Dream about soap. I dreamed about laundry and scented soap - how to interpret it correctly

Organize your usual routine; buy - good condition household; use - you go which way

Interpretation of dreams from Hasse's Dream Interpretation

The meaning of dreams Soap

Soap - renewal, desire for better, the ability to streamline your usual affairs - buy - good state of the household - use - you are going down a slippery slope - wash - renewal, change for the better.

Interpretation of dreams from Kananita's Dream Book

Interpretation of sleep Soap

A dream about him foreshadows losses, damages, the machinations of ill-wishers or justification.

Sometimes a dream about soap predicts renewal, striving for better, and success in business. See interpretation: hands, foam.

Washing with soap in a dream means that you will experience premature old age due to neglect of your health and frivolous pastime. Sometimes a dream in which you wash your face at the sink foreshadows your release from obligations.

Sometimes a dream about washing your face means that your hypocrisy and dishonest actions will become known - and then you will have to regret what you have done. The dream encourages you to think about your behavior. Seeing an old washbasin in a dream is a sign that you will not change your habits. Seeing a washbasin in a dream is a harbinger of trouble or the death of one of your loved ones. Washing with soap or washing something in a dream is a sign that you should try to put your affairs in order. Lathering something in a dream means that you should not embark on a risky undertaking. Lathering yourself in a dream means that you should abandon the cunning plan that you have in mind, otherwise you will not avoid trouble. If you dream that you are soaping someone, then you should be careful in an important matter so as not to ruin a good undertaking. To do this, try to make sure that your cunning tricks are not noticed by the person on whom the success of your business depends. A dream in which you saw yourself being soaped foreshadows deception from a person pretending to be your sincere friend. Blowing soap bubbles yourself is a sign that you will soon have some fun or an empty pastime. Seeing soap bubbles in a dream is a sign of vain hopes or empty troubles. See interpretation: bathhouse.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

The meaning of the dream Soap

A dream in which you see soap portends fun party. If a girl dreams that she uses soap, in reality she will not lack anything.

Interpretation of dreams from the Love Dream Book

See Soap in a dream

If you dream of a bar of soap, this means that you will soon put your upset affairs in complete order.

Laundry soap means that you will have to justify yourself by committing dishonest act and being caught doing it. Toilet soap with a fragrant, pleasant smell is a sign of premature old age. Bath soap - you will be invited to a friendly drinking party in fun company. Buying soap in a dream foreshadows a lot of things to do around the house; using soap is a danger of taking a slippery slope.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Sleep prediction Soap

Soap in a dream foreshadows an invitation to an interesting party. If a girl washes her face with soap, she will not need anything.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern Dream Book

Why do you dream about Soap?

“soap your neck or head” threat, aggression.

“slippery like soap” invulnerability, cunning.

“to wash away old sins” liberation, purification, purity. “Burst like a soap bubble” is deception, illusion, collapse of plans.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Idioms

Seeing Soap in a dream

Dexterity, protection; liberation (need for purification), invulnerability; loss, deception. Lather up a thrashing.

Interpretation of dreams from the Wanderer's Dream Book

What does the dream Soap mean?

whoever washes clothes with soap in a dream will be healed, or repent, or get rid of his worries and pay his debt. Seeing soap is a sign of the disappearance of worries and worries, for it removes dirt, and dirt is care and anxiety.

Interpretation of dreams from the Islamic dream book

See Soap in a dream

The period of failure will soon end. Lathering up - newly formed friendships will bring good luck. Rinse off soap suds - you will never have to face a shortage of funds. Buy - friends will invite you to a fun party. Soap in a soap dish - your financial affairs will improve thanks to the sincere help of friends and rich relatives. Fragrant - a successful solution to unpleasant issues. Household - new things, improving the home environment. Making soap - friendship with influential people will open new horizons for you.

Imagine that you are soaping yourself from head to toe, washing away all the dirt.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

What do Soap dreams mean?

If you dreamed of soap, then your friends will invite you to a fun party.

A girl who soaps herself in a dream will not need anything.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

Dream about Soap

A sign of urgent problems in your relationships with others.

If the soap is fragrant and beautiful, a slippery or dirty piece of soap portends big troubles and difficulties. Your reputation may be under serious threat.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 20th century

What does Soap mean in a dream?


Soap bubbles symbolize deceptive illusions.

A lot of beautiful soap - your financial affairs will improve thanks to the sincere help of friends and rich relatives.

Washing with soap is a sign of premature aging.

Soap box - surround your closest people with care; attention will only strengthen your influence in the family.

Interpretation of dreams from

Idiomatic dream book Why do you dream about Soap according to the dream book:

Seeing Soap in a dream - “Soap your neck or head” - threat, aggression; “slippery like soap” - invulnerability, cunning; “to wash away old sins” - liberation, cleansing, purity. “burst like a soap bubble” - deception, illusion, collapse of plans.

Autumn dream book Why do you dream about Soap according to the dream book:

Soap - Buying soap in a dream means a clingy person.

Children's dream book What does Soap mean according to the dream book?

Why do you dream about Soap - News from friends who have not made themselves known for a long time, this is how this dream is interpreted according to the dream book.

Women's dream book Why do you dream about Soap according to the dream book:

Soap - Soap in a dream foreshadows an invitation to an interesting party. If a girl washes her face with soap, she will not need anything.

Small Velesov dream book Why do you dream about Soap:

Soap - Help, success, guests, surprise // sadness, loss.

An old Russian dream book What does it mean when you dream of Soap:

Interpretation of the dream book: Soap - Seeing means improvement of the condition and help from friends or rich relatives.

Dream book of esotericism by E. Tsvetkova Dream book: Soap what does it mean

Soap - Surprise, loss, this is how the dream book interprets this dream.

Ukrainian dream book What does it mean when you dream of Soap:

Soap - When you dream of soap, someone will come as a guest, as the dream book predictor reports.

Dream Interpretation of the 21st Century Why do you dream about Soap?

Seeing in a dream

Soap - Seeing soap in a dream is a surprise. Soap bubbles symbolize deceptive illusions. Seeing a lot of beautiful soap in a dream means that your financial affairs will improve thanks to the sincere help of friends and rich relatives. Wash with soap If you dream of a soap dish, surround your closest people with care; attention will only strengthen your influence in the family.

Spring dream book Why do you dream about Soap according to the dream book:

Soap - If something disappears, you will be lost.

Why dream about Soap Making - You will take something that is not yours.

Why do you dream of Soap Bubbles - To experience short-term happiness.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Soap - Dexterity, protection; liberation (need for purification), invulnerability; loss, deception. Lathering up is a thrashing; in the next dream book you can find out a different interpretation.

French dream book Seeing Soap in a dream, why?

Interpretation of the dream book: Soap - Dreaming of soap is a sign that your affairs will improve, with which friends and relatives will help you.

Lunar dream book Why do you dream about Soap?

As the dream book interprets: Soap - Surprise.

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller Why do you dream about Soap in a dream:

Soap - In a dream, it means that friends will invite you to an interesting party. Farmers are expected to achieve success in their varied activities. If a girl uses soap in a dream, it means that she will not need anything, according to the dream book this is how this dream is deciphered.

