Humanitarian highly paid professions for girls. The profession of a psychologist for women. the most desirable professions, video

Professions for girls after 11th grade: the secret of choosing your destiny + 25 options + 10 professions for girls who want to be fulfilled in the family.

The prom dress has been put in the closet, the jewelry has been removed and the makeup has been washed off...

How to choose the right one life path and not make a mistake?a

Every 11th grader yesterday asks herself these questions.

We will tell you which ones are in demand now and how to turn from yesterday’s schoolgirl into a real lady, passionate about her studies or work.

Professions for girls after 11th grade: how to choose so that your heart will calm down?

The secret of a successful choice of profession, like everything ingenious, is simple: you just need to find a balance between what you want (your interests, desires, aspirations), what you can (your talents, abilities, health) and what society needs (situation on the labor market).

Where all these three areas coincide is where your professional happiness is hidden!

Start by learning about your strengths and weaknesses...

For example, up-to-date information about what professions are in demand today for girls after 11th grade can always be found on the following authoritative online resources:

  1. HeadHunter

Well, have you found your “golden ratio”?

Then let's go through the most intriguing options together.

Excellent professions for girls after 11th grade who know for sure that beauty will save the world!


    Who among us does not dream of perfect porcelain skin without acne and wrinkles?

    This is exactly what cosmetologists work on.

    The profession is in many ways similar to the work of a doctor and requires serious training.

    But who said that making people happy is easy?

    The undoubted advantages of the profession include its relevance in the labor market, creative component and flexible work schedule.

    In addition, now it is possible to sell successful photographs on the Internet on specialized exchanges and make good money from it.

    The best start for a career would be to receive an art education.

    You can also study a profession after 11th grade in appropriate courses for boys and girls.

    “I went into the art of photography from a prestigious position as a bank branch manager. I don’t regret this decision for a second! Yes, in the first months I had to spend whole nights mastering special computer programs, sometimes getting up at 4 am for the sake of a good shot. But I know for sure that I can sell such a photograph on online resources at a price from 2 to 10 $. Not to mention the pleasure of sharing the joy with the newlyweds while photographing a wedding,”– says 30-year-old Natalya Kachkovskaya in a conversation about professions for girls after 11th grade;

    Web Designer.

    Are you on friendly terms with the computer and not lacking in artistic taste?

    Try your hand at web design.

    Believe me, designing a cover for a sensational bestseller, a Christmas card or the front page of a newspaper is an extremely exciting experience.

    Also, mouse and photoshop experts are required to design websites.

    So a good specialist will never be left without work.

    And since there are more men in this area, everything will be fine with your personal life;

    designer (interior, clothing, jewelry, etc.).

    Young ladies not only want to impress people with their beauty, but also to spread it around them.

    And this is one of best options in the list of professions for girls after 11th grade;

    The profession is suitable for a girl after 11th grade, if she not only has excellent taste, but also complex, systems thinking.

    You won't just need to advise your client to dye her hair crazy pink color, but also explain to her what to combine it with and how to live with it further.

Wonderful professions for girls after 11th grade, who don’t feed them bread - let me talk!

    tourism manager.

    If you can not only pathetically exclaim “How? Have you never been to Thailand?”, but also to tell about the country so that a person will buy a trip with his last money - we congratulate you, you have found your calling!

    Choosing a profession for a girl after 11th grade will not be difficult.

    You are guaranteed a lot of interesting acquaintances, travel and good earnings;

    You can make great money by acting as an intermediary in the purchase and sale or rental of real estate.

    You can easily explain that the view from the window on a busy avenue is compensated by its proximity to the city center, and the neighbor’s huge pit bull is no more dangerous than a baby?

    Yes, professions for girls after 11th grade sometimes require such skills.


    Your sociability will come in handy when you need to arrange an interview with an official suspected of corruption or with a security guard at an enterprise accused of violating environmental standards.

