Ginger tea for weight loss: recipe. Ginger tea for weight loss, tea recipes, useful tips

Every woman at any age wants to stay slim. And ginger tea for weight loss will help with this. The drink turns out delicious and helps get rid of extra pounds and benefits health.

There are many variations in preparing the miraculous drink. Therefore, everyone will be able to choose the most delicious option for themselves, which will help achieve their desired goals.

Does ginger tea help with weight loss?

Ginger drink will bring a feeling of fullness and increase heat production. This will help speed up your metabolism and, as a result, the extra pounds will go away faster.

Why tea helps you lose weight:

  1. The drink facilitates digestion. The substances included in the composition help stimulate the peristalsis of the stomach and intestines. As a result, food is better digested and all nutrients are absorbed well. This process helps remove toxins.
  2. The product increases heat production. This means that after consumption, the production of thermal energy in the body increases. Metabolism begins to have a stimulating effect. What is the result fast weight loss. Ginger is the most effective plant that allows you to lose extra pounds naturally without causing harm to your health. This happens due to heat production.
  3. The drink gives you a feeling of fullness. Very often, between meals, people have snacks. Mostly sweets and baked goods are used for this purpose. Ginger will help overcome the feeling of hunger. Just one serving of tea will help you forget about snacking for several hours.
  4. Contains antioxidants. Thanks to which toxins that provoke the development of serious diseases are eliminated. As a result, the functioning of all organs improves and the product begins to have a fat-burning effect.

How to choose a fresh and high-quality product

The valuable qualities of a product depend on its freshness. Therefore, you should choose it wisely before purchasing. Available for sale:

  • Root grown in India. It is light-colored, thin-skinned, and smooth. The pulp is aromatic and very juicy, yellow-light in color. Contains a large number of nutrients and is considered to be of the highest quality.

  • Product from Africa. It has a darker color. The peel is rough and dense. The pulp is not as aromatic, bitter and yellow.

When purchasing please note:

  • by smell. There should be no signs of rottenness or foreign aroma;
  • to the surface. It will need to be even, smooth, without mold or white deposits. There should be no damage or breaks.;
  • per color. Choose a light-colored product. The peel should not have multi-layered scales.

The presence of sprouts on the surface is a sign of keeping the product warm long time. At such a root little content nutrients. Therefore, such a product is not worth purchasing.

Brewing technology for classic ginger tea

At home, prepare a delicious miracle drink that has a pleasant taste and aroma. It helps to get rid of extra pounds and also helps in the fight against viral infections.

You will need:

  • water – 900 ml;
  • ginger root – 5.5 cm;
  • ground black pepper;
  • orange – 45 g.

How to cook:

  • Remove the skin from the root. Grind using a fine grater.
  • Boil water. Sprinkle in ginger chips. After 5 minutes, add pepper and cook for 7 minutes.
  • Squeeze the juice from the orange and pour into the finished drink.

Honey will help increase the nutritional properties and sweeten the tea. It is added to a slightly cooled drink.

Making green ginger tea

The variation will help stimulate metabolism and tone up.

You will need:

  • lemon juice from two cloves;
  • honey – 10 ml;
  • ginger – cube (2x2 cm);
  • green tea;
  • water – 220 ml.

How to cook:

  • Pour lemon juice into the water and add ginger. Boil for 13 minutes. It is necessary to cook on a minimum flame.
  • Pour in green tea. Cover with a lid. Leave for 7 minutes.
  • Pour in honey and stir.

With added cinnamon and lemon

You will need:

  • lemon – 1 slice;
  • brewed tea – 260 ml;
  • sweetener;
  • ginger root - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • ground cinnamon – 3 g.

How to cook:

  • Brew tea. You can use any, but for more effective weight loss It’s better to choose green.
  • Grate the root and place the amount specified in the recipe into the tea. Stir, add lemon and leave for a quarter of an hour.
  • You can use sugar, fructose or honey as a sweetener.

Infusion in a thermos

It’s very easy to make a delicious drink in a thermos.

You will need:

  • water – 900 ml;
  • ginger – 2.5 tbsp. spoons;
  • brewing green tea.

How to cook:

  • Boil water and pour into a thermos.
  • Add grated root. Pour tea. Screw on the lid and brew for at least 1.5 hours.
  • Improve taste qualities The drink can be made with honey.

Regime and norms of use

The drink is a medicine, so to lose weight you need to take it correctly. Regular consumption will help start the process of cleansing the body, which will contribute to weight loss. You can drink it constantly. Consume before meals, preferably before breakfast, dinner and lunch.

