Capricorn Woman - Everything we need to know about Capricorn women. Very complete characteristics of a woman with the zodiac sign Capricorn

Zodiac sign Capricorn woman has interesting feature: over the years she becomes even more charming and beautiful. At 35, she attracts the admiring glances of men more often than in her youth. It is not easy to achieve her location. This woman is independent, no matter what she does - dancing, pedagogical activity or tourism. And she will never forgive betrayal.

A man in the presence of a Capricorn woman feels like a superman, ready right now to protect her from a cruel and unfair world. She is a master at flirting and charming men. But at the same time, a woman with the Capricorn zodiac sign can be strict, aloof and unapproachable. And you will have to work hard to melt the ice in her gaze. But no matter what eyes she looks at you (mocking or friendly), the goal is the same - to get the right man. Chosen One Capricorn women must have a high status so that she can be proud of him.

Often the zodiac sign of the Capricorn woman is a very cold and calculating person. Without any hesitation, she will choose independence and a career rather than romantic relationship. The role of a housewife does not appeal to her. Marriage of convenience does not frighten her, but attracts her: important aspect is the financial and social well-being of the chosen one. She needs influential man. These women are moving quite successfully in career ladder. You might think that love and marriage are in the background. Love is perhaps not a relationship and marriage. By nature, these women experience strong physical desire, even more than one might imagine. Often the Capricorn woman is tormented by the choice between ostentatious virtue and passionate desire. The thing is that maintaining external decorum is of great importance to her, while she is a passionate, amorous and erotic nature. Men see in her the desired fruit, but come across a wall of alienation and coldness, virtue and decency. This confuses men.

Due to the fact that the zodiac sign Capricorn, a woman keeps her passionate desires under control, she develops complexes from which she also suffers. Sometimes passions boil over, and a woman gives in to her secret desires. Throwing yourself into a short and passionate romance. Having abandoned invented principles and restrictions, she amazes her partner with passion and unbridled temperament. After a short riot of passions and desires, the time for virtue and modesty comes again.

Even marriage ties cannot always stop a Capricorn woman from satisfying her erotic fantasies. In old age, a woman begins to be tormented by remorse and turns into a grumpy old woman.

The zodiac sign Capricorn woman subconsciously strives to occupy a stable and prestigious position in society. And it doesn’t matter how she achieves this: at the expense of her husband’s position or her own career growth. At the same time, you will not notice any obvious struggle or how she “goes over her head” towards her goal. No. She will achieve her goal softly and quietly. You might think that she does not strive for a leading position, but she will come to the finish line first.

The Capricorn woman is always calm and balanced in appearance. But the emotional state does not always correspond to external endurance. A pessimistic mood is not uncommon for her, and this can last for quite a long time. It's all about doubt: is she valued and respected enough? She needs constant praise and encouragement to feel important to you. At the same time, she categorically cannot stand ridicule.

A Capricorn woman will not simply waste time on romantic kisses. She needs to feel financially secure, stable and good position in society. If you can give her all this, you will get a loving, caring and passionate woman as your wife.

Zodiac sign Capricorn woman is economical and thrifty, but at the same time prefers goods good quality. Don't be surprised when she buys a famous brand dress on sale or bargains at a high-end store. The Capricorn woman has bright beauty and attractiveness, she only gets prettier over the years, but needs constant compliments.

A woman born under the sign of Capricorn will be a wonderful and caring mother.

The Capricorn woman is smart, honest and hardworking, but she always lacks a little self-confidence before success. Will she overcome this obstacle?

This girl is sure that the main thing in a person is intelligence, spiritual qualities, but certainly not appearance. Therefore, she does not strive to look provocative: no matter how old-fashioned it may sound, but, in the understanding of Capricorns, a woman is more decorated with modesty and honesty.

Emotions under lock and key!

According to the popular stereotype, Capricorn women are cold and prim. In fact, both of these definitions are fundamentally wrong - it would be more correct to call representatives of this sign restrained and moderate. The stars gave them strong character , even if this strength is not what first catches your eye when you meet a Capricorn girl. Many could envy her self-control: at a time when a critical situation forces other people to run chaotically, scream and wave their arms, our heroine will courageously take the situation into her own hands. No, Capricorns don't panic. They analyze and take the necessary measures.

