Sesame oil: benefits and harm. Basic properties of sesame oil. Sesame oil: benefits and harms, how to take and use correctly

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    3 days ago Sweet clover honey with beebread 7% 1kg -830₽ Natural honey from Siberia from It is considered high-grade honey. Sweet clover honey is loved all over the world. Has a subtle floral aroma. High taste qualities. Sweet clover honey helps with all pulmonary and acute respiratory diseases. Received from case frames. With the addition of bee bread. Perga is a natural biostimulant. Under the influence of bee bread, blood supply to the lower body and peripheral organs improves, so it is used to increase potency, treat male infertility, and prostate adenoma. Benefits based on the color of honey. Sweet clover honey is light yellow in color. Refers to light varieties of honey. Recommended for cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diseases of the respiratory system. Suitable for eye drops. Benefits based on the medicinal properties of the plant

    1 week ago Spring is coming. There is very little left, which means soon the bees will leave their winter palace and begin searching for food. Coltsfoot is one of the first spring honey plants in Siberia, providing bees with pollen and nectar. Grows in large numbers along coastal cliffs. It blooms very early - in early or mid-April and blooms for 15-20 days. Tussilago (mother) farfara (stepmother) L..

    2 weeks ago “It flowed down my mustache, but didn’t get into my mouth.” This is exactly what they said about honey beer in fairy tales. This drink is very insidious. It is easy to drink, relaxed, but the strength in it is quite high. One liter is enough to understand what kind of drink it is. You can buy light mead in our store. Now there are three types of mead. All with the addition of hop cones. It differs: 1) classic (honey + hops). 2) Bird cherry. 3) With garden berries (cloudier than others, due to the berry pulp). All have the same strength. At least 6-7%. Although 1 liter gives the effect of 0.5 liters of vodka. But as they say, it “hits” the muscular skeleton. The head remains sane. The cost of 1 liter of pleasure is only 250 rubles. For

    The valuable properties of sesame seeds have become known to man since ancient times. In early mythology, for example, in one of the myths, the gods drank wine made from these seeds before creating the world. The inhabitants of Babylon used sesame seeds in cooking and drinking, baked pies from it, and also made oil from it. And Avicenna himself wrote in his works about how healing they are.

    As early as one and a half thousand years BC, the Egyptians began to use oil made from sesame seeds as a medicinal product. And the ancient people believed in its healing power so much that they considered it a symbol of immortality. And not without reason. Of course, it will not give immortality, but it has considerable benefits for the human body. After all, the seeds and the oil made from them are extremely rich in various minerals and vitamins necessary for normal human life. This includes zinc, phosphorus, calcium, and especially vitamin E.

    A lack of calcium inevitably affects our well-being and even appearance. Therefore, we eat cottage cheese and other fermented milk products, drink calcium-containing medications, but we don’t even realize that just one hundred grams of sesame seeds contain the daily requirement of calcium for an adult. Eating seeds in pure form, of course, is unlikely, but oil is a completely different matter. After all, it preserves all the beneficial substances it contains. Medical studies have shown that consuming just one tablespoon per day of unrefined sesame oil can triple the amount of calcium in your body. It is also rich in phosphorus and vitamin E. This means that its use prevents the development of various diseases of the nervous system and brain diseases. And for the elderly, it is simply a salvation from musculoskeletal disorders. Taking healing oil by a pregnant woman and nursing mother will not only quickly help replenish the deficiency of nutrients and minerals in her body, but will also have a very beneficial effect on the development and growth of the child. In addition, these beneficial substances in sesame oil also serve as antioxidants, slowing down the aging of living cells in the body.

    It normalizes metabolism in the body, which, in turn, promotes weight loss during overweight body, and, conversely, when exhausted, it nourishes and restores the body. It is extremely useful and effective to take it for the prevention and treatment of diseases such as asthma, arthritis, osteoporosis, pneumonia, anemia, heart disease, shortness of breath, cough, liver disease and endocrine diseases.

    Besides everything else, this is an excellent dietary product, and a unique medicinal drug. In Japan, India, China use sesame oil It is very widespread both in medicine and in cooking.

    In ancient Eastern medicine, sesame seeds were considered almost a panacea for all ills. It must be said that modern scientific research has also confirmed that they are an excellent remedy for many diseases.

    It has a pleasant nutty smell and taste. Unlike the seeds themselves, it can be stored for a long time, it does not spoil or become rancid. And the most interesting thing is that after a long time it does not lose its beneficial properties. This effect is achieved thanks to the cold-press technology we use in its production.

    Think for yourself, in our time it is better to buy “crippling” or, at a minimum, unknown advertised tablets made in unclear where, or still turn to natural, given to us by nature itself, such useful products, produced in Russia without the use of dyes, flavors, preservatives, GMO? We think the answer to this question is obvious! Traditional medicine nowadays turns out to be much more effective and safe for you and me.

    Composition of sesame oil

    Sesame seed oil is rightfully considered one of the healthiest vegetable oils all over the world. And such fame is deserved thanks to its composition.

    Fat composition of sesame oil

    Fat composition such: omega-3 (less than 0.2%), omega-6 (45%), omega-9 (41%), saturated fatty acids (palmitic, stearic) (about 14%).

    Vitamin composition of sesame oil

    Sesame oil is a product that stands out noticeably for its vitamin composition: vitamin A, B1, B2, B3 (vit. PP), B4, C, D, E (choline), K.

    Macro- and microelements in sesame oil

    Sesame seed oil is very rich in iron, zinc, phosphorus, potassium, silicon, nickel, magnesium, copper, manganese and some other elements. But in terms of the calcium content in it, it simply has no equal - only 1 tsp. sesame oil contains the daily requirement of calcium even for an adult.

    In addition to all of the above, sesame seed oil contains: beta-sitosterol, betaine, lecithin, resveratrol, sesamin (chloroform), sesamol, sesamolin, phytin, phytosterols and phospholipids.

    Benefits and uses of sesame oil

    The use of sesame oil for medicinal and preventive purposes

    Sesame seed oil is an incredibly healthy product. The accumulated experience of the peoples of the world has proven it more than one hundred times beneficial influence on human health. Avicenna, in his treatises, which historians date back to the very beginning of the second millennium, describes the beneficial properties and healing power of sesame. Since then, many recipes using sesame oil have been successfully used in practice. traditional medicine.

    Benefits for the cardiovascular and circulatory systems

    The biologically active substances contained in sesame oil have truly unique properties: they strengthen the walls of blood vessels and increase their elasticity. In addition, the substances contained in the oil can reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, plus control blood acidity. Well, regular use in many cases can improve blood circulation and its composition. And even with anemia and reduced blood clotting, the use of sesame oil is practically a necessary measure. Did you know that the effectiveness of consuming sesame seed oil has been practically proven for hemorrhagic diathesis, essential thrombopenia, Werlhoff's disease, thrombolenic purpura. Sesame oil is rich in mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are present in approximately equal proportions, and they, in turn, have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system as a whole. Therefore, the role of this oil occupies a fairly high position in the ranking. folk remedies for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. It can prevent cerebral vascular spasms (migraines), and is very effective in the fight against hypertension, and nowadays doctors themselves often recommend the use of sesame oil. Well, the list of indications for the use of this oil can be supplemented with the following diseases: coronary heart disease, hypertension, heart attacks, strokes, arrhythmia, tachycardia, atherosclerosis.

