Diet “Favorite” - lose weight on fasting days

Perhaps every woman who cares about her weight has her own favorite diet. But we will talk about a diet consisting of seven one-day mono-diets, united under the positive and promising name “Favorite” diet, the menu of which is designed for 7 days.

Principle and effect on the body

The “favorite” diet lasts only a week. The main principle of its effectiveness is that the diet of each day is considered fasting.

That is, it turns out that you give the body a break from foods that are difficult to digest, not one, two or three days, as is often the case, but a whole week.

A new diet every day plunges the body into controlled stress.

He has to constantly change his approach to processing nutrients, which forces you to burn accumulated fat reserves. And with them the extra centimeters go away.

Advantages and Disadvantages

If you look at it, the “Favorite” diet got its name well deservedly. After all, her diet has many advantages. Firstly, the menu is different every day. You won’t have to force yourself to eat the same thing and dream about delicious baked goods and your favorite fast foods, which are especially harmful during and.

Secondly, all products are simple and affordable. The family budget will not suffer if you announce to everyone that you have decided to lose weight. Thirdly, in seven days you can rid your body of as much as ten kilograms excess weight.

But you shouldn’t abuse the “Beloved” diet and perceive it as a panacea that is ready to forever rid you of unwanted deposits in the waist and hips.

Rather, treat it like fasting days. She effective when you need to quickly prepare a figure for the beach season and look attractive in a swimsuit or get ready for an important celebration and fit into a beautiful evening dress.

Along with the advantages, the “Favorite” diet has many disadvantages:

  • Any sudden changes in diet - . By testing the effect of the “Favorite” diet on yourself, you intentionally shock him with a new diet every day. It is much easier in this regard, but it also takes much longer.
  • During food fasts metabolism slows down. You need to be prepared for the fact that at the end of the diet it will have to be restored.
  • Weight can come back very quickly, if not followed simple rules proper nutrition: remember to drink regularly, do not overindulge in sweets and starchy foods, give up late-night snacks and learn to have dinner four hours before bedtime.

Detailed menu

We offer an approximate menu for the week.

  • Day one - drinking. It is all about fluid intake. This reminds me of the part drinking diet. In addition to water, on this day you can drink tea, eat empty soup or broth.

    We start the morning with a glass of low-fat kefir or a cup of hot tea, but only without sugar.

    Chicken broth for lunch. A snack during the afternoon snack will again be a glass or drinking yogurt. For dinner, a glass of warm milk. Water will help satisfy your hunger or tea without sugar.

  • Day two of the “Favorite” diet - vegetable. It is entirely dedicated to foods rich in fiber and vitamins. In this sense, it is especially beneficial to diet in the summer or autumn. Then the variety of products on your table will be richer.

    The main dish of this day is vegetable salads. They can be made from tomatoes, cabbage, lettuce,...

    For breakfast, we suggest eating two medium-sized tomatoes (learn about). For lunch, we cut ourselves a salad with fresh cucumbers, finely shredded cabbage and herbs. It is allowed to refill it or vegetable oil .

    For dinner again, salad with sweet pepper and cucumber.

  • Day three - drinking. It completely copies the first day. You can use the same diet.
  • Day four - fruity. Perhaps this is the most delicious day. It is entirely dedicated to fruits. It is preferable to eat grapefruit, which are considered good fat burners. For breakfast we eat two oranges or make a fruit salad with oranges and kiwi.

    Low-calorie products allow you to treat yourself to a second breakfast and eat one. For lunch we prepare ourselves a fruit platter. For afternoon tea - and. A glass of milk for dinner will diversify your diet.

  • Day five - protein. On this day, the body is saturated with proteins. Find out more about protein day in the article about protein diet.

    We cook for ourselves for breakfast two- You can cook or make yourself an omelet. The second breakfast consists of boiled or steamed fish - 200 g. For lunch we cook peas - 100 gr. for a side dish - and cook chicken meat - 150 gr.

    A snack during the afternoon snack consists of a portion of low-fat - 100 g. You can eat it for dinner 100 gr. cheese.

