3 pair of nerves. Cranial (cranial) nerves. Damage to the fourth pair of cranial nerves

Let us remember: if it is true that in such a serious matter as journalism there are no unimportant trifles, then for a meeting with the subject of an interview this is three times more true.

Experienced tourists know well how expensive forgetfulness or frivolity with equipment is.

Scouts, as is known from the stories of veterans, when going on a search, will not fail to jump around thoroughly to make sure that nothing creaks or clangs. This is approximately the amount of care required of you when you go to a meeting.

Clothing should not be loud, or out of season, or uncomfortable, or inappropriate (for example, it would be a big mistake to come to a conversation with the head of ORT wearing a T-shirt with the NTV+ logo). In general, you should take care appearance, remembering at the same time that you are not going to a disco and not going to the dacha. You, of course, remember the end of the famous saying: “...one is guided by one’s intelligence.” This is true, and rest assured, this will happen. But they still greet you based on their clothes!

Check your tools carefully. Is the notepad still there? notebook, pens, voice recorder, spare audio cassettes and batteries, a camera (if you intend to take pictures yourself) and spare film, business cards... If you have any branded (i.e. with the name or emblem of your publication) souvenirs (badge, calendar, pennant, notepad, etc.), take it too. Small gifts strengthen great friendships; besides, it is very likely that at the end of the conversation your interlocutor will give you something similar - there will be something to give back. If you want the interview subject to comment on a quote or photograph, grab the corresponding book, or newspaper, or magazine, or cassette recording. (There should be a bookmark on the right page in the book, and the cassette should be rewound to the right place.)

Check if the voice recorder works well. Set the clock accurately.

Finally, make sure that in the next two hours you don't want to interrupt the conversation, you know...

It seems like a good time to talk about time. Under no circumstances be late! It’s also better not to arrive exactly at the appointed time. Yes, yes! The point is that at the appointed time, you will probably start a conversation if your interlocutor is punctual. And you still need to get ready and look around. From my own experience, I know that the best option is to arrive a quarter of an hour before the appointed time.

You won't waste these fifteen minutes either. First, look around - it is inappropriate to do this during a conversation, and it is too late when it is over. It is likely that some items will tell about the character and habits of the owner, and will also prompt you with some question that will come in handy. If your interlocutor has a secretary, there will be time to get to know her, make a favorable impression (very important!), see other possible visitors in the reception area and watch them. Finally, you will finally tune in to the conversation - I call this fine tuning.


The bunny instantly, quickly and quickly, rushed to carry out the instructions.
Meanwhile, the expected guests were arriving. Imperceptibly, as he stepped out of the darkness, Yevseech appeared - gray-haired, tall, with penetrating, intelligent eyes and leisurely, controlled movements.

Vitamin stood up, fraternized and seated the guest in a chair.
- Great job! – Yevseech rumbled in an unexpected thick bass, stroking the carved armrest of the chair with his hand. – I would say a masterpiece of applied art.
- Take it for yourself if you want.

Yevseech laughed roaringly.
- I'll take it if so. And I have something interesting. In my detachment, one expert made an exact copy of the Kremlin. Damn, the clock is ticking on the Spasskaya Tower! He wants to give it to the president.
- The Russian land is not lacking in talent, and many of them, like extraordinary people, slurp gruel in the zones.
- Listen, what else is there in the wooden Kremlin... That, in one of the windows, you can still see the president, white as a harrier, big and meaty like a dumpling, and through a secret door a bunch of people with the characteristic profile of Abraham are counting, packing and sending by trains and submarines to West green bucks, gold bars. One of the towers is already leaning because it is already falling into those voids from where these nouveau riche are pumping out oil, metals and other riches of the Russian mother land. The poor and drunken proletarian are drawn into these voids, along with their dilapidated and ruined households.
- For such a sculpture he will get an extra sentence. By the way, we are not there, in this masterpiece? Us, with a gun and a finka, with slimy faces with a characteristic profile pressed to our temples and throats... I’ll tell you: not only the descendants of Abraham carry money through their rat holes - there are also plenty of our Slavic faces, who have sensed and understood how wealth is made... A-ah, here is Krugly.

A dense, broad-shouldered, short man with a head flattened like a pumpkin tumbled into the storeroom. Although the colony prohibited free movement between units (barracks with a fenced area), for some categories of convicts there were no restrictions on free movement within the residential part of the zone.

Round, puffing noisily, fraternized with Vitamin and Evseech, threw off his padded jacket and sat down at the table. Bunny quietly appeared with cognac and a snack on a tray.
- Not bad! - said Krugly, twirling the bottle of cognac and licking his lips on the sandwiches.

Vitamin poured the noble drink into the purified mugs and gave time to enjoy its refined taste, which was even more pleasant and sweet here, in the zone, behind seven castles under the barking of mad shepherds, under the vigilant supervision of the guard, numb in the bitter Ural frost.

While you, Krugly, were walking towards us, Evseech and I, talking about this and that, approached what we had gathered for. This is a huge amount of money that is leaving my hands, and therefore also ours. In short, what I managed to put together in the first five-year plan of the turbid perestroika period, I handed over in portions for laundering. This money was successfully legalized, and those kids who managed my money must have become dizzy and dizzy from Napoleonic plans, in which, alas, I was not included. During the second five-year plan, money began to float away irrevocably. The new holders of my capital will do everything to make me rot here. Cops work for them, and, as usual, the main cop bosses. This corporation has spread its tentacles everywhere, and is now powerfully moving into power. But, bros, for several years now, when I was over fifty dollars, I started having health problems. I desperately need to go to a good Western clinic for treatment, otherwise this squad will be replenished with another wretched disabled person. After treatment, the recovery period is required for a year, and, hopefully, then I will be able to take up our difficult craft again. During the years in which I will be gone, I will contribute about a million bucks to the common fund (Evseech and Krugly looked at each other).

Do you need help? – asked Yevseech.
- I need help. I have to get out of the zone myself and deal with the nits that put me here. Support is needed so that everything is certain: here, to get out without delay, as written, there in the wild - a couple of reliable guys, so that they don’t get along with their own people. I don't want to use my own, there are few of them left, and they were left as bait for me, that's for sure. Two supervisors, whom I brought to the corporation council, bought and sold, apparently having too much black caviar, and they also helped the cops kill my guys: some were shot, some were sent to camps.
- I understand you. Count on my help,” Krugly said and looked at Yevseech, who nodded in agreement. ; To our help.
- First, I’ll tell you how I want to get out of here. I need to, while supposedly remaining in the zone, go free. Because if my escape is officially announced or if I am released under some kind of free amnesty, in our town half of the Assembly will certainly be put on alert, and the other half will guard those to whom I am going. I already said that thanks to my money these nits found heavy weight and influence. I am a thief, not a cowardly and evil thief, or even an embittered lone wolf. I have to go first in any situation. And I figured out how to fool them all (deceive and teach them a lesson).

