Unique wonders of nature from different parts of our world. The most amazing natural wonders on planet Earth (20 photos)

It’s hard to imagine that we have such places on Earth... I would definitely like to see this at least once in my life.

Green sunsets and sunrises

A unique phenomenon. Sunlight refracts in such a way that it makes the rays green. This happens literally within a few seconds, but it looks incredible!

Gate to Hell, Turkmenistan

From the crater of the Darvaza volcano, also called the “gate to hell,” gas flows to the surface of the Earth. The bright fire has been burning since 1971, the moment it was lit. Similar fire burned in Iraq for 4,000 years, which was even mentioned in the Old Testament.

Volcanic thunderstorm

This phenomenon in nature is similar to an ordinary thunderstorm, accompanied by volcanic eruptions. It sounds scary, but it's an amazing sight.

Round Mountain, New Zealand

"Moeraki Boulders" are huge round rock fragments that can be seen on the shore of Koekohe. First, the stones were given this shape by sand under water, then, 60 million years later, as a result of soil corrosion, the stones were born.

Eternal thunderstorm, Venezuela

At the mouth of the Catatumbo River in Venezuela, you can observe a rare accumulation of thunderclouds that form a phenomenon called the Catatumbo thunderstorm. Here, thunder and lightning can be enjoyed about 180 nights a year, 10 hours a day.

Great Blue Hole, Belize

Huge underwater holes were formed during ice age, when sea level was much lower than it is today, and the seabed was exposed to the elements. Huge holes were created due to erosion, but the growth of the holes stopped after they were filled with water.

Steam towers, Iceland

The area around Hvevir is extremely active. Phantom towers of steam rise from hot gullies in swamps and on the surface of the earth. Combined with the northern lights, all this looks like the landscapes of an alien planet.

Ice caves

Ice caves are structures that form on the edges of a glacier under the influence of water. The cave is washed out by water. Thick layer multi-year ice contains too little air and does not transmit any light other than blue, which is why the ice acquires such a unique shade.

Basalt columns

These columns are so perfect that one can hardly believe that they are not the work of human hands. Millions of years ago, everything here was filled with lava, which cooled over time and began to break off, so today we can see this amazing phenomenon.

Fire Rainbow

A fire rainbow can be seen when light reflects off ice crystals in clouds at high altitudes. This phenomenon can be so extensive that it often extends along the entire horizon.

Endless Wave

Pororoca is a wave that runs along the coast of the Amazon for 800 kilometers. It is usually 3 to 4 meters high. The world's longest wave comes twice a year, in February or March, when the tides Atlantic Ocean reach the mouth of the Amazon. The Brazilian surfer set a record by riding 13 kilometers on his board in 37 minutes.

Butterfly migration, USA and Mexico

Monarch butterflies are usually beautiful, black and orange creatures, but when they begin to migrate, miracles begin to happen in the sky. When temperatures begin to drop in October, the monarchs begin their journey to Mexico. They have to cover about 4,000 kilometers. Butterflies can cover trees in an entire layer during their journey.

Mother of pearl clouds, Arctic

These unique clouds are very rare because there is usually not enough moisture in the stratosphere for clouds to form. But during extremely cold winters, enough moisture accumulates that clouds can form at an altitude of about 20 km.

Running sardines, South Africa

Sardines make their move every year from May to July. Billions of fish from cold waters swim from Cape Point to east coast South Africa. The schools of fish are so gigantic that they can be seen from satellites. It is not uncommon to see shoals 8 km long, one and a half kilometers wide and 30 meters deep.

Blooming desert, Chile

Every second year the Atacama Desert blooms. A magnificent transformation can be observed after heavy rains, which awaken plant grains deep under the sand.

Lenticular clouds over the mountains

Clouds of this shape form when the air in the mountains is moist. Because of their shape, they are often confused with UFOs.

Crab migration, Christmas Island

In October and November, crabs living on Christmas Island begin their journey to the ocean to mate. For about 18 days, car traffic stops on the island, because all the streets are covered with a red carpet of crabs.

