Project on the theme of folk outdoor games. Project. introducing children to the origins of Russian folk culture, through Russian folk outdoor games, was developed by a physical education instructor Ndou

From time immemorial, in games, children demonstrated and consolidated the activities that accompanied them in the family circle. It was through play that children became acquainted with the basic techniques of a particular craft or trade: shoemaking, weaving, beekeeping, hunting, fishing...

National games contribute to the transfer to the younger generation from the older generation of the invaluable positive experience accumulated by their ancestors regarding rational farming and life in harmony with nature.



Municipal budget preschool educational institution general developmental kindergarten with priority implementation of activities

on the physical development of children No. 116 “Firefly”, Bryansk


"Folk children's outdoor games"

Senior group "Dwarves"

Developed by: teacher

Antonova L.V.

Bryansk 2014-2015

Project Implementation Plan

Relevance of the project topic

From time immemorial, in games, children demonstrated and consolidated the activities that accompanied them in the family circle. It was through play that children became acquainted with the basic techniques of a particular craft or trade: shoemaking, weaving, beekeeping, hunting, fishing...

National games contribute to the transfer to the younger generation from the older generation of the invaluable positive experience accumulated by their ancestors regarding rational management of the economy and life in harmony with nature.

Plunging into the historical past of the Russian people, we can highlight a number of games and entertainment that our great-grandparents played and that our children can play now. Outdoor games are simple in content and do not require complex attributes ( wooden stick, ball, rope, scarf, etc.).

Project participants

Children senior group“Gnomes”, parents and teachers of the group, music director.

Objective of the project

Creating conditions for children to develop elementary ideas about the culture and traditions of the Russian people through outdoor play.

Project objectives

1. Formation in children of a holistic attitude towards national culture, traditions and games of the Russian people; contribute to the strengthening of family ties, through interest in the content of the project topic, not only of children, but also of their parents.

2. Develop an understanding of diversity folk games; learn to use folk games in independent activities, act according to the rules; broaden children's horizons.

3. To promote the development of children’s creative abilities and the desire to learn more about their native land.

4. Introduce children to folk games of children from neighboring countries

Project implementation period: October – November

Predicted result

Children develop knowledge about the traditions of the people in which they live; children learn to use national games in free activity; In the family, a connection is established between generations, as parents and grandparents share memories of their childhood, parents are involved in joint games with their children.

The professional level of teachers and the degree of their involvement in activities increases; knowledge of the traditions and culture of the people is deepened.

The educational level of parents is increased by introducing them to the fascinating world of folk games; a system of productive interaction between participants in the educational process is developing (children involve their parents in the project, communicate with each other and with the teacher).

Project implementation stages





Lead children to the topic of the project

  • Conversation with children “How our ancestors harvested crops” Objectives:Introduce the sequence labor actions, tools, folk traditions.
  • : “What clothes did they wear before” Goals: developing children’s ideas about appearance our ancestors living in the Bryansk region and its connection with the life of people; formation of initial skills of analysis and comparison using the example of comparing the clothing of Russian and other peoples; enrichment of the vocabulary of “paneva”, “veil”, “ubrus”
  • Conversation : “What games did our grandparents play.” Goals: To expand children’s understanding of the historical and cultural past of our ancestors.
  • Problem situation: “Folk game - what is it?” Goals: to interest children in the topic of folk games; guide them to choosing a project topic
  • Questioning parents on the topic “Folk children's outdoor games” Goal: to awaken parents’ interest in the topic of folk games; encourage children to play together
  • Survey of children on the topic “Folk children's outdoor games” Purpose: to awaken children's interest in the topic of folk games; involvement in the project topic; guide children to choose a project
  • Selecting a project topic Goal: to promote the development of children’s skills in joint discussion and selection of topics and activities








Stage I


Optimization of all sections of the program to consolidate knowledge about the traditions and culture of the Russian people; introduce parents to the goals and objectives of the project being implemented in the group, explain its importance and necessity

  • Creation of a developing environment in the group (a dynamic corner of the national culture of the Russian people); involving parents in the upcoming creative work(consultations, individual conversations, photography of games played together with children).
  • Assignment for children: Find out what games their grandparents played. Goal: involve parents and grandparents in the implementation of the project; promote the development of children’s ability to obtain information; awaken in children interest and enthusiasm for independent activities to implement the project
  • Selection of folk games from those proposed by children in accordance with the age of the children.
  • Consultation with parents on the topic: “We play outdoor games - we strengthen our health”
  • Consultation for parents “Russian folk outdoor games”

Goals of consultation for parents: raising the educational level of parents





Stage II


Formation of basic knowledge and ideas about the games of the native people and their diversity. Continue to teach children to use folk outdoor games in free activities.

  • Organized Team work: “Toys of our grandmothers” Goals: developing children’s ideas about folk toy; the formation of patriotic personality traits and pride in belonging to one’s people; continue pedagogical activity on raising children national identity and respect for other nations
  • Low mobility games « You roll, cheerful tambourine...", "Ring - little one."Goals: to introduce children to new folk games and their rules; learn calls for games, continue to improve children’s skills to quickly pass an object around; develop memory, speech, attention, reaction; to develop children’s ability to restrain their emotions during play.
  • Low mobility games “Stream”; "Aram shim shim"Goals: to introduce children to new folk games and their rules, to learn calls for games; foster friendly relationships between children; the habit of playing together, encouraging to follow the rules of the game
  • Outdoor game “Burn, Burn Clear” (another option)Goals: to introduce children to a new version of a familiar folk game; to train children in the ability to independently choose the direction of movement; foster organization, develop dexterity, speed
  • Outdoor game "Woodpecker"Goals: to introduce children to a new folk game and its rules, to learn the call to the game; improve children’s skills in choosing their own driver; consolidate oral counting; encourage children to run in one chosen direction; promote the development of memory, speech, attention
  • Outdoor games “Throw-ins”; "Dodgeball"Goals: to introduce children to the rules of new folk games; learn calls for games; Improve children's skills in throwing and throwing a ball, catching it, running; foster friendly relationships between children; the habit of playing together, encouraging to follow the rules of the game


From 7.10

From 21.10

From 7.10

From 21.10

From 5.11

Stage III.


Generalization of work experience on the topic “Folk children's outdoor games.”

  • Children's use of folk games in independent play activities indoors and outdoors
  • Design of a project on this topic in Worde and PowerPoint.
  • Homework: “Draw how we play folk games.”
  • Homework for parents: replenish the group’s archive with photographs of joint games with children


Evaluation of project results

Results of a survey of families on the topic “Folk children's outdoor games”:

In all the families that took part in the survey, parents walk with their children, provide them with the opportunity to play outdoor games and develop physically, but at the same time, the majority of parents do not play with their children and could not answer what importance outdoor games have for physical development and health children. Most parents know what folk outdoor games are and are familiar with them, but at the same time, children do not know what folk games are. This suggests that the connection between generations is weakly traced in families; education in a historical, cultural and patriotic vein is not carried out. Based on the results of the survey, it was decided to familiarize parents with information about the importance and necessity of joint outdoor games with children, their importance for improving children’s health and strengthening connections within the family, both between parents and children, and between parents. Draw the attention of parents to the relationship between generations in the historical, cultural and patriotic directions. For this purpose, consultations were held for parents “We play outdoor games - we strengthen our health”, “Russian folk outdoor games”, individual conversations with parents, and parents were also asked to bring photographs of moments of joint games with children in order to attract parents to joint games with children.

From the results of a survey of children, we can conclude that children know the names of games, their rules, and can organize games in independent activities. During the project, the children learned to distinguish outdoor games from other types of games, the children were also able to get acquainted with the concept of folk games, it turned out that folk games are familiar to children, and they love to play them, but so far they can hardly distinguish folk games from other outdoor games. With three children, parents began to spend free time not in front of the TV, but in a game, and this is still, although not a big achievement, but still an achievement.

Upon completion of work on the project, the group’s teachers increased their professional competence in project activities; deepened knowledge about the traditions and culture of their native land, strengthened connections with the children’s families.

Summing up the results of the project, it was decided by all its participants to continue studying folk games and apply them in joint games, both in families and during their stay in kindergarten.


Questionnaire for parents on the topic “Folk children's outdoor games”

Dear parents! We ask you to answer the proposed questions. Thank you in advance for your participation!

  1. Do you often go for walks on weekends?_________________
  2. When you go for a walk with your child, you go...

a) Into the forest

b) In the yard

c) To the store

d) To the sports playground

a) Outdoor games

b) Board games

c) Role-playing games

d) Others (Which ones?)_______________________________________________


  1. What kind of sports equipment do you have at home?______________


  1. What outdoor games did you play as a child? __________________


  1. How do you understand what folk games are?____________________
  1. List what folk games you know___________________________


  1. Do you often play outdoor games with your child? ______
  2. What do you think is the importance of outdoor games for the physical development and health of children?________________________ __________________________________________________________

Questions for children on the topic “Folk children's outdoor games”

  1. Do you like to play?

Russian folk outdoor games

Description of games


The driver stands in the center of the circle with his eyes closed and his hand extended forward. All the players run in a circle with the words: Aram-shim-shim, Aram-shim-shim, Aramia-Dulsia, Point to me. On last words the circle stops and the players look at whom the leader's hand is pointing at. The one whom the driver pointed to enters the circle and stands back to back with the driver. Everyone says in unison: “One, two, three.” On the count of “three,” those standing in the center simultaneously turn their heads. If they turn their heads in one direction, then they are performing some task for the children - singing, dancing, reading, etc. After this, the first driver leaves, and the second takes his place. If they turn their heads in different directions, then no task is given to them, the first driver leaves, and the second one starts the game from the beginning. When older kids play this game, they sometimes introduce this rule. If there is a boy and a girl in the center, and they turn their heads in the same direction, then they should kiss. If there are two boys or two girls in the center, then they shake hands.

