Moscow Novodevichy Cemetery. Celebrity graves at Novodevichy cemetery Which celebrities are buried at Novodevichy

The Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow is no less famous than the Kremlin; it is a burial place for the dead. The territory of seven and a half hectares of land is the whole history of the Russian people.

History of origin

The Novodevichy cemetery arose next to the monastery of the same name in 1898, which is located on the peninsula in Luzhniki. The monastery was founded by the prince Vasily III and is dedicated to the liberation of Smolensk from the Lithuanian invasion.

There are several versions of the origin of the name of the monastery. According to one of them, it came from the field on which it is located. Once upon a time, the Tatars selected Russian girls for themselves. Another version connects the name of the monastery with its first nun, Elena Devochkina.

One way or another, this place has a rich history: the monastery burned down more than once, moved from hand to hand, was used as a laundry, a gym, and a kindergarten.

A cemetery was founded next to the monastery for the rest of the nuns. One of the first to be buried here was the author of the Novodevichy Convent, N. E. Efimov.

For a long period there were few burials in this place. However, over time, the Novodevichy cemetery became one of the most expensive and elite burial places. The graves of celebrities of national and cultural-historical levels are there at every step.

Who was buried at the Novodevichy cemetery?

People from high circles found their last refuge under the Novodevichy Convent. These were statesmen - military leaders and ministers, artists and sculptors, poets and writers, academicians and scientists. Buried at Novodevichy Cemetery personalities are known to many. These are (poetess), V. Bryusov (playwright), A. Chekhov and N. Chukovsky (writers), artists and sculptors A. Bubnov, N. Zhukov, V. Svarog, V. Shestakov. There are many relatives of famous politicians here - the wives of Stalin, Brezhnev, Gorbachev, Dzerzhinsky.

There were no cheap, let alone free, places at the Novodevichy cemetery. It was and remains one of the richest and most comfortable burial places. In this regard, the graves were repeatedly subjected to abuse and vandalism. After the revolution, in 1917-1920, most of the tombstones, crosses, sculptures and fences were destroyed or taken away.

History of Russia in burials

After October Revolution It was decided to make the Novodevichy cemetery a burial place for “persons of social standing.” In 1930, the graves of N.V. Gogol, D.V. Venevitinov, S.T. Aksakov, I.I. Levitan, M.N. Ermolova and others public figures were moved to the Novodevichy cemetery. Celebrity graves take center stage here.

Geographically, the churchyard consists of three parts: the old cemetery (1-4th sections), the new (5-8th) and the newest cemetery (9-11th). During its history, it was expanded three times. About 26,000 people are buried in the necropolis.

Many historical figures buried in the old site. Among them are M. Bulgakov and his wife, A. N. Tolstoy, V. V. Mayakovsky, I. A. Ilf, S. Ya. Marshak, V. M. Shukshin, V. I. Vernadsky, P. P. Kashchenko, A.I. Abrikosov, I.M. Sechenov, L.M. Kaganovich, V.M. Molotov, V.S. Chernomyrdin, N.S. Alliluyeva (Stalin’s second wife) and many others.

The "new" territory of the cemetery is a columbarium for urns with ashes, which contains about 7,000 urns. There are the ashes of writers A. Tvardovsky and S. Mikhalkov, aircraft designer A. N. Tupolev, and the grave of the great actor of all times - Yuri Nikulin. Politicians B. Yeltsin and N. Khrushchev rest in these places.

The “newest” site is the burials of figures Russian culture, among whom are E. Leonov, L. Gurchenko, M. Ulyanov, N. Kryuchkov, S. Bondarchuk, A. Schnittke and hundreds of other people.

Novodevichy Cemetery - a tourism destination

The Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow is one of the ten most beautiful and unique burial grounds in the world. It is a cultural and memorial property of Russia, and is also included in the UNESCO heritage list.

