Exercises for stooping. How to perform exercises for stooping: a complex of gymnastics and exercise therapy for the treatment and prevention of poor posture

Slouching of the back is a pathology in which there is an excessively arched back thoracic region. This poor posture is not only a cosmetic defect; the problem leads to various complications that threaten the patient’s health.

Nowadays, stooping is observed in people of different ages and gender. The pathology can be congenital or acquired, so it is very important to pay attention to prevention and timely therapy. Carefully study the following material, follow the recommendations of doctors, and, if necessary, begin to perform special gymnastics to treat and prevent poor posture.

Causes of stooping

Slouching is a sign of spinal curvature; in such a situation, a person’s shoulders drop forward, and the lack of therapy leads to the formation of a hump. The appearance of a stooped back is influenced by many negative factors. In children and adults, all negative factors are similar to each other, because negative impact on the body is observed from an early age.

The “turning point” in a person’s life begins with going to school. It is during this period that the child is actively developing; children do not often monitor their position while at their desk.

The main reasons for the appearance of stoop:

  • office-school lifestyle. This group includes schoolchildren, students, office workers. All these people have in common a long period of sitting. Lack of physical activity and incorrect position of the spine for a long period of time leads to sharply negative consequences, the formation of kyphosis and other diseases;
  • underdeveloped back muscles. The peak of growth occurs at 11-17 years, if the muscle fibers are not trained, then they do not have time to grow along with the spine, simply stretching along it. Against this background, it is difficult for the child to keep his back straight, and the lack of therapy aggravates the situation. In adulthood, a sedentary lifestyle leads to muscle atrophy, a similar result;
  • psychological factors. This situation typical for teenagers. Emotional stress makes a person worry; he tries to “hide” through constant stooping. Even after improving your mood, the habit of slouching remains, developing into a serious problem;
  • tall. This problem very often causes stoop. It is difficult for the back muscles to support a long spine, so people slouch in an attempt to minimize tension;
  • reflex tension of the chest muscles. This situation occurs when a person in the gym pays a lot of attention to the chest muscles, forgetting about the back muscles, which leads to an imbalance. An exercise ratio of 1:3 will help avoid the problem ( pectoral muscles: back muscles);
  • weak muscles and ligaments from birth. Increased flexibility of the joints and back leads not only to stoop, but also to other more serious pathologies. Therefore, early diagnosis and treatment is necessary for all children with this problem.

Some diseases also influence the formation of stoop, for example, rickets, traumatic injuries of the spine, postoperative kyphosis, complications after radiation therapy in childhood. Such causes of stooping are rare, but they do occur. Before starting treatment, it is important to identify the negative factor and eliminate it, otherwise relapse cannot be avoided.

Clinical picture

The first symptom of slouching is tension and constant fatigue of the muscles in this area. Children are more susceptible to this pathology, so it is very difficult to detect the onset of stooping (whims and fatigue are attributed to overwork after studying). Although it is actually difficult for a child to sit and walk with a straight back.

As stoop progresses, other signs of pathology begin to appear:

  • uncontrollable protrusion of the abdomen;
  • constantly bent knees;
  • tilting the head forward;
  • narrowed chest;
  • noticeable rounding of the back against the background of dropped shoulders forward.

Over time, the symptoms intensify, even long rest does not bring proper relief. It is important to see a doctor before irreversible changes in the spinal column begin to appear.


Doctors divide stoop into several types, depending on the cause of its appearance:

  • congenital;
  • senile;
  • hereditary;
  • physiological;
  • rachitic;
  • youthful;
  • mobile;
  • total;
  • tuberculosis.

Certain types of kyphosis can be corrected with the help of gymnastics, but pathologies caused by serious diseases (rickets, etc.) cannot be cured in this way (specific drug therapy, a special course of exercise therapy and physiotherapy are required).


A slouched back is, in fact, increased kyphosis. Increasing thoracic kyphosis always leads to a smoothing or enlargement of the lumbar or. Pathological changes are visible to the naked eye, but doctors prescribe x-rays in several projections to confirm the diagnosis.

Reference! Normal kyphosis in the thoracic region is a natural backward curve of the spine, which ensures even distribution of the load. Normally, kyphosis has a certain angle; any deviations from this mark are considered pathology.

Rules for Exercise Therapy

Go to the address and read about the causes of aching pain in the lower back when standing up and methods for treating the pain syndrome.

Prevention of slouching

It is quite difficult to prevent the development of poor posture; you must constantly monitor yourself and follow certain rules:

  • organize it correctly workplace for yourself and your child;
  • In the next video you can see effective therapeutic exercises to strengthen posture and eliminate slouching:

One of the popular methods of combating various types of postural disorders is exercises for stooping. They are usually prescribed to patients in the early stages of scoliosis, kyphosis, and lordosis. When performed regularly, such exercises can slow down the development of the mentioned pathologies and significantly strengthen the back muscles. That is why it is important to know what these exercises are and how to perform them to achieve the desired result.

