Apple juice for the winter: simple recipes and cooking secrets. How to preserve apple juice, recipes

Only the lazy do not know about the benefits of fruit and vegetable juices. But are the juices offered in the store really that healthy? Today we’ll talk about making apple juice yourself using simple improvised means, and its advantages over store-bought juice in packages.

Packaged or freshly squeezed

The vast majority of juice in packages is a secondary product, that is, it is made from raw materials remaining after direct pressing of fruit. The pulp is soaked in water, settled and squeezed several times, pasteurized and then poured into containers. At the same time, the quality of fruit often leaves much to be desired.

To enhance the taste and long-term storage, dyes, stabilizers, flavors and other chemical additives are added to such a product. We should also mention a cheap analogue of sugar - glucose-fructose syrup, which is often added instead of sugar in order to save money. Regular consumption of this syrup, even in small quantities, provokes the development of obesity.

Conclusion: bagged product can cause significant health damage. As for truly natural 100% juices, they are not easy to find on sale; of all available products, they make up only 2% of the total mass.

Freshly squeezed drinks prepared independently compare favorably with store-bought products. Firstly, You choose the raw materials for the drink yourself; they are fresh and natural. Secondly, There are no chemical additives in this product. The benefits of freshly squeezed drinks are undeniable: an abundance of vitamins, minerals, natural acids, pectins, fiber and other useful elements in the composition. When used correctly, such a product will maintain health and help prevent many diseases.

Important! The only thing you need to take into account in order not to harm yourself is that it is better to use the product diluted boiled water. The pure drink is aggressive due to the presence of acids, so drinking it on an empty stomach or in large quantities is not recommended.

Features of product selection

Not all varieties of fruit are ideal for making fresh juice. Some have too sugary and loose pulp, forming more pulp during squeezing, while others lose some of the beneficial elements during long-term storage.

What varieties are suitable

To prepare juices, select varieties with crispy, firm flesh, ripe ones, and a sweet and sour taste. These fruits give a high yield of the final product, they do not need to be sweetened, and are excellent for direct pressing. For example, these varieties:

  • "Cosmonaut Titov";
  • “Memory of Kovalenko”;
  • "Freedom".
For long-term storage The following varieties are suitable for the product:

  • "Anuxis";
  • "Verbnoe";
For fresh juices in any season best option- winter varieties. Their advantage is that they are available for sale until spring; all useful elements are perfectly preserved, thanks to the tannins in the composition. Among the winter varieties of crops, the following are considered the juiciest:
  • "Antonovka";
  • "Aport";
  • "Cortland."

Important! Many summer early ripening varieties are not suitable for pressing; the resulting drink has a weakly expressed taste and not a bright aroma.

Quality requirements

Main selection criteria:

  • no dents, damage, or signs of worms;
  • dense, hard pulp;
  • bright aroma and natural color;
  • average fruit size.
Fruits that are too large, bright and beautifully monochromatic were most likely treated with chemicals.

How to squeeze juice without a juicer: step-by-step recipe with photos

What you will need: kitchen appliances and supplies

  • gauze;
  • pot;
  • large grater;

Video: apple juice without a juicer

Required Ingredients

For a liter of juice you will need:

  • apples - 1.6 kg;
  • sugar - 50 g (for seaming for the winter);
  • sugar or honey to taste (for freshly squeezed juice).
Cut the washed fruits into four parts (you don’t have to remove the peel), remove the core and seeds. Grate the pulp on a coarse grater.

Place a fine-mesh sieve on the prepared pan and gauze folded several times over the sieve. Place the grated raw materials in a sieve.

Did you know? In Germany and France in the 16th-19th centuries christmas tree decorated with apples of bright and rich color. During the years of poor fruit harvest, French glassblowers found a solution: glass balls of different colors. This is where the history of glass Christmas tree decorations came from.

When the juice has drained, gather the edges of the gauze and, starting from the knot, squeeze out the pulp.

You can add honey or sugar to the prepared fresh juice to taste.

Features of juicing

Fresh can be prepared with or without pulp; If the juice is too dark, you can lighten it.


Let the freshly squeezed juice stand for a while, strain through several layers of gauze, and squeeze. Pour into a saucepan and place in a water bath. Bring to a boil (+90 °C), but do not boil. Then place in a large container filled with cold water for a couple of hours. The drink will separate into layers, the pulp sediment will fall to the bottom, and the clean drink will be ready for drinking. To ensure that sediment is free of sediment, you can drain the clean juice using a rubber tube.