In my disabled squad, no one ever builds people. For the ensigns, this is one legless, festering mass of half-bodies, half-stumps, half-living, half-dead. You know that there is even a search here in full they never do: the ensigns themselves disdain to rummage through the rags of a purulent disabled person, rightly believing that they are more likely to find a tuberculosis bacillus than prohibited items. Usually they will send soldiers into a detachment. And they cower in disgust! For them, healthy tongues look the same: in a faceless black robe, in identical caps, equally bald and pale. That is, you sense where I’m going – a substitution is real. In my squad, I once discovered a brother who looked three-quarters like me. We are the same height, the same eye shape, high cheekbones, thin lips. I’m just better than him, more mature, more experienced. By verbal portrait they could easily tie him up instead of me.
- How did you unearth this? “You have all the wretched cripples: lame, askew, consumptive,” Krugly neighed.
“I noticed it and raised it,” Vitamin answered seriously. ; Like a mother raised a child. Now you will see for yourself. Bunny, call Anton... All presidents have doubles. Why are we any worse? We have enough power, and there are far more enemies.

Anton, who entered the room, interrupted Vitamin with his appearance. Krugly and Yevseech eagerly fixed their eyes on the newly-minted double, looking for the slightest flaw. Vitamin walked up to his protégé with a smile, stood next to him and said, triumphantly:
- Why aren’t we twin brothers?
“It seems quite similar,” Yevseech summarized.
- What are your legs like, Mr. Anton? – forged Krugly.
“Show me,” said Vitamin.

Anton lifted the leg of his right leg. Until the very knee joint the leg was amputated and replaced by a skillfully made prosthesis.
- Is it necessary!? – Krugly was sincerely surprised. – And he doesn’t even limp.
- American prosthesis. I chose the best one available. Previously, Anton had a wooden stump, which was simply adapted in the prison hospital, where his leg was chopped off. It was difficult to walk with such a poor prosthesis and crutches. And this imported one is like a living leg!
“Yes, the bastard capitalists know how to do good things,” Krugly praised.
- But all the same, Anton had to work hard to make the prosthesis fit seamlessly with his leg, so that there was no hint of lameness. While he successfully pretends to be lame, he never parts with his crutches. Why do you need crutches, Anton?
- The prosecutor and the judge who convicted him should be stuck in the ass. First, they came up with stupid laws that do not protect us, ordinary people, then they deprived us of our freedom because we wanted to live according to our own concepts, and here, in the zone, they intended to deprive us of our health.
- Anton, on his first trip, soundly beat two traffic cops who wanted to trick him into getting a large fine or sticking him in their paw; Vitamin explained. “In the evenings, at one checkpoint, they drove along the road a dump truck loaded with scrap metal higher than its sides along a section of the road with a sign prohibiting overtaking. Few people have the patience to drag behind a dump truck, from which any heavy piece of pipe will fall out. They go to overtake, and there the traffic cops slow down and steal good money. Anton, having played a trick in this situation, instead of a fine, punched the cops in the snide faces so hard that he broke his cheekbones.
- The man is standing! – Yevseech boomed approvingly. - Isn’t he limping at all? Come on, dance!
Anton performed a tap dance and an Irish jig with his feet without stumbling once.
- Well done! Just like Alexander Matrosov! – Krugly praised.
“Maresyev,” Yevseech corrected. - he lay down on the embrasure.
- Still a hero!
“Okay, go, Anton,” said Vitamin and continued:

I took notice of him immediately when he joined the detachment. I checked it in detail and read the sentence inside and out. Second visit to us. The article is normal - murder by negligence. He had an argument at work with his boss. He was a nit. Anton rashly hit his eyebrow with his fist. The boss was rotten in everything: he fell, and became hoarse, and died of a cerebral hemorrhage.
- I see that he is a man by color - he can’t reach you, Vitamin. “Will he even be able to look like one in real life at the bazaar?” Krugly doubted.
- Listen further. I didn’t just give him a prosthetic leg for some cool money. I converted one room into a gym, installed the most modern equipment, the best companies. The owner praises me, they say, I take care of the unfortunate cripples, supposedly I created conditions in a first-class gym to do some kind of rehabilitation gymnastics with my tongue. It was even published in the newspaper. Humanist thief. Humanist thief! Ha-ha-ha!... I needed Anton to get rid of his limp... He is stubborn. We have made a schedule so that not a minute is wasted. I immediately told him why he was exhausting himself with training. It is clear that the first step is to feel full again, but the main thing is to replace me for a while while I am free to fix some things. To make him look decent, I fattened him up, no matter how much he ate. See what he is like now: shiny with pleasure.

Then I train him on our hairdryer, and I believe that he is almost ready to act as my double. We have a few more touches in our arsenal that he will show at the last moment of transformation. In turn, to replace Anton in the local village, I have identified a one-legged homeless man with crutches, dirty and overgrown, begging in garbage dumps. We'll take him to the zone. He will be better here: the food is good, he is warm; among the same poor disabled people he will be like one of his own. I was talking with him, if you want to go to a warm place where they will give you water and food for free, and in addition they will guard you so that no one takes away a piece of bread, you will be our brother. "Want!" - speaks. Ha ha ha! Now further You, Krugly, have an ensign, reliably purchased, almost your own. In the morning, when half of the guard is asleep and the other half is squinting in sleep like blind kittens, he will lead me through the checkpoint. I will dress up as a controller soldier; The bunny will put makeup on me - I will pass. We'll bring the tramp in the day before. Let's do this. I will tell the owner that I want to install powerful air conditioners in the detachment. In my detachment there are bedridden people, and there is such a stench: you can’t breathe. At the same time, for the guard, a large refrigerator was given as a gift from us, the wealthy people. The owner agrees. There will be three drawers in the back. The first will have an air conditioner, the second will have a refrigerator, and the third will have a hobo. There are labels on the boxes like: Made in, not ours, checked by customs. We’ll open the refrigerator box in advance and fill it to capacity with delicious food: hard smoked sausage, smoky lard, grilled chicken, ham in large square tins, bananas, pineapples, coconuts, cognac, vodka, chocolate, bulk candies. During the inspection, the refrigerator door will be opened, and it will fall out like manna from heaven. Eternally hungry soldiers will attack the hawala. Maybe they'll eat and drink on the spot while others don't run. Our ensign will be inspecting the entering car. He will distract the dogs and let the tramp into the area. On the other side of the gate, we (or rather you) will be waiting for him and the car.
- It's beautifully conceived. As if in nature it would have grown together the same way.
“I’ve been preparing for this since last spring. It will work! Then, when I am released, and Vitamin-2 will remain here instead of me, you will also come here to play with Vitamin-2, instruct him in something, help him in something.
- Is your snoop in business?
- He knows. He is a universal snatch... At first he asked for his ass to be spread very carefully, and slowly got used to it. And, imagine, bros, then, like a cat, he didn’t leave my side: he was petting me. I got a skirt and begged for cosmetics. His ass itches, itches; sometimes I didn’t even have the desire: I use it so that it doesn’t turn sour. And he just keeps hovering around me. Maybe he is a woman. By the way, his asshole is expanding, and it’s so clean and soft, it’s like he’s bent a woman into doggy style. Moreover, he will dress like a Moscow tsipa, put on makeup, wash his ass; Well, you definitely have a girl. I gradually attracted Anton to this. At first he shunned: it’s dirty from man to man. I explained to him that here, in the zone, the thieves can’t even fuck a rooster, and they can’t subdue the flesh with their hands. And if you become ossified in foolishness, you will become a semi-woman!... But Bunny is not a rooster - he is a woman! I treated Bunny to him a couple of times, then he tried it secretly from me - apparently, it worked out like clockwork for them, Bunny is now hovering around him. He sucks me off whenever I want. Anton is a hot young man... I wanted to give you the Bunny, Round, because he really is like a girl: timid, bashful and defenseless. He must be treated with care as some kind of non-our value, and then he will repay, and not only with this very place. He’s my deputy secretary, and he’s also a clever and intelligent guy when he senses my protection. In short, Krugly, if something doesn’t work out, do it in the reverse order: throw the homeless guy out, return Anton to his place. Get yourself a bunny.
- We will not leave you without protection in any case. I don’t understand the various subtleties there. For me it’s like this: if it’s a man, go to work, if it’s a rooster, take off your pants... But have it your way.
- Well, we agreed! Let's take the cognac for us, for real people. May our brotherhood grow stronger! So that our law will always be more correct and higher than other laws...


