The meaning of the name Klim, character and fate. Klim (male name)

Version 1. What does the name Klim (Clement, Clementy) mean?

CLIMENTIUS (CLIMENT, KLIM) - 1) merciful (lat.); 2) grapevine (Greek).

Name day: February 5 - Holy Hieromartyr Clement, Bishop of Ancyra, suffered torment for twenty-eight years for the faith of Christ and was beheaded during a service in 312.

Zodiac sign - Sagittarius.

The planet Mars.

Color - purple.

Auspicious tree - maple.

The treasured plant is gladiolus.

The patron of the name is falcon.

The talisman stone is chrysolite.


Klim has a hot, quick-tempered character; lively, quick-witted mind. Klim is impetuous, quick-tempered and unrestrained, impatient in small things. This is a man of action who is not inclined to verbiage, knows how to instantly assess the situation and find a way out of a seemingly hopeless situation. His lively temperament and ardor attract people to him. Clementy is lucky, and if fortune changes, he does not patiently wait for its favor to return: in spite of the elements, he molds his own destiny.

Version 2. What does the name Klim (Clement, Clementy) mean?

Klim (Clement) - “merciful” (lat.)

Phlegmatic by nature. Calm, patient. Carefully watches how the wheel of fortune turns, elevating other people. He is characterized by causeless anxiety, which prevents him from acting consistently.

Able to find himself in various fields where you need to be active. Possessing a strong will, Klim is also overly stubborn. Spends a lot of energy to break the resistance of the people around him or the prevailing circumstances.

With a slow reaction, he still achieves high results in sports, but you should monitor his progress at school, otherwise he will abandon his studies. He is fascinated by the professions of medicine, engineer, agronomist, livestock breeder, but above all, he is a first-class athlete and coach. Developed intuition allows you to notice the slightest insincerity in the words and actions of others. In life, he is very naive and trusting, which is why he often gets into various unpleasant stories. He moves up the career ladder slowly, step by step. Klim is to some extent an altruist. Gives more than he receives in return.

He has a strong sense of duty to his family. He needs his wife's understanding and sincere expression of feelings. Since the perception of good and evil is too schematic for him, then only black and white exist. White paint. Therefore, as early as possible, he should take up an exciting activity in an established strong team, which gives him confidence and security.

Klim’s health cannot be called too weak. The musculoskeletal system, stomach, and vision require increased attention. He has a predisposition to dermatitis.

Easily panics, rushes between strong desire and a sense of duty. Respects women, inclined to good deeds. Love for family and craving for home saves him from unforeseen troubles. Klim loves good company, but communication without specific goals seems like an empty waste of time, which is already in short supply. If it happens that he attends a friendly party, it is only out of politeness, and not by choice. With friends or family, he prefers to make slow-moving plans where love and justice will triumph. He draws his strength from the fact that he truly feels indispensable. It is difficult to say how right he is in assessing his capabilities. But is it really important if everyone close to you believes in it?

“Winter” sometimes abuses alcohol, but he can be stopped by getting him interested in something.

“Autumn” - not prone to excesses, purposeful. The name matches patronymics: Naumovich, Mikhailovich, Sergeevich, Petrovich, Alekseevich, Fedorovich.

“Summer” Klim is a good-natured man, an altruist, the soul of society.

“Spring” is a dreamer. Comedian, fan of his craft. The name matches patronymics: Artemovich, Afanasyevich, Alexandrovich, Ignatievich, Andrianovich, Bogdanovich.

3rd version of the meaning of the name Klim (Clement, Clementy)

Translated from Latin: lenient.

In childhood, these are calm boys; their parents have no grief with them. They are kind and inquisitive; when they grow up, they remain the same. They do not strive to be leaders.

Studying at school is not good, things are better with mathematics. They are honest to the point of scrupulousness: little Klim will bring change from the store to the penny.

In adult Klims, the character hardly changes, except that they become more calculating.

“Winter” are stubborn, love to argue and prove their point.

But the “summer” ones are calm and kind, they feel sorry for people and make concessions to them; Moreover, they are dreamers and dreamers. The latter quality, however, does not prevent them from completing what they start.

“Autumn” are calculating and quick-tempered, they do not know how to adapt to circumstances and people. They willingly receive guests, but they don’t really like to visit.

Main feature Almost all Klims are patient.

Klim is a monogamous and jealous person. They don’t get married for a long time, but once they get married, they become good husbands and fathers.

