Who according to the horoscope is suitable for an Aquarius woman? Aquarius woman: who she is and what kind of man she needs

A graceful, witty Aquarius girl can be very original in society. Among the representatives of this sign there are young ladies who can shock with antisocial behavior. But in most cases, the unpredictability of Aquarius is limited by etiquette. She strives to amaze with a spectacular hairstyle or bright clothes, an unusual tattoo or multiple piercings. But all these external manifestations are just a desire for freedom of creativity. Such a girl attracts glances and captivates the hearts of the opposite sex.

Aquarius character

Aquarius is an original and freedom-loving sign. He strives to do a lot and see a lot. That's why Aquarians love travel, new hobbies, views, ideas. For all its outward openness, this is a very closed sign. He does not seek to tell the whole world about his true thoughts and feelings. At the same time, Aquarius is sociable, he has many friends and acquaintances.

The changeability of the sign can be surprising strangers. Aquarius is sometimes decisive, sometimes timid, sometimes sociable, sometimes silent, sometimes interested, sometimes indifferent. It is sometimes difficult for him to understand his own mood.

Aquarius is open to everything new and unknown. He quickly gets carried away and is able to inspire people and carry them along. But he often lacks constancy - he rarely completes the work he has started, preferring to pass it on to his colleagues.

Aquarius is a devoted friend, ready to help in the most difficult situation. But he is internally free and does not become attached to people. Often chooses creative professions.

The Aquarius girl is charming and spontaneous. She does not adhere to social standards and is able to surprise with her originality.

Element of Aquarius

Air helps Aquarius penetrate and understand many areas of life. This light element gives the sign liveliness and intelligence. The air is always filled with plans, ideas, thoughts. He is fluent in multitasking situations, which allows him to quickly and efficiently solve most issues.

But emotionally, this is a cold element. There is no fiery passion or aquatic romance in it. Air looks at people and situations with detachment, but is always ready to help. He is a reformer and strives to give the world freedom. But most often people do not understand the aspirations of Air. It is too ephemeral and vague.

A girl born under the sign of Aquarius

Aquarius - male sign. It gives its representatives clarity of thinking and a penchant for analysis. What does the horoscope promise for the young lady? An Aquarius girl can be outwardly helpless. But inside she has a core: she knows exactly what she wants from life, what she should strive for. She knows how to analyze situations and attaches importance to actions, not words.

This is a determined, energetic girl. She loves to talk, discuss new trends and projects. Strives to delve into politics and social life, in art and esoteric practices.

She has many friends. The Aquarius girl is friendly and impulsive. The characteristic of the sign gives her independence and a certain amount of masculinity. She can easily turn dreams into real actions. However, her ideals often change. That's why people are offended by Aquarius, although she always tells the truth. It’s just that today she has one truth, and tomorrow she has another.

The Aquarius girl, having become an adult matron, remains lively and inquisitive. The years have hardly changed her. Lightness, eccentricity and in old age will help her attract the attention of male representatives.


The Aquarius girl is responsible and hardworking. The characteristics of the sign allow her to choose a profession that requires a sharp mind and precise words. Such a young lady can become a journalist or lawyer, teacher or translator. But if she sets a goal, she will definitely achieve it.

A passion for freedom can force Aquarius to change jobs. Moreover, she is capable of radically changing the type of activity - the ability to delve into and understand will help her easily master a new profession.


The Aquarius girl does not like calculating, stingy men. Its compatibility with other signs is more based on the breadth of a person’s soul, his ability to understand and help. She does not tolerate lies and deception. Intuition will help you figure out where untruth or injustice awaits you.

Aquarius looks more at spiritual qualities. She will take a small salary calmly. What is more important to her is decency, erudition, and talent of a person. She does not like excessive emotional manifestations of feelings and passion, preferring calm, friendly relationships.

This girl is open to new acquaintances and new experiences. An Aquarius can easily change apartments or cities. And her companion must give her freedom of movement. In relationships with her, you should focus on trust and partnership.

Aquarius has good compatibility with Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn, Sagittarius, Scorpio, Leo, Gemini. Calm relationships await with Aries, Taurus, Libra. You should avoid long-term contacts with Cancer and Virgo.


