How to draw a cat's face with a simple pencil step by step. Mastering the animal genre: how to beautifully draw a cat with a child

Pay attention to the different ones you can sew on clothes, bags, phone cases, pillows. will decorate your things.

Applications on things

How many things there are with images of cats, seals, kittens, etc. It’s impossible to even imagine, let alone actually calculate. And no wonder, because cats are favorite characters, friends and even family members for many of us. If you also want to get yourself a wardrobe item with the image of your favorite animal, then don’t hesitate - you can do it yourself!

The most popular ways to recreate a cat's image on clothes and other things are appliqué and drawing.

It is best to make appliques from dense materials that do not “crumble”, for example, from leather and leatherette, suede, felt; appliques can even be made from soft plastic, PVC, vinyl, and it is also convenient to manipulate raincoat fabric; cotton fabric behaves well and chintz.

Often you don’t even need to print a pattern or template - just adjust the size of the image on the screen (press the Ctrl key and roll the mouse wheel) and transfer the design onto thin paper or film directly from the monitor.

You can make a very simple applique, this one is well suited for children's things.

Or a little more complicated. Look how adorable they are!

If you choose a drawing, then, of course, it is optimal to execute it.

But no matter what you choose, the thing will turn out very cute - cats can’t help but make you happy. This is probably why designers and craftsmen of all kinds so often use this image in their works.

Inspiration is everywhere!

Interesting handbags.

For those who like it “hot”.

Cute and simple cats on children's things.

Cat hats and cat scarves are still very popular today.

There are also such cute socks.

Particularly diligent craftswomen do more painstaking work - knitting patterns using the jacquard technique.

Appliqués on fabric are needed not only for beauty, but also as patches on clothes. In order not to throw away an item that has a stain or a hole, you can simply cover the damaged area with a beautiful appliqué. The applique can be made of fabric, felt, leather, leatherette. Tip for appliqués made of fabric: to ensure that the fabric fits tightly and does not shrink during washing, you need to keep it in warm water and dry it with an iron.

Draw on paper. Transfer it to fabric and cut it out. Then choose a suitable location for the applique. Attach the figurine. Insert black thread into the sewing machine and use a herringbone stitch to stitch the applique to the fabric. If you don’t have a machine, you can sew it on by hand and overcast it. Next, use colored threads to embroider a bow, flowers and a skirt using satin stitch.

Felt applique.

Another felt applique.

Denim appliqués. They are glued with fabric glue and covered with a decorative seam.

Applique on a hand-sewn felt bag. Suitable for a pillow too. The flowers are made of chintz.

It's a good idea to make an applique on an old T-shirt. We cut out the applique, glue it with special fabric glue, and sew it with a decorative seam. You can glue beads, rhinestones to the applique, sew on buttons, or tie a bow from ribbons.

Applique on a T-shirt.

Application made of leather or leatherette.

T-shirt with rhinestones. Rhinestones can be replaced with sparkles and beads.

These cats can be sewn onto a jumper, T-shirt, etc. They are held on by one thread.

The jumper has an appliqué made of leather or leatherette.

Applique made of thick wool or felt.

Calico applique.

Knitted applique. Looks good on sports items.


Using universal methods, you can improve almost everything. If you think that clothes are starting to lose their former shine or just want to learn how to decorate clothes yourself, then this master class will be for you.

Currently, clothes with images of cats and others are quite popular. There are many workshops that specialize in applying designs to any clothing. However, there is another way to decorate your item with the image of a cat. This does not require special technology. You can make a drawing with your own hands using threads, scissors and a needle. You don't have to be able to draw. We offer several options on how to decorate or simply update your blouse or turtleneck with a tempting cat face.

Simple option. Here it is enough to print out a sketch of a cat's head, then transfer it to cardboard and make a template. Place a piece of paper on the monitor and trace it, then cut it out.