The city started layoffs. Well, quite. And such cases occurred. The action develops in an adventure style.
About walking around the zone.
I go once (being a lawyer) with an officer to the hospital. On the left is a thorn where the barracks are (“There is a guard near each barracks...” (V. Tokarev.))) - on the right is a wall. And the hospital is two hundred meters away. Convict Seryoga from my childhood city walks towards us with his hands in his pockets, without looking at the officer. I exclaim: “Seryoga!” and shake his hand. We immediately agree that I will come to him and help him write “killer whale” (well, since we’re talking about the zone).)) Although, of course, I wrote a supervisory complaint. The cassation took place earlier.
Sergey age convict. About 40 years old. He was beaten by five youngsters, he put one on a pocketknife. They simply killed. Convicted...
He played the button accordion beautifully. He immediately took charge of amateur performances. His reward was appointed as a privateer. Whether it’s in the army or in prison, it’s fine. I came to the storeroom. Do something and sleep all day. He went to the barracks at the end of the day. Why should he hang around there?
And officer, let me praise him.
Of course, I helped Sergei for free. I went and brought him cigarettes with a filter. It's hard to get used to terry and "Prima". He filled his pockets full. He wasn't bullied.
And in gratitude, he ordered a lighter pistol from his people. Only, he says, made of aluminum, otherwise the manufacturer will be sent to a punishment cell for the blued ones (PM model) if he gets caught. What do I need? "Luminium" is lightweight. And a nest for a nine-ruble gas lighter. Humdinger!
And Seryoga died after his release ten years later. Didn't live to see 60. I was walking home from work and fell dead. Thrombus.(((


A person has 12 pairs of cranial nerves(see diagrams below). Scheme of localization of cranial nerve nuclei: anteroposterior (a) and lateral (b) projections
Red indicates the nuclei of the motor nerves, blue indicates the sensory nerves, and green indicates the nuclei of the vestibulocochlear nerve.

Olfactory, visual, vestibulocochlear - nerves of highly organized specific sensitivity, which in their morphological characteristics represent, as it were, peripheral parts of the central nervous system.

The article below will list all 12 pairs of cranial nerves, information about which will be accompanied by tables, diagrams and figures.

For more convenient navigation through the article, there is a picture with clickable links above: just click on the name of the pair of CNs you are interested in and you will immediately be taken to information about it.

12 pairs of cranial nerves

Motor nuclei and nerves are indicated in red, sensory in blue, parasympathetic in yellow, preocochlear nerve in green.

1 pair of cranial nerves - olfactory (nn. olfactorii)

NN. olfactorii (scheme)

2 pair of cranial nerves - optic (n. opticus)

N. opticus (diagram)

When the 2nd pair of cranial nerves is damaged, various types of visual impairment can be observed, shown in the figure below.

amaurosis (1);
hemianopsia - bitemporal (2); binasal (3); eponymous (4); square (5); cortical (6).

Any pathology of the optic nerve requires a mandatory examination of the fundus, the possible results of which are shown in the figure below.

Fundus examination

Primary optic nerve atrophy. The color of the disk is gray, its boundaries are clear.

Secondary optic nerve atrophy. The color of the disc is white, the contours are unclear.

3 pair of cranial nerves - oculomotor (n. oculomotorius)

N. oculomotorius (diagram)

Innervation of the eye muscles

Scheme of innervation of the muscles of the eyeball by the oculomotor nerve

The 3rd pair of cranial nerves is involved in the innervation of the muscles involved in eye movement.

Schematic representation of the path

- this is a complex reflex act in which not only the 3rd pair, but also the 2nd pair of cranial nerves are involved. The diagram of this reflex is shown in the figure above.

4th pair of cranial nerves - trochlea (n. trochlearis)

5th pair of cranial nerves - trigeminal (n. trigeminus)

Nuclei and central pathways n. trigeminus

The dendrites of sensory cells along their course form three nerves (see the figure below for innervation zones):

  • orbital— (zone 1 in the figure),
  • maxillary— (zone 2 in the figure),
  • mandibular— (zone 3 in the figure).
Zones of skin innervation by branches n. trigeminus

From skull n. ophthalmicus exits through fissura orbitalis superior, n. maxillaris - through foramen rotundum, n. mandibularis - through foramen ovale. As part of one of the branches n. mandibularis, which is called n. lingualis, and chorda tympani are suitable for taste fibers - to the sublingual and mandibular glands.

When the trigeminal ganglion is involved in the process, all types of sensitivity suffer. This is usually characterized by excruciating pain and the appearance of herpes zoster on the face.

When the nucleus n. is involved in the pathological process. trigeminus, located in the spinal tract, the clinic is accompanied by dissociated anesthesia or hypoesthesia. In case of partial damage, segmental annular zones of anesthesia are noted, known in medicine under the name of the scientist who discovered them “ Zelder zones"(see diagram). When the upper parts of the nucleus are affected, sensitivity around the mouth and nose is impaired; lower - outer areas of the face. Processes in the nucleus are usually not accompanied by pain.