For even greater lightening, the procedure can be repeated.

With pulp

Did you know? Swedish artist Emma Lundström created a unique painting inspired by apples. The canvas, depicting whole fruits and divided into halves, was created from fruits different varieties and color, a total of thirty-five thousand were needed.

What can be added to apple juice: choosing the perfect combination

Apple juice is combined with many fruits and vegetables, complementing both the taste and beneficial properties. Many fresh vegetables, for example, are either tasteless or too cloying.


Freshly squeezed carrot juice useful for the organs of vision, brain function, lungs and mucous membranes. The drink is recommended for pregnant women as a source of potassium and folic acid, and for nursing mothers to enhance lactation. For children, the product will help improve memory, concentration, visual acuity, strengthen bones and tooth enamel. The calcium and potassium present in it are useful for older people for the prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system and musculoskeletal system. Carrot juice increases appetite, improves the functioning of the circulatory system and strengthens the immune system.

Apple juice is one of the most convenient and delicious ways to preserve your apple harvest for the winter. Apple juice allows you to retain vitamins and other beneficial substances as much as possible, and at the same time use almost no sugar and other additives.

Apple juice can be prepared in four ways:

  • Squeeze the juice using a juicer, pour into an enamel container, heat to 95°C (no more!), skim off the foam and immediately pour into hot sterilized jars;
  • Pour freshly squeezed juice into sterilized jars, place them in a saucepan with hot water, bring it to a temperature of 85°C and heat the juice in the jars for 20 minutes for jars with a capacity of up to 1.5 liters or 30 minutes for jars with a capacity of 2-3 liters;
  • Squeeze out the juice, pour into an enamel pan and boil, skimming off the foam. Pour into sterilized hot jars and seal;
  • Use a juicer. In this case, the juice is immediately poured into hot sterile jars and immediately rolled up.

Before rolling, jars should be washed thoroughly with laundry soap or soda and sterilize. This can be done by steaming the jars over a pan of boiling water or heating them in the oven at a temperature of 100-120°C for 10-15 minutes. It is more convenient in the oven, since the kitchen does not float in clouds of water vapor. Keep the jars in the oven until the juice is poured to keep them hot. Remove the jars using a thick oven mitt or special tongs to avoid getting burned.

The lids must be boiled in water before rolling. When sealing apple juice cans, use lids with a varnished inner coating, as the acid contained in the juice can corrode the unprotected tin of the lid. Screw caps are usually immediately protected with a special coating. When reusing these covers, carefully inspect the inside to ensure it is not scratched or damaged.

Turn the rolled up jars of juice over, inspect each one for leaks or air leaks, wrap it up and let it cool completely. Store apple juice no more than two years in a dark place.

Not all apples are suitable for squeezing juice. Yes, you can put the carrion to work, having first cut out all the dubious places. The main thing is that the apples for juice are juicy, forgive the tautology, and not too sour. You will have to add sugar to sour juice, and this can cause heartburn. And in general, it is better, if possible, to completely avoid adding sugar to natural juices, especially when it comes to dietary or baby food. The maximum you can afford is 2-3 tbsp. sugar for three-liter jar. There is no need to be afraid of the jars swelling - if you have thoroughly washed the jars and sterilized them conscientiously, there should be no unpleasant surprises.

Now a few words about the process of squeezing juice. Apples should be thoroughly washed, cored and cut into pieces.

It is convenient to use a special method where the core is removed in one motion and the apple is cut into 6-8 parts. To extract juice on an industrial scale, we strongly recommend using ugly-looking, but very reliable juicers made in Russia or Belarus. Firstly, it costs them nothing to squeeze a couple of buckets of apples for half an hour and not even warm up. Secondly, they are designed in such a way that the pulp is squeezed out as dryly as possible, and practically not a drop of juice remains in it. Everything goes into action.

Glamorous imported juicers are only suitable for squeezing a couple of apples for a smoothie or cocktail, then they need a lot of rest. And the cake from them is liquid, full of unsqueezed juice. Not juicing, but a complete transfer of products...

After squeezing, apple juice should be strained through several layers of gauze, previously washed with laundry soap and ironed. This will remove any remaining pulp and you won't have to further clarify the juice. Unless a thin layer of pulp forms at the bottom of the jars during storage.