Game “Roll on, merry tambourine!”

Everyone gets up in big circle. The presenter says the words: You roll, merry tambourine, quickly, quickly through your hands. Whoever has a funny tambourine will now... /task/ etc.

Burn, burn clearly. (2)

The children line up pair by pair. The driver takes the lead. He is not allowed to look back. Everyone sings:

Burn, burn clearly

So that it doesn't go out.

Look at the sky -

Birds are flying, bells are ringing!

When the song ends, the children standing in the last pair separate and run around those standing in pairs (one on the left, the other on the right). They try to grab hands in front. The driver, in turn, tries to catch whoever is running. The one who is caught becomes the first pair with the driver, and the one left without a pair becomes the new driver. If a pair of runners manages to connect before the driver catches anyone, then this pair takes the lead, and the game continues with the same driver.


The presenter takes the ring in his hands. All other participants sit on the bench, fold their palms into a boat and place them on their knees. The leader goes around the children and puts his hands in each one’s hands, while he says:

I’m walking along the hill, carrying the ring! Guess, guys, where the gold fell?

The presenter quietly places a ring in the hands of one of the players. Then he takes a few steps away from the bench and intones the words:

Ring, ring,

Get out on the porch!

Who will leave the porch,

He will find the ring!

The task of the player who has the ring in his hands is to jump up from the bench and run away, and the children sitting next to him must guess who has it hidden and try, holding it with their hands, not to let this player go. If the player with the ring fails to escape, he returns the ring to the leader. And if he manages to escape, he becomes the new leader and continues the game


The players choose a participant representing a woodpecker. The remaining players approach the tree with the woodpecker and sing:

A woodpecker walks across the arable land,

Looking for a grain of wheat,

I couldn’t find it and I’m pounding bitches,

A knock is heard in the forest.


After this, the woodpecker takes a stick and, counting to himself, knocks on the tree the intended number of times. Whichever player is the first to correctly name the number and run around the tree as many times becomes the new woodpecker and the game is repeated.


One of the players picks up the ball and sings:

Olya, Kolya, green oak

White lily of the valley, gray bunny

Give it up!

With the word “Drop it!” throws the ball up strongly. Whichever player is the first to catch it on the fly sings the same game chorus and tosses the ball.


On the site, 2 lines are drawn at a distance of 5-7 meters from each other. Two are selected bouncer , the remaining players gather in the center between the two lines. The bouncers stand behind the lines and throw the ball towards each other, trying to hit the players. The ball flying past the players is caught by the second bouncer, and the players turn around and hastily run back. It's the second bouncer's turn to throw.

Organized joint activities with kids

“What clothes did you wear before?”

Goals: developing children's ideas about the appearance of our ancestors living in the Bryansk region and its connection with the life of people; formation of initial skills of analysis and comparison using the example of comparing the clothing of Russian and other peoples; enrichment of the vocabulary of “paneva”, “veil”, “ubrus”

Equipment: musical arrangement (Russian folk songs); an album with illustrations of clothing from different times and peoples; ball; Lidia Iovleva “Artists in Tretyakov Gallery. Viktor Vasnetsov." Trefoil, 2002; Galina Churak “Artists in the Tretyakov Gallery. Vasily Surikov." Trefoil, 2002; Galina Churak “Artists in the Tretyakov Gallery. Ilya Repin." Trefoil, 2002; James Patterson “What clothes did they wear before”; “Russian traditional costume. Complex with paneva" didactic material, lotto game

Progress of activities:
1. I suggest you look at me: “I am a woman, my name is Lyubov Vladimirovna. Every person on Earth is either a man or a woman, and children are a boy or a girl.”

Game for attention
I will throw you a ball, and you, having caught it, will answer who you are and what your name is.

Conversation about basic gender differences
Now let’s talk about how girls differ in appearance from boys and vice versa.
What do you think appearance is? What does it consist of? (children's answers)
So: appearance is the outer appearance of a person, that is, what we see.
Repeat (repeat together)
Let's compare two children - a boy and a girl (compare clothes, height, shoes, hair length, build, etc.)

Examination of illustrations for books: Lydia Iovleva “Artists in the Tretyakov Gallery. Viktor Vasnetsov." Trefoil, 2002; Galina Churak “Artists in the Tretyakov Gallery. Vasily Surikov." Trefoil, 2002; Galina Churak “Artists in the Tretyakov Gallery. Ilya Repin." Trefoil, 2002; James Patterson “What clothes did you wear before?”

2. Introducing children to women's clothing Central regions of Russia at the end of the 19th century.

Play Russian folk songs (immersion)
Close your eyes and imagine that you are living in Ancient Rus'. There are old huts around you, you are playing on the green lawn. You are wearing Slavic clothes: the girls have long sundresses, different colors, the boys have ribbons in pigtails and wide trousers with blouses, everyone has bast shoes on their feet...
Look what's happening around you? Introduced?

While the children's eyes are closed, the teacher hangs up the suit with the paneva.

Now open your eyes. These are the clothes your great-great-great grandmothers wore.

Children come up and look at it, touch the costume, the teacher answers the children’s questions, introduces them to the concepts: paneva, veil, ubrus.

3. Summary: Didactic game“Russian national costume. Complex with paneva"

Organized joint activities

"Toys of our grandmothers"

Goals: developing children's ideas about folk toys; the formation of patriotic personality traits and pride in belonging to one’s people; continue pedagogical activities to instill in children national identity and respect for other nations

Equipment: straw toys, rag toys, dolls - amulets, clay toys, nesting dolls, photo album with a description of “Matryoshka”, Itta Ryumina “Dolls of our grandmothers”, Malysh Publishing House, Moscow, 1989

The activity is carried out through the teacher's story to the children while the children simultaneously examine the toys corresponding to the moment of the story.

Straw toys.

Since ancient times, a bundle of straw tied with a rope has served as the basis for traditional peasant toys. In all likelihood, the first straw toys were born, as it were, right in the field during the harvest, when peasant women were often forced to take small children with them. Of course, left unattended, they became capricious. And, perhaps, somehow, in order to appease the child, the peasant woman made a primitive doll from the first thing that fell into her hands - from a straw rope (svyasl), used for tying sheaves. The plait folded in half vaguely resembled a head, and the straws fanning out below resembled a dress or sundress. Then the doll's figure began to gradually become more complex. They inserted a bundle of straw perpendicular to the body, tying it in the middle and along the edges in the same way as sheaves are tied with a bundle.

Subsequently, the design of the straw doll began to be improved. When making such dolls, not only the usual ability to knit sheaves was required, but also skillful mastery of weaving techniques, an innate artistic taste, ingenuity. Gradually, talented craftswomen emerged who, no longer in the field, but in a calm home environment, began to make dolls, figures of horses, deer, and all kinds of fantastic animals. Even in pre-Christian times, jewelry in the form of pendants with images of a horse was widespread. Pendants served as amulets to protect a person when he was far from home, and the house of the Slav with all his household was also guarded by a horse - the messenger of the sun. Therefore, the image of the horse had magical meaning, served as a talisman for man and his home.

Amulet dolls.

The first dolls in Rus' were amulets. The Slavs believed that they were able to protect people from diseases and evil forces, so amulet dolls stood in the most prominent place in every home. But amulet dolls never became a national toy, but they transferred some of their features to the rag doll.

Rag toys.

Since ancient times, a traditional toy in the life of the Russian village, even in the poorest peasant families, has been Ragdoll. In some houses, up to a hundred of them accumulated, since the doll was also considered a symbol of procreation.

A cloth doll is the simplest image of a female figure. A piece of cloth rolled into a “rolling pin”, a face carefully covered with a white linen rag, breasts made of smooth, tightly stuffed balls, a hair braid with a ribbon woven into it, and an outfit of colorful rags. Their faces were either not drawn at all, or dots were put instead of eyes and mouth. The first doll for a girl had to be made by her mother, and at the age of 7-8 the girls themselves began to make dolls for their younger brothers and sisters.

From the age of 7-8, children began to help their parents around the house and in the field, but they did not part with their dolls and took them with them everywhere. Especially elegant dolls could be passed down from generation to generation, passed from mother to daughter. Dolls were not just girls' fun. All the children played until they were 7-8 years old, while they wore shirts. But only boys began to wear portages, and girls began to wear skirts; their playing roles and the games themselves were strictly separated.

A house without toys was considered unspiritual. There is such a sign: when children play a lot and diligently, there will be profit in the family, if they are careless with toys, there will be trouble in the house. A child without a toy grows up empty and cruel.

They believed that toys bring a good harvest, especially if adult girls play with them.

They believed that toys were protected children's sleep(so far ancient custom children are put to bed with their favorite toy).

Clay toys.

Clay figurines were sculpted even before the invention potter's wheel. Initially, they served as talismans that could appease the spirits helping people. Children liked small painted figurines made of baked clay and over time they turned into folk craft. In each locality, different toys were made: some were characterized by painting bright colors, others remained almost unpainted, others were whistles, and still others were rattles. The most famous clay toys are Dymkovo, Filimonovsky, Karkopolsky and Khludnevsky.