However, it is strictly not recommended to overeat protein foods, as they take longer and are more difficult to digest. It is better to eat in small portions, but often.

  • Day six of the “Favorite” diet - drinking. Completely repeats both the diet and the features of the first and third days.
  • Day seven - balanced diet . The diet consists of foods that were eaten throughout the week. The last day becomes a kind of exit from the diet. You can eat protein foods, vegetables, fruits, and broth, but in small quantities.

    For breakfast, boil 2 eggs and drink a cup of unsweetened tea. Your favorite fruit will become your second breakfast. For lunch we cook soup with buckwheat or rice. For afternoon snack we eat fruit again. Vegetable salad will be dinner.

Hard option

The strict diet is also designed for seven days. The menu assumes the effectiveness of the results and is suitable for those whose body responds poorly to dietary restrictions in food. It's much more difficult to stick to.

  • The first two days of a strict diet - drinking. During the entire time you can only drink water and kefir.
  • Third day - apple. It is recommended to drink water and eat apples throughout the day. You can replace them with oranges.
  • The fourth, fifth and sixth days are chicken days. Prepare yourself a supply of boiled chicken meat and don’t forget to drink water.
  • Day seven - wine. You can relax: drink dry wine and eat some cheese.

Many girls who have tried many nutritional systems for weight loss have found THIS is the most convenient and effective. That's why it's called Diet Favorite for 7 days! It helps to cleanse the intestines and expel weight.

What's the point? Let's start from the beginning and in order. If you follow your favorite diet correctly, the result will be excellent.

Favorite diet photo

First, let's get inspired by photos of girls who have lost weight favorite diet - before and after.

The right approach to your favorite diet for 7 days

  1. First, discuss with a specialist, or, as a last resort, honestly understand yourself yourself, Why are you bothered by being overweight? the reason is physiological or psychological character? For example, it is the second that provokes banal overeating, in this case, you should start fighting with the quantity of food, and not with the quality. In the first case (if the problem is physiologically oriented), it’s the other way around.
  2. Then we proceed to the preliminary cleansing the body - 4-5 days before starting the diet; favorite 7 days exclude simple carbohydrates: flour, confectionery, generally sweets, we eat less salt, spices and, especially, sauces.
  3. Drink plenty of fluids- pure water, no sweet drinks or soda.
  4. We're delving into our own heads. Harmony in food begins with harmony with yourself. We create for ourselves a measured rhythm of life and conditions for complete satisfaction - ideally a vacation, even just walks in nature, without overloading ourselves. Cleaning your apartment helps you mentally - getting rid of unnecessary and dusty things.
  5. Stocking up on good things vitamin complex.

Now, before you follow the diet of your favorite menu, remember a number of simple recommendations.

  1. If during the diet you constipation bothers me, then you should take 2 tablespoons of dry bran and drink a laxative before going to bed, then the intestines will be cleansed and its microflora will be restored.
  2. By the way, drinking plenty of water also means choice of lunch in favor, as well as kefir and compotes no sugar.
  3. Stick to principles fractional meals during the diet and in the future.
  4. A vegetable day can be filled with many vegetables, like raw or cooked in a steamer or oven You can add a spoonful of olive oil. Vegetables can also be stewed, boiled, etc. You can't fry.
  5. During protein day diet favorite on the menu you can eat egg whites, chicken breast, cottage cheese, fish, seafood and even beans. The choice is quite rich.
  6. If after your favorite diet, the results really amazed you, and after 7 days you are afraid to gain weight again, can we extend the menu? last day. You can introduce into your diet foods on which weight loss was most active. Master the rules.

Favorite diet Menu

First day. We begin to drink a lot of liquid, first of all, purified water, as well as broths, unsweetened homemade compotes, and herbal decoctions. No sugar!

Second day. We eat all sorts of vegetables, especially white vegetables. e. cabbage (if there are no stomach problems). Your favorite diet menu includes salads, you can just shred raw carrots for snacks. Very good for cleansing. Potatoes and boiled beets should not be consumed.

