How long to do the vacuum exercise. Vacuum exercise for a flat stomach: breathe and lose weight

There are 6 types of abdominal muscles. Rectus muscle ( lat. rectus abdominis) is responsible for the definition of the abs (6-pack), but the transverse abdominis muscle is responsible for a flat stomach and a toned waist ( lat. transverse abdominis).

The transverse muscle goes around the waist and serves as a corset, while reducing the volume of the abdominal cavity. By strengthening the transverse muscle, you also strengthen the inner corset, resulting in a flatter, more toned abdomen.

"Vacuum"- it's easy breathing exercise to influence the transverse abdominal muscle through its isometric contraction, during which the muscles are activated, but there is no movement in the joints.

In addition to getting rid of a distended abdomen and a narrowed waist, strengthening the deepest abdominal muscle helps improve the health of the spine and, as a result, reduce and prevent lower back pain, as well as improve posture.

This simple exercise for the transverse muscle is very popular because with its help you can achieve significant and visible results in relatively little time. short term.

We recommend performing all variations of the “vacuum” exercise in the morning, immediately after waking up - this way you can easily develop a daily stable habit. The advantage is also that your stomach is completely empty at this time and it will be much easier for you to achieve complete reduction transverse muscle.

"Vacuum" in the supine position

1. Lie on your back, locking your knees and hips so that your feet are completely in contact with the floor or bed.
2. Then exhale as much air as possible from the lungs. This will help raise the diaphragm and contract the transverse muscle as much as possible.
3. Finally, try to bring your stomach as close to your spine as possible. The less distance you create, the more the transverse muscle will contract.

To get started, just hold this position for 15 seconds during each approach. As with any exercise, after some time you can increase the duration. Gradually aim to hold the “vacuum” for 60 seconds per set. Also, don't let your lack of ability to hold your breath for long periods prevent you from doing longer sets - take small inhales/exhales if necessary. You should start with 3 approaches, and after some time you should increase to 5 to achieve more significant results.

“Vacuum” in a position on all fours

Immediately after you can perform five sets of 60 seconds, try to complicate the exercise by changing the starting position, that is, performing it on all fours. This variation of the exercise is a little more difficult than the previous one, primarily because you will have to work with your own body weight.

How to do the exercise correctly:
1. Take the starting position on all fours.
2. At this stage, the technique of performing the exercise is almost similar to the previous one ( see points 2 and 3 “vacuum” in a supine position).

Again, try to keep the duration up to 60 seconds, doing at least 3 sets. Perform 5 sets if you suffer from spinal pain or tend to relax your abdominal muscles.

"Vacuum" in a sitting position

The “vacuum” while standing on all fours is quite difficult and effective exercise, however, the option of performing the exercise in a sitting position is considered to be even more difficult, since other muscles that perform a stabilizing function are also involved here.

Correct technique for performing the exercise:
1. Starting position – sitting on a stable surface without using support.
2. As during the previous exercises, exhale as much air as possible and try to bring your stomach as close to your spine as possible.

Functional "vacuum"

The trick with a functional vacuum is that you have to do the exercise for an indefinite period of time and still breathe freely during any movement. It's just a matter of practice - learning to feel your transverse muscle and not allowing it to relax, especially when sitting ( which is typical for many of us). Moreover, make sure that you contract the transversus muscle at least slightly when you are standing. After some time, these actions will be much easier for you.

In addition to getting rid of a distended abdomen and a narrowed waist, strengthening the deepest abdominal muscle helps strengthen the spine and, as a result, reduce and prevent lower back pain, as well as improve posture.

Exercise to contract the transverse and rectus muscles - twisting

To increase the intensity of your workout, perform an exercise that simultaneously contracts the transversus and rectus muscles. In other words, you do the vacuum first and then the crunches.