According to a long tradition, legends are made about popular toys. In this regard, the nesting doll is no exception. They say that at the end of the 19th century, someone brought a Japanese chiseled figurine of the Buddhist saint Fukuruji to the Mamontov family - famous Russian industrialists and philanthropists - either from Paris or from the island of Honshu, which turned out to be a “surprise” - it was split into two parts. Hidden inside it was another, smaller one, which also consisted of two halves... There were five such dolls in total.

It was assumed that this is what prompted the creation of our nesting doll by Russian craftsmen. Matryoshka - on behalf of Matryona.


In Ancient Rus' there were not very many varieties of children's toys. They were made from what was at hand. But it is no coincidence that man embodied the forces of the elements in the images of living beings that were most familiar and close to him, interpreting them differently: the great goddess of fertility became a lady, a maiden; poultry - duck, chicken, goose; horse - a workhorse pulling a cart or carrying a gentleman. The bear, also a participant in ancient rituals, is a funny, good-natured club-footed animal from a folk tale. Time has changed the conditions of life around us, new themes have penetrated into the work of folk craftsmen, but these images still appear in toys of any craft to this day.

Most likely, in ancient times both gaming and cult meaning closely intertwined with each other, and then religious rituals were forgotten, and the toy remained only an object of entertainment.

Parent survey results

17 families took part in the survey.

  1. Do you often go for walks on weekends? 16 – yes; 1 - no
  2. When you go for a walk with your child, you go...

a) Into the forest 7

b) To the yard 10

c) To store 1

d) To the sports playground 6

  1. What types of games does your child prefer?

a) Outdoor games 10

b) Board games 4

c) Role-playing games 3

d) Others (Which ones)

  1. What kind of sports equipment do you have at home? All families that took part in the survey have sports equipment: balls, dumbbells, jump ropes, bicycles, badminton, table tennis, hoops. In one family: gymnastic wall, horizontal bar, bucks bag
  2. What outdoor games did you play as a child? “Tag”, “hide and seek”, “rubber band”, “hopscotch”, “football”, “badminton”, “Cossack robbers”, “who will jump further”, “catch-up”, and others
  3. How do you understand what folk games are? 10 families were able to define folk games
  4. List what folk games you know: “Tag”, “hide and seek”, “Cossack robbers”, “burners”, “lapta”, “gorodki”, “lotto”
  5. Do you often play outdoor games with your child? 6-yes; 11-no
  6. What do you think is the importance of outdoor games for the physical development and health of children? 6 families were able to answer this question

Conclusion : in all the families that took part in the survey, parents walk with their children, provide them with the opportunity to play outdoor games and develop physically, but at the same time, the majority of parents do not play with their children and could not answer what importance outdoor games have for physical development and children's health. Most parents know what folk outdoor games are and are familiar with them.

Based on the results of the survey, it was decided to familiarize parents with information about the importance and necessity of joint outdoor games with children, their importance for improving children’s health and strengthening connections within the family, both between parents and children, and between parents.

For this purpose, consultations were held for parents “We play outdoor games - we strengthen our health”, “Russian folk outdoor games”, individual conversations with parents, and parents were also asked to bring photographs of moments of joint games with their children.

At the beginning of the project and at the end, a survey of children was conducted on the topic of outdoor games.

Questions for interviewing children

26 children from the group took part in the survey


Start of the project

End of the project

Do you like to play?

26 yes

26 yes

What games do you like to play?

6 children were able to define outdoor games as they understand it

20 children found it difficult to answer

16 children defined outdoor games in their own words

10 children found it difficult to answer

Do you know what folk games are?

What are folk games? The children could not answer.

6 children were able to define folk games

What folk outdoor games do you know?

All children listed familiar games, without distinguishing them by mobility and immobility.

13 children were able to list the names of outdoor games.

Which ones do you like to play?

17 children listed the names of outdoor games

9 children named sedentary, board, role-playing games

The result is the same

Who do you like to play outdoor games with?

18 child – with friends and comrades

8 children – with parents

15 children - with friends and comrades

11 children – with parents

Conclusion: From the results of a survey of children, we can conclude that children know the names of games, their rules, and can organize games in independent activities. During the project, the children learned to distinguish outdoor games from other types of games, the children were also able to get acquainted with the concept of folk games, it turned out that folk games are familiar to children, and they love to play them, but so far they can hardly distinguish folk games from other outdoor games. With three children, parents began to spend their free time not in front of the TV, but in games, and this, although not a big one, is still an achievement.


Games are a kind of school for a child. The thirst for action is satisfied in them; abundant food is provided for the work of the mind and imagination; The ability to overcome failures, experience failure, stand up for yourself and for justice is developed. Games are the key to a child’s full mental life in the future.

Calendar folk games are an invaluable national treasure. They are of interest not only as a genre of oral folk art. They contain information that gives an idea of Everyday life our ancestors - their life, work, worldview. Games were an indispensable element of folk ritual holidays. Unfortunately, folk games have almost disappeared from childhood today. I would like to make them a property of our days.

Almost every game begins with choosing a driver. Most often this happens with the help of a counting rhyme.

The reader discovers its ancient tradition. The habit of counting comes from the everyday life of adults. Before an upcoming task, in the past they often resorted to counting to find out whether the plan would end successfully or unsuccessfully. This was given extraordinary importance, since they believed that there were lucky and unlucky numbers.

The adults were counted, and the children began to be counted. After all, many children's games imitate the serious activities of adults - hunting animals, catching birds, caring for crops, etc.

There are games in which players are divided into teams. To avoid disputes, agreements were used: who do you choose? what do you choose? what will you take?

Project passport

Project duration:

Project participants:

Children middle group, educators, parents.


The world of childhood cannot exist without play. Play in a child’s life is moments of joy, fun, competition; it guides the child through life. Children's games are varied, including games with toys, games with movements, games-competitions, games with a ball and other sports equipment. In preschool age, children play constantly - this is their natural need, it is a way of understanding the world around them.

Project type:

informational, gaming.


Education and development of children based on the ideas of folk pedagogy, physical education children 4-5 years old.


  • Teaching folk outdoor games and joint actions.
  • Development of physical qualities: dexterity, balance, speed of movement through folk outdoor games.
  • Consolidation of basic movements: running, jumping, throwing during folk outdoor games.
  • Nurturing love for native land, independence in decision making.
  • Use all types of folklore (fairy tales, songs, nursery rhymes, chants, proverbs, sayings, riddles, round dances), since folklore is the richest source of cognitive and moral development of children.

Project methods:

games - active, low mobility, round dancing.

Expected Result:

  • development of dialogical and monologue speech of children.
  • children’s use of nursery rhymes, rhymes, and riddles in active speech.
  • Children know how to play Russian folk outdoor games and use counting rhymes.
  • create a system of work to introduce children to the origins of Russian folk culture.
  • involve parents in the educational process through Russian folk outdoor games,

Project implementation stages:

I. Organizational.

Selection of methodological literature;

Working with parents on interaction within the project.

Development of activities;

Selection of music.

II.Project implementation:


1. Learning rhymes and tongue twisters.


2. Learning rhymes and tongue twisters.


1. Organization and conduct of outdoor games that preserve and strengthen the physical health of children.


1. Explanation of safety precautions.

Physical Culture.

1. Inclusion of folk outdoor games in direct educational activities.


1. Play together.

2. Familiarization with the attributes of games.


1. Explanation of the rules of the game.


1. Inclusion of folk outdoor games in direct educational activities on the relevant topic.

III. Generalizing.

Leisure activities.




Shepherd and flock

Children depict a herd (cows or sheep) and are in a barn (behind the conventional line). The driver is a shepherd, he is wearing a hat, a whip in his belt, a horn in his hands, and is located a little away from the herd. At the signal “Horn!” (whistle or music) all animals calmly leave their houses, run, jump, walk around the pasture, at the signal “Home!” everyone returns to their homes.

№ 2


The players line up in pairs one behind the other. Every couple
holding hands, lifts them up (forms a “gate”). The last pair passes through the line of players and stands in front. And so on.

The game is played at a fast pace. They play until they get bored.

№ 3


The players are divided into two teams. The teams are pitted against each other. A “pie” sits between them (with a hat on it).

Everyone unanimously begins to praise the “pie”:

That's how tall he is
That's how soft he is,
That's how wide he is.
Cut it and eat it!

After these words, the players, one from each team, run to the “pie”. Whoever reaches the goal faster and touches the “pie” takes it with him. A child from the losing team sits in the “pie’s” place. This happens until

until everyone on one team loses.

№ 4

Big ball

A game in which you need to form a circle. Children join hands, and one driver is selected, who stands in the center of the circle and there is a large ball near his feet. The task of the player in the center is to kick the ball and push it out of the circle. The player who misses the ball goes outside the circle, and the one who hits takes his place. At the same time, everyone turns their back to the center of the circle and tries not to let the ball pass into the center of the circle. An important condition is that the ball cannot be picked up during the entire game.

№ 5


Children taking part in this game stand in one row, join hands, thereby forming a chain. By right side a leader is assigned to the chain, who, on command, begins to run with a change of direction and the entire chain begins to move behind him. However, no one except the leader knows the direction of movement, so it is quite difficult to maintain balance and not disconnect the chain. The further a player is from the leader, the more difficult it is for him to maintain balance, not fall or break the chain.

Counting books

One two three four,

Five, six, seven,

Eight nine ten.

The white moon is coming out!

Who will reach the month?

He will go and hide!

The apple was rolling

Past the garden

Past the vegetable garden

Past the stockade;

Who will lift him up?

That one will come out!

Summary of physical education leisure for children of the middle group

"Journey into the world of Russian folk games"


1. Arouse children’s interest in Russian folk games and a desire to play them.

2.Practice in performing basic types of movements through game tasks.