The last dose should be 3 hours before bedtime. This is due to the fact that the drink invigorates and tones. The maximum allowed volume per day is 2 liters.

Who is contraindicated from taking root infusion?

The product has beneficial properties and is good for helping you lose extra pounds. But not everyone can use it. Contraindicated for:

  • hypertension;
  • gastritis, liver diseases;
  • in a pre-infarction state;
  • hemorrhoids accompanied by bleeding;
  • nervous excitability;
  • ischemic disease;
  • predisposition to bleeding;
  • colitis and peptic ulcer.
  • the presence of tumor processes;
  • in a post-stroke state.

Not recommended for pregnant women. A slight excess of the recommended volume will lead to liver problems and headaches.

Eastern countries have long learned to use ginger correctly. After all, its root, tinctures and tea with ginger help get rid of extra pounds without cruel diets.

Useful properties and benefits of ginger tea

It should be emphasized that ginger belongs to the category of hot foods. This means that its use warms, increases the body’s blood circulation, and also accelerates its metabolic processes.

The beneficial properties of ginger are manifested thanks to the essential oils contained in the root.

After all, they help speed up metabolism. This plant also has a rejuvenating effect on the body, so it is better not only for girls with overweight.

Ginger root combines many vitamins, compounds, and microelements that help maintain health.

Among them are the following:

  1. Vitamins of group A, B, C.
  2. Zinc.
  3. Phosphorus.
  4. Magnesium.
  5. Iron.
  6. Ascorbic acid.

A diet that includes drinking ginger tea has a mild laxative effect. Thus, you can cleanse the body of excess salts, toxins, water, and cholesterol.

The main advantage of drinking ginger tea for weight loss is that there is no need to sit down strict diets. Ginger burns fat, which means that with this drink you even have the opportunity to indulge in a little more sweets for dessert than usual.

You should not expect lightning-fast effects from drinking ginger tea. Losing weight using this method proceeds smoothly, and at the same time the overall well-being of the body will improve.

The fact that there is no need for diets to lose weight with ginger tea does not mean permissiveness in nutrition. In addition, diets can perfectly complement the use of this drink, and the effect will be achieved faster.

Ginger tea also improves your tone. This means that you can use it instead of coffee.

After all, coffee has high content calories and does not have a very positive effect on overall health.

You can also carry out a whole course of ginger diet for weight loss. Such a diet will be based only on the daily consumption of ginger tea, while there is no main specific menu.

This course should last up to two months. Based on reviews, it can be assumed that about two kilograms are lost in one week.

The rules of the ginger tea diet include only restrictions on fatty, sweet and salty foods.

You can eat sweets in small quantities, but it is better if they are healthy foods.

For example, dates or honey. Over time, the number of kilocalories consumed per day should decrease to 1700.

As already noted, main principle nutrition will consist of drinking ginger tea. You should drink it in the morning before your first meal.

Then you should drink tea an hour after each meal throughout the day.

Find out the recipe for fat-burning tea with ginger from the video.

Ginger tea recipes for weight loss

To make ginger tea, you should buy fresh root. Ginger powder greatly spoils the drink.

Since ginger has a very unusual smell and taste, you should know how to brew it correctly. Otherwise, the tea may turn out too bitter or tart.

The most popular tea is prepared using other active ingredients. They can both add taste and aroma, and, in combination with ginger, help burn fat.


This drink is basic, and others are prepared based on this recipe.

To prepare it you will need:

  1. Ginger root – about 5 cm.
  2. Citrus (preferably lemon or orange) – ¼.

To brew this tea, you should start by peeling the ginger root from the skin. This can be done using a knife or a special tool.

Then you need to grate the root using a grater. After boiling a liter of water, add the resulting slurry to it.

All that remains is to boil the water for 10 minutes. When serving the drink, you can squeeze citrus juice into it.

Ginger tea with lemon has delicate taste and a special aroma. Depending on the desired temperature of the tea, its preparation time can vary up to 10 minutes.

In order to prepare this tea, you will need:

    1. Granulated sugar - optional.

  1. Lemon wedge.

You should peel the ginger root and grate it so that the resulting amount of pulp is a teaspoon. The resulting slurry must be mixed with a crushed lemon slice, and then pour 200 ml of boiling water over the mixture.

You can let the drink brew for up to 10 minutes, and add sugar if desired.


Green ginger tea promotes healing colds and relaxes the body from stress.

