Baltic states.

Eyewitness to the scandal public figure and human rights activist Dmitry Linter said that during the filming of “The Right to Vote,” experts discussed relations with the Baltic countries, the presence of NATO troops on their territories and the threats posed by them.

In a comment for "Russian Spring" Dmitry Linter called the incident “some kind of anti-Russian hysteria,” emphasizing that with all due respect - Weller brilliant writer, but apparently he's going crazy.

The scandal erupted after Linter expressed to the show participants his assessment of the situation of Russians in Estonia and Latvia:

“I was at the recording of the program “Right to Voice” on TVC. In general, the main result for me is that while discussing the Baltic topic, Weller tried to fight with the presenter Roman Babayan. Weller is a genius, he can be weird and go crazy. The novel held up very well. The result was a broken glass at Roman's feet. He was also doused with water. And Weller went off the air. Swearing and cursing the program and all of us. The reason for the conflict was that Weller argued that Estonia gave citizenship to everyone, regardless of nationality.

All this happened after my words about the persecution of Russians in the Baltic states and the theft of citizenship from some residents on the basis of nationality. In general, as I said, the Baltic policy towards Russians is meanness, racism and comfort.

Weller agreed with me at first, but then fell into some kind of hysterical state and attacked Roman. In general, Weller great writer. And he is an artist and sees the world this way. But when confronted with reality, his Estonian world collapses and he falls into a deranged state.

I don’t know when the program will be shown and whether there will be this episode with Weller’s hysteria and throwing glasses. But it seems to me that the liberal thought of Russia has suffered some loss. Throwing glasses and being hysterical is not comme il faut. Especially in a reputable company of competent and serious men. But he's a great writer. Let him shoot glasses and drown for the Estonian Nazis. The main thing is not to hit or injure anyone,” he said. "Russian Spring" Dmitry Linter.

“He is very worried that his truth will not coincide with reality,” Linter concluded.

Something terrible happened. In fact, quite ordinary for our TV. But unusual for such a writer. Mikhail Weller, participating in the “Right to Voice” program on the TVC channel, threw a glass at presenter Roman Babayan. What was it: “got under a horse” or a matter of principle? Insurrection wonderful person against lies on TV or nerves-nerves? Yes, the poet’s soul could not bear it. What didn’t you bear? Word to Mikhail Weller.

The same broadcast. The glass is already flying.

This program on TVC in general is not entirely adequate. This became clear from the moment one of the guests said that the territory or city belonged to the country that won the war, that is, the rule of force applies. This explains a lot.

And then during the discussion I repeated what I have said many times over 20 years. In 1990, a year and a half before the collapse of the USSR, after the first Congress of Soviets, a public council. And the counters of this Council, writing out addresses from the house books of the republic, went through the list of all apartments in all regions and cities of Estonia and asked one question: would you like to be a citizen of the independent Republic of Estonia?

If the person said no, he was told: sorry to bother you. If the person answered “yes”, he was given a white cardboard card, which already had a signature, seal and number. They only wrote down his first and last name on the card, and made an entry in the account book that they carried with them.

After the collapse of the USSR, when Estonia became independent, this card was used to give citizenship to everyone who applied for it, regardless of nationality, language knowledge, residence qualification, cooperation in special agencies, etc.

When I told this, to my amazement, presenter Roman Babayan said: “To everyone who had a card? This can't be true! This did not happen." Then I lost my temper, because before that more than an hour of discussion had passed with stupid, deceitful and incorrect moments, I knocked a glass off the counter, which fell to the floor and broke. I didn’t throw it at all, especially not at the presenter and especially not at the head. And literally hitting himself in the chest with his fist, he said: “Are you telling me this?!” I will not participate in your program." With which I left. I consider what happened to be a cross between stupidity and insult on the part of the presenter.

And one more thing: this information went on the Internet at the suggestion of Dmitry Linter, one of the founders and leaders of the Night Watch organization, who was gathering a detachment of several hundred people for a trip to Crimea. Thus, initially this person simply cannot be trusted, although I do not feel any antipathy towards him, we met for the first time. As for me, I differ from the overwhelming majority of participants in talk shows, which, of course, it’s high time to stop going to, in that I tell the truth, without having a single career, material, official, or friendly incentive to lie, except because it disgusts me. And when they say that I’m not telling the truth, you really lose control over yourself.