3. Bring joy to children.

4. Develop the ability to act in a team and follow the rules in games.


Baba Yaga costume, broom, 4 hemp, 4 buckets, Russian scarf, gifts for children.

Leisure activities: (children enter the hall to the music)

Presenter: Guys, I invite you to go to the country of Russian folk games!

Playerross we are starting

We wish everyone good health!

Take part quickly!

Yes, call your friends!

It's time for us all to hit the road!

The game is calling us to visit!

(Baba Yaga comes out to the music)

Q: Hello Grandma Yaga! How did you get here?

Ya: It’s no coincidence that I came to see you today, I’m friends,

I collected a lot of games and brought them in a bag!

Q: Grandmother Yaga, what is your favorite game?

Yaga: From all sports life, I love hockey!

I would like a stick and a goal - I would love to score the puck!

And my friends, I also love to dance until the morning!

Q: Our guys also love to dance!

Yaga: Can you dance?

I'll check it now!

Get ready to dance!

(children stand scattered on the carpet)

Musical and rhythmic composition

“There are no miracles in the world these days”

(Baba Yaga shows movements)

Q: Baba Yaga, we read in books that your broom magical power possesses!

Yaga: Of course! Otherwise, how would I have gotten to you, so far away?

(Baba Yaga holds the broom, and it seems to be torn out of her hands)

Broom, stop!

I'm sorry, what? (listens to the broom) Do you want to play with the guys?

Let's try!

GAME “Flying on the Broom”

Children stand behind Baba Yaga, hold each other by the shoulders, walk to the music, in a straight line and “snake” around the stumps. At the command “stop,” the children crouch, and Baba Yaga catches those who do not crouch.

Yaga: Oh, my little broom, how I love you!

Is waiting for you a new game- have fun kids!

GAME “The broom is worried - once...”

(“forest figure freeze in place” - fox, bear, mouse, hare)

Yaga: Let's have a hare race!

Game task “Hare race”

Children line up in one line opposite the “stumps”

Assignment: after the words One, two, three - don’t yawn!

The hare race begins!

Children jump on two legs up to the stump, the one who jumps first wins.

Ved: Grandmother Yaga, I see you are tired, right?

Yaga: Yes, I’m a little tired!

I open my bag, who is it? My cat!

(Baba Yaga takes out a cat toy)

Sit on the mat and the cat will play with you!

GAME “The cat dangles the strings”

Forming in a circle, sitting cross-legged.

The cat winds the strings on the ball, “winding the strings”

The cat is winding strings around a ball!

Rolls, rolls, rolls bakes! "turn your fists"

Donuts, donuts, donuts, donuts! 4 clapping hands

Bakes rolls, rolls, rolls! Same

Donuts, donuts, donuts, donuts!

Views, views, views! "turn your fists"

I beat the beaters with my fists and clap them on my knees

I'm nailing it! Fists touching each other

I'm hammering it! Palms tapping on the floor

Yaga: Where is my bag, give it to me!

Help grandma! (addresses the child)

(Baba Yaga takes a fish out of the bag)

I love fish very much, I cook fish soup from it!

Do you know how to catch fish?

GAME “Fishermen and Fishes”

Two children are fishermen, the rest are fish.

Hey you sprats and bulls!

What do you want, fishermen?

We'll catch you now

And salt in barrels

And we will find a hole

And we will sail away from you!

Children "fishermen" hold each other's hands, children "fish" run "through the nets."

Children caught by fishermen become fish.

Yaga: You are nice fishermen, but

to cook my fish soup -

I need to light the stove!

Game-competition “Who can collect the cones the fastest.”

4 children come out.

Stand near their hoop

Each child has bumps in the hoop,

bucket in hand

on command: 1.2.3. - quickly collect the cones - children collect the cones into buckets, bring the bucket to Baba Yaga.

Yaga: Oh, thank you guys! Friends helped Yaga!

And in my magic bag a new game is waiting for you (Baba Yaga takes a scarf from the bag).

A GAME "Guess who was hiding under the scarf"

Ved: Dear granny, our guys know how to play a game called that

"Baba Yaga". Do you want to play with us?

Yaga: Of course!

Outdoor game "Baba Yaga"

(after the game, Baba Yaga takes the bag)

Vedas: Baba Yaga walked from beyond the sea

Carried the body of health,

Little by little, this and that

And Vanyushka has the whole box.

Yaga: Well, thank you, friends! I had a lot of fun playing!

I promise I won't do it again

I catch children everywhere

I'll be a good old lady

Good-natured and obedient,

I will play sports

And douse yourself with water,

And in his native forest

I’ll add a new position:

I will be a teller of fairy tales,

Guardian of our forests!

(Baba Yaga gives gifts to children)

It's time for me to say goodbye!

Heat the stove, cook the fish soup, feed the guests!

And I wish you not to get bored, play Russian games!

(Baba Yaga leaves)


There is a lot in this world

Various games and activities.

Choose to your liking!

And teach your friends to play!

(children leave the hall to the music)

Consultation for parents

“Russian folk outdoor games for kids.

Play with us"

It's the 21st century. A century of technology and progress. In an effort to keep up with the times, we begin to forget our native traditions. Many parents, giving preference to computers and foreign languages, do not attach any importance to patriotic education, which is rooted in the traditions and history of their native people.

IN Lately in kindergartens and schools the traditions and history of Russia are given Special attention. As practice has shown, you can instill love for something long gone from the very beginning. early childhood. For example, when introducing a child to Russian folk outdoor games, we:

We develop children's interest and emotional responsiveness to folk art;

We expand and enrich children’s play activities;

We develop physical activity;

Strengthening children's health;

We enrich the vocabulary.

Dear parents, we bring to your attention options for Russian folk outdoor games for younger children preschool age, which can be played not only in kindergarten, but also at home and in the yard.

1. Round dance - game "Ay, gugu!"

Children stand in a circle. The leader leads the children and says the words:

Ay, gugu, gugu, gugu,

Doesn't spin around in the meadow.

There is a puddle in the meadow,

Your head will spin.

Oh, water! Oh, water!

What a disaster, what a disaster!

Jump - jump, jump - jump,

Jumped, jumped and jumped,

I fell straight into a puddle!

2. Game "Handkerchief"

Children sit on chairs. The presenter is in the center of the circle, showing a handkerchief.

This is the handkerchief I have,

Go and dance, Katenka, my friend (tying it),

I’ll show Katya to all the guys (shows).

That's it, that's how Katenka goes,

He sings a funny song to us.

Can you dance? - I'll take a look.

I will praise Katya to mom and dad (children clap, Katya dances).

More fun, Katya, dance,

We will clap heartily.

3. Game "Raven"

Before the game starts, birds are selected (for example, sparrows, whose voice they can imitate. A raven is selected. The birds fly and scream. A raven flies out of the nest and shouts: “Kar-r-r!” The birds hide in the house, the raven tries to catch them.

We hope that you enjoy playing with your kids and this will become your good tradition! Good luck!


Topic: “The importance of Russian folk games in the education of preschool children”

Folk games in kindergarten- not entertainment, but a special methodinvolving children in creative activity, a method of stimulating their activity.

While playing, the child learns about the world around him. By learning and using folk texts and songs in games and round dances, he fills them with specific content in relation to game situations. Learns the values ​​and symbols of the culture of his people. The game teaches the child what he can do and what he is weak in. While playing, he strengthens his muscles, improves perception, masters new skills, frees himself from excess energy, experiences various solutions to his problems, and learns to communicate with other people.

The game is a unique phenomenon universal human culture. Through play, a child receives a variety of information about the world and himself from adults and peers. Russian folk culture is extremely rich in games: self-expression of buffoons, guslars, cockfights, puppet Parsley, bear baiting, horse racing, round dances, fist fights, whip competitions, active fun is a universal form of human behavior. That's whyfolk games in kindergartenare an integral part of multicultural, physical, aesthetic education children. The joy of movement is combined with the spiritual enrichment of children. They develop a stable, interested, respectful attitude towards culture home country, an emotionally positive basis is created for the development of patriotic feelings

Russian folk games have a long history; they have survived to this day from ancient times, passed on from generation to generation, absorbing the best national traditions. Boys and girls gathered outside the outskirts, danced in circles, sang songs, played burners and tag, and competed in dexterity. In winter, entertainment was of a different nature: there were rides from the mountains, snowball fights, horseback riding through the villages with songs and dances.

Funny outdoor folk games are our childhood. Who doesn’t remember the constant hide and seek, tag, and traps! When did they arise? Who invented these games? There is only one answer to this question: they were created by the people just like fairy tales and songs. Both we and our children love to play Russian folk games.

Russian folk games reflect the people's love for fun, movement, and daring. There are fun games with inventing absurdities, with funny movements, gestures, “buying forfeits.” Jokes and humor are characteristic of these games. Russian folk games are pedagogically valuable for children: they have great attention to educate the mind, character, will, strengthen the child. What is the advantage of using Russian folk outdoor games?

Folk games help to assimilate the knowledge gained in the classroom: for example, to consolidate the idea of ​​colors and shades, my children and I play the game “Paints.” Children really like the game. It contains the originality of game actions: dialogic speech, dialogue between the “monk” and the “salesman,” jumping on one leg and a poetic text.

Folk games have a lot of humor, competitive fervor, movements are precise and imaginative, often accompanied by unexpected moments, children’s favorite rhymes and barkers. Children know a lot of readers and barkers. And by memorizing them, we not only instill a love for Russian creativity, but also develop children's memory.