It is not surprising that this burial place is on the list of many travel companies in Moscow. Indeed, in addition to the graves of celebrities, the Novodevichy cemetery is filled with works of famous sculptors and architects. The tombstones of the Novodevichy Cemetery were made by such creators as M. Anikushin, E. Vuchetich, S. Konenkov, V. Mukhina, N. Tomsky, G. Schultz. The works were made in the New Russian style; neoclassicism and modernism were also used.

Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow: secrets and mysticism

The land of the Novodevichy cemetery has absorbed a lot of human tears and grief throughout its history. And although it may sound paradoxical, the churchyard gave healing and hope to many women. Perhaps this is all because his fate, like the fate of the monastery, was largely determined by the feminine principle. Here lie many female individuals who were deeply unhappy during their lifetime. They loved and suffered, believed and hoped, but did not find happiness. Now the “sufferers” are in better world, and their energy is capable of healing and healing. She helps to find female happiness - to meet your destiny, get married, give birth to a long-awaited child...

More than one eyewitness claims that strange silhouettes and shadows were seen during walks around the burial sites. Perhaps this is Abbess Devochkina, who has been protecting these lands for centuries. Maybe it’s Stalin mourning at his wife’s grave. Or maybe Gogol is looking for those who violated his grave? They say that when the writer was reburied, his body lay on its side and without a head. According to one version, the head was stolen by an unknown collector.

The most visited monument at the Novodevichy Cemetery

Many famous people rests at the Novodevichy cemetery. However, not all tourists are attracted to such gloomy places. This churchyard is an exception. There are hundreds of people who want to visit the burial places of great cultural and political figures.

  • An active closed cemetery.
  • Located within walking distance from the Sportivnaya metro station.
  • Total number burials - about 26,000.
  • An active outdoor columbarium.
  • Urn burials in an open columbarium are available:
  • Cemetery area: 7-8 hectares.
  • Coordinates 55.724758,37.554268.

Included in the list of “One Hundred Most Important Necropolises in the World” according to UNESCO and the most famous necropolis in Moscow is the Novodevichy Cemetery. Thousands of people who left a noticeable mark on the history of the country are buried here. This makes the Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow (along with the Kremlin Wall) the main national pantheon of glory. The words “buried at Novodevichy” say a lot to a resident of Russia. And at the moment, burials of famous figures of the country occasionally continue on the territory of this ancient necropolis - on August 2, 2016, the writer and poet Fazil Iskander was buried here. The Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow is managed by the State Budgetary Institution “Ritual”, which delegates the right to provide funeral services to the city funeral service site.

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To the cemetery

How to get to Novodevichy Cemetery

Many people are interested in how to get to the Novodevichy Cemetery. Below are possible routes to get to the Novodevichy Cemetery.

Novodevichy Cemetery address: Moscow, Central Administrative District, Luzhnetsky Ave., vl. 2.

Novodevichy Cemetery. Official website.

There is no official website for the Novodevichy Cemetery.

Opening hours of Novodevichy Cemetery:

Burials can be performed every day from 9-00 to 17-00.

How to get to Novodevichy Cemetery:

By metro:

Station "Sportivnaya", on the platform exit towards the Luzhniki stadium. From the ground vestibule of the station, go right about 500 meters along Khamovnichesky Val to the gates of the necropolis.

Other types of transport to Novodevichy Cemetery:

How to get there public transport: metro station "Sportivnaya", buses routes 132 and 64, trolleybuses routes 5 and 15.

How to get there by car:

From the center - along Novodevichyaya embankment. across Krasnopresnenskaya embankment, turn towards the monastery.

From the 3rd transport ring take the exit to Luzhnetsky Prospekt, then drive around the Novodevichy Necropolis complex and drive up to the entrance.

Cemetery places:

Plots at the Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow cannot be obtained, because... This is a closed cemetery. There are only two options for burial: firstly, the government provides a plot free of charge for burial for services to the fatherland. Secondly, places at the Novodevichy cemetery are available for related burials.