    Related specialties PR manager, press secretary, public relations specialist, copywriter.

    These professions for girls after 11th grade will develop your communication skills like no other;

    toastmaster, host of ceremonial events.

    This is where you can really let your imagination run wild and compensate for the lack of communication.

    trading agent.

    If about the supply of alcoholic beverages, cigarettes, building materials Usually men negotiate, then you can safely offer the store administration household chemicals, cosmetics, confectionery, juices, etc.

    One of the most promising professions for girls after 11th grade, since good “traders” are worth their weight in gold in any company.

    Also, after 11th grade, consider such professions for girls as sales manager, customer service manager, insurance agent, sales representative.

The best professions for girls after 11th grade, applying for the title “Miss Organized”

    tour guide, guide.

    Can you get ready anywhere in 10 minutes and not forget anything?

    Then you will guide the excursion group along the route in the allotted time, without losing anyone among the ruins of the medieval castle;

    assistant manager, office manager, secretary assistant.

    Among professions for girls after 11th grade, it is distinguished by its prospects, since a hardworking and collected person can safely count on a promotion;

    administrator (restaurant, fitness center, hotel, night club, etc.).

    If you easily remember that Sergei Alexandrovich prefers orange juice, and Alla Ivanovna is visiting today and you need to take care of a gift from the establishment - welcome to administration!

    These professions will always be relevant for girls after 11th grade.

    Over time, work tasks will become more interesting, such as creating a schedule for group classes at a fitness center that is convenient for the majority of visitors or developing ways to save electricity at school. early development for children;


    A responsible, knowledgeable accountant who has perfect financial records and can survive the visit tax office without a heart attack – a sought-after specialist.

    In addition, this is one of the traditional professions for girls after 11th grade, your parents will be happy with your choice!

    archivist, librarian.

    Your passion for order will be appreciated.

Ideal professions for girls after 11th grade who are patient and compassionate beyond their years

    Mercy and compassion, especially in the conditions of domestic medicine, will need to be shown every day.

    The duration of training is compensated by the prestige of the job and the feeling of usefulness.

    You can in private clinics.

    In addition, you will not have to explain to your family the choice of such a profession after the 11th grade - for a girl it is quite understandable;

    Any teacher can tell you how much patience it takes to explain the same topic to a careless student for the tenth time;


    Treatment of cats, dogs, hamsters and turtles beloved by their owners is one of the most necessary and rewarding professions for girls after 11th grade;

    trainer, fitness instructor.

    You will need an optimistic attitude and great patience to convince a 120-pound woman that with your help she will be able to turn into Thumbelina by the New Year.

    But such difficulties are the beauty of this profession for girls after 11th grade;


    Suitable for girls with the character of Mother Teresa and the equanimity of Buddha, who are ready to delve into any conflict situation and listen to whining in unlimited quantities.

    Especially gifted psychologists make good money in private practice.

    Perhaps one of the most fashionable professions for girls after 11th grade.

Suitable professions for girls after 11th grade that will give even Soldier Jane a head start

    politician, public figure.

    If the laurels of Hillary Clinton or Angela Merkel keep you up at night, this is definitely your option; after 11th grade, you can no longer consider other professions for girls.

    You will need resistance to stress, the ability to understand people and the willingness to work in a frantic mode.

    A good start would be to enroll in a higher education institution with a degree in Political Science;


    In order to create a structure of unprecedented beauty, you will not only have to design it, but also defend your vision to customers, and then periodically explain to seasoned foremen what is required of them, so as not to spoil your idea.

    It turns out that there are professions for girls after 11th grade that even require knowledge of profanity;

    soldier, policeman.

    These professions have long been mastered not only by courageous guys with pumped up biceps, but are also held in high esteem by girls after the 11th grade.

    In paramilitary structures, you can also realize yourself as a translator, signalman, cook, medical worker, psychologist.

    Experience has shown that women's intuition, combined with strength of character, allows us to find an approach to almost every dog.

