Powerful voices of the world. Amazing Voices of the World

Among these unique people There are professionals and amateurs. The history of each of them is different, but they are all similar in that they have, the site says.

Performers with truly unique voices

There are many systems in the world that use them to classify singing voices. Most often, the vocal range and gender of the singer are taken into account. The singing range is 8 octaves. It is believed that in order to win his place on stage, a singer only needs to have a middle range of 2 octaves. But there are voices that go beyond the usual boundaries.

Svetlana Feodulova

Photo: Instagram feodulova

The Russian woman’s unusual voice, with a range of 5 octaves, was noticed by her vocal teachers. Musicality, absolute pitch and constant work on herself helped Svetlana achieve unrealistic results. The girl was included in the Guinness Book of Records. She is also the winner of many awards and honors, both in her country and abroad.

The opera singer not only follows generally accepted canons, but also likes to experiment, mixing different styles. For example, classics and modern compositions.

Renee Fleming

Photo: Instagram reneeflemingmusic

American opera singer, lyric-dramatic soprano, “Gold Standard Soprano.”

For development musical abilities The girls were influenced by her family. Mom and dad were vocal teachers, so it’s not surprising that Renee followed in their footsteps.

Fleming's most recognizable role is considered to be that of Countess Almaviva (The Marriage of Figaro). Also, it is to her that fans of The Hobbit should be grateful. Few people know, but Renee Fleming became the voice of many tracks from the films of this series.

Georgia Brown

A completely controversial personality of our top is Georgia Brown. The Latin American boasts a voice of 8 octaves and two Guinness records at once - the highest note and the widest range.

Music critics still disagree about the girl's unique voice. Some consider it unimaginable, because the singer’s upper register is found only in a few species of animals.

It is because of this that other experts do not consider the girl’s voice to be anything special, arguing that her “ultrasound screams” cannot be called singing.

Tim Storms

The peculiarity of its capabilities is that it produces very low frequency sounds. Even Tim himself cannot hear them; they can only be determined with the help of special equipment. It is believed that the sounds it makes can only be heard by elephants.

It is also listed in the Guinness Book of World Records for the lowest note produced by a human and the widest range.

Vladimir Pasyukov

He sang in many men's choirs country, as well as in the church choir of the Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg. His voice organically joined the choir, adding power with low, sonorous overtones. Vladimir also recorded solo compositions. The singer died in 2011 from a long illness.

Dimash Kudaibergenov

Photo: Instagram kudaibergenov.dimash

Singer from Kazakhstan, winner of the Grand Prix of the competition " Slavic Bazaar 2015”, who conquered many countries with his amazing voice. In 2016, Dimash was awarded a state scholarship from the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Leader of the Nation in the field of culture.

His participation in the Chinese show "Singer 2017" ended with a victorious first place. After participating in this TV show, real popularity came to him. But he didn't stop there. In the same year, Dimash wins the Top Chinese Music Award in the category “The Most popular singer in Asia." In China, it is an adapted version of the Grammy.

Speaking of unique voices, Dmash Kudaibergenov won first place at the Chinese competition thanks to his performance of Vitas’ song “Opera No. 2”. At one time he also captivated many listeners with his in an unusual voice. Find out more about his life off stage.

Main photo: Instagram kudaibergenov.dimash

Singing has fascinated people at any time, so almost always in childhood everyone dreamed of becoming singers or singers. Some did not give up this idea and became famous thanks to their voices.

The singing range is limited to 8 octaves, and most artists only master 2 of them. But there are people with unique data who are capable of much more. They immediately become famous, and this process has especially accelerated with the development of the Internet. The video with their participation is gaining maximum quantity views, and people never get tired of watching such videos over and over again.

Record holder of the Guinness Book of Records, Peruvian Ima was unable to obtain music education. But her passion for singing did not die, and this amazing woman mastered the basics on her own. She admitted that forest birds became her teachers and inspirers, to whose trills she listened carefully and tried to repeat them.

The result of such training was a range of 5 octaves, and even professionals cannot boast of such a result. Moreover, she had amazing ability- sing with two voices at the same time. Phoniatric specialists believe that this is only possible thanks to the special structure of the vocal apparatus and Ima’s cords.

The lack of musical education did not prevent the Peruvian from becoming famous throughout the world. Some of her compositions are still known to everyone without exception.

A native of Oklahoma, Tim came into the world of music through the church choir in which he sang as a little boy. His manager could not ignore the guy’s outstanding singing abilities, so he strongly advised him to continue his career. And he was not mistaken in his pupil, since Tim Storms was later listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the owner of the deepest voice on earth.

The bottom note that Tim is able to sing is accessible to the only person on Earth; no one has yet been able to repeat it. The singer's life consists mainly of touring different countries, since the number of people who want to hear amazing singing is growing every year.

Over time, the lowest note Tim plays continues to move downwards, which is why he was able to break his own record. On at the moment This is the G note, which is 8 octaves below the very last octave of the piano. This sound is beyond the range of human hearing, so it must be recorded using special instruments. But Tim can calmly communicate with elephants, since only they are the only animals that can hear and make the same sounds.