Step-by-step technique for performing the exercise:
1. Lie down on the floor. Place your palms on your neck.
2. Take a deep breath and draw in your stomach as much as possible, i.e. perform a vacuum. Try to bring your abdominal muscles as close to your spine as possible. Then exhale deeply as you twist. This exercise Ideal for gaining complete control over your abdominal muscles. In addition, it will be a real godsend for those who suffer from such a problem as a distended abdomen.

Be sure to make sure you exhale as you twist and keep your neck in a neutral position.

Video on how to make a “vaccum” from Dmitry Yashankin


Of course, despite the functional and physical benefits, vacuum exercise alone will not compensate for poor nutrition and an inactive lifestyle. Thus, the "vacuum" in combination with proper nutrition, performing moving exercises and effective training will significantly improve your health and physical fitness, which in the future will make you the owner flat stomach, about which you dream so much!

Exercise Vacuum for the abdomen focuses on the transverse muscles. They are responsible for supporting the internal organs, the spine and for reducing the volume of the abdominal cavity.

If the muscles are weakened (due to lack of physical activity), then the stomach grows and “falls out”.

The Vacuum exercise comes from breathing yoga. There it is called “Uddiyana bandha” and is one of the key ones, strengthening the muscles of the diaphragm and developing internal muscles.

Bodybuilders often include Vacuum in their training thanks to Arnold Schwarzenegger, who himself used its effect on himself and widely promoted it among other athletes. Additionally, the exercise trains the muscle corset, toning the rectus, oblique, and multifidus abdominal muscles. The vacuum creates the effect of a flat stomach, provides beautiful posture and support the spine, reduces pain in the lumbar region.

The benefits of exercise for the body

The vacuum makes the stomach toned and the waist narrow. The benefit of the exercise is also that it is economical: no special equipment or sportswear is needed. You can perform the element at home, at work and even in transport. For men, the advantage is that the Vacuum visually expands the chest. In addition, exercise benefits the entire body:

  1. For internal organs. Execution of Vacuum promotes:
  • improving digestion, cleansing the rectum, removing toxins;
  • prevention of prolapse of internal organs;
  • normal bowel function;
  • improving blood circulation in the abdominal organs;
  • prevention of congestion in the pelvis.
  1. For weight loss. Exercise Vacuum for the press helps:
  • tighten the lower abdomen;
  • burn visceral fat;
  • make your stomach flat;
  • shape the waist;
  • reduce the volume of the abdomen.
  1. For the back. Vacuum gymnastics for the abdomen:
  • prevents or reduces lower back pain;
  • improves posture;
  • provides positive influence on your back.
  1. Psychological benefits. A competent technique for performing the Vacuum saturates all organs with oxygen, which has a positive effect on beneficial influence on nervous system person:
  • gives a boost of energy;
  • acts as a sedative;
  • helps in the fight against stress;
  • improves sleep quality and overall well-being.

Execution technique

For women and men, performing the Vacuum is the same.

At the same time, from correct technique the implementation of the element depends on the effectiveness and overall result - a toned stomach.

The first time you need to perform the exercise, standing in front of a mirror, to note whether the following principles are observed:

  • Time and duration of breath holding. Performing the knocking exercise twice a day (morning, evening) is considered effective. It is better to do the Vacuum on an empty stomach, before breakfast and before bed. You can start holding your breath for 15 seconds, subsequently increasing to 60. This is in one repetition, and they need to be done from 3 to 5. The exercise should be done at least 5 times a week.
  • Voltage. When you exhale, the abdomen naturally relaxes. This must be prevented. To achieve a quick effect, the stomach must always be tense.
  • Breath. The basis of the exercise is proper breathing. First you need to take a deep breath through your nose, then exhale sharply through your mouth, freeing your lungs. In this case, the front wall of the abdomen should be pressed against the spine as much as possible. The internal organs should be pushed up under the ribs.

Vacuum exercises for the abdomen

There are four different versions of the Vacuum:

  • standing;
  • lying down;
  • on all fours;
  • sitting.