    Benefits for diseases of the digestive system

    It is a known fact that sesame seed oil has a mild laxative effect, due to which it cleanses the intestines quite well and moisturizes it. In addition, it is recommended to use it for intestinal colic, enterocolitis, and colitis. By the way, it effectively reduces the acidity of gastric juice, therefore it is indicated for gastritis with high acidity. It is often used in the treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers, pancreas and gallbladder, gastroduodenitis. As already written above, sesame oil contains phospholipids and phytosterols in large quantities, which effectively stimulate the processes of bile secretion and bile formation, and restore the normal structure of the liver. Its use is often recommended for biliary dyskinesia, fatty liver, and hepatitis. Ideal for the prevention of cholelithiasis. Well, don’t forget about its anthelmintic effect.

    Benefits for the nervous system

    The benefits of sesame oil for the nervous system are due to the presence of vitamin E and phosphorus in it, which prevent the development of diseases of the brain and nervous system. People whose work is directly related to active brain (mental) activity (for example, schoolchildren, students) are highly recommended to take sesame oil. Well, the justification for this is again its unique composition - a whole set of vitamins and active substances, without which the coordinated functioning of the brain is simply impossible. A positive effect has been observed from taking the oil in cases of memory impairment and attention disorders. Sesamolin contained in sesame oil helps the body cope with overexertion and stress by increasing the antioxidant activity of cells. In addition, sesame seed oil is an excellent antidepressant, which will benefit your well-being and mood. As a preventive measure against multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer's disease, it will be very useful to introduce sesame oil into your diet. In addition, if you use it this way, you will experience apathy, depression, insomnia and fatigue.

    Benefits for the respiratory system

    Traditional medicine has long talked about the successful use of sesame oil in the treatment of the following diseases: dry cough, asthma, lung disease, shortness of breath; ENT diseases: runny nose, nasal congestion, sore throat, pharyngitis.

    Benefits for the musculoskeletal system

    As mentioned above, sesame oil is very rich in calcium, which, in addition to magnesium, phosphorus, silicon and vitamin C, has a beneficial effect on joints and bones, and is recommended for the treatment of degenerative and inflammatory processes in the joints. An excellent remedy for the prevention of osteoporosis - it will be very useful for pregnant women and the elderly. It is often used for therapeutic and preventive massage, especially for arthritis, osteochondrosis, and rheumatism. Well, the recipe for use is quite simple: slightly warmed oil must be rubbed into the area of ​​the affected joint.

    Benefits for teeth

    To strengthen your teeth and gums, you should simply rinse your mouth with sesame oil, and this will also have an effective preventive effect against caries, periodontitis and periodontal disease. For toothache, you can simply rub the oil into your gums. It usually reduces pain and often eliminates it completely.

    Benefits for the hearing aid

    1-2 drops of warm sesame oil dripped into the ear can cleanse the ear canals and improve hearing.

    Benefits for the eyes

    Let's remember the composition of sesame oil: it contains both vitamins A, C and group B, as well as microelements - manganese, magnesium, zinc. All of them are important and greatly influence the condition of the visual organs. Please note that vitamin A cannot be absorbed by the body without fat.

    Benefits for the urinary system

    Benefits for the endocrine system

    The active substances contained in the oil improve the functioning of the endocrine system as a whole, and also participate in the processes of insulin synthesis by the pancreas. In addition, it can lower blood sugar levels, making it indicated for patients with diabetes.

    Benefits for obesity and malnutrition

    Sesame oil helps normalize metabolism in the body, so it can serve as a kind of body weight regulator:

    • when exhausted: helps build muscle mass;
    • for obesity: sesamin, present in sesame oil, actively promotes weight loss, stabilizing fat metabolism and activating the weight loss process.

    But it must be taken in moderation. Sesame oil is a very high-calorie product. Its energy value per 100 g is as much as 884 kcal.

    Benefits for cancer

    Regular use of sesame oil helps reduce the risk of developing cancer. Sesamin, present in it, is a powerful antioxidant that effectively fights oxidative processes in the human body, which, in turn, provoke the development of cancerous tumors. Do not forget that sesame seed oil helps cleanse the human body of waste, radionuclides, toxins, and heavy metal salts.

    Benefits for colds

    By rubbing sesame oil heated in a water bath into the feet, chest and back, you will receive an effective warming remedy against such colds like runny nose and cough.

    Benefits for immunity

    Regular consumption of sesame oil makes it an excellent remedy for boosting immunity.

    Benefits for skin diseases and wounds

    Eczema, mycoses, psoriasis are not a complete list of skin diseases for the treatment of which the use of sesame oil is recommended. The method of application has already been described above - this is an application with sesame oil on the affected areas of the skin of the body for 20-30 minutes. A generally accepted fact about it is its wound-healing effect: rapid healing of skin and tissue damage and burns.

    Benefits for the female genital area

    Women experiencing discomfort during the premenstrual or menopausal period are advised to regularly introduce sesame oil into their diet. It will also provide invaluable benefits to pregnant women - it is an inexhaustible source of natural vitamins and microelements necessary for the health of the mother and the proper development of the embryo. And during the period of breastfeeding, this oil can enhance lactation and improve the quality of mother's milk. Well, the most important thing is that it can quickly restore the optimal balance of vitamins and nutrients in a woman’s body, weakened after childbirth.

    Benefits for the male genital area

    Men will also be able to appreciate all the benefits of using sesame oil. Again from its composition: vitamins A and E, phytosterols, magnesium and zinc, squalene. They have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the prostate gland, strengthen erections and, importantly, improve the process of sperm production.

    Use of sesame oil in cooking

    Sesame seed oil has a very pleasant and delicate taste with a nutty note and light yellow color. It is worth noting that it has a very low smoke point. Therefore, in order not to lose all its beneficial properties, it is recommended to use it to season ready-made dishes and salads.

    If the taste of pure sesame oil seems very rich to you, you can first mix it with regular vegetable oil, the taste of which is less pronounced, before seasoning the dish.

    The use of sesame oil in cosmetology

    Sesame oil has been used for cosmetic purposes for thousands of years. This is a real elixir of beauty and health for skin and hair!

    Benefits of sesame oil for skin

    It perfectly cleanses the skin of dirt and dead cells, harmful substances, and metabolic products. Perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the skin, soothes it after using various creams and masks. It has a positive effect against age-related skin changes, improves capillary blood circulation, and perfectly protects against ultraviolet rays.

    Benefits of sesame oil for hair

    Due to its composition, sesame oil can strengthen weakened, damaged and colored hair. In addition, it is a very effective remedy against hair fragility and in the complex treatment of seborrhea.

    An interesting feature is the ability to normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands, that is, the use of oil is indicated for people with oily skin.

    In addition, the use of oil helps to get rid of premature graying, early hair loss and drying of hair, perfectly protects and removes the consequences of using chlorinated water for washing. It will be very relevant for city residents.

    Benefits of sesame oil for nails

    Women will appreciate the beneficial effect on nails. Using cosmetic baths for nails reduces their fragility and stops delamination. Nails become very strong and their growth noticeably increases.

    Regular use of sesame oil internally and externally is the key to beautiful hair, strong teeth, healthy nails and youthful skin. In addition, the body will receive all the necessary vitamins, microelements, and nutrients.

    How to use sesame oil

    Sesame oil for the treatment of colds

    When treating coughs and colds, it is recommended to rub warm (not hot) sesame seed oil on your back, chest, feet at night, and also drink a mixture of sesame oil and warm water internally.