For it you will need:

  1. Lemon.
  2. Carnation flowers - 2-3 pieces.
  3. Green tea brewing – 1 teaspoon.

After peeling the ginger root, you need to grate it in the amount of one teaspoon. Next, mix the gruel with green tea and flowers and pour 100 ml of boiling water.

Let it brew and strain. You can serve this tea by squeezing lemon juice into it.

This type of tea has a stunning fresh aroma and also has a tonic effect on the body. In addition, it cleanses the body.

The following ingredients will be required:

  1. Mint leaves – 3 pieces.
  2. Lemon.

Mix a teaspoon of grated ginger root with mint leaves and pour 250 ml of boiling water. You should let it sit for 5 minutes and then squeeze lemon juice into it.

In addition, it is this type of drink that cannot be combined with honey. But you shouldn’t add honey to tea; it’s better to just add it to the drink.


This drink helps lower cholesterol thanks to garlic.

For it you will need:

  1. Head of garlic.

Grind a teaspoon of ginger and garlic together, and then pour the resulting 100 ml of boiling water. Leave for up to 10 minutes, you can add citrus juice if desired.


This tea has a wonderful sweet smell and special taste. Cinnamon can also promote weight loss, like ginger.

You will need:

  1. Cinnamon – 1 stick.

You should brew classic ginger tea, the recipe for which is described above. Already in the finished tea you need to add a cinnamon stick and let it brew for 5 minutes.

If you don't have a stick, you can simply dilute the tea with a teaspoon of cinnamon powder.

Contraindications for use

Like other diets and weight loss products, ginger-based tea has its limitations.

It is not recommended to take it in the following cases:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract), such as ulcers and gastritis;
  • oncological diseases of the stomach;
  • hepatitis;
  • heart diseases such as stroke, heart attack, unstable blood pressure;
  • skin diseases;
  • cirrhosis;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • frequent nosebleeds;
  • allergy to certain components of tea;
  • last months of pregnancy;
  • gallbladder stones.

Thus, we can come to the following conclusions:

  • This tea helps to improve your well-being;
  • tea with ginger helps to lose weight;
  • when dieting on ginger tea, there is no menu and strong restrictions;
  • this tea can replace coffee as it improves body tone;
  • The weight loss effect is achieved gradually, which means there is no risk of compromising your health.

You can learn about the beneficial properties of ginger from the video.

One of the most useful seasonings is ginger. For weight loss, many people use drinks containing this spice.

Does ginger really help you lose weight? How to properly use ginger for weight loss? We offer a recipe for the most effective way to lose weight.

Can ginger be used for weight loss?

How to use ginger for weight loss? It should be said right away that there is no miracle remedy made from ginger that will quickly get rid of all those extra pounds.

The action of ginger (or “white root”) is aimed at cleansing the body and accelerating the metabolic process. Drinks made from this spice are used as a supportive and dietary aid.

Let's look at how ginger affects weight loss. First, it stimulates thermogenesis (the body's ability to warm itself from the inside). The process of burning fat directly depends on the balance of the thermogenesis system. In addition, the white root improves digestion. It increases activity digestive enzymes, helps reduce flatulence.

The use of ginger, like any spice, has contraindications and side effects:

  1. The white root is strictly contraindicated for nursing mothers.
  2. Ginger irritates the mucous membrane of the esophagus and stomach, and therefore is contraindicated in patients with gastrointestinal disorders (acute gastritis, ulcers).
  3. Contraindicated in case of cholelithiasis, because the white root (like any spice) is an antispasmodic, that is, it enhances the peristalsis of the biliary tract.
  4. Not recommended in case of kidney disease.
  5. In some cases, it causes increased anxiety and insomnia.
  6. Contraindicated if you are allergic to spices.

The use of white root is incompatible with some medications. Therefore, it is recommended to consult a doctor before use!

Benefits and contraindications for taking ginger

How many kilograms do they lose?

Surely many people want to read (before choosing a ginger recipe for weight loss) reviews: how many kilograms they lose by starting to drink the recommended drinks.

For weight loss, ginger is used in the ginger diet complex. The basic principles of this diet are the same as any other. Namely:

  • refusal of fatty, sweet, smoked, salty foods;
  • meals in small portions 4–5 r/day;
  • the daily diet does not exceed 1.5–2 thousand calories.

The diet drink is used in the morning on an empty stomach, then 2-4 times during the day.

The diet is followed for 2 months. average speed weight loss during this period is 1–2 kg per week.

This type of weight loss is optimal because it does not put additional stress on the body and helps to reliably consolidate the results.

Reviews from those who have lost weight

Reviews of ginger for weight loss fall into three groups:

  • positive;
  • neutral;
  • negative.