At the moment, this Latina is recognized as the person who can sing the highest note in the world. Despite the fact that Georgia is a representative of the Caucasian race, her amazing voice is called “black” for the strength, power and breadth of range inherent in African-American singers.

The songs she performs reach ultrasound, and not everyone is able to receive aesthetic pleasure from such a performance. A woman's vocal apparatus can produce notes that are found only in some representatives of the faunal kingdom.

Many skeptics claim that a high-pitched squeak cannot be considered singing, but envy did not stop Georgia Brown from being listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the owner of the highest voice.

Now Belle Nuntita is a woman with a beautiful face who sings a duet with herself, since she is able to perform parts in both a male and female voice. This allowed her to successfully work as an actress and singer in Thailand, as well as take part in the local show “Thailand's Got Talent”. Belle's performance on this program created a complete sensation.

Soviet singer, creative activity which began at the age of 18, over the years of touring she managed to visit 92 countries. This huge amount due to the fact that Lyudmila Zykina’s voice did not age, as is usually the case with people. With age, the vocal cords become less elastic, which affects the range and register of sound.

Phoniatricians were surprised to note the fact that Zykina did not experience these age-related changes, so her eternally youthful singing could be enjoyed even in her eighties, when she continued to give concerts despite diabetes mellitus, which ruined her health.

A resident of Great Britain, the mother of two adult children, has not in vain devoted many years to working at school. In addition to her teaching talent, she acquired another one, which is necessary in daily communication with students - the talent to outshout anyone living today.

The volume of sound with which she is able to scream reaches 129 decibels. To understand how loud it is, it is enough to know that it is only 10 decibels lower than the work of the jet engine turbines at launch and takeoff. Not one of her students has a chance to listen new material, which the teacher is trying to convey to him.

Jill is included in the ranks of record holders in the Guinness Book of Records, displacing the previous loudest person, ahead of him by only 1 decibel.

Parodists and imitators have always attracted interest, since the ability to accurately parody someone else's voice is extremely rare.

A special star in this field has become the young artist Andrei Barinov, whose capabilities are truly unique: he can perfectly imitate voices famous singers, politicians, actors and other recognizable people.

The official title of the person with the most beautiful voice currently belongs to a vocalist from Kazakhstan, who, despite his young age, has conquered all continents with his creativity.

His voice belongs to a rare operatic type - countertenor, and covers 6 octaves of the high range. It's especially nice that talented singer actively uses his gift, helping those in need and performing in charity concerts and events.

Among the children there are also many young talents who have amazing voices. Amira Willighagen burst into the vocal world at the age of nine, performing at a competition in Holland, where the jury compared her to the greatest opera diva Maria Callas.

It is surprising that the girl did not study vocal skills anywhere, but simply tried to copy the compositions she liked on the Internet. In 2014, she received an international award for achievements in music and singing, and continues to delight her fans with new songs.

This girl adopted a unique voice by inheritance, since many of her relatives are connected with the world of music and opera. Professional performances in her life began at the age of three, since then Solomiya has been performing in Germany, Ukraine, Russia, Belgium and other countries. The girl was lucky enough to perform a joint professional program with several of the best symphony orchestras world on the stages of major opera halls.

Some voices can cause goosebumps and even tears when listening. There are an incredible number of singers and singers working in the world today, and all of them can become famous with the help of a simple recording reproduced on the Internet. The chance to become a world star is becoming illusory, because now you rarely see a star who holds the whole world captive for a long time. Tastes are becoming more specific, and fashion is becoming more fleeting. And yet the classics are eternal, since the craving for the truly beautiful is unconscious and does not lend itself to fashionable trends, therefore the most beautiful voice in the world is selected by us, like precious diamonds from many pieces of glass: there are never many of them, and each is beautiful only in solitude.

The most beautiful female voices in the world

The beauty of a voice is a relative concept, although it is a known fact that the listener likes a high, gentle, thin voice much more than a dense and low one. A female chest contralto also has its own beauty, but a flying mezzo-soprano will always outdo it and gain more fans.

The Most Inclusive Voice – Ima Sumac

Most comprehensive female voice– Peruvian singer Ima Sumac. She could sing within five octaves. The little resident of Peru first demonstrated the uniqueness of her gift not to a music teacher; Sumac lived in a remote village and did not go to school. She learned to sing by imitating the glosses of birds, and learned her first musical notes and techniques from her husband, her first real music teacher.

In the 50-60s, Sumac was very popular in countries South America, USA and USSR, she was invited to the radio, she did a lot of voice acting. Outsiders characterized her vocals as a mystical act: when Sumac sang (especially on low notes), she seemed to make inhuman sounds, as if her blood of Indian ancestors was speaking in her.

A Black Voice in a White Body – Georgia Brown

This is what they say about modern Brazilian Georgia Brown, who holds a couple of nominations in the Guinness Book of Records.

The girl is the owner of the largest vocal range of living people and a singer who can hold the highest note. True, not everyone likes this record-breaking eight-octave range: some listeners simply turn off the video with Brown’s next record, calling such sound production torture for both the singer and the listener.