To make the right choice of profession, also watch this video:

10 professions for girls after 11th grade who are convinced that the most important thing in a woman’s life is family

Are you firmly convinced that your main calling and place of fulfillment is family, and therefore you don’t see the point in spending years studying at a higher educational institution instead of actively looking for your wealthy prince?

We offer professions for girls after 11th grade that you can quickly master and receive your first salary in just a few months:

  • hairdresser;
  • visagiste;
  • master of manicure, pedicure, eyebrow correction and eyelash extensions;
  • salesman;
  • waiter;
  • accountant;
  • PC operator;
  • masseur;
  • cook;
  • seamstress.

To get a job, a certificate of completion of courses and good recommendations your teachers.

At labor exchanges, such training can be completed absolutely free.

The beauty of these professions for girls after 11th grade is that you will not “digest” working moments at home.

You slammed the door at the end of the working day - and you don’t remember about work until the next one!

You shouldn’t be ashamed of this start to your career path – Uma Thurman once washed dishes in a pizzeria, Julia Roberts sold ice cream, and Whoopi Goldberg worked as a make-up artist in a morgue.

And this list goes on...

In general, most professions suitable for girls after 11th grade are on the list of the most in demand:

You just have to put in a little effort and resourcefulness - and you will certainly find yourself on the crest of success, and professions for girls after 11th grade, even if you have to change them several times, will help you realize your full potential.

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The most interesting, profitable and profitable professions nowadays for girls, women and men.

What motives drive people who type into a search engine a query about the highest-paid and most in-demand professions? Ambition, thirst for money or job security? Or maybe future students need a hint before choosing a specialty? Or confidence that the acquired profession will be in demand and relevant for many years after completion of training?

  • Let’s not baselessly condemn “progressive” trends, but let’s try to compile a list of the most paid and profitable professions for women and men.
  • Regardless of the ratings of the most successful and highly paid professions, a good specialist in any industry is one who constantly improves and reaches the pinnacle of excellence. Whether it will be the service sector or accounting or surgery depends on the personal preferences and abilities of the future specialist.
  • Both a photographer and a massage therapist can earn a high income. Only a bad specialist will be without work for a long time, and a good one will not have even a minute of free time. A high-level massage therapist can have an income that exceeds the salary of a mediocre manager, accountant or lawyer. A dentist at a prestigious Paris clinic can receive wages, which is significantly inferior to the salary of a cosmetologist who removes warts with a laser.

Top 10 popular, popular and highly paid professions for women and men in Russia

  • When choosing the type of activity to which your whole life will be devoted, you should be guided by several criteria: future activity should not only bring pleasure and be well paid, but also top the ratings of the most in demand.
  • This must be taken into account so that by the time you graduate young specialist I didn’t have to think about changing my occupation and starting my studies again, having already chosen another current specialty, since the diploma I had obtained with such difficulty would no longer be useful.
A bad specialist will be without work for a long time, and a good one will not have even a minute of free time
  • Which specialists will be valued by employers and which of them will not lose their relevance in the next 4-5 years? Today there are so many financiers and lawyers that it is very difficult for a graduate of this field to find a job.
  • I have to agree to a position not in my specialty, but this does not stop future students and they continue to storm educational establishments in order to obtain a degree as a specialist in the field of jurisprudence or study the basics of financial literacy. A combination of factors is responsible for the growing Lately trends in obtaining a second higher education diploma.

A combination of factors is the reason for the recent growing trend of obtaining a diploma of a second higher education

What area of ​​activity should be “attacked” now, so that during the job search the situation of “an extra specialist” does not arise. What solution will ensure a decent salary in the future?

Top 10 professions for men and women in Russia:

The first specialty on our list is engineer

  • Despite the relevance of the profession, there is an acute shortage of qualified personnel in this area. There is a great need for competent engineers in the construction sector. There is also a demand for industrial engineers and electrical engineers, but future students are betting on other specialties.
  • Statistical forecasts are quite sad: according to the data obtained, 68% of professional engineers will retire within 5 years. There are no young specialists who could replace them. There will be only 3.7% of the required number of frames.

