Astrological horoscope: which Zodiac Signs are the smartest. The smartest sign of the zodiac

Every person is equipped with intelligence, the only question is to what extent he is able to develop and demonstrate it. We have prepared for you a list of zodiac signs that find science easier. Check if you hit it!

1. Gemini

The patron saint of Gemini is Mercury. In astrology, Mercury is considered a planet mental activity. It is thanks to this that Geminis can have a bright mind and bright intellect. Of course, if they themselves want it and develop it.

The main advantage of representatives of this sign is the ability to quickly absorb information and make decisions.

2. Taurus

Taurus does not try to impress others with his intellectual abilities. It may seem to many at first glance that representatives of this zodiac sign are narrow-minded people. But this is not true at all. The more you get to know a Taurus, the more you will realize how smart he is.

3. Virgo

Virgos have an analytical mind and attention to detail. They analyze information well, so it is extremely difficult to mislead them. They try to apply the knowledge that Virgos receive in practice. Among the representatives of this sign there are many doctors, lawyers, and architects.

4. Capricorn

Capricorn has to put in more effort than Gemini, Taurus and Virgo to ensure that information is well absorbed. Some people consider Capricorns to be nerds, but they don't pay attention to them. The main thing is development.

5. Aquarius

The planet Uranus endowed Aquarius with a sharp mind. The main thing is to be able to use it. This sign always finds non-standard solutions to problems. They seem to be one step closer to the future than the rest.

Didn't make the list? Don't despair! This does not mean that other zodiac signs are stupid and uneducated. Knowledge just doesn't come so easily to you. But, knowing how to apply them correctly, you can outdo any sign from the list.

Hurray I'm in the top three!!!

12th place - Aries

The honorable 12th place goes to Aries not at all for stupidity: firstly, the author still wants to live, and secondly, this is still not true. Aries are by no means stupid. Aries are simply guided by the principle “You need to think less! And think more!” At least that's what they say. From the outside it seems to us that Aries, in principle, do not think before acting, but, oddly enough, this does not affect the positive result of their actions. Well, if suddenly the sky falls to the ground and Aries’s rash actions lead to the wrong consequences, Aries will simply pretend that it was intended that way. And in this, by the way, he has no equal.

11th place - Pisces

Pisces has a mind, but they don’t need it. Because thinking a lot is harmful: from this, intuition begins to malfunction, the Sahasrara becomes clogged, and it will be faster to send mental messages to the Heavenly Office by Russian Post. At the same time, Pisces manage to be considered almost geniuses, which, however, is not far from the truth: have you tried using intuition instead of your mind? That's the same thing. The only issue in which Pisces for some reason do not trust their outstanding intuition is the issue of finances. Apparently, it was when looking at Rybka trying to increase her capital that the immortal “We have funds” was born. We are not smart enough" (c)

10th place - Taurus

Well, as they say, we should all be as smart right away as Taurus is later. Because Taurus is reinforced concrete precisely in hindsight: Taurus knew in advance that this is exactly how it would all end - not like you fools. Fools at this moment make repentant faces and regret that they did not listen to the wise Taurus. Who, in fact, didn’t say anything, but sat silently and carefully built complex cabbage soup. This is what he says now, and he has everything ready-made solution and wise advice, as well as plan A, plan B and plan for all the other letters of the alphabet. But! If Taurus is given a proper drink, or, say, a good scare, he will begin to think worse than Capricorn and Virgo combined, and freely shower everyone with the gifts of his outstanding worldly wisdom. Why Taurus doesn’t always want to do this before the local apocalypse, and not after - we don’t know for sure. Most likely, Taurus believes that teaching fools only spoils them.

9th place - Cancer

Cancer is a born conservative: the mind is supposed to be trained throughout life, so what? So, we will train. But nothing was said about the fact that training methods can be changed. Therefore, what they taught at school and college is enough. With this, in fact, you can finish your pension until retirement. And there is no need to waste the abyss of mind given by the dear Universe on all sorts of nonsense - you never know, it will run out. You need intelligence so that sometimes you can talk to an intelligent person. With myself, that is.

8th place - Scorpio

Genius and villainy are two incompatible things, said Alexander Sergeevich Our Everything, but we think that some Scorpio Jesuitically whispered this to him. Because they’re still so joint! You may ask, why is Scorpio not in first place, and why is there still anyone other than Scorpios in the horoscope? With such cleverness, you can take over the universe and, by the highest intergalactic decree, simply take and cancel all other signs, right? No. It is forbidden. Because Scorpio was not only generously showered with intelligence, but also endowed with a rich emotional world. So Scorpio, without really having time to understand and think through any incomprehensible situation, is already riding a goat around the hippodrome, tearing apart the button accordion as he goes. But, as a rule, he eliminates the consequences of his emotional outbursts wisely, this is true.