From a young age, Capricorn women prefer non-flashy, modest, and often strict clothing. Love things business style, perfectly ironed white blouses, classic shoes. That’s why, compared to her more frivolous girlfriends, our Lady Restraint sometimes looks like a governess accompanying her pupils on a walk. She has no need to be the center of attention, like women of public signs (Leo, Aries, Sagittarius, Gemini) - and even more so, she does not want to achieve popularity with the help of extravagant outfits and bright cosmetics. Capricorns are more likely to take the role of “gray cardinals”: ​​their opinion is really worth listening to, since this is perhaps the only sign capable of thinking absolutely dispassionately in any situation, guided not by emotions, but by considerations of expediency.

Guardian of family values

Anyone who is closely acquainted with our heroine will confirm: Capricorns' coldness in love is nothing more than a myth. Yes, even for closed doors In the bedroom, this woman will not change her usual restraint, but she is capable of being a gentle, sensitive and caring lover. And yet, it is unlikely that she will allow herself and her man too bold sexual experiments - we must admit: the Capricorn girl is still a little conservative. The standard of harmonious love relationship she would not name any heroes of the sensational film, but rather her parents or grandparents. Representatives of this sign always value and are proud of their older relatives, and subconsciously imitate them in everything related to everyday life and family life.

Does her mom make pancakes on the weekends? You can be sure: if our heroine is not so heavily loaded with work that she does not have a minute of free time, she will definitely continue this family tradition. It is quite possible that the Capricorn girl will even decide to wear the same hairstyle as her parent did in her youth. And the jewelry inherited from the mother will become a real heirloom, which she will not part with until the very moment when the time comes to pass them on to her daughter. The performance of such rituals inspires Capricorns with confidence in the stability of the flow of the river of life - and this feeling gives peace of mind.

To win a Capricorn woman, you need to show respect for her worldview and way of life. An attempt to stir things up, to provoke some bold decisions with ridicule, to “take it weakly” is a deliberately losing strategy: our heroine will remain unconvinced, and most likely, she will immediately cross you off from the list of candidates for her hand and heart. Another important point: she is not interested in the so-called open relationship . As soon as the Capricorn girl decides that the gentleman meets her criteria for choosing a life partner, she will demand from him wedding ring. Because in the understanding of women of this sign between the concepts “ serious relationship" and "strong feelings" should be given an equal sign.

For some men, such a sudden onslaught may be quite perplexing... but in reality, there is no need to be alarmed. Capricorns are patient: you can make a promise to your girlfriend to marry, and fulfill it in a few years, when you have already had time to make sure of the strength love union and prepare the material base necessary for marriage. But maybe you yourself will decide to bring your wedding date closer by reading our compatibility horoscope? Capricorns combine harmoniously with most signs zodiac circle- They make wonderful wives.

Most importantly, believe in yourself...

But not only in family life should the Capricorn woman realize her potential: nature has endowed her with a subtle analytical mind, diligence, heightened senses responsibility - and all these inclinations give the start to a successful career. The only thing that always greatly hinders Capricorns in business is their excessive caution, bordering on indecision. If our heroine manages to cope with this, believing in her own strength, she will be able to reach unprecedented heights.

There is no typical portrait of a Capricorn woman: she can equally well turn out to be a talented dancer and a strict librarian. True, in both cases she will be full of femininity and charm.

Women of this sign like to realize their power over men and they flirt and flirt with pleasure. The men at whom this coquetry is directed feel truly omnipotent and are ready to shield this fragile creature from all life’s adversities.

However, not everything is so simple with Capricorn girls: of all their suitors they will try to choose the most worthy one. That is, one who has prospects and real opportunities to move up the financial and career ladder. Representatives of this sign often achieve success in life. They are so passionate about it that some people think that love and marriage do not matter to them. Love, perhaps, does not. But Capricorns pay increased attention to marriage.

Capricorn is a woman who is in a hurry to fall in love.

Very often, Capricorn women become victims of their own illusions: unable to separate sex and love, they fall head over heels in love with all their partners.

And since not every man can please her, representatives of this sign don’t have too many partners.

Capricorns are women created for love and passions. Their emotional nature pushes them to erotic experiments already in early adolescence.

Possessing a pronounced sexuality, they look for an appropriate partner and if they do not find one, they are acutely dissatisfied.

The jealousy of a woman of this sign can be aggressive. But she will not tolerate any manifestations of possessiveness towards her.

Family horoscope: Capricorn is a woman who values ​​family.

For all her passion for her career, the Capricorn woman will be able to refuse work in the name of her family.

To achieve this, you will need to convince your Capricorn that the house rests only on her, and that in the family she is both the administrator and the chief accountant. Building a strong family empire will captivate this woman more than her career.

Try to make fun of her as little as possible.