Third day. Exactly the same as the first one. Plus low-fat fermented milk products to the diet.

Fourth day. It is fruity from morning to evening. Apples, kiwi, oranges, grapefruits... . discard bananas, grapes and fatty avocados.

Fifth day. On this day we prepare proteins: turkey, chicken (breast), eggs, unsweetened yogurt.

Sixth day. Like the third one.

Seventh day. Proper nutrition as a balanced way out of your favorite diet for 7 days. By the end of this day, you will already understand the difference before and after the diet, beloved.

Sample diet for excellent diet results favorite

1 Day

For breakfast, drink a glass of low-fat kefir, then you can warm up green tea with vitamins. Before lunch, 2 tablespoons of dry bran, half an hour later a small plate of chicken broth without salt and tea again. Afternoon snack - a glass of yogurt without sugar, milk before bed.

Day 2

For breakfast, it’s delicious to eat 2 tomatoes without salt, a cup of tea. For lunch - Brush salad. Snack - 2 cucumbers. For dinner, you can prepare any of the dietary vegetable dishes.

Day 3

Again drinking regime. A glass of unsweetened milkshake and tea, then you can drink fermented baked milk or a cocktail with cinnamon for weight loss. We have lunch with chicken broth. For dinner, milk or homemade dried fruit compote without sugar is suitable.

4 day

Breakfast - a couple of oranges, an hour later - kiwi. Lunch - fruit salad with or without 1 spoon of butter. For an afternoon snack we choose a pear and an apple, for dinner - half a grapefruit.

5 day

We have eggs for breakfast - 2 pcs. Lunch is boiled fish. For lunch - 150 g. Dinner - some cottage cheese and cheese.

Day 6 like 3 days.

Day 7

We start Sunday with a couple of eggs, green tea, and have an orange or grapefruit for lunch. Then cut it off. Cooking light dietary soup for lunch, a few hours later Brush salad. For dinner - kefir and apple.

Nutritionist trainer, sports nutritionist, honored author of Evehealth


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This article is based on scientific evidence, written and peer-reviewed by experts. Our team of licensed nutritionists and estheticians strive to be objective, unbiased, honest and present both sides of the argument.

Testers of the multitude various options dieters came to the conclusion: you need to create your own, your favorite one, which will help those losing weight perfectly and drive away up to 10 kg of excess weight in a week.

Is this true? Let's try to figure it out in order. Let's consider the main stages of dietary nutrition and acquiring a slim, sexy figure

Stage 1. Basic steps to start the weight loss process

  1. Decide with a specialist why you are overweight and what the reason is. If this is, indeed, banal overeating, then we will rationally fight this “disease”
  2. Preliminary cleansing of the body, a few days before the diet we exclude bakery, flour, confectionery products from the diet, less salt, spices and various herbs
  3. Drink plenty of fluids, but not sugary or carbonated drinks
  4. We create conditions for complete satisfaction, a vacation, or a trip to nature, collect our thoughts, do not overwork ourselves, do not get nervous, complete calm and only calm
  5. Stocking up on vitamin complex
  1. If you experience constipation during your diet, then you must take 2 tablespoons of dry bran per day, take a laxative at night, let the intestines cleanse and the microflora normalize.
  2. Don’t forget about pharmacy vitamins, then you will avoid many complaints when losing weight: headaches, nausea, redness of the skin of the arms and abdomen, dizziness and just an unpleasant feeling of discomfort.
  3. short-term, they allow for short time bring the stomach back to normal, reduce the amount of food consumed and improve metabolism, so such diets are not recommended for more than 7 days.
  4. Drinking plenty of water means not only water from the well, but also low-fat broths, kefir, drinking yoghurts, low-fat milkshakes, a full range of vitamins and microelements.
  5. Vegetable day allows you to eat a variety of vegetables, both raw and in the form of salad, adding a spoonful of olive oil, you can stew, bake, boil, most importantly, without excess oil and various spices.
  6. During the protein day, the diet contains egg whites, boiled chicken breast, low-fat cottage cheese, fish, seafood, and beans. You can choose what you like and enjoy the usefulness and nutritional value of the dish.
  7. You cannot follow your favorite diet for more than 7 days, if you are so afraid of gaining weight again, then extend the last day, introduce those foods into your diet. Which helped you lose weight, not gain it. Control yourself during the post-diet period and do not pounce on all the food immediately after a week of losing weight.
  8. Remember to consult with a specialist, and also carefully monitor your health during the diet.