It is possible to eliminate stoop with the help of exercises only in cases where the curvature of the spine has just begun to develop and is not burdened by significant congenital anomalies or concomitant pathologies. The technique best copes with those postural problems that were caused by a sedentary lifestyle, low muscle tone or rapid growth. In these cases, exercises can be used as an independent treatment.

The effectiveness of the complex against stoop directly depends on the age of the patient. Thus, in children you can achieve good, lasting results in just a few months. Persons over 18 years of age will have to spend six months doing such exercises to straighten their posture. People about 30 years old should study for a year to three years.

As for older patients, they will have to work for at least five years to correct their posture. At the same time, to treat stooping in adults, it is very important to use additional measures to treat the back, including manual therapy or therapeutic massage, since exercise therapy in isolation may not help them.

Basic exercise therapy complex for home

At home, you can perform a simple exercise therapy complex to strengthen your back. It is done like this:

Please note that this posture complex can be performed not only by people who already have back problems. It is also suitable for those who want to warn them. Special attention Such gymnastics should be used by people who are engaged in sedentary work and, due to habit, move little. The described complex is simple, so you can safely do it with the whole family - more fun and productive.

Expert opinion

Pain and crunching in the back and joints over time can lead to dire consequences- local or complete restriction of movements in the joint and spine, up to disability. People, taught by bitter experience, use natural remedy, which is recommended by orthopedist Bubnovsky... Read more"

How often to perform exercise therapy

Exercises to correct stoop in the first month of training should be performed daily. After 2-3 months, you can reduce the number of workouts and do them every other day, but not less often than that. Gymnastics can be alternated with swimming or yoga, which also have a beneficial effect on the back muscles.

The exercises themselves for a stooped back are best done before meals or two hours after any meal. It is better to start gymnastics with the simplest exercises. This will prepare the muscles for further work and avoid possible injuries.

With such a frequency of exercise, the effect is guaranteed, and even better, if you maintain the habit of doing gymnastics for life - simple exercises will help you avoid osteoarthritis, osteochondrosis and other troubles associated with age-related changes in bones.

A little about secrets

Have you ever experienced constant back and joint pain? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, you are already personally familiar with osteochondrosis, arthrosis and arthritis. Surely you have tried a bunch of medications, creams, ointments, injections, doctors and, apparently, none of the above has helped you... And there is an explanation for this: it is simply not profitable for pharmacists to sell a working product, since they will lose customers! Nevertheless, Chinese medicine has known the recipe for getting rid of these diseases for thousands of years, and it is simple and clear. Read more"

Recommendations for performing exercise therapy complexes

In order for the posture complex to give you the best effect and not lead to injuries, you should follow special rules for its implementation. They provide:

  • Repeat each exercise at least six times in the first days of execution, then this number will need to be increased to 15-20 times. If you do fewer repetitions, the exercises for slouching will not be effective.
  • Perform the complex for 45-90 minutes. The shorter one is the same as the longer one therapeutic exercises may harm your health.
  • Careful study of the muscles of the buttocks, as well as the middle of the back, since they are responsible for correct posture. At the same time, you need to carefully work with the chest muscles - high loads in this part of the torso can aggravate the condition of the back.
  • Mandatory use in a set of exercises for relaxation of the cervical and lumbar spine, since in some types of curvature these muscles suffer from hypertonicity.
  • The use of dumbbells weighing no more than 5 kilograms for men and no more than 3 kilograms for women. The use of heavier equipment by novice athletes can lead to serious back injuries.

It should also be noted that exercises for stooping can only give the desired effect in this case. If a person performs them regularly. If the patient himself skips workouts or does not complete them completely, this measure to combat spinal curvature will not be effective.

A little trick for children is very effective - allow them to play while lying on the floor, preferably on their stomach. This way you can quietly prevent postural disorders.

How to forget about back and joint pain?

We all know what pain and discomfort is. Arthrosis, arthritis, osteochondrosis and back pain seriously spoil life, limiting normal activities - it is impossible to raise an arm, step on a leg, or get out of bed.

Correct posture not only makes a person’s gait more attractive, but also indicates fully developed and healthy muscles and joints. Slouching, on the contrary, is an indicator that a person has certain problems. This flaw significantly spoils the external impression and self-esteem, and is a sign that the joints and muscles are poorly developed. Special exercises that are combined into complexes and can be performed at home can correct stooping in adulthood.

Strong and confident people have a special body position. They move, stand and sit completely differently. The reason for this is perfect posture, in which the head is raised high and the chest is straightened. This body position tells others about a person’s readiness to overcome absolutely any goal and has a positive effect on all aspects of life. Many people dream of becoming the same, but not everyone is moving in the right direction. If you're tired of constantly slouching and feeling insecure, it's time to change the situation. The main thing is to set a goal and choose the most effective and time-tested techniques that allow you to correct and correct your posture.