Modern dream book If you dream about Soap:

Solves the dream book: Soap - Renewal, striving for better

Biblical dream book of Azar Dream Interpretation: Seeing soap in a dream

Why do you dream about Soap - Shame will be washed away, trouble will fade into oblivion

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse Dream Interpretation: Soap in a dream

Soap - Organize your usual routine; buy - good condition of the household; use - you go down the wrong path.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite Seeing Soap in a Dream

Why do you dream about Soap bubbles in a dream – To experience short-term happiness

Seeing soap in a dream - Renewal, striving for better, the opportunity to streamline your usual affairs - buy - good condition of the household - use - you are on a slippery slope - wash - renewal, change for the better

Dream Interpretation Soap Making – Seeing the process of soap making in a dream means opening a profitable business.

Summer dream book Why do you dream about Soap according to the dream book:

Soap making - Watching soap making in a dream means business.

Why do you dream about Soap - Buying soap in a dream means taking care of body hygiene.



Miller's Dream Book

Soap in a dream- means that friends will invite you to an interesting party. Farmers- expect good luck in their varied activities.

If a girl uses soap in a dream- that means she won’t need anything.

Dream book of lovers

A dream in which you see soap- portends a fun party.

If a girl dreamed that she was using soap- in reality she will not lack anything.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Soap in a dream - If the soap is fragrant and beautiful- this means that you have every chance to successfully resolve unpleasant issues.

Slippery or dirty bar of soap- portends great troubles and difficulties. Your reputation may be under serious threat.

Jewish dream book

Soap- the shame will be washed away, the trouble will go into oblivion.

Women's dream book

If you dreamed that you were washing your face with soap- you will never have to face a shortage of funds.

Dream book for a bitch

Soap- entertainment, fun.

Fragrant soap- a comfortable life awaits you in the future.

Drop soap in a dream- the fun will last a long time, you will get a lot of pleasure.

Washing with soap in a dream- new things, improvement of home environment.

New family dream book

If you dreamed of soap- friends will invite you to a fun party.

Girl soaping herself in her sleep- will not need anything.

Modern combined dream book

Soap seen in a dream- a harbinger that friendship will open new horizons for you. Farmers- good luck in farming awaits you.

If a young woman dreams that she is using soap- she will not know poverty and need.

Eastern women's dream book

The dream in which main role soap plays- means: that newly established friendships will bring good luck.

A young woman has a dream in which she uses soap- promises a comfortable life.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Soap- to achieve your goal, you will have to use a dishonest move.

Children's dream book

Soap- news from friends who have not made themselves known for a long time.

Complete dream book of the New Era

Soap- the need to cleanse your thoughts, emotions, views, etc. The need to free yourself from old ideas and beliefs.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Buy soap in a dream- monitor body hygiene.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

Buy soap in a dream- to a clingy person.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Soap- something disappears from you, to loss.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Soap bubbles- experience short happiness.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

If you dream of a bar of soap- this means that you will soon put your upset affairs in complete order.

Laundry soap- means that you will have to justify yourself after committing a dishonest act and being caught in it.

Toilet soap with a fragrant, pleasant smell- a sign of premature old age. Bath soap- you will be invited to a friendly drinking party in a cheerful company.

Buy soap in a dream- portends a lot of chores around the house, use soap- danger of taking a slippery slope.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Soap- renewal, striving for the best, the ability to streamline familiar affairs; buy- good condition of the household; use- you are walking on a slippery slope; wash- renewal, change for the better.

Women's dream book

Soap in a dream- foretells an invitation to an interesting party.

If a girl washes her face with soap- She will not need anything.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Soap- a clear sign of purity and purification. Should you cleanse your body or the things you use in your daily life?

Dream book of the 21st century

Seeing soap in a dream- to surprise.

Soap bubbles- symbolize deceptive illusions.

Seeing a lot of beautiful soap in a dream- means that your financial affairs will improve thanks to the sincere help of friends and rich relatives.

Wash with soap- a sign of premature old age.

If you dream about a soapbox- surround your closest people with care; attention will only strengthen your influence in the family.

Lunar dream book

Soap- surprise.

Dream Interpretation Interpretation of Dreams

Soap see- means improvement of the condition and help from friends or rich relatives.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Soap- dexterity, protection; liberation (need for purification), invulnerability; loss, deception. Lather- thrashing.

Modern universal dream book

Whenever you dream of soap- the dream symbolizes cleansing. What kind of person gets rid of dirt? Who wants to clean up their image? In your dream, is someone working on trivial problems with unnecessary diligence, and they are covered in soap?

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

Soap- help, success, guests, surprise/sadness, loss.

Ukrainian dream book

How to dream about soap- someone will come as a guest.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Soap- surprise, loss.

Collection of dream books

Soap- purity and purification.

Soap- treason, deception.

Seeing soap or using it- to a slippery psychological situation; see soap bubbles- to unrealistic hopes.

Dreamed soap- a sign that your affairs will improve, in which friends and relatives will help you.


I dreamed about soap - a new friendship will bring good luck to the dreamer. Getting to know interesting personality can open up new perspectives and horizons for you, which will be very useful in the future.

What soap did you dream about? What did you do with soap in your dream? How much soap did you dream about? How did you end up with soap in your dream? What color soap did you dream about?

What soap did you dream about?

I dreamed about laundry soap

A dream about laundry soap foreshadows retribution for an action committed. You will be caught red-handed, for which you will have to justify yourself to others. Don't break the trust of your friends the best way to repent would be a sincere apology.

Dreaming of toilet soap

Why do you dream about toilet soap? The dream prophesies premature old age. You need to take care of your appearance if you don’t want the prophecy to come true soon.

Why do you dream about liquid soap?

The dream book interprets liquid soap as the presence of true friends who are always ready to come to the rescue. It is necessary to value such relationships and in no case abuse the trust of those you care about.

What did you do with soap in your dream?

There is soap in a dream

Eating soap in a dream means problems with the gastrointestinal tract. You should be careful about your own health, eating food only in trusted places.

Making soap in a dream

If you dream that you are making soap, your loved ones and household members need your care and attention. Try to devote as much time as possible to them, this will help avoid conflict.

How much soap did you dream about?

I dreamed about a lot of soap

I dreamed about a lot of soap - there will be waste. Due to irrational spending of financial resources, problems with financial situation are possible. Be more thrifty when shopping.

Dreaming of a remnant

A dream where you see a remnant warns against possible harm from envious people. It is better not to enter into dubious enterprises and not to succumb to provocations. Don't pay attention to empty gossip.

Why do you dream about a bar of soap?

Why do you dream about a bar of soap? Things that are out of control can be put in order. Soon everything will return to normal. The dream also foreshadows relaxation and a pleasant pastime.

How did you end up with soap in your dream?

Buy soap in a dream

Felomena's dream book considers buying soap as a sign of many urgent household chores that cannot be put off. Be patient and start completing the tasks that appear.

Gave soap in a dream

If you received soap as a gift in a dream, guests will come to visit you in the near future. If it was a business trip, the visit will only bring fuss and constant rushing from corner to corner.

What color soap did you dream about?

Dreaming about black soap

Black soap dreams of difficult situations and difficulties. The greatest danger will be to your authority. He may seriously deteriorate soon.

I dreamed about pink soap

Had a dream pink soap- you want too much. It’s better to implement your ideas later; now is far from a favorable time for new beginnings. Everything will fall out of hand.


Laundry soap

Dream Interpretation Laundry soap dreamed of why you dream about Laundry soap? To select a dream interpretation, enter keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Laundry Soap in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Soap

Dream Interpretation - Soap

Soap - entertainment, fun.

Dream Interpretation - Soap

Dream Interpretation - Soap

Dream Interpretation - Soap

Dream Interpretation - Soap

Dream Interpretation - Soap

Dream Interpretation - Soap

Dream Interpretation - Soap

Dream Interpretation - Soap

A sign of urgent problems in your relationships with others.


