What should I look for on the Internet when I'm bored? Productive ways to spend time on the Internet

Anyone who ends up on the World Wide Web stays here forever...

Indeed, how can you voluntarily leave the Internet when there are so many fascinating sites, useful programs, cool videos, information about interesting people.. But how do you know What's interesting on the Internet today?, how to make spending time here not only entertaining, but also useful? Let's look into this issue.

What to watch on the Internet when you're bored and have nothing to do

Of course, each individual user will have his own list of programs, sites, films that are suitable for him to watch when he has nothing to do. You need to proceed from your own interests. If you are interested in biology and when you are bored, why not read an interesting article or documentary, an interesting movie instead of the usual “stuck” social network. You can discover a new one musical genre, if you are interested in music, etc.

Nowadays you can watch anything you want via the Internet. If you want, turn on the television and your favorite TV channels will be online, or if you want, go to YouTube, where you definitely never get bored! Hundreds of channels with funny and amusing videos, video blogs, and clips can be watched until the morning.

If you don’t know what to watch, we will try to push you a little towards self-development by throwing in a few interesting ideas for a useful and interesting pastime on the Internet. Launch Chrome or Opera (well, or Explorer, if someone else uses it) and start.

Virtual travel

The Internet is multifaceted, and if you have nothing to do at home, you can easily “go out” for a walk and learn a lot of new things. For example, to Peru or Australia. At the same time, not just a boring map will unfold in front of you, but photos of streets, roads, houses. Without leaving home, you can explore the outskirts of Moscow and figure out where you can go the next day. Or you can go to the mountains without getting up from the couch - all thanks to the service Google Maps. True, even such a pastime can sooner or later begin to tire, so you can diversify it a little.


An art project is a “museum” analogy Google Maps. The application is designed to make the world's museums accessible to any user of the global network. You can observe paintings and sculptures from any country in the world directly through your computer. The National Gallery of Art in Washington is open before you, japanese painting at the Freer Gallery of Art. The whole world of art is open to the public for free on your monitor!

Having fun with video surveillance

IN modern world The possibilities of video recording, if not limitless, have definitely gone much further than you suspect. We recommend that you check out how you can have fun using a webcam or online streaming.

You can watch interesting online streams from all over the world on the resource. Being transported to any corner of the world in real time is an everyday reality today.

You can watch sights, parades, and holidays online via webcams. The popularity of the resource indicates that perhaps in the future it will displace already outdated resources with photographs such as Google Maps.

Video surveillance systems via webcam

Greater popularity Lately purchase video surveillance systems via webcam. Although they were originally developed to check the integrity of housekeepers and child care, today with such a device you can, for example, monitor the cat in the next room. Quite an interesting pastime at home if you are overcome by boredom. Here are examples of several programs:

  1. AtHome Video Streamer:– transmits information and notifications to a smartphone or Google cloud if motion is detected on the screen. Suitable for both web cameras and IP cameras.
  2. EyeLine Video Surveillance– at your disposal is a motion detector and about 100 connection channels, a notification system by email or SMS. The program is provided for a fee, but the first two weeks can be used in test mode. If you like it, you can subscribe later.

What to do for music lovers

If you like listening to music, then you can do something more interesting than listening to your favorite tracks on the player for the thousandth time. Here are a few unusual services that will diversify your leisure time.

Music retroblog

What kind of music was listened to in Mexico in the 20s of the last century? The Radiooooo card catalog gives you the opportunity to go on a music lover's journey not only in space, but also in time.

There are, of course, disadvantages. The catalog of audio recordings per country is limited (3 songs per decade). Moreover, records are not given for every country; many countries (for example, African ones) do not have “hits” in the database at all, especially in early time periods. However, this is an interesting service that a music lover will be stuck with for a long time.

Music Composition Sites

Audiotool will allow you to try yourself as a composer. This service makes it possible to compose musical motifs using a simple and intuitive interface. If you get tired of looking at cards, then why not make one?

If you don’t like this site, try others with an expanded base of services and improved sound. In addition, on the Internet you can “play” the piano or other instrument, watch educational lessons and learn to play, for example, the guitar.