Getting rid of slouching not only improves self-esteem, but also has a positive effect on your own well-being and health. Age-related deterioration of posture is directly related to an imbalance of ligaments and muscle fibers responsible for correct body position. This manifests itself not only externally, but also over time causes a number of problems with the health of the musculoskeletal system and the following negative consequences, which appear as:

  • chronic pain in the cervical and spinal regions, as well as in the shoulder girdle;
  • injuries to the knee joints, feet, hips and, of course, back;
  • headaches and fatigue;
  • muscle weakness and atrophy;
  • digestive and respiratory system disorders;
  • tight mobility;
  • carpal tunnel syndrome;
  • sciatica - sciatic neuralgia;
  • compression and pinching of the nerve.

It is possible to correct your posture and stop hunching over as an adult. The main thing is not to let the situation get worse and start taking action. Having an idea of ​​what it looks like correct posture, you can easily determine the deviation from the norm and select a set of exercises that allows you to correct and adjust your stoop. Thanks to correct posture, the body position will become correct, and, therefore, the muscles will function properly, becoming stronger. This will help you avoid problems with the musculoskeletal system, reduce the risks of injury and the development of chronic pain, and also change your appearance and well-being for the better.

Correcting stoop requires first identifying the cause of the problem. Posture is most often crooked due to weakening of the muscles that hold the joints in place. In other words, some muscle groups are too tense, while others, on the contrary, are overly relaxed or weak, that is, they do not receive any load long time and become undeveloped.

Slouching in people who hunch over is caused by the pectoral muscles being too tight. The result of this is that the shoulders are pulled forward and shifted toward the center. If a person also has a poorly developed back, an imbalance occurs, which results in a displacement shoulder girdle from the normal position. The muscular system is designed in such a way that it tries to compensate for any deviations from the norm. Weak activity of some leads to overexertion of others, which causes a feeling of increased discomfort and rapid fatigue.

Imbalance, as you can already understand, is the most common cause of stoop. To bring the muscles to a normal position and not have problems with posture even in old age, it is necessary to work on strengthening the low-active ones and stretching the over-active ones.

How to independently assess your posture and identify existing problems?

Not all people pay enough attention to their posture. Many people don't even realize how twisted it is. To get rid of doubts and identify the presence or absence of a need for posture correction, you should first perform a small test. It's not complicated. It can be easily made at home.

You must wear tight-fitting clothing. This is done so that any deviations can be seen. Shoes are not worn on feet. They stand barefoot on the floor, but do not try to give the body perfect evenness. You should take the most comfortable position for yourself. For the purity of the “experiment”, it is recommended to close your eyes and walk a little in one place. This way, the feet will stand in their usual natural position. Next, they stop and take photographs from the front, back and side. You need to ask one of your friends or household members to take pictures.

The ideal posture shown in the photograph implies that the shoulder joints and ears are in line, the ribs are located above the hips, and this, in turn, is above the heels. The spine and pelvis should be in a neutral position. If, looking at your photographs, it is clear that the body position is exactly like this, then there are no problems with posture. In other cases, you will have to conduct an independent assessment of the existing defects.

Basic assessment of postural deviations

Uneven body position indicates certain problems. To determine a specific postural deviation, you need to understand this issue much deeper. If you identify the specific cause of stoop, this will allow you to choose the most effective exercise that will get rid of the curvature.

Deviation 1: Slouched back and leaning backwards

This position is characterized by the emphasis of the hips forward when they protrude above the line of the ribs.

Problematic overactive muscles: surface of the thighs, erector spinae, gluteus medius and maximus, lower back and buttocks.

To stretch these muscle groups, do:

  • runners stretching;
  • “the best stretch in the world,” which involves stretching the buttocks while sitting;
  • twists from a lying position;
  • hamstring stretches;
  • releasing the hamstrings using a massage roller.

Problematic inactive muscle groups: straight femoral, which includes the flexors and lower abs, external oblique, iliopsoas.

These muscles are activated by:

  • hanging leg raises;
  • "scissors";
  • folding on a fitball;
  • “Cocoon” twists.

Accordingly, by activating the sedentary ones and stretching the overactive ones, you can get rid of a slouched back.

Deviation 2: Lower cross syndrome

Characterized by a forward tilted pelvis and excessive deflection in the lumbar region.

Overactive muscles affected are: erector spinae, lumboiliac.

Stretched by:

  • “pyramids” on a fitball;
  • knee lunges performed on the floor;
  • quadriceps stretching;
  • pulling the knees to the chest from a lying position;
  • self-massage of the quadriceps.

Among the inactive muscles, they are responsible for the correct position: gluteus maximus and abdominals.

They are activated when running:

  • crunches with legs raised;
  • gluteal bridge (regular and on one leg), as well as on a fitball;
  • pull-ups from a lying position in a “frog” position.

Deviation 3: Rounded shoulders

This deviation is manifested by excessive protrusion of the shoulders beyond the line of the ears.

To overactive muscles in in this case include: pectoralis minor and major.

The following exercises allow you to stretch these muscles:

  • stretching the anterior deltoid;
  • moving the elbows back;
  • stretching the deltas in a sitting position;
  • dynamic stretching for the chest;
  • stretching the pectoral muscle groups on a fitball.