Attention is a necessary condition for any activity: educational, gaming and cognitive. Meanwhile, the attention of preschoolers is, as a rule, poorly developed. And folk games help to cope with this problem, since the games contain poetic text that directs the attention of children and reminds them of the rules.

Thus, Russian folk games represent a conscious initiative activity aimed at achieving a conditional goal established by the rules of the game, which is formed on the basis of Russian national traditions and takes into account the cultural, social and spiritual values ​​of the Russian people in the physical education aspect of activity.

It is important that in outdoor folk games psychophysical qualities are developed: agility, speed, endurance, strength, coordination of movements, balance, and the ability to navigate in space.

Russian folk games have their own characteristics: these are ornamentals, counting rhymes, chants, choruses, and upside-down fables. Let's take a closer look at each of these signs.

Game ornaments- a mandatory feature of folk games. These include: the language of the game (conceptuality, speech dictionary); music, rhythm, if it is included in the context of the game; gaming gestures; folklore sayings, drawing lots, teasers, speech tricks, chants, sentences, counting rhymes.

Counting book - This is a rhymed poem, consisting mostly of invented words and consonances with emphatically strict adherence to rhythm. Using counting rhymes, the players divide roles and set the order for starting the game. The main features of counting rhymes are that they are based on counting, and that for the most part they consist of meaningless words and consonances. This is due to the ancient rule of prohibition on counting (fear of losing the harvest, good luck in hunting). East Slavs, the people of the Caucasus and Siberia know the ban on the account. This was a big inconvenience, and people came up with the so-called " negative count: “not once, not twice”, “not three”. The ancient recount with distorted symbols of numbers very naturally turned into a counting rhyme. Recalculation in the game is an imitation of adults’ preparations for serious life matters. Over time, in addition to numbers, new ones were added to it, artistic elements. The counting book became a game and fun. The creator of the plot of the counting rhymes is not one child, but the entire children's environment, which creates a special subculture of childhood, even if the work is performed at a certain moment by one specific child. Basically, a child can repeat a traditional, established, favorite plot, but he can also make changes to reflect the interests of his age and environment.

The use of counting rhymes allows children to establish order in the game and relieve tension, since “funny words”, the meaning of which is unclear and sometimes funny, captivates children, and they begin to invent them themselves. funny expressions, and sometimes texts. Unlike adult culture, where the bearers of canonical texts, as a rule, are written sources or folk storytellers, children's folklore texts (which, undoubtedly, include counting rhymes) are passed on from one group of children to another. In this case, the carrier is not an individual child, but an entire group of children, as an integral social organism. It is in the peer group that the child satisfies his needs for communication, social testing of his “I,” information, and humor. Folklore texts are passed on from one generation of children to another, but at the same time, each child is able to impart folklore work new meaning and content. Variability and dynamism are characteristic of virtually all components of the children's subculture, including counting rhymes. Ask the children to tell what rhymes they know, help them finish them, suggest new ones, gradually create the opportunity for the children themselves to “take over” the initiative. Try not to miss the opportunity to constantly replenish your children’s gaming luggage with a new rhyme.

Calls - another ornamental component of the folk game, they belong to a group of folklore that has lost its meaning in the world of adults and passed on to children. These are appeals to inanimate natural phenomena (the sun, rain, rainbow), which in pagan Rus' were used for certain agricultural rituals. Later, these ritual actions began to be performed in children's folk games, no longer performing a religious, but a ritual function. Most often, children sing chants in chorus, often they become playful refrains (“rain, rain more, I’ll give you the thick of it...”, “rainbow-arc, tilt your horns...”). It is the chants that can “decorate” any folk game, making it more dramatic and theatrical. A choir of children's voices, shouting out a call in unison, creates in the group good mood, encourages active action, forces children to obey a certain play rhythm.

Playful refrainsthey begin the game, set the conditions of the game, connect the parts of the game action, and often the children themselves compose game songs. An example is the game “Golden Gate”.

Come in, gentlemen, we open the gates,

The first mother will pass,

He will see all the children.

Saying goodbye for the first time

The second time is prohibited.

And the third time we won’t let you through.

The children who stood with their hands raised “golden gate”, at these words, lower their hands down and do not let the chain of children pass.

Verbal games, which include jokes and flip-fables, are traditionally considered one of the most difficult genres for children to perform. Every nation has similar play songs based on wordplay. In foreign children's anthologies there is a whole section of “poems without meaning.” Here is one of them, belonging to William Rand's "The Upside Down World":

If a horse were to saddle its rider,

If the grass began to eat the cow,

If mice were hunting a cat,

If a man became a woman.

Similar classic is also in Russian children's literature, its author is K. Chukovsky, every adult remembers the poem “Confusion” from childhood:“The kittens meowed- We’re tired of meowing, we want to grunt like piglets......

This poem is based on a folk joke-reversal:

The deaf-eared pig made a nest in the oak tree,

She raised exactly sixty piglets,

She scattered all the piglets into little bitches,

The piglets squeal, they want to fly.

Fables-reversals- This special kind songs-rhymes that cause laughter by deliberately mixing all real connections and relationships. These are outright absurd games. Children of any age like them, but already a six-year-old child is able not only to “appreciate” all the comedy of situations, but also to be imbued with the rhythm and poetry of the spoken word and often come up with a funny answer. Such inconsistencies only serve to highlight the real connections. Humor becomes pedagogy.

Game accessories (costumes, props, attributes) should also be classified as ornamental components of the game. Therefore, it is necessary to have a “mummering” corner in the group kindergarten, this will not only enrich children’s play activities, but will also allow them to fully organize theatrical activities children.

In folk games, children actively use gaming vocabulary, gestures, and facial expressions required by the conditions of the games (close their eyes, turn away, count). Choreography, backup dancers, mimance, special game songs, rhythms, amulets organically enter into this or that folk game, giving it emotionality, influencing premonitions, predictions, imagination, fantasy, which generates feelings of pleasure and happiness from the game. All structural elements games are mobile, they change along with the development of children’s play activities, and they also change the games themselves.

Russian folk outdoor games should not be forgotten. They will give positive results when they fulfill their main purpose - to give children pleasure and joy, and not to be a learning activity.

Used Books

  • M.F. Litvinova. Russian folk outdoor games. M.: Iris-press, 2003.
  • O.L. Knyazeva, M.D. Makhaneva. Introducing children to the origins of Russian folk culture: Program. Educational and methodological manual. – St. Petersburg: Childhood-Press, 2010.
  • Card index of Russian folk outdoor games.


MDOU "Kindergarten No. 9 "Rainbow"



"Folk children's outdoor games"

Prepared by the teacher

Senior group:

Kozlova O.G. -

Teacher 1st quarter

Balabanovo, 2017

Relevance of the project topic

From time immemorial, in games, children demonstrated and consolidated the activities that accompanied them in the family circle. It was through play that children became acquainted with the basic techniques of a particular craft or trade: shoemaking, weaving, beekeeping, hunting, fishing...

National games contribute to the transfer to the younger generation from the older generation of the invaluable positive experience accumulated by their ancestors regarding rational management of the economy and life in harmony with nature.

Plunging into the historical past of the Russian people, we can highlight a number of games and entertainment that our great-grandparents played and that our children can play now. Outdoor games are simple in content and do not require complex attributes (wooden stick, ball, rope, scarf, etc.).

Project participants

Children of the senior group, parents and teachers of the group, music director.

Objective of the project

Create conditions for children to develop elementary ideas about the culture and traditions of the Russian people through outdoor play.

Project objectives

1. Formation in children of a holistic attitude towards the national culture, traditions and games of the Russian people; contribute to the strengthening of family ties, through interest in the content of the project topic, not only of children, but also of their parents.

2. Formation of ideas about the diversity of folk games; learn to use folk games in independent activities, act according to the rules; broaden children's horizons.

3. Promoting the development of children’s creative abilities and the desire to learn more about their native land.

4. Introduce children to folk games of children from neighboring countries

Project implementation period: April-May

Predicted result

Children develop knowledge about the traditions of the people in which they live; children learn to use national games in free activities; In the family, a connection is established between generations, as parents and grandparents share memories of their childhood, parents are involved in joint games with their children.

The professional level of teachers and the degree of their involvement in activities increases; knowledge of the traditions and culture of the people is deepened.

The educational level of parents is increased by introducing them to the fascinating world of folk games; a system of productive interaction between participants in the educational process is developing (children involve their parents in the project, communicate with each other and with the teacher).

Project implementation stages





Lead children to the topic of the project

  • Conversation with children “How our ancestors harvested crops” Objectives:Introduce the sequence of labor actions, tools, and folk traditions.
  • : “What clothes did you wear before?”
  • Conversation : “What games did our grandparents play?”

Goals: To expand children's understanding of the historical and cultural past of our ancestors.

  • Problem situation: “Folk game - what is it?” Goals: to interest children in the topic of folk games; guide them to choosing a project topic
  • Questioning parents on the topic “Folk children's outdoor games”

Goal: to awaken parents’ interest in the topic of folk games; encourage children to play together

  • Survey of children on the topic “Folk children's outdoor games” Purpose: to awaken children's interest in the topic of folk games; involvement in the project topic; guide children to choose a project








Stage I


Optimization of all sections of the program to consolidate knowledge about the traditions and culture of the Russian people; introduce parents to the goals and objectives of the project being implemented in the group, explain its importance and necessity

  • Creation of a developing environment in the group (a dynamic corner of the national culture of the Russian people); involving parents in upcoming creative work (consultations, individual conversations, photographing games played together with children).
  • Assignment for children: Find out what games their grandparents played. Goal: involve parents and grandparents in the implementation of the project; promote the development of children’s ability to obtain information; awaken in children interest and enthusiasm for independent activities to implement the project
  • Selection of folk games from those proposed by children in accordance with the age of the children.
  • Consultation with parents on the topic: “We play outdoor games - we strengthen our health”
  • Consultation for parents “Russian folk outdoor games”

Goals of consultation for parents: raising the educational level of parents





Stage II


Formation of basic knowledge and ideas about the games of the native people and their diversity. Continue to teach children to use folk outdoor games in free activities.