There is a great need for competent engineers in the construction sector

Second specialty – service specialist

  • The rapid development of service in the country requires the presence of such workers as service specialists. Any customer appreciates attentive and fast service, be it a night beauty salon, round-the-clock delivery of products to the office or home, or booking hotel rooms.
  • There are a lot of requests, and the goal of the service workers is to respond quickly and be able to smooth out a conflict situation. After all, clients come across different types, which is why employees with excellent communication skills and resistance to stress are valued.
  • Among service business owners, specialists in interesting, rather unusual types of activities are becoming valuable. Among them are animators, guides, those who are next to the client during a business trip, and meet them at the airport.

Third specialty - IT specialist

  • Already, the demand for IT specialists exceeds all conceivable limits. Even the simplest institution needs a competent system administrator: it is necessary to ensure information protection using new programs. The number of requests for the development of new software. Professionals in this industry have the highest income in the country.

Already, the demand for IT specialists exceeds all conceivable limits.

Fourth specialty – physician

  • The work of a modern medical worker is now decently paid, which is why all areas in this area are again popular among future doctors and nurses.
  • There is a great demand for highly specialized specialists. Quickly find a decent job wages ophthalmologists, otolaryngologists, speech therapists, nutritionists, allergists, good surgeons. IN medical centers There is a real “hunt” for good specialists. They are offered high salaries, paid apartments and the opportunity to regularly exchange experiences with colleagues from other countries.

The work of a modern medical worker is now decently paid

Fifth specialty – ecologist

  • Due to deterioration environmental situation all over the world, the specialty of ecologist is gaining popularity. After all, the quality of people’s lives and their health completely depend on the environmental situation.

Sixth specialty – chemist

  • The profession of a chemist is now more relevant than ever. Especially if we take into account the emerging energy problem of the 21st century: oil and gas are becoming less and less in the bowels of the earth, and replacements have not yet been invented.
  • Since the efficiency of natural sources, such as solar, wind, and water energy, is quite low, the problem of finding an alternative to gas and oil becomes a priority and a solution for it must be found in the near future.

The profession of a chemist is now more relevant than ever

Seventh specialty – psychologist and personal consultant

  • Specialists in the field of psychology can be classified as medical workers. But the problems of a person’s mental state that have arisen recently require an immediate solution.
  • IN staffing table educational institutions and clinics must have a psychologist. Any enterprise has a demand for competent specialists. Private consultation is also becoming commonplace.
  • The range of tasks of a personal consultant is quite wide: it can be either an individual consultation on nutrition or a shopper service.

The range of tasks of a personal consultant is quite wide: from individual advice on nutrition to shopper services

Eighth specialty – marketing

  • Many products that manufacturers offer us remain unclaimed. Other groups of goods, which were recently in great demand, are lost against the background of similar goods, which have a more favorable price-quality ratio.
  • One of the tasks of a marketer is to monitor the market for goods and services, as well as to make forecasts of the demand for certain groups of goods over time or right now. As in any other field, employers value competent marketing specialists.

One of the tasks of a marketer is to monitor the market for goods and services.

Ninth specialty - PR specialists

  • Such specialists are worth their weight in gold today. However, having a PR specialist diploma does not mean that a former student will become a specialist in his field. In the field of advertising, not only the knowledge acquired at the university is valued, but also personal flair, acumen and interest in one’s work.
  • Only competent PR specialists who earn good money for their own creative ideas can count on a huge salary.

Tenth specialty - nanotechnology specialist

  • Specialists in all developing technologies are also highly sought after by employers.
  • Scientists are working to expand the range of industries that use nanoparticles and are also studying aspects regarding their use.