6th pair of cranial nerves - abducens (n. abducens)

Abducens nerve (n. abducens) - motor. The nerve nucleus is located in the inferior part of the pons, under the floor of the fourth ventricle, lateral and dorsal to the dorsal longitudinal fasciculus.

Damage to the 3rd, 4th and 6th pairs of cranial nerves causes total ophthalmoplegia. When all the muscles of the eye are paralyzed, external ophthalmoplegia.

The defeat of the above pairs, as a rule, is peripheral.

Innervation of gaze

Without the cooperative functioning of several components of the muscular system of the eye, it would be impossible to carry out movements eyeballs. The main formation thanks to which the eye can move is the dorsal longitudinal fasciculus longitudinalis, which is a system that connects the 3rd, 4th and 6th cranial nerves with each other and with other analyzers. Cells of the nucleus of the dorsal longitudinal fasciculus (Darkshevich) are located in the legs big brain lateral from the cerebral aqueduct, on the dorsal surface in the area of ​​the posterior commissure of the brain and frenulum. The fibers are directed down along the cerebral aqueduct to the rhomboid fossa and on their way approach the cells of the nuclei of 3, 4 and 6 pairs, communicating between them and the coordinated function of the eye muscles. The dorsal bundle includes fibers from the cells of the vestibular nucleus (Deiters), which form the ascending and descending pathways. The first are in contact with the cells of the nuclei of pairs 3, 4 and 6, the descending branches stretch down, pass in the composition, which end at the cells of the anterior horns, forming the tractus vestibulospinalis. The cortical center that regulates voluntary gaze movements is located in the middle frontal gyrus. The exact course of the conductors from the cortex is unknown; apparently, they go to the opposite side to the nuclei of the dorsal longitudinal fasciculus, then along the dorsal fasciculus to the nuclei of the named nerves.

Through the vestibular nuclei, the dorsal longitudinal fasciculus is connected with the vestibular apparatus and cerebellum, as well as with the extrapyramidal part of the nervous system, and through the tractus vestibulospinalis with the spinal cord.

7th pair of cranial nerves - facial (n. facialis)

N. facialis

A diagram of the topography of the facial nerve is presented above.

Intermediate nerve (n. intermedius)

Paralysis facial muscles:
a - central;
b - peripheral.

The intermediate nerve is inherently part of the facial nerve.

When the facial nerve, or more precisely its motor roots, is damaged, peripheral paralysis of the facial muscles is noted. The central type of paralysis is a rare phenomenon and is observed when the pathological focus is localized in, in particular in the precentral gyrus. The differences between the two types of facial muscle paralysis are presented in the figure above.

8th pair of cranial nerves - vestibulocochlearis (n. vestibulocochlearis)

The vestibulocochlear nerve anatomically has two roots with completely different functional abilities (this is reflected in the name of the 8th pair):

  1. pars cochlearis, performing an auditory function;
  2. pars vestibularis, performing the function of a static feeling.

Pars cochlearis

Other names for the root: “inferior cochlear” or “cochlear part”.

Chapter 3. “It’s time for lunch!” Time to eat and time to eat

Time, place, circumstances - the formula for longevity

The term “nutrition” must be understood much more broadly than just food intake (meat, vegetables, fruits, tea, etc.). A person feeds on everything that enters him: information, mental impressions, physical food, life lessons, cosmic energy, memories, plans and dreams for the future. The main thing is that everything has its time. You need to be able to treat time correctly.

Where are we from? From the past. The past is our eternal companion, the past holds us tightly. We constantly turn to him when we walk along the Path of life. Our experience determines our present and future, literally affecting our health. The past teaches. Only a fool does not learn from the past and is therefore constantly punished. For example, a woman, not taking into account the past experiences of other women, decides to give birth to a child later, and first arrange her life and career. A woman’s pelvic bones complete their formation by the age of 21 – it’s time to give birth. Doctors call 29-year-old women giving birth old-timers, but by the age of forty, giving birth for the first time is even more difficult, although this greatly depends on the woman’s health.

Violations of these and a huge number of other laws of time cause people to grow old earlier than they should. At 70 years old these are old people, and 120–150 years old seems an unattainable luxury. Various methods and technologies of rejuvenation, which do not take into account the properties and laws of time, normalize the parameters of the body only for short time...What's the matter?

Ancient formula for longevity:


Laws time in this formula they are placed in first place as the most important. In relation to nutrition, they are more powerful than other rules, and mean that everything must be done on time, on time. Or in other words: each type of nutrition has its time. This applies to the time of taking physical food and all other types of energies necessary for a person: from the lessons of fate and the influence of the cosmos to human relationships.

Place in this formula means the place of human life, that is, human characteristics of perceiving the world through the mind and senses. Is a person ready to do everything in accordance with his human nature? After all, scientists still say that we should eat meat, since it contains the proteins necessary for life. Developing this idea, you can come to cannibalism, because the human body, according to all the laws of “science,” will best assimilate its own human protein... You already know what actually happens when you eat meat, and now you will learn even more about it from the ancients sciences that are relevant even after thousands of years.

Circumstances– food, environment and the like external factors. Not taken into account in your wellness program place, and especially time, operating only circumstances, you can ruin your health by using various diets, using the advice of doctors.

Vedic teaching says: animal meat is not for humans, because it contains the subtle substance of the animal mind, from which the mind and character of a person deteriorate. A person who eats meat enters a constant state of depression, not understanding why it is so difficult for him to live. Most often, one’s own explanations for such a state are simple - “nobody understands me” and “that’s the way things are.” If, in terms of nutrition, you come to your human nature and stop eating meat, then in a couple of years life will change and become much easier. But... the hypnosis of “science” works.

This is what the Vedas say: “If a person follows a daily routine, happiness comes by itself.” “All the forces of the Universe give us good, but only at a certain time.” When a person knows this secret - the law, he receives the highest result from his actions. This applies to everything a person does: when to go to bed, when to get up, when to have sex, when to work and rest, when to speak and when to be silent. Well, eating physical food is almost the most important thing here.

The Vedas are the oldest set of laws and rules of the strong, healthy life. The Vedas say that health comes when we regularly eat the same food; that the cause of all illnesses is dissatisfaction with what we do and what they do for us.

You’ve already heard more than once about eating regularly, but monotonous food is a bit boring. It's hard to even imagine. Doctors' advice about tasty and varied food immediately comes to mind. And I ask you to observe the quality and life expectancy of both doctors and their followers. For some reason these tips don't work. Both of them quarrel, get sick and die early. According to Academician Pavlov, we should live to be 150 years old, but where will we go? I'll try to downvote social reasons, which affect 85–90?% the state of the psyche and health. All the same, in the big cities of Russia, where the population still has access to a variety of food products, the degree of nervousness exceeds acceptable psychiatric norms, and life expectancy is lower than that of villagers who have never seen kiwis or live oysters in their stores.