This is her character: she cannot stand ridicule directed at herself and can be very offended. And there is nothing worse than a melancholy and offended Capricorn grumbling in the house.

Remember that by marrying a representative of the Capricorn sign, you have married her entire family: her connection with her family is strong and lasts for many years.

How to conquer a Capricorn woman.

For anyone who wants to know how to seduce a Capricorn woman, the main advice is this: don’t force things. The first stage of your relationship should be smooth and calm.

Show your interest in Capricorn, but do not rush to take the next step: they will show you when they are ready.

Remember, this is a very stubborn sign, putting pressure on him, controlling him and trying to show him what is right and what is wrong is the path to stopping communication.

The path to the heart of a Capricorn woman is not easy. When conquering her, focus on discreet and confident courtship. You must know exactly what you want and be able to get it. Having met a man who is a true master of his word, the Capricorn woman melts.

Looking for a gift for Capricorn? Pay attention to antiques: women of this sign are attracted by ancient values. It could be an antique mirror, an intricate notebook or a ring made by a famous master.

General characteristics of a Capricorn woman.

Typical representatives of this sign are very reserved and even cold. They reveal themselves only in the circle of their closest people, who accept them completely - with all their shortcomings.

However, it is wrong to think that the Capricorn woman is shy or suffers from an inferiority complex, quite the opposite! This woman is well aware of her high value, so to speak. Simply, she is a woman with both feet firmly on the ground and her values ​​are very material.

Capricorn women, however, like men of this sign, clearly express clarity of thinking, logic and the desire to realize their career aspirations in life. If for a man this is more or less natural, then for a woman, subordinating her feelings to reason does not always bring happiness.

It is possible that the main difficulty that can be overcome is the desire to control yourself and your feelings. It is difficult for such a woman to give up the fear of being vulnerable. But this, perhaps, is the key that opens the door to a happy life!

The Capricorn woman skillfully solves any everyday problems; she skillfully steers the family ship on the desired course.

To open up, she needs an atmosphere of friendliness and trust. If not everything goes well for a Capricorn woman in her personal life, then she seeks solace in work.

The best partner for a Capricorn woman will be a Cancer man, as well as a Taurus or Virgo man.

Relationships with an Aries or Libra man will be more difficult. The partners of these signs will create some tension for the Capricorn woman, which is not easy to eliminate. This discomfort is likely due to the uncertainty of a stable future near them.

Capricorn women most often get married late, and they take marriage very seriously.

A candidate for the hand and heart of such a girl must always be on guard, because she will test him with everyone possible ways. But the newly-made husband quickly realizes that he has pulled out a lucky ticket, having found such a wonderful and responsible wife, most often the only one to die.

Capricorn wife - married life: Capricorn's attitude towards her husband, family life, home

Despite the fact that people of this zodiac sign have a rather reserved character, are reluctant to show emotions, and are modest, Capricorn women in marriage love their husband with absolute love and want to create heaven on earth for him. The deep feelings of the Capricorn spouse are revealed not by words, but by actions. First of all, this is an excellent life partner who will always support her husband in his career and will not leave him in illness or trouble. The Capricorn wife is hardworking, helps pay bills and pay off debts, works from morning to night to provide him with the best education.

Also, a Capricorn woman in marriage becomes an excellent housewife. She is an excellent cook, and cleanliness, peace and order always reign within her four walls. Her husband has a good chance of longevity because she cooks healthy food, he will not be able to avoid preventive medical examinations, because the other half will scrupulously monitor the timing of their completion, etc. A Capricorn woman in marriage makes sure that everyone in the house leads healthy image life. She often has talents for handmade, she sews and embroiders and is even capable of mastering a drill if necessary.

With age, a Capricorn woman in her family life values ​​home and family traditions more and more; she teaches her children to respect the elderly, because she takes care of them every day, and not on holidays. At about 40 years old, the beauty of a lady of this zodiac sign blossoms, she softens, smiles and laughs more often, begins to tell funny stories and sets the tone for the communication of the entire company. The husband is surprised to discover that his modest pink bud turns into a beautiful flower, around which various insects begin to fly, attracted by its merits. But the horoscope says that you should not be afraid of the infidelity of your Capricorn wife, because this partner is extremely faithful.

Capricorn woman is married: problems, quarrels, separation, divorce

Capricorn wives do not accept divorce; as a last resort, they most often choose an unofficial separation. But this does not mean that they will love blindly, without looking back. How to break up with a Capricorn woman and lose a place in her heart? Play gambling, spend money intended for the education of children, and commit an act of treason that is unforgivable for her system of moral coordinates. Then you shouldn’t even expect that she will soften. The Capricorn wife is the most persistent and consistent in her actions of all her zodiac sisters.