7th place - Libra

The seventh place goes to Libra, along with a beautiful medal and a diploma “Buridan’s donkey of the highest category”: when the distribution of intelligence began in the Heavenly Office, Libra received its considerable share in the order of the general queue, but forgot to take the instructions for use (lost, torn, washed with jeans, accidentally spilled red wine, etc). And now it is completely unclear to them where the button is for rational thinking, and how to stop this damn pendulum between “Or maybe it’s not necessary?” and “We need Fedya, we need it.” On the other hand, when the scarce sense of harmony of the surrounding world and internal space was finally thrown onto the heavenly shelves, Libra screamed “You weren’t standing here!”, pushed the crowd with their elbows and took everything into one raking paw. That is, in fact, how they are saved.

6th place - Capricorn

The honorable central place goes to Capricorns, who are so smart that it’s time to organize a charity event for central square cities and drive fools there on a voluntary-compulsory basis. No, honestly: if Capricorns had shared a little of their intelligence with suffering humanity, it would have already built communism in the neighboring galaxy. Simply because Capricorn knows everything. That is, everything. Including how to build communism in a neighboring galaxy. The only thing Capricorn doesn’t know is how to live, Uncle Mitya? Because the function of “worldly wisdom” has atrophied in Capricorns. Like an atavism.

5th place - Leo

Fifth place is occupied by Leos - a gift to envious astrologers who are so upset by the lion's star map that they can’t even eat: everything about Lviv is better than others! Where, one wonders, is justice? We answer: justice is that Leos are, of course, very, very smart. They grasp everything on the fly, are able to pump up their intellect to level 80 in between, without straining at all, and retain mental alertness until old age (yes, they also live a long time). But Leos spend all the treasures of their powerful minds not on helping grateful humanity, not on great discoveries, and not even on enriching themselves, their loved ones. They are simply making Napoleonic plans. Always. Right in the morning, having placed their beautiful ass on the sanitary ware throne of thoughts, they begin to build. And bringing all this to life, of course, is not a royal matter.

4th place - Aquarius

The clever Aquarius fell just short of the top three, and now, of course, they were very offended: they were probably counting on 12th place, or even better, on a category outside the overall standings. “La-la-la, I’m my mother’s fool,” Aquarius seems to be telling us and actively demonstrating the degree of truly outstanding cretinism in the simplest life situations. You can't say anything - smart. But you can’t fool us, and we know: Aquarius is just pretending and hiding his sharp mind so that he won’t be forced to solve all sorts of boring problems that aren’t worth a damn. Stop hammering nails with microscopes, really!

3rd place - Gemini

The sleep of reason, as is known, gives birth to monsters, and every intelligent and educated person agrees with the truth of this saying. Until he takes at least one glance at WHAT and WHO the waking mind of Gemini is capable of generating. The whole secret here is not only in the sharp mind and outstanding analytical abilities, but also in the completely uncontrollable imagination of Gemini. For this we give them gold medal and then we insidiously take it back. Because you need to be cunning less, yes. And to spite your grandmother, you don’t need to freeze your ears either.

2nd place - Virgo

The silver medal rightfully goes to Virgos - people who have a computer in their heads, and before, before the era of computers, there was full meeting volumes national library, and even earlier it was “Burn the witch!”, and before that - “Oh, great shaman, tell me, when will the gods give us rain?” In general, Virgos have always had an order of magnitude more intelligence than the average population, so Virgos often make great scientists and geniuses of deduction. True, when they, with their sharp and sterile, like a scalpel, logic try to climb into the incomprehensible depths human souls, some kind of hat comes out. I mean, grief comes out. From the mind.

1st place - Sagittarius

Ta-damm! And here he is - the most important smart guy in the horoscope! Sagittarius is in complete harmony with this matter: developed intelligence, worldly wisdom, the ability and, most importantly, the desire to study and learn new things throughout their lives, wit, eloquence, abilities for all sciences at once - in general, Sagittarius has a simply fantastic mind. Unfortunately, we did not find a single Sagittarius who could clearly explain to us why they are often such fools (and are not treated!). Apparently, this secret is not for average minds. An incomprehensible mystery.

Each person is influenced by many factors: the opinions of others, upbringing at home, at school, and even what zodiac sign he was born under.

Each zodiac sign has its own patron planet. It is from them that we will identify which zodiac sign representatives have the highest IQ.