A striking fact speaks in favor of Vedic laws historical fact besieged Leningrad. A day's ration weighing only 125 g is stored under glass in the city's historical museum and serves as a silent reproach to modern gourmets. Those who survived on a crust of bread and water got rid of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and other disorders of the body. It turned out that monotonous food heals.

You can't go to extremes now. This must be a thoughtful, conscious and felt step. Otherwise, mental disorders are guaranteed for the new Russian “blockade survivor.”

The Vedas say that the Sun sends us several types of energy to Earth, and one of them is mystical fire, which “turns on” digestion. This process begins from the moment the Sun rises above the horizon, and for simplicity it is considered that at 6 o’clock in the morning. A little earlier, the Sun begins to send the energy of happiness to the Earth. Nature rejoices in this energy: birds sing, roosters crow, frogs croak. Yogis, of course, at this hour all over the world are chanting a drawn-out “Om.”

Breakfast from 6 to 7 am in the Vedic tradition should consist of good foods that originated and were formed thanks to this pure solar energy. Everything that ripens in the morning sun: apples, bananas, dates, any fruits - is useful for a person who is in a state of consciousness, accepting Vedic laws through his own actions.

The fire of digestion, together with the Sun, begins to fade away from noon. This is not physical heat, which maximally heats the earth and air around three or four in the afternoon, but a subtle component of solar energy. You can feel it - in the heat you have a poor appetite. So, around noon, the last meal is taken, and here there may be something heavier than an apple or a pear.

What principles should you follow? The science of the physiology of digestion alone cannot do this. Taking this into account, we need to look at the problem more broadly and learn something about karma.

Most of all, our lives are polluted by the food we eat. Strong, key actions have a huge impact on fate, that's true. But we take food several times every day, and its influence is stronger. We all know about the physiological contamination of the body with low-quality food, but we do not know about the subtle component of this mechanism.

The Vedas say that with improper nutrition, AMA is formed, a substance that blocks blood ducts and cellular permeability. As a result, the body becomes slagged, begins to hurt, suffer, and the psyche becomes irritable and aggressive. The protective properties of the immune system fall, after a while even food does not bring joy, and death approaches. This poisonous substance is primarily formed by eating food obtained from appropriating the life of other living beings. From this point of view, an apple eaten whole, together with its seeds - the sprouts of future life, forms AMA in the body. But the amount of AMA in this case is much less than when eating a pork chop from a pig, whose life, according to the laws of karma, belongs only to him and no one else.

With the accumulation of AMA poison in the subtle body of the mind, special vibrations are formed that feed the philosophy of a person’s attitude towards life. To stabilize his psyche, such a person will consume more and more killing energies in food. By buying, he finances the food industry, which kills millions of chickens, cows and calves, pigs, fish, etc.? The aggressiveness of the psyche with such a lifestyle and diet cannot be eliminated with medications, conversations with a psychotherapist or psychologist, esoteric and spiritual practices. You just need to give up violence, first in the depths of your soul (consciousness), and then from violence at ease, on your TV, in the books you read.

The Vedas indicate that the only reason for eating is weakness and loss of vitality. In other cases, food becomes poison for the body and poison for the mind. But it is the changes in mental state are the cause of food consumption in 90?% of cases. Crazy business feeding crazy people. So should we be surprised by the crazy life around us?

In search of relief

Nowadays people go to fitness clubs not only for big muscles. Many people want to become boxers, wrestlers, master yoga and the samurai sword, and learn to dance hip-hop. All these people are united by one desire - to gain sexual competitive advantages in the form of a beautiful body. Without going into the jungle of psychoanalysis, you can ask yourself: “If I already had a beautiful body, would I go to the gym for the sake of the process itself?” The answer is obvious, so I move on to general concepts physical beauty.

“It’s time to start burning subcutaneous fat!”

“The Fat Burning Diet!”

“Emphasis on a thin waist!”

"Drawing cubes!"

These are the headlines of modern sports programs, promising a beautiful body to everyone who follows them. Relief body, muscles are common denominator external beauty for both men and women, adjusted for more rounded shapes.

What is the essence of these programs? In physical training, consisting of numerous exercises, coupled with the use of various nutritional supplements. Today the industry sports nutrition produces thousands of products with varying degrees of effectiveness and price. Their use has become the norm among fitness enthusiasts, but is this normal? And is there any alternative?

I'll try to save you money and keep you healthy simple tips. Any system of physical training that strengthens the body and forms classic proportions is good. There is no point in giving this up. But the second pillar, on which health (and, therefore, sexual potential) rests, is worth taking a closer look at. Applying the Silver or Golden Rule of Eating will help you sculpt yourself accordingly.

The golden rule: do not eat anything after 15:00.

Silver rule: do not eat after 18:00 hours.

You can drink as much liquid as you like, as long as it is clean water.

Following one of these rules Always gives super results. The period for fulfilling the desire to be beautiful ranges from 3 to 6 months, depending on the initial state of the body, the intensity of physical training and the content of those products that, although before 18:00, are still consumed. The output of this program is always a person who is not only physically beautiful, with six-pack abdominal muscles, but also strong-willed, capable of managing his emotions and behavior. This greatly distinguishes the supporter of nutritional supplements from our adherents who follow the laws of time and the Sun.

The planetary fame of fitness is largely based on unnecessary, in my opinion, intermediaries - additives, but it is they, with the help of advertising, that are pumping new crowds of people into the gyms - consumers of chemicals suspicious for health. Don't ask yourself whether it's good or bad. Of course, good! Conscious refusal of intermediaries after your own experiment with correcting your diet will create an entire army of physical education missionaries who carry the simple truths of health. He will show by his example and his belly that the best fat burner is will and following the laws of Nature.

The traditional “fat burner” for thousands of years has been a daily routine or adherence to the laws of time. Stopping the intake of any food, except liquid, after 18:00 has an excellent effect of returning a beautiful figure. A food stop at 3:00 p.m. makes a person sane. Having your last meal at 12:00 turns you into a sage. Next is a change in the quality of products towards the presence of life-giving energy in them. What's next? Follow my impressions, I’ll tell you in a few years.

Why do you want to eat in the evening?

Answer: not because of hunger. To understand this daily question, I will return to explanations of the properties of food, the human body and his psyche.

Our food is mainly salads, mushrooms, meat, fish, dairy products, flour, grains, vegetables, fruits, etc. They consist of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and microelements. If all this is burned, it will provide a certain amount of heat energy, measured in kilocalories. We all know this from school.