    Sesame oil for gastritis and ulcerative colitis

    For such diseases, traditional medicine recipes recommend taking 2 teaspoons of oil on an empty stomach to improve the condition.

    Sesame oil for constipation

    For constipation, especially persistent, usually take sesame oil several times a day, 2 teaspoons.

    Sesame oil for eczema and psoriasis

    Eczema and psoriasis are skin diseases. Usually, if there are any, moisten a napkin with sesame oil and apply it to the affected area for 20-30 minutes.

    Sesame oil in the treatment of inflammatory diseases and ear pain

    Sesame oil in the treatment of inflammatory gum diseases and toothache

    should be rubbed into the gums several times a day.

    Complex therapy and sesame oil

    As part of complex therapy for the treatment of the above diseases, it is recommended to take sesame oil 3 times a day, 1 teaspoon.

    Sesame oil for preventive purposes and to strengthen the immune system

    • Children - 1-3 years: 3-5 drops with meals,
    • Children - 4-6 years: 5-10 drops with meals,
    • Children - 7-9 years old: 10-15 drops with food,
    • Children - 10-14 years old: up to 1 tsp. while eating,
    • Teenagers over 14 years old, adults: 1 tsp. 2-3 times a day with meals.

    The course of application is 3 months.

    Contraindications to the use of sesame oil

    People with increased blood clotting and diseases such as varicose veins, chronic diseases or those who are prone to blood clots should consult their doctor before using sesame oil for medicinal purposes.

    People who are prone to allergic reactions should use it with extreme caution.

    If you have an individual intolerance to sesame in its pure form or ready-made sesame oil, you must completely stop using it.

    The homeland of the product called sesame oil is India, but China, Central Asia, Japan and Africa claim this title. It is made from the seeds of sesamum indicum (Indian sesame or sesame) by pressing. It is used in cooking, cosmetology, medicine and many other fields.

    Sesame oil - beneficial properties

    In the cuisine of eastern countries there are many recipes that use sesame oil, which is also called sesame oil. Since ancient times, much attention has been paid to its healing qualities. In our age of progress, scientists have conducted research and confirmed the assumptions of our ancestors. The beneficial properties of sesame oil and indications for use are not a myth, but a proven fact. Product includes:

    1. Lecithin, which helps restore liver cells.
    2. Phytin, necessary for diseases of the nervous system.
    3. Beta-sitosterol and choline regulate blood cholesterol.

    In addition, it contains copper, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, potassium and other useful trace elements and vitamins C, E, A and group B. In small quantities it contains: oleic, stearic, linoleic, palmitic acids. Thanks to this combination, it retains beneficial antioxidant properties for a long time and controls blood acidity.

    Benefits of sesame oil for women

    The use of the product has a beneficial effect on all people, but the benefits of sesame oil for women of any age are much more effective. Doctors advise using traditional recipes in the following cases:

    • During pregnancy planning, to compensate for the lack of vitamin E.
    • During pregnancy for the proper development of the embryo.
    • When feeding for good lactation.
    • For constipation, it moisturizes the intestines, cleanses stool and acts as a mild laxative.
    • In the premenstrual and premenstrual period, to help overcome emotional and physical discomfort.

    Sesame oil - contraindications

    Any healing substance must be used with caution so as not to cause harm instead of the expected effect. Sesame oil also has contraindications. Among them:

    • Increased blood clotting in varicose veins and thrombus formation.
    • Allergy to the product, intolerance to it.
    • Taking medications containing aspirin, the hormone estrogen and oxalic acid.

    You also need to start introducing it into the diet gradually, so that in case of contraindications you should stop taking it. The initial dose is 1 teaspoon per day. Gradually it can be increased to 3 tablespoons. Traditional medicine specialists do not recommend subjecting sesame oil to strong heat treatment. In this case, it will lose its usefulness. It is better to add it to ready-made, cooled food.

    Sesame oil - application

    It is difficult to single out any area in which the use of sesame oil is most popular. These include: cooking, cosmetology, proper nutrition, fitness, folk, traditional medicine and many others. The properties of sesame oil and indications for use allow you to come up with and implement new recipes.

    Sesame oil for face

    Vitamins A and E have a magical effect on the skin and have sun protection properties. Cosmetologists advise using sesame oil for the face for dry skin. Good results can be obtained in the treatment of dermatological diseases and defects:

    • eczema;
    • psoriasis;
    • acne;
    • scars;
    • scars;
    • unevenness.

    Due to its magnesium content, the oil also has anti-stress properties - using it before bed in the morning will give your face a “rested” look. For the same reason, the product is used at the first signs of aging, to eliminate facial wrinkles near the eyes and mouth. If you use it regularly, the improvements will become noticeable to others within a week.

    Sesame oil for hair

    In India, almost all women have thick and long braids. This is because they use sesame oil for their hair. It does not cause harm, is suitable for any hair type and is applied alone or together with other components. Used if you have problems with your hair:

    • prolapse;
    • fragility;
    • early gray hair;
    • fungal diseases of the scalp.

    In addition, it helps fight ultraviolet radiation and stimulates rapid hair growth. The simplest recipe:

    1. Heat 1 spoon of oil in a water bath.
    2. Apply to damp hair.
    3. Hold for 3-5 minutes.
    4. Wash off using suitable shampoo.

    Sesame oil for children

    The product has found wide application in medicine and successfully treats many diseases, but can sesame oil be used for children? Pediatricians who do not deny traditional methods suggest starting with a few drops and not earlier than the child reaches 1 year. For such babies, 3-5 drops per day will be enough. At 3-6 years, the dose increases to 5-10 drops. Children 10-14 years old – up to a teaspoon per day.

    Treatment with sesame oil

    Experienced doctors do not ignore folk knowledge and appointtreatment with sesame oilin some cases. Sesame seed is used:

    • for asthma;
    • with hyperfunction of the thyroid gland;
    • for pulmonary diseases;
    • at breastfeeding;
    • with anemia;
    • with internal bleeding;
    • for obesity;
    • with dry cough;
    • with shortness of breath;
    • with a runny nose;
    • with diabetes mellitus.

    In Ayurveda, the ancient Eastern science of proper nutrition and lifestyle, the substance is taken both externally and internally. The dosage is strictly determined according to the body type. For some people, rubbing the oil for therapeutic massage or applying masks is suitable, while others can safely use it internally with all dishes to improve digestive processes.

    How to choose sesame oil

    Seed collection begins after they ripen. Branches with fruits are cut off and placed vertically in a dark place for a month. If the process is not followed, the protective capsule does not burst and a small yield of product is obtained. The species differ slightly in color - they can be dark or light. This depends on whether the seeds have been roasted or not.

    Light oil is obtained from unrefined oil when cold pressed, from seeds that are not processed; its aroma and taste are not so rich. Suitable for those who have already tried sesame oil, but did not like it. For dark, roasted seeds are used, which have a strong, distinct odor. It is put only in cold dishes and used for aromatherapy. The shade does not affect the benefits or harm. Store after release for no more than a year.

    Adviсe how to choose sesame oil

    Various fatty acids are the main thing that requires analysis in any fat. In the reference infographic below, we have compiled basic information about important nutrients per 100 grams of product:

    The most useful is light sesame oil, which is pressed from raw seeds in a cold way. It is distinguished by its bright taste and pleasant aroma.