Select a piece of fabric of the appropriate size. It is desirable that the fabric is pleasant to the touch, soft, and it is also worth choosing the color to match the blouse. Now we transfer the template to the fabric, outline it and cut it out. A cat's head made of fabric needs to be sewn on using a decorative seam.

You can decorate the cat's face with beads, nose, mouth and antennae if desired.

More complex option. To work you need to prepare:

  1. plain turtleneck or sweater
  2. contrasting color floss
  3. embroidery needle
  4. chalk or disappearing marker for drawing
  5. scissors

We apply a design to the blouse with a disappearing marker, draw eyes, a nose, a mouth and antennae. Along the marked lines we embroider with a “back needle” stitch. It should look something like this:

Most often, it is women who associate themselves with these graceful creatures - cats. One way or another, the characters of both women and cats are different, so we try to find an image that is closer to ourselves. This especially applies to clothing. But don't dress up like Catwoman from the movie. It is enough to draw or embroider a beautiful face on your comfortable, but for some reason already boring jacket or T-shirt.

To work we will need:

  1. thing that we will decorate
  2. sequins
  3. beads (in in this case same color)
  4. threads
  5. scissors
  6. pencil
  7. any piece of paper

One foreign craftswoman presented this master class on her blog. It turned out very cute and full of character. All you need to do is draw the details on paper: the cat's eyes and nose, and cut them out from a sheet of paper.

Then we draw a pencil on the blouse, maintaining symmetry.

The last stage is the embroidery itself. We tie a knot on the thread, bring the needle out from the wrong side to front part, we string a sequin, a bead, again pass the needle through the sequin and go out to the wrong side almost a millimeter from the place where we started. Then we bring the needle out from the edge of the first sequin and repeat the operation. In this way we embroider the entire outline of the design.

As a result, we get a nice new thing, a little romantic, a little strict - it will suit almost all clothing styles.

And the most important thing is that we made the T-shirt decor with our own hands! The cute cat's face embroidered with sequins will always be with us.

To work you need to prepare:

  1. black fabric paints
  2. bodily or light color nylon stockings
  3. pencil
  4. thick sheet of paper

On thick paper you need to draw a sketch of the cat’s face: eyes, nose and antennae, don’t forget about the ears. It is important to take into account the size of the kneecap. We slightly fold the sheet with the sketch and put the stocking on it, then, according to the sketch, we outline the stocking with paint. You get these wonderful little faces on each knee.

In order to accomplish this, you don’t need a lot of time, materials, and you don’t have to strain your imagination too much. Look how simple it is! In order to express strong affection for your pet, you need to:

  1. plain t-shirt
  2. special or regular acrylic fabric paints
  3. sponge brush
  4. sticky tape
  5. scissors

First, we “draw” the plot using adhesive tape. Make sure that the tape adheres very tightly to the fabric, otherwise the paint may leak under it and the design will be sloppy.

After this, apply paint using a sponge brush. You can, like here, in a chaotic order, or you can repeat the contours of the drawing or “sculpt” another shape with strokes, for example, make the cat’s face into a square, for which you need to glue more strips of tape in advance or do it by eye.

The paint needs to dry thoroughly before you remove the tape. You need to dry it, avoiding direct sunlight and away from heating devices.

At the end of the whole process, you will end up with an original T-shirt like this or even better. And, the cat probably understands everything, so he will appreciate such attention.

Many people have problems drawing a cat's face. In fact, you can draw a kitten without unnecessary difficulties by following step by step simple instructions. The main thing is not to give up, and if you don’t immediately get the expected result, try again.

To make your task easier, you can use geometric shapes, which can become the basis for the design of a cat’s face. If you add some strokes and additional drawings, as well as shade the background, you will get a drawing of a black cat.

How to make a drawing of a cat

What you will need for drawing:

  • paper;
  • compass - to make an even, light contour for the muzzle;
  • ruler - in addition to the circle, other geometric shapes can help you;
  • slate pencil - it’s best to draw like this;
  • eraser - to remove unnecessary things or what didn’t quite work out.