For each option, the execution technique is the same. The easiest is the Lying Vacuum, during which the effect of gravity on internal organs brings them closer to the spine. It is more difficult to exercise sitting and standing. Vacuum on all fours - suitable for trained athletes, because... gravity pulls the internal organs down and more effort is needed. For beginners, it is better to start with 3 repetitions, gradually increasing the hold time.

Prone position for beginners

It is best to perform the exercise on an empty stomach in the morning and evening. Step-by-step execution of the Vacuum while lying down will look like this:

  • lie on your back, spread your arms to the sides or place them along your body, bend your legs at the knees;
  • Exhale calmly, then take a deep breath through your nose;
  • exhale sharply through your mouth, while retracting the abdominal cavity should be deep;
  • hold in this position for 15-20 seconds;
  • take a short breath, try to hold on with your stomach pulled in for the same amount of time;
  • exhale, you can relax your stomach;
  • repeat the exercise 10 times.

Vacuum for standing press

The standing vacuum exercise can be performed throughout the day. You just need to control your abdominal muscles and pull in your stomach as often as possible. Step-by-step exercise:

  • stand up straight;
  • lower your arms, spread your legs shoulder-width apart;
  • find any support and lean on it, tilting your body forward;
  • take a deep breath through your nose;
  • exhale sharply through your mouth (the lungs must be emptied of air as much as possible) and hold your breath;
  • pull your stomach in as if you want to press your navel to your lower back;
  • hold for 15 seconds;
  • exhale slowly, gradually relaxing the abdominal muscles;
  • take a few exhalations and inhalations and repeat the exercise again.

In a sitting position

When performing the exercise in a standing position, the back muscles are activated, so it is more difficult to do than the previous ones. The technique will be as follows:

  • sit with your back straight hard surface;
  • place your palms on your knees;
  • place your legs at an angle of 90 degrees, press your feet to the floor;
  • if you feel discomfort in the pelvis, you can place a small pillow;
  • the technique is the same as in a standing position - inhale, exhale, tighten the abdomen;
  • hold for 10-15 seconds;
  • the back can be rounded;
  • Next, you should hold your breath, release your stomach, and exhale;
  • number of approaches – 3-5.

Belly vacuum on all fours

The pose on all fours is considered the most difficult variation of Vacuum. Technique:

  • get on your knees;
  • place your hands on the floor;
  • the elbow, shoulder, wrist should be on the same line, do not bend your arms;
  • keep your back straight, chest straight;
  • Place your hips perpendicular to your shins;
  • then use the same breathing technique as in a sitting position, but when you exhale and draw in your stomach, you need to arch your back a little and lower your head;
  • hold in this pose for 15-20 seconds;
  • number of approaches – 5.

Efficiency and the most common mistakes

With the help of Vacuum you can achieve good results in a short time. In just two weeks of constant training, it is possible to reduce your waist by 3-4 centimeters and tighten your stomach. In this case, there will be no pumped abdominal muscles. The most common mistakes that beginners make when performing the exercise:

  • There is no rest between approaches: the muscles should tense and relax;
  • incorrect execution technique leading to stabbing pain;
  • training takes place on a full stomach;
  • stopping exercise if you feel dizzy, although this is normal: the body simply does not have enough oxygen; over time, this unpleasant symptom goes away.


  • women during pregnancy;
  • immediately after childbirth (several months must pass);
  • with exacerbation of duodenal and stomach ulcers;
  • after operations;
  • with increased intracranial pressure, arterial hypertension (high blood pressure), tachycardia (increased heart rate);
  • during menstruation in women.

Use caution when performing a vacuum when:

  • pathology of the internal organ that is adjacent to the diaphragmatic septum;
  • weak abdominals;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • lung diseases;
  • hernias in the abdominal cavity.


You understood everything correctly. Now you don’t need to torture yourself on exercise machines or finish yourself off with multi-repetition crunches. After all, to make your stomach toned and your waist thin, you just need to learn how to breathe correctly and draw your stomach in deeply. Let's take a closer look at the benefits of the vacuum exercise and how it differs from regular abdominal exercises.