Toilet soap

Dream Interpretation Toilet soap dreamed of why you dream about Toilet soap? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Toilet soap in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Eau de toilette

If you dreamed of men's eau de toilette, get ready for someone to start taking care of you strong man. To make this happen, prick your fingers with 3 needles, and then break the needles.

If you dreamed of women's eau de toilette, then in the near future you will feel unwell and weak. To avoid this, add a drop of corn oil to your coffee and drink.

Dream Interpretation - Soap

If you dream of a bar of soap, this means that you will soon put your upset affairs in complete order.

Laundry soap means that you will have to justify yourself after committing a dishonest act and being caught in it. Toilet soap with a fragrant, pleasant smell is a sign of premature old age. Bath soap - you will be invited to a friendly drinking party in a cheerful company. Buying soap in a dream foreshadows a lot of things to do around the house; using soap is a danger of taking a slippery slope.

Dream Interpretation - Soap

Soap - entertainment, fun.

Fragrant soap - a comfortable life awaits you in the future.

Dropping soap in a dream means the fun will last a long time and you will get a lot of pleasure.

Washing with soap in a dream means new things, improving your home environment.

Dream Interpretation - Soap

A dream about him foreshadows losses, damages, the machinations of ill-wishers or justification.

Sometimes a dream about soap predicts renewal, striving for better, and success in business. See interpretation: hands, foam.

Washing with soap in a dream means that you will experience premature old age due to neglect of your health and frivolous pastime. Sometimes a dream in which you wash your face at the sink foreshadows your release from obligations.

Sometimes a dream about washing your face means that your hypocrisy and dishonest actions will become known - and then you will have to regret what you have done. The dream encourages you to think about your behavior. Seeing an old washbasin in a dream is a sign that you will not change your habits. Seeing a washbasin in a dream is a harbinger of trouble or the death of one of your loved ones. Washing with soap or washing something in a dream is a sign that you should try to put your affairs in order. Lathering something in a dream means that you should not embark on a risky undertaking. Lathering yourself in a dream means that you should abandon the cunning plan that you have in mind, otherwise you will not avoid trouble. If you dream that you are soaping someone, then you should be careful in an important matter so as not to ruin a good undertaking. To do this, try to make sure that your cunning tricks are not noticed by the person on whom the success of your business depends. A dream in which you saw yourself being soaped foreshadows deception from a person pretending to be your sincere friend. Blowing soap bubbles yourself is a sign that you will soon have some fun or an empty pastime. Seeing soap bubbles in a dream is a sign of vain hopes or empty troubles. See interpretation: bathhouse.

Dream Interpretation - Soap

Soap in a dream means that friends will invite you to an interesting party. Farmers are expected to achieve success in their varied activities.

If a girl uses soap in a dream, it means that she will not need anything.

Dream Interpretation - Soap

Soap - as you dream about soap, someone will come as a guest.

Dream Interpretation - Soap

A dream in which you see soap foretells a fun party. If a girl dreams that she uses soap, in reality she will not lack anything.

Dream Interpretation - Soap

Soap in a dream foreshadows an invitation to an interesting party. If a girl washes her face with soap, she will not need anything.

Dream Interpretation - Soap

whoever washes clothes with soap in a dream will be healed, or repent, or get rid of his worries and pay his debt. Seeing soap is a sign of the disappearance of worries and worries, for it removes dirt, and dirt is care and anxiety.

Dream Interpretation - Soap

The period of failure will soon end. Lathering up - newly formed friendships will bring good luck. Rinse off soap suds - you will never have to face a shortage of funds. Buy - friends will invite you to a fun party. Soap in a soap dish - your financial affairs will improve thanks to the sincere help of friends and rich relatives. Fragrant - a successful solution to unpleasant issues. Household - new things, improving the home environment. Making soap - friendship with influential people will open new horizons for you.

Imagine that you are soaping yourself from head to toe, washing away all the dirt.


Lather yourself with soap

Dream Interpretation Lathering yourself with soap dreamed of why you dream about soaping yourself with soap? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Lathering yourself with soap in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Soaping

If you lather any part of your body with soap in a dream, the dream suggests that there will soon be a breakthrough in your life. If you lather your entire body, the period of bad luck will soon end.

Imagine that you are soaping yourself from head to toe, washing away all the dirt.

Dream Interpretation - Soap

If you dream of a bar of soap, this means that you will soon put your upset affairs in complete order.

Laundry soap means that you will have to justify yourself after committing a dishonest act and being caught in it. Toilet soap with a fragrant, pleasant smell is a sign of premature old age. Bath soap - you will be invited to a friendly drinking party in a cheerful company. Buying soap in a dream foreshadows a lot of things to do around the house; using soap is a danger of taking a slippery slope.

Dream Interpretation - Soap

Soap - entertainment, fun.

Fragrant soap - a comfortable life awaits you in the future.

Dropping soap in a dream means the fun will last a long time and you will get a lot of pleasure.

Washing with soap in a dream means new things, improving your home environment.

Dream Interpretation - Soap

A dream about him foreshadows losses, damages, the machinations of ill-wishers or justification.

Sometimes a dream about soap predicts renewal, striving for better, and success in business. See interpretation: hands, foam.

Washing with soap in a dream means that you will experience premature old age due to neglect of your health and frivolous pastime. Sometimes a dream in which you wash your face at the sink foreshadows your release from obligations.

Sometimes a dream about washing your face means that your hypocrisy and dishonest actions will become known - and then you will have to regret what you have done. The dream encourages you to think about your behavior. Seeing an old washbasin in a dream is a sign that you will not change your habits. Seeing a washbasin in a dream is a harbinger of trouble or the death of one of your loved ones. Washing with soap or washing something in a dream is a sign that you should try to put your affairs in order. Lathering something in a dream means that you should not embark on a risky undertaking. Lathering yourself in a dream means that you should abandon the cunning plan that you have in mind, otherwise you will not avoid trouble. If you dream that you are soaping someone, then you should be careful in an important matter so as not to ruin a good undertaking. To do this, try to make sure that your cunning tricks are not noticed by the person on whom the success of your business depends. A dream in which you saw yourself being soaped foreshadows deception from a person pretending to be your sincere friend. Blowing soap bubbles yourself is a sign that you will soon have some fun or an empty pastime. Seeing soap bubbles in a dream is a sign of vain hopes or empty troubles. See interpretation: bathhouse.

Dream Interpretation - Soap

Soap in a dream means that friends will invite you to an interesting party. Farmers are expected to achieve success in their varied activities.

If a girl uses soap in a dream, it means that she will not need anything.

Dream Interpretation - Soap

Soap - as you dream about soap, someone will come as a guest.

Dream Interpretation - Soap

A dream in which you see soap foretells a fun party. If a girl dreams that she uses soap, in reality she will not lack anything.

Dream Interpretation - Soap

Soap in a dream foreshadows an invitation to an interesting party. If a girl washes her face with soap, she will not need anything.

Dream Interpretation - Soap

whoever washes clothes with soap in a dream will be healed, or repent, or get rid of his worries and pay his debt. Seeing soap is a sign of the disappearance of worries and worries, for it removes dirt, and dirt is care and anxiety.

Dream Interpretation - Soap

The period of failure will soon end. Lathering up - newly formed friendships will bring good luck. Rinse off soap suds - you will never have to face a shortage of funds. Buy - friends will invite you to a fun party. Soap in a soap dish - your financial affairs will improve thanks to the sincere help of friends and rich relatives. Fragrant - a successful solution to unpleasant issues. Household - new things, improving the home environment. Making soap - friendship with influential people will open new horizons for you.