Average prices for services at Novodevichy Cemetery

As of January 2019, family plots at the Novodevichy Cemetery were not offered at an open auction by the Moscow Government.

Novodevichy Cemetery is considered the second most important burial place in Moscow. At the same time, it is one of the oldest. The cemetery appeared back in 1898 on the southern side of the Novodevichy Convent. More than a hundred years ago it was considered an honorable place for a final resting place due to the proximity of the holy monastery.

During times Soviet Union Novodevichye has turned into a real pantheon of national heroes and outstanding figures of art and science. Only burial near the Kremlin wall can be more prestigious.

History of Novodevichy

The very first graves on the territory of the modern Novodevichy cemetery appeared in the 16th century. But then these were isolated cases of burials. Here some of the inhabitants of the monastery found their last earthly refuge. The number of their graves gradually increased. Over time, they were joined by the tombs of noble people.

In the 50s of the 20th century, the territory of the Novodevichy cemetery was actively developed. It was expanded by adding soil on the southern slope. The territory was fenced with a brick wall, which adjoined the ancient monastery walls. Now on Novodevichy there are 11 sites on which more than 26 thousand people are buried. To receive the honor of being buried in this place, during your lifetime you must be an outstanding person, a son (or daughter) of whom the Motherland could be proud.

Who lies here

Novodevichy Cemetery is, in a sense, Russian historical museum. It is included in the register World Heritage UNESCO. Some of the first “sovereign” personalities buried on its territory were relatives of Ivan the Terrible: his daughter Annushka, as well as his daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law. High-born nuns also found peace here, and in the past - the princesses Ekaterina and Evdokia of Miloslavsky, Sophia, the sister of Tsar Peter I, and his wife Evdokia Lopukhina.

Later, representatives of famous Russian families were buried here: princes Sergei Trubetskoy, Alexander Muravyov, Decembrist Matvey Muravyov-Apostol, Count Alexey Uvarov, etc. During the years of Soviet power, the ashes of the great author of “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka” Nikolai Gogol and worldwide famous opera singer Fyodor Chaliapin (the latter’s ashes were transported from France several decades after the death of Fyodor Ivanovich).

It’s interesting that, in a sense, a real “grew up” on the old territory of the cemetery. cherry orchard" Many are buried here famous actors Moscow Art Theater headed by the unforgettable Anton Chekhov and Konstantin Stanislavsky. In addition to the graves of these outstanding people, on Novodevichy you can find the tombstones of the final resting places of Mikhail Bulgakov, Vladimir Mayakovsky, Samuil Marshak, Sergei Prokofiev, Vladimir Vernadsky, Ivan Sechenov and other world-famous poets, writers, playwrights, composers and scientists.

Who can be buried at Novodevichye in our time?

According to official data, burial places are provided in 2 cases: for special services to the Fatherland and in the presence of ancient family burials. In the first case, the Moscow government provides a place in the cemetery free of charge to a person whose services to the Motherland are undeniable. Such persons include outstanding scientists, figures of art and literature, political figures, etc. The state provides them free of charge with the opportunity to rest in close proximity to the great sons of Russia and automatically replenish this glorious pantheon.

In the second case, you need to be a descendant of an old Russian family, whose representatives already have graves on Novodevichy. Naturally, in such a situation it is necessary to provide documents confirming the relationship of the deceased with those who were previously buried in the historical cemetery. According to the law, new family burials cannot be opened here (Novodevichye is considered a closed cemetery).

At the same time, you can often find advertisements for funeral services that offer assistance in conducting burials on Novodevichy. According to unofficial data, prices for a plot in this historical cemetery start from 150 thousand rubles and can reach an amount of 1.5-1.8 million. Usually such burials are only possible if a very old grave is moved, but this happens extremely rarely.

The history of the capital's cemeteries has hundreds of secrets and legends. Reburials in which the heads of the dead, encrypted inscriptions on monuments, Scandinavian marks and bulletproof caps for tombstones disappeared...