How does a stomach vacuum differ from regular abdominal exercises?

In regular abdominal exercises (lifting the body, legs, twisting, etc.) to a greater extent the external rectus and oblique abdominal muscles are involved. They form relief and cubes. The transverse muscles are responsible for a flat stomach, which are practically not used during regular abdominal exercises.

The vacuum exercise involves the work of the internal abdominal muscles - the transverse ones, which lie under the straight and external obliques. Strong transverse muscles prevent the stomach from protruding; they literally “hold the stomach.” This exercise was used by bodybuilders of the “old school”, thanks to which they looked more harmonious compared to the athletes of our time, pumped up to incredible sizes. A good example is Arnold Schwarzenegger, who during his sports career had an ideal V-profile figure.

Now a little theory.

Abdominal muscles include:

  • straight;
  • external obliques;
  • internal obliques;
  • transverse.

The main difference between the abdominal vacuum exercise and regular abdominal exercises is that only it can make your stomach flat and your waist thin without pumping up the abs.

Technique for performing the vacuum exercise

There are four classic version performing vacuum exercises for beginners, as well as variations for pros. Experts recommend starting to master the technique from a lying or standing position. As you progress, move on to more complex options. It is in these poses that it is easier to control the abdominal muscles, which is very important when performing the exercise.

Options for performing the vacuum exercise for beginners:

  • vacuum lying on your back;
  • standing vacuum;
  • vacuum sitting;
  • vacuum standing on all fours.
  1. Take a lying position, bend your knees.
  2. Slowly inhale as deeply as possible through your nose.
  3. Exhale sharply through your mouth. It is important to exhale all the air!
  4. Pull your stomach under your ribs as much as possible (your navel should seem to “stick” to your spine). If possible, hold in this state for 15 seconds. If at first it is difficult to stay for a long time without air, then start with 10 seconds or, as necessary, take a series of short breaths through the nose.
  5. Without completely relaxing your stomach, take a couple of shallow breaths.

Standing abdominal vacuum

  1. Feet shoulder-width apart, back straight, hands on hips - this is your starting position.
  2. Inhale slowly and deeply through your nose.
  3. Exhaling powerfully through your mouth, completely empty your lungs of air and draw in your stomach as much as possible. Hold for 15 seconds.
  4. After the time is up, take a few breaths without bloating your stomach.
  5. Perform 3 sets of 10 repetitions.

Tip: You can round your back and rest your hands on your slightly bent knees. Many people find it easier to perform the exercise from this position.

  1. Sit on a fitball, chair or any hard surface. Keep your feet on the floor at an angle of 90 degrees to each other. Place your palms on your knees. Don't use the back of the chair as a support!
  2. The remaining actions are completely similar to the previous options discussed above: take a deep breath through your nose, exhale sharply and draw in your stomach.
  3. After holding this position for 15 seconds, take a few breaths and exhale and repeat the exercise again. So 3 sets of 10 repetitions.

For information: when performing a vacuum exercise in a sitting position, in addition to the transverse abdominal muscles, the stabilizing muscles of the back, which are responsible for beautiful posture and a thin waist, are included in the work.

Abdominal vacuum standing on all fours

  1. Standing on all fours, place your hands on the floor. Your wrists, elbows, and shoulders should be aligned, and your hips should be bent at a 90-degree angle to your shins. Make sure that your back does not round or sag, and that your chest is straightened.
  2. Then everything is the same as in the previous versions: deep breath, sharp exhalation, retraction of the abdomen. Repeat the specified number of times.

Options for performing the vacuum exercise for the pros

Once you have fully mastered the four vacuum variations for beginners, you can try the exercises for professionals. For example, combine a vacuum with a bar. Here, in addition to the internal abdominal muscles, the core muscles will be involved. This can be a classic plank from a face down position or a reverse plank from a chest up position.