Imagine that you are soaping yourself from head to toe, washing away all the dirt.


Soap in packaging

Dream Interpretation Soap in packaging dreamed of why you dream about Soap in a package? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Soap in a package in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Packaging

It’s as if you are giving something without packaging and are upset by this sudden discovery - you will provide for everything in life, but you will lose sight of one important circumstance; it will be all the more offensive because you foresaw this; someone close to you will be very upset.

The packaging seems to be torn - you have to deal with a person you can’t stand; Perhaps you will be consoled by the thought that that person can barely tolerate you; the interests of the cause are above any antipathies.

You discover something unpleasant in a beautiful package - you will soon realize that your new acquaintance is a talented actor; under a pleasant appearance, he cleverly hides his evil, deceitful essence.

Dream Interpretation - Soap

If you dream of a bar of soap, this means that you will soon put your upset affairs in complete order.

Laundry soap means that you will have to justify yourself after committing a dishonest act and being caught in it. Toilet soap with a fragrant, pleasant smell is a sign of premature old age. Bath soap - you will be invited to a friendly drinking party in a cheerful company. Buying soap in a dream foreshadows a lot of things to do around the house; using soap is a danger of taking a slippery slope.

Dream Interpretation - Soap

Soap - entertainment, fun.

Fragrant soap - a comfortable life awaits you in the future.

Dropping soap in a dream means the fun will last a long time and you will get a lot of pleasure.

Washing with soap in a dream means new things, improving your home environment.

Dream Interpretation - Soap

A dream about him foreshadows losses, damages, the machinations of ill-wishers or justification.

Sometimes a dream about soap predicts renewal, striving for better, and success in business. See interpretation: hands, foam.

Washing with soap in a dream means that you will experience premature old age due to neglect of your health and frivolous pastime. Sometimes a dream in which you wash your face at the sink foreshadows your release from obligations.

Sometimes a dream about washing your face means that your hypocrisy and dishonest actions will become known - and then you will have to regret what you have done. The dream encourages you to think about your behavior. Seeing an old washbasin in a dream is a sign that you will not change your habits. Seeing a washbasin in a dream is a harbinger of trouble or the death of one of your loved ones. Washing with soap or washing something in a dream is a sign that you should try to put your affairs in order. Lathering something in a dream means that you should not embark on a risky undertaking. Lathering yourself in a dream means that you should abandon the cunning plan that you have in mind, otherwise you will not avoid trouble. If you dream that you are soaping someone, then you should be careful in an important matter so as not to ruin a good undertaking. To do this, try to make sure that your cunning tricks are not noticed by the person on whom the success of your business depends. A dream in which you saw yourself being soaped foreshadows deception from a person pretending to be your sincere friend. Blowing soap bubbles yourself is a sign that you will soon have some fun or an empty pastime. Seeing soap bubbles in a dream is a sign of vain hopes or empty troubles. See interpretation: bathhouse.

Dream Interpretation - Soap

Soap in a dream means that friends will invite you to an interesting party. Farmers are expected to achieve success in their varied activities.

If a girl uses soap in a dream, it means that she will not need anything.

Dream Interpretation - Soap

Soap - as you dream about soap, someone will come as a guest.

Dream Interpretation - Soap

A dream in which you see soap foretells a fun party. If a girl dreams that she uses soap, in reality she will not lack anything.

Dream Interpretation - Soap

Soap in a dream foreshadows an invitation to an interesting party. If a girl washes her face with soap, she will not need anything.

Dream Interpretation - Soap

whoever washes clothes with soap in a dream will be healed, or repent, or get rid of his worries and pay his debt. Seeing soap is a sign of the disappearance of worries and worries, for it removes dirt, and dirt is care and anxiety.

Dream Interpretation - Soap

The period of failure will soon end. Lathering up - newly formed friendships will bring good luck. Rinse off soap suds - you will never have to face a shortage of funds. Buy - friends will invite you to a fun party. Soap in a soap dish - your financial affairs will improve thanks to the sincere help of friends and rich relatives. Fragrant - a successful solution to unpleasant issues. Household - new things, improving the home environment. Making soap - friendship with influential people will open new horizons for you.

Imagine that you are soaping yourself from head to toe, washing away all the dirt.


Foam soap soap

Dream Interpretation Foam soap soap dreamed of why you dream of soap foam in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see soap foam in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Soap

If you dream of a bar of soap, this means that you will soon put your upset affairs in complete order.

Laundry soap means that you will have to justify yourself after committing a dishonest act and being caught in it. Toilet soap with a fragrant, pleasant smell is a sign of premature old age. Bath soap - you will be invited to a friendly drinking party in a cheerful company. Buying soap in a dream foreshadows a lot of things to do around the house; using soap is a danger of taking a slippery slope.

Dream Interpretation - Soap

Soap - entertainment, fun.

Fragrant soap - a comfortable life awaits you in the future.

Dropping soap in a dream means the fun will last a long time and you will get a lot of pleasure.

Washing with soap in a dream means new things, improving your home environment.

Dream Interpretation - Soap

A dream about him foreshadows losses, damages, the machinations of ill-wishers or justification.

Sometimes a dream about soap predicts renewal, striving for better, and success in business. See interpretation: hands, foam.

Washing with soap in a dream means that you will experience premature old age due to neglect of your health and frivolous pastime. Sometimes a dream in which you wash your face at the sink foreshadows your release from obligations.

Sometimes a dream about washing your face means that your hypocrisy and dishonest actions will become known - and then you will have to regret what you have done. The dream encourages you to think about your behavior. Seeing an old washbasin in a dream is a sign that you will not change your habits. Seeing a washbasin in a dream is a harbinger of trouble or the death of one of your loved ones. Washing with soap or washing something in a dream is a sign that you should try to put your affairs in order. Lathering something in a dream means that you should not embark on a risky undertaking. Lathering yourself in a dream means that you should abandon the cunning plan that you have in mind, otherwise you will not avoid trouble. If you dream that you are soaping someone, then you should be careful in an important matter so as not to ruin a good undertaking. To do this, try to make sure that your cunning tricks are not noticed by the person on whom the success of your business depends. A dream in which you saw yourself being soaped foreshadows deception from a person pretending to be your sincere friend. Blowing soap bubbles yourself is a sign that you will soon have some fun or an empty pastime. Seeing soap bubbles in a dream is a sign of vain hopes or empty troubles. See interpretation: bathhouse.

Dream Interpretation - Singing

If in a dream you see singers at a pop concert, it means that in reality you will show generosity and write off a debt from a good friend who is unable to pay you back, despite the fact that the amount he borrowed from you is insignificant.

Hear in a dream opera singing- to troubles, singing in the opera itself is a joy. Hearing a solemn cantata performed by a choir means meeting a person whom you should fear and avoid, because great evil comes from him for you.

Singing in church on the choir - in reality you will gain useful acquaintances. Hearing a tenor sing - in reality you will be able to avoid many troubles; a bass - great joy will come to your home; a contralto - you are in danger of an accident or illness.

Singing psalms foreshadows good move affairs in finance and trade. Ceremonial singing accompanied by an organ promises a good harvest and successful preparation for the next season for everyone involved in agriculture. Hear rollicking singing drunk company- to the sad news.

A dream in which you hear the deep singing of birds that in reality are incapable of this, that is, the trill of a sparrow or the crow's knees, means that you will soon have problems with traveling on a work assignment, which you will want to use at the same time for personal purposes.