The number of kilocalories contained in 100 g of product weight is indicated on the packaging. People take this indicator into account when drawing up their diet, without taking into account the fact that different people 100 g of the same product gives a different amount of heat, since our physiological characteristics of absorption and metabolism are different. This is already being studied in the benches medical universities. The same physiological characteristics of each of us are manifested in the absorption of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and microelements from a standard 100 g of sausage or lettuce. Some people absorb proteins better from dairy products, while others from vegetarian foods. The story is similar with vitamins and microelements - catalysts for many biochemical processes. One needs a variety of foods to replenish the body with such valuable substances, while for the other, these micro-building blocks of health are produced inside the brain - in the pituitary gland and hypothalamus.

In addition to the known biochemical characteristics, food products have their own aura, energy And karmic structure.

I suggest in this review aura indicate the mood with which a particular food is prepared. If this is an apple, then the mood of the Sun, the laws of Nature, comes to us.

A cutlet from a megamarket contains the mood of an animal at the time of its killing and a certain indifferent attitude of workers towards their work food industry, engaged in the production and packaging of these cute cutlets.

Energy The products are also different. Fruits, vegetables, grains - carry the energy of life - procreation (in the form of seeds). Sugar carries only kilocalories, which I, under the impression of previously eaten foods containing sugar, call dead energy. Sugar cannot produce new sugar. And a cherry or a grain of wheat can reproduce itself.

Product Karma– this is the sum of actions and some conscious life of what we eat. The karma of an apple is easy to digest, it is considered light food, but the karma of meat is heavy, so they say: meat products difficult to digest. Over the course of many years, the karma of the food we eat accumulates (sums up) in us, pushing us to different actions and attracting the corresponding karma of life situations.

How does our body absorb biological components food, is described in every physiology textbook. Much more interesting is what happens to the aura, energy and karma of products inside us. The aura corresponds to the taste of food and creates a mood and emotional background. For example, the dead energy of sugar gives a short-term impulse of strength, and then a protracted collapse of all possibilities. Those who regularly consume foods containing sugar (cookies, cakes, tea and coffee with sugar, chocolate) notice that they become constant companions of their lifestyle and over time they have to be consumed more and more in order to maintain a balance of vigor. Fruits and honey contain living energy; the consumption of these products does not increase throughout life, although the state of vigor remains normal.

Our body works and acts according to physical laws. The subtle category of karma of the food eaten is transferred for assimilation into the subtle body of the mind, that is, into the character. These subtle mental impressions from food may or may not please our soul, of which our character (way of thinking and philosophy of behavior) is a part. If food consumed during the day carries negative emotions, dead energy and heavy karma, then by evening the soul that has not tasted even the poppy dew his Joyful, life-giving food with positive karma requires attention. Without understanding the subtle mechanisms of his interaction with the outside world, a person “eats advertising,” that is, what habitually flashes on the television screen. And this again is not what the soul needs, and from the next morning the race for happiness begins again by moving away from it with each new meal.

Power of the Sun and Moon

The power of the Sun, or the time of the Sun, has a huge influence on a person. At the moment of dawn, that is, when the Sun crosses the horizon line at the equator of our planet, the depth of our sleep greatly decreases, and it becomes superficial. The so-called REM phase of sleep with dreams begins. Almost all dreams occur around this time and are, in fact, a message (psychic food) from the Sun. Dreams are different depending on our past behavior. There is no point in describing the influence of dreams on a person’s health and behavior, since everyone knows from themselves and from the stories of others how a single dream influenced many years of life.

Rising above the equator horizon, the Sun activates vital energies in the human body, awakening him from sleep and forcing him to act. If you stay in bed after six in the morning, reassuring yourself with the attitude “it’s still early, you can still sleep,” then you subsequently notice a certain kind of aches in your body. The power of the Sun awakened the movement of energies in the body, and, not finding application, they begin to manifest themselves as pain, forcing the body to turn over this way and that, making at least some kind of movement. Thus, a person who remains in bed after 6 am resists the movement of internal energy and the power of the Sun, causing problems in the spine - the main energy channel. The higher the Sun rises above the horizon, and a person is still sleeping, the less chance he has of becoming happy on this day.

What daily routine do the Vedas recommend?

The daily routine, according to the Vedas, directly affects our health and destiny. Health comes when we eat the same food regularly, and our daily routine determines our future. A properly spent morning will make our childhood and childhood in our future birth happy. A day lived without mistakes will affect youth, middle years, this and the next life. Well, spending the evening will affect the period of old age. What kind of day should it be to live it correctly, without breaking the laws of time?

Around 21:00 The power of the Moon begins to prevail over the power of the Sun. A person must rest. By going to bed at 21:00, you will fill your body with the mental energy it needs due to the power of the Moon. The Moon cools the mind and the Sun heats it. The cooled mind begins to absorb psychic energy, which is then wasted during the day.

From 21:00 to 24:00 the brain, which controls and coordinates the work of all organs in the body, rests and gains strength. If the brain does not rest, that is, does not feed on time with the cosmic energy it needs, it becomes depleted and worn out, which leads to diseases primarily related to rhythm: heart disease and nervous tension.

They try to relieve stress by smoking and drinking coffee, and this leads to increased irritability, decreased immunity with all the ensuing additional consequences in the form of allergies, psoriasis, etc.

From 1:00 to 3:00 life force drops to almost zero, I really want to sleep. This can only be overcome with the help of drugs, which is what happens in nightclubs. Most often, night owls fall asleep at 1:00 am. As a result, such people do not need intelligence, they do not use it, happiness leaves their lives, life becomes crazy and joyless. During this period of time, if a person is relaxed and asleep, he is filled with emotions and love. If a person does not sleep at this time, persistent problems in relationships with people appear in his life, love leaves his destiny.

The man who wakes up and gets up from 3:00 to 4:00, comprehends the deepest secrets in this world, engaging in spiritual practice after awakening. If you have to get up so early ordinary person By going to a job he doesn't like, he will only undermine his health.

rise from 4:00 to 5:00 am makes a person a leader, capable of leading, gaining success.

From 3:00 to 6:00 in the morning joy, optimism, spirituality are perceived.

Waking up in the wee hours until 6:00 am helps you gain your desire for life. But such a person will not achieve anything deep. Suffering will avoid his fate, but still it will not give spiritual joy. People who get up after 6:00 am always miss something in their lives.

Our Sun is a supplier of many types of energy. Physicists use their instruments to detect only heat, light, ultraviolet, and solar wind. But a person, like a thinner instrument and antenna, is capable of capturing other solar radiation of a finer spectrum.

From 6:00 to 12:00– The sun, acting on our thin shells, launches the element of “fire” into us, including digestion.