When choosing a husband, the Aquarius girl will avoid despots and conservatives. She would rather prefer an intellectual dreamer with whom she can discuss the most incredible projects and dreams. She will not tolerate criticism - there must be equal relations in the Aquarius family.

The husband will have to come to terms with a huge circle of friends and acquaintances. This girl inspires people with her enthusiasm. They are drawn to it as a source of energy.

Big problems in the family can begin due to the freedom-loving nature of Aquarius. She does not need control; she will in every possible way avoid the established framework of behavior. Therefore, the husband should trust his wife more.


Aquarius with children also adheres to the principle of freedom and equality. She does not patronize them and does not subject them to strict control. This woman knows how to find a middle ground in communicating with her children.

She believes that everyone has the right to make mistakes and try themselves in different guises. But Aquarius puts respect in the family and for the people around her first. She will not tolerate bullying or insults. At the same time, he knows how to put the disobedient person in his place with a calm word and a cold look. In her house there is no place for protracted conflicts or ugly scandals. She will be able to interest children and teach them the same rich life that she leads.

Aquarius and Aquarius

If the age difference is not so great, then there will be more chances for a harmonious relationship. Both partners will learn to trust each other. They intuitively know that separation is not a reason for betrayal. Therefore, even at a distance, Aquarians are able to remain faithful. At least as long as they love.

The Aquarius girl and the Aquarius man love sex. They are prone to experimentation and unconventional forms. But among Aquarius there are also those who are absolutely indifferent to sex. Therefore, in a relationship it is important to find common language to identify differences in temperament. But most often their sexual compatibility is ideal.

Over time, Aquarius may become bored with their relationship. If the basis is only sex, the couple will have to break up. If they are closely connected by social, spiritual, family ties, then they may well remain close friends. And they will look for sexual partners on the side.

The Aquarius woman is the most mysterious and unusual among all the zodiac signs. Like all signs related to the element of Air, she is endowed with high intelligence, sociability and artistry. The Aquarius man, in comparison with her, is calmer and does not have such a rebellious character, this is not surprising, because women are always more emotional than men.

Characteristics of an Aquarius woman

A girl born under the sign of Aquarius always attracts the attention of others; she is beautiful, charming, graceful, witty, and graceful. She always has the best company around her, because thanks to her high intelligence, it is always interesting to communicate with her. Many representatives of this sign attract attention with their unique manner of dressing. They can easily wear something from their grandmother’s chest, as well as outfits from the latest collections of famous designers.

Those around her appreciate her sincerity and lively emotions; there is no falsehood or pretense in her. The Aquarius woman will not allow anyone to impose someone else's opinion on her. She is willful and will not tolerate outside pressure. She easily changes her surroundings and situation. Loves long trips, always gladly attends social receptions and any events where pleasant company has gathered. There she receives the necessary emotions and information for reflection at her leisure. Psychological portrait Aquarius women reflect a person who is inclined to change her beliefs and adapt to external changes.

The Aquarius woman, due to the fact that she is ruled by two planets at once, tends to be in different guises. Either she is timid and shy, not adapted to life, then she is strong and determined, ready to overcome any obstacles in achieving what she wants. It combines strength and weakness, white and black, good and evil, and what it will be like tomorrow depends only on external circumstances.

The horoscope of an Aquarius woman determines that she has a large creative potential and rich imagination, so very often she likes to create something with her own hands, which is subsequently highly appreciated by professionals.

In public, she is used to being treated as an equal, and if someone tries to impose their opinion on her, then she is capable of showing unfriendliness and aggression. Due to the fact that she has a well-developed intuition, she perfectly senses the falseness in others. She does not accept pretense and insincerity in everyday life, although she herself is sometimes original and surprises those around her.

The Aquarius girl has a wonderful sense of humor; she knows how to tell jokes in such a way that it always causes a burst of laughter from those around her. She knows how to find mutual understanding with absolutely all people. But sometimes she is too critical of others, this is due to the fact that she always carefully analyzes the actions and words of people, notices their shortcomings. Deciding that she knows exactly what to do in a given situation, she makes comments to others, trying to impose her opinion on them.