Kliluk, Spotted Lake, Canada

When the water rises in this lake, which is located near the Canadian town of Osoyoos (British Columbia), the minerals form bizarre round shapes and the lake looks absolutely incredible. Each circle has its own color, which depends on the amount of minerals in the lake.

Underwater circles, Japan

These strange shapes are found at the bottom of the sea, not in the fields. They are approximately 2 meters wide and cover the bottom of the Sea of ​​Japan. Each circle has its own shape. Until recently, the reason for the appearance of these circles was unknown, but, surprisingly, the blowfish fish turned out to be to blame. Male pufferfish, despite their size (no more than 13 cm), draw such fields to attract females.

Frozen methane bubbles

Methane bubbles arise as a result of the decomposition of various organisms at the bottom of a reservoir. Methane rises to the top and freezes below the surface. However, you should not play with matches if such a bubble is opened.

Witches' circles, Namibia

Witches' circles are spots on sandy soil that appear in the grasslands of Africa. If you fly from Angola to South Africa, you can observe thousands of such spots with a diameter of up to 9 meters. Scientists believe that this is due to termites that live under the birds and eat the roots of plants.

Fields of cobwebs

“Yes, it's a web. Yes, there is a lot of it. Such fields appear, for example, in Australia during the migration of spiders. Usually such fields are formed when spiders try to hide from the tide.

Luminescent waves, Vaadu, Maldives

The shine of the waves is given by phytoplankton, which glows in the dark. The Milky Way along the beach is simply incredible.

Viper clouds

Similar clouds form under ordinary clouds. This rare phenomenon occurs as a result of the mixing of air and clouds with different humidity, with heavier clouds hanging under lighter ones.

Underwater rivers

Underwater rivers like those in Cenote Angelita occur when heavier masses (for example, hydrogen sulfide) penetrate the water, sink to the bottom and turn into a separate river.

Salt lakes

Some lakes are so salty that animals that fall into the water become covered with a layer of lime, harden and turn to stone.

Wavy-lumpy clouds

Undulatus asperatus (undulatus clouds) are so rare that they were only classified in 2009. We know little about them, except that they are fascinating.

Fire Falls Horsetail Fall

Horsetail Fall is a seasonal waterfall on Mount El Capitan in Yosemite National Park. And the fiery waterfall is very rare phenomenon, which can be seen only a few days in February, when the temperature and weather are suitable for this phenomenon. The sun reflects on the water and produces this glowing orange effect.

Rainbow eucalyptus trees, Hawaii

Rainbow eucalyptus trees have their own special color, as if they were painted by an artist different colors: green, orange, purple, blue, brown. In fact, the reason is simple: the tree loses its bark in different times per year. The parts free from the bark age differently, which causes different colors.

Striped icebergs, Antarctica

The beautiful blue stripes on icebergs occur when a crack in the iceberg fills with water and it has time to freeze without forming bubbles. The green streaks are made up of algae that stick to the iceberg in the water. Brown, yellow and black stripes are various kinds of sediments “captured” by the iceberg along its path.

Live brightly with

Most people live without noticing how many beautiful things surround us. You need to have special qualities to see beauty in simple things. If you find it difficult to see a miracle, just look around, most miracles are provided to us by nature. Indescribable northern lights, the rainbow known to all of us since childhood, endlessly fascinating starfalls, patterns of frost on the windows, all this is available to each of us, absolutely free.

All the wonders of nature have an incredible scale, uniqueness, strength and beauty that will always fascinate us.

One of bright examples One of the wonders of nature is the Northern Lights. This beautiful riot of colors disappears as instantly as it appeared. It is quite difficult to explain the reasons for its occurrence, but this does not matter, the most important thing is what emotions this miracle of nature brings.

Another miracle can be called shooting stars. And in ancient times, starfalls were considered harbingers of happiness; people made wishes on a falling star, being sure that they would come true. In fact, starfalls are not the fall of stars; small fragments actually fall, which, interacting with air envelope heat up and glow, they are harmless and will not be able to destroy the earth, because their sizes are small and the fragments burn out before reaching the ground.