You can draw a cat either using shapes or by hand, whichever is more convenient for you. It's best to take white paper so that the background color is comfortable for drawing with a lead pencil, and use a soft pencil itself. Draw the lines easily, then you won’t need to erase them with an eraser and there will be no traces left. There are several options for depicting a cat with step-by-step instructions.

Drawing a muzzle step by step

Very easy to draw, when there is an exact explanation of how to do it step by step. The face of a cat can be drawn in different ways, for example:

  • in profile (front);
  • full face (side);
  • into a three-quarter turn.

So, let's draw the full face:

The technology is quite simple, but, like every drawing, it requires some effort and even persistence. Such traits will be important for that performer who cannot boast of outstanding artistic talent.

Cat face in profile

This is where circles and precise lines come in handy. With the help of the diagram, ears are drawn without any extra effort. Basically, you should adhere to the previous recommendations, but do everything, remembering that you are depicting one side of the face. It should be noted that drawing a profile is much easier, at least that’s what even professional artists say.

Nevertheless, for the future sculptor Difficulties will arise in any small detail, so the first drawing should be a combination of hard work and great diligence.

How to draw eyes

The eyes, of course, may not immediately turn out beautiful and natural. It's a matter of practice- first draw the shape and make a sketch:

  1. Draw the pupil with light strokes, and fill the space around with darker strokes;
  2. further eyeball shade with a lighter tone;
  3. Don't forget about the hairs near the eyes.

So we got a very high-quality and natural image. It is worth thinking about the color of the eyes, which are often the “highlight” of the picture.

Drawing of a lying cat

Divide the sheet into two parts. In one of them, draw a circle, from which you will then make a cat’s head. Draw a vertical line in the middle of the circle, and let the horizontal line divide the figure with the following proportion: two thirds at the top, one third at the bottom. Draw the base for the eyes, ears, lips and nose. There will be no problems with the eyes, because the cat is sleeping. Then you can use the eraser to remove unnecessary lines. Ears can be drawn using triangles.

When you are done with the muzzle, proceed to the body. First draw a large oval and place it correctly in relation to the animal's head. Now draw the tucked legs, tail and other body details. Don't forget to draw fur. A drawing with shadow and highlights will look good. Of course, if you wish, you can even color the finished drawing.

Cat by checkerboard

Previously, small children were engaged in such art; these drawings developed both hand motor skills and imagination, and also simply entertained. So you could draw some kind of “cartoon” Cheshire cat from the fairy tale “Alice in Wonderland” or an anime cat. The advantage of this kind of drawing is that you don’t need to have any special skills to perform it. Colored pencils will help make your drawing colorful and very cute.

This option is best suited for those individuals who do not have artistic taste and is not able to draw even from life. There is nothing bad here, because the art of drawing is not given to everyone. By drawing by cells, the user will be able not only to quickly and efficiently create the desired image, but also to preserve his nervous system.

Manicure with a cat pattern

What kind of designs you won’t see on the nails of modern fashionistas! These are flowers, and abstraction, and butterflies, and birds. One of the most popular drawings is also a cat. Of course, such a manicure looks very cute and remains relevant and elegant. No matter how fashion trends change, this design can always be changed by inventing new original options. What exactly is most often girls choose for decoration:

  • cats' faces;
  • image of paws;
  • silhouettes of cats.

Now we will explain which pattern is more suitable for whom. Young ladies most often choose the faces of cats, and this certainly suits them very well. If you think that age has made you more respectable, it is best to limit yourself to painted paws or a subtle cat silhouette (for example, on one nail). To get this manicure, you don’t have to immediately run to the salon; you can do everything at home.

You can choose any color of the cat. For example, a black cat is a design that is not suitable for every woman. Of course, there is no need to make a natural and natural face, it is enough to depict it in such a way that you can find out what kind of animal it is. You can draw such an image in different ways, both in width and length and even diagonally. First, paint the nail with one tone, then the face with the selected color. When it's dry, start drawing the eyes, antennae and nose. If you wish, you can add sparkles or rhinestones.