Angela, Vera, Galina, Dominica, Kira, Ksenia, Natalya, Nina, Sofia will bring them happiness. Bella, Venus, Veronica, Glafira, Dolya, Zlata, Radmila, Rose, Roxana, Ruslana, Snezhana are unlikely to make up Klim’s personal happiness.

Numerology of the name Klim (Clement, Clementy)

Name number: 7

Number 7 is happy, romantic, wise, original, self-sufficient. He has a cautious, calculating mind, but at the same time loves risks. In everything he prefers to be guided by his own opinion. He always achieves success in his chosen field of activity. Possesses developed analytical thinking, patience, perseverance, and willpower.
Number 7 is introverted. His motto: "Understanding"

The meaning of the letters in the name Klim (Clement, Clementy)

TO- distinguished by insight, slight nervousness and strong endurance. Regardless of gender, people with the first letter of their name “K” have a strong, strong-willed character. They are distinguished by remarkable stubbornness, which is the cause of the vast majority of conflict situations at home and at work.

L- artistic and inventive individuals. They prefer to be guided by logical thinking in their actions.

They know how to win over. In rare cases, they are narcissistic and disdainful of other people. It is extremely difficult to endure separation from loved ones. They are overly capricious and require increased attention to their person.

AND- subtle mental organization, romance, kindness, honesty and peacefulness. Representatives of the fair sex pay a lot of attention to their appearance, and men focus on personal traits. They manage to achieve great success in science and working with people. Very economical and prudent.

M- if you look at people who have the letter “M” in their name, you can say that they are scattered and disorganized, but in reality this is not the case. Whatever they need, they will never forget. They prefer to do quality work. They make excellent leaders who always take into account the interests of others.

E- sociability, insight, commercialism and selfishness. Owners of this letter are able to win people over. They are simple and charming at the same time. They constantly strive for a good life, which they value more than friendship. They realize themselves well in creative professions. They are interesting conversationalists.

N- strong, strong-willed and decisive individuals. Quite hardworking, but cannot stand monotonous and boring work. Smart, attractive, critical thinking present. A person takes a long time to choose a chosen one with whom he can live until the end of his days. Loves to take care of loved ones.

T- people with names that begin with this letter are comprehensively developed. They are vulnerable, sensitive and creative people. They try to be fair in everything. They have good intuition and adapt well to different conditions the surrounding world. Capable of showing generosity.

Y- owners of this letter in their name have an impulsive and explosive character. They often don't know how to communicate with people. For more exact value you should look at the other letters of the name.

Name as a phrase

  • TO- Kako
  • L- People
  • AND- And (Union, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, “Together with”)
  • M- Think
  • E- Esi (Is, Be, Exist)
  • N- Our (Ours, Yours)
  • T- Firmly
  • Y- Izhe (If, If, as well as the meaning of i – Unity, One, Together, Unite, Perfection, Union, Unification)

Name Klim (Clement, Clementy) in English (Latin)

Klim Kliment Klimentii

When filling out a document in English, you should first write your first name, then your patronymic in Latin letters, and then your last name. You may need to write the name Klim (Clement, Clementy) in English when applying for a foreign passport, ordering a foreign hotel, when placing an order in an English online store, and so on.

Useful video

Meaning of the name Klim: The boy's name means "merciful." This affects the character and fate of Klim.

Origin of the name Klim: Latin.

Diminutive form of name: Klimka, Klimat, Klimukha.

What does the name Klim mean? The name Klim comes from the Latin word "clemens". The word is translated as “merciful.” Another meaning of the name Klim is “lenient.” Klimukha treats other people with respect, recognizes their right to make mistakes and forgives if required. However, Klim will not allow his feelings to be mocked for a long time. If the violence against his soul continues, he will simply leave.

Middle name Klim: Klimovich, Klimentievich, Klimovna, Klimentievna; decomposition Klimych.

Angel Day and patron saints named: The name Klim celebrates his name day twice a year:

  • February 5 (January 23) - Holy Hieromartyr Clement, Bishop of Ancyra, suffered torment for twenty-eight years for the faith of Christ and was beheaded during a service in 312.
  • December 8 (November 25) - St. Hieromartyr Clement.