Combination of vacuum with classic bar

  1. Get into a prone position, resting on your toes and elbows/forearms (arms should be bent at 90 degrees and your body should be in a straight line from head to heels).
  2. Exhale sharply, completely emptying your lungs of air.
  3. Pull your stomach in and hold this position for 15 seconds.
  4. Take a few breaths.
  5. Repeat the exercise a specified number of times. Typically 3 sets of 10 reps.

Vacuum wave Nauli

  1. Do the exercise based on the “standing abdominal vacuum” option. That is, feet shoulder-width apart, back straight, hands on hips.
  2. Take a deep breath through your nose.
  3. Exhale sharply and draw in your stomach.
  4. While holding your breath, relax a little and draw in your stomach again.
  5. After several such “fluffing” movements, release the air from your stomach again and draw it in as much as possible.
  6. Repeat the exercise several times. More the better.

How to do the abdominal vacuum exercise correctly

Despite the apparent ease of performing this exercise, doing a stomach vacuum correctly is not easy. For maximum effect Pay attention to the following points.


It must be correct - this is main stage in the exercise vacuum. Take a deep breath through your nose, and exhale sharply through your mouth. The exhalation should be sharp and maximum until the lungs are completely empty of air.

There is a second way of breathing from the bodyflex technique: fold your lips into a tube, slowly blow out all the air through your mouth. Then, noisily, take a sharp breath in through your nose and also quickly exhale through your mouth, you should get the sound “groin.” Then draw your stomach towards your spine.

Learn to suck in your stomach as much as possible. The more you pull it in, the better the transverse muscles will contract. As a result, the effect of losing belly fat will be faster and more pronounced.


Another important point in the exercise vacuum. During the break between repetitions, you cannot completely relax your abdominal muscles. The effectiveness of the exercise for weight loss depends on this. After holding your breath, do not stick your stomach sharply forward, gently relax it and not completely.

Number of repetitions

Many people say that you need to do a minimum of 10 repetitions. In fact higher value has not the quantity, but the delay time and quality of the exercise. As you master the vacuum, try to increase the time you hold your breath from 15 seconds to 30 or more.

Arnold Schwarzenegger once held his breath for up to a minute!

Time for training

A vacuum exercise for losing weight in your belly will only be effective if you do it at a certain time. Namely: in the morning before breakfast on an empty stomach (you can’t even drink) and in the evening before bed, 3-4 hours after your last meal.

Watch this instructional video on how to perform the abdominal vacuum exercise.

Video on how to do the vacuum exercise

Benefits of abdominal vacuum exercises

Exercise brings vacuum great benefit for losing weight in the abdomen and the body as a whole. By doing it every morning and evening, you can count on the following pleasant bonuses:

  • the stomach becomes flat and toned without the risk of pumping up the abs;
  • is being formed beautiful line waist;
  • abdominal volume decreases;
  • visceral fat is burned, which is considered dangerous to health;
  • the figure will acquire ideal shape: V-profile for men and X-profile for girls;
  • the stomach comes into shape faster after childbirth;
  • diastasis decreases (the exercise is performed without the abdominal bloating phase;
  • pain in the lower back decreases;
  • prevention of prolapse of the abdominal organs is ensured;
  • blood supply to internal organs improves;
  • digestion improves.

Results and reviews

The results before and after a month of regular training are impressive - minus 2.5-5 cm in the waist!

You should also understand that if you have a large waist volume it is associated not only with weak muscles belly, but also with overweight, then exercises alone will not solve the problem. Review your diet, increase your water intake, and start leading an active lifestyle. Only integrated approach will give results.

Contraindications to performing the vacuum exercise

Exercise vacuum makes our waist thin, eliminates visceral fat, prevents sagging of internal organs. However, it is not useful for everyone.