    The dark analogue is obtained from fried raw materials, the main use is exotic cooking.

    Harmful excess omega-6

    A little history. Since the 80s of the last century, scientists have argued that for active longevity we need to strictly cut back on animal fats, including replacing them with vegetable fats. From modification of the diet, they expected victory over the rapidly growing atherosclerosis of blood vessels.

    What really happened? While limiting animal fats, we showed a voracious interest in oils from various seeds and plants. Along with the increase in their consumption, too many omega-6 fatty acids have appeared in our diet.

    Why is this harmful? In excess amounts, omega-6 fatty acids support systemic tissue inflammation. And this is one of the leading causes of premature aging and destructive age-related pathologies (heart attack, stroke, oncology and senile dementia).

    For almost half a century, few people made allowances for the most important facts:

    • Not every vegetable oil
      safe in terms of essential fatty acids.
    • Harmonious ratio of omega-3 to omega-6
      should not exceed 1:4.

    In our current diet, this ratio reaches 1:20, or even more!

    You can protect yourself from excess omega-6 if:

    1. Reduce foods that contain a lot of these fatty acids.
    2. Increase your intake of omega-3 fatty acids.

    Now let’s evaluate sesame oil and its internal use:

    • It doesn't have a lot of omega-3 (unlike its flax seed counterpart), but it does have a lot of omega-6 - up to 47%. However, according to the latest scientific data, a healthy diet should be based on natural vegetable fats, in which omega-6 does not exceed 30%.
    • The noticeable presence of beneficial oleic acid (omega-9) and a small amount of phytoestrogens cannot be considered a sufficient advantage. Especially when there is a very popular olive oil. It contains oleic acid up to 80%, but does not contain high concentrations of potentially dangerous omegas.

    From here we immediately get several important answers to classic questions.

    Is sesame oil good for you on a daily basis?

    And is it beneficial to completely replace our usual sunflower oil with it? There is no magical benefit in such a replacement. Both products are loaded with potentially harmful omega-6s. By the way, this also applies to other popular relatives (corn, walnut, grape seeds).

    Of the common alternatives, extra virgin olive oil is the most harmonious. It should be used instead of sunflower in dishes without heat treatment. Some exotic options are also suitable: peach pits, almond and peanut.

    Is it good for children's nutrition?

    Let's remember what components modern artificial formulas for feeding are enriched with.

    Taurine, trace elements and omega-3. Those same healthy essential fatty acids that are so scarce in our diet. They reduce systemic inflammation and are actively involved in promoting the health of almost all organs and systems.

    But first of all - the brain and nervous system. Timely speech and communication, mastering a colossal amount of knowledge and skills in the first three years of life, strong immunity and clear bowel function. This is what worries parents.

    One of the main nutritional factors for the successful development of a child is a scientifically proven balance of omega-3 and omega-6. It bears repeating that acceptable vegetable oils should contain no more than 30% omega-6 fatty acids. Alas, this does not apply to the fat under discussion. And this means that we will not get any great benefits from sesame oil in children's nutrition.

    Is it possible during pregnancy?

    Some modern studies link speech and mental development delays in preschool children with a lack of omega-3 in the mother’s diet during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

    We are expecting a baby and are looking for an effective replacement sunflower oil? Best choice- add cold-pressed olive oil from Spanish or Greek raw materials to salads and cold dishes and add a teaspoon of high-quality fish oil to the menu.

    It is also important that sesame seeds contain a lot of oxalates, which pass into the oil and create additional stress on the kidneys. This is especially true in the 3rd trimester and for chronic diseases of the urinary tract - cystitis, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis.

    The calcium myth

    Remains in the pulp. Doesn't transfer. Absent. Choose any word you like. They all answer the question about the “high calcium content” of sesame oil. Only sesame and sesame paste contain a lot of calcium.

    We won’t attempt to guess for what surprising reason this myth persists throughout the information on product bottles. Take this “alarm bell” into account when evaluating a manufacturer who writes something fabulous on the label - “Only 1 tablespoon covers the daily need for calcium”, “Useful for fractures, pregnant women, children, postmenopause”, etc.

    Sesame oil in Ayurveda

    In the east, sesame is called “sesame”, and oil is called sesame. It is still widely used today in India, Japan and China. Among Ayurvedic recipes, we constantly come across advice on how to drink sesame oil to treat the digestive system, to relieve coughs due to lung diseases and to stabilize the balance in sex hormones.

    This knowledge conflicts with the conclusions of modern science that there is no particular benefit in the daily use of sesame oil. Who to believe and what logic to rely on is everyone’s personal choice.

    Oral use for constipation

    Out of curiosity, let’s look at the most popular advice to drink sesame oil on an empty stomach - as a way to say goodbye to constipation and improve the health of the gastrointestinal tract.

    The substitution of concepts comes to the fore. Any fatty product taken on an empty stomach, especially with a glass of acidified water at a contrasting temperature, activates the outflow of bile. Which in turn enhances peristalsis and launches a regular cleansing process. Sesame oil has no particular benefit in this run-of-the-mill physiological response to fasting fats and liquids.

    Massage for lung pathology

    According to oriental doctors, oil massage is useful for lung diseases:

    • We rub the patient’s chest with heated oil, dress him warmly and place him in the drainage position for 5-15 minutes. After clearing the throat, you can again do a light massage with the remainder of the product, wrap up and put the person to sleep - with a high headboard.

    It is difficult to say which works more actively in the described scheme, but it significantly facilitates the discharge of sputum.

    Beneficial use in cosmetology

    The undeniable advantage of the hero of our article is the ability to protect the skin from harmful ultraviolet radiation thanks to sesamol. It is used in the production of natural cosmetics as part of sunscreens. A recipe for sun protection accessible to everyone is to apply sesame oil to the skin of the body during sunbathing.

    Basic effects on the skin

    It is in cosmetology that sesame oil reveals its best sides to the maximum:

    • Nourishes, softens and moisturizes;
    • Penetrates deeply but does not clog pores;
    • Helps in cell regeneration;
    • Stimulates cleansing processes;
    • Normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

    All components work to benefit the skin - vitamin E, fatty acids, lignans.

    Recipes for the face

    At home, for all products we use light sesame oil, obtained by cold pressing.

    • Cleansing oily skin: 2 tbsp. Grind tablespoons of turmeric and sesame oil into a homogeneous paste. We use it as a cleansing gel - on the area of ​​the face, neck, décolleté, shoulders and upper back, where inflammation of the sebaceous glands often develops. Massage, let dry for up to 10 minutes, remove with warm water, rinse with cool water.
    • Cellulite stages 1 and 2: We actively massage the legs and the area of ​​uneven skin on the thighs and buttocks with a dry massage brush. We direct movements along the return flow of lymph: from bottom to top, from the periphery to the center. At the end of the massage, apply sesame oil heated in a water bath. Repeat 2 times a day in the morning and at night for up to 4 weeks continuously.
    • Nourishment for dry skin: Mix butter and cocoa powder in equal proportions. Apply as a face mask for 15-20 minutes up to 4 times a week.
    • Maximum nutrition for aging skin: combine 3 oils in equal proportions - sesame, almond, avocado. Apply as a mask in the evenings, applying to the face and décolleté for 30 minutes. We don’t wash it off, just blot it before going to bed. In the same composition, you can replace additional ingredients by using other oils (rosehip, cocoa, olive). We carry out the course for at least 1 month, the frequency of oil treatments is up to 5 per week.
    • Removing daily makeup. Wipe off excess fat with a cotton swab dipped in warm water, rinse your face with cool water and gently pat your skin with a soft towel.
    • Night nutrition for any skin type: apply to face massage lines, covering the area under the eyes. Keep it on without getting wet for 30 minutes. If the skin feels too oily, gently pat dry and go to bed.
    • Refreshing mask for normal skin: mix dry ginger powder (1 teaspoon), powdered sugar (1 teaspoon) and sesame oil (1 tablespoon). Apply the mixture to your face for 15-20 minutes. Remove with warm water, rinse with cool water.