Online publication launches new project, where you will learn about history, legends and current state capital cemeteries. In the first material we will talk about the Novodevichy cemetery, where 57 tombstones famous figures of art, science and technology.

Gogol and Chekhov, Stanislavsky and Vakhtangov, Shostakovich and Prokofiev found their final refuge at the Novodevichy cemetery. Yeltsin, Khrushchev, Stalin's wife Nadezhda Alliluyeva and even the head of the Chinese Communist Party Wang Ming are buried here.

Burials on the territory of the Novodevichy Convent appeared in the 16th century. By the beginning of the 20th century free space There were practically none left in the monastery necropolis, and graves began to appear near the southern wall of the monastery.

The territory of the Novodevichy cemetery has been expanded several times. The total area of ​​all sites is now more than 7.5 hectares. About 26 thousand people are buried in the cemetery, the territory of which is divided into old, new and new. On the monastery territory, the burials of mainly Decembrists and heroes of the War of 1812, as well as famous professors and public figures, survived.

Chekhov's mark

The body of Anton Chekhov, who died in Germany from tuberculosis, was transported to Moscow in a carriage designed for transporting oysters. The writer is buried next to the grave of his own father. At the foot of the monument, a Scandinavian mark has been preserved - an ancient graphic image of a Christian cross.

Stone "Golgotha"

The tombstone on the grave of Mikhail Bulgakov is the “Golgotha” stone (it was so named due to its shape resembling the mountain where Jesus Christ was crucified) from the former burial place of Nikolai Gogol in the Danilov Monastery. This spongy Black Sea granite, according to legend, was brought by Konstantin Aksakov from Crimea. Bulgakov's widow Elena Sergeevna discovered "Calvary", according to one version, in the workshops of the Novodevichy cemetery, according to another - in a pit where craftsmen dumped production waste.

Since Bulgakov considered Gogol his teacher and even sought inspiration from his monument in Moscow, there was no doubt about the fate of the stone: it was bought and installed on the grave of the author of “The Master and Margarita.”

Photo: Avilov

Four notes

The tombstone of composer Dmitry Shostakovich depicts four notes: D, E-flat, C and B. If you write them in Latin notation, you get DSCH - the composer's initials. The theme of these four notes is considered his calling card.

Photo: Avilov

Buried twice

It is believed that Maria Ermolova has two graves. Initially, the actress was buried on the territory of the temple in the former village of Vladykino. Shortly before the war, Ermolova’s ashes were transferred to the Novodevichy cemetery, but no documents confirming this were preserved.

Photo: Avilov

Posthumous dialogue

The author of "The Worker and the Collective Farm Woman" Vera Mukhina and her husband, the surgeon Zamkov, are buried in the old territory of the cemetery. On the monument to Zamkov there is an inscription: “I gave everything to people,” and on the monument to Mukhina, who died 11 years after the death of her husband, “...And me too.”

Photo: Avilov

By the way, Mukhina considered her best creation not “Worker and Collective Farm Woman,” but a memorial sculpture in the form of a dying swan, made for the grave of an opera singer Leonida Sobinov. He is also buried at the Novodevichy cemetery.

Photo: Avilov

Chinese communist leader

Novodevichy Cemetery is one of the most popular attractions among Chinese tourists. This is because one of the former leaders of the Communist Party of China, Wang Ming, who fell into disgrace after the formation of the PRC and spent recent years life in the USSR.

Photo: Avilov

Gogol without a head

During the reburial of Nikolai Gogol, originally buried in the Danilov Monastery, experts discovered that the author's skull " Dead souls"is missing. In addition, the writer's head and body were turned to one side. After this, rumors spread that Gogol was buried alive during a lethargic sleep.

Photo: Avilov

Galina Ulanova

Galina Ulanova impressed people as vulnerable and touching weak woman, however, it was extremely persistent. The fragile figure of the great ballerina, carved on rough white stone, reflects this contrast.