Looking for music on the Internet

Let's continue the theme of music. In our country, you can access any audio recording via the Internet. In Europe, things are much more complicated: copyright does not allow you to listen to artists’ albums, so everyone there either uses paid services or listens to songs through YouTube. Fan videos on YouTube are not subject to copyright, so they can be viewed in the public domain.

Even Wikipedia can help you find new directions in music on the Russian Internet: we read about a particular genre, highlight key artists and download tracks by album. Thus, boredom can be easily “killed” by comprehending a new direction in music.

Fans of radio stations can use the site radiooooo.com and listen to their favorite radio while relaxing. If you're tired of surfing the World Wide Web, just sit comfortably on the couch and turn on your favorite radio.

Unusual entertainment sites

For those who have absolutely nothing to do, we offer the following entertainment resources:

  1. Boostbrain is a huge repository of various puzzles and logical tasks. His motto is “develop by playing,” and it fully corresponds to the content of the site. Hundreds of interesting and unusual games that help develop logical thinking and attentiveness, train memory. What was missing in school, Boostbrain provides in full.
  2. Do you like to work? Love and relax! If you can't, try Donothingfor2minutes. Just take a break from work for two minutes, and if you like it, then another two, or a couple of hours.
  3. Retromap is a huge database of digitized old maps and photographs of cities. You will learn, for example, what Moscow looked like at the beginning of the last century, etc. Here you will linger for a long time, plunge into the abyss of history and radically change your opinion about your own city.
  4. Chatbot– a classic of the genre, familiar to all “old” Internet users, which will appeal to those who value anonymity too much. Of course, this resource can hardly be called developmental, but for lonely people such communication may well brighten up the gray days. It's no wonder that robots play such a big role in science fiction films.
  5. Write a letter to your future self. By following the link http://mailfuture.ru/write/, you can compose a message that you would like to convey to yourself after a certain amount of time. Such a letter, unlike a note in a bottle, will definitely arrive at its destination. The main thing is that you do not lose the contacts of the email to which the letter will be sent.
  6. You can always remember your fun childhood with the console, and the resource http://www.pica-pic.com/ will help you with this. All the most popular games from Nintendo and Dandy, old-school console snooker and more, make you feel pleasant nostalgia for those times, as well as have fun and lift your spirits. You definitely won’t get bored with these games, the main thing is not to get stuck for several days.

Useful activities on the Internet

What to do on the Internet if you’re tired of everything? Oddly enough, sometimes even fun gets tiring. Although paradoxical, the ideal way out of this situation is to really start practicing. useful activity. Learn new language, watch something interesting, play sports or even work. For those who don’t know what else you can do online on the weekend, we offer the following options:

  1. Watching interesting films or TV series;
  2. Blogging.

Yoga classes

Yoga will not only help you get your body in order, work on stretching and shaping your muscles, but also calm your nerves. The existence of the Internet makes paid yoga classes virtually useless. Unless they are struggling with ineradicable laziness. If you have less laziness than others normal people, then feel free to lay out the mat, turn on the video lesson and start practicing.

Movies and TV shows

Watching a movie is the best way to spend time if you are tired of surfing the Internet. The only problem can arise only when you have looked at everything interesting movies to your liking.

The Kinopoisk website will help you find what to watch. Here you can sort movies by genre and tags, and also watch similar movies to the ones you liked. You can register and rate the films you watch, write reviews and comments.

You can just as easily watch a broadcast of any TV channel. Of course, with great detail, the broadcast will slow down a little, but watching the long-awaited football match is quite possible, even if the Internet is mobile and traffic is important to you.

Visiting online stores

TO useful activities This includes visiting stores online. Why not take a look for yourself new image at leisure, when you are tired of doing ordinary things? Moreover, in personal account In most online stores, you can mark a product you like and buy it later.


Perhaps it was out of boredom that the first video bloggers began to appear. If you have nothing to do on the Internet, then you can take a video camera and start shooting videos yourself. If your speech is really interesting and entertaining, then you should think about the prospects of a blogger. You can even make money from this if you watch the video a large number of of people. Recording and releasing new vlogs does not require a lot of money and effort.