    Hair Recipes

    • Mask for dry and colored hair: With gentle pressure, massage the skin along the partings, distribute from roots to ends, and wrap in cellophane under a warm cap. Leave for 2 hours, wash with water and shampoo. We make a mask 2 times a week for a month. The beneficial effects are especially noticeable on dull, damaged hair.
    • Universal hair mask: The principle of wrapping is described above. We use sesame oil as a base and enrich it with other ideal ingredients for silky and shiny hair: olive, burdock and corn oil for general health, castor oil for problems with dandruff.

    Contraindications for use

    1. Individual intolerance to sesame components.
    2. Allergy sufferers should always perform a daily test before using externally.
    3. A high oxalate content is a direct contraindication for people with kidney disease, in conditions of limited drinking and heavy physical activity.

    A critically dangerous combination is oxalates and oxalic acid. Never use sesame oil on salads made from green vegetables, with lots of leafy greens, beets and citrus fruits.

    It's worth remembering that a low-oxalate diet is often indicated for some common conditions:

    • Delayed speech and mental development in childhood;
    • Second and third trimesters of pregnancy;
    • Previous kidney surgery;
    • Elderly people over 60 years of age;
    • When using certain medications (groprinosin, aspirin).

    From the video below you will learn simple and effective recipes how to use sesame oil for skin care - for severe dryness, after 40 years and during pregnancy for stretch marks:

    If you want to treat yourself to a protein salad with a bright sesame aroma, then pay attention to the recipe from the video below. Diet squid with a questionably healthy sauce of mayonnaise, ketchup and sesame oil can be used on holidays.

    In our opinion, if we are not going to run a cross-country race on our 100th birthday, then 20% of the diet can be safely devoted to indulging in gourmet quests - without regard to ideal usefulness.

    We will be glad if the information presented clarified the main questions for you, what are the benefits and harms of sesame oil, how to take it most effectively, and what method for beauty and health to try in the near future.

    Thanks for the article (4)

    Sesame (sesame) oil is an ancient healing remedy that was used by healers back in the days of the Egyptian pharaohs. It was even included in the Ebers Papyrus, compiled by the most powerful healers of Egypt in the 16th century BC! It was also used in China, India, and Japan... However, why was it used? Sesame oil is still successfully used by many Eastern healers today. Because this product allows you to achieve results that are difficult to achieve or completely unattainable by means of orthodox Western medicine.

    However, as we already know, sesame seed oil has not only medicinal properties, but also excellent culinary characteristics (taste, smell, calorie content). And our ancestors, of course, also noticed this. After all, if they figured out how to make wine from sesame seeds (and in one of the Assyrian myths, the ancient gods even began creating the world only after drinking sesame wine), then they learned to obtain sesame oil at least not later.

    By the way, sesame oil has much greater potential for long-term storage than the seeds themselves. When properly stored, it does not oxidize and retains all its properties for up to 9 years! Seeds, as a rule, are stored for no more than a year. After which they become rancid and eating them is extremely undesirable.

    Chemical composition of sesame oil: content of calcium and other minerals

    The benefits and harms of sesame oil, as well as all its culinary advantages, depend entirely on its chemical composition.

    It is generally accepted that the chemical composition of sesame oil contains a lot of all sorts of micro- and macroelements (especially calcium), vitamins and even proteins. So all this is a complete fable! In fact, sesame oil does not even contain a hint of minerals or proteins. And among the vitamins there is only vitamin E, and even then not in a “fairytale” amount, but in a very modest amount: according to different sources– from 9 to 55% daily norm consumption.

    In all likelihood, this confusion occurs due to the fact that sesame oil is often referred to as sesame seed paste, which actually contains everything that whole seeds contain (with minor losses). Nothing goes into the oil except fatty acids, esters and vitamin E. Therefore, the question: “How much calcium is in sesame oil?” There can only be one answer: there is no calcium in sesame oil at all. And hope for coverage daily requirement Supplementing the body with calcium with 2-3 tablespoons of sesame oil (as some “experts” promise) is simply pointless.

    If we consider the fat composition of sesame oil, we get the following picture:

    • Omega-6 fatty acids (mainly linoleic): about 42%
    • Omega-9 fatty acids (mainly oleic): about 40%
    • Saturated fatty acids (palmic, stearic, arachidic): about 14%
    • All other components, including lignans (not just fatty acids): about 4%

    We indicated approximate values ​​because the composition of each specific bottle of sesame oil depends on the fatty acid content in it, which in turn depends on dozens of factors (soil, storage conditions, weather, etc.).

    Calorie content of sesame oil: 899 kcal per 100 grams.

    What are the benefits of sesame oil?

    First of all, I would like to note the lignans (sesamin, sesamol and sesamolin), thanks to which sesame oil oxidizes very slowly under natural conditions and behaves more stably during heat treatment. But this is not the benefit we wanted to talk about. The main advantage of the lignans that make up sesame oil is their estrogenic activity, as well as their ability to fight cancer cells (they have a powerful antioxidant effect).

    The presence of lignans in sesame oil suggests that people who regularly consume it significantly reduce the risk of prostate, breast and reproductive system cancer. Moreover, more recently, scientists have discovered that sesame oil helps treat any type of cancer, including melanoma.

    You can often hear recommendations for using sesame oil for weight loss. Do they have a right to exist? They definitely do, because sesame oil is actively involved in regulating lipid metabolism in the body, which ultimately directly affects body weight. In addition, by including sesame oil in your diet, you thereby eliminate the causes of overeating (it saturates and nourishes the body well).

    On the other hand, if you add sesame oil to a salad, pour it over a side dish, bake meat with it, and then, just to be sure, decide to drink a spoon or two of this wonderful product, then additional grams will definitely appear on your sides, stomach and buttocks , or even kilograms. In this case, you will greatly harm your body as a whole.

    The benefits of sesame oil for mature and elderly women are obvious (mainly due to lignans). After all, even a small amount of this product helps normalize hormonal levels and alleviate the condition of women suffering from hot flashes.

    Sesame oil is useful during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Because during these periods, a woman’s body experiences an increased need for vegetable fats, and sesame oil helps to satisfy it. Moreover, the effect of sesame oil will be visible both when used internally and externally. Because skin cells are nourished on both sides. If there are not enough vegetable oils in the diet, then stretch marks will inevitably appear on the woman’s chest and abdomen.

    Speaking about pregnant and lactating women, we should probably mention children, but no specific effects of sesame oil on children have been noted. And the fact that vegetable fats are necessary for normal development and growth, in our opinion, is obvious. It should be borne in mind that children's needs for oils are minimal, and it is very easy to overdo it. An “overdose” is fraught with rashes and skin irritation.