Stage 3. FAVORITE diet for 7 days

First day. On this day we drink a lot of liquid, purified water, broths, still water, herbal decoctions. Without sugar and honey.

Second day. We eat various vegetables, more cabbage. You can make salads, you can just eat raw carrots during snacks. Just don't eat potatoes and boiled beets.

Third day. Exactly the same as the first one, we add low-fat fermented milk products to the diet.

Fourth day. This is a completely fruit day, we introduce apples, oranges, grapefruits into the diet, but not bananas and avocados. The fewer calories in a product, the more kilograms the body will lose in a week.

Fifth day. The diet should be rich in proteins, turkey, chicken without skin, eggs, yogurt.

Sixth day. Exactly the same as the first one, we add low-fat fermented milk products to the diet.

Seventh day. A balanced exit from the diet may last several days.

Breakfast: tea, 2 boiled eggs

Dinner: broth with a piece of meat

Dinner: salad with vegetables, dressed with olive oil and a little salt.

You can drink water and tea without sugar any day in unlimited portions.

Favorite diet menu

Monday. For breakfast, you can drink 200 g of low-fat kefir, and wash down your vitamin with a cup of unsweetened tea. Before lunch, eat 2 tablespoons of oat bran, after 30 minutes - 200 g of chicken broth without salt and a cup of unsweetened green tea. For an afternoon snack - 150 g of low-fat yogurt, before going to bed we drink 200 g of milk.

Tuesday. Breakfast - 2 tomatoes without salt, a cup of unsweetened tea. Lunch - salad of cabbage, herbs and cucumbers, a spoonful of olive oil. For an afternoon snack - 2 cucumbers. For dinner, prepare the salad again, add sweet pepper and a lot of greenery.

Wednesday. During the drinking day, we drink 200 g of milkshake and unsweetened tea for breakfast, and 200 g of milk for lunch. We have lunch with chicken broth, 150 g. Afternoon snack - 200 g of kefir. Dinner - a glass of milk, and you can also drink unsweetened tea in unlimited quantities.

Thursday. For breakfast - 2 oranges, after a few hours you can eat grapefruit. We have lunch - a fruit platter of kiwi, apples and oranges. For afternoon snack - pear and apple, dinner with half a grapefruit.

Friday. Breakfast - 2 eggs, for second breakfast 200 g of boiled fish. For lunch - 150 g boiled chicken meat without skin, 100 g canned peas. Afternoon snack - 100 g of cottage cheese, for dinner - 100 g of cheese.

Saturday. For breakfast - 200 g of kefir and a cup of unsweetened tea. Lunch - 200 g of grapefruit juice; for lunch, cook chicken broth without salt. For an afternoon snack - a glass of milkshake, for dinner - 200 g of milk, during the day you can drink unsweetened tea.

Sunday. We start the last day of the diet with 2 eggs, a cup of green tea, and for second breakfast we eat any fruit, preferably orange or grapefruit. For lunch we cook a light soup with rice or buckwheat, after a few hours we can eat any fruit, green apple or a pear. For dinner - salad with salt and butter.

Minus 10 kg in 7 days GUARANTEED!

Advice from European nutritionists on how to quickly lose weight

1. First of all, you should adhere to all recommendations in accordance with the consultation of a specialist.

  • healthy lifestyle
  • proper nutrition
  • more fresh fruits and vegetables, and not restrictions on “junk” food
  • drinking plenty of fluids
  • positive mental attitude
  • set of physical exercises
  • a healthy diet, you should keep a diary and note the list of foods that you eat during the day
  • a healthy metabolism cannot be correct with a sharp restriction from food; such stress provokes more pleasure in the digestive system rather than weight loss
  • Sugar contains empty calories and hinders weight loss
  • products made from white flour provoke the creation of fat cells that are deposited extra centimeters on your figure
  • whole grains and cereals are a source of vitamin B and have a positive effect on carbohydrate metabolism in the body
  • completely low-fat products will not bring much benefit, so you need to eat dairy products with a low percentage of fat content
  • fatty meats and sausages must be replaced with turkey, chicken, veal, and fish.