The Internet is now almost limitless, as there are many interesting and unusual sites on the Internet that you will not review in your entire life. At the same time, we often fall into a routine, and even in such a sea of ​​information we prefer to walk “from the bed to the refrigerator.” This arrangement quickly gets boring, and there is a desire to somehow diversify your leisure time. We hope we have provided enough ideas for this.

Hello everyone from Artem Bukanov and Sasha Bogdanova.

Today we asked ourselves: in fact, every single person is bored, and this happens more than once or twice in a lifetime. And absolutely everyone at this moment asks the question: what can you do at home when you’re bored?

Therefore, you should resolve this situation and stock up on a hundred ways to relieve boredom. The only people who don’t get bored are the children on vacation, but we, adults, don’t get bored from this.

So let's take a look...

Immediately, looking ahead, I want to point out that some of these methods will be effective, some will be voiced for fun, some will suit everyone, regardless of gender and age, others will suit a certain category of people. But first things first…

Banal remedies for the blues

What can you do when you're bored at home - this is a question many people ask, but, oddly enough, many of them most often remain in a sad state, having done nothing to change their mood.

But this is not our case! Here are options that can be used by everyone and in most common cases:

  • to watch a movie
  • delicious food
  • Internet surfing in search of something interesting
  • get stuck on social media networks (today almost everyone can do this)
  • chat with an interesting person
  • make new acquaintances (you won’t get bored together)
  • admire the window (if you have any suitable look out of him)
  • remember loved ones
  • collect your thoughts (there may be unfinished business)
  • make a to-do list (if you have them and you decide to get rid of them)
  • plan necessary purchases
  • admire the stars (preferably at night)
  • admire the sky (this can be done at any time of the day and in any weather)
  • go to sleep (in general, advice to all)
  • make yourself tea/coffee (it’s not a fact that it will relieve boredom, but it will distract you a little and, perhaps, lead to interesting thoughts over a cup of hot drink)
  • read your horoscope
  • listen to music
  • take a bath
  • play computer games(the thing is, of course, interesting and addictive, but not everyone will take it up/not suitable for everyone)
  • sit by the fireplace (this is not heaven, and not everyone has one)
  • cook something tasty and unusual
  • go in for sports (for an amateur)
  • invite friends (which will be discussed later)

Options for the company

I’ll say right away that it is highly advisable to try the following points in a company, because they imply that you invited someone to visit in advance or visited someone yourself.

So, let's go... things to do with friends:

  • Board games
  • fool around (although you can do it alone)
  • take interesting tests (you can also do this alone, but it’s much more fun in company, so you’ll immediately forget about boredom)
  • start an interesting debate (I emphasize: INTERESTING, and not a path to a fight; we still live in a civilized society, right?!)

What should girls do?

In this part, I will probably offer options (although, of course, a girl in my place would offer much more) for girls. What you can do alone or with a friend when you get bored:

  • gossip (unfortunately many girls like this :/)
  • chat on the phone
  • take care of yourself (there are probably things to do for a week, girls, after all 🙂)
  • spin in front of the mirror
  • rummage through the closet

  • get a loved one (preferably your man)
  • run from him
  • be offended that I caught up with you
  • run away again
  • take a selfie and post it on social media. networks (or even more than one)
  • think about why it's boring
  • tell everyone you're bored
  • wait…
  • understand that there are few real friends
  • ...or they don't exist
  • …at your place
  • understand that you have you
  • stop killing yourself
  • think again about what to do
  • no, having children out of boredom is thoughtless

Time to rave!