The majority of opinions are positive. For example, ginger and cinnamon for weight loss - this recipe has positive reviews. Also worth noting is Sassi water. The ingredients of this weight loss drink are: ginger, cucumber, lemon, mint. Reviews about this product are also mostly laudatory.

Girls who mention ginger for weight loss in reviews write that they have taken a comprehensive approach to the task of losing weight. Some seriously revised their diet and began to eat more vegetables and fruits. Others began to actively engage in sports. That is, it would be wrong to assume that weight loss occurred only due to the white root.

The second group (neutral reviews) includes the opinions of people who have not actively lost weight. Such people took ginger drinks for general health or just for taste. These white root drinkers who are not dieting noted that they did not see any fat-burning effect from drinking the drinks. At the same time, such infusions warm well and add vigor, which is assessed as an overall positive result.

Negative reviews mainly include reports of allergic reactions to ginger. Many people cannot take such weight loss products due to individual intolerance. Also, negative reviews of the white root are due to the fact that spices increase appetite on special occasions.

Some girls who were on a diet and took ginger noted that after the drink they wanted to eat more. This effect makes it much more difficult to adhere to the diet and, instead of helping, has the opposite effect. We will tell you further how to drink ginger to lose weight and cleanse the body.

Drink recipes for weight loss

There are many methods for preparing ginger for weight loss at home. Below are the most popular options. For any of them, use either fresh white root, frozen or dry (ground).

Ginger with lemon for weight loss.

  1. Take a lemon and a white root about 3x4 cm.
  2. Wash the lemon and cut it in half.
  3. Cut one half into slices (as thin as possible), and squeeze the juice out of the other.
  4. Peel the root and grate very finely.
  5. Mix the ingredients in any container with a volume of at least 1 liter.
  6. Pour boiling water - this will require 1 liter of water.
  7. After 15 min. be sure to strain.

The second option for ginger for weight loss: tea recipe. Needed for 1 liter. tea (preferably green), take a pinch of white root and brew. Add lemon slices or squeeze juice.

With lemon and honey

You will need ginger, lemon, honey. Recipe for weight loss:

  1. Pour 6 tsp water. dry white root.
  2. Boil in a water bath for 10 minutes.
  3. Remove from heat.
  4. Strain the cooled broth, add honey and lemon.

Another version of the drink is “ginger, lemon and honey” for weight loss. Recipe:

  1. Grind the peeled, seedless lemon and white root through a meat grinder. The quantity of each ingredient is approximately 150 g.
  2. Add 200 g of honey.
  3. Mix the mixture well until smooth, using a blender.

Take 1 tsp. per day on an empty stomach. If desired, dilute in non-cold water.

With mint

Following any of the previously described recipes, in addition to lemon, add fresh or dried mint and the spices you like to ginger and honey for weight loss.

For example, an interesting recipe for this spicy composition:

  1. 6 tsp. grated ginger (or 3 tsp dry) bring to a boil in 1.5 liters of water.
  2. Add pepper (a pinch of ground red pepper) and immediately remove from heat.
  3. Add mint leaves to the broth.
  4. Cool and pour in 8 tsp. citrus (lemon) juice.

With cucumber

A popular light cocktail with the white root is Sassi water. For this weight loss drink, take ginger, lemon, cucumber and mint.

  1. Peel a small cucumber and cut into slices.
  2. Slice half a lemon in the same way.
  3. Grate 1 tsp. white root.
  4. Mix everything in a carafe and pour in 2 liters of cold water.
  5. Add mint.
  6. Leave for 12 hours, preferably in the refrigerator.

With garlic

For those who are already tired of ginger, lemon and honey - a recipe for “garlic for weight loss.” Reviews on it are not clear due to the unpleasant smell.

  1. Peel the 5 cm root, then rub.
  2. Crush or grate a clove of garlic and mix with the white root.
  3. Pour boiling water (1 liter).
  4. Leave in a sealed container until cool.
  5. Strain.

With kefir

Take a white root no more than 2 cm long and a glass or mug of kefir with a fat content of 0–1.5%. Using a mixer, mix kefir, cinnamon and ginger for weight loss. Reviews for this drink are positive.

With turmeric and cinnamon

The previous recipe can be supplemented with half a tsp. turmeric.

Ginger and cinnamon are also a good combination for weight loss. Recipe: add honey, turmeric, cinnamon, ginger to warm milk for weight loss. Add ginger, cinnamon, honey, and lemon to your daily tea for weight loss. Reviews of such infusions are also mostly laudatory.