Abdominal vacuum exercise is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • during pregnancy;
  • for diseases of the lungs and cardiovascular system;
  • at the time of exacerbation of stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • on critical days (especially when they are painful);
  • with diastasis (you can perform the exercise without the abdominal bloating phase);
  • if there is a hernia in the abdominal cavity;
  • for any pain and discomfort in the abdomen;
  • It cannot be done immediately after childbirth and abdominal surgery; several months must pass.
  1. Do not delay for less than 15 seconds - there will be no result.
  2. Control your breathing and tension of your abdominal muscles until the end of the breath hold.<.>
  3. Perform the exercises only after you have completely exhaled.
  4. Pull your stomach so deep under your ribs until it is as close to your back as possible.
  5. First, master the exercise from easier positions - sitting or standing.
  6. To keep the transverse muscles constantly in tension, do not suddenly drop your stomach when inhaling after a delay.
  7. Perform the exercise only on an empty stomach.

A thin waist, flat stomach and correct proportions are not always a gift from nature. With the help of the vacuum exercise, you can make your stomach perfect, the main thing is not to lose heart and be persistent on the path to a beautiful body.

If your goal is to have a toned, flat stomach (that is, close to your back), you definitely need to add the vacuum exercise to your workout routine. 5 minutes twice a day - and very soon your tummy will be closer to your dream!

10 reasons to do a "vacuum"

  • If you have a voluminous belly that falls forward and hangs over your belt, a “vacuum” will eliminate this problem. The exercise is quite successful and eliminates stretchiness in a short time.
  • "Vacuum" increases the strength of the transverse abdominal muscles.
  • The exercise is very easy to do: at home without special equipment. It doesn't take much time.
  • The exercise successfully combats sagging internal organs and keeps them in good shape.
  • Paradoxically, the “vacuum” has been proven to reduce back pain.
  • After practicing the "vacuum" you will learn to control the entire abdominal area.
  • “Vacuum” visually expands the chest - important for men!
  • This exercise is also great for narrowing your waist.
  • As a result of the exercise, the amount of visceral fat around the internal organs is reduced.
  • During the abdominal wall exercise, you gently massage the internal organs, which is very useful.

Who invented the "vacuum"?

Frank Zane during an exercise

The exercise appeared in the early stages of the development of bodybuilding, its author is considered to be Frank Zane, and it was popularized by Arnold Schwarzenegger and Corey Everson.

Have you noticed how slim, fit, and polished the figures of athletes were in the late seventies and early eighties? Many of today's top professionals are a little loose in the abdominal area. This may be a problem with steroid use, but it is also the case that many people neglect the old proven techniques.

Internal and external abdominal muscles

The abdominal muscle area consists of external and internal muscles. The external muscles are the rectus abdominis and the external obliques. Crunches force the rectus muscle to move. Forward crunches engage the entire rectus abdominis muscle. When this movement enters the active phase, your hip flexors come into play. And the obliques are more strongly affected by a serious rotation, when you reach the opposite knee with your elbow.

Internal abdominal muscles

The major rectus transversus and psoas muscles are part of the internal abdominal muscles. These muscles are rarely talked about and rarely exercised. These muscles lie under the rectus abdominis and oblique abdominal muscles. Internal muscles help maintain body position and control the depth of breathing during heavy strength exercises, such as weighted squats. They support your back. Because these muscles are rarely worked, they are usually weaker. By building a strong abdominal wall, you can combat back pain, shape your waist, and add explosive power to your workouts.

What muscles are used in this exercise?

Shoulders: anterior serrated, diamond-shaped, lower trapezoidal.

Torso: rectus abdominis, external and internal obliques, quadratus lumborum, erector spinae, adductors, gluteus medius, gluteus minimus.

Shoulders: deltoid, pectoralis major, rotator cuff muscles.

Hands: triceps.

Vacuum: how to do it?

“Vacuum” is an isometric compression of the large rectus transverse abdominal muscles, which are deep-lying muscles. During this exercise, the abdominal muscles burn, although no movement occurs. Muscles respond best to long-term compression (1-2 minutes). Intrinsic muscles consist of slow-twitch fibers, which means they respond well to daily training. This best exercise To narrow the waist in a short period of time, the so-called “tightening of the waist belt” occurs. There is evidence that people doing this exercise for three weeks reduced their waist size by 5-10 cm. Also, strong abdominal muscles will help you control your abs and perform presses. Naturally, this exercise alone will not burn fat from the area around the waist - this requires cardio exercise. And of course, adjusting your diet will always be more effective than local exercise. So if you are going to work on the abdominal area, do it in a complex manner.