Now we will not talk about that nonsense when you are sick, but when you already begin to suffer from nonsense from boredom. What kind of crazy thoughts do we end up with:

  • "play schizophrenia"
  • knock on your neighbors’ wall (and wait for them to knock on your head)
  • invent your own universe
  • listen to the clock tick (a la degradation in full swing)
  • set silence

  • make an evil laugh
  • shut your mouth with your hand
  • grin evilly
  • look back
  • laugh ominously again
  • repeat until you get tired of it
  • feel sad again
  • don't forget to conquer the world

For extraordinary natures

In this section I have crammed advice for people who are intelligent, creative, refined, clean-spirited people, and everyone else who has trouble sitting on their butt. Here's what happened:

  • read a book
  • start drawing something
  • play a musical instrument
  • do embroidery
  • modeling
  • dance
  • think about something important to you
  • fantasize (dream)

  • make plans for the future
  • clean the house
  • read the news
  • watch scientific programs
  • tidy up the room
  • clean shoes
  • wash the dishes (in case there is anything)
  • tidy up your clothes
  • think about your life
  • read about other countries
  • get an encyclopedia (they always have something interesting for any age)
  • think about great things
  • reflect on the essence of existence
  • pray (what? And this has a place among believers)
  • start creating something
  • do some handicrafts
  • rehearse something
  • origami
  • start a spring cleaning
  • sing
  • rearrange the room

A treasure trove of long-term prospects

Finally, I would like to name a few things that are aimed at creating long-term activities with further obtaining a certain result.

I won’t say that it will really amuse you, but it will definitely bring considerable benefits. Very suitable for those who are often bored, but at the same time do not mind using their time most productively:

  • turn on interesting series(the only “not particularly useful”, but long-term among these points)
  • look for a new hobby
  • take care of your education
  • have a dream (which will later become a goal)
  • set a goal for yourself (provided that you start moving towards it)
  • take up writing
  • start keeping a diary (not to be confused with writing)
  • think about changing activities (if you feel that you are not doing your job)
  • look for a new source of income (it never hurts)
  • make a piggy bank ()

Well, something like this. Don't blame me if some of the methods were too crazy. However, I would like to know your options in the comments.

And we – Sasha and Artem – say goodbye to you not for long. See you soon!

On the global network, everything is interesting, from the latest news and weather forecasts to films that are not even shown on world screens yet! The Internet is a huge source of all kinds of information, communication and self-development! And yet, what interesting things can you find on the Internet specifically?

The main advantage of the Internet is that with its help you can quickly and easily obtain any desired information. So, you can download new books, music, films, recipes, instructions, articles, etc. Everything your heart desires! To download what you want, you need to enter into the search bar, for example, “movies 2012 download”, and you will get big list links, following which you can watch and download the latest movies. In general, the above example is quite primitive, because you can also download from various special sites and servers that are directly involved in accumulating and providing various information.

Shopping without leaving home

Online stores will help with this. Here you can order and buy, without leaving your home, any product - from pizza to a new dress. Convenience lies in the fact that there are no queues, you are at home in a calm, cozy environment and can easily stroll through the online store at any time available to you.


What other interesting things can you find on the Internet? Games! The Internet allows you to download or play online various games, which is a favorite pastime for many. You can play alone or with someone online. There are a lot of options and games too.


Using the Internet, you can view and find thousands of vacancies; you can work using only the Internet. In this case, you will work without leaving home. You can find additional income in your free time from your main job. If you are interested in this issue, you can read more about making money on the Internet in several articles on our website.


You can download a large number of different textbooks on the Internet, teaching aids and materials with which you can engage in self-education. You can also hire a tutor and study with him on Skype or receive any education remotely.

Other possibilities

This includes everything with which you can learn more about yourself and what surrounds you. For example, a large number psychological tests will reveal your character, habits, temperament. You can also make your own family tree, find out the secret of your name. You can also choose for yourself new hairstyle And a new style, see in advance what will suit you and what will not. You can find information about various places in your city (cafes, bars, cinemas...), their capabilities and prices. You can also book seats and tickets for air and railway flights via the Internet, select a tourist holiday in different countries peace, etc.

The Internet has a lot of opportunities these days. If you list everything, it will take a lot of time. Now you know exactly what interesting things you can find on the Internet. But let's not forget about real life too, because artificial, even interesting, will never fully replace real life! Walk in the fresh air more often, go to the movies, concerts and theaters, chat with friends in person, read paper books.