  • Organized joint activities:“Toys of our grandmothers” Goals: developing children’s ideas about folk toys; the formation of patriotic personality traits and pride in belonging to one’s people; continue pedagogical activities to instill in children national identity and respect for other nations
  • Low mobility games « You roll, cheerful tambourine...", "Ring - ring."Goals: to introduce children to new folk games and their rules; learn calls for games, continue to improve children’s skills to quickly pass an object around; develop memory, speech, attention, reaction; to develop children’s ability to restrain their emotions during play.
  • Low mobility games “Stream”; "Aram shim shim"Goals: to introduce children to new folk games and their rules, to learn calls for games; foster friendly relationships between children; the habit of playing together, encouraging to follow the rules of the game
  • Outdoor game “Burn, Burn Clear” (another option)Goals: to introduce children to a new version of a familiar folk game; to train children in the ability to independently choose the direction of movement; foster organization, develop dexterity, speed
  • Outdoor game "Woodpecker"Goals: to introduce children to a new folk game and its rules, to learn the call to the game; improve children’s skills in choosing their own driver; consolidate oral counting; encourage children to run in one chosen direction; promote the development of memory, speech, attention
  • Outdoor games “Throw-ins”; "Dodgeball"Goals: to introduce children to the rules of new folk games; learn calls for games; Improve children's skills in throwing and throwing a ball, catching it, running; foster friendly relationships between children; the habit of playing together, encouraging to follow the rules of the game


From 7.10

From 21.10

From 7.10

From 21.10

From 5.11

Stage III.


Generalization of work experience on the topic “Folk children's outdoor games.”

  • Children's use of folk games in independent play activities indoors and outdoors
  • Design of a project on this topic in Worde and PowerPoint.
  • Homework: “Draw how we play folk games.”
  • Homework for parents: replenish the group’s archive with photographs of joint games with children


Evaluation of project results

Results of a survey of families on the topic “Folk children's outdoor games”:

In all the families that took part in the survey, parents walk with their children, provide them with the opportunity to play outdoor games and develop physically, but at the same time, the majority of parents do not play with their children and could not answer what importance outdoor games have for physical development and health children. Most parents know what folk outdoor games are and are familiar with them, but at the same time, children do not know what folk games are. This suggests that the connection between generations is weakly traced in families; education in a historical, cultural and patriotic vein is not carried out. Based on the results of the survey, it was decided to familiarize parents with information about the importance and necessity of joint outdoor games with children, their importance for improving children’s health and strengthening connections within the family, both between parents and children, and between parents. Draw the attention of parents to the relationship between generations in the historical, cultural and patriotic directions. For this purpose, consultations were held for parents “We play outdoor games - we strengthen our health”, “Russian folk outdoor games”, individual conversations with parents, and parents were also asked to bring photographs of moments of joint games with children in order to attract parents to joint games with children.

From the results of a survey of children, we can conclude that children know the names of games, their rules, and can organize games in independent activities. During the project, the children learned to distinguish outdoor games from other types of games, the children were also able to get acquainted with the concept of folk games, it turned out that folk games are familiar to children, and they love to play them, but so far they can hardly distinguish folk games from other outdoor games. With three children, parents began to spend their free time not in front of the TV, but in games, and this, although not a big one, is still an achievement.

Upon completion of work on the project, the group’s teachers increased their professional competence in project activities; deepened knowledge about the traditions and culture of their native land, strengthened connections with the children’s families.

Summing up the results of the project, it was decided by all its participants to continue studying folk games and apply them in joint games, both in families and during their stay in kindergarten.


Questionnaire for parents on the topic “Folk children's outdoor games”

Dear parents! We ask you to answer the proposed questions. Thank you in advance for your participation!

  1. Do you often go for walks on weekends?_________________
  2. When you go for a walk with your child, you go...

a) Into the forest

b) In the yard

c) To the store

d) To the sports playground

  1. What types of games does your child prefer?

a) Outdoor games

b) Board games

c) Role-playing games

d) Others (Which ones?)_______________________________________________


  1. What kind of sports equipment do you have at home?______________


  1. What outdoor games did you play as a child? __________________


  1. How do you understand what folk games are?____________________
  1. List what folk games you know___________________________


  1. Do you often play outdoor games with your child? ______
  2. What do you think is the importance of outdoor games for the physical development and health of children?________________________ __________________________________________________________

Questions for children on the topic “Folk children's outdoor games”

  1. Do you like to play?

Russian folk outdoor games

Description of games


The driver stands in the center of the circle with his eyes closed and his hand extended forward. All the players run in a circle with the words: Aram-shim-shim, Aram-shim-shim, Aramia-Dulsia, Point to me. At the last words, the circle stops, and the players look at whom the leader’s hand is pointing at. The one whom the driver pointed to enters the circle and stands back to back with the driver. Everyone says in unison: “One, two, three.” On the count of “three,” those standing in the center simultaneously turn their heads. If they turn their heads in one direction, then they are performing some task for the children - singing, dancing, reading, etc. After this, the first driver leaves, and the second takes his place. If they turn their heads in different directions, then no task is given to them, the first driver leaves, and the second one starts the game from the beginning. When older kids play this game, they sometimes introduce this rule. If there is a boy and a girl in the center, and they turn their heads in the same direction, then they should kiss. If there are two boys or two girls in the center, then they shake hands.

Game “Roll on, merry tambourine!”

Everyone stands in a large circle. The presenter says the words: You roll, merry tambourine, quickly, quickly through your hands. Whoever has a funny tambourine will now... /task/ etc.

Burn, burn clearly. (2)

The children line up pair by pair. The driver takes the lead. He is not allowed to look back. Everyone sings:

Burn, burn clearly

So that it doesn't go out.

Look at the sky -

Birds are flying, bells are ringing!

When the song ends, the children standing in the last pair separate and run around those standing in pairs (one on the left, the other on the right). They try to grab hands in front. The driver, in turn, tries to catch whoever is running. The one who is caught becomes the first pair with the driver, and the one left without a pair becomes the new driver. If a pair of runners manages to connect before the driver catches anyone, then this pair takes the lead, and the game continues with the same driver.


The presenter takes the ring in his hands. All other participants sit on the bench, fold their palms into a boat and place them on their knees. The leader goes around the children and puts his hands in each one’s hands, while he says:

I’m walking along the hill, carrying the ring! Guess, guys, where the gold fell?

The presenter quietly places a ring in the hands of one of the players. Then he takes a few steps away from the bench and intones the words:

Ring, ring,

Get out on the porch!

Who will leave the porch,

He will find the ring!

The task of the player who has the ring in his hands is to jump up from the bench and run away, and the children sitting next to him must guess who has it hidden and try, holding it with their hands, not to let this player go. If the player with the ring fails to escape, he returns the ring to the leader. And if he manages to escape, he becomes the new leader and continues the game


The players choose a participant representing a woodpecker. The remaining players approach the tree with the woodpecker and sing:

A woodpecker walks across the arable land,

Looking for a grain of wheat,

I couldn’t find it and I’m pounding bitches,

A knock is heard in the forest.


After this, the woodpecker takes a stick and, counting to himself, knocks on the tree the intended number of times. Whichever player is the first to correctly name the number and run around the tree as many times becomes the new woodpecker and the game is repeated.


One of the players picks up the ball and sings:

Olya, Kolya, green oak

White lily of the valley, gray bunny

Give it up!

With the word “Drop it!” throws the ball up strongly. Whichever player is the first to catch it on the fly sings the same game chorus and tosses the ball.


On the site, 2 lines are drawn at a distance of 5-7 meters from each other. Two are selected bouncer , the remaining players gather in the center between the two lines. The bouncers stand behind the lines and throw the ball towards each other, trying to hit the players. The ball flying past the players is caught by the second bouncer, and the players turn around and hastily run back. It's the second bouncer's turn to throw.

Organized joint activities with kids

“What clothes did you wear before?”

Goals: developing children's ideas about the appearance of our ancestors living in the Bryansk region and its connection with the life of people; formation of initial skills of analysis and comparison using the example of comparing the clothing of Russian and other peoples; enrichment of the vocabulary of “paneva”, “veil”, “ubrus”

Equipment: musical arrangement (Russian folk songs); an album with illustrations of clothing from different times and peoples; ball; Lydia Iovleva “Artists in the Tretyakov Gallery. Viktor Vasnetsov." Trefoil, 2002; Galina Churak “Artists in the Tretyakov Gallery. Vasily Surikov." Trefoil, 2002; Galina Churak “Artists in the Tretyakov Gallery. Ilya Repin." Trefoil, 2002; James Patterson “What clothes did they wear before”; “Russian traditional costume. Complex with paneva" didactic material, lotto game

Progress of activities:
1. I suggest you look at me: “I am a woman, my name is Lyubov Vladimirovna. Every person on Earth is either a man or a woman, and children are a boy or a girl.”

Game for attention
I will throw you a ball, and you, having caught it, will answer who you are and what your name is.