Hear the rooster crow - good sign, foretelling young people a successful marriage and prosperity in the house. Siskin singing - you will hear the most contradictory judgments and gossip about yourself; canaries - strengthening friendships and living in luxury; a lark singing in the sky foretells that you will be happy in your second marriage, and one singing in a cage means unpleasant news.

Dream Interpretation - Singing

Singing an aria means receiving a letter.

Singing in a bass voice means trouble.

Birds singing means a quarrel.

A man singing is a sign that you are overcome by fear.

Church singing is hope for inheritance.

Choral singing portends hope for success.

Women's choral singing is a pleasant pleasure to dream of.

False, discordant singing means gossip.

Hearing singing at a concert is a sign that romantic experiences await you; listen to songs.

Hear or see the singer - happiness awaits you not only in the family circle.

Dream Interpretation - Soap

Soap in a dream means that friends will invite you to an interesting party. Farmers are expected to achieve success in their varied activities.

If a girl uses soap in a dream, it means that she will not need anything.

Dream Interpretation - Soap

Soap - as you dream about soap, someone will come as a guest.

Dream Interpretation - Soap

A dream in which you see soap foretells a fun party. If a girl dreams that she uses soap, in reality she will not lack anything.

Dream Interpretation - Soap

Soap in a dream foreshadows an invitation to an interesting party. If a girl washes her face with soap, she will not need anything.

Dream Interpretation - Foam

To see foam lying in flakes on the surface of a standing reservoir in a dream means that you should not lose hope of improving things that have fallen into disrepair.

See the foam in turbulent stream a fast river on rocky rifts foretells that you will not like the actions of your partners, but the result they will bring will be positive, which will force you to admit that you were wrong and apologize for unfair words. Foam in a puddle and bubbles during a heavy downpour - in reality you will forget about something very important.

Soap suds when washing clothes are a sign that the position you occupy does not suit you, but you simply do not have the right to claim more, which is why you constantly experience dissatisfaction.

Filling a whole bath of foam and blissing in it - such a dream foreshadows a scandal in a respected family, which your eccentric spouse will cause by taking an extra share of alcohol. Foam on boiled milk - you will find yourself in an unenviable situation by defaulting on payments.


Lose soap

Dream Interpretation Losing Soap dreamed of why you dream about Losing soap? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Losing soap in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Soap

If you dream of a bar of soap, this means that you will soon put your upset affairs in complete order.

Laundry soap means that you will have to justify yourself after committing a dishonest act and being caught in it. Toilet soap with a fragrant, pleasant smell is a sign of premature old age. Bath soap - you will be invited to a friendly drinking party in a cheerful company. Buying soap in a dream foreshadows a lot of things to do around the house; using soap is a danger of taking a slippery slope.

Dream Interpretation - Soap

Soap - entertainment, fun.

Fragrant soap - a comfortable life awaits you in the future.

Dropping soap in a dream means the fun will last a long time and you will get a lot of pleasure.

Washing with soap in a dream means new things, improving your home environment.

Dream Interpretation - Soap

A dream about him foreshadows losses, damages, the machinations of ill-wishers or justification.

Sometimes a dream about soap predicts renewal, striving for better, and success in business. See interpretation: hands, foam.

Washing with soap in a dream means that you will experience premature old age due to neglect of your health and frivolous pastime. Sometimes a dream in which you wash your face at the sink foreshadows your release from obligations.

Sometimes a dream about washing your face means that your hypocrisy and dishonest actions will become known - and then you will have to regret what you have done. The dream encourages you to think about your behavior. Seeing an old washbasin in a dream is a sign that you will not change your habits. Seeing a washbasin in a dream is a harbinger of trouble or the death of one of your loved ones. Washing with soap or washing something in a dream is a sign that you should try to put your affairs in order. Lathering something in a dream means that you should not embark on a risky undertaking. Lathering yourself in a dream means that you should abandon the cunning plan that you have in mind, otherwise you will not avoid trouble. If you dream that you are soaping someone, then you should be careful in an important matter so as not to ruin a good undertaking. To do this, try to make sure that your cunning tricks are not noticed by the person on whom the success of your business depends. A dream in which you saw yourself being soaped foreshadows deception from a person pretending to be your sincere friend. Blowing soap bubbles yourself is a sign that you will soon have some fun or an empty pastime. Seeing soap bubbles in a dream is a sign of vain hopes or empty troubles. See interpretation: bathhouse.

Dream Interpretation - Soap

Soap in a dream means that friends will invite you to an interesting party. Farmers are expected to achieve success in their varied activities.

If a girl uses soap in a dream, it means that she will not need anything.

Dream Interpretation - Soap

Soap - as you dream about soap, someone will come as a guest.

Dream Interpretation - Soap

A dream in which you see soap foretells a fun party. If a girl dreams that she uses soap, in reality she will not lack anything.

Dream Interpretation - Soap

Soap in a dream foreshadows an invitation to an interesting party. If a girl washes her face with soap, she will not need anything.

Dream Interpretation - Soap

whoever washes clothes with soap in a dream will be healed, or repent, or get rid of his worries and pay his debt. Seeing soap is a sign of the disappearance of worries and worries, for it removes dirt, and dirt is care and anxiety.

Dream Interpretation - Soap

The period of failure will soon end. Lathering up - newly formed friendships will bring good luck. Rinse off soap suds - you will never have to face a shortage of funds. Buy - friends will invite you to a fun party. Soap in a soap dish - your financial affairs will improve thanks to the sincere help of friends and rich relatives. Fragrant - a successful solution to unpleasant issues. Household - new things, improving the home environment. Making soap - friendship with influential people will open new horizons for you.

Imagine that you are soaping yourself from head to toe, washing away all the dirt.

Dream Interpretation - Soap

A sign of urgent problems in your relationships with others.

If the soap is fragrant and beautiful, a slippery or dirty piece of soap portends big troubles and difficulties. Your reputation may be under serious threat.

Soap is treason, deception.

Family dream book

If you dreamed of soap- friends will invite you to a fun party.

Girl soaping herself in her sleep- will not need anything.

Dream Interpreter

Seeing soap means improvement of your condition and help from friends or rich relatives.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream about Soap?

Soap seen in a dream- a harbinger that friendship will open new horizons for you. Farmers will have good luck in farming.

If a young woman dreams that she is using soap- she will not know poverty and need.

Dream Interpretation 2012

Soap - the need to cleanse your thoughts, emotions, views, etc. The need to free yourself from old ideas and beliefs.

Dream book of the 21st century

Why did you dream about Soap in a dream?

Seeing soap in a dream- to surprise.

Soap bubbles symbolize deceptive illusions.

Seeing a lot of beautiful soap in a dream- means that your financial affairs will improve thanks to the sincere help of friends and rich relatives.

Wash with soap- a sign of premature old age.

If you dream about a soapbox- surround your closest people with care; attention will only strengthen your influence in the family.

Azar's Dream Book

Soap - shame will be washed away, trouble will go into oblivion.

Dream book for lovers

A dream in which you see soap- portends a fun party.

If a girl dreamed that she was using soap- in reality she will not lack anything.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Soap is a clear sign of cleanliness and cleansing. Should you cleanse your body or the things you use in your daily life?

Dream book for a bitch

Soap - entertainment, fun.

Fragrant soap - a comfortable life awaits you in the future.

Drop soap in a dream- the fun will last a long time, you will get a lot of pleasure.