2. The second paragraph reads:

  • no overeating
  • eat small meals several times a day
  • drink clean water between meals.

Katerina, 25 years old.

At 25 years old, Katerina has already become the mother of two beautiful children. Motherhood is wonderful, even despite the fact that the parameters of the figure have expanded and increased. But the young mother still decided to take control of this situation. To do this, she signed up for the group of users of the Favorite Diet in hometown, went to courses and had a conversation with a nutritionist. After a week and a half to two weeks, it was difficult to recognize the girl. She became prettier, lost weight, her gaze became more expressive and beautiful. And all this thanks to a week of diet and regular comprehensive exercises.

Katerina decided for herself - no more unhealthy foods, no more eating before bed, no more eating fatty, sweet and starchy foods, only healthy food and lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. This lesson will benefit all those with a sweet tooth and those who are overweight.

Eating is a pleasure that charges the body, gives it vigor and the desire to live on, and overeating will not only aggravate the situation, but will also cause many secondary ailments that will inevitably affect everyone’s health.

Today Katerina is in perfect health and has a beautiful slim body. Thanks to my favorite diet for your concern!

Favorite diet photo results: before and after

Marina, 22 years old.

Marinochka always loved to eat delicious food and never thought about extra pounds, until there were too many of them. At first she was a little upset and grieved, because her friends nearby were still making fun of her parameters and even reproached her for having brought herself to such a state at such a young age.

So she couldn’t stand it and decided to let everyone know that she could lose 15 kg. And she proved it, first of all, to herself.

I couldn’t believe it when I looked in the mirror and saw a slim sexy body, I was delighted with what was happening. I wanted to sing, dance, jump for joy. My friends were simply stunned and speechless when they saw me so stunning, and men began to look around and cast sidelong glances. Everything is just great, life has turned back! I am the happiest in the world!

This is how Marinochka became slim and self-confident, which we wish you too, dear readers, sunny luck and patience for everyone on this thorny path losing weight!

Video with a version of your favorite diet for 7 days

Girls all over the world are relentlessly, mercilessly fighting overweight. In pursuit of ideal parameters, all means are good. However, nutritionists advise being very careful when choosing diet and exercise. It is advisable to first consult with a specialist. Otherwise, all responsibility for your own health will fall entirely on your fragile shoulders. A diet called “Favorite”, which is designed for just a week, has become phenomenally popular on the Internet. Is it worth sticking to? And what are more in this mode: pros or cons?

The essence of your favorite diet for 7 days

As already mentioned, the diet is designed for a week. Main feature“Favorite” is that each day is dedicated to a specific product. In fact, you will have to stick to a mono diet every time.

  • The first day is dedicated to liquids. They can be consumed in unlimited quantities, following the thought: “everything that is not water is food.” On this day, broths, drinking natural yoghurts without flavoring fillers, low-fat kefir, low-percentage milk, etc. are allowed. It is recommended to avoid sweet drinks, juices, etc.
  • The second day is an “ode” to vegetables. Your menu should consist entirely of vegetables. It is recommended to give preference to white cabbage, as it is a natural fat burner. You are also allowed to eat tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, etc. in unlimited quantities.
  • The third day is again the topic of drinking. You should drink as much fluid as possible. When you feel hungry, reach for kefir, strong tea with lemon juice, etc.
  • The fourth day consists of fruits. It is allowed to prepare undressed fruit salads from any fruit: bananas, apples, kiwi, melon, etc.
  • Day five – pure protein. At this stage, you should consume protein in the form of fish, meat, eggs, low-fat cheeses, beans and other protein-rich foods.
  • The sixth day is about liquid again. Just repeat the menu of the first or third days.
  • The seventh day is a way out of the diet. This time your menu should be balanced, that is, contain all the elements necessary for the body - proteins, fats, carbohydrates, but in moderation!