The Aquarius woman is sometimes tactless and likes to ask questions of a personal nature. She does this in order to better understand the relationships between people. At the same time, she prefers to hide the details of her life behind seven seals. If she is asked a question directly, she will not lie or dodge, but will try to carefully move away from the topic that she is not ready to talk about. But overall, she is a wonderful friend, loyal and reliable, always ready to give friendly advice and support in difficult times.

What does an Aquarius woman like?

Women born in the constellation Aquarius love various entertainment events, social events and balls. There they fully realize their need for interesting and educational communication. In any society where ladies of this sign are present, they bring their unique charm and sophistication.

Women representing this zodiac sign love and value their freedom very much, so they are constantly haunted by the fear that affection and deep feelings for a man can deprive them of this value, so they do not strive for marriage, although usually everything.

Ladies belonging to the constellation Aquarius sometimes love to shock others. Their extravagant appearance and strange behavior cause a lot of discussion and whispering. Their reckless behavior sometimes affects those around them, preventing them from getting bored. Women of this kind are always welcome in society, and many men talk about them with aspiration.

They are naturally showy and attractive, they know exactly what clothes to choose in order to highlight their advantages and hide figure flaws as much as possible. They do not have specific preferences when choosing outfits. They can equally gracefully wear a beautiful evening dress, a classic suit or gray, nondescript items that came from old stock. In appearance, they also like experiments; most often they like to change their hairstyle and hair color, and only individuality and a unique style remain with the representatives of this sign forever.

Aquarius woman's love

The Aquarius woman will always be an unsolved mystery for her partner; her logic is so unique that it is difficult to understand. A man who has decided to conquer this peculiar person should remember that her freedom and independence are the most valuable things for her, and she will never exchange them even if you promise her mountains of diamonds. She does not strive to get married as soon as possible, and when this happens, she will prefer life with her husband in the wilderness, in difficult conditions, but the way she wants and the way she likes. She has a unique concept of freedom and not every man is ready to accept it.

The partner should get used to the fact that the representative of this sign will have huge amount friends and acquaintances from completely different walks of life and belonging to different circles, and she will spend most of her time communicating with them. In addition, she is capable of leaving for another country for several days without warning, without notifying her husband, this is not surprising, since she really loves travel and trips.

But the Aquarius woman will treat household chores with obvious reluctance, and will try in every possible way to avoid them under various pretexts. She prefers the time spent cleaning and cooking to be spent with greater benefit for yourself. In general, everything related to household chores causes her persistent disgust, so her partner should not force her to do something around the house or express dissatisfaction. About Us early years I tried to be different from everyone else, and I don’t intend to change anything with age. The only option to get what you want from her is to use affection and persuasion instead of coercion.

Despite the fact that the Aquarius woman is too independent in family life, she is not prone to cheating. She appreciates and honors family traditions and values ​​marriage as long as there are feelings, but if love ends and passion cools down, she will break off the relationship without hesitation and nothing will hold her back.

To her child she early age treats him as an independent person, tries to develop him in every possible way, and takes his opinion and interests into account in any event. True, sometimes children do not have enough of her love and affection, because she is quite restrained and rarely shows feelings, this does not mean that she does not love her children, she is just afraid of harming them with excessive love.

Sex life of an Aquarius woman

The representative of this sign is too slow to get excited, and therefore she does not understand unbridled animal passion. She prefers tenderness and softness, and she puts feelings above carnal pleasures. In bed, it is not typical for her to lose her head and do unthinkable things. Everything will be standard and boring.

But if the partner is able to find an approach to her and can really turn her on, then everything will turn out much better. The Aquarius woman will plunge into acquaintance with different aspects of intimate life with undisguised interest, try a lot of new things, and even quite possibly bring something new to lovemaking.

She likes to touch and stroke her partner, paying attention to every cell of the body. She feels all the sensations of a man so well that she can bring him into indescribable delight. Even if she notices that a man has problems with potency, she will definitely take pity on him and, by showing patience, will be able to help him overcome the difficulties that have arisen.