  • Zodiac - Sagittarius
  • The planet Mars
  • Color - purple
  • Auspicious tree - maple
  • Klima's treasured plant - gladiolus
  • Patron name - falcon
  • Talisman stone - chrysolite

Characteristics of the name Klim

Positive features: The name Klim gives lightness, sociability, sharpness and mobility of mind. The name Klim easily adapts to any conditions, customs, becomes his own, a sort of shirt-guy, easily speaks on any topic, commanding the attention of listeners. A guy with this name, if he wants, can achieve what he wants by concentrating all his strength and abilities on achieving the goal.

Negative features: The name Klim brings cunning, curiosity, extravagance, temper, and rage. Klimukha often does as he pleases. Klim is not tormented by remorse; subtle emotional experiences are alien to him. A man with this name can condone a lot of things, be condescending towards people, but for his vital interests he is ready to enter into an unequal fight. He often exaggerates his powers. As a child, Klimka is not particularly persevering and does not attach importance to academic performance.

Character of the name Klim: What character traits determine the meaning of the name Klim. He has a hot, quick-tempered character; lively, quick-witted mind. A guy with this name is impetuous, quick-tempered and unrestrained, impatient with little things. He is a man of action who is not inclined to verbiage, knows how to instantly assess the situation and find a way out of a seemingly hopeless situation. His lively temperament and ardor attract people to him.

If Klimukha was born in winter, he is stubborn, loves to argue and prove his point; “summer” is calm, kind, compassionate, compliant, a dreamer and visionary, but he always completes the work he starts; “autumn” Klim is calculating, quick-tempered, and does not know how to adapt to people and circumstances.

Klim and his personal life

Compatible with female names: The union of the name with Ada, Anfisa, Glafira, Lada, Leah, Mlada, Natalya is successful. The name Klim also goes together with Nina. Difficult relationships names can be with Anna, Bronislava, Valentina, Varvara, Daria, Larisa, Margarita.

Love and marriage: Does the meaning of the name Klim promise happiness in love? Due to the desire for freedom and reluctance to become attached to anything, it is very difficult for him to adapt to married life, and therefore he should not get married too early.

He is happy in his marriage, but his relationship with his mother-in-law is not easy; he usually has daughters. A man with this name is hospitable and becomes talkative when surrounded by close friends.

At home, Klim is kind, respects women, and thanks to his marriage, he avoids many troubles. This is a monogamous and jealous person, good son, father, son-in-law. He has many friends, he willingly receives them at home, and it is difficult and rare for him to go on a visit. He is susceptible to alcohol, then he is uncontrollable, but this only happens in cases where he was brought up in a family where the father drank excessively. He is sure that he is irreplaceable, his loved ones support him in this opinion. This helps him to be active in the work team.

He is a monogamous man and therefore very jealous, marries late, taking a long time and carefully choosing the one who will become the only one for him. A good family man, a caring husband, a demanding and affectionate teacher of his children.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: For him it has special meaning precise and painstaking work. Although Klim often lacks constancy and restraint for her. It is easier for him to achieve success in the field that brings him to the public. He has good organizational skills, he can become a director or government clerk, in the minimum version a traveling salesman, a dealer presenting new products, a successful manager, an artist.

Business and career: He strives to achieve everything at once: make money easily, borrow quickly high position, become the owner of a large fortune. At times the name will have great financial success, but it will be difficult for him to maintain what he has earned.

A man named Klim is lucky, and if fortune changes, he does not patiently wait for her favor to return: in spite of the elements, he sculpts his own destiny. The guy named Klim is kind, inquisitive, does not strive for leadership, is honest, calculating, and patient.

Health and energy

Name health and talents: The meaning of the name Klim from a medical point of view. As a child, Klimka is a calm boy, kind and inquisitive. His studies at school are not good, but the child is smart, so he is good at mathematics. The child, who has the wonderful name Klim, loves the company of children, but does not strive to become a leader.

A young boy is trying to find himself in various areas of life. He is overcome by anxiety, he becomes impetuous, hot-tempered and unrestrained. Klim exhibits a lively temperament and ardor. He is stubborn, likes to argue, and unhurried. However, he doesn’t know how to talk much; he is a man of action.

Klim is a successful athlete, then very good coach. He can become an engineer, agronomist, or livestock breeder. The young owner of the name has loved animals since childhood, constantly tinkering with fish, turtles, and hamsters. This person is naive and gullible, does not experience deep feelings, and does not particularly worry. However, if necessary, he acts quickly and assertively, does not give up what he starts, and brings any task to the final result.

The fate of Klim in history

What does the name Klim mean for a man’s destiny?