    Sesame oil has been clinically proven to:

    • slows down the aging of body cells (especially for skin cells, hair and nails)
    • reduces the intensity of pain during menstruation
    • improves blood clotting (especially important for patients with hemorrhagic diathesis, thrombopenia, etc.)
    • strengthens the cardiovascular system, helps normalize blood pressure and prevents cerebral vascular spasms
    • Reduces bad cholesterol (low density) and helps the body get rid of cholesterol plaques in the blood vessels
    • increases blood supply to all parts of the brain, thereby increasing its ability to remember and reproduce information
    • helps to recover from physical and mental stress
    • has a mild laxative effect, cleanses the human digestive system of waste, toxins and heavy metal salts
    • stimulates the processes of formation and release of bile
    • eliminates dysfunction of the liver and pancreas, stimulates digestion, and also protects the walls of the stomach and intestines from negative impact digestive juices and harmful substances ingested with food

    In addition, sesame oil increases the absorption of vitamins supplied with food. Therefore, if you have hypovitaminosis, you should eat more vegetable salads generously seasoned with sesame oil.

    Here are the benefits of sesame oil from the point of view of traditional medicine:

    • boosts immunity
    • helps treat pulmonary diseases (asthma, bronchitis)
    • lowers blood sugar levels
    • strengthens teeth and gums, reduces pain and eliminates inflammation in the mouth

    Sesame oil also has other medicinal properties, but their disclosure requires external use of this product. Our article is limited to the use of sesame oil internally.

    How to take sesame oil?

    Traditional medicine gives many recommendations in this regard. Moreover, here as everywhere else: there are so many recipes, so many opinions. Therefore, let’s leave the subtleties of taking sesame oil to healers and healers, and here we will formulate the main ideas regarding the use of sesame oil:

    • To obtain a therapeutic effect, you should take sesame oil on an empty stomach.
    • There should not be too much sesame oil. Two to three spoons a day (depending on age and size) is the maximum.
    • The total amount of fat entering your body per day should not exceed 1 gram per 1 kg of body weight. If there is already a lot of fat in the diet, then to take sesame oil you should exclude a certain amount of animal fat.

    Harm of sesame oil and contraindications to its use

    Sesame oil helps improve blood clotting. It also does not tolerate prolonged temperature treatment (carcinogens are formed, and ultimately the useful oil will turn into a decorative coating like drying oil).

    In this regard, contraindications to the use of sesame oil are as follows:

    • varicose veins, thrombophlebitis
    • individual intolerance (including sesame)
    • tendency to form blood clots
    • increased blood clotting

    If you are prone to allergic reactions, you should try sesame oil with extreme caution, gradually increasing the volume.

    If you have any doubts about the benefits and harms of sesame oil, as well as about traditional recipes that include this component, be sure to contact your doctor or family doctor. This way you will avoid unnecessary nervousness and possible health problems.

    Sesame oil in Ayurveda

    There are often statements like this on the Internet: “Ayurveda recommends drinking sesame oil in the morning to stay healthy and never die.” However, they have nothing to do with reality. Because Ayurveda treatment involves a very individual approach to each specific case.

    For example, Ayurveda recommends consuming sesame oil only for people with a predominant Vata dosha (and even then no more than 1 spoon per day). For those whose predominant dosha is Kapha or Pitta, taking sesame oil internally is strictly not recommended.

    At the same time, anyone can use sesame oil for cosmetic purposes (externally). True, it is better for people of Pitta and Kapha types to do this with caution and not often.

    How to choose and how to store sesame oil?

    Sesame oil is prepared from raw, roasted and roasted seeds.

    Raw pressed sesame oil is the lightest and most delicate of all. Has a light nutty aroma.

    Oil pressed from roasted sesame seeds has the most intense taste and aroma.

    The benefits and harms of sesame oil various types approximately the same. The differences concern mainly only taste qualities and smell. So, only you can determine which sesame oil is best for you specifically, based on your own feelings.

    To be fair, we note that there is also refined sesame oil, but it’s not even worth considering seriously. Because there are much cheaper and equally safe options for “tasteless” oils suitable for frying.

    It is better to store sesame oil in a cool, dark place in a well-sealed glass or ceramic container.

    Use of sesame oil in cooking

    Sesame oil must be present where Asian dishes are prepared at least occasionally. Spicy Chinese snacks, seafood salads, pickled vegetables, meat, meat salads, deep-fried food and even oriental sweets - all this goes perfectly with sesame oil, which in turn “gets along” well with honey and soy sauce.

    If the taste of sesame oil is too rich for your dish, then it can be mixed with any other vegetable oils. As a rule, oriental culinary masters recommend mixing it with peanut oil, because it is softer in all respects than sesame oil.

    And once again: do not fry in sesame oil - take care of your health!

    Sesame has been known to mankind for over seven thousand years; the seeds of this plant were mentioned in the works of the ancient philosopher Avicenna as a remedy for many diseases. “Sesame” translated from New Aramaic means “oily plant.” Since ancient times, people have used sesame seeds in cooking, as well as to obtain oil, which has a pleasant mild taste and valuable health properties. IN traditional system Indian medicine - Ayurveda - it is called the best of oils and more than a hundred health recipes are offered with it. There are 20 types of sesame, but in terms of oil content (60% of the total mass), Indian sesame is the leader. In health practices, oil from black sesame seeds is more often used, and in cooking - from white sesame seeds.

    Composition and benefits of sesame oil

    Sesame oil is rich in substances beneficial to human health. and traditional medicine abound in recipes for remedies based on it. The most useful product is made from raw sesame seeds, which are distinguished by a variety of health properties.

    Sesame oil contains many healthy fats for the body.

    Sesame oil is rich in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega-6 and omega-9), primarily oleic and linoleic acids in approximately equal proportions. They are often called “healthy fats,” because they improve immunity, activate the metabolism and burning of harmful fats in the body, improve brain function and skin condition. The positive effects of omega-6 and omega-9 on the cardiovascular, reproductive and endocrine systems of the body are also known. However, an excess of omega-6 in the diet can lead to the development of inflammatory foci in the body, so you must adhere to a balanced diet.

    Unsaturated fatty acids have beneficial effects on various body systems

    Sesame oil contains vitamins known for their antioxidant and powerful immune-stimulating effects. Most of all, it contains vitamin E (tocopherol), especially such forms as alpha-tocopherol (in 100 grams 71% of the daily value for humans) and gamma-tocopherol (in 100 grams 316% of the daily value). Vitamin E is called a “female” vitamin, because it improves the nutrition of the skin and mucous membranes, muscles, heals hair and nails, and helps restore the female body during the postpartum period and after abortions. In addition, vitamin E slows down the aging process of the body and strengthens the immune system.

    Vitamin E has a wide range of beneficial properties

    The oil contains plant sterols that can bind and remove harmful cholesterol from the human body, and phospholipids that stimulate the functioning of the brain, liver, nervous and cardiovascular systems. In addition, phospholipids are responsible for the effective absorption of vitamins E and A.

    Sesame oil differs from other oils in the content of special substances - lignans. Lignans are polyphenol chemical compounds that have properties valuable for the human body.

    The main benefit of lignans is their estrogenic effect - these natural hormones are similar in their action to the human hormones estrogens, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the female body. The hormonal activity of lignans is successfully combined with a powerful antioxidant effect and makes it possible to effectively resist cancer. Research shows that sesame lignans serve as a preventive agent against many types of cancer, especially breast and reproductive cancers, and also help in the treatment of melanoma. In addition, it is lignans that protect sesame oil from oxidation under natural conditions and give it stability during heat treatment.