In sex, it is more important for her to give pleasure, while forgetting about her own feelings. Very often, because of her pity, the Aquarius woman falls into a trap married man, whom his wife does not understand, and he is looking for a soul mate on the side. Any man is able to attract her attention by pressing for pity, because for her, love for soul and body is inseparable.

The representative of this sign knows for sure that the most important erogenous zone of any man is his mind, so in order to excite him, she just needs to whisper various obscenities in his ear and this will affect him more powerfully than her naked appearance. Having completely liberated herself, she will agree to everything that her partner offers her, just to give him unforgettable pleasure.

The Aquarius woman in love is quite open, friendly, hospitable, although she does not show her true feelings, she is an excellent hostess and prefers to receive guests, especially if it is her lover. With such a young lady, the chosen one will not be bored; it is always cozy in her company. When she is having fun, her humor rarely turns into sarcasm, especially towards her lover. She's charming rare person will pass by her without looking at least once, as she attracts glances with an unusual appearance. Although she attracts young people not only with the help of her appearance, she has a sharp mind that allows her to avoid unnecessary acquaintances.

How does an Aquarius girl love?

You can meet her at some party, in the theater, and also art exhibition, since she appreciates everything beautiful and will not refuse to please herself with beauty. She is also very attracted to travel, so you can meet her on some beach; she loves to swim and sunbathe and is not afraid of stares. However, getting to know her will be very difficult. She does not meet people on the street because she is not able to recognize a person in a few minutes. She needs a trusted person. However, if you like her, then you can try to start a conversation with her over a nice cocktail at a party. She will not refuse the company of a pleasant person.

If a young man manages to win her heart, then he will understand that in life and in feelings these two are completely different people. She will enjoy the emotions, as she considers her lover a gift from fate. She also believes that it will be easier to achieve success in life together. But sometimes emotions overshadow the voice of reason and she does not see obvious shortcomings young man. This could play a cruel joke on her. Therefore, she tries to listen to the voice of reason. An Aquarius girl in love tries to do everything to make her chosen one happy.


Guys of different types often pay attention to her social strata and professions. And this happens not because of her beauty, but because she is very smart. She dresses beautifully to attract the attention of young people. She really likes to wear dresses, mostly wears long flowing hair, which makes boys go crazy. It's interesting to talk to her different topics, right down to football and politics. But most of all she values ​​reasoning. She likes it when young men share their most intimate things with her and trust her. In turn, she does not allow herself to gossip about them.

Young men are attracted to her by:

  • secrecy;
  • sincerity;
  • appearance.

When she falls in love, she transforms before her eyes, tries to pay more attention to her appearance, outfits, shoes, and spends many hours in the beauty salon. She tries to please her beloved in everything, but at the same time does not turn into a servant. She also does not like those who take advantage of her connections and position in society, thus wanting to get promoted at work. In a group, she does not allow herself to flirt and hides her relationship so that there is no gossip about her, although people constantly come up with all sorts of fables. Most of the young ladies at work envy her success, but they do not suspect at what cost it comes to her. She works a lot even at the expense of her own relationships.

Romantic nature

She prefers more romantic relationship instead of connections just for sex. The latter are not often addressed. She constantly needs a man's shoulder nearby, otherwise she feels lonely. She needs a person to whom she can complain about her difficult life, since being strong all the time is very difficult. She chooses according to the principle: the soul lies or not. She can make acquaintances when she is on vacation in some other country, but such connections rarely turn into real relationships, since the distance between lovers is big problem for her.

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She does not expect any actions or flowers, but she is pleased when they exist. She does not expect him to run after her and humiliate himself, since she is very sensitive to her lover and believes that he must be respected, and not taken advantage of. She rarely marries for convenience; she prefers to be single than to live in a golden cage with all the amenities. She opens her soul to her beloved, trusts all her secrets, so when she is abandoned, it is always a big shock for her. After this, she may go away for a long time.

She likes it when the chosen one shows the following qualities:

  • masculinity;
  • ability to understand;
  • cordiality.