Video: U News. The most in-demand professions of 2015-2020

The demand for various specialties in Belarus reflects global trends. Ratings of the most popular professions such as cooks and sellers, as well as doctors in public clinics.

List of the most popular and highly paid professions in Belarus:

  • IT specialists: salaries of “IT specialists” are constantly growing, and among the requests of employers is the demand for a good specialist in the most in-demand profession.
  • In Belarus, graduates of law universities experience difficulties finding employment, but an experienced specialist will not be left without work and good earnings.
  • In third place among specialties - office workers. The demand for secretaries and office managers is constantly growing. Payment for such work remains at an average level.
  • In the fourth position are sellers. The salary can be either the minimum or reach two average salaries in the country. Due to the constant turnover of personnel in the catering sector and in the industry petty trade There is a constant shortage of labor.
  • The next position is occupied by doctors from state clinics. Due to the medical reforms young doctors prefer to work in private clinics, and positions of highly specialized specialists in the regions remain without candidates.
  • In sixth place are auditors and marketers. It is very difficult for a recent graduate to find a well-paid job in this field, since employers are in demand for experienced specialists who can ensure that there are no errors in financial statements, which are constantly changing.
  • Advertising managers take seventh place. Employers have the most requests for such specialists. This is explained simply: after 3 months, managers leave for another job.
  • Among last positions- cooks. There is a great demand for sushi chefs now.
  • In ninth place are HR specialists or personnel service workers. Small organizations are gradually disappearing. And in large ones, the selection of employees is carried out by the personnel service employee.
  • In tenth place are engineers. Specialists in this field are accepted for high paying job immediately after graduating from university. Such workers can expect rapid wage growth.

Top 10 popular, popular and highly paid professions for women and men in Belarus

Top 10 popular, popular and highly paid professions for women and men in the world


  • Marketers
  • Nanotechnology specialist
  • Business trainer
  • Sales Manager
  • Advocate
  • Secretary-assistant

The most interesting, profitable and lucrative professions for girls nowadays

  • Manager
  • Accountant
  • Stewardess
  • Administrator
  • Realtor
  • Marketer
  • Designer

The most interesting, profitable and lucrative professions for women today

The most interesting, profitable and lucrative professions for men nowadays

  • IT specialist
  • Bank employee
  • Lawyer
  • SMM specialist
  • Architect and engineer
  • Manager
  • Doctors
  • Sales Manager
  • Marketer
  • Accountant

The most profitable job on the Internet: list

  • Copywriter
  • Translator
  • Web Programmer
  • Mobile Application Developer
  • Web Designer
  • Architect
  • Video editor
  • Social Network Administrator
  • Contextual advertising specialist
  • Internet Project Manager

Video: TOP 5 MOST necessary/profitable PROFESSIONS on the Internet

Who to work with? This question worries girls already from 9-11 grades, when they begin to think about their future. It is not so easy to give an unambiguous answer to the question of which professions are purely male and which are purely female. If desired, a girl can choose for herself any profession that she would engage in with interest.

Prestigious, in-demand professions for girls graduating from grades 9-11

To master a prestigious profession, you need to gain knowledge and practical skills in your specialty. Secondary specialized and higher institutions are best suited for this purpose. Specialized courses can be a good alternative.

Having mastered the knowledge and skills of the profession, you can begin to compile a portfolio and write a resume. Next there will be many interviews and work as a student or intern with low pay for a probationary period.

List of professions for girls TOP-20

1. Tour operator or guide. One of the most prestigious professions, which allows you to expand your own horizons and learn business communication.

People increasingly prefer to holiday abroad, where both the service and the service culture in general are better. Every year, according to statistics, more than 70% of Russians in Russia go on vacation abroad. For this purpose, they turn to travel agencies and companies, so the demand for tour operators and guides increases every year.

The salary level depends on many factors, including the professionalism and talent of the employee. Salary of a tour operator, guide - 300-800$ .