With red pepper

Have to take:

  • kefir;
  • ginger;
  • cinnamon;
  • red pepper.

To lose weight, cook in the following way:

Place 2 tsp in a glass or mug of kefir. white root, and half as much cinnamon. Then gradually add pepper to the mixture (several grains at a time). Try it to find out required quantity this seasoning.

This drink must be prepared before drinking!

How to brew correctly?

The method of brewing the white root differs depending on the degree of saturation of the drink you want to get.

How to brew ginger correctly for weight loss? The longer the white root boils in water, the more concentrated the decoction becomes. The drink is consumed one spoon at a time.

How to brew ginger for weight loss so you can drink one glass at a time? To get a less strong drink, the white root is brewed like regular tea. If you pour the root with cold liquid (water or kefir), the effect will be softer. Then you can drink large volumes and even replace meals with a drink.

In order not to get confused and not get lost in such a large volume of various recipes, we will highlight a few general principles how to cook ginger for weight loss:

  1. For 1 liter of liquid, the size of ginger root is approximately equal to the size of a thumb.
  2. Be sure to chop a piece of root with a knife (cut into cubes or thin slices) or on a grater.
  3. After the hot drink has steeped for the required time, it must be strained to avoid excessive bitterness in the taste.

How to drink?

There is no consensus on how to drink ginger for weight loss. Some believe that it is better to use it in the morning on an empty stomach. Another opinion is in between meals. Some people refuse such mixtures before bed, while others, on the contrary, replace them with a late dinner.

To improve digestion, it is better to take the mixture immediately before meals. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to replace one meal per day with ginger drink.

Everyone chooses their own regimen of use, based on their habits, preferences, chosen recipe and health status.

Still, there are a few rules that must be followed:

  1. Treatment with white root should begin with small doses, gradually increasing the dose. This is necessary to prevent allergies.
  2. The volume per day is 2 liters of ginger drink, but no more.
  3. After 2 weeks of use, a break of 10 days is required.
  4. To lose weight, take the white root drink hot or warm.

Pickled ginger root

Pickled ginger for weight loss - just as effective way, just like fresh. Only even tastier. After all, it is very difficult to consume a large amount of strong ginger drink at once. And many people like pickled slices, aromatic and appetizing, as an addition to a dish. Here are some basic tips:

  • for pickling, choose only young, intact root;
  • use enamel dishes (never metal) to avoid oxidation;
  • carefully follow the recipe and proportions.

How to cook at home?

The simplest cooking algorithm is as follows:

  1. Cut the root, about 150–200 g. It is better to do this in long slices (plates).
  2. In ¼ cup rice vinegar put 2 tsp. salt and 3 tbsp. l. sugar, boil.
  3. Pour the brine into a container with strips of white root so that the slices are covered on all sides with liquid.
  4. Cool.
  5. Leave in the refrigerator for about 7 hours.

How to use?

In the case of using pickled root, how to use ginger for weight loss is very simple to answer. Every day it is enough to eat two or three pieces of this delicacy. It is especially useful to use pickled ginger with fish dishes. The fatty acids contained in fish, combined with the white root, speed up metabolism.

A fragrant and healthy product - pickled ginger for weight loss. Reviews confirm this.

How to take ground ginger?

In the drink options described above, in addition to fresh, ground ginger for weight loss is also mentioned. How to use this seasoning in recipes is easy to answer. For weight loss, you need half as much ground ginger as indicated in the recipe.

It is not necessary to make only drinks from it. there are many. For example, take ground ginger daily for weight loss as part of the general diet, that is, use it as a spice for main dishes.

Ground ginger is also included in some dietary supplements used as diet support.

The most effective method

How to take ginger for weight loss with quick results? The main active ingredient in such formulations is ginger, and weight loss depends precisely on its influence. Accordingly, the result will be more noticeable, the greater the amount of white root used. From this we can conclude that accelerating the effect can be achieved by increasing the concentration of ginger in the drink for weight loss.

The most effective recipes, that is, the strongest drinks, refer to decoctions containing ground or grated root. Particularly useful are teas in which the effect of the white root is enhanced by citric acid, honey, and other spices.

When using concentrated ginger drink, you should remember the contraindications and side effects. And also that ginger itself does not give the desired effect without revising your lifestyle.

Most current method Losing weight using ginger means eating right and exercising. Only A complex approach to the weight loss process will be crowned with the desired result!