  1. Kliment Arkadyevich Timiryazev (1843-1920) - world-famous naturalist, one of the founders of the Russian school of plant physiology, corresponding member Russian Academy Sci. He revealed the energy principles of photosynthesis as a process of using light to form organic substances in a plant. Author of the seminal work "The Life of Plants" and others.
  2. The history of Russia also knows “Marshal Voroshilov, the first red officer,” as the song says. Kliment Efremovich Voroshilov (1881-1969) - Soviet statesman, party and military leader, participant in three Russian revolutions, one of the organizers and leaders of the Red Army, chairman of the Council of People's Commissars and the Defense Committee during the Great Patriotic War; Marshal, twice Hero Soviet Union, Hero of Socialist Labor.
  3. Clement (late 1st century) - one of the first popes and the first of the apostolic fathers, that is, who had personal contact with the apostles themselves. Because of his refusal to renounce his faith, he was sentenced by Emperor Trojan to work in marble quarries, working in unbearable conditions, without fresh water. Clement quenched the thirst of the people by striking a rock in which a spring opened. The Lamb sent by the Lord led him to this place. From that time on, people from all over the world flocked to the new preacher of the faith of Christ. Then Clement's persecutors tied an anchor around his neck and pushed him into the sea. The waters receded and exposed the temple, inside of which was the body of Clement. The miracle of the waters receding was repeated every year, and pilgrims came to this place.
  4. Clement Titus Flavius ​​- cousin of the Roman Emperor Domitian; killed in 96 by order of the emperor himself (according to rumors, for his sympathies for Christians), which contributed to the appearance in the early Middle Ages of a colorful hagiographic legend about the miraculous wanderings and martyrdom of his namesake, Pope Clement I.
  5. Clement I - (d.97/99/101) apostle from seventy, fourth bishop of Rome (4th Pope), one of the apostolic men. Widely revered in Kievan Rus. We are revered in Orthodoxy as one of the first Christian preachers in the Russian lands.
  6. Klimyata is one of the first ancient Russian entrepreneurs: the Novgorod merchant Klimyata, who lived at the end of the 12th - early XIII century, combined trade with the return of money for growth, moneylender.
  7. Kliment Artemyevich - Novgorod thousand, ambassador from Novgorod to the holy prince Alexander Nevsky, 1255. Kliment Alfanov - one of the Alfanov brothers, Novgorod 12th century.
  8. Clement of Alexandria (Titus Flavius ​​Clement) - (c.150 - c.215) Christian apologist and preacher of the Holy Scriptures among the Hellenistic scribes, the founder of the Alexandrian theological school, who headed it until Origen.
  9. Kliment Dydorov - (1885 - 1938) Russian officer, participant in the white movement.
  10. Kliment Redko - (1897 - 1956) Soviet artist, representative of the pictorial avant-garde of the 1920s - early 1930s.
  11. Kliment Kvitka - (1880 - 1953) Ukrainian and Russian Soviet musicologist and folklorist. One of the founders of Soviet musical ethnography. Author of many theoretical works devoted to Ukrainian musical folklore. He also owns works on the study of folk musical instruments, educational and methodological manuals. Awarded 2 orders and medals. Developed a new method of field work, theoretical basis ethnomusical sociology and historical and comparative study of the music of ethnically related peoples (Slavs, Turks). He made a number of important discoveries in the field of the origin and distribution of primitive scales, chromatisms, rhythmic archetypes and folk musical instruments.
  12. Kliment Lyovychkin - (1907 - 1984) Soviet diplomat, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary.

Klim in different languages ​​of the world

Translation of the name Klim into different languages has a slightly different meaning and sounds a little different. On English language translated as Clement, in German: Klement, in French: Clement, in Spanish: Clemente, in Polish: Klemens, in Belarusian: Klyament, in Ukrainian: Kliment.

Klim (Clement) - “merciful” (lat.)

Phlegmatic by nature. Calm, patient. Carefully watches how the wheel of fortune turns, elevating other people. He is characterized by causeless anxiety, which prevents him from acting consistently.

Able to find himself in various areas where activity is required. Possessing a strong will, Klim is also overly stubborn. Spends a lot of energy to break the resistance of the people around him or the prevailing circumstances.