2. Auditor, accountant, tax inspector, bank employee. Knowledge of economic laws and fundamentals accounting is never superfluous not only in Everyday life, but also in professional activities.

In a country where there are financial, economic and market relations, the prestige and demand for these professions will always remain at a high level.

All document circulation and financial flows pass through people in these specialties.

Large companies and small firms will not be able to work without employees who have professional knowledge of economics.

The average salary for economic workers (auditor, accountant, tax inspector) is $350-850.

3. Lawyer, lawyer, notary, advocate. Professions in demand nowadays. “Ignorance of the laws does not exempt you from responsibility.”

Legal professionals are valuable workers whose services are well paid. The success of the company as a whole largely depends on the professionalism of their work.

Dealing with any controversial agreement, resolving issues in court, protecting the interests of the company, putting documents in order, entering into inheritance or ownership rights - this is an incomplete list of the responsibilities that legal professionals face every day.

What is the salary of a lawyer, notary, lawyer (for private lawyers - a fee) - $500-1000.

4. Journalist, TV presenter. Interesting profession, which opens up great opportunities for you. People of this profession are recognizable and public, they are always surrounded by a mass interesting people and events.

You can apply your knowledge:

    on television,

    radio stations,

    in circulation,

    on freelance.

The ability to express one’s thoughts beautifully and competently, to express oneself correctly, to avoid conflict situations - all this can be learned in journalism.

The average salary of a journalist is 600-1200$ . In addition, there is always a chance to go on a business trip abroad and combine pleasant work with a wonderful vacation.

5. Translator. Good knowledge of a foreign language is:

    private lessons,

    simultaneous translations,

    Freelance translations.

The salary depends on your level of proficiency foreign language and, on average, is $600-1300.

6. Psychologist. A popular profession in the West. In our country, its popularity is beginning to gain momentum.

Psychologists are in demand in:

    preschool and school institutions,

    social and medical services,

    in large enterprises and firms,

    in private clinics.

A competent psychologist is in demand in any team. If there are people, then there are relationships, and a psychologist is the best bridge in relationships and in resolving conflict situations.

Over time, having at least 5-7 years of work experience, you can open a private psychological office.

How much does a psychologist earn? $400-$800.

7. Sales manager. The most popular specialty in the commercial sector.

To be a truly good “salesperson” you need:

    understand the product he sells,

    have the gift of persuasion and charisma,

    understand human psychology and sales psychology,

    be able to “extinguish” emotional outbursts and conflicts.

How much does a sales manager earn - $400-700 + %% of sales.

8. Fitness trainer, choreographer, choreographer. An energetic and physically healthy profession. People in these professions love sports and combine work with health concerns. Good specialists in demand in:

    fitness clubs,

    various sections,

    entertainment complexes.

The level of a trainer's salary largely depends on his skill and physical fitness and amounts to $500-600.

9. Secretary-assistant. The second person in the company after the manager. Impeccable knowledge business etiquette and document flow is done by the secretary-assistant business card companies.

Basic skills and responsibilities of a secretary-assistant:

    ability to negotiate,

    planning the manager's working day,

    work with incoming and outgoing correspondence.

The average salary of a secretary assistant is $500-800.

10. Stewardess. One of the most dangerous professions in the world. Requirements regarding personal health and appearance- the highest. Flight attendants with chronic diseases or temporary health problems are not allowed to fly. Pension for flight attendants begins at 35 years of age.

The salary of a flight attendant depends on the flight distance - $600-1500.

11. Freelance copywriter. Opportunity to earn money at home on a flexible schedule. Requires self-organization and discipline.

Independent search for customers on various exchanges, forums, through friends. A true freelancer combines several professions at the same time - a journalist, a manager, and the leader himself.

Constant self-education and attendance at seminars necessary for professional growth.

A freelancer must be well versed in computer programs and have reliable access to the Internet. The freelancer determines the time and volume of work independently.