Useful video

Can you lose weight with ginger? For useful tips and recipes, watch this video:


  1. To determine how to drink ginger for weight loss, you need to consult a doctor and find out if you have any contraindications to this method.
  2. There are many recipes for weight loss with ginger drink. Choose whether you like sweet and sour lemon with honey, kefir or a stronger mixture with other spices.
  3. Ginger, as a spice, helps increase appetite. Therefore, following a diet accompanied by the use of spices is problematic.
  4. Only thanks to the revision and reorganization of nutrition and sufficient physical activity you can lose kilos. A ginger drink will help with this. Any recipe for weight loss will work. Remember that ginger for weight loss is not a miracle cure.

Text: Olga Natolina

Ginger is widely known as a spice. But not everyone knows about the properties of ginger for weight loss. It can be called unique, because it has a lot of medicinal and other beneficial properties. Thanks to these qualities, ginger is also often included in detox diets. Additionally, ginger tea recipe is extremely popular for weight loss.

Properties of ginger for weight loss

Ginger is grown in Asian countries; in our country it can be found in large supermarkets in the form of root vegetables or already processed bulk form, as a spice, or in Japanese restaurants in pickled form. The benefits of ginger for weight loss were noticed by oriental healers and doctors - ginger “kindles the blood,” they said, which is why it starts the processes of burning fat in the body. The root of this plant is rich in vitamins B, C and A, as well as zinc, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and other important trace elements.

  • Drink tea 30 minutes before meals, then you will eat less, since your appetite will be quenched, and your metabolic processes will also speed up, and food will be better digested and fat will be burned better;

  • It is not recommended to drink more than 2 liters of ginger tea per day, and drink it 3-4 hours before bedtime;

  • strain ginger tea before drinking, then it will taste more pleasant;

  • For tea, choose fresh ginger root;

  • Tea with ginger is not recommended for people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, pregnant women and women breastfeeding.

Ginger tea for weight loss

A simple way to lose a couple of kilograms in a month is to drink tea with ginger, because it is effective for weight loss. Fast way when preparing a decoction, when you don’t have time, just add ground ginger, 0.5 tsp. in the form of brewed tea and drink three times a day. Another more effective ginger tea for weight loss is a decoction prepared with a large amount of ginger and pre-infused in a thermos for three to six hours.

There is also a recipe for making tea with ginger: 3 tbsp. re grated root ginger and 2 tbsp. add chopped mint to 1.5 liters of boiling water, cook for 15 minutes; remove from heat, leave to room temperature, add 2 tbsp. honey, 1 tsp. ground black pepper and 4 tsp. lemon juice. This ginger tea for weight loss is best drunk warm.

Ginger for weight loss: recipes

  • Tea with ginger and garlic for weight loss. You will need 2 liters of water, 4 cm of ginger root, 2 cloves of garlic. Peel the ginger, chop finely, cut the garlic into slices. Pour boiling water over and leave in a thermos for an hour. Strain the tea and store in a thermos. Drink throughout the day.

  • Tea with ginger, spices and orange. Ingredients: 1 tbsp. mint, 2 cm ginger root, a pinch of cardamom, 100 ml lemon juice, 70 ml orange juice, 2 tbsp. honey - add them when the drink has cooled a little. Mix ginger, mint and cardamom using a blender, add boiling water to the mixture, let it brew for 30 minutes. Strain the broth, cool further and pour the prepared orange and lemon juices into it. Then add honey. This drink can also be drunk cold in hot weather.

  • Ginger tea with lingonberries. 1 tsp lingonberries, finely chopped ginger root (3cm), 1 liter of boiling water, 2 tbsp. honey Infuse a mixture of ginger and lingonberries in boiling water for 30 minutes under the lid. This tea has a beneficial effect on kidney function and removes fluid from the body.

  • Salad for weight loss with ginger. You will need: grate 2 carrots and baked beets, chop orange zest, lemon, celery and ginger, mix, add 2 tbsp. oils

Ginger tea is a warming drink that came from the East and serves effective means in the struggle for a slim figure. Ginger root is endowed with many healing properties that have positive influence completely on the entire human body. As Tibetans say, this product is considered hot, that is, capable of stimulating blood circulation, warming, and activating metabolic processes. How to make ginger tea and in what quantities to take?

Benefits of ginger tea for weight loss

A plant such as ginger has been known since ancient times for its ability to warm, normalize digestion, and neutralize the effects of certain poisons. Also in Ancient Greece the root helped cope with the consequences of overeating, and in China it was used to improve memory and combat seasickness. Ginger tea can even prolong youth, as was believed in East Asia. All this is achieved thanks to the rich composition of the spice: riboflavin, thiamine, niacin, pyridoxine, folic acid, choline, ascorbic acid, magnesium, potassium, calcium, sodium, iron.