With a slow reaction, he still achieves high results in sports, but you should monitor his progress at school, otherwise he will abandon his studies. He is fascinated by the professions of medicine, engineer, agronomist, livestock breeder, but above all, he is a first-class athlete and coach. Developed intuition allows you to notice the slightest insincerity in the words and actions of others. In life, he is very naive and trusting, which is why he often gets into various unpleasant stories. He moves up the career ladder slowly, step by step. Klim is to some extent an altruist. Gives more than he receives in return.

He has a strong sense of duty to his family. He needs his wife's understanding and sincere expression of feelings. Since the perception of good and evil is too schematic for him, there is only black and white paint. Therefore, as early as possible, he should take up an exciting activity in an established strong team, which gives him confidence and security.

Klim’s health cannot be called too weak. The musculoskeletal system, stomach, and vision require increased attention. He has a predisposition to dermatitis.

Easily panics, rushes between strong desire and a sense of duty. Respects women and is prone to good deeds. Love for family and craving for home saves him from unforeseen troubles. Klim loves good company, but communication without specific goals seems like an empty waste of time, which is already in short supply. If it happens that he attends a friendly party, it is only out of politeness, and not by choice. With friends or family, he prefers to make slow-moving plans where love and justice will triumph. He draws his strength from the fact that he truly feels indispensable. It is difficult to say how right he is in assessing his capabilities. But is it really important if everyone close to you believes in it?

“Winter” sometimes abuses alcohol, but he can be stopped by getting him interested in something.

“Autumn” - not prone to excesses, purposeful. The name matches patronymics: Naumovich, Mikhailovich, Sergeevich, Petrovich, Alekseevich, Fedorovich.

“Summer” Klim is a good-natured man, an altruist, the soul of society.

“Spring” is a dreamer. Comedian, fan of his craft. The name matches patronymics: Artemovich, Afanasyevich, Alexandrovich, Ignatievich, Andrianovich, Bogdanovich.

The meaning of the name Klim (Clement, Clementy) option 2

Translated from Latin: lenient.

In childhood, these are calm boys; their parents have no grief with them. They are kind and inquisitive; when they grow up, they remain the same. They do not strive to be leaders.

Studying at school is not good, things are better with mathematics. They are honest to the point of scrupulousness: little Klim will bring change from the store to the penny.

In adult Klims, the character hardly changes, except that they become more calculating.

“Winter” are stubborn, love to argue and prove their point.

But the “summer” ones are calm and kind, they feel sorry for people and make concessions to them; Moreover, they are dreamers and dreamers. The latter quality, however, does not prevent them from completing what they start.

“Autumn” are calculating and quick-tempered, they do not know how to adapt to circumstances and people. They willingly receive guests, but they don’t really like to visit.

The main feature of almost all Klims is patience.

Klim is a monogamous and jealous person. They don’t marry for a long time, but once married, they become good husbands and fathers.

Angela, Vera, Galina, Dominica, Kira, Ksenia, Natalya, Nina, Sofia will bring them happiness. Bella, Venus, Veronica, Glafira, Dolya, Zlata, Radmila, Rose, Roxana, Ruslana, Snezhana are unlikely to make up Klim’s personal happiness.

The meaning of the name Klim (Clement, Clementy) option 3

CLIMENTIUS (CLIMENT, KLIM)- 1) merciful (lat.); 2) grapevine (Greek).

Name day: February 5 - Holy Hieromartyr Clement, Bishop of Ancyra, suffered torment for twenty-eight years for the faith of Christ and was beheaded during a service in 312.

  • Zodiac sign - Sagittarius.
  • The planet Mars.
  • Color - purple.
  • Auspicious tree - maple.
  • The treasured plant is gladiolus.
  • The patron of the name is falcon.
  • The talisman stone is chrysolite.


Klim has a hot, quick-tempered character; lively, quick-witted mind. Klim is impetuous, quick-tempered and unrestrained, impatient in small things. This is a man of action who is not inclined to verbiage, knows how to instantly assess the situation and find a way out of a seemingly hopeless situation. His lively temperament and ardor attract people to him. Clementy is lucky, and if fortune changes, he does not patiently wait for its favor to return: in spite of the elements, he molds his own destiny.

The name Klim is short form the name Clement, which in turn is of Roman origin. Linguists claim that the name Clement comes from the generic name Clemens, which later became a personal name. If so, then The meaning of the name Klim is “merciful”, because this is exactly the meaning of the name Clemens.

In the Russian language there are many names with a similar history of origin. So the male names Sergei and Maxim came from Roman family names. There are even more names with such a history among women's names. These are the names Albina, Camilla, Claudia, Sabina, and many others.