She values ​​responsible boys who know that relationships are the most real work. Sometimes you need to compromise with your beloved and trust her. She doesn't like secretive men who are afraid to show their feelings. A man must prove to her that he needs her not only for sex, that he wants to be with her in the future. Only then will she be able to trust him. She wants to see an open guy next to her, who shows his feelings and rejoices in them. She doesn't like having her emotions trampled into the mud and desecrated, so she likes honest guys. But she will not allow her freedom to be limited.

In conclusion, I would like to add that the Aquarius girl is not frivolous, she always thinks through her life, treats her beloved with trepidation, protecting him from the encroachments of other people and gossip. She needs a strong, but at the same time diplomatic guy who can make her happy and joyful, will entertain her and will not abandon her in difficult life moments.

It’s hard not to notice her in company – she’s smart, sarcastic, beautiful and doesn’t hesitate to show attention to young men who seem interesting. She is an Aquarius young lady, an eternal victim of her own ambitions and complexes, who wants to prove her ability to achieve her goal with less effort, that is, through her own attractiveness and sexuality.

Aquarius women are quite dangerous in love games. The biggest ambush a man can get into is refusing former family or a beloved woman, succumbing to the provocation of Aquarius, who is playing at love, and in at the moment practicing the art of “stealing a man.” As an individual and a spouse for many years, she does not need him at all; satisfied with the effect produced, she will simply disappear from his life, leaving him alone with the consequences of sudden decisions.

The Aquarius lady lives here and now. She is quite prepared for the fact that tomorrow may simply not come, and therefore there is not the slightest rational sense in thinking about it. Her powerful energy makes it possible to “love” several men in one period of time, although rather not the individuals themselves, but some pleasantries associated with them.

Aquarius women talk about love extremely easily, and can admit it without even experiencing it at all, but to truly love, it takes them a long time.

Every Aquarius femme fatale hides a little girl inside her who really desires care, understanding and a stable relationship. It is she who emerges from the image of a broken girl and becomes a devoted wife and good mother. True, not every man can find the button to make the Aquarius lady’s feigned dashing clothes fall off.

Compatibility in love

Aquarius gets along best with gentlemen who love her for who she is and are ready to sing and, most importantly, praise their sweetheart every day. In the best possible way Aries succeeds in this, and in their adoration they give Aquarius the opportunity to open up and gain wings.

Gemini operates with different schemes, with them the Aquarius woman can not hide her recklessness, this couple is always ready for extreme sports and bold proposals, be it a trip for permanent residence in Ecuador, or a business of catching dogs with their subsequent training as guide dogs.

In tandem with a Leo man, although the Aquarius lady feels a little constrained by his jealousy and possessive manners, she is even amused by this, since she cannot understand the depth of his emotions. Leo in such a union begins to look at life more broadly and recognize its intrinsic value. These partners have a stranglehold on each other because they get hundreds of times more out of the relationship than they put in.

Love and family with a Libra man for an Aquarius woman often becomes a refuge from earthly problems. He himself is not of the world, and therefore does not require any classical proof of love, even fidelity. This couple suits each other perfectly in their desire to enjoy life without exerting any effort, but for wealth they go in one direction, “to the left,” but each on their own.

The relationship between an Aquarius woman and a Sagittarius man can be interesting. They both love to dream, talk about possible bright prospects and forget about this heated conversation in the morning. The Sagittarius man admires Aquarius’s ability to create a sensation around herself, and he is flattered by the attractiveness of his lady. Aquarius is quite happy that her Sagittarius husband does not ask unnecessary questions, and always helps as best he can, even with a minimum of information.

Aquarius and Aquarius can create a quite decent and happy family. However, such a tandem rarely has children. Aquarius creatures of different sexes are so cozy and comfortable together that there will always be a third one.

Not particularly promising, but an alliance with a Pisces man is quite possible. However, for this it is simply necessary that the spouses have a considerable amount of trial and error behind them. Only after living a little with a Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn man will an Aquarius woman be able to appreciate all the charm of fishy tenderness.

The absolute antagonists of Aquarius women are men of the Earth element. Relationships with them may begin and even seem attractive, but the result is almost always a quiet divorce - without breaking dishes and dividing property, because there is nothing to divide when nothing binds.