A rainbow can be considered a phenomenon of extraordinary beauty. Since childhood, I have all known the rhyme “Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits,” these lines tell you in what order the colors of the rainbow come. One of little known facts The thing about rainbows is that if you see two rainbows, the colors of the second are in reverse order.

A rather strange, but no less amazing phenomenon can be called rains of frogs and fish. In fact, the origin of this phenomenon has not been fully established; most scientists think that such rains occur after a tornado, because fish and frogs are likely to fall into this funnel.

The wonders of nature never cease to be interesting to us, even if we know how they appeared. Rainbows can almost always be seen after rain, starbursts in August. If you really want to enjoy beautiful things, sometimes you just need to look around, because everything that nature has created is wonderful, no doubt.

Essay on the topic of Wonders of Nature

Nature is diverse and unique in its manifestations. And, she is a wonderful artist and sculptor. The wonders of nature are her great creations. These include not only unique phenomena such as the northern lights and rainbows, but also many others.

The simplest thing that many can observe and which one can never cease to be surprised by is frosty patterns on glass in winter. It’s even familiar and commonplace. But they are really very intricate and beautiful. Also, natural patterns can be observed on the frozen surfaces of reservoirs, consisting of cracks in the ice cover, which, if you look closely, is also quite interesting.

And in summer, natural “kaleidoscopes” can be observed on the surfaces of small reservoirs. You just need to choose a windless day and, having found a suitable place, see in a smooth and clean water surface mirror image trees growing on the shore.

Everything amazing can be found very close by. You don't have to travel the world to do this. Isn’t it a miracle that a cobweb in the forest holds drops of dew? She herself, even without these drops, is an amazingly regular and thin lace, woven by a small spider.

And sometimes the trees have such bizarre shapes! Sometimes it even seems that nature has set a specific goal - to create its next miracle out of it. There are also world-famous trees that have been growing for hundreds of years. But you can find them almost everywhere, even if they are not so famous and not so old.

There are both rocks and mountains of bizarre shapes. And nature created all this. One of her amazing creations is natural minerals. Formed over a very long period, they are unique in their beauty. And such an amazing product can be created by nature even from wood material. However, she will also need a lot of time for this.

Loves nature and jokes with people, creating visual illusions. Some of them are even legendary.

There are many wonderful creations of nature scattered around the world that never cease to amaze and delight the human eye. And, very often, this amazing thing turns out to be very close. Many of us regularly observe its miracles without even realizing it. special significance. After all, everyone is familiar with a rainbow after the rain. Everyone is familiar with sunsets and sunrises. And yet, all this is amazing and unique.

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Last week, the world was shocked by the discovery of a legendary boiling river in the Peruvian Amazon jungle, in which you could literally be boiled alive. However, this is far from the only natural phenomenon whose beauty can leave you speechless, which we invite you to see by looking at our selection.

The illusion of an underwater waterfall off the coast of Mauritius.
At first glance, it may appear that a whirlpool has opened off the coast of a tropical island in the Indian Ocean, but in fact it is an optical illusion created by deposits of silt and sand on the seabed.

Airplane pilots are the only lucky ones who have the opportunity to witness this amazing natural phenomenon. Red flashes of light lasting a few milliseconds appear more than 80 kilometers above the Earth during a severe thunderstorm.

Methane bubbles on the Vermilion Lakes in Canada.
Thousands of methane bubbles frozen into the ice on the Vermilion Lakes in Banff National Park in Alberta look like mysterious inhabitants of the underwater depths.

Lake Natron in Tanzania.
Salt Lake Natron is located in the East African Rift Valley in Tanzania near the Kenyan border. Algae gives the water its red tint.

The Giant's Causeway in Northern Ireland.
This natural monument, consisting of more than 40 thousand basalt columns formed as a result of a volcanic eruption tens of millions of years ago, looks like a movie set.

Eucalyptus rainbow.
Rainbow eucalyptus bark may have a green, orange or purple hue depending on the age of the tree.

Carpet of flowers in the Atacama Desert in Chile.
The Atacama is the driest desert in the world, but during the rainy season it is wonderfully transformed. Every 5-7 years the lifeless desert is covered with a carpet of pink flowers.

Crab migration on Christmas Island, Australia.
The tiny island is home to more than 43 million red land crabs, which flock to the coast to spawn during the breeding season.

Big blue hole in Belize.
An underwater sinkhole with a diameter of more than 300 meters and a depth of 124 meters off the coast of Belize is a popular diving site.

Caño Cristales River in Colombia.
The river is called the “liquid rainbow” due to the abundance of colorful algae of the species macarenia clavigera, which is found only on the Macarena mountain range.

Lenticular clouds.
Lenticular clouds form over mountain ranges when there is strong wind and high humidity. This is a fairly common natural phenomenon, but at the same time it is difficult to notice due to the presence of other clouds.

“Door to the Underworld”, Turkmenistan.
Darvaza gas crater in Turkmenistan. Natural gas escaping from the crater has been burning continuously since 1971.

Migration of monarch butterflies.
In late summer and early autumn, monarch butterflies migrate from the United States and Canada to Mexico, during which the females lay eggs.

The fishing village of Huotuwan, China, covered with climbing plants.

Richat, Marvitania.
Richat geological formation in the Sahara Desert in Mauritania.

Flowers in Death Valley.
Dry in winter National Park Death Valley is covered with a carpet of flowers.

Mother of pearl clouds.
Mother-of-pearl clouds, turning the sky into an impressionist painting, appear over Norway and other polar regions.

Trees with twisted trunks in Poland.
About 400 pine trees with mysteriously twisted trunks grow in a forest in northwestern Poland.

Zhangye Danxia National Geopark in Gansu Province, China.
What makes this landscape so colorful is the sandstone and mineral deposits that formed over 24 million years.

Spotted Lake Kliluk in British Columbia, Canada.
At first glance, it may seem that the multi-colored spots on the surface of the water are accumulations of algae, but in fact these are islands of minerals that are exposed when the lake becomes shallow in the summer due to water evaporation.

The nature of Russia is our main wealth. In our country we have the highest mountain in Europe, the largest forest, the largest swamp, a pink lake and the most unusual desert.

1. Baikal

Baikal is the most deep lake in the world (1642 meters). It ranks first in the world among freshwater lakes in terms of volume of fresh water (19% of world reserves). There is more of it than in all five Great Lakes combined. If suddenly all the water on Earth disappears, Baikal will be able to provide water to humanity for five years.

2. Valley of Geysers

There are about 100 geysers in the Valley of Geysers, 20 of them are large. They are not inferior in size to the hot springs of Iceland, Yellowstone national park and New Zealand. Their uniqueness is that they are located in a small area (only 5 km along the Geysernaya River).

3. Krasnoyarsk pillars

There is such a phenomenon - “stolbism” - a fanatical desire to conquer Krasnoyarsk rock climbing without insurance. The pillars are located 3-7 km from Krasnoyarsk, there are more than a hundred of them and each has its own name. Their age is 500 million years.
Their height reaches 90 meters. The uniqueness of the pillars is that a reserve was created here back in 1925, on the territory of which there are about 1,300 species of plants, 58 species of mammals, and 199 species of birds. Every year about 200 thousand tourists come to admire the Krasnoyarsk pillars.

4. Vasyugan swamps

This is the world's largest swamp system in the north of the Tomsk region on the plateau between the Ob and Irtysh. The age of the swamps is 10 thousand years. The area is more than 53 thousand km², the length of the swamps from west to east is 573 kilometers.

Every year the swamp captures new territories. It is a source of water, a reservoir of oil and gas, peat, and an area of ​​untouched nature inhabited by rare species of birds and animals.

5. Komi Forest

The primeval forest of Komi became the first natural object Russia, recognized by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. This is a huge untouched natural area (15% of the territory of the Komi Republic).
The uniqueness of the forest is that nature here has retained its original appearance. Not long ago, gold deposits were discovered in the Komi forest. But the state decided that virgin forest was more valuable than gold, so its production was frozen.