The meaning of the name Klim for a child

Little Klim is usually endowed with special curiosity and asks questions all the time. The boy loves everything new, including sensations, so up to a certain age you need to monitor the child very carefully. It is important to teach Klim to adequately perceive danger and then you won’t have to worry too much about him. At the same time, Klim is a quiet and kind boy who easily gets along with his peers. He has many friends with whom he enjoys spending time. The child does not have any special leadership qualities, although sometimes Klim becomes the leader of his children's company.

Klim studies well, and his curiosity and resilience help him in this. nervous system. He has enough perseverance and a high-quality focus. This positive inclination gives Klim an advantage over many other children. You can also note Klim’s good imagination. Imagination helps him both in various creative endeavors and in the exact sciences. Many people underestimate the importance of imagination in mathematics, physics and chemistry.

Klim’s health can be called strong. The child rarely gets sick and easily tolerates many “obligatory” diseases. However, even Klim has weak spots in health. He has increased sensitivity, which is noticeable in the emotional background of the child. The fluctuations in his mood are excessively large and can lead to some negative consequences. In any case, if health problems arise, you should consult with specialists.

Short name Klim

Klimka, Klimych, Klimukha, Klem, Klyoma.

Diminutive pet names

Klimchik, Klimochka, Klimushka, Klimonka, Klimusha, Klemchik, Klyomik.

Children's middle names

Klimovich and Klimovna. There is also a conversational form male patronymic- Klimych.

Name Klim in English

In English, the name Klim is written as Clem, but read as Klem.

Name Klim for international passport- KLIM.

Translation of the name Klim into other languages

in Belarusian - Klim
in German - Kliem
in Ukrainian - Klim

Church name Klim(in the Orthodox faith) - Clement. Exactly full version the name is used in church sacraments.

Characteristics of the name Klim

As he grows up, Klim's character changes quite a lot compared to childhood. This happens gradually, so it does not immediately become noticeable. His calmness and restraint are complemented by bouts of temper. Changes in character begin in Klim in adolescence and initial stage may be subject to some adjustment. At the same time, he is still just as inquisitive, although this is becoming less noticeable. He is still the same leisurely and practical man, which adds some seriousness to his image. It is worth noting that despite Klim’s apparent altruism, in fact many of his actions are selfish.

In his work, Klim prefers to work more with his hands, although this does not mean that he does not work with his head. Klim's imagination is precisely his driving force at work. Many of his solutions are completely non-standard, but very effective. He is a born inventor and innovator. His hard work brings no less benefit in his workdays. He works slowly but confidently until the desired result is achieved. These combinations of qualities are valued by both Klim’s superiors and colleagues.

Klim is in no hurry to start a family. For the time being, he is skeptical about the institution of marriage. Even having changed his point of view, Klim will painstakingly and slowly search for the one and only one. He needs a meek, thrifty and kind wife. If he can find one, then their family will be strong and happy. Klim himself family relationships shows his best qualities. He is a kind and caring husband, although he is quite demanding of his soulmate. Having children changes him a lot. Klim becomes softer and more patient. He loves spending time with children, although this of course does not come right away.

The secret of the name Klim

The secret of Klim can be called his superficiality. This applies to many areas of life, but especially to his relationships. He rarely has passionate and intense relationships. It is impossible to even say with certainty whether Klim loves someone or not. Sometimes it seems that he is not capable of anything more.

Planet- Mars.

Zodiac sign- Sagittarius.

Totem animal- Falcon.

Name color- Violet.

Tree- Maple.

Plant- Gladiolus.

Stone- Chrysolite.

Many writers diligently made the name Klim known. Take Gorky’s Klim Samgin or Bulgakov’s Klim Chugunkin.

The characters are ambiguous, but why? Because the name itself is like this: Klim’s character and fate are ambiguous. What does the name Klim mean and what to expect from its owner?

Meaning and origin of the name Klim

Known short and full form this name. There is no question about the meaning of the name Klim. Scientists believe that the shorter word-name came from the long “Clement”. Moreover, the origin and history of the name Klim are associated with the ancient civilizations of Rome and Greece:

The Greek word translated into Russian means “grapevine”;

The Roman word Clemens is elevated to a generic name, which is translated as “merciful”, “soft”.