How to identify an enemy by IP or find out the address of a girl you like? We talk about services, search operators and interesting tricks.

Here's what you can do:

1. Find a person’s latest posts on all social networks at once

5. Find out what people around you are posting on Twitter

Using the “near:” operator, you can find out what residents of a particular city are currently writing about:

Or at a point with a specific latitude and longitude:

Geographic coordinates can be determined from this map or looked at in the exif data of photographs.

6. Find out who is in the photo

We cut out the part of the photo where the person’s head is and upload it to the Google image search page. We are surprised by the result.

7. Find out what a person posted on Twitter on a specific day

Sometimes it is interesting to know that some famous person wrote on Twitter before specific date. For example, what did Tim Cook post on his account before October 17, 2015?

For such complex tasks Twitter has operators for advanced search. They must be entered on the main page of the social network in the form in the upper right corner:

If you combine the above “until” with the “since” operator, you can make a selection of tweets over a certain period of time. For example, you can find out what Tim Cook wrote during Christmas week:

8. Find out if a person is wanted

If your new acquaintance is suspicious, then you should look for him in the database of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of your region.

9. Find out if he has any debts

14. Find out in which region he bought the SIM card

Subscribers can determine the region and operator on the website gsm-inform.ru.

15. Find out, find out a person’s apartment number by home phone number

The latest life hack makes a lasting impression on women:

A) See you off new girl to the entrance. You casually ask for her home phone number;

B) In between times, go to mobile app“Sberbank” and go to the section for paying for MGTS services;

B) Enter the phone number and find out the apartment number;

D) Before saying goodbye, you tell about your second cousin who participated in the “Battle of Psychics” and offer to guess her apartment number;

D) Call the required number;

You can be bored in different ways. For some, it’s lying on the couch and suffering from the hopeless impossibility of choosing the right business. For others, it’s a way to find something they like. Here are ways to take the second path correctly.

TOP 10 useful and interesting activities on the Internet

1. Listen to lectures. Someone will say that this is boring and doesn’t really look like entertainment and they will be right, but only partly. There are many places on the Internet that offer the most interesting topics in the world, capable of interest the most notorious losers. There are especially a lot of them on YouTube.

Many famous people They believed that only highly developed intellectuals were capable of boredom.

2. Study exotic games. The game is useful, entertaining and simply interesting. For example, are you familiar with the name shogi? And this is Japanese chess according to the original rules.

3. Do geocaching. Those who know this word don’t need to be told, but those who don’t know – this is a search for small ones that other users leave. Exchange of impressions, descriptions of famous places, Fresh air- very helpful. And on the Internet there is an exchange of opinions, photographs, stories.

4. Get busy. No, no one is calling for insulting or driving your opponents to the point of insanity for the very fact that you can do it. Here it is more important to compare your intellect with your interlocutor, to be able to develop it in the direction you need in any conversation, to manage the feelings and emotions of your opponent. Interesting experience, which can be multiplied by studying good literature, theory and practice of negotiations and complete self-improvement.

5. Online games. If you have long been tired of Solitaire Solitaire or weak artificial intelligence in grand strategies, try comparing your combat skills with real-virtual opponents. When in front of you, for example, is a mechanized robot controlled by a real person, the development of the game takes on a completely different meaning.

6. Collecting. This hobby is familiar to many in real life. On the Internet it takes on a scale that is simply impossible to assess in one evening. From heraldry to numismatics, from philately to collecting beer caps - it's all here!

8. Music. No, not that pop music, of which there is already so much from all pages, TV, radio and every stall. You can find many rare recordings on the Internet. famous groups, which in itself is quite exciting.

9. Photo. Photography – whole Big world, where it is easy to spend more than one free evening.

It's not difficult to relieve boredom

Among all the entertainment on the Internet, it is enough to listen to yourself, to your desires, and you will discover in the depths of your soul what you are attracted to.

According to psychologists, boredom is a kind of overflow of the buffer zone in the brain responsible for impressions.

And follow the main advice given by Schopenhauer - a stupid person wastes time, but a smart person uses it.