How can ginger tea help you lose excess weight?

  • Thermogenesis stimulation. Ginger tea activates the production of heat, which accompanies all processes taking place in our body. Thermogenesis accompanies cell division, food digestion, and blood circulation. If a person suffers from excess accumulated fat, then his heat production is slowed down, and therefore his metabolism is not active, as a result of which food settles in fat folds. The unique active chemical compounds gingerol and shogaol in ginger tea act similarly to capsiacin, a substance found in hot red peppers. They stimulate thermogenesis, thereby helping to lose weight.
  • Regulating insulin and cortisol levels. The latter hormone takes part in optimizing energy expenditure, playing the role of a conductor in the breakdown of fats, proteins, glycogen, facilitating the transport of the resulting compounds into the bloodstream. In conditions of hunger, dieting, stress, cortisol begins to play against your desire to become slim. As anxiety increases, the level of this stress hormone rises, and everything that enters the body with food begins to be stored in reserve, instead of being broken down. Cortisol is characterized by a special relationship to the extremities, where the process of lipolysis during high level the hormone continues to be stimulated. Therefore, people who suffer from an excess of this substance have fragile legs and arms, but a full torso. Ginger is aimed at suppressing the increased production of cortisol, which will become good help when losing extra pounds. The root has an effect on insulin and helps balance blood glucose levels. This prevents the accumulation of bad cholesterol, outbreaks of increased appetite and hunger.
  • Improved digestion. Ginger is an excellent digestif, so the Roman nobility used it to alleviate the condition after overeating. Ginger tea for weight loss accelerates the absorption of nutrients by the intestinal walls, normalizes the gastrointestinal tract and digestion. Thanks to its antiseptic properties, the spice minimizes the risk of intestinal infection, fights attacks of nausea, and is recommended by doctors as a remedy for irritable bowel syndrome. Ginger neutralizes accumulated gases in the digestive tract, which helps achieve flat stomach when losing weight.
  • Adding Energy. Drinking ginger tea for weight loss stimulates cerebral blood flow, which ensures quick thinking and invigorates the spirit. The root fights loss of strength, equalizes blood glucose levels, increases blood circulation, weakens muscle pain, which is important when playing sports on a diet. This spice relieves spasms of the respiratory canals and nasal congestion, which has a beneficial effect on the supply of oxygen to the cells.

Ginger tea recipes for weight loss

How to make ginger tea for weight loss? Brewing the drink does not involve any difficulties. Preparing ginger tea for weight loss takes a minimum of time, and the set of products is minimal. You will notice the effect of use after a few days. According to the simple ones below folk recipes you will learn how to prepare ginger tea for weight loss at home. Just remember that the spine must be of high quality.

  1. Tea with ginger and garlic. In a thermos, put garlic and ginger root cut into thin small pieces in a 1:1 ratio. Fill with a liter boiled water(per 1 liter of water, take a root the size of thumb hands). Let it brew for 20 minutes. After this, you can drink ginger tea, which has a spicy, slightly bitter taste and aroma. Garlic enhances the effect of the root in accelerating metabolism.
  2. Tea with ginger and cinnamon. Cut the ginger root into small cubes, thin slices or grate it. You can also grind the spice in a blender or coffee grinder, or crush it in a mortar. Transfer to a container, fill with water and put on fire. Bring ginger tea to a boil. After boiling, cook for 20 minutes over low heat. Pour the brewed ginger tea for weight loss into a cup, add a cinnamon stick, cover the container and leave for 20 minutes. Cinnamon enhances the effect of ginger root.
  3. Ginger tea with pepper. Brew a classic drink as described in the previous recipe. Pour hot tea for weight loss into a glass, season with a pinch of red or black freshly ground pepper. This version of a ginger drink for weight loss with spices speeds up metabolism, promotes fat burning, and cleanses toxins.
  4. Tea with ginger and mint. Grind 60 g of fresh mint leaves in a blender. Afterwards, mix with a teaspoon of grated ginger and a pinch of ground cardamom. Pour boiling water over the mixture and let it brew for half an hour. Ginger tea for weight loss with mint does an excellent job of accelerating metabolic processes.
  5. Ginger tea with lingonberries. Pour a glass of boiling water into 2 teaspoons of crushed dry lingonberry leaves, add a teaspoon of grated root. Allow 20 minutes to pass before use. Ginger tea for weight loss has a diuretic effect, improves kidney function, and removes excess fluid.
  6. Tea with ginger and senna. Brew 200 ml of boiling water, 1 bag of senna, add a teaspoon of root, crushed in a blender, wait 20 minutes. Afterwards you need to strain. This recipe for weight loss helps cleanse the body, since senna has a laxative effect, removing toxins and waste from the body. You should not drink this ginger tea too often and for a long time.
  7. Tea with ginger and stevia. Pour a glass of boiling water over a mixture of a teaspoon of grated ginger and a teaspoon of chopped stevia. Cover with a lid. Let the drink cool to room temperature. Ginger tea for weight loss has a powerful healing effect, improves immunity, and lowers cholesterol levels.