The meaning of the name Klim can also be attributed to Christian traditions. Both Catholics and Orthodox Christians venerate the holy martyr Clement, who actively spread religion and suffered for the faith of Christ. What does the name Klim mean? Orthodox tradition? Following the path of Christ, glorifying the mercy of God.

Language lives by its own laws, one of which is the desire for economy. Hence the truncation of the last syllable, which turned Clement into Klim in everyday speech. The variations of the name are varied: the Germanic peoples (Germans, Danes, Swedes) say Clemence, the Italians - Clemente, the French - Clement, the Scots - Kliamin, the Hungarians - Kelemen, the Slavic brothers (Poles, Romanians, Czechs) - Clement. In Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, the usual form of the name is Klim.

Klim: the character of the owner

Little Klim is inquisitive, kind and calm. He doesn't really like to pore over his homework, but thanks to his natural intelligence, he copes well with math problems. Feels comfortable in companies, but is not inclined to leadership.

In his youth, Klim becomes impetuous, restless and even unrestrained. He has a hot temperament, so Klim is in constant action. He is able to assess the situation at one glance, immediately make a decision and find a way out where another sees a blank wall.

He likes to argue, but does not like empty talk and does not pronounce long monologues. If desired, he can carry you along. People will be impressed by his liveliness and energy, and his well-delivered speech inspires confidence.

Klim often acts in accordance with his own desires, without taking into account the desires of other people. If his personal interests are affected, he is ready to fight for them to the end, even if the enemy is obviously stronger. At the same time, he is quite calculating and even cunning, he knows how to patiently achieve his goals.

Klim is undoubtedly a monogamous man, and marriage, as a rule, protects him from many troubles. He loves having guests in his house, but he doesn’t like to stay anywhere himself. In the work team and family he is considered almost irreplaceable.

Klim: the fate of the owner

Klim's character and fate rarely depend on childhood circumstances. The name has its own power, and therefore its owners extremely rarely become alcoholics, even spending their entire childhood in the company of a drunken father.

Klim is lucky, fate loves him. Even if she turns away for a minute, Klim has the patience to wait for favorable circumstances. Moreover, a person with this name makes himself and his destiny.

Klim’s family is strong, its head is a caring and loving husband, father, and son. He adores children (often girls), and is affectionate with them, although sometimes he can be demanding. Klim loves his wife, rarely cheats on her, and when a woman who sympathizes with him appears on the horizon, he panics. He has absolutely no idea how one can have a wife and a mistress. At the same time, the wife will have to take into account his temper and jealousy.

Klima combines gullibility and prudence. Due to his tendency to be too open to the world, he often finds himself in unpleasant situations, from which he himself gets out.

At home, Klim is prone to pedantry. He believes that every thing should have its place and absolutely cannot stand creative clutter. It’s difficult to explain to him that you don’t need to be a slave (slave) of everyday life - he simply won’t understand. Klim is generally distinguished not by his deep intelligence, but rather by his insight. In addition, he is a little deaf to emotions: he does not know how to worry deeply, rarely gets upset, and almost never suffers.

Profession for Klim

Klim's responsibility makes him an excellent performer. Punctual and pedantic, he will definitely complete the task entrusted to him. Having started to build a career, Klim will move forward according to his mood: sometimes systematically and delicately, sometimes assertively. The process will drag on: the owners of this name make their careers slowly.

Despite the noble origin and history of the name Klim, simple and understandable professions are suitable for this person: agronomist, engineer, livestock breeder (little Klimka loves animals, he can tinker with them for hours). He will be very good as an athlete (if he has the patience), both in the sport of personal high results and in coaching.

Famous people named Klim:

Kliment Timiryazev – physiologist, naturalist, biologist;

Klim Voroshilov - marshal, twice Hero of the USSR;

Kliment Redko - Soviet artist of the early twentieth century;

Kliment Levychkin - Soviet diplomat;

Kliment Kvitka is a Soviet musicologist and folklorist.

Name compatibility

In marriage, Klim needs a woman who is ready to put up with his shortcomings: hot temper, peremptory nature, jealousy and an increased love of order. It takes him a long time to choose a spouse, otherwise the marriage may not be successful.

The name Klim is well compatible with unusual, rare female names. A strong marriage is predicted with girls named Anfisa, Lydia, Ada, Glafira, Lada, Nina, Liya, Mlada. A good relationship stack up with Natalya.

It won’t be easy for Klim with Bronislava, Varara, Anna, Valentina, Margarita, Daria, Larisa.