From 6:00 to 15:00 The sun pumps energy into us. Sleep after lunch (that is, this active period time) contributes to the accumulation of fatigue, which increases the risk of heart attack. The day is for active activities, and the night is for sleep. The now widespread opinion that sex should be had at night leads to premature aging and loss of sexual capabilities even in youth.

Does all this apply to children?

Until the age of 14, a person does not yet have his own karma; he only has the karma of his parents. Until adolescence, that is, up to 14 years, children are not punished by the laws of time, so they can sleep more and eat whenever they want. But after puberty, you need to establish a strict daily routine.

A person who gets up late is unable to perceive the truth. He is like a drunk who is carried by the wave of circumstances and whose thoughts are like a herd of horses in his head. To change your karma, you need to learn to get up before 6:00 in the morning, since before dawn, bad karma is burned by spiritual practices. After waking up, it is very good to take a shower, so that the water falls on your head (women can do this twice a week). At night, in sleep, the mind remains in ignorance (a state of unconsciousness), and this must be washed off with water.

In many of my on-site trainings, I noticed how quickly depression goes away if a person gets up before 6:00 in the morning. Sometimes in the summer, in warm countries, I organized the first training session at 5:00 in the morning, and health flowed into the participants in a powerful stream. What a pity it was then for people to leave such a training regime, realizing that of one's own will there is still not enough to continue it at home...

In the morning there is so much happiness around that you don’t feel like eating. By immersing oneself in dead food, a person moves further and further away from happiness, mistaking for it only the taste in the mouth. To enhance resonance with the energy of happiness sent to us by the Sun, the Vedas give the following recommendation. In the morning, before noon, you should eat fruits and berries that ripen in the sun, and in the afternoon - vegetables, whose growth depends on the strength of the Moon. Therefore, in the first half of the day there can be apples, pears, bananas, oranges, strawberries, peaches, and in the second - cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, potatoes. The grains are related to solar influence.

Impression after breakfast

The mysterious journey ends in a dream. The lessons learned remain in the soul with precious music and create the mood for the coming day. The fires of cosmic meanings yearn for embodiment on earth. The dream turns into reality, feeling the mystical energy of the Sun approaching the horizon from the East. I open my eyes. The gentle twilight of the red dawn spread across the roofs of huge houses on the ceiling. Morning. 3:00. It's time...

About an hour later, after washing, cleansing and warming up for everything that will work for the day - breakfast. After that, the main workout is on - until you sweat. When I talk about my regime, some people are surprised: how is that possible? Right after breakfast, on a full stomach, and training? Yes, I answer, but there is little secret. This morning meal, usually called breakfast, is not associated in my mind with food in the usual sense of the word. During breakfast, I fill myself with happiness, not food. Having accepted happiness within myself, I accomplish difficult and difficult tasks without difficulty or discomfort. intense exercise, I bend this way and that, pumping up my abs.

What other motivations do people have in the morning before breakfast? Satisfying hunger is filling with strength. A wonderful way to keep yourself looking beautiful physical fitness. But what is more common? Breakfast as a way to relieve stress with a cup of coffee with... a pleasant-tasting sandwich - candy - a cigarette. This means that there is no peace and tranquility in a person’s soul. And what will happen to him, this lover of momentary pleasure? Anxiety, nervousness, sudden mood swings, insomnia - these unpleasant symptoms multiply, as the content of caffeine, nicotine, and glycogen in the blood is higher than normal.

A sharp abandonment of your habits will end in a grandiose rollback to old positions. The desire to practice yoga is as far away as it is difficult to reach your straight knees with your head. In this state, in my opinion, there are two options, if they are still of interest at all. On the one hand, it is necessary to do gymnastics during the day (morning and evening), and on the other hand, do gymnastics for the brain. It's time to start breaking your behavioral stereotypes, which are the main causes of nervousness, insomnia and morning stress associated with the thought that you will have to relive “this” day again.

Harmful psychological stereotypes primarily include: the inability to hear the interlocutor and the inability to speak. In one case or another, I mean not only verbal-logical perception. The most important thing in communication is to feel the mood of the interlocutor and your own, and then increase and improve both of these states. The task is not easy, but the novel “It’s Hard to Be God” has already been written. If this topic interests you, then someday, during breakfast, taking a drag from a cigarette and sipping aromatic coffee, run your eyes over this impression and dwell in more detail on the proposed practice.

P.?S.?Bon appetit!

From the book Psychiatry. Guide for doctors author Boris Dmitrievich Tsygankov From the book of 200 recipes against oncology author A. A. Sinelnikova

From the book Formula for Absolute Health. Breathing according to Buteyko + “Baby” by Porfiria Ivanov: two methods against all diseases author Fedor Grigorievich Kolobov

From the book Peace modern woman author Irina Nikolaevna Krasotkina

author Mikhail Meerovich Gurvich

From the book The Big Book of Nutrition for Health author Mikhail Meerovich Gurvich

From the book 7 Minute Miracle by Sheldon Levin

From the book Nutrition for the Brain. An effective step-by-step technique for enhancing brain efficiency and strengthening memory by Neil Barnard

“Galloping across Europe” or European sketches. Part 3. It's time to go home.

Interesting places, Travel report to Russia, Peterhof; Germany, Dresden; France; France, Marne (Champagne - Ardennes), Reims; Poland, Wroclaw

And so, along the road with the clouds we return back...)

Of course, we couldn’t be in Paris and not stop by Versailles. The morning began with debate about whether we should book tickets to the palace or just take a walk in the park and that’s enough... I will explain why the dispute arose. It was clear to us from the very beginning that we were falling behind the planned schedule due to the not-so-successful start of the trip. And we fight back hard; on such a busy journey, losing a day is a lot! And, of course, the people did not want to sacrifice anything... In the current situation, we were given only an hour to visit the palace. Well, what time is it? It's pointless to get in and out. And this time is enough to take a walk in the park. As a result, we decided to split up again...)))

I walked around the park and involuntarily compared our parks in Peterhof and the park of Versailles. I think it’s no secret that the Peterofsky Palace with its adjacent parks was modeled after the country residence of the French king Louis XIV at Versailles. So I went and compared)
And I must say, this comparison turned out to be in our favor. Ours is more beautiful, the Russian scale is felt, and the wealth of the Russian Empire is strongly felt)

We arrived at the bus at the appointed time, but again there were no people. It turns out that for almost the entire hour they stood in line to enter the palace. And now, when it was not clear to return... If I knew how much hassle and problems all these delays would end in, I would run to catch everyone by the scruff of the neck...
Another hour or so and we’re finally on our way.

Next stop Reims.

Of course, we didn’t have time to see the city. But we saw the main “pearl”.
Reims Cathedral or Notre Dame de Reims Cathedral.