Sample menu of Favorite diet for 7 days

If you just can’t figure out which foods are best to consume during the diet, pay attention to sample menu, given below:

  • First drinking day.
    Breakfast – a glass of kefir (200-350 grams) and a cup of strong coffee/unsweetened tea.
    Lunch - unseasoned and unsalted broth, preferably chicken (200 - 300 ml.).
    Snack – a bottle of natural drinking yogurt without flavoring additives.
    Dinner – a glass of kefir or low-percentage milk (200-350 grams).
  • Second vegetable day.
    Breakfast – undressed salad of tomatoes and cucumbers (standard portion – 250 grams).
    Lunch – unsalted salad of white cabbage, cucumbers and fresh herbs. You can add a little olive oil or vinegar. Standard portion.
    Snack – 1-2 cucumbers with sprigs of herbs.
    Dinner - unsalted and undressed salad of sweet peppers, cucumbers, herbs, tomatoes. Standard portion.

    Don't forget to drink up to 2 liters clean water!

  • Third drinking day. The menu is similar to the first day of the diet!
  • Fourth fruit day.
    Breakfast – several medium apples of your favorite variety.
    Snack – small grapefruit.
    Lunch – fruit salad from your favorite fruits with the obligatory addition of a natural fat burner – kiwi.
    Dinner – 250-300 grams of fresh berries and several small pears.

    Don't forget about clean water!

  • Fifth protein day.
    Breakfast – 2 boiled eggs, it is recommended to remove the yolk from one.
    Snack – 150-200 grams of any boiled fish.
    Lunch – 200 grams of boiled skinless chicken and 100 grams of boiled legumes (beans, peas, chickpeas, etc.).
    Dinner – 250 grams of low-fat cottage cheese.

    Clean water – up to 2 liters per day!

  • The sixth drinking day is similar to the first.
  • Seventh balanced day.
    Breakfast – 250 grams of low-fat cottage cheese and a cup of unsweetened tea, coffee.
    Snack – some fruit (apple, orange, etc.).
    Lunch – light chicken soup with added cereals (buckwheat, pearl barley, etc.).
    Snack – any vegetable or fruit.
    Dinner – vegetable salad with olive oil and not large quantity salt.

    Water, water and more water, which you need to drink up to 2 liters a day!

Hard version of the “Favorite” diet for 7 days

If you need to lose weight urgently, pay attention to the presented menu of the extreme version of the “Favorite” weekly diet.

  • The first and second days - drink kefir and clean water unlimitedly.
  • Third day – 2 liters of clean water and 1 kg of apples (can be replaced with oranges).
  • The fourth, fifth and sixth days are the period of chicken meat boiled in unsalted water. It is recommended to remove the skin.
  • The seventh day diet consists of a bottle of dry red or white wine and cheese. It is recommended to consume 30 grams of cheese per glass.

Is the Favorite Diet effective for 7 days?

Remember once and for all that this kind of diet is an emergency measure for weight loss. This is improper weight loss, which comes to the rescue under certain circumstances. For example, when you are preparing for important event. However, you should not always adhere to such a diet. Nutritionists prohibit doing weekly diet“Beloved” with your usual lifestyle, as this can negatively affect your health. If you want to get rid of excess weight forever, then you should eat the right and healthy foods, and also constantly follow a regime of physical activity!

It is effective and effective method weight loss, which configures the human body to lose weight by combining fractional 4-5 meals a day and physical activity. The menu consists only of low calorie foods which bring a feeling of satiety. Reviews of the Favorite diet from people who tried it say that this mode nutrition helps to quickly lose 5-7 kilograms, but is contraindicated for people suffering from diseases affecting the cardiovascular system and intestines.