Inactive muscles are: rotator cuff, lower trapezius, serratus anterior.

Strengthen these muscles by doing:

  • arm abductions with a tape back;
  • external rotation of the shoulder girdle;
  • traction for the rear deltas and on a low block.

Deviation 4: Forward head

The ears extend beyond the line of the shoulder girdle.

Overactive muscles: levator scapula, which is located on the back of the neck and is responsible for tilting the head back, upper trapezius, neck extensors.

Exercises for stretching overactive muscles:

  • myofascial release (self-massage) of the neck;
  • pulling the chin to the chest;
  • stretching the pectoral, clavicular, mastoid muscles by moving the arms back up with the palms up and turning the head to the side.

Inactive muscles: forward flexors of the head, which are located in front of the neck.

Strengthens these muscle groups:

  • isometric exercises on the anterior surface of the neck.

In other words, both the anterior and posterior flexors of the neck are worked.

Deviation 5: Upper cross syndrome

Rounded, excessively crooked shoulders.

Superactive are: levator scapulae, trapezius, pectoralis minor and major, posterior, upper spinal and thoracic extensors.

Stretches when performing:

  • dynamic stretching of the pectoral muscle groups;
  • myofascial self-release of the neck;
  • anterior deltoid stretches;
  • moving the elbows back as far as possible;
  • stretching on a fitball for the chest and deltas, but already sitting on a chair.

Inactive: rotator cuff, trapezius inferior, serratus anterior, deep cervical extensors, which are located in front of and around the shoulder blades.

Strengthened by doing:

  • isometric exercises for the front of the neck;
  • moving the hands with the tape back;
  • external rotation of the shoulders;
  • thrusts on the rear deltas and on a low block.

Deviation 6: Head tilt

This deviation is characterized by a tilt of the head to the shoulder. Often accompanied by a turn to the left or right.

Overactive muscles: pectoral, clavicular, mastoid, and also inclined to the central part of the body.

Stretches with the following exercises:

  • independent myofascial release of the neck;
  • stretching of the pectoral, mastoid, clavicular muscles;

Passive muscles: located on the opposite side to the active sternocleidomastoid and oblique, but already from the central line.

Activated thanks to:

  • everyday movements when chewing food, using the phone, when it is necessary to evenly load not one side, but both;
  • lateral isometric exercises.

Deviation 7: uneven shoulders

Expressed by one shoulder being lower than the other.

Movable muscles: trapezoidal, stretching from the back of the neck to the shoulder girdle, on the raised part of the shoulder girdle.

Stretch thanks to:

  • myofascial self-release of the neck;
  • lateral stretch of the cervical spine.

Passive muscles: serrated anterior, running under the pectoral, starting from the top of the ribs and ending at the shoulder blades.

The “curvature” of the shoulder girdle can be corrected not by special exercises, but by everyday routine tasks performed correctly. It is necessary to evenly distribute the load when using a smartphone, lifting and carrying heavy objects, and chewing food. In addition, performing rows with one hand in a pulley (upper) helps a lot.

Deviation 8: Hip misalignment

Represents a deviation when one hip joint (left or right side) is higher than the other. Such a flaw often creates the impression that one leg is shorter than the other.

Active muscles are: the quadratus lumbar and is responsible for straightening the spine on the side that is higher, as well as the external and internal oblique abdominal muscles, which abduct the hips. The tissues of the knees, ankles, shoulder girdle, lower back, and neck can also be overactive.

The following exercises allow you to stretch these muscles:

  • for stretching and self-release of the iliotibial tract;
  • for stretching runners, gluteal muscles from a sitting position;
  • lying on a twist.

You should also do the "best stretch in the world" and the stretches that dancers do.

Inactive muscles may be different. It all depends on the specific situation, but the following movements are generally strengthening:

  • high-repetition exercises, including plyometric training, as well as running.
  • Such exercises help align the pelvis and also reduce the likelihood of injury to the lumbar region, knee joints, hips, and ankles.

    Basic analysis of postural curvatures: feet and ankles

    Often, stooping develops due to problems with the muscles of the lower extremities.

    The feet and ankles also have the correct position, deviation from which leads to stooping. If they are positioned correctly, then the ankles and feet look forward. Other deviations are no longer the norm. There are several postural abnormalities in the ankles and feet. Once they are identified, you should begin doing muscle strengthening exercises and stretching.

    Deviation 9: Feet turned inward

    The toes are turned towards the central part of the body, and not directed forward.

    Overactive muscles: external femoral - tensor fascia latissimus.

    The external thigh muscle can be stretched by stretching and self-myofascial release of the iliotibial muscle.

    Passive muscles: gluteus minor and major.

    To strengthen these muscle groups, you need to perform side walks, squats, and glute bridges. All exercises are done with a fitness tape, which is held on the hips in the last two movements.

    Deviation 10: One or both feet turn outward

    One or both socks are turned in the opposite direction from the central part of the body.