The smartest sign of the zodiac

Planets Uranus and Mercury. They are the ones who endow the zodiac signs with intelligence and ingenuity. Mercury rules the mind, intellect, thinking. People born under these planets differ from other signs in their erudition, excellent memory and logic.

Therefore, both Gemini and Virgo, both men and women, are considered talented and smart. They can work on a goal for a long time until they achieve an excellent result. Very often, representatives of these signs are characterized as smart people, but it is very difficult for them to find good friends and a worthy companion in life.

Aquarius was born under the auspices of Uranus. Basically, these are inventors and artists. These are people who are not looking for any ordinary ways; it is quite logical for them to look for unoriginal ways to solve problems.

Mars and Venus. Mars affects the zodiac signs in different ways through the manifestation of perseverance, determination, and also aggression.

Such people know how to impress people: Aries deftly use any acquired knowledge to benefit from it.

As for Taurus, when you first get to know them, you get the impression that these people are “a little out of this world.” But this impression is wrong. With close contact, you understand that they weigh all their thoughts and think through all their actions. Their downside is that this sign does not know how to apply their knowledge in everyday life.

Libras are smart but modest people, which is why they may be underestimated by others. But this does not cause any inconvenience to this zodiac sign, since he knows his capabilities and potential very well. Very often among creative personalities It is Libra who meets.

Moon and Sun: Cancer and Leo. A person who always hides his erudition and intelligence is a Cancer. When you get to know this zodiac sign, it opens up, and then you understand how wise and how big it is life experience has.

Leos share their experiences with great pleasure, but their lives themselves are not always easy. Their Achilles heel is ambition. Leo loves flattery and very often does not understand how people really treat him.

Pluto and Jupiter: Scorpio and Sagittarius. Scorpio very often does not have any theoretical knowledge, but this does not stop him and is drawn to practice, which helps him develop intuition and intelligence.

Men, like women born under the sign of Sagittarius, are very well-read and have a good memory. Many astrologers consider this zodiac sign to be lucky, because they are almost always right.

Neptune and Saturn: Capricorn and Pisces. Capricorn loves to read. These people are very reasonable and logical and it is difficult to stump them with a question.

Pisces have a very great imagination, which has saved them more than once in life situations. They are great romantics and dreamers, for which their patron planet Neptune is responsible. It is this planet that endows the sign with intellectual success, which is sometimes incredibly unpredictable.

Even without thoroughly studying all the signs of the zodiac circle and their patron planets, we can say with confidence that each of them has intelligence, logic, ingenuity, and imagination, but to varying degrees. And each sign is interesting and unique in its own way.

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Many factors influence a person’s character, his capabilities and destiny. And not last place occupies the date of birth of a person, which predetermines his entire life. Planets solar system, patronizing the types of the Zodiac, have a certain influence on various areas.

Each zodiac sign has its own patron planet. And the description of this planet helps to identify the smartest, most talented, sexiest, most beautiful type. In this article we will talk about which is the smartest zodiac sign.

Each zodiac sign has certain abilities and characteristics. Many types of the zodiac circle are directly opposite personalities, which is quite logical. Some types are characterized by unearthly beauty, others by a sharp mind, and still others by luck in everything. One thing is obvious - a lot depends on the date of birth.

Uranus and Mercury

It is believed that among all the planets, Uranus and Mercury are the ones that endow the Zodiac type with intelligence and intelligence. Mercury is responsible for the intellect, governing the mind, thinking and education of a person. Signs born under the auspices of this planet are distinguished by erudition, logic, excellent memory and intelligence. And Gemini - bright that example.

Among Gemini women and men, almost everyone is considered very talented and savvy. They can long time get carried away by something interesting, achieving excellent results in it. Geminis are characterized by practicality in the area they have chosen for themselves. What sets them apart is their intelligence and sharp mind, although this is not always good, since finding worthy friends, a life partner and suitable company can be extremely difficult. Geminis do not like to communicate with uneducated people.

The planet Uranus rules Aquarius. Aquarians, like Geminis, are, if not the smartest, then, one might say, one of the smartest types of the Zodiac. Among Aquarius there are a lot of inventors and artists who are world famous.

If you're wondering, what sign drives progress? The answer is clear - Aquarius. They do not look for standard ways, solving any problems in an original and unusual way. Once they become interested in something, they will work on it until they achieve certain results.

What do astrologers say about other wards of the Zodiac?

Aries are dexterous and quick-witted people who know how to create the impression they need among others. Among them there are also geniuses, but quite rarely. As for the average Aries, he is excellent at using any, even seemingly unnecessary, knowledge in practice, benefiting from it.