Remember that the Favorite diet menu for 7 days is not suitable for permanent use. The range of products it contains is varied, but does not supply the body with all the useful elements necessary for a comfortable existence. Long-term eating according to such a menu puts a heavy load on the vital systems of the human body, similar to fasting, and can lead to deterioration of the gastrointestinal tract, constipation, the development of heart failure, etc. The Favorite diet for 7 days is very effective but requires consultation with a doctor before use.

Pros and cons

The 7-day Favorite diet, consisting of simple low-calorie foods, has its drawbacks despite all its advantages. Check out the important features of this diet:



An effective comprehensive method of losing weight: weight is reduced to 5-7 kilograms

It's easy to slip up if you combine a diet with physical activity

A simple menu that doesn’t get boring: the selection of products changes daily

This menu is not available to people suffering from gastrointestinal and cardiovascular diseases

There is a way out of the diet that will not allow you to break right away

Causes severe stress to the body if used for longer than 1.5-2 weeks

Getting rid of edema, weaning off the habit of consuming large amounts of salt and sugar

It is difficult to maintain the achieved results for a long time


Any diet menu is built around strict principles and standards that make it effective. Remember that compliance is mandatory and contributes to achieving desired result. Here are the main principles of the Favorite diet:

  1. Fractional meals. All days are clearly divided into breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner. This speeds up metabolism, helps the body adjust to weight loss, and the person does not have time to get hungry between meals.
  2. Variety of products. All days are dedicated strictly to one type of product, which dominates the rest. It is not necessary to eat only them, but in addition to the specified food, you can eat strictly certain dishes, individual fruits and vegetables.
  3. Physical activity. The diet is complex, and its effectiveness is ensured by a combination of limited nutrition and exercise. Fitness classes, cycling, long walks, etc. can serve as the latter.

Authorized Products

During the diet, it is very important to strictly adhere to the diet, which consists of consuming those foods that are indicated on the menu. This can be fruits, vegetables, broths, meat, etc. Check out the list of allowed foods for the Favorite Diet:

  1. Citrus. Oranges, grapefruits, lemon juice. It is not recommended to eat tangerines.
  2. Meat products. Chicken breast and broth from it, lean beef, fillet sea ​​fish.
  3. Fruits. Apples, pears, bananas, kiwi.
  4. Vegetables. Cherry tomatoes, tomatoes, white cabbage, broccoli, beets, bell peppers, greens, onions, lettuce, cucumbers, vegetable soups.
  5. Fermented milk products, milk. Kefir, fermented baked milk, low-fat sour cream, natural yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese and hard cheese.
  6. Other products. Unsweetened herbal and green tea in any quantities, walnuts, boiled egg, freshly squeezed diluted juices, alcohol with low alcohol and sugar content (dry and semi-dry white/red wine).

Table of prohibited products

There are substances, the entry of which into the body blocks the destruction of fat cells, promotes their accumulation, and prevents the removal of waste, toxins, excess salts and fluids. They are contained in food products, the consumption of which is strictly prohibited during the diet. Here are a few of them, listed by day:

Menu for 7 days

The Favorite diet is characterized by a strict diet, divided into days dedicated to one type of food. Check out an example of a menu, following which, coupled with physical activity, will help you quickly lose up to 5-7 kilograms in a week:

1st, drinking

Breakfast: 1-1.5 glasses of low-fat kefir

Lunch: 300 ml. fresh chicken broth

Afternoon snack: 1 glass of kefir

Dinner: 100 ml. skim milk

2nd, vegetable

Breakfast: 200 g tomatoes

Lunch: green vegetable salad, dressed soy sauce, vegetable oil or vinegar

Afternoon snack: 2 cucumbers

Dinner: green vegetable salad

3rd, drinking

Breakfast: 1 glass of kefir

Lunch: 300 ml. lean beef broth

Afternoon snack: 150 ml. milk

Dinner: 1 glass of drinking yogurt

4th, fruity

Breakfast: 2 small pears

Lunch: 1 banana, 2 green apples

Afternoon snack: 2 apples, kiwi

Dinner: large grapefruit, drinking yogurt

5th, protein

Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs

Lunch: 200 g boiled fillet of sea bass or cod

Afternoon snack: 100 g low-fat cottage cheese with sour cream (10%)