    Overactive muscle groups: the external deep rotators, which are located deep in the femoral muscle and connect the femur and the sacrum, the piriformis.

    The following exercises allow you to relax and stretch these muscles:

    • myofascial self-release and stretching of the iliotibial band muscles;
    • lying twist;
    • stretching the gluteal muscle in a sitting position;
    • myofascial self-release on the piriformis muscle;
    • dancers stretching.

    Inactive muscle groups: obliques and hip flexors.

    Strengthened by:

    • “cocoon” exercises;
    • hanging leg raises;
    • folding on a fitball.

    After taking photographs, be sure to carefully analyze the position of your body, pay attention to your feet, ankles, head, shoulders, hip joints. If any deviations are identified, you should begin to strengthen and stretch hyperactive and inactive muscle groups.

    The recommended movements, depending on the problem found, should be included in your usual training plan. People suffering from crossed upper syndrome should do shoulder rows and abductions on the day they work their back. This load should be done for at least 3 cycles of 8-12 repetitions.

    It is recommended to complete the workout with static stretching exercises. They should be performed with little stress. The main thing is not to overdo it. There should not be any painful sensations. It is necessary to maintain the position adopted when performing static stretching from 15 to 30 seconds. The optimal number of repetitions is 3-5.

    6 exercises to correct your posture

    Ignoring stoop for a long time leads to serious problems. Every 2.5 centimeters that the head protrudes forward from its normal position brings an additional 4.5 kilograms of load on the head. top part back and neck. If the head weighs 5 kg and is pushed forward of the shoulder girdle by 7.5 cm, the total load is 7.5 cm from the shoulder girdle, the total load is about 18.5 kg. Thus, it turns out that a person, making absolutely any movement, experiences additional pressure three times more than someone who has correct posture.

    Ignoring slouching leads to chronic pain. Constantly sitting at a computer with a rounded back, standing in a bent position, and an uncomfortable posture during sleep lead to debilitating pain.

    The natural curvature in the lower back is necessary to protect the lower back from pain. It is a shock-absorbing element, thanks to which the weight of the human body is evenly distributed throughout the entire spine, rather than concentrated in one area. And if painful sensations occur, it means that postural distortions need to be corrected.

    People who spend almost the entire day predominantly in a sitting position should simply move and walk more. In addition, it is necessary to regularly do six simple restorative exercises that allow the muscles to relax and strengthen, and, therefore, correct slouching.

    This is an exercise that helps correct posture if the head is pushed forward, as it perfectly strengthens the neck muscles.

    The exercise is performed in a position either sitting or standing. The shoulders are turned back and lowered. They look straight ahead, and then put two fingers on their chin and tuck it slightly, simultaneously moving their head back. Stay in the accepted position for 3-5 seconds and relax. Do at least 10 repetitions.

    It is necessary to press in such a way that a double chin is formed. The more pressure you apply, the better. This exercise can be done even while just sitting in the car. The number of repetitions should be increased over time to 15-20.

    They press their backs against the wall. The legs are spaced 10 cm wide. The knees are kept slightly bent. The back, head, buttocks are pressed against the wall. The arms are bent at the elbow joints and raised. The shoulders should be parallel to the floor surface, the shoulder blades should be pressed against each other, forming something like the Latin letter “W”. The accepted position is held for three seconds.

    Next, the arms are raised and straightened until the Latin “Y” is formed. The shoulders should not come into contact with the ears. Do at least 2-3 sets of 10 repetitions, holding for 3 seconds first in the “W” position, and then raising your arms to the “Y” position.

    I is an exercise that helps relax tense pectoral muscles.

    They stand in the doorway. The arm is extended parallel to the floor, the elbow is bent. The fingers should be pointing upward. The hand is placed on the door frame.

    Bend towards the outstretched hand, pressing and holding it on the door slope for 7 to 10 seconds.

    They stop pressing. Press your hand against the door frame while simultaneously lunging, pushing your chest forward so that it extends beyond the level of the doorway. Do the stretch on each side 2-3 times.

    Get down on your right knee. The left leg is placed in front of you. Fingers pressed to the floor. Place your palms on the knee of your left leg and push your pelvis forward, stopping only when tension is felt in the hip flexors. Tighten your abdominal muscles and move your pelvis back a little. The chin is kept parallel to the floor. Remain in the accepted position for 20 to 30 seconds, and then change sides.

    It is performed using an elastic band and helps strengthen the upper back muscles. This exercise especially helps to increase the tone of the rhomboid muscles, which are located between the shoulder blades.

    Sit on the floor and stretch your legs in front of you. The middle of the elastic band is fixed on the feet and crossed at the ends to form the letter “X”, and the ends of the band, held in the hands, are spread apart and then pulled to the hips, bending the arms at the elbows. Hands point upward. They pause and slowly return to the starting position. Perform three cycles of 8-12 repetitions each.

    In 2013SSCPNM- The Scandinavian Society of Clinical Physiology and Nuclear Medicine conducted a study that showed that performing this restorative simple exercise with a band for five days for two minutes not only improves posture, but also reduces pain in the shoulders and neck.