Yuri Nikulin

Yuri Nikulin is depicted on the monument at the age of just over 40 - the way his fans remembered and loved him. The composition of the monument depicts Nikulin’s favorite dog, a Giant Schnauzer dog, which the artist brought from abroad.

Boris Yeltsin

Boris Yeltsin was buried in the central alley of the Novodevichy cemetery. The grave of the first Russian President located so that it is not adjacent to other burials.

Konstantin Stanislavsky

The monument to Konstantin Stanislavsky was created by the famous sculptor Salavat Shcherbakov. The tombstone is a monument with a snow-white cross, under which the legendary Moscow Art Theater "Seagull" and flowing curtains are depicted.

Evgeny Vakhtangov

Evgeny Vakhtangov died of stomach cancer at the age of 39. An abstract figure in a cloak without a face under the hood - this is how sculptor Oleg Komov presented the famous theater figure.

Nadezhda Alliluyeva

In the mid-70s, vandals threw a monument to Stalin's wife Nadezhda Alliluyeva from its pedestal, after which two cast-iron roses disappeared from it. The nose of the monument itself was broken off. After restoration, the bust was placed in a plastic cube, the “bulletproofness” of which was legendary.

Vladimir Mayakovsky

Initially, the ashes of Vladimir Mayakovsky, who died under mysterious circumstances, were located in the columbarium of New Donskoe Cemetery. Later, as a result of the persistent actions of Lily Brik and the poet’s older sister Lyudmila, the urn with Mayakovsky’s ashes was moved and buried at the Novodevichy cemetery.

Vasily Shukshin

The sculptors made the monument to Vasily Shukshin in the form of a cube and an arrow without a tip passing through it - a symbol of a life cut short. At first they wanted to bury the writer and film director in his homeland in Siberia, but a whole galaxy famous people insisted that Shukshin’s body should rest in the Novodevichy cemetery.

Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya

The ashes of Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya were transferred to the Novodevichy cemetery in May 1942. The current monument, in contrast to its ideologically consistent Soviet “predecessor,” reflects the tragic fate of the first female hero of the Soviet Union during the war years and the pain that she had to endure.

Vladimir Vernadsky

Initially, it was planned to use his quote as an epitaph for the monument to academician Vladimir Vernadsky: “There is nothing stronger in the world than free scientific thought.” However, this statement did not receive the approval of Soviet censorship and was replaced with a more “politically correct” one.

Yuri Levitan

During the Great Patriotic War Yuri Levitan voiced about 2 thousand Sovinformburo reports and over 120 emergency messages. On the monument, the main announcer of the USSR is depicted speaking, next to him is his constant companion - a microphone.

Vyacheslav Tikhonov

The long-awaited monument to Vyacheslav Tikhonov was opened accompanied by melody from the film “Seventeen Moments of Spring.” The bronze figure of “Stirlitz,” cast in Italy, rises against the background of a bas-relief based on the gospel story “The Adoration of the Magi.”

The author of the monument to Nikita Khrushchev is the sculptor Ernst Neizvestny, one of the participants in the exhibition of young Moscow artists “destroyed” by the General Secretary in 1962. With the help black and white And broken lines the sculptor wanted to emphasize the complexity and ambiguity of Khrushchev’s nature.

Andrey Tupolev

It is easy to recognize the monument to the outstanding Soviet aircraft designer Andrei Tupolev. It depicts the engineer's life's work - an airplane and three stars of the Hero of Socialist Labor. The machines created by Tupolev set 78 world records and carried out about 30 outstanding flights.

Raisa Gorbacheva

Mikhail Gorbachev insisted that his wife be buried on the site of the former flower garden opposite the columbarium. They say that at first the relatives of those buried in the wall were against the destruction of the flowerbed, but after seeing the work of the architect Friedrich Soghoyan, who depicted the “first lady” of the USSR as young and sad, they agreed.

The Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow is one of the most famous necropolises in Russia, which appeared in the 16th century and was officially rebuilt in 1898 at the Novodevichy Convent according to the designs of architects S.K. Rodionov, I.P. Mashkov. Today the pantheon occupies a significant territory of the Moscow district of Khamovniki in the Central Administrative District (about 7.5 hectares) and is divided into the Old (1904-1949), New (1949-1970) and Newest (1970-2000) Novodevichy cemetery.

Playwright Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol
Writer Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov
Artist Isaac Ilyich Levitan
President Boris Nikolaevich Yeltsin
Engineer Andrey Nikolaevich Tupolev
Singer Lyudmila Georgievna Zykina

More than 25 thousand people are buried on the territory of the cemetery. In the tombs of the Smolensk Cathedral at the monastery there are the graves of Anna Ioanovna (daughter of Tsar Ivan the Terrible), Princess Sophia Ioanovna and Tsarina Evdokia Lopukhina (sister of Tsar Peter I and his first wife), the princes of Obolensky.

On the territory of the Old Novodevichy Cemetery there are graves of heroes of the war of 1812, including the poet Denis Davydov (1784-1839), the Decembrist princes S. Trubetskoy (1790-1860), A. N. Muravyov (1792-1863), M.I. Muravyov-Apostol (1793-1863), revolutionary A. N. Pleshcheev (1825-1893), historical writers and philosophers I. I. Lazhechnikov (1790-1869), A. F. Pisemsky (1821-1881), S. M. Solovyov (1820-1879), General A. A. Brusilov (1853-1926).

Here lie the ashes of writers N.V. Gogol, S.T. Aksakov, V.A. Gilyarovsky, A. P. Chekhov, A. N. Tolstoy, I. A. Ilf, M. A. Bulgakov, S. Ya. Marshak, V. M. Shukshin, poets D. V. Venevitinov and V. V. Mayakovsky , artist I. I. Levitan, creators of modern Russian theater K. S. Stanislavsky and V. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko, actors L. P. Orlov, M. N. Ermolova and V. P. Maretskaya, directors W. B. Vakhtangov, S.M. Eisenstein and V.I. Pudovkin, composers A.N. Scriabin, I.O. Dunaevsky, S.S. Prokofiev and D.D. Shostakovich, singers F.I. Chaliapin and L.V. Sobinov, scientists S.I. Vavilov, I.M. Sechenov, P.P. Kashchenko and V.I. Vernadsky, architects A.V. Shchusev and V.I. Mukhina.

On the new and “newest” territory of the Novodevichy Pantheon the first president of Russia B. N. Yeltsin, N. S. Khrushchev, aircraft designers S. V. Ilyushin and A. N. Tupolev, pilot A. Maresyev, cosmonauts G. Beregovoi and G. are buried. Titov, writers I. G. Erenburg, A. T. Tvardovsky, N. A. Zabolotsky, S. V. Mikhalkov, Yu. Nagibin and Yu. S. Semenov, directors I. A. Pyryev, M. I. Romm, S. Gerasimov, S. Bondarchuk, singers A. N. Vertinsky, L. Utesov, L. G. Zykina, L. A. Ruslanova, M. N. Bernes, K. Shulzhenko, composers O. B. Feltsman, S. T. Richter, M. L. Rostropovich, G. Sviridov, D. Kabalevsky, A. Schnittke, N. Bogoslovsky, J. Frenkel, ballerina G. S. Ulanova, artists Emil and Igor Kio, Yu. V Nikulin, Yu. V. Yakovlev, R. Plyatt, E. Leonov, A. Papanov, I. Ilyinsky, R. Bykov, N. Kryuchkov, I. Smoktunovsky, E. Matveev, E. Evstigneev, M. Ulyanov, O . Yankovsky, announcer Yu. Levitan

Since 1922, the Novodevichy Convent has been turned into a museum under open air, although in the 30s more than two thousand burials were destroyed in its necropolis. In 2007, burials in the cemetery were officially stopped after the funeral of M. Rostropovich. Today the cemetery is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.