The singer who “has nothing to sing with” – Svetlana Feodulova

Svetlana Feodulova, holder of the title “the highest voice in the world” according to the same Book of Records, is a petite blonde, matching her crystal voice. When the record holder, who has a professional classical education, came to take part in the “Voice” show, the project mentors were surprised: there are no singers with such thin waists, they simply “have nothing to sing with”! However, Feodulova became a real gem of the project, performing several classical works and proving with the beauty of her vocals that she has a truly enchanting voice.

Performer of the song in the film "The Lord of the Rings" - Renee Fleming

American opera singer Renee Fleming has a most soulful soprano, which has a kind of “patent” - the “Gold Standard Soprano” award. The singer from her youth was aimed at musical career, started with jazz, then became a leading opera artist. Fleming released a book about how she became a singer, “The Inner Voice.”

Low women's voices - aren't they beautiful?

Nina Simone - classic sample such a voice. As a girl, she started with Negro church motifs, then conquered the restaurant public. For several years, the singer had to work for the producer, who imposed his singing style and his music on her. But at the first opportunity, Simon left the “master”, and her solo career has become a musical treasure: the songs “I Put Spell On You” and “Feeling Good” are the most beautiful love arias.

The most beautiful male voices in the world

With the popularity of male voices, the same rule applies as with the popularity of female ones: the human ear by default perceives high voices as richer, stronger and more saturated with tones and halftones, and therefore wide range tenors will be in much greater favor with the public than basses.

Placido Domingo - the most beautiful tenor

The Spanish tenor is recognized as the best in his class. His voice has powerful energy, high lyricism, timbral richness and expressiveness. In addition, Domingo is a man of amazing efficiency, because he has several nominations in the Guinness Book of Records for the number of concerts performed per year. Today Domingo helps young talents develop by supporting beginners opera singers with any singing ability.

Baritone Sergei Leiferkus – conqueror of La Scala

Leningrader Sergei Leiferkus is the baritone king in Russian opera. The versatile baritone is especially good in opera productions Russian classics, so he represents Russian opera (the roles of Chichikov and stingy knight) on the world stages of the Metropolitan Opera and La Scala. An unusually soulful baritone allows Leiferkus to shine both in leading roles that require power and in chamber works.

Samuel Ramey is an Italian bass who sings in Russian without an accent

Fans opera singer Samuel Ramey is noted for his powerful, booming bass voice that can inspire terror as he plays Mephistopheles in Faust. Amazing acting coupled with an exciting, vibration-inducing voice makes Ramey an unsurpassed performer of strong roles. Thus, Ramey is able to demonstrate the power and texture both in the role of Atilla and in the role of Kutuzov, whom, by the way, he plays completely without an accent.

Probably such a thing as “the most best voice in the world” does not exist, at least it is impossible to choose it based on the difference in taste criteria. There are unrecognized talents and undiscovered treasures yet to be demonstrated creativity, and of course there is a classical heritage that can be listened to forever.

There are a total of 8 octaves in the singing range. U modern singers middle range – 2 octaves. This is enough for full-fledged work on the stage, and it is up to this level that it can be developed. However, there are also completely unique voices...

Ima Sumac (September 13, 1922 - November 1, 2008) - Peruvian singer with a truly unique voice (soprano and contralto)

Her voice is five octaves, and she could sing with two voices at once. Ima did not receive a musical education; she learned to sing on her own; according to her, she simply imitated the voices of birds. Her voice is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the highest female voice in the world.

Yma Sumac – Gopher Mambo (Capitol Records 1954)

Do you recognize the song? Everything is new, this is a well-forgotten old....

She holds two Guinness World Records - for the highest note ever hit by a person and the widest vocal range. She is described as a white woman with a “black voice.”

Critics' opinions regarding vocal abilities Georgia Brown's split. Some consider her to be a unique phenomenon, since the singer’s upper register is beyond human capabilities and is found only in some species of animals. Others note that the ability to scream ultrasonic does not mean the ability to sing.

Renee Fleming – American opera singer, lyric-dramatic soprano, “Gold Standard Soprano”

Renee Fleming performed many tracks in the films of the Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit trilogies.

Recognized in the Guinness Book of Records as the owner of the highest voice and the highest coloratura soprano

In the case of Svetlana, we also hear a lot of criticism - yes, many agree, she can take high notes, but before opera singer she is very far away. However, our topic is to show the capabilities of the human voice, and not singing talent.

American singer Tim Storms has the deepest voice. Tim has the ability to sing a full eight octaves lower than the average person

The lowest note it produces cannot be heard by the human ear, but can only be determined using equipment. The singer produces sounds at a frequency of about 0.189 Hz. By the way, Tim himself is not able to hear them at this frequency.

Bass profundo Yuri Vishnyakov. Very often such basses find their application in church singing.

Sumner is an American gospel singer, songwriter and music promoter known for his deep bass voice.

Vladimir Pasyukov (07/29/1944 – 06/20/2011), Singer from Russia, who had a rare singing voice - Bass profundo

And just for the pleasure of hearing - a gorgeous and amazing voice with a unique timbre and range - the young singer Dimash Kudaibergenov, who shows great promise