Washing with soap in a dream- new things, improvement of home environment.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Soap in a dream is a sign of pressing problems in your relationships with others. If the soap is fragrant and beautiful- this means that you have every chance to successfully resolve unpleasant issues.

Slippery or dirty bar of soap- portends great troubles and difficulties. Your reputation may be under serious threat.

Dream Interpretation of Health

Seeing soap or using it- to a slippery psychological situation; see soap bubbles- to unrealistic hopes.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

Buy soap in a dream- to a clingy person.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

I came to visit a childhood friend in his old apartment, the apartment was surprisingly clean, although in reality, according to him, devastation reigns there, during a friendly conversation I saw he had a lot of green translucent soap, which I picked up and looked at and smelled, it was without a strong smell, but on the contrary with a pleasant gentle smell, I took one bar of soap for myself

I dreamed about my wife. (as if she gave birth beautiful girl our daughter). Then he went to wash himself. There were a lot of things in the bathroom that made it difficult to get to the sink. Lots of small pieces of laundry soap. Toothpaste black color.

When I was eating at the table and a neighbor came in / we were in an argument / and she put laundry soap on the table for me, and the smell was strong of soap, and I got up and started kicking her out of the house, and shouted something to her, I was very angry at her.

I went to get water and somehow ended up with soap in my hand. My hand became soapy and, entering the apartment, I saw a soap dish with two cells. One of the cells was filled with soap, the other was empty. I put the soap in the empty compartment, but my hand remained soapy.

I'm a man. I am 74 years old. I washed my chest with a small round brush and a very thick soap solution (the hair on the brush is hard, but the soap solution is so thick that I didn’t feel the hardness of the hair). With a naked pink torso, he offered to help me. But I refused

In a dream, my late husband gives me soap and says it’s expired but I can use it. Then he gives me something and says eat. I eat, and he moves a plate with something baked and says let’s go.

My husband and I were in the store. And at the exit there was a basket of soap without packaging. A security guard sat opposite. The husband took two pieces and ran out of the store. And I took one piece, but the guard noticed and did not let me pass, and when he started calling on the phone, I slipped through and jumped out of the store. I caught up with my husband on the street. I don’t remember the rest of my dream.

I dreamed that I bought soap, it self made, the color is transparent in some places, soft purple in others, inside the soap are manicure scissors (very elegant with curved handles, unusual). And I give this soap to my late grandmother. I'm visiting her. Moreover, I dream about her very, very rarely.

New buildings. There is emptiness and swamps all around. Only old women live in these houses. I'm going home, he's not in the area. From the window of one of the houses, an old woman, shouting words, throws objects, as if as a gift, to young women passing by. One threw down the hanger, saying: hang it in the kitchen. Although a clothes hanger. She dropped two bars of soap on me with the words: soap for the bedroom. I found myself holding two pieces of toilet soap. One in red wrapper, the other in blue. I look and think why I need soap, even in the bedroom. And she gave it to two old women passing by. And when I gave the soap away, I noticed that they were very similar. One was wearing a blue coat and the other was wearing a red coat. And I said: just the color of your coat

I'm standing in the bathroom, washing my hands with light pink rectangular soap. Then my daughter comes into the room, picks up the soap, and it looks like some kind of dark gray stone. She somehow works with her energy, and the soap becomes the same. My daughter says: “I felt it somewhere deep.” The next morning, my daughter asked me to tell me what I dreamed about today. And I was surprised that I remembered the dream I had, because for a long time I have been dreaming about something magical, but I don’t remember anything. And today... After narrating the dream, my daughter said that yesterday she asked me to dream about a good prophetic dream, which I will remember and which will help me maintain harmony and defend my beliefs when communicating with low-frequency and conflict people

I'm standing in the bathroom, washing my hands with light pink rectangular soap. Then my daughter comes into the room, picks up the soap, and it looks like some kind of dark gray stone. She somehow works with her energy, continues to wash her hands, stains appear on the soap, it quickly brightens and becomes the same. My daughter says: “I felt it somewhere deep.” The next morning, my daughter asked me to tell me what I dreamed about today. And I was surprised that I remembered the dream, because for a long time I have been dreaming about something magical, but I don’t remember anything. And today... After narrating the dream, my daughter said that yesterday she asked me to have a good prophetic dream, which I will remember and which will help me maintain harmony and defend my beliefs in communicating with low-frequency and conflict people.

Hello. I dreamed of white soap. I wash my hands with it every day. It seemed like I dropped it into the toilet. There was a lot of water there. I tried to drain the water. I didn’t want to take it out of the toilet, I was wondering where I would put it then? I realized that it wouldn’t drain .it was floating in the water. I decided to pull it out and caught it in one movement. On one side (seemingly below) there was toilet paper stuck to it soaked in water. So I thought. I have one like that. I caught the soap. The water went away and everything seemed to be back to normal. then I woke up (at about 4:08 am) and went to the toilet. Afterwards I went back to sleep and when I woke up again I didn’t remember any other dreams. Sincerely

I am in a foreign city and I have a lot of things, my boss comes and says that I need to go on a business trip for 2 weeks and pack very quickly, I have two huge bags with multi-colored things. I begin to select the things that I will need, realizing that I will not return here again, I am in a hurry, there is a lot of different toilet soap on the table in pieces and in soft plastic packaging, I select several pieces and packages, there are a lot of people around, they are watching how I am getting ready

Hello. It was a very strange and unpleasant dream. I squeezed the soap out of my face like some kind of pimples. And after that I was left with 3 torn holes in my face. There was no blood. I just pulled out small pieces of soap...

I dreamed that I was on a tram, and somehow, when I was hugging a friend, her hair got into my mouth and I almost vomited. After I got off the tram, I met my friend and some Asians. The dream continued, but it started over again, it had more details, some details were different. Also, getting off the tram, I met a friend and Asians, only this time something happened on their road (apparently someone had an accident), I told my friend and one Korean woman about the dream (I told them that it was a dream and I I’m still sleeping) they started telling me that they shouldn’t tell them such things, etc. then I found myself in some strange place, it looked like an abandoned place. There were a lot of people there and I told them all that I was dreaming. They told me the same thing, that they shouldn’t tell them such things, that it was supposedly a betrayal. Every person was somehow strange. For example: a small child was sitting, he was about 1-2 years old, but he had a loud voice and a lot of strength like a man. We talked to them. Soon I was at home and washing my hands. They were black and looked a little like monkey hands (like I was just washing paint off my hands). Then I woke up, (not for real) in my bed. And I definitely began to understand that I was not sleeping. I thought that someone was controlling me, that I began to sleepwalk, I couldn’t fall asleep in the kitchen and wake up in my bed. Waking up in bed, I felt that some force was pushing me. I was very scared, I realized that I couldn’t do anything or even think about anything, because someone was in my head. I tried to scream, but I couldn't. Somehow I took off and was spinning very quickly. Then my little sister came into the room, I asked to call my mother. When my mother arrived, everything calmed down; she was watching some video on her phone. I tried to tell her, but someone was stopping me, I couldn’t speak, that is, at first it was very difficult to speak, as if something was swollen in my mouth, and then I couldn’t speak at all, I just mumbled, but my mother understood me. Without looking up from the phone, she told me “oh come on, Christina.” I forgot, maybe this is where my dream ended, I tried to write it quickly because my thoughts were confused in my head and I started to forget something. And I also saw the image of some man near the window, he was in blue and white clothes. Maybe he wanted to help me, but that's not certain. Even when someone was circling me in the air, I looked in the mirror and saw myself in some strange clothes, I especially remember dark tights with red flowers on them.