To prevent the juice from darkening, you can add a little lemon juice to it, just do not overdo it, otherwise the juice will be too sour. We have already talked about sugar: 2-3 tablespoons per 3-liter jar, that’s all.

That, in fact, is all the wisdom of preparing apple juice for the winter. Apple juice in pure form It turns out to be quite concentrated in taste. Therefore, when consuming it, it is better to dilute it with boiled or clean filtered water. You can also prepare assorted juices or blended juices.

Apple-carrot juice. Take apples and carrots in a 1:1 ratio or less (less carrots to apples). Steam the peeled carrots a little and squeeze out the juice in any way. For baby food Boiled carrots can be rubbed through a sieve. Mix apple juice and carrot juice or puree and process it using one of the methods described above (pasteurization in jars, pasteurization in enamel containers or boiling).

Apple-pumpkin juice. Peel the pumpkin and remove seeds, cut into pieces and steam. Rub through a sieve or puree in a blender and mix with apple juice in any proportions. You can add lemon juice or sugar to taste. Pasteurize in any way or boil and roll up.

Apple-pear juice. Pear juice does not have a pronounced taste and aroma, but when mixed with apple juice it allows you to get a drink with an interesting bouquet. Prepare apples and pears, core, cut into slices and squeeze in the usual way or separate the juice using a juicer. Pasteurize or boil and roll up. Any ratio.

The list of composition of blended juices and assorted juices is endless. Mix apple juice with zucchini, blackberry, raspberry juice chokeberry(in this case, only 10-15% of chokeberry berries in relation to apples is enough, and you will get not only a tasty and beautiful, but also a healthy drink). There are many options for supplements, and in each region of our vast country they are theirs.

Fantasize or just prepare pure apple juice for the winter, don’t let a single apple go to waste, and your family will thank you!

Happy preparations!

Larisa Shuftaykina

The preparation time for apple juice for the winter is 30 minutes.

How to make apple juice

(per 1 liter of apple juice)
Fresh apples - 1600 grams
Sugar - 30 grams

How to cook
1. Wash the jars well with powder or soda, pour over boiling water or steam sterilize.
2. Wash 1600 grams of apples thoroughly and cut into four parts.
3. Remove the apple cores and seed pods.
4. Pass the prepared apples through a juicer.
5. Pour the juice into a saucepan. The juice should occupy half the volume of the pan or two-thirds of the volume, since when heated, the juice forms a lot of foam and can run out of the pan.
6. Stirring constantly, bring the juice over medium heat to a temperature of 90-95 degrees.
7. Using a spoon or slotted spoon, remove the foam from the juice.
8. Add 30 grams of sugar to the juice and mix.
9. Turn off the gas and pour the finished juice into jars.


- When juicing apples, the juice is important do not bring to a boil so that it retains all the vitamins and nutrients.

Depending on the variety of apples, you can adjust the addition of sugar to the juice: if the apples are sweet, you don’t have to add sugar.

You need apple juice keep in the basement, cellar or any other dark and cool place.

Apple juice for the winter is usually obtained highly concentrated, so it can be diluted with warm or cold boiled water after opening.

Juice made from sour apples must use carefully: It may cause heartburn due to great content it contains malic acid. You can neutralize the acid by adding zucchini juice to apple juice at the rate of 1 glass of zucchini juice per 3 liters of apple juice.

When passing apples through a juicer the juice turns dark. This is due to the high iron content in apples, which is fresh air oxidizes. To keep the juice light, you can add 0.2 teaspoon of citric acid per 1 liter of apple juice.

Apple juice is possible diversify adding pumpkin, red beet, pear, and raspberry juice to it.

- From apple juice you can prepare mousse, jelly or jelly.

- Cost of apples seasonal average in Moscow for June 2017 - from 60 rubles/1 kilogram.

- Calorie content apple juice - 42 kcal/100 grams.

- Opened jar Store homemade apple juice in the refrigerator for 1 day.

For apple juice, choose ripe apples of juicy, non-acidic varieties.

The process will require:

- 1, 2 or 3 liter jars and lids;
- seaming machine;
- two small saucepans and a stand for sterilizing jars;
- towels or large napkins;
- glass or enamel container for collecting juice;
- enameled container for juice pasteurization;
- enameled ladle for pouring juice;
- seaming machine;
- detergents or baking soda for washing cans;
- a blanket or blanket for wrapping cans of juice.