Dinner: 1 glass of kefir

6th, drinking

Breakfast: 1 glass of kefir

Lunch: 200 ml. milk

Afternoon snack: 100 g yogurt

Dinner: 200 ml. unsweetened juice

7th, mixed, way out of the diet

Breakfast: 100 g low-fat cheese

Lunch: 150 ml. milk, 150 g. boiled chicken fillet

Afternoon snack: 2 apples

Dinner: any vegetables

Hard option

A more effective method of losing weight is based on the complete exclusion of any fatty or sugar-containing foods. The calorie content of the menu is greatly reduced, the amount of food remains unchanged, and an additional snack appears between lunch and breakfast. Remember that this option is suitable only for physically healthy people who do not have pronounced diseases affecting the cardiovascular system or gastrointestinal tract. Here is an example of a 7-day strict menu for the Favorite Diet:

1st, drinking

Snack: 1 glass of milk

Dinner: 100 ml kefir

2nd, fruity

Breakfast: 2 green apples

Snack: 1 pear

Lunch: 1 banana, kiwi

Afternoon snack: 1 large grapefruit

Dinner: 150 g fruit cocktail of apples, oranges, pears

3rd, drinking

Breakfast: 1 glass of unsweetened herbal tea

Snack: 100 ml kefir

Lunch: 150 ml milk

Afternoon snack: 1 glass of unsweetened tea

Dinner: 100 ml diluted carrot juice

4th, vegetable

Breakfast: 1 tomato

Snack: 1 cucumber

Lunch: salad bell pepper, white cabbage, cucumbers, greens

Afternoon snack: 100 g cabbage

Dinner: 1 tomato

5th, drinking

Breakfast: 100 ml low-fat kefir

Snack: 1 glass of milk

Lunch: 200 ml chicken broth without salt and spices

Afternoon snack: 1 glass of herbal tea

Dinner: 100 ml kefir

6th, protein

Breakfast: 1 boiled egg

Snack: 100 ml fresh chicken broth

Lunch: 100 g white chicken meat

Afternoon snack: 100 g low-fat cottage cheese

Dinner: 1 glass of kefir

7th, drinking

Breakfast: 100 ml kefir

Snack: 1 glass of unsweetened tea

Lunch: 150 ml fresh chicken broth

Afternoon snack: 1 glass of milk

Dinner: 100 ml kefir

How to make your 7-day menu more effective

The goal of the Favorite diet is to quickly lose weight and maintain the results. To achieve the desired effect, it is not enough just to follow the menu and perform physical exercise. Consider a few recommendations that will help you lose weight even faster without harming your body:

  1. Ignore the feeling of hunger. It is important to follow the menu exactly and not eat more than you should.
  2. Drink more fluids. It promotes the rapid elimination of substances unnecessary to the body and speeds up metabolism. Normally, you should consume up to 2.5-3 liters per day.
  3. Don't skip meals. Small meals greatly speed up the metabolism, and skipping breakfast or dinner can have a detrimental effect on the overall effectiveness of the diet.
  4. Without salt and sugar. At independently compiling diet, exclude from it all foods with a high natural content of these substances. They retain water in the body, promote the formation of edema, and prevent weight loss.

Quitting the diet

The last day of following the menu restrictions does not mean that you can start eating everything that comes to hand. Remember that it takes time to consolidate the achieved result, and if you immediately start eating uncontrollably, the lost weight will return in 2-3 weeks. You should exit the diet by gradually including new foods in your daily diet. You should start eating fatty and sugary foods last. Every day, increase the total calorie content of food by 150-200 kcal to the normal value, continue to consume 2-2.5 liters of liquid daily.


This dietary option causes severe stress in the human body and is suitable only for healthy people. Before starting a strict diet, consult your doctor. Obstacles to using the Favorite Diet are:

  • renal failure;
  • diabetes;
  • anemia;
  • heart failure;
  • hypertension;
  • gastritis;
  • period breastfeeding;
  • pregnancy.

Photos before and after the diet