Taurus. At first contact, Taurus does not always seem savvy and quick-witted, more often creating the impression of being slow-witted and stupid, but this is wrong. With close communication, this zodiac sign can turn out to be a real erudite, and his habit of thinking and weighing everything will become an advantage. One of the negative traits of Taurus men and women is the inability to use their knowledge in practice.

Cancer is an erudite and intellectual person who often hides it. With close contact, Cancer can open up and actually surprise the interlocutor with his thoughts. In addition, it is very useful to turn to such people for advice, since wisdom and life experience will allow Cancer to give optimal advice.

Leo is an intellectual on display. It often turns out that a given zodiac sign knows much less than it wants to show to others. All knowledge may be narrowly focused and very superficial, but this does not mean that it is stupid. It’s just not right for the “king of beasts” to show his ignorance of anything.

Virgo is a true student who loves to gain new knowledge and develop. Among women and men of this type Zodiac signs include those who study all their lives and do not know how to use the acquired knowledge in practice, and those who learn everything with extraordinary speed.

Libras are smart and modest. Due to some modesty, Libra may be underestimated by society, but this zodiac sign is not particularly worried about this, knowing perfectly well its capabilities and potentials. Creative personalities are often found among them.

Scorpio is a sign that loves to test all its knowledge in practice. They often do not have a wealth of theoretical knowledge, but the fact that they strive for practice makes them smart and with developed intuition. It’s not for nothing that practice is considered the best teacher.

Sagittarius is a rather smart sign, since both men and women of this type can safely be called well-read and smart. They have excellent memory and intuition, which very often helps them in life. Surprisingly, many brilliant ideas come to Sagittarius not from acquired knowledge or experience, but from nowhere, which also makes them lucky in life.

Capricorn. Considered to be a very intelligent type of the zodiac. He loves to study and gain new knowledge, which he then happily uses in practice. In addition, Capricorns are reasonable and consistent, and this makes them not just smart, but also logical. Very few people will be able to question the mind and intelligence of Capricorns.

Pisces are dreamers. When discussing the intellectual abilities of this type of zodiac circle, it is necessary to note their richly developed imagination, which often helps them in life. As for intellectual success, it is often random and very unpredictable. However, this does not make this sign stupid at all.

Having studied the horoscope, we can say with confidence that stupid people are definitely in zodiac circle There is not. Each representative has its own advantages and disadvantages. In addition, often intellectual abilities depend not only on which planet protects a person, but also on what year he was born, what period of day/night, and so on.

If you are wondering which type in the zodiac circle is the smartest among men and women, then it is impossible to answer it unequivocally. All people are different. Although, according to scientists, the smartest and most talented individuals are most often found among Gemini and Aquarius.

They say that when men see smart and self-confident women, their breath stops. They rarely consider them as a life partner, but the fact that such women have achieved some success in their professional and life fields evokes respect among the stronger sex.

Psychologists say that such women, in fact, have a male consciousness, but for them this is quite comfortable and does not interfere with their lives.

So, representatives of which zodiac sign are the most intelligent and purposeful?


Aries is distinguished by innate insight. At a young age, they try to gain “yard” trust and gain a monopoly in relations with their peers. It is quite easy and simple for women born under this sign to take leadership and she likes it, but the fact that this hits the male pride of Aries is somehow not interesting. Such women are very resilient and have high life potential. They tend to take on difficult tasks, even if these tasks are truly masculine.

The only flaw in the character of such women is naivety, although they are quite aggressive towards others, although in the face of injustice and anger they can literally get angry for a few seconds, because they instantly correct the situation, they do not intend to endure for long. Aries women are sure that if they are not like this, they will easily break under blows public opinion, and they cannot afford this.


Scorpio - femininity and masculine features. The Scorpio woman, from birth to the end of her life, understands that her lot is a woman’s lot, although not the same as that of other women. They believe that human life is simpler, despite the fact that there are various types female cunning and deceit.

For Scorpio Women, everything is quite simple; they have high intuition, which allows them to turn this into an advantage, because seeing “through a person” is what they need. Know that for such a woman it is easier to recognize a scammer. Scorpio women have a rather vindictive character and the main thing is that they will never suffer losses, remember this.


Capricorn – special attentiveness from a young age. They are not childishly calm and serious. Pranks are not for them; the social circle of Capricorn women is quite narrow; a mere mortal cannot get into it. Such women find great common language with representatives of the opposite sex. Competition at the professional level can only be created at an advanced age.

They always have excellent control over their emotions, and you will never see them as instigators of conflict. Nature has endowed them with special stubbornness and therefore they can infuriate any representative of the opposite sex, and it does not matter which sign of the Zodiac he is.