From the late Middle Ages until the 19th century, the cathedral was the coronation site of almost all French monarchs.
It was in this cathedral that Clovis, the first king of the Franks from the Merovingian dynasty, was baptized in 498. The first to be crowned at Reims Cathedral in 816 was the son of Charlemagne, Louis the Pious, and the last to be crowned was Charles X in 1825. However, Reims Cathedral received the status of the official place of coronation of monarchs in 1027. Tradition says that when the French king Henry I was crowned king, a dove sent from heaven brought in its beak a vessel with fragrant oil of myrrh, necessary for anointing the king. The miracle that happened marked the beginning of the tradition of coronation of French rulers in Reims.
Reims Cathedral is often called the “Cathedral of Angels” because of the many sculptures depicting them. The most famous figure is the smiling angel above the northern portal.

During the Great French Revolution The cathedral was very damaged. It suffered even greater destruction during the First World War. The act of senseless vandalism destroying cultural monuments is clearly visible in the photograph; heads were deliberately knocked off the sculptures. Why this was done, only God knows (or in this case The devil?)….

In Reims we followed the guide single file, so without incident we loaded back onto the bus and said goodbye to France. We spent the night in Germany.

The morning greeted with cloudy weather, and we arrived in Dresden.
I’ve been to Dresden twice, and after this trip I came again in the spring. And I can say that it felt like there were two different cities. Still, the weather and mood work wonders)
This time the city seemed somehow heavy and gray, or rather even black...

And again there is a catastrophic lack of time. Two hours in the city is hopelessly short! And I wanted to go to Dresden gallery, see the Castle.

Again they scattered in all directions. And we were so tired, this dullness was still pressing, that we decided that we didn’t want any more sights, I wanted peace and normal food))) I haven’t written about food anywhere here, we ate, one might say, on the go. Apart from breakfast at the hotel, all other meals were run and wherever necessary. We only relaxed in Paris when we had a free day.
And then they couldn’t resist, they spat on everything, and sat down in a restaurant. True, we still managed to take photos along the way.

And, of course, there are beautiful places in the city. And the embankment, especially beautiful in spring, and the Elbe River adding its charm.

And the guide showed us this wall, another echo of the war...

We met the next morning in Poland. The last point of our trip is Wroclaw. One of the oldest cities in Poland.
The city constantly changed hands, it was owned by the Czech Kingdom, Prussia, was part of the German Empire, after the end of World War II the city officially came under Polish administrative control.

I liked the city, the colorful houses, even in cloudy weather they make the city somehow elegant.

One of the funniest attractions of the city is the Wroclaw gnomes “Red People”. They have been installed in Wroclaw since 2001, and the number is constantly growing. I read that in 2014 their number was already more than 300.

They even began making maps for tourists showing the locations of the gnomes. A kind of quest around the city “find all the gnomes”. We also met a few along the way.

Overnight at the hotel and early in the morning we leave towards the border.

We realized that something had gone wrong when, a few kilometers before the Polish border, our guide began talking to someone on the phone and nervously flipping through something in a notepad. Then came the question of whether there were many people who had a train at 19.30. There were 5 of us, the rest were leaving early in the morning, they still had a night left and paid for rooms in the same hotel in Brest, which we managed to meet on the first day of our trip.

At first we didn’t pay attention to the question, it was still calculated, but then the bus stopped, and in front of us there were 52 more of the same buses. I'm not exaggerating, we are 53 in line!!! The end of the New Year holidays, everyone is returning home.
Almost 10 hours before the train, we are waiting.... Then I hear the guide talking on the phone, something like this: “why the f... did they buy tickets for this train? We were supposed to be at the border last night anyway, after all...!!! They won’t make it!!!”
Then there was a silent scene, because the guide realized that we understood everything, we were sitting, looking at each other. The guide interrupts the silent scene: “don’t panic, we’ll figure something out”….
What kind of panic is there if you just get off the bus and walk... But this is impossible, strict border guards will not let you in, they have rules all around in Europe.
We went outside to smoke this news. The guide is with us. He asks who ordered our tickets? We say that everything was done through a tour operator. He reassures us again, we should have time to get through the Polish border guards, and then we’ll come to an agreement with the Belarusian ones, they are ours, they also have rules, but they don’t always remember them...)))

Two hours before the train.... We, of course, have made a lot of progress in these 8 hours, but still without options... we don’t have time... By that time, we had already reached the stage of “what is will, what is not will, it doesn’t matter.” Me, my sister, my friend and our fellow sufferers, a couple also from Moscow, are starting to think about how we will change tickets and, in general, how many chances do we have that they will be on the next train. We thought that we would fly from Minsk if nothing worked out with tickets in Brest. Fortunately, money was not a question. Of course, it’s a pity to pay for the trip again, but at least you have something! I imagined it if there was no money for tickets. Guard….
While thinking, they didn’t even notice that the drivers and guide had disappeared somewhere. About 15 minutes later they come running, sparkling with smiles: “We’ve figured out what to do with you!” All you have to do is wait for the bus driver to call ahead, they will be at the border in 20 minutes. Collect for now." We blink our eyes, not understanding anything, but we climbed up to get our things. It turns out that our drivers agreed with some friend of theirs, a driver and guide accompanying another group on the bus ahead, that they would take us into their group, write us on the waybill (or I don’t know what it’s called correctly) and we would cross the border as soon as part of their group.
We were so grateful to these PEOPLE, it’s hard for me to put it into words. I always say and will continue to say that there are good people left in our world, and it doesn’t matter whether they are Russian, Pole, German…. After all, they could have done nothing; in fact, it’s not their problem.

But the joy was short-lived, the Poles marked our passports, “waved,” hello Belarusian border! 40 minutes before train departure…. We are at the tail, in front of us is still the same line of buses, only now in front of the Belarusian border. And was there any point...?

And of course he was)))
The driver of this bus now ran somewhere... And so, we and our suitcases are standing in front of the third bus, Belarusian customs officers are nearby, and they take us aside and say: “Give us your passports, put 5 euros in there and wait here.” We are waiting...
The driver returns, gives us our passports, and they let us onto the bus.

10 minutes before departure, we run along the platform. Hooray!!! We made it!!! Home!!!

P.s. Now, of course, this no longer makes sense, but I’ll tell you... The tour operator who arranged such an unforgettable trip for us was the long-dead Neva. Moreover, as it turned out later, it was not they who organized the tour, but simply “attached” us to the tour, which was organized by a St. Petersburg tour operator “ Old town" The tour itself was organized wonderfully; I don’t take the human factor of “lateness” into account. But “Neva”, which ordered our tickets and generally calculated the time…. Yes, what can I say now...

And so, on the road with the clouds we return back...) The beginning of our unforgettable journey is here: http://www..site/note/3982 Of course, we couldn’t be in Paris and not stop at Versailles. The morning started with...