The “vacuum” can be done from three positions: lying on your back, on all fours, or standing with your hands on your thighs above your knees. Just take a deep breath, exhale (be sure to completely, so that there is practically no air left in the lungs) and draw in your stomach as much as possible. Hold this for a while, then release the “vacuum” and inhale again.

As an added bonus, you can do the vacuum during your ab workout. Just pull your stomach in as much as possible and move your groin muscles as if you were trying to stop peeing.

Training program - "vacuum" exercise for the abdomen

Convenient program: we train only on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Week 1: 3 sets of 20 seconds

Week 2: 3 sets of 40 seconds

Week 3: 3 sets of 60 seconds.

And get ready for the best abs of your life!

  • You should not round your back. Keep your spine straight.
  • Draw the transverse muscles inward so that the waist directly above the iliacus bones becomes narrower.
  • Perform the exercise slowly, control at each stage.
  • Spread your chest and bring your shoulder blades together.
  • If you're just starting out, do the exercise from a standing or lying position.
  • Be sure to exhale forcefully through your mouth, fully emptying your lungs.
  • Draw your stomach under your ribs, bringing your navel closer to your spine.
  • The minimum holding position is 10-15 seconds, less is meaningless.
  • The exercise must be done on an empty stomach - in the morning or evening before going to bed.


In yoga there is a type of “vacuum” - it is called “nauli”. How is it done? Take the starting position: kneel, the distance between the knees is 30 cm. Exhale, draw in your stomach. Using downward pressure with your hands, pull back the abdominal muscles, helping the rectus abdominis muscle to stand out in an isolated manner. Look at your stomach. Don't be discouraged if you don't succeed at first: after 10-12 days of daily Nauli practice, you will be able to control your rectus abdominis muscle.

Developing the asana: force the rectus abdominis muscle to rotate. It should begin to rotate and describe a circle. Do three circles to the left and right every day to achieve the maximum massage effect of the abdominal organs.

More interesting things

It can solve not only aesthetic problems by narrowing the waist and making abs, but also improve the functioning of internal organs. And against this background, the tone of the whole organism as a whole increases. Therefore, it is worth understanding in more detail what a vacuum for the abdomen is, how to make it, and what it is needed for.

Correct technique

To get a visible and tangible result from the abdominal vacuum, it is very important to correctly implement the technique. This is the key to a good result. To make the transverse muscle work together with other muscles, you need to follow a certain technique:

  • Take the starting position. The simplest thing is to start doing it from a lying position. In this case, the legs should be bent at the knees, the feet should be on the floor. The arms can lie along the body or on the ilia;
  • It is necessary to even out your breathing. To do this, you need to take a deep breath and exhale smoothly. If alignment fails, you can repeat the cycle;
  • At this stage, maximum exhalation is performed, freeing the lungs, and breathing is held;
  • In parallel with exhalation, the stomach is drawn in as close to the spine as possible. It should feel as if the stomach is trying to stick to it;
  • We fix the position for 15-20 seconds. If it is possible to extend the time, then you can increase the period of stay in static conditions;
  • After the time has passed, you need to take a small breath and repeat the exercise. The muscles are also toned at this time. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth. Slowly relax the abdominal muscles. Under no circumstances should you make any sudden jerks, inhales, exhales, or sharply draw in or protrude your stomach. Everything should happen in the most soft and comfortable mode, making the vacuum for the abdomen a pleasant experience.

Exists different options body position for execution. The exercise can be done not only lying down, but also on all fours. Some people find it more convenient to sit or stand. Here everyone chooses for themselves. But in terms of simplicity and effectiveness, experts emphasize the lying position. It is more difficult to do work on all fours. This option should be chosen if you already have experience in working out the abdominal muscles using this method.