Conversation about basic gender differences
Now let’s talk about how girls differ in appearance from boys and vice versa.
What do you think appearance is? What does it consist of? (children's answers)
So: appearance is the outer appearance of a person, that is, what we see.
Repeat (repeat together)
Let's compare two children - a boy and a girl (compare clothes, height, shoes, hair length, build, etc.)

Examination of illustrations for books: Lydia Iovleva “Artists in the Tretyakov Gallery. Viktor Vasnetsov." Trefoil, 2002; Galina Churak “Artists in the Tretyakov Gallery. Vasily Surikov." Trefoil, 2002; Galina Churak “Artists in the Tretyakov Gallery. Ilya Repin." Trefoil, 2002; James Patterson “What clothes did you wear before?”

2. Introducing children to women's clothing in the Central regions of Russia at the end of the 19th century.

Play Russian folk songs (immersion)
Close your eyes and imagine that you live in Ancient Rus'. There are old huts around you, you are playing on the green lawn. You are wearing Slavic clothes: the girls have long sundresses of different colors, the boys have ribbons in their braids, and the boys have wide trousers with blouses, everyone has bast shoes on their feet...
Look what's happening around you? Introduced?

While the children's eyes are closed, the teacher hangs up the suit with the paneva.

Now open your eyes. These are the clothes your great-great-great grandmothers wore.

Children come up and look at it, touch the costume, the teacher answers the children’s questions, introduces them to the concepts: paneva, veil, ubrus.

3. Result: Didactic game “Russian national costume. Complex with paneva"

Organized joint activities

"Toys of our grandmothers"

Goals: developing children's ideas about folk toys; the formation of patriotic personality traits and pride in belonging to one’s people; continue pedagogical activities to instill in children national identity and respect for other nations

Equipment: straw toys, rag toys, dolls - amulets, clay toys, nesting dolls, photo album with a description of “Matryoshka”, Itta Ryumina “Dolls of our grandmothers”, Malysh Publishing House, Moscow, 1989

The activity is carried out through the teacher's story to the children while the children simultaneously examine the toys corresponding to the moment of the story.

Straw toys.

Since ancient times, a bundle of straw tied with a rope has served as the basis for traditional peasant toys. In all likelihood, the first straw toys were born, as it were, right in the field during the harvest, when peasant women were often forced to take small children with them. Of course, left unattended, they became capricious. And, perhaps, somehow, in order to appease the child, the peasant woman made a primitive doll from the first thing that fell into her hands - from a straw rope (svyasl), used for tying sheaves. The plait folded in half vaguely resembled a head, and the straws fanning out below resembled a dress or sundress. Then the doll's figure began to gradually become more complex. They inserted a bundle of straw perpendicular to the body, tying it in the middle and along the edges in the same way as sheaves are tied with a bundle.

Subsequently, the design of the straw doll began to be improved. The manufacture of such dolls required not only the usual ability to knit sheaves, but also skillful mastery of weaving techniques, innate artistic taste, and ingenuity. Gradually, talented craftswomen emerged who, no longer in the field, but in a calm home environment, began to make dolls, figures of horses, deer, and all kinds of fantastic animals. Even in pre-Christian times, jewelry in the form of pendants with images of a horse was widespread. Pendants served as amulets to protect a person when he was far from home, and the house of the Slav with all his household was also guarded by a horse - the messenger of the sun. Therefore, the image of a horse had a magical meaning and served as a talisman for a person and his home.

Amulet dolls.

The first dolls in Rus' were amulets. The Slavs believed that they were able to protect people from diseases and evil forces, so amulet dolls stood in the most prominent place in every home. But amulet dolls never became a national toy, but they transferred some of their features to the rag doll.

Rag toys.

Since ancient times, a traditional toy in the life of the Russian village, even in the poorest peasant families, has been a rag doll. In some houses, up to a hundred of them accumulated, since the doll was also considered a symbol of procreation.

A cloth doll is the simplest image of a female figure. A piece of cloth rolled into a “rolling pin”, a face carefully covered with a white linen rag, breasts made of smooth, tightly stuffed balls, a hair braid with a ribbon woven into it, and an outfit of colorful rags. Their faces were either not drawn at all, or dots were put instead of eyes and mouth. The first doll for a girl had to be made by her mother, and at the age of 7-8 the girls themselves began to make dolls for their younger brothers and sisters.

From the age of 7-8, children began to help their parents around the house and in the field, but they did not part with their dolls and took them with them everywhere. Especially elegant dolls could be passed down from generation to generation, passed from mother to daughter. Dolls were not just girls' fun. All the children played until they were 7-8 years old, while they wore shirts. But only boys began to wear portages, and girls began to wear skirts; their playing roles and the games themselves were strictly separated.

A house without toys was considered unspiritual. There is such a sign: when children play a lot and diligently, there will be profit in the family, if they are careless with toys, there will be trouble in the house. A child without a toy grows up empty and cruel.

They believed that toys bring a good harvest, especially if adult girls play with them.

They believed that toys protected children's sleep (according to ancient custom, children are still put to bed with their favorite toy).

Clay toys.

Clay figurines were sculpted even before the invention of the potter's wheel. Initially, they served as talismans that could appease the spirits helping people. Children liked small painted figurines made of baked clay and over time turned into a folk craft. In each locality, different toys were made: some were painted with bright colors, others remained almost unpainted, others were whistles, and others were rattles. The most famous clay toys are Dymkovo, Filimonovsky, Karkopolsky and Khludnevsky.


According to a long tradition, legends are made about popular toys. In this regard, the nesting doll is no exception. They say that at the end of the 19th century, someone brought a Japanese chiseled figurine of the Buddhist saint Fukuruji to the Mamontov family - famous Russian industrialists and philanthropists - either from Paris or from the island of Honshu, which turned out to be a “surprise” - it was split into two parts. Hidden inside it was another, smaller one, which also consisted of two halves... There were five such dolls in total.

It was assumed that this is what prompted the creation of our nesting doll by Russian craftsmen. Matryoshka - on behalf of Matryona.


In Ancient Rus' there were not very many varieties of children's toys. They were made from what was at hand. But it is no coincidence that man embodied the forces of the elements in the images of living beings that were most familiar and close to him, interpreting them differently: the great goddess of fertility became a lady, a maiden; poultry - duck, chicken, goose; horse - a workhorse pulling a cart or carrying a gentleman. The bear, also a participant in ancient rituals, is a funny, good-natured club-footed animal from a folk tale. Time has changed the conditions of life around us, new themes have penetrated into the work of folk craftsmen, but these images still appear in toys of any craft to this day.

Most likely, in ancient times both play and cult meanings were closely intertwined, and then religious rituals were forgotten, and the toy remained only an object of entertainment.

For this purpose, consultations were held for parents “We play outdoor games - we strengthen our health”, “Russian folk outdoor games”, individual conversations with parents, and parents were also asked to bring photographs of moments of joint games with their children.

At the beginning of the project and at the end, a survey of children was conducted on the topic of outdoor games.

Questions for interviewing children

26 children from the group took part in the survey


Start of the project

End of the project

Do you like to play?

26 yes

26 yes

What games do you like to play?

6 children were able to define outdoor games as they understand it

20 children found it difficult to answer

16 children defined outdoor games in their own words

10 children found it difficult to answer

Do you know what folk games are?

What are folk games? The children could not answer.

6 children were able to define folk games

What folk outdoor games do you know?

All children listed familiar games, without distinguishing them by mobility and immobility.

13 children were able to list the names of outdoor games.

Which ones do you like to play?

17 children listed the names of outdoor games

9 children named sedentary, board, role-playing games

The result is the same

Who do you like to play outdoor games with?

18 child – with friends and comrades

8 children – with parents

15 children - with friends and comrades

11 children – with parents

Conclusion: From the results of a survey of children, we can conclude that children know the names of games, their rules, and can organize games in independent activities. During the project, the children learned to distinguish outdoor games from other types of games, the children were also able to get acquainted with the concept of folk games, it turned out that folk games are familiar to children, and they love to play them, but so far they can hardly distinguish folk games from other outdoor games. With three children, parents began to spend their free time not in front of the TV, but in games, and this, although not a big one, is still an achievement.

Since ancient times, the Russian people have been famous not only for their unique and extremely interesting culture, but also exciting games both for children and adults. However, time, warriors and the influence of European neighbors gradually eclipsed the ancient Russian games. Now they are beginning to be reborn and never cease to amaze with their liveliness, original ideas and tasks filled with noisy fun.

Having learned the simple rules of Russian folk games, you can immerse yourself not only in the exciting world of childhood, but also understand how our ancestors lived and rested.

Russian folk games and their rules


This game has been known since ancient times, however, very few people know its rules now. The idea is that you take from 60 to 100 sticks 10 cm long. They are placed in a bag and then poured onto a flat surface. The sticks, when spilled, lie down randomly and the task of the game is that everyone takes turns removing one spilliard, trying not to disturb those that are nearby. The winner is the one who, after sorting through the entire pile, has the most collected “trophies.” To make the game even more interesting, you can make the sticks in the form of a spatula, spear or spoon. For such spillikins, more points are awarded.

Golden Gate

This game is very dynamic and is designed not so much for the dexterity of its participants as for their luck. The rules of the “Golden Gate” are as follows: two players stand opposite each other and join their hands in such a way as to form a goal. The rest of the participants join hands and take turns walking through them. The players making up the goal chant:

Golden Gate
They don't always miss!
Saying goodbye for the first time
The second time is prohibited
And for the third time
We won't miss you!

After the song ends, they lower their hand, and those players who are caught also become gates. Thus, the chain of participants gradually decreases. The game ends the moment everyone becomes a “gate.”