American dream book

Soap - cleanliness and cleansing.

Eastern dream book

Why do you dream about Soap in a dream according to the dream book?

A dream in which soap plays a major role means that newly established friendships will bring good luck.

For a young woman, a dream in which she uses soap promises a comfortable life.

Children's dream book

Soap - news from friends who have not made themselves known for a long time.

Women's dream book

If you dreamed that you were washing your face with soap, you will never have to face a shortage of funds.

Idiomatic dream book

“Soap your neck or head” - threat, aggression; “slippery like soap” - invulnerability, cunning; “to wash away old sins” - liberation, cleansing, purity; “burst like a soap bubble” - deception, illusion, collapse of plans.

Lunar dream book

Soap is a surprise.

Maly Velesov dream book

Soap - help, success, guests, surprise/sadness, loss.

Newest dream book

Why do you dream about Soap in a dream?

Soap - to achieve your goal, you will have to use a dishonest move.

Russian dream book

Soap is treason, deception.

Family dream book

If you dreamed of soap, your friends will invite you to a fun party.

A girl who soaped herself in a dream will not need anything.

Dream Interpreter

Seeing soap means improvement of your condition and help from friends or rich relatives.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream about Soap?

Soap seen in a dream is a harbinger that friendship will open new horizons for you. Farmers will have good luck in farming.

If a young woman dreams that she uses soap, she will not know poverty and need.

Dream Interpretation 2012

Soap - the need to cleanse your thoughts, emotions, views, etc. The need to free yourself from old ideas and beliefs.

Dream book of the 21st century

Why did you dream about Soap in a dream?

Seeing soap in a dream is a surprise.

Soap bubbles symbolize deceptive illusions.

Seeing a lot of beautiful soap in a dream means that your financial affairs will improve thanks to the sincere help of friends and rich relatives.

Washing with soap is a sign of premature aging.

If you dream of a soapbox, surround your closest people with care; attention will only strengthen your influence in the family.

Azar's Dream Book

Soap - shame will be washed away, trouble will go into oblivion.

Dream book for lovers

A dream in which you see soap foreshadows a fun party.

If a girl dreamed that she was using soap, in reality she would not lack anything.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Soap is a clear sign of cleanliness and cleansing. Should you cleanse your body or the things you use in your daily life?

Dream book for a bitch

Soap - entertainment, fun.

Fragrant soap - a comfortable life awaits you in the future.

Dropping soap in a dream means the fun will last a long time and you will get a lot of pleasure.

Washing with soap in a dream means new things, improving your home environment.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Soap in a dream is a sign of pressing problems in your relationships with others. If the soap is fragrant and beautiful, this means that you have every chance to successfully resolve unpleasant issues.

A slippery or dirty bar of soap portends big troubles and difficulties. Your reputation may be under serious threat.

Dream Interpretation of Health

Seeing soap or using it means a slippery psychological situation; seeing soap bubbles means unrealistic hopes.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

Buying soap in a dream represents a clingy person.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Buying soap in a dream means taking care of body hygiene.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Soap - something will disappear from you, it will be lost.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Miss Hasse

What does it mean if you dream of Soap in a dream?

Soap bubbles - to experience short-term happiness.

Miller's Dream Book

Soap in a dream means that friends will invite you to an interesting party. Farmers are expected to have good luck in their varied activities.

If a girl uses soap in a dream, it means that she will not need anything.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why see Soap in a dream?

If you dream of a bar of soap, this means that you will soon put your upset affairs in complete order.

Laundry soap means that you will have to justify yourself after committing a dishonest act and being caught in it.

Toilet soap with a fragrant, pleasant smell is a sign of premature old age. Bath soap - you will be invited to a friendly drinking party in a cheerful company.

Buying soap in a dream foreshadows many things to do around the house; using soap means the danger of taking a slippery slope.

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Soap in a dream - foretells an invitation to an interesting party.

If a girl washes her face with soap, she will not need anything.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Soap - renewal, striving for better, the ability to streamline familiar affairs; buy - good condition of the household; use - you are going down a slippery slope; wash - renewal, change for the better.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Interpretation of the dream: Soap according to the dream book?

Soap - dexterity, protection; liberation (need for purification), invulnerability; loss, deception. Lathering up is a thrashing.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Soap - surprise, loss.

French dream book

Dreaming of soap is a sign that your affairs will improve, and friends and relatives will help you with this.

Ukrainian dream book

Like a dream about soap - someone will come as a guest.

Universal dream book

Whenever you dream of soap, the dream symbolizes cleansing. What kind of person gets rid of dirt? Who wants to clean up their image? In your dream, is someone working on trivial problems with unnecessary diligence, and they are covered in soap?

Online dream book

Meaning of sleep: Soap according to the dream book?

Why do you dream about soap? Such a dream suggests that your friends are able to provide you with steel prosperity.

If you saw soap bubbles, it means you will suffer from your own gullibility.

If the soap was beautiful, you can count on increased income and business success.

If you dreamed about economic affairs, you will act badly and try to justify yourself.

If it had a pleasant smell, you may age unnaturally quickly.

If you bought soap, you will be more busy with household chores than usual.

Why do you dream about soap?

Dreams are a connecting thread between reality and the subconscious. Thanks to them, we can get tips and recommendations for the future. To do this, you need to carefully monitor and remember what you see in your dream. Soap is a completely common and familiar means of hygiene, but when correct interpretation you can learn a lot of interesting things about him.

Why do you dream about soap?

If you wash with soap, it means that you will soon be able to update your wardrobe due to an improvement in your financial situation. A dream in which you hold soap in your hands promises the appearance of a new friend who will help you defend your reputation and even advance in your career. career ladder. If you lather your hands with soap, it means that you will soon have a chance to recover in the eyes of the public. The dream book interprets what a new fragrant soap means in dreams as positive changes in life. If you see a remnant, this is a warning that financial decline and a long crisis will soon await you.

A dream in which you see a spoiled and dirty piece of soap is a warning that you should prepare for an unpleasant situation, and also during this period your reputation may suffer. Beautiful bright soap predicts an improvement in your financial situation in the future. Liquid soap- this is a sign that minor troubles await you soon.

Why do you dream about toilet soap?

A dream about toilet soap in a wrapper will tell you that there are true friends in life who will help you at any time.

Why do you dream about laundry soap?

Such a dream will tell you that in the future you will have to make excuses to someone because of an unpleasant situation. The dream book will tell you that you will commit an act that goes against your conscience, and this will torment you for a long time.

Why do you dream about buying soap?

In this case, the dream symbolizes your concern for your appearance and health. If you spend a long time choosing a piece of soap, this is a sign that you are too concerned about your shortcomings. The dream book recommends changing, as otherwise it could lead to many problems.

Dream Interpretation: What do you dream about soap for?

Interpretation (meaning) of sleep Soap

Seeing soap in a dream. If a girl dreams that she is holding a bar of soap in her hands and it smells pleasant, it means that she will soon need defenders of her reputation. If she soaps her hands, she will be able to defend her good name. Buying soap is a warning that real life family and friends will treat her with distrust.

The soap that the young man dreamed of promises him easy success in reality. professional activity. If he dreams that he washes his hands with soap, he will soon cope with all his enemies. Buying soap means that the young man will have a high-ranking patron.

A dream in which a woman holds a bar of soap in her hands warns that not everything is in order in her family. Most likely, her children or spouse are deceiving her. Seeing her buying soap means she is the cause of conflict in the family. Lathering your hands is a complete breakdown of the household. The dream warns the woman that it is time for her to pay attention to her direct responsibilities.