    They stand and push one leg forward. They take it either by the handles or by the ends of the expander. The arms are raised up and slightly spread at an angle of about 30 degrees from the body in different directions.

    The elbows are not extended, but kept slightly bent and held at shoulder level. Next, return to the starting position. When performing the exercise, your back should remain straight and your shoulder blades point down. Research has shown that you need to do this type of deadlift for two minutes a day, at least five times a week.

    6 exercises for straightening posture in adults

    Not only those who lead a predominantly sedentary lifestyle have problems with posture, but also people who regularly go to the gym. This is due to a lack of attention to the position of your body when leaving the fitness center. Even Joe Holden, who trains S 10 and Nike, says that pain or problems experienced when moving can indicate problems with posture. According to him, a close look at how a person stands is enough to determine which muscles a person has are weakened and which, on the contrary, are tense. Of course, we are not talking about correcting posture to an ideal position, but improving body position in any case will have a positive effect on the results of training and on general well-being, when pain in the back and neck will not interfere both in the sports field and in everyday life. life.

    Strengthening and stretching exercises for the chest help correct the situation. Holden not only advises taking a closer look at your posture, but also suggests effective exercises to correct imbalances in body position. The complex includes both stretching and strengthening movements, that is, it involves active and passive muscle groups. These exercises are ideal not only for those who regularly visit the gym, but also lead a predominantly sedentary lifestyle, spending a lot of time at the computer.


    1. Feet are placed hip-width apart. Light dumbbells are held in your hands above your hips. The starting position is similar to that taken for inclined traction.
    2. Make sure that your back is straight and your lowered arms are slightly above your knees.
    3. Using the force of the upper back muscles, the elbows are turned back until a semblance of the letter “T” is formed.
    4. Hands turn up. Hold this position and then extend both arms in front of you and then to your ears.
    5. Return to the starting position.

    Do three cycles with eight repetitions each.


    1. Lie on your stomach. Extend your legs and arms, forming one line. The gaze is directed forward or down. The head is kept in a neutral position.
    2. The arms are spread out to the sides and down, making a movement similar to what they do when swimming. Return the hands to the starting position.

    The exercise should be performed using the middle and wide back muscles. The shoulders should be relaxed when performing the movement.

    You need to do at least three sets of eight repetitions.

    Slouching is a very common problem that occurs in 60% of people over 25 years of age. Poor posture in adults is often the result of incorrect or insufficient correction of pathology in childhood, when cartilage and muscle tissue are most susceptible to physical influence. The causes of stoop can also be diseases of the musculoskeletal system, spinal injuries, infectious diseases (syphilis, tuberculosis), and deficiency of essential vitamins and minerals. Patients with severe stooping experience not only physical difficulties (weakened abdominal muscles, impaired respiratory function), but also psychological problems: lack of self-confidence, fear of society, difficulties in communicating with the opposite sex.

    It is almost impossible to cure stooped posture in adults.. This is due to the fact that at the age of 17-25 years, the last points of ossification appear in the spine, and the cartilaginous tissue of the skeleton is completely replaced by bone. Any correction at this age will be ineffective, so the only thing that can be done is to prevent further progression of stoop and the development of scoliosis and strengthen the back muscles to prevent the vertebrae from moving away from the spinal axis. Listed below are methods that will help correct posture in people over 25-30 years old, but before using any of them it is recommended to consult a specialist, as there may be contraindications.

    Exercise therapy (physical therapy) is the main method of treatment and prevention of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, including diseases of the spine. Classes can be performed independently at home or with an instructor in special adapted groups, the number of which can range from 3 to 12 people.

    Physical therapy for correcting stoop in adults includes not only special exercises to strengthen the back, but also other methods, for example:

    • health walking;
    • swimming;
    • exercises in water (aqua aerobics);
    • training on simulators;
    • morning exercises.

    The main rule to achieve stable results and correct posture: classes should be carried out regularly (at least 3-4 times a week), and their duration and intensity should be gradually increased taking into account age and individual characteristics. If you experience discomfort, pain or discomfort while performing any exercise, you must stop. Before classes, be sure to do a light five-minute warm-up.

    Health walking

    This is the easiest and fastest way to strengthen the muscles of the whole body, including the muscular corset of the back. To benefit from walking, it is important to monitor your posture and keep your head straight, without tilting it down or lowering your chin. The stomach should be pulled in when walking. You can start classes from 20-30 minutes, gradually increasing the duration of the workout to 60 minutes. The pace also needs to be accelerated, but at the same time you should monitor your breathing rate and pulse: if the condition worsens during the exercise, it should be stopped.

    Water activities and swimming

    Swimming is the only sport that has virtually no contraindications. Correct technique will quickly strengthen your back and correct your posture. It is better to practice swimming with an instructor, since it is important not only to perform the movements technically correctly, but also to observe breathing techniques.