Catch a fish

To win this game you need to have good reaction and speed. The point of this fun is that the participants form a circle, in the center of which stands “water” with a rope and rotates it along the floor around its axis. The participants' task is to jump over the rope. The one who catches it with the game is eliminated from the game.

Hot seat

This game is perfect for those who like to play catch-up. Its meaning is that in the center of the site a place is designated that will be called hot. “Water” must try to catch participants trying to get to this place. The one who is caught helps the “water”. If the player manages to reach the “hot spot”, he can rest there as long as he wants, however, having gone beyond it, he will again have to run away from the “water”. The game continues until all players are caught.


This game allows you to test your strength and endurance, which is why boys love it most. The point of the game is that the participants are divided into two equal teams. After this, one of them will be the “elephant”, and the other will jump on it. A member of the first team approaches the wall and bends down, resting his hands on it. The next one comes up from behind and wraps his arms around his waist, bowing his head. The rest of the players do the same. It turns out to be an “elephant”. The first member of the other team runs up and tries to jump on the “elephant” in such a way that there is room for other team members. Once the entire team is on the back of the “elephant”, in order to win, it must hold on for 10 seconds. After this, the teams can change places.


It is very mobile and fun game. According to its rules, you need to choose two participants: a “monk” and a “seller.” Other players stand in a line, and the seller tells them any color in a whisper. After this, the following dialogue occurs:

A monk walks into a paint store and says to the salesman:

I'm a monk in blue pants, I came for paint. - For what?

The monk names colors (for example, red). If there is no such color, the seller replies:

There is no such thing! Jump along the red carpet, on one leg, you will find boots, wear them, and bring them back!

At the same time, the monk is given a task: to walk like a duck or jump on one leg. If there is such a color, then the seller replies:

There is one! - What is the price? - Five rubles

After this, the monk slaps the seller’s palm five times). As soon as the last clap sounds, the “paint” participant jumps up and runs around the line. If the monk catches up with him, then he himself becomes “paint”, and the one who was caught takes his place.

Swan geese

This fun is for those who love active games. Its meaning is that two wolves and one leader are selected from all participants. Everyone else becomes geese. The leader needs to be on one side of the platform, and the swans on the other. The wolves stand at a distance “in ambush.” The leader says the following words:

Geese-swans, home!

Run, fly home, the wolves are behind the mountain!

What do wolves want?

Pluck gray geese and gnaw their bones!

When the song ends, the geese must run to the leader and try not to be caught by the wolves. Those who are caught leave the game, and the rest return back. The game ends when the last goose is caught.


The name of this game comes from the old Russian fairy tale "Turnip", so its meaning is somewhat similar to this work. It is perfect for developing reaction and coordination of movements.

The rules of the game are as follows: all participants stand in a circle and begin to dance in a circle. In its center there is a “turnip” child, and behind the circle is a “mouse”. During the round dance, all players sing the following song:

“Grow up!
Grow big!
Neither small nor great,
To the mouse's tail!

While the song is playing, the turnip gradually “grows”, that is, rises. After the end of the song, the mouse must try to get into the circle and catch the turnip. The rest of the participants can either hinder her or help her. After the mouse catches the turnip, new players are selected.

There is another variation of this game.

The players stand one after another and clasp their hands around the waist of the previous participant. The first player must hold tightly to the tree trunk. The game begins when the “grandfather” tries to unhook the last participant from the rest of the team and so on until the “turnip” is completely “stretched”.


This is one of the most common variations of an active and physically developing game. Its participants disperse around the site, close their eyes, and hold their hands behind their backs. The presenter places an object in the hand of one of the players on the count of “one, two, three”; everyone opens their eyes. The hands of the participants remain behind their backs. Then the player who has the item says: “I’m a tag.” The rest of the participants must run away from him, jumping on one leg. The one touched by the “salka” himself becomes “water”. An important condition is that the “tag” must also jump on one leg.

Hitting the rope

This simple game will help you develop your reaction speed and have a lot of fun. Its meaning is that a tight rope is taken and tied into a ring. All players stand outside and grab it with one hand. In the center of the ring is “water”. He must have time to “salt” one of the players, who then takes his place.

Cossack robbers

This is an old Russian game, the rules of which our parents and grandparents know by heart. Its meaning is that all participants are divided into two teams “Cossacks” and “robbers”. The Cossacks choose a place where they will set up a “dungeon” and choose a watchman. At this time, the robbers scatter and hide, leaving arrows and other clues on their way. The Cossacks must find every robber and bring him to prison. A guard remains with each captured player, however, other robbers can help a teammate and, by capturing the guard, free the captive. The game ends when all the robbers are caught.

The robbers, in order to avoid being found for as long as possible, first run away all together and then split up.

According to one version of this game, the robbers guess a secret password word, and the Cossacks must find it out. Therefore, the game continues even after all the robbers have been caught, until the password is found out.

"You're going slower"

This noisy and fun game requires not only skill, but also resourcefulness. Before starting, you need to draw two lines on the ground at a distance of 5 meters from each other. There is “water” in front of one of the lines, and the rest of the players in front of the other. The participants’ task is to run to the “water”. Whoever does this first takes his place. The difficulty lies in the fact that the “water” periodically says: “The slower you go, the further you will go. Freeze! After this phrase, all players should freeze, and the presenter’s goal is to try to make each of the participants laugh without touching him. You can make grimaces, look intently into the eyes, tell funny stories. If one of the players laughs or smiles, he returns back to the line.

Teddy Bear

This is a very active and fun game. First you need to draw two circles on the ground. In one of them there will be a “den” with a “bear cub”, and in the other there will be a house for the rest of the participants. The players leave the “house” and sing: “I’ll take mushrooms, berries.” But the bear doesn’t sleep and growls at us.” After they finish singing, the bear cub runs out of its den with a growl and tries to catch up with the other players. The one who is caught becomes a bear cub himself.


This game was very popular in the old days. It perfectly develops attention and speed. Its meaning is that 11 players choose water, and then split into pairs and form a column. “Water” stands with its back to the participants and does not look back. A line is drawn in front of him twenty meters away.

Participants sing the following song:

“Burn, burn clearly,
So that it doesn't go out.
Look at the sky:
Birds are flying
The bells are ringing!"

After its completion, the last pair separates their hands and runs on opposite sides of the column to the “water”. Having caught up with him, they shout: “One, two, don’t be a crow, run like fire!” After this, the “water” begins to chase this pair and must “salt” one of them before they reach the line and hold hands. If he succeeds, then he becomes paired with the remaining participant, and the one who was caught up performs the duties of “water”. If it was not possible to catch up, then the couple becomes the head of the column, and the “water” continues to “burn.”

This game is different in that it can be played for a very long time until the participants get tired.

People invented ancient Russian games with concern for their children, with the idea that they would not only have fun and energetically, but also learn to communicate with each other, learn the value of friendship and know what honesty and mutual assistance are. There is nothing better than fun in the fresh air, which helps not only to get out of the familiar stuffiness of closed rooms, but also to find true friends, see the world in all its fascinating colors, and also give freedom to your own imagination.

Modern children also consider the games that we, modern adults, enjoyed playing in our childhood to be ancient. These are “Ring”, “The Sea is Worried”, “Dodgeball”, “Hopscotch”, “Rubber” and others.

Relevance Currently, the task of preserving national traditions and forming a person’s national self-awareness is urgent. Observations show that modern child who lives in a city, has a weak sense of belonging to the Russian people. The accessibility and expressiveness of folk games activates the child’s mental activity and helps expand ideas about cultural heritage Russian people, the development of mental processes. Therefore, the problem of introducing preschoolers to Russian folk games is relevant and meets the needs of the time and the kindergarten. Only through folk pedagogy is it possible to become familiar with the cultural values ​​and heritage of the Russian people. To revive Russian folk games, the upbringing and development of children through the means of Russian folk culture, Russian national traditions, as well as the systematic development of the creative abilities of children of senior preschool age through familiarization with the origins of Russian folk games, nurturing love and interest in the history of their people

Type of project: informational, game, medium-term (March-May) Goal: to develop in children interest and love for Russian national culture, folk art, customs, traditions, the folk calendar, folk games Objectives: Teaching folk outdoor games and joint activities. Development of physical qualities: dexterity, balance, speed of movement through folk outdoor games. Consolidation of basic movements: running, jumping, throwing during folk outdoor games. Fostering love for the native land and independence in decision making. Use all types of folklore (fairy tales, songs, nursery rhymes, chants, proverbs, sayings, riddles, round dances, outdoor games), since folklore is the richest source of cognitive and moral development of children.

Directions of work to introduce children to Russian national culture: Creation of a subject-developing environment Wide use of folklore (fairy tales, songs, ditties, proverbs, sayings, etc.) Acquaintance with traditional and ritual holidays. Introduction to Russian folk games.

The expected result is the development of dialogical and monologue speech of children. children’s use of nursery rhymes, rhymes, and riddles in active speech. children learn to play Russian folk outdoor games, use counting rhymes. children will show initiative and independence in choosing a role, plot, and means of transformation. Respond emotionally to the experiences of characters in fairy tales and nursery rhymes.

Forms of work Parents: Consultations “Russian folk game in the life of a preschooler”, “Use of nursery rhymes, tongue twisters in the daily life of a preschooler” Children: Conversations about the history of Russian folk games Learning folk games, counting rhymes Integrated lesson “Russian hut” Entertainment “There was a birch tree in the field” Theater Week: “Russian” folk tale» Educators: Card index of “Russian folk games” Card index “Ancient rhymes, nursery rhymes” Consultation “Child development through folk games”