A freelance copywriter earns $100-1500.

12. Hairdresser-stylist. A profession for talented and creative girls. Professional hairdressers and stylists have regular client(s).

Many hairdressers practice visiting the client's home, then the cost of the service increases significantly in price. Wedding and holiday hairstyles will cost the client double or even triple the price.

The salary of a hairdresser-stylist is $350-1000.

13. Neil master. Specialist in women's nails. Everything related to manicure and pedicure, nail extensions and treatment is the work of a nail master.

The cost of a nail technician’s work largely depends on the client’s requirements and the time required to complete the necessary procedures.

The salary of a nail artist is $350-600.

14. Cosmetologist. A good cosmetologist can choose the right comprehensive care for the body and face. The resulting positive effect will force the client to become a regular customer of the master’s procedures. Great importance It has high level and professionalism of a cosmetologist.

The cost of services in beauty salons varies greatly and depends on many factors. Medical education for a cosmetologist required condition official work.

The salary level for a cosmetologist is $350-700.

15. Seamstress-fashion designer. The cost of the craftsman’s services depends on the season and the complexity of the cut of the product.

How much does a seamstress-fashion designer earn? $400-800.

16. Photographer. A photographer’s earnings are $300-500.

17. Waitress. A waitress earns $100-300.

18. Call center operator. A girl with a soft and pleasant timbre of voice who will politely and intelligibly help you sort out the current problem.

Who among us has not contacted support when purchasing a product or topping up our phone? Hotlines operate 24 hours a day.

Psychologically difficult profession. The operator needs to take more than a hundred calls per shift. When choosing this profession, make sure that you can communicate on the phone for a long time and not raise your voice at the client, even if he is wrong.

The average salary of a call center operator is $100-200.

19. Nanny, governess, educator, teacher. Giving birth and raising children is the main purpose of a woman. Many are so passionate about this role that they make it their profession.

The demand for women in these specialties is limitless.

Private educators and teachers are paid an order of magnitude more. The salary level of a nanny, governess, teacher, teacher is $100-400.

20. Organizer of children's parties. A fun and very positive job. Here you will have to work with large and noisy children's companies. A good plus You will need experience working with children.

An organizer of children's parties earns about $200-400.

The hardest and lowest paid profession is to be a Human. No matter who you have to work with, always remember this and be a Human! —Madame Vera

All people are individual and have different preferences in clothing, food, entertainment and, of course, in choosing a job. This criterion depends on talent in any field, personal qualities and desire to achieve heights in career ladder. That is why choosing the best professions for girls is quite difficult. We have prepared a list of in-demand, popular and highly paid specialties that will appeal to many women. You can also check out interesting business ideas for women.


The designer is very creative profession, which implies several various directions(florist, artist, fashion designer, interior designer, etc.). This way of earning money will be the best for girls who have a sense of style, good imagination, and love to draw and create something with their own hands. And in the future it will be possible to open, for example, your own interior design studio.

The profession of a lawyer is one of the humanitarian professions and for many years remains one of the most popular for women of all ages. 2019 was no exception to the rule! Indeed, female lawyers earn good money and their specialty is very prestigious. The only thing is that recently, due to the oversupply of “personnel”, finding a job is becoming more and more difficult.

This is one of the best romantic professions that more and more young girls dream of. There should not be any particular difficulties with training. The advantages include high wages, the opportunity to travel for free in Russia and abroad, and early retirement. This type of work is suitable for brave ladies who are not afraid of changes in life and can easily endure frequent separations from their family. By the way, according to men, flight attendants are the most attractive profession for women.

Hairdresser/makeup artist/manicurist

Work related to beauty industry. To become a hairdresser, makeup artist or manicurist higher education is not required, and special courses can be completed after 9th grade at school. These are purely female best professions that almost every woman can try. These specialties are well paid and quite simple.