The Capricorn woman has a spectacular appearance, expressive facial features, she is beautiful, she knows how to hide flaws, age, complexes. For those around her, she is always correct, ideal, and will not show troubles either in her personal life or in her career. For her, the main thing is to maintain a picture of harmony and well-being. This is because more than anything in the world she hates pity and words of consolation. She will not demonstrate weakness, manifestations of pessimism, or the appearance of a loser.

December 23 – January 20

Zodiac sign Capricorn

This woman is patient and resilient, not afraid of hardships and temporary difficulties. If the unfavorable period drags on, the sign may lose faith in itself and fall into depressive state. Shopping, sweets or relaxation do not help her come to good location spirit. The only incentive can be new goal or a threat to existing gains. The sign really appreciates compliments, but only those made from the heart. The Capricorn woman craves not only recognition of her merits in material form, but also public approval. She does not take criticism well, she does not need other people's advice and recommendations.

Character of a woman - zodiac sign Capricorn

The Capricorn woman is always very diligent. But perfectionism interferes with her work, because she wants to surpass herself and achieve better results. To do this, she is ready to constantly learn, improve her skills, and explore new paths. No matter how much this woman loves criticism, it is good for her - it is a kick to her self-improvement. It would seem that she does not attach importance to the comments of others, but in her heart she takes everything very seriously. All her life she has been waging a war with her complexes, most of which are formed in childhood. And the fewer of them her parents have, the less she will suffer from them. And the lack of complexes in the highly developed Capricorn, coupled with the inner core of confidence received from Saturn, makes many representatives of this sign magnetically attractive individuals. The Capricorn Woman's desire for perfection has certain facets. The most important thing for her is outside world– these are her personal achievements: to become someone significant, to create something necessary. She relies on her own internal forces, confidently believing that success cannot be obtained “for free”. Such a gift of fate is either a cheese in a mousetrap or an advance payment. You will have to pay for both, so the Capricorn Woman never envy those who received the “best piece” in life, although inside she sincerely complains about injustice.

Virtues of a Capricorn woman

Capricorns usually justify the trust placed in them, you can rely on them, they are fair and honest; including with themselves, they are efficient, responsible, they know how to endure. The Capricorn woman is designed in such a way that almost from childhood she strives to achieve a lot in life, and this organizes her and strengthens her character. She is smart, well-mannered, educated, ambitious, and usually has a good career before marriage, but she is well aware that a woman has much less chance than a man to fully realize her ambitions. That is why, although Capricorn marries for love, this love should have considerable career and financial prospects.

Weaknesses of a Capricorn woman

Capricorn women usually have hypertrophied ambition, they are decisive, practical, especially in the choice of means, hardworking and persistent, calculating, resourceful and diplomatic. They often show high degree caution. At the same time, they tend to have a pessimistic view of the world, secrecy and suspicion. They are stubborn, cruel, gloomy, and are not distinguished by their leniency towards minor sins, both those of others and their own.

Capricorn woman in love

Despite the restraint of behavior and coolness in communication, sexual energy is boiling inside a woman of this zodiac sign. Her sensuality awakens in adolescence, sometimes becoming the reason for early marriage. But most Capricorn girls still prefer to enjoy personal freedom, changing one sexual partner after another. In the sphere of their love, marriage and married life, they are often faced with numerous griefs and disappointments, and even more often - tears. They all have to go through many crisis moments in their life and love journey.

Capricorn woman in marriage and family

Having gotten married, a Capricorn woman is very caring and attentive to all her household members. She is an excellent housewife and keeps the house in excellent condition, in part to maintain her image as a good wife and mother. Her attitude towards her parents and relatives in general is very reverent, and Capricorn will ensure that her husband and children treat them with the same respect. In marriage, the Capricorn woman still remains secretive and withdrawn, predisposed to pessimism even in the absence of certain objective reasons. The character of the Capricorn woman is such that even with the closest person she can remain distant and emotionally cold, which is why family life often overshadowed by a lack of spiritual comfort. Mothers of this zodiac sign tend to raise their children in the spirit of strict discipline; they always define a clear daily routine for them, assign them a large number of responsibilities, trying to raise hardworking and responsible people. Capricorn women prefer traditional methods of raising children and adhere to the customs accepted in the parental home. Children in relationships with such a mother may lack emotionality, liveliness, a sense of spiritual closeness and complete mutual understanding.

Woman - zodiac sign Capricorn