Among the many advantages of exercise, the most basic ones can be identified:

  • The vacuum exercise for the abdomen works well on the transverse muscle, which is little loaded during abdominal pumping. The transverse muscle holds the organs and is involved in reducing the volume of the abdomen. Therefore, it directly affects the formation of a beautiful and flat stomach. This leads to a smaller waist;
  • Making a vacuum for the abdomen, in addition to narrow waist and abs, you can achieve good blood circulation in the pelvis and internal organs;
  • Intestinal function improves, the digestive tract begins to work more efficiently;
  • Increases oxygen access to organs;
  • By making it a rule to make a vacuum in the stomach every morning, you can have a strengthening effect on the internal organs. Exercise strengthens the muscles, which in turn lifts the organs. This is very important for health, because many people with age or because of hard work, their insides sink;
  • Also, the vacuum exercise in the abdomen helps with stress, having a beneficial effect on the central nervous system. A positive effect of the exercise on the lower back muscles was noted.

In fact, there are quite a lot of advantages. There are a lot of articles on the Internet that talk about its benefits.

Harm and contraindications

There are restrictions to the exercise. You cannot make a vacuum in the abdomen if:

  • We just ate. You should always exercise on an empty stomach. After eating, 4-5 hours should pass;
  • There are some problems with the abdominal organs (ulcers, gastritis) or inflammatory processes in the pelvis;
  • Recovery period after surgery;
  • There is thrombosis;
  • In a state of pregnancy;
  • During menstrual days;
  • Immediately after the birth of the baby either naturally or by caesarean section;
  • Ischemia confirmed.

If pain occurs during the exercise, you should stop immediately. Always listen to how you feel. There should be no pain during the exercise. There may be feelings of fatigue and tension, but not pain.

How to do a vacuum in the stomach while lying on your back?

The vacuum, while on your back, can be done right in the morning in bed. This will help your body wake up, absorb oxygen and get its share of internal massage. Be sure to exercise on an empty stomach. Here you need to adhere to all the recommendations that were described in the implementation technique.

You can diversify the exercise by the number of approaches and the time you hold the air when exhaling. By the way, if it is very difficult to stop breathing for a while, then you can take periodic shallow breaths through your nose. In this case, you need to carefully monitor your abdominal muscles; they should not be relaxed. The stomach should be pressed as close as possible to the spine.

How many times to vacuum the abdomen?

It is most effective to exercise in the morning before eating.
But it is not prohibited to study in the evening. This also has a positive effect, toning the body, but we must not forget that in the evening the stomach should also be empty. You can do a vacuum along with other exercises. For example, as an additional element of morning or evening exercises.

By the number of approaches: it is advisable to do at least three. Having done it once, you need to rest a little, then a second time and a third time in the same way. If, after doing 3 approaches, you feel that you still have strength, then you can increase the number of approaches. The time for which you hold your breath can also be made longer. Some, starting from 15-20 seconds, go up to a minute or more. It is advisable to practice every day for working week with a break for the weekend. If you have the opportunity and desire to exercise every day, then this will only bring the effect of the exercise closer. And within a month you can see transformations in your abs and waist.

What errors occur when performing the exercise?

Many people make mistakes during exercise at the beginning of training.
The most difficult thing is to feel your stomach, your breathing, and regulate it. To begin with, you can simply practice breathing correctly. Often, beginners cannot exhale completely, emptying their lungs of air. It turns out that there seems to be an understanding of how to create a vacuum, there is movement forward, but there are no shifts, there is no tone, the waist does not decrease, the abs do not appear, the stomach does not become flat.

But exhaling not completely will not give a vacuum. Therefore, the exercise will not be done correctly and will not bring any effect. Efforts and time will be spent, but in fact the result will be zero. This will give you the feeling that the technique is not working. Many articles have been written about proper breathing.

After mastering the breathing technique, you can begin to master the exercise. But don't expect quick results.