    Group exercises in water – aqua aerobics – have approximately the same effect. It is recommended to exercise 2-3 times a week, and after achieving the desired result - 1-2 times every 7-10 days.

    Exercise classes

    You can also stretch your spine using special exercise machines. The instructor will tell you in detail which exercise equipment is suitable for a particular person. Before visiting gym It is also necessary to obtain advice from a local physician, surgeon and orthopedist, since strength training may be contraindicated in some diseases. To increase the effectiveness of your workout, you need to follow a certain diet, drink more clean water and walk.

    For some, the instructor may recommend supplemental L-carnitine. This is an amino acid that is produced in the human body and accumulates in the muscles and liver. Levocarnitine (L-carnitine) has the properties of B vitamins, strengthens the heart muscle, increases endurance and makes training more productive. It is best to take L-carnitine in liquid form (the dosage is selected individually and can range from 1000 to 1800 mg).

    Gymnastics for stooping

    There are a lot of things that can help correct your posture. They are most effective in children, but adults can also achieve stable results with regular training. Below are the most effective exercises that can be performed without special training at home at any age.


    There are many variations of this exercise, but the most effective is the “classic” plank. The patient needs to lie face down on the floor, then raise the torso with support on the arms and toes. The distance between the hands should be at least 30-35 cm (reminiscent of a push-up position). You should hold this position for about 30-40 seconds, bringing the execution time to 3-4 minutes. A more difficult option is the plank with your elbows bent.

    If you want to learn in more detail and also consider common mistakes when performing exercises, you can read an article about this on our portal.


    A very effective and simple exercise that allows you to correct even a neglected stoop, stretch the spine and stretch the back muscles and abdominals. The patient needs to sit on the floor and fold his legs on top of each other (Turkish pose). Straighten your back and raise your arms up. Perform springy bends to the sides, changing hands and moving them as far as possible to the side. Repeat 8-12 times in each direction.

    Cat (simplified version)

    To perform this exercise, you need to lie on the floor, spread your arms to the sides (approximately shoulder width apart). Raise your body, simultaneously straighten your arms and tilt your head back. You need to bend your back all the way, holding this position for 10 seconds. Repeat 6-8 times.

    Turns on the ball

    For this exercise you will need a fitball - a gymnastic ball with a diameter of at least 65 cm. While sitting on the ball, you need to turn to the sides, spreading your straightened arms following the movement of the body. Repeat 10-15 times in each direction.

    Manual therapy and its effectiveness

    Manual therapy is considered one of the most effective methods treatment of stoop in patients over 25 years of age. Manual therapy is considered alternative medicine, however, manual techniques are widely used in orthopedics, sports medicine and neurology. It is necessary to seek the help of chiropractors only in medical institutions and specialized centers that are licensed to engage in this type of activity. It must be remembered that incorrect performance of manual techniques can lead not only to worsening of the problem, but also to spinal injuries (including fractures and vertebral displacements).

    The most effective manual techniques and their characteristics are shown in the table below.

    Table. Manual therapy methods for the treatment of stoop.

    MethodWhat is it?

    Method of influencing the body with medicinal needles. Needles are inserted under the skin at special points on the body with maximum accumulation of biological energy. The method is widely used in China to treat pathologies of the musculoskeletal system and in this country belongs to traditional medicine.

    This is a type of reflexology that involves applying pressure (pressure) to biologically active points and irritating them.

    A method of treating back problems using your hands without using force or pressure.

    A method of practical manual therapy based on the anatomical and physiological theory of circulation.

    The cost of one session of manual therapy for problems with posture in adults starts from 2000 rubles. To achieve a stable result, it may take from 3 to 10 sessions.


    Many people think that they can correct their posture with massage, but this is a wrong opinion. Massage can strengthen the back muscles that support the spine, increase their elasticity, eliminate muscle spasm. Massage also has a positive effect on blood and lymph circulation in the vessels, ensuring the prevention of osteochondrosis and pain in the back, neck and lower back. The massage must be performed by a specialist with a medical education and license.

    If it is not possible to undergo a professional massage course, you can use special back massagers. You can also perform stroking, rubbing and pinching with a rough washcloth in the form of a mitten, which is put on your hand. The duration of the massage should be about 5-7 minutes. It is better if a person takes a hot shower or bath before this.

    Pay attention! A contrast shower (alternating hot and cold dousing) also increases the tone of the spinal muscles and promotes gradual correction of posture. The procedure should always be completed with a cool douche. If a person has never hardened before, hardening should begin with cool foot baths: only after this can one proceed to dousing the entire body.

    Back braces

    Orthoses are orthopedic devices necessary for the treatment and prevention of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, which includes stoop. Posture correctors should be prescribed by an orthopedic surgeon, as they come in different designs and can be used for a variety of spinal conditions. Simple posture correctors with an average degree of fixation can be used for the initial stage of stoop, back pain of unknown etiology, osteochondrosis (including osteochondrosis with radicular syndrome). They support the back, prevent slouching and gently correct the shape of the vertebrae, fixing them in the anatomically correct position.