Today I had to throw water in the boor's face again. This time it turned out to be Mr. Weller!
Recording started at 1:15 p.m. next program“The right to vote” with host Roman Babayan. The theme was: “The Power of Russia.” Let me clarify: the following was meant – our Victory Parade on May 9, the march of the Immortal Regiment and the reaction to these two events of the “world” and some part of “our” public.
The first forty minutes of recording went well. The participants spoke, sometimes interrupting each other, throwing out remarks. In short, an ordinary television talk show.
Mr. Weller, who was standing first on the opposite side, talked his way out. Others began to speak (almost one after another). Including me. In the middle of my speech, a general discussion broke out and I barely managed to interrupt it and continue my speech. If you are not ready for this, do not participate. television talk shows.
Not all participants in this dispute had the opportunity to speak when Mr. Weller decided to take the floor again. Roman Babayan gave him this opportunity. Weller began to speak. I interjected myself into his speech with my remark. Quite correct in form, although, of course, sarcastic. Weller was indignant and, turning to addressing me as “you,” said something directly insulting to me. For which I received the contents of a glass of water standing in front of me in the face. This did not calm him down, but, on the contrary, excited him. In response, he uttered a new offensive phrase. Here I was about to throw the glass itself at him, but, fortunately, my rational thinking mechanism worked. The fact is that the audience is behind the participants of this talk show. And I could hit one of them with a heavy glass.
Everyone was confused, including, in my opinion, Roman Babayan. I said loudly that I was leaving the program, in which a boor and, moreover, an obviously sick person was participating. Which is what I did.
As always happens in such cases, they tried to persuade me to return. I said that this was only possible if Weller was removed from the studio.
For the organizers of the program this is always big problem. Even without that, “something” went wrong, and now we still need to interrupt the recording, do something with Weller (and he will obviously resist, possibly with consequences for those around him)... In a word, I, again, as usual in such cases, they said: “Don’t worry, we’ll cut out this whole piece.”
I said that Weller needs to be “cut” from the studio - only then will I return, but in my opinion, nothing needs to be cut from the recording. And if you invite unhealthy people to the programs, then at least you need to inject them with a sedative before recording... At 14.15 I left...
I don't know how the recording ended. I don’t know in what form or when it will be aired. I would leave everything as it really was. But the management of the program and the TV channel has the right to decide.
Since I will be away from Moscow next week, I will not see this program on the air. And I won’t be able to immediately react to the form in which the recording will be released to television viewers. That’s why I decided to tell you right away what happened and how it happened...
Now you understand why I included in the training program in High school television of Moscow State University clinical psychology?
For reference. Participants in the program from our side: (in order from the presenter) Andrey Klimov, me, Evgeny Tarlo, Vissarion Alyavdin. On the opposite side: Weller, Vladimir Ryzhkov, Sergei Stankevich, Ilya Shablinsky.

“When they say that I’m not telling the truth, you really lose control of yourself.”

Something terrible happened. In fact, quite ordinary for our TV. But unusual for such a writer. Mikhail Weller, participating in the “Right to Voice” program on the TVC channel, hosted by Roman Babayan. What was it: “got under a horse” or a matter of principle? The revolt of a wonderful person against lies on TV or nerves and nerves? Yes, the poet’s soul could not bear it. What didn’t you bear? Word to Mikhail Weller.

The same broadcast. The glass is already flying.

This program on TVC is generally not entirely adequate. This became clear from the moment one of the guests said that the territory or city belonged to the country that won the war, that is, the rule of force applies. This explains a lot.

And then during the discussion I repeated what I had said many times over 20 years. In 1990, a year and a half before the collapse of the USSR, after the first Congress of Soviets, a public council was held in Estonia. And the counters of this Council, writing out addresses from the house books of the republic, went through the list of all apartments in all regions and cities of Estonia and asked one question: would you like to be a citizen of the independent Republic of Estonia?

If the person said no, he was told: sorry to bother you. If the person answered “yes”, he was given a white cardboard card, which already had a signature, seal and number. They only wrote down his first and last name on the card, and made an entry in the account book that they carried with them.

After the collapse of the USSR, when Estonia became independent, this card was used to give citizenship to everyone who applied for it, regardless of nationality, language knowledge, residence qualification, cooperation in special agencies, etc.

When I told this, to my amazement, presenter Roman Babayan said: “To everyone who had a card? This can't be true! This did not happen." Then I lost my temper, because before that more than an hour of discussion had passed with stupid, deceitful and incorrect moments, I knocked a glass off the counter, which fell to the floor and broke. I didn’t throw it at all, especially not at the presenter and especially not at the head. And literally hitting himself in the chest with his fist, he said: “Are you telling me this?!” I will not participate in your program." With which I left. I consider what happened to be a cross between stupidity and insult on the part of the presenter.

And one more thing: this information went on the Internet at the suggestion of Dmitry Linter, one of the founders and leaders of the Night Watch organization, who was gathering a detachment of several hundred people for a trip to Crimea. Thus, initially this person simply cannot be trusted, although I do not feel any antipathy towards him, we met for the first time. As for me, I differ from the overwhelming majority of participants in talk shows, which, of course, it’s high time to stop going to, in that I tell the truth, without having a single career, material, official, or friendly incentive to lie, except because it disgusts me. And when they say that I’m not telling the truth, you really lose control over yourself.