    Black sesame seeds are especially rich in lignans and phytosterols

    As for the large amount of calcium contained in sesame oil, this is an exaggeration. There is calcium in the composition, but it is very little. However, the sesame fruits themselves and sesame (sesame) paste actually contain this beneficial microelement in significant quantities. Three tablespoons of sesame seeds contain more calcium than a glass of milk. But when oil is squeezed out of seeds, most of the calcium remains in the cake.

    Use of sesame oil for medicinal purposes

    In Ayurveda, sesame oil plays a leading role in getting rid of ailments. First of all, it is used to cleanse the body, remove poisons and toxins, and also great value focuses on the warming properties of sesame oil. Thus, sesame oil can rightfully be found not only in the kitchen, but also in the home medicine cabinet.

    Sesame oil can be called an elixir of health, because it treats many diseases

    For joints

    Sesame oil has the ability to penetrate deeply into the muscle and bone tissue of the body, including the bone marrow. At the same time, it reduces pain and muscle spasms, stops inflammatory processes in the joints, restores and strengthens bones. Therefore, it is recommended to use sesame oil to prevent osteochondrosis, arthritis, osteoporosis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system, as well as to increase joint mobility and rapid recovery from injuries.

    The recipe for using oil for pain in muscles and joints is extremely simple: you need to heat it in a water bath and rub it into sore spots until absorbed. It is possible to add aromatic oils to sesame oil that have an analgesic and restorative effect (lavender, rosemary, eucalyptus, pine, thyme and others).

    In addition, consuming at least one teaspoon of sesame oil per day will help strengthen bone tissue and prevent joint diseases and add strength and shine to nails and hair.

    For the liver

    Sesame oil has a valuable quality: the liver perceives it as a friendly substance and does not remove it from the body, due to which the beneficial elements in sesame oil restore the cellular structure of the liver. The phytosterols and phospholipids contained in sesame oil activate the formation and release of bile, thereby preventing diseases such as hepatitis, the formation of stones in the liver and biliary tract, as well as fatty liver.

    Sesamin also protects the liver from damage due to alcohol and medications. Several animal studies in Taiwan and Japan show that sesame oil reduces oxidative stress in the liver. Other studies have shown that sesame oil may protect the liver from the harmful effects of paracetamol.

    Sergey Samoilov

    Sesame oil not only helps restore the liver, but also protects it from harmful influences

    For teeth and gums

    Sesame oil is considered a proven remedy for diseases of the gums and teeth, such as periodontitis, gingivitis and others. The oil strengthens gums, relieves inflammation and pain, destroys microorganisms and bad smell from the mouth. With regular use, it prevents the appearance of tartar and the development of caries. For toothache, it is recommended to rub sesame oil into the gums - this technique quickly relieves the pain. However, then you need to immediately contact your dentist, because relieving the symptom does not eliminate the problem itself.

    Sesame oil will relieve pain and strengthen gums and teeth

    How to properly use sesame oil for the oral cavity?

    1. In the morning after sleep, you need to rinse your mouth with one tablespoon of pure sesame oil for about 5-6 minutes, while transferring it alternately from one side of the jaw to the other.
    2. Spit the oil out of your mouth and evaluate its color. It should change from yellow to white, which means that beneficial substances have been extracted from the oil. If the color has not changed, then you need to continue rinsing.
    3. Prepare a soda solution (a teaspoon of soda in a glass of water) and rinse your mouth with it, then brush your teeth if necessary.

    For the ears

    For ear diseases such as otitis media, it is recommended to instill 1-2 drops of warmed sesame oil into the sore ear. This procedure should be carried out one to three times a day. However, this method should be used as an auxiliary method in the complex treatment of ear diseases and with the permission of a doctor in order to avoid unnecessary complications.

    An interesting recipe for a mixture that, according to the recommendation of the medieval physician Avicenna, will help improve hearing. Boil the juniper fruits in sesame oil over low heat until dark. Drop the resulting mixture two drops into the ear canals three times a day and always at night.

    Before using ancient recipes, do not forget to consult your doctor!

    For the stomach

    Sesame oil is an adjuvant in the complex treatment of stomach diseases such as gastritis and ulcers. The fact is that it reduces the acidity of gastric juices, helps heal erosions of the mucous membranes of the stomach and helps cope with spasms and colic of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Sesame oil helps in the treatment of gastritis and stomach ulcers, and also has an anti-cancer effect

    Sesame oil also activates choleretic processes and has a mild and delicate laxative effect. To do this, it is recommended to take from a teaspoon to a tablespoon of the product on an empty stomach, half an hour before meals, depending on the weight category. In addition to the positive effect on digestive processes, regular use of oil on an empty stomach will help establish proper metabolism and strengthen the immune system.

    For feet

    Using sesame oil you can soften rough skin on your feet. To do this, you need to heat the sesame oil in a water bath and massage your feet with warm oil with strong kneading movements. This massage will soften and nourish the skin of the feet, and will also have a warming effect for colds. After the massage, you need to put two pairs of socks on your feet: cotton and wool. This procedure, in addition to caring for the skin of the feet and warming the body, optimizes hormonal processes in the body.

    When massaging your feet, sesame oil will soften rough skin and warm your feet.

    Sesame oil is also used as an adjuvant in the treatment of fungal infections of the feet and nails. To combat nail fungus, you need to prepare a mixture of equal amounts of tar and sesame oil and apply it to your nails overnight.

    To get rid of calluses, corns, and tired feet, you can prepare a special balm at home. To do this, you need to mix 100 ml of olive oil with 40 ml of sesame oil and add 10 ml of vitamin A oil solution from the pharmacy. Before applying the balm, you need to steam your feet and get rid of rough skin, then the product will work much faster. Then rub the balm into the right places in a circular motion and put on cotton socks. Repeat until skin condition improves.

    For colds

    Sesame oil is effective means prevention and treatment of colds of the nose and throat. A runny nose will go away faster if you put heated oil in your nose. In addition to its anti-inflammatory effect, it perfectly softens and moisturizes the nasal mucosa.

    Instillation of sesame oil into the nose serves as an effective preventive measure against viral diseases during the cold season.

    Sesame oil moisturizes the nasal mucosa, protects against viruses and makes breathing easier when you have a runny nose.

    There is a healing effect on the functioning of the bronchi and lungs of massage with sesame oil. Before going to bed, the patient is rubbed on the chest and back with warm oil, then wrapped warmly and put to bed.

    For constipation

    Sesame oil in combination with water has a laxative effect, since, like many other oils, when taken on an empty stomach, it enhances intestinal motility and choleretic processes. Thus, taking a tablespoon of sesame oil on an empty stomach stimulates the process of bowel movements and relieves constipation. Regularity is important in this matter, that is, you need to take the oil for at least a month, then you can take a break.

    Taking sesame oil regularly on an empty stomach will help relieve constipation.

    Sesame oil will also help in the treatment of duodenal ulcers. To do this, for 10 days in a row, you need to drink a mixture of a tablespoon of sesame oil, a tablespoon of honey and chopped medium-sized potatoes in the morning on an empty stomach.

    For varicose veins

    Rubbing sesame oil into the areas where spider veins appear helps make them less noticeable, and small spider veins may disappear completely. It is better to use sesame oil in the summer, while sunbathing, as it has the property of protecting the skin from excessive doses of ultraviolet radiation, while helping to produce beneficial vitamin D.