If you're afraid to do your own manicure, you can use a stencil. By the way, drawing is often performed gel pen. This is both convenient and allows you to make the cat’s color richer.

Women are very often compared to a cat, because they move just as smoothly, have similar character, combining softness and rebellion. Women have a sixth sense, just like cats, so they are something mysterious. Perhaps this is why the fair half of humanity so often turns to the image of a cat.

Cat paws look very playful and attractive. This design can be combined very beautifully with a delicate jacket. Of course, this is not at all necessary; you can choose the color scheme according to your taste. If the nail plate is long, you can make several paws, and that’s all different colors. Can be depicted on one or all nails. How to do:

  • first paint the nail plate and wait for it to dry;
  • then use a small brush to paint the pads, like a cat’s paws;
  • cover everything with strengthening or clear varnish.

By the way, you can use light colors for the background and dark ones for the pattern, or vice versa. Just rely on your own imagination.

"Cat" fantasies in manicure

The cat silhouette looks sophisticated and feminine. Most often they depict a sitting cat. A black cat looks especially mysterious on a beige background. It's not difficult to draw this. But we recommend not to dwell on something familiar. Experiment, it's fun. You can depict, for example, two cats in love who are sitting leaning towards each other.

Even today they practice a combination of two or three designs on one hand. This is, of course, interesting and finds its fans. But you still need to know when to stop. If you manage to combine all this beautifully and appropriately in a manicure, then feel free to get down to business. Otherwise, it is better to limit yourself to a masterfully executed one design.

A manicure can be made both strict and gentle, fresh, by adding some elements, for example, by adding hearts, small inscriptions, stars. You can also add rhinestones and stones. A manicure made using this technique looks very beautiful cat eye or using glossy and matte varnishes.

Creating an image on paper is not an easy task! Moreover, it is not easy to create such a miracle in the field of manicure. However, the above is very effective methods, which will definitely help you draw such a graceful image as the face of a cat!

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Drawing a cat's face step by step

  • Step 1

    We start with the compositional placement of the oval of the future head in the sheet. It is almost a circle, slightly pointed at the bottom. We mark the center with a cross. Draw the eye points along a horizontal line. Below we outline the most convex part of the muzzle and the nose. Outline and construction lines can be drawn with a soft pencil, but they should be pale. Then you won’t have to wash them; they will become invisible during the drawing process.

  • Step 2

    We outline the ears. Since the muzzle is symmetrical, we put everything that we draw on the left side along a horizontal line on the right.

  • Step 3

    We outline the position of the eyes and nose.

  • Step 4

    Now we need to figure out how the bones and muscles form the main volumes of the muzzle. This will be especially noticeable in short-haired cats. We see that the most convex part is created by the upper jaw, the fangs. The chin is sloping. The distance between the outer cheekbones is wider than that of the lower jaw, so the cheeks under the cheekbones are slightly sunken.

  • Step 5

    Figure A shows the main volumes created by the bones of the skull. Figure B shows how, thanks to the muscles, these volumes smoothly “flow” into one another. Leather and wool make these transitions even smoother. For clarity, we divide the nose into six sides. For a practice drawing, it is worth drawing all this with light lines, and in the future all this is taken into account mentally.

  • Step 6

    Let's return to our drawing. We outline the cheekbone, upper jaw, and the muscles connecting these bones. We outline the lips.

  • Step 7

    We clarify the proportions of the eyes and nose. The tear ducts of the eyes are located along the central horizontal line. We mentally lay out the segment between them along an inclined line connecting the teardrops and the outer corners of the eyes. Let's compare these distances. In this particular cat, the space between the tear sacs is wider than the length of the eye. We lay down the vertical lines to the wings of the nose, noting how narrow the nose is from the segment between the eyes.