If a man sees a bar of soap in a dream, he will be in trouble from his loved ones. Buying soap means for him a lot of quarrels over trifles with his wife and children. If he dreams that he is soaping his hands, it is time for him to seek advice from a doctor.

In our dream book you can find out not only about why you dream about soap, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to see soap in a dream in online dream book Miller.

Why dream about a bar of soap?


Eva Utkina

If you dream of a bar of soap, this means that you will soon put your upset affairs in complete order. Laundry soap means that you will have to justify yourself after committing a dishonorable act.
Toilet soap with a fragrant, pleasant smell is a sign of premature old age. Bath soap - you will be invited to a friendly drinking party in a cheerful company. Buying soap in a dream foreshadows a lot of things to do around the house; using soap is a danger of taking a slippery slope.


If you wash with soap, then all the gossip about you will be forgotten, the shame will be washed away. This is generally good.


Organize your usual routine; buy - good condition of the household; use - you are walking down a slippery slope.


· Soap, as a rule, dreams of an exciting party. For the farmer, this is a sign that his business will go uphill. If a girl uses soap in a dream, it means that she will not need anything in life.
· For a young woman, a dream in which she uses soap means that she is not destined to know need.
· A dream in which you see soap predicts that you will receive unexpected help from relatives or receive an inheritance.
· Seeing soap in a dream means that newly formed friendships will bring you good luck.
· If a girl uses soap in a dream, it means that she will not need anything.
· Buy - good condition of the household
· Soap in a dream means that friends will invite you to an interesting party.
· Success awaits farmers in their varied activities.
· Use - you are walking down a slippery slope.
· Organize routine tasks

Why do you dream about soap?



Washing in a dream is always good, it washes off all the nasty things. And multi-colored and varied soap means variety and fun in life. Good sleep. Good luck!

Yuri Rubyl

If you see soap in a dream, then perhaps soon you will find yourself at a fun party in the company of old, good friends. The peasants expect success in their various labors.

If a girl uses soap in a dream, it means that she will not need anything.

Katya-Ksyusha Pavlyuchkovs

Seeing soap in a dream means that newly formed friendships will bring you good luck. For a young woman, a dream in which she uses soap means that she is not destined to know need.


Seeing soap in a dream is a sign of pleasant surprises.
Seeing a lot of beautiful soap in a dream means that your financial affairs will improve thanks to the sincere help of friends and rich relatives. For a girl - use soap - you will not need anything.



Hello! I dreamed it was as if I ex-boyfriend I need to take a lot of laundry soap to the priest. And so he and I bring it to the priest (or it’s someone like a priest, I don’t remember exactly), basically a man, a bag of laundry soap, and he says “not enough,” I answer, “I brought it before, isn’t that enough?” the priest said “what I brought was lost somewhere.” My ex-boyfriend gave him a bag of soap. And the whole dream we were thinking about where to get soap and were in a hurry. The soap was brown and there was a lot of it.


Hello! Tell me why I dream, as if I came to the store and bought a whole bag of multi-colored soap, and also a soap dish.....




I was crying and my mascara was running from a scandal with a guy and I went to wash off the leaking mascara with tap water and soap, first with regular soap, later they offered me liquid, they poured it into my palm, I said too much and poured it back, also in this dream I saw a lot of friends and unfamiliar people, for example, a crazy old man who threw knives and started running after us and disappeared just as miraculously as he appeared. They offered to help with a thousand rubles, but I didn’t take it all together and it’s unclear


I dreamed of a cellophane bag containing pieces of used soap. on top lay a piece of toilet pink color, Underneath it is a piece of laundry soap, then smaller, different pieces. Everything is very clean and white. And the whole room is clean white. I was very glad that I found soap and began to think how long it would last me to wash my hands and wash my socks. I thought that it wasn’t very much, but it would be enough for the first time, and then they would bring me more.


Good day! I had a dream that I and my new young man (with whom I wish serious relationship) were choosing soap to buy. There were no disputes, we quickly came to a mutual agreement.


First I saw someone (I don’t remember who) washing their long hair. I also said that this is correct, if the hair gets used to the laundry soap, it will be fluffy. And then she took this big bar of soap and began to completely wash herself with it. I remember there was a lot of foam from it, and I rubbed my legs and whole body.


In a dream, I eat soap, at first it tastes delicious, it tastes like strawberries or raspberries, then after a while it becomes disgusting and I spit it out and try to get rid of the taste, why dream


I dreamed of a neighbor, a young girl older than me, washing my hands under the tap gently at my work, then kissing and even sometimes I was a little offended by her


I dreamed that a man from the past appeared and began to take out the old closet... and from there fell a lot, a lot of new toilet soap, white, lilac and light green... I began to collect it in a bag... it was mine in a dream but I didn’t know about it... and in a small I also tried to find spilled soap in a muddy puddle...


My daughter bought a lot of toilet soap and brought it home, but an acquaintance from work came with my son and began asking me for money, since my son needed to buy soap. I refused him the money and offered to take a few pieces, but turning away his son took all the soap, I saw and told him to return it. But still, my son stole my soap


my classmate with whom I don’t communicate allegedly brought twins to our house and one of them was sick and cried all the time and when they massaged the child calmed down. Then I wanted to swim, I soaped my whole body and couldn’t find water


I choose household goods at the store. soap. I see one, I don’t like the other. Finally I choose what I would like, several different pieces.


In my bathroom I saw two pieces of soap in packages. They were lying on top of each other. One package is pink, the other is light green.


I talked to my mother, she was holding laundry soap in her hands, a lot of pieces. I asked her why she needed so much soap, and she began to offer me a few pieces. That's when I woke up.


I had a dream with her in line at a grocery store I knew, and the salesperson was distracted from the counter showing the customers the product, and one visitor took advantage of this moment and pulled the cash register out of the table with money and offered me to steal it, but I refused, then she stole two pieces of soap and put it in my pocket, but I again refused to take the stolen goods and put them back, but one visitor noticed this and thought that I was stealing. I got scared from this and ran out into the street to avoid shame.


walked around the store, folded beautiful soap and a washcloth in the basket, then I met my brother’s wife and gave it away - I gladly gave her soap and a washcloth, leaving one for myself...


I went into the apartment (in the dream - into my own), the apartment was very cozy, I wanted to take a shower and went to the bathroom, when I soaped up and was covered in foam - suddenly a guy came in with his cospania, whom I had just started dating (I am dating in reality) and almost saw me naked in the foam, I was very embarrassed, I didn’t know what to do, I started getting dressed. In general, I didn’t like the fact that he came into my apartment without warning. What did that mean?


I dreamed about my late dad, I had a warm conversation with him, then I decided to paint myself and stained my hands with dark paint, washed it off under the tap huge soap piece


I enter the mausoleum of V.I. Lenin, but I don’t get in the way of the tomb, the boy tries to trip me up with a cane, but so that I notice him, I give him a shalban so as not to spoil me, and he asks me for soap, which is in my pocket, I tell him I’m giving away the soap…..(the boy doesn’t look dirty)


I dreamed that the water in the bathroom was clean, and there was soap floating in it, not yet dissolved, not just one, but several, and I was sitting on the bathtub with my feet in the water, collecting this soap.


I dreamed that I bought 4 pieces of soap, it was scented and cost 10 rubles each. I also dreamed that my daughter was constantly getting lost and was running away from me, I was looking for her and crying, