About the benefits of the Russian bath! Russian bathhouse - interesting facts and important rules Articles about a bathhouse in the country

Agree, it is difficult to imagine a person who has never been to a bathhouse. Or at least in the sauna! Considering the fact that today anyone can afford these useful and pleasant procedures. Here you will find traditional Russian baths, Finnish saunas, infrared cabins, and Japanese barrels... They all have different effects on our body, but the result of this effect is the same - you get an incredible charge of energy and throw off all the accumulated fatigue. It’s not for nothing that they used to say, “I washed myself in the bathhouse and felt like I was born again.” You probably can't argue with this. But with how, when, who and in what way these same bath procedures should be taken - please! It is important not just to buy a broom, but also to learn how to steam it correctly. Otherwise, your first day of bathing may turn out to be your last in the sense that you will never agree to such torture again. All because they did not recognize, did not read, did not listen to the good advice of those people for whom bathing became the work of their whole lives. It’s even better when you don’t have to search for these tips on the endless expanses of the Internet, but they will all be collected in one place, on one website. Beauty! Here they will tell you about scoops, and pick out a hat, and teach you how to steam with a broom, and even give advice on building a bathhouse... Well, as they say, closer to the body! Meet the bath master – the portal “All about the sauna”

We have all been to a bathhouse at least once in our lives. No? So, they were definitely in the sauna. These procedures are pleasant and useful and, fortunately, are now available to anyone. There are different types of baths and saunas: Finnish saunas and Russian baths, newfangled infrared cabins and even, not yet familiar to everyone, Japanese barrels. The impact is different for all of them, but the result is the same - everything is tired, accumulated over a day or even a week, disappears somewhere, and your body receives a huge charge of positive and positive energy.

Remember the saying? “I washed myself in the bathhouse - it was like being born again.” It's hard to argue with her. We're not going to. Another question is that the bath procedure is not just like that. You need to be able to take bath procedures, and also know where, when and to whom this can and should be done.

Buying a broom is very simple. But using it correctly is more difficult. For some people, the first day of bathing becomes torture and a nightmare. These people will never agree to visit the bathhouse again.

You ask: “Why? You just told me how useful and pleasant the bathhouse is.”

They said it correctly. It’s just that these same people didn’t know, didn’t read, or didn’t listen to the advice of experienced people. Advice from those for whom bathing is the meaning of life and the work of life.

But not everyone has such friends. Imagine that all these tips and all the vast experience accumulated by humanity in matters of bathing will be collected on one site?

Yes, this is just a find! You will be taught how to choose bath caps, how to use a broom, how to choose this very broom. Do you want to build your own sauna? We will give advice on this issue as well. It's time to meet. Portal – “All about the sauna.” Your exclusive bath master.

Story The bath business goes back thousands of years. We are quite young compared to this period. We started working in May. Already now we are a real treasury of knowledge. In addition, we are developing very quickly.

How else could it be if we are all people who are not indifferent or even in love with baths and saunas. This is the first thing that distinguishes us from other sites. What else? And the fact is that we don’t sell or buy anything. Experts and professionals work so that the reader can plunge into the world of health. How do they work? Collect news and share theirs own experience, identify and tell you about the best bath accessories, write unique articles. All this is constantly being added to the site.

It is difficult to imagine a person who has never been to a bathhouse or sauna. It is even more difficult to imagine (and such a thing does not exist) a person who has never washed. The bathhouse is a special building. The bathhouse is a religious building. Bathhouse medical building. There are many definitions for a bathhouse. And almost all of them will be correct. It is very pleasant to write about the bathhouse - the greatest storehouse of health and positive emotions. It is no less pleasant to read about her. Articles about baths cover the widest range of topics to which baths relate in one way or another. And not everything is limited to the topic of building a bathhouse, or buying a stove for a bathhouse. There are topics of bath culture and traditions, recipes of our ancestors and bath magic of other peoples and eras, which can be read about in the sections national baths and history of baths. And rest assured - after reading several of our articles, you will definitely want to visit a bathhouse, or build a bathhouse with your own hands in your dacha, if you have one.

Women's kilt for a bath

The bathhouse whale has become an integral attribute of almost any modern bathhouse and sauna. These simple and at the same time practical bath clothes today, like other clothes, are created in various design and color solutions. How does a women's kilt for a bath differ from a man's?

It is no secret that bath brooms are knitted from plants of various species. In addition to birch and oak brooms, you can find brooms made from eucalyptus, linden, and even coniferous trees in the bathhouse. Each bath broom has its own properties and set beneficial effects, beneficial for the body.

How to visit the bathhouse with children. When is it better for children to take a steam bath - with or after adults? Centuries-old traditions of visiting the bathhouse with children. How to steam children in a bathhouse. Recommendations for those who visit the bathhouse with children.

The Russian bathhouse is a whole cultural and health-improving layer that has been formed over centuries. For the Russian bath, mainly natural items of plant origin are used - from lining the bathhouse with wooden clapboards, and ending with the preparation of bath brooms.

all these elements, becoming healthier, younger, stronger and calmer. The Russian bathhouse is a real forge of health for any person, it stimulates blood circulation, strengthens the immune system, improves the condition of blood vessels, and helps get rid of manyrespiratory diseases, nervous diseases,cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system, joint diseases, helps increase metabolism, and also improves sleep.

Hot air and steam in the bathhouse perfectly open the pores, cleansing the skin, removing skin blockages and pathogenic bacteria, allowing you to relax and enjoy, and when you leave the bathhouse refreshed in body and soul, it’s not for nothing that they say: “I washed myself in the bathhouse, I was born again.” The sweat released in the bathhouse, like a cleaner, removes from the body all harmful substances that may accumulate due to the lack of clean fresh air and healthy food, as well as various chemicals that affect the body in everyday life and in nature. Herbal tea with honey and herbal tinctures will also contribute to better removal of toxins.

The best way to remove harmful substances from the body is through the use of properly administered aromatherapy. It is best to fill the spirit in the steam room with natural aromas and herbs such as fir, pine, spruce, cedar, juniper, oregano, lemon, chamomile; they all have healing and disinfecting properties, without any side effects.

As you know, an integral ritual in the bathhouse is dousing cold water after a good steaming, this contributes to excellent training of blood vessels, which expand from the heat and then contract from the cold, thereby getting rid of cholesterol. In winter, you can run out of the steam room and jump into a snowdrift, or rub yourself with snow and run back! The result from such a temperature extreme will not be long in coming: the lungs will expand, and blood will flow through the vessels freed from cholesterol plaques with redoubled force and metabolism will increase. But do not forget that people with chronic vascular and other diseases should refrain from such extreme sports; only experienced bath attendants. The combination of hot, warm, cold water and steam helps to prolong youth and beauty.

It is impossible to imagine a single Russian bathhouse without a broom; it can work wonders: it increases blood circulation, disperses various congestion throughout the body, improves metabolism, each broom brings benefits and health. Like a magician, it neutralizes all pathogenic microbes, and the essential oils that fall on the skin rejuvenate it, making it more elastic and velvety. The water in which birch and nettle brooms are steamed is a healing decoction for your hair, it will become stronger, less brittle, and will be lush and shiny.

In order for the bath to be only a useful procedure, you must follow some rules:

    Do not go to the bathhouse on an empty stomach; you should take a light, low-calorie meal, such as a vegetable or fruit salad, 2-3 hours before.

    Before your first visit to the steam room, rinse off in the shower, do not wet your hair and be sure to wear a hat - a felt hat.

    5-7 minutes will be enough for the first time. You need to warm up so that your knees are hot. Rest for 10-15 minutes.

    Then you can go into the steam room with a broom and steam, gradually rising higher. The time can be increased up to 20 minutes depending on how you feel.

    Be sure to take a shower or shower after each visit to the steam room. Rest for at least 15-20 minutes. Monitor your pulse. Drink cool soft drinks or herbal teas and tea.

    For the hardened, you can roll in the snow and wipe yourself with snow, no more than 2-3 minutes. Then again under warm shower and into the sheet.

    In the bathhouse there is no need to make sudden movements - rush into the water, douse yourself ice water. Everything should be within reasonable limits.

Ignoring the rules of visiting a sauna will cause considerable harm instead of benefit. Staying in the sauna with a wet, uncovered head, spending too long or frequent visits to the steam room, consuming any strong drinks and high-calorie foods, insufficient fluid intake while visiting the sauna is not permissible!!!

2. There are many versions of legends about the origin of the bathhouse. For example, this: raindrops through a dilapidated roof fell on the hot stones of the hearth, and the billowing steam enveloped people in a pleasant warmth. Or, returning from a tiring hunt, our distant ancestor sat down to rest near a hot spring gushing out of the ground and felt how quickly his strength was restored.

3. The Russian bath is considered the most humid. It is heated to 60 degrees or more with almost 100 percent humidity. The pulse reaches 170 beats per minute, the pressure rises. You should stay in the steam room for no more than 5-7 minutes.

4. The Russian bath is a wonderful breathing simulator. Hot, humidified air has a good effect on the larynx and nasal mucosa. Breathing quickens and becomes deeper. And for a healthy heart, a bathhouse is a workout.

5. A modern Japanese bath (sento) is a small pool filled with hot water. I took a swim, and then a massage with hard mittens using sea ​​salt coarse grind. Then again a bath and a half-hour rest on the ottoman.

6. An unusual hot sawdust bath is ofuro. You are immersed for ten minutes in a heated mixture of cedar sawdust, rice bran, to which more than 60 aromatic and medicinal herbs are added.
What is good for a Japanese may not be possible for a European. It will be hard for an unprepared person in Japanese “baths”. But it is an excellent remedy for rheumatism, colds and stress.

7. Everything oriental baths, whether Turkish or Central Asian, come from Roman baths (with a hot floor and wet steam). Steam escapes through special openings at a level of one and a half meters from the floor. Start steaming at 30 degrees and gradually raise the temperature to 100.

8. There is no need for extra stress in the bathhouse, so it is better to drink herbal teas or juices. A massage in a bathhouse increases motor response, improves coordination and blood circulation.

9. The Irish bath is very common in Europe. The temperature is moderate. Hot air passes through pipes that are located under the floor and in the walls. The entire body is covered with special heated stones. This is very effective remedy to combat many diseases and even depression.

10. In the 18th century, the Germans went to the bathhouse as a family: with their wives, children and dogs.

11. Each new ROMAN emperor who came to power considered it his duty to build a new public bath. In addition, this was one of the ways to gain popularity among the population.

12. Bath procedures help to take your mind off the worries and worries of the day. Man charging positive emotions, perceives troubles more easily. Doctors advise people who often catch colds or suffer from chronic respiratory diseases to go to the bathhouse.

13. According to American scientists, even the ancient Indians were treated with steam: they brought heated stones into the wigwam and splashed water on them - the patient was covered in clouds of steam.

14. As experts say, a person who correctly performs all bath procedures loses up to 2 kg in weight per visit. In addition, the heat makes the skin smooth, firm and elastic, giving it a healthy tone.

15. Finland is the undisputed leader in the number of saunas. In this country, where only 5 million people live, about 2 million saunas have been built.

16. According to statistics, 20% of Russians go to a bathhouse or sauna every month!

17. Recently, a record was set for the time spent in the bathhouse. One Russian woman (who faced both a burning hut and a galloping horse) sat in the steam room for 26 hours straight!

18. Some linguists believe that the word “bath” comes from the Latin word “balneum” - “drives away pain and sadness”

19. Getting into a bathhouse, a person finds himself under the influence of a whole group of stimuli: heat, steam, water, temperature changes - and it is quite natural that the human body begins to react to all these factors.

20. Thanks to bath procedures, blood pressure is stabilized: in hypertensive patients it decreases, and in hypotensive patients it increases. Those suffering from hypertension in the early stages tolerate the bath very well.

21. The bathhouse helps to more easily endure the vagaries of nature, go through a period of acclimatization, increase the body’s immunity, its endurance and resistance to adverse environmental factors.

22. Bath procedures also have a positive effect on nervous system person. Blood flow in the brain decreases, which in turn reduces emotional activity and relieves nervous tension. Human muscle tissue relaxes, the body plunges into a state of rest, bliss, thereby gaining the opportunity to restore its strength.

23. Famous director Eldar Ryazanov was the author of the phrase: “...every year on December 31, my friends and I go to the bathhouse...” - from the Irony of Fate, if anyone doesn’t understand. So, Ryazanov has not gone to the bathhouse since childhood, when at the age of seven he almost lost consciousness in the steam room from the stuffiness. Haven't set foot there since then.

24. Any celebration in Rus' was necessarily accompanied by a trip to the bathhouse. They looked askance and disapproval at those who did not like to go to the bathhouse.

25. Experts do not advise visiting the bathhouse more than 1-2 times a week, because the effect is significantly reduced.