  • Step 8

    While clarifying the details, we also use an eraser to lighten spots and light shading. We highlight the worn-out eyes to then achieve a bright highlight. Using rounded strokes or a fur pattern we depict the neck. It's further away, so it should be in the shadows.

  • Step 9

    To give a fluffy effect, you can complete the drawing by shading in dark places with a soft, blunt pencil.

  • Step 10
  • Step 11

The cat's name is Bill, here is his photo.

Using light lines sketch out the outline of the cat's muzzle.

Draw parallel lines and indicate the location of the eyes, nose and mouth.

Using a sharpened HB pencil, draw the cat's face.

Now draw the eyes, nose and mouth. We will make the light source from the top left, and the eyes a little wider than in the photo. Then we begin to draw the outlines of the white areas on the face.

Let's draw some lines on the ears, as well as the contours of the white areas under the eyes and in the nose area.

We draw the contours of the white areas on the entire face and body of the cat.

As you draw, constantly compare your drawing with mine and check the proportions again. Special attention Pay attention to the length, angles and bends of the strokes.

To make the fur look natural, draw only with sharply sharpened pencils. It is very important to think about the directions of the bends of the stroke, they will help create the illusion of volume various parts muzzles under fur. Before you begin, lighten the lines of the shadow grid using a soft eraser. Remember that the strokes on the left are lighter than on the right.

Using 2H and HB pencils, draw strokes of wool of different lengths and densities. To create lighter areas, the lines should be further apart from each other, and to create darker areas, the lines should be drawn close to each other.

I prefer to work from light to dark, layering tones. For dark areas, a 2B pencil works well, and for the darkest areas, especially the dark stripes on the right, a 4B pencil is great. When finished, you will achieve a variety of tones by using pencils of varying softness and varying the density of the lines. When drawing fur, shadow transitions can be sudden and abrupt or, on the contrary, gradual and smooth.

Now we need to animate the eyes. First, add light tones to the iris with an HB pencil, then use pencils 2B and 4B to outline the contours of the eyes. Make shadow transitions smooth. Using an eraser, lighten a small piece of the iris, which is located in the lower right corner, opposite the highlight. Use a 6B pencil to paint over the pupil.

While you are shading his ears and the lower part of his face, remember that the shading should be lighter on the left, since this part is closer to the light source. Use 2H and HB pencils to work on the light areas, and use a 4B pencil to work on the dark areas. Take a moment and study the direction of the curves of the hatch lines.

Look at the drawing of the mustache, use a sharp pencil for this.

Compare my drawing with yours, to add dark areas just draw additional lines, to add light ones use an eraser.

Here are the pencils I will be using for this tutorial. HB is used for sketching and dark shading. F will be used for dark lines, H pencil for light lines.

Start your drawing with a basic sketch of the cat's head. Pay attention to the orange and blue lines, they will help you give the correct shape to the elements of the muzzle and outline the location of the eyes. Don't focus too much on the details at this stage, keep the lines light.

Once you have completed your basic sketch, you need to move on and define the features of the drawing itself. For this I used an F pencil. I find it easier to start with the eyes and then draw in the rest of the elements.

Finish the sketch lines and begin sketching the fur stripes on the cat's forehead. Make sure that the outline of the drawn stripes is clear.

Step 5.

Darken it a little background. This will help make the foreground more expressive.

Step 6.
Lightly blend out the cat's dark spots. Use fabric or braid for a smoother shade

Step 7

Apply the shading from top to bottom, starting from the ears. I used an F pencil for the darker lines and an H pencil for the lighter lines.

Step 8

Bring out the shadows in your eyes more vividly.

Step 9

Now you should draw the distance between the ears and eyes. Pay attention to the direction of the lines when drawing the fur. Maintain the direction of fur growth, make short, confident strokes.

Step 10
Shade the rest of the cat's face. Notice how I erased around the outside of the cat's mouth, where the whiskers will be. This action will be necessary for the next step.

Step 11