Apple juice canning process

Wash the apples selected for juice in a deep bowl, and after washing, transfer them to another bowl or pan. Let the wet apples drain.

Wash the jars inside and out using detergent or baking soda. Rinse them thoroughly and place them upside down on a towel spread on the table, allowing the water to drain.

Install and connect the juicer. Electrical or mechanical will do. You can use a press. Place an enamel container under the juice chute to collect freshly squeezed juice.

Cut the apples into quarters. It is better to remove the stalks. At the same time, clean areas with rotten spots or spoiled when apples fall to the ground. Cover the sliced ​​apples with a towel or napkin. Work quickly as apples tend to oxidize quickly when exposed to air.

Start squeezing the juice. Proceed according to the instructions for the juicer. In a standard juicer, place quartered apples in a tray, press down with a special plate and squeeze out the juice.

Place the collected juice on the stove in an enamel pan and heat to a temperature of 70-80 degrees. Fill a separate small saucepan halfway with water, bring to a boil and lower the lids to roll the jars into boiling water, turn off the heat after a minute or two.

While the juice is heating, place a small saucepan of water and a rack on the stove to sterilize the jars. Place the jar on the stand and keep it steaming for 1-2 minutes until the jar warms up and becomes transparent from the dripping water. inner surface condensate

Place the sterilized jars on a dry table surface with a towel, neck up. As soon as the juice reaches a temperature of 70 degrees, turn off the stove and start pouring the juice into jars.

Place the jar on a flat surface, preferably on a stool. Pour the juice into the ladle, close with a sterile lid and roll with a seaming machine. Place the rolled can on the floor covered with a blanket. To do this, turn the jar upside down. Cover the top of the jar with a blanket.

Proceed to pour the juice into the next jar. And so on until you have processed all the juice. The blanket can be removed from the cans after a day. Transfer the cooled jars of juice to the cellar or pantry.

If desired and if you have other berries and fruits, herbs (mint, lemon balm), you can add sprigs of mint or lemon balm to the finished juice before sterilization. You can also add berry juice. Chokeberry berries, plums, grapes, pears, and pumpkin are suitable.


Apple juice for the winter can be prepared from absolutely any type of apple and without adding any other ingredients. To make sure of this, we have prepared a simple step by step recipe apple juice with photo. Each step will clearly demonstrate to you that fruit alone will be enough to make homemade apple juice. We don’t even need sugar during the cooking process. As a result, you will receive an absolutely natural and healthy drink that you can pamper your family with throughout the winter.

The easiest way to prepare apple juice for the winter is in the summer months because during this period the abundance of this ingredient literally goes off scale. It would be better to use homemade apples for clogging. The clogging process is divided into three main stages. First of all, you will select the apples and put them through a juicer, then boil the purified juice and bring it to a clear, clear state, and only after that distribute the finished product into jars and seal them. This rich, healthy and tasty juice will be a great addition to the table at any time.


Cooking steps

    You can make homemade apple juice for the winter from absolutely any type of apple. You can also seal the juice in any quantity, so collect as many apples as you want. Carefully sort through the ingredients for worms and spoilage.

    We thoroughly wash the prepared fruits: this can be done in a deep basin, bucket, or even under running water.

    Grind the apples depending on what kind of juicer you use. Most often, simply cutting the apples in half is enough. You also need to remove the stems from the apples.

    We pass the apples through a juicer and separate the juice from the pulp.

    Prepare suitable plastic or glass containers for pure juice. The contact of apple juice and iron can have a detrimental effect on taste qualities drink Pass the juice that you prepared using a juicer through cheesecloth.

    Pour the purified juice into a deep, large saucepan and place it on the fire. There is no need to boil the juice, you just need to bring the liquid to a boil and then gradually remove the foam that forms from the surface over low heat.

    The process is quite labor-intensive, but gradually the dense mass of saturated foam will begin to decrease.

    At the final stage, you should get clear juice with a rich color.

    Sterilize the jars before cooking using boiling water or steam. Pour the apple juice cooked for the winter into jars, seal them tightly and turn them upside down as shown in the photo. Until they cool completely, cover the jars with a blanket or blanket, and then place the juice in a dry, dark place. Delicious apple juice prepared at home for the winter is ready.

    Bon appetit!