How and how much to drink ginger tea to burn fat?

Including ginger tea for weight loss in your diet helps regulate metabolism, rejuvenate the body, skin, increase immune strength, and stay healthy. The drink will help you not feel hungry. And in combination with diet, proper nutrition, the weight will decrease faster. To see results after a month, you need to know how to drink ginger tea?

By drinking a drink before meals, you dull your hunger, thereby eating a smaller portion and speeding up metabolic processes. Brew a 2-liter thermos for the day. Take ginger tea for weight loss after brewing in small cups every time you feel hungry. Drink the prepared drink daily for a month, then take a break for 2 weeks. The effect of ginger tea for weight loss will help increase physical exercise and healthy eating.

Green coffee with ginger for weight loss

This product for combating excess weight was invented not so long ago in America. Ginger root has long been known for its properties due to its active composition and the essential oils it contains. Green ginger coffee helps accelerate the breakdown of fats, reduces appetite, inhibits the absorption of carbohydrates, and cravings for sweet foods. The product works as an antioxidant.

To brew the drink, pour the bag with hot water at a temperature of up to 90 degrees and wait 5 minutes. Green ginger coffee is recommended to be taken in the morning and lunchtime as it gives energy and vigor. Accordingly, if you drink it in the evening, it will be difficult for you to fall asleep. As for the dosage, if you are overweight from 5 to 15 kg, 1 cup in the morning after a meal is enough. If the number of extra pounds exceeds these figures, then take 2 cups in the morning and at lunch.

Green coffee with ginger for weight loss is contraindicated for people prone to high blood pressure, with diabetes mellitus, kidney problems, pregnant and nursing mothers. You should use this product with caution if you suffer from migraines and frequent headaches. People with heart disease should consult a doctor before using the drink, since green coffee increases blood pressure and accelerates the heartbeat.

Green tea with ginger for weight loss

Green ginger tea is known for its properties that have a beneficial effect on the process of weight loss. This delicious drink is an antioxidant that has diuretic and cleansing properties, and accelerates lipid metabolism. When combined with ginger, you get a healing tea for effective weight loss. It is consumed freshly brewed or cold if you want to lose weight. How to brew ginger tea?

To get 1 liter of drink, you need:

  • 4 teaspoons green tea;
  • half a lemon or orange;
  • 4 cm ginger root.
  1. Grind the citrus zest and spice, add 500 ml of water.
  2. Place on low heat and cook for 20 minutes.
  3. Add chopped orange or lemon slices, leave for 10 minutes, then strain through a sieve.
  4. Separately, brew 500 ml of hot water green tea, strain after 3 minutes and combine with ginger infusion, add honey instead of sugar if desired.

Drink the weight loss drink throughout the day in small portions of 30 ml between meals.


Ginger tea for weight loss has beneficial properties. But, like any other medicinal plant, the spice has contraindications for use. Because of significant influence, exerted on the body by the root, can bring not only benefit to a person, but also harm. To avoid unfavorable outcomes, you should know the contraindications of ginger tea for weight loss:

  • Peptic ulcer, gastritis, tumors in the gastrointestinal tract. Ginger has an effect on the gastric mucosa, increasing digestive fire. If the mucous membrane is irritated, there are erosions and ulcers on it, then ginger tea for weight loss will enhance these phenomena.
  • Liver diseases. The spice stimulates the secretory function of liver cells. If they are in a state of necrosis or irritation, then ginger tea for weight loss will harm the organ.
  • Any bleeding (uterine, hemorrhoidal, nasal, etc.). The root is able to enhance these processes.
  • Stones in the biliary tract and gallbladder. Since ginger tea enhances the secretory function of the liver, this often provokes the movement of stones, which can get stuck during passage. Then you cannot do without emergency intervention from a surgeon.
  • Pregnancy (except first trimester). Oriental spice provokes a rise in blood pressure, which can create a dangerous situation for a woman carrying a child.