6. Vottovaara

The mountain in Karelia is called the “Russian Stonehenge”. There are megaliths, lakes, bizarre trees and even a stone staircase. Vottovaara is called “Stonehenge” because of the seids, huge stones that are located here.
There are several versions of their appearance. According to one of them, the subsidence of the glacier led to this arrangement of stones, according to another, the reason was an earthquake that occurred here BC. Some scientists believe that seids are of artificial origin and had a cult purpose among the Sami.

7. Weathering pillars

The weathering pillars on Mount Manpupuner in Komi are also called “Mansi balvans”. These are 7 rocks with a height of 32 to 42 meters. They are called weathering pillars because 200 million ago there were mountains here, but over time they collapsed, exposing the remains of hard rock. Previously, these stone sculptures were worshiped by the Mansi; today the pillars are a unique and inaccessible geological monument.

8. Elbrus

Elbrus is a volcano in the western part of the Caucasus range, which has been inactive for about 2 thousand years. Its height is 5642 meters. This is the most high mountain Caucasus, the highest mountain in Europe and highest point Russia.
Elbrus is covered by 23 glaciers, the area of ​​which is more than 130 square kilometers. Elbrus feeds almost the entire North Caucasus. Its glaciers give life to three large rivers- Kuban, Malku and Baksan.

9. Lena Pillars

The Lena Pillars are located only 140 km from Yakutsk (for those places this is a trifling distance). In their current form, they appeared 400 thousand years ago, as a result of the uplift of the Siberian platform, which made the river valleys deeper.
Some of the pillars reach a height of 150 meters. For geologists, the Lena Pillars are a real find: among these rocks many rare fossils of extinct animals are found, for example, mammoth, woolly rhinoceros, Lena horse.

10. Putorana Plateau

The Putorana Plateau is located in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The name translated from Evenki means “lakes with steep banks.” Its length is almost 500 km, and its area is 250 thousand km², which is comparable to the size of Great Britain. The closest city to the plateau, Norilsk, is located 300 km away.
The Putorana Plateau is a unique natural reserve. There are 25 thousand lakes and a lot of animals, which is not typical for these northern latitudes. Included in the list World Heritage UNESCO.

11. Curonian Spit

The Curonian Spit is an almost 100-kilometer narrow strip of land that separates the Curonian Lagoon from everything else. Baltic Sea. And on it are dunes. The drifting dunes on the Curonian Spit are the highest in Europe (from 30 to 60 meters). Between 10 and 20 million birds fly over the coma every spring and fall. The Curonian Spit is also unique for its “dancing forests”. Since 2000, the Curonian Spit has been included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

12. Kungur Cave

The Kungur Ice Cave is one of the largest in the world and the only cave in Russia specially equipped for excursions. It is located in the Urals, between Perm and Yekaterinburg.

The age of the Kungur Ice Cave is almost 10-12 thousand years. The total length of the corridors is about 6000 meters, and the length of the tourist route is 1.5 km. The cave has 58 halls and about 70 lakes. Some grottoes reach 50-100 meters in length and 20 meters in height.

13. Lake Trinity

You cannot swim in Trinity Lake on the Maly Semyachik volcano - it has a very high concentration of sulfur and acid. This “water” can even corrode aluminum oar blades. This lake has a very bright color - bright green - due to the combination of hydrogen particles with acids.
Due to cracks at the bottom, the depth of Trinity Lake is constantly changing. The temperature also changes - from 20 to 60 degrees.

14. Uzon Caldera

The Uzon caldera in Kamchatka is a unique natural monument and object of biogeocenosis. There is a rich flora and fauna here, but the local lakes are especially impressive. One of them is filled with weak sulfuric acid, mercury and sulfur are released around the others. Minerals are formed literally before our eyes. The most interesting thing is that these lakes are also inhabited; bacteria that produce acid live in sulfuric lakes; archaea, one of the oldest forms of life, and thionic bacteria live in others.