    Such products usually have 4 stiffening ribs made of plastic or metal and additional fabric tapes that allow you to adjust the tightness of the fit to the body. Posture correctors can also be used during rehabilitation and recovery after injuries and surgery, and for the treatment of intervertebral hernia (uncomplicated).

    More complex devices for posture correction are corsets with unloading plates for the thoracic and lumbar spine. They help eliminate mild forms of stooping, but do not affect muscle tone and do not weaken muscle strength. In addition to postural disorders, indications for the use of such correctors may include:

    • intervertebral hernia;
    • deformity of the shoulder girdle, in which there is a deviation of the medial angle of the scapula (pterygoid scapulae);
    • scoliosis;
    • osteochondrosis;
    • radicular syndrome;
    • kyphosis (curvature of the upper spine).

    If you want to know in more detail what types there are and how to choose the best one, you can read an article about it on our portal.

    How to put on and use the corrector?

    It is necessary to put on any corsets in a supine position, when the muscles of the body are as relaxed as possible, and it is necessary to align the product in the direction of the spinal column. It is recommended to wear cotton underwear under the corset. Soft cotton napkins should be placed in the armpit area to avoid chafing and irritation of the skin.

    You should wear the corrector no more than 6 hours a day. Approximately every 45-50 minutes of use, you should take a break of 10-15 minutes. The duration of treatment is determined by the attending physician based on the results of a spinal examination. The minimum recommended period of use of posture correctors is 2 months.

    Posture is an important indicator of a person’s physical and emotional health. The formation of posture occurs in childhood, so parents must create all the conditions for the proper physical development of the child. Correcting stoop in adults is very difficult and is only possible with integrated approach to treatment. Using the methods listed above, you can achieve good results, but this will require a lot of effort and patience.

    Video - How to fix slouching. Back exercises

    Everyone knows that correct posture is not only a straight back, which is beautiful in itself, but it is also an indisputable guarantee of health. However, very large number people suffer to varying degrees from such an ailment as stoop. Which ultimately leads to disruption of the heart, lungs and gastrointestinal tract.

    Causes of poor posture and slouching

    There are many reasons for the appearance of stoop. The most popular of them are:

    If the child begins to slouch

    If the child begins to slouch, then you can use one method that will help him walk and sit with a straight back.

    To do this, a couple of times a week for several hours a day you need to put his clothes on backwards. Let it be a jacket, shirt or sweater with a collar, preferably well starched.

    Having put on such a thing, the child will feel discomfort and irritation, which will force him to straighten his shoulders and raise his head up so that the collar does not interfere with his chin. Clothing worn in this way forces one to maintain the body in a certain state.

    As a result, the child has a royal posture. This method is also suitable for adults, but for them it is less effective.

    In order to straighten your back and get rid of stoop, you need to follow some tips:

    • Suspend the load. To do this, you need to put dumbbells or other heavy objects in your backpack, put it on your chest and walk around for a while. The body will try to cope with the heaviness and involuntarily pull back the shoulders. You can gradually increase the time you carry the load.
    • Strengthen neck muscles. You need to sit on the floor (on your knees), bring your shoulder blades together as much as possible, throw your neck back and pull it.
    • Develop back muscles. The best exercise is the "cat" exercise. You need to get on all fours and arch your back. Hold your breath for a couple of seconds, then exhale, arch your back and lower your head down.
    • Wearing books on your head. It is best to take a wide and thick book, put it on your head and try to walk without dropping it. This exercise must be done regularly, complicating the movements over time (dancing, squatting).
    • Remember the correct posture. You need to stand against a flat wall and fix 5 points of contact: the back of the head, shoulder blades, buttocks, calves, heels. All these points must touch the wall and this position must be remembered. You should remember this pose all the time and try to always be in it.

    Exercises for slouching at home

    If walking and sitting for a long time is accompanied by pain in the back and neck, then you should urgently prevent stooping so that more serious diseases do not develop. Some of them can be done right at home:

    1) It is necessary to straighten your back and bring your shoulder blades together. Then you need right hand put it behind your back and bend it at the elbow. The palm should be turned outward, and the fingers should point upward.

    3) If you cannot reach with one hand the other, you can use some auxiliary object.

    4) This set must be repeated several times.

    In more advanced cases, such simple exercises will not give much results. Most often, doctors advise wearing an orthopedic corset. However, you can perform some exercises to restore your posture:

    1) You need to take a chair with a fairly high back, sit on it and lean on your elbows. Next, you need to put your hands behind your back, bend over and sit like that for a while.

    2) Lying on the sofa, you can place a hard towel cushion under the thoracic spine. Lie like this for a while.

    3) Even regular stretching is beneficial for spinal alignment. You need to stand straight, raise your arms up and stretch as high as possible. Instead of this exercise you can simply hang on the horizontal bar, due to which the cartilages of the spine begin to stretch.

    A good option to get rid of stoop is to visit the pool. But it is swimming that will be effective, and not just being in the water. Or you can resort to the services of a professional massage therapist.