    Sesame oil will help not only fight varicose veins, but also sunbathe without harm to health

    For varicose veins, sesame oil will cope with swelling and a feeling of heaviness in the legs. It can be added to special foot creams or used in its pure form, massaged into problem areas.

    The combination of massage procedures with regular ingestion of oil will be especially effective. To do this, you need to take a tablespoon of sesame oil on an empty stomach from one to three times a day (depending on the individual characteristics of the body) or actively use the oil during the day to season salads and other healthy dishes. By activating metabolism in the body, the oil will serve as a preventative against varicose veins.

    Taking a weight loss product

    As already mentioned, sesame oil contains a substance called sesamin, which has the property of burning fat in the body. Therefore, regular consumption of sesame oil on an empty stomach will actively stimulate the process of weight loss. In addition, sesame oil normalizes metabolism and relieves constipation, which also accelerates weight loss.

    Sesamin is a lignan that is included in many fat-burning products, as it promotes rapid weight loss.

    The combination of sesame oil with vegetables will serve as tasty and healthy dish for a diet aimed at getting rid of extra pounds. Sesame oil, due to its pleasant nutty taste and high calorie content, reduces appetite, so consuming it before meals will prevent you from eating too much. It is enough to drink two teaspoons of sesame oil before meals and wash it down with warm water. In addition, it normalizes the intestinal microflora.

    When consuming sesame oil, resistance to stress factors increases, but women often “eat up” stress with high-calorie foods, which leads to weight gain.

    Sesame oil also perfectly helps against stretch marks and sagging skin, so it is often used for body wraps and other anti-cellulite procedures that help get rid of unnecessary volumes in problem areas. Adding a few drops of sesame oil to any anti-cellulite cream will enhance the effect of the massage and increase skin elasticity.

    Sesame oil is perfect for anti-cellulite procedures, because it can break down fats

    The use of sesame oil for weight loss should be combined with physical activity and balanced diet, then the process of getting rid of excess weight will be fast and efficient. The diet should include a large amount of fresh vegetable salads, seasoned with sesame oil and lemon juice, as well as fermented milk products, cereals, lean meats and fish, and seafood. An extremely effective remedy is to refuse food three hours before bedtime. In this case, taking sesame oil and warm water in the morning will help cope with excessive appetite.

    Eating vegetable salads with sesame oil 2-3 times a day will help you quickly and effectively lose weight

    Benefits of sesame oil for women

    Sesame oil contains phytoestrogens sesamin and sesamolin, which are similar in action to female sex hormones. Once in the female body, suffering from a lack of hormone production, they replace estrogens and restore hormonal balance. Therefore, sesame oil is a particularly valuable medicine for women during menopause (after 50 years), effectively coping with the unpleasant symptoms of menopause.

    For women of reproductive age, sesame oil helps reduce pain and cramps during menstruation, normalizes hormonal levels and treats infertility, helps compensate for the lack of nutrients and vitamin E during pregnancy.

    Pregnant women can use sesame oil to prevent stretch marks on the skin and restore impaired digestion, as well as fight swelling and toxicosis.

    Sesame oil is an indispensable product for women during pregnancy and after 45 years

    During breastfeeding, it is useful to consume sesame oil, because it improves the quality of breast milk.

    It is impossible not to mention the use of sesame oil for female beauty, especially in skin and hair care. The excellent nourishing and moisturizing properties of the oil help rejuvenate the skin and restore damaged hair, giving it strength and shine. Sesame oil is well suited for anti-cellulite massage, as it promotes the rapid breakdown of fat.

    To strengthen your hair, you need to rub sesame oil into the roots of your hair and the entire length of your hair, then wrap your head in a towel and leave the mask on for half an hour. After this, wash your hair with shampoo. Carry out this procedure 1-2 times a week until the hair condition improves.

    Video: face mask with sesame oil

    Important properties of oil for men

    Sesame oil contains vitamin E, as well as phytosterols and beneficial minerals such as magnesium, copper and zinc. Thanks to this, the oil activates the function of the prostate gland and increases the production of male hormones, primarily testosterone. This leads to stronger erection and an increase in the quantity and quality of sperm. Prevents prostatitis and other “male” ailments.

    In combination with increased blood circulation in the male genital organs, taking the oil leads to an increase in male strength, which was repeatedly noted by ancient healers in their writings.

    You can also note another quality of sesame oil that is beneficial for men - it helps increase muscle mass and is often used in a special diet by bodybuilders.

    Sesame oil not only preserves male strength, but also helps build muscle during sports

    Is sesame oil suitable for children?

    Sesame oil does not have any special qualities that are beneficial specifically for children. But for normal growth and development, any child requires vegetable fats. And sesame oil, due to its nutritional value, will be useful for the child’s body. In addition, it has a pleasant taste and is not bitter. However, the amount of sesame oil consumed in childhood should be minimal, because an overdose leads to rashes and irritation of the baby’s skin.

    Sesame oil due to its high nutritional value and medicinal properties will be useful for the child, the main thing is to follow the dosage

    Sesame oil is introduced into the diet of children in small doses after the first year of life. In this case, you need to carefully monitor the child’s reaction and stop taking it immediately if allergy symptoms appear.

    From one to three years old, you can give a child up to five drops of sesame oil per day, from three to seven years old - ten drops, and at school age it is allowed to increase the dose to a teaspoon.

    Sesame oil is perfect for massage treatments for children from birth to three years. This massage has a general strengthening and healing effect, it warms up the tissues and cares for the delicate skin of babies. It is useful to apply oil to children's skin before bathing, as well as before going outside. The fact is that under the influence of sunlight, sesame oil accelerates the production of valuable vitamin D in the body, and the beneficial components of sesame oil are more quickly absorbed into the skin and tissues.

    Sesame oil reduces the intensity of stomach and intestinal colic in infants and fights gas formation. To do this, you need to drop a drop of oil on the baby's tongue or lubricate the pacifier with it before feeding. A tummy massage with sesame oil will also help.

    Sesame oil is perfect for massaging children in their first year of life.


    It is necessary to remember that carcinogenic substances are formed in sesame oil when heated for a long time, so only short-term heating of the oil in a water bath for rubbing and massage is allowed. And only raw sesame oil is used for food.

    Important! Combination of sesame oil with foods and medicines containing oxalic and citric acid, aspirin, estrogen derivatives for people suffering from urolithiasis, can provoke an exacerbation of the disease. Be careful!

    As for contraindications, first of all, people with allergic reactions to nuts and seeds should refrain from consuming the oil. For the rest, especially children, oil should be introduced into the diet gradually, observing the body’s reaction.

    Sesame oil increases blood clotting, so its use is undesirable if you are prone to blood clots and use for cosmetic purposes if you have signs of rosacea on the face. Only after consulting a doctor can you use sesame oil for varicose veins!

    The laxative effect of sesame oil can lead to diarrhea, so people who have problems with stool, stomach or intestinal disorders should refrain from taking the oil for this period.

    Thus, sesame oil is a valuable product that has a complex positive effect on the human body. Sung in ancient times, sesame oil rejuvenates, cleanses the body, helps cope with various problems and protects against cancer. However, most recipes for using sesame oil are taken from traditional medicine and their therapeutic effect has not been proven by official science. Therefore, if you have serious health problems, you should consult your doctor to assess the advisability of using sesame oil in each specific case.