15. Lake Elton

Elton is a drainless self-sedating lake in the Palla region Volgograd region, the largest salt lake in Europe with medicinal brine and mud. The largest mineral lake in Europe by area. Its mineralization is 1.5 times higher than in the Dead Sea. Due to the algae Dunaliella salina contained in the water, the color of the lake is reddish. Since the time of Ivan the Terrible, Elton has been used for salt extraction.

16. Zeygalan Waterfall

Zeygalan Waterfall in North Ossetia is the highest waterfall in Europe. Its height is more than 600 meters. Most Europeans, however, don’t even know about it and consider the Swiss Rheinfalls Falls to be the highest. Zeygalan, originates in one of the gorges at an altitude of 4000 meters. Geologists say that this unique natural circus, on the slopes of which waterfalls are born, is the crater of an ancient volcano.

17. Lake Proval

The unique and one-of-a-kind Lake Proval is located inside the Mashuk laccolith mountain in Pyatigorsk. The diameter of the cave in the form of a tapering funnel with a lake at the bottom is as much as 15 meters at its widest point, and its height is 41 meters.
Due to the sulfur and bacteria contained in the water, the water in the lake is bright turquoise. Its temperature ranges from 26 degrees above zero.

18. Rotten Mountain

Rotten Mountain is the largest mud volcano (vomit) in the Russian Caucasus. It is located near Temryuk. Of course, it can be called a mountain with some exaggeration. This plateau is more than a kilometer in diameter, and there are cones and vents on it.
Despite the not very appetizing name, the mud of the Rotten Mountain vomit is not only safe (their temperature is no more than 14 degrees), but also medicinal.

19. Crater lake Elgygytgyn

Elgygytgyn means “non-freezing.” This Chukotka lake is unique in that it has never frozen over in all 3 and a half million years of its history. Therefore, its bottom sediments are indispensable soil samples for scientists, which can tell about geological history. In this regard, Elgygytgyn has no analogues in the world.

Noun, number of synonyms: 13 eighth wonder of the world (11) marvel (18) marvelous marvel (11) ... Dictionary of synonyms

miracle- phenomenon, miracle of nature, extra class, amazing, wonder, rarity, play of nature, beauty, no words, gold, beyond praise, unheard of, wonder, unheard of, eighth wonder of the world, marvelous, to die and not get up, miracles, charm , curiosity,... ... Dictionary of synonyms

wonderful miracle- Cm … Dictionary of synonyms

miracle- a, plural miracles/, miracle/s, s. 1) In religious beliefs: a supernatural phenomenon caused by the intervention of divine power, occurring according to the will of God. The Gospel tells about the miracles of Jesus Christ. He prayed for a miracle: oh... ... Popular dictionary of the Russian language

miracle- noun, p., used often Morphology: (no) what? miracle, why? miracle, (see) what? miracle, what? miracle, about what? about a miracle; pl. What? miracles, (no) what? miracles, why? miracles, (see) what? miracles, what? miracles, about what? about miracles 1. According to religious beliefs... ... Dictionary Dmitrieva

MIRACLE- (lat. miraculum) an unusual event that is difficult to explain, contrary to the natural course of things and attributed by believers to the intervention of supernatural forces (God). According to the views of the Catholic church, a miracle does not violate the integrity... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

MIRACLE- Wed every phenomenon that we cannot explain according to the laws of nature known to us. All miracles are available to God. Christ showed miracles, healed with miracles. | Miracle, extraordinary thing or phenomenon, incident; unexpected and contrary to the foreseen possibility, barely... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

MIRACLE- miracle, plural miracles, miracles and (colloquially rarely) miracles, miracles, cf. 1. In religious and mythological ideas, a phenomenon that contradicts the laws of nature and cannot be explained by them, but is possible due to the intervention of an otherworldly force. “Into miracles now,... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Miracle- (Greek, Lat. miraculum) in the worldview of theism, the removal by the will of the omnipotent God the Creator of the laws of nature established by the same will, visibly revealing for man the power of the Creator over the creation behind the world of things. The theistic concept of Ch. as victory... ... Encyclopedia of Cultural Studies

Miracle- Check neutrality. There should be details on the talk page... Wikipedia


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