Women have long won the opportunity to earn their own living. A long time ago, parents no longer had the urgent need to marry off their daughters from a young age, so that they would have someone to support them and take care of them. Women are self-sufficient and many of them earn even more than men.

Well-paid professions for girls are now not uncommon. Although, according to statistics, women still earn on average 10-20% less than men in the same positions, this gap is narrowing every year. Women are increasingly equal in income to men. Whether this is good or bad, let everyone decide for themselves. Highly paid professions for women are good, any working woman will agree with this.

List of high-paying professions for girls

It will not be a surprise that the list of highly paid professions for girls is headed by accounting professions and professions related to economics and finance. This work requires care, accuracy and a logical mind. This type of work is not suitable for everyone, but it has many advantages. This is not only a highly paid profession, it also provides stability and the ability to periodically work remotely. This is not bad for women. Income, of course, differs depending on where the accountant works, but in any case, this good position in terms of a combination of income level and employment schedule. And a good accountant with extensive work experience and extensive practical knowledge earns much more than the average salary.

Another highly paid profession for girls is manager. This is a vast layer of diverse specialties. Diversity allows you to choose something that suits you. Your income level, as a rule, greatly depends on your activity and communication skills. He can be just good, or he can be very, very good. The most highly profitable segments that allow you to demonstrate your ability to earn money are sales manager, purchasing manager, and tourism manager. Also, a human resources manager has good prospects for being called a money profession for women.

Special mention should be made of advertising and marketing specialists. A modern and in-demand specialty. Positions in the advertising business guarantee good income, interesting and creative work, personal development and creativity.

Creative well-paid professions for girls

This also includes work in show business. This field of activity is not suitable for everyone, but it should be mentioned among the highly paid professions for girls. Many girls dream of becoming singers and actresses. But not everyone will be able to get to the top and become widely known. The stars' fees are very large and impressive in size. But even if you don’t manage to become a star, the earnings of holiday hosts, advertising actors, etc. quite good.

Work in the field of cosmetology. Good profession, does not imply stardom, but it can definitely be called a well-paid profession for a girl. Working as a cosmetologist provides a vast field for creativity. The beauty industry is now developing rapidly, almost 100% of girls and women want to be beautiful, so people line up to get haircuts or do nails with great professionals. A very promising and convenient field of activity for women.

Web designer. Quite a new and still in short supply, in demand profession. The Internet is developing, the need for such work is growing. A big plus for women is the opportunity to work remotely while caring for a family. The work is interesting and creative; in such work, routine and dull workdays are definitely not a threat. It’s impossible to say with certainty that this is a highly paid profession for a girl, but if she develops in the field of design, she will definitely become one.

The profession of a lawyer is still quite in demand, although it is a rather complex profession. The process of obtaining it is long and laborious; you need to gain experience and do a lot of extra work on your own. Although earnings here are not high, they depend on unique experience and the presence of the necessary personal qualities. If all this is present, then the profession promises a very high income.

The dentist profession has always been a very profitable one. Here, too, it is very important to gain experience; in addition, getting an education is a long and labor-intensive task. Not everyone can handle it. But after spending time studying, it is very easy to find a well-paid job. There is no need to explain the specifics of the work; everyone has been to the dentist at least once and can imagine what it is like.

A rare and therefore well-paid profession for a girl is a logistics specialist. This is the person who organizes transportation. This is not as simple as it might seem, because you need to choose the most effective method and tie a lot of details together.

Working in the field of banking is also included in the list of highly paid professions for girls. Here, too, a career develops from not very well-paid steps, but a good employee can be sure that he will wait for a promotion and, among other things, here, as a rule, a good social package and the opportunity to select a work schedule are provided.

It is, of course, worth asking what high-paying profession for girls is, but this should not be a decisive factor for choosing a profession. It’s better to choose what you like, and then you will do your work with pleasure and become good professional, such people have always been valued and will continue to be valued. And your earnings will grow along with your skill, and coming to work every day will not be torture, but a holiday.