Approximately the same situation is observed in relations with Scorpios and Cancers. True, Aquarius runs away from the first ones very quickly, since they cannot stand their oppression, while the second ones themselves try not to creep up to the airy ladies, for Cancers they are too noisy, smart and in great demand!

An interesting question about who is suitable for an Aquarius woman according to the horoscope does not have a clear answer. Aquarius also easily finds a common language with other representatives.

An Aquarius woman is hard to miss in a crowd. She is bright, perhaps not always endowed with a pleasant appearance, but she has natural magnetism.

Such women love and know how to dress. They are the ones who wear bold outfits straight from the catwalks of Paris and Milan. Aquarians combine vintage items and trendy new items equally well.

In the company of acquaintances or friends, a woman of this sign captivates with her charm and attractiveness. Such representatives of the sign often become public figures, actresses, singers and designers. After all, artistry is in their blood, and acting talent flows straight through their veins.

The Aquarius woman is like a sleeping volcano. With men, she can be timid and modest at first. But suddenly her mood changes. And she amazes her interlocutor with her intelligence and drive. Many Aquarians do not like to follow rules, preferring to live by their own laws. They also do not like responsibility and everything connected with it.

Representatives of the sign can feel good under almost any circumstances. They maneuver through life easily and freely, and hate obligations. They have crazy intuition.

Aquarius women are surrounded by fans and friends in their everyday bustle. Loneliness is something that Aquarius does not face in any situation.

What man could be happy next to such a woman? And which one will make her happy?

Aquarius with Aries

With an Aries man, an Aquarius woman feels comfortable and relaxed. Aries is able to praise his girlfriend and extol her talents. And Aquarians love it when others do this. For a thorough and stubborn Aries, such a woman is like a breath of fresh air.

Gemini with Aquarius

These two signs are made to do crazy things. So why not create something together? Gemini will always support the most daring and reckless ideas of Aquarius, who, in turn, will appreciate it. And as a result, such a couple can easily go on a trip around the world.

Leo with Aquarius

So, who according to the horoscope is suitable for an Aquarius woman? If we consider the alliance with Leo, then everything is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Leo will be constantly jealous of his Aquarius for “every pillar.” Because of this, the Aquarius woman will experience dual feelings: constraint and interest. With all the complexity such a union divorcing Leo and Aquarius is not easy, since they harmoniously complement each other.

Libra with Aquarius

If such signs come together, they will go away from reality. The union will be strong as long as everyday problems will not fall on them like a snowball. But in the case when both partners are wealthy, they can get along well with each other.

Sagittarius and Aquarius

Such women enter into superficial relationships with Sagittarius. Even when it comes to marriage, each of them lives their own lives. Sagittarius loves the appearance of his Aquarius. And Aquarius loves Sagittarius because he doesn’t ask unnecessary questions.

Women can live their whole lives with their Aquarius sign. But this union often happens without children. Since it consists of two personalities, completely concentrated on themselves and their spouse. Who doesn't Aquarius match with?

Aquarius women have unsuccessful relationships with the following signs:

  • Pisces;
  • Scorpios;
  • Crayfish.

Pisces will seem too soft-bodied and insecure to women of this constellation. will continuously pull the “blanket” towards themselves. And with Cancers, Aquarius runs the risk of becoming mortally bored.

The remaining signs will not be able to attract these women enough to start any kind of relationship. In general, Aquarius women need strong and confident men. In an alliance with such partners, they, like an uncut diamond, will receive their worthy setting and, together with their chosen one, will be able to experience a lot of positive impressions.

It is difficult for earth signs to establish relationships with Aquarius. Too different interests interfere with understanding and prevent such couples from reaching an agreement. Therefore, this union is short-lived.

Who by astrological horoscope Is it suitable for an Aquarius woman? In first place are representatives of the fire element. Then come the water signs, and after them those who belong to the air signs. This distribution is due to character traits that cannot be changed, but can be mitigated. The Aquarius woman is a passionate person, a dreamy person, ready for adventure, and she needs someone like him. Then the harmony of relationships will not be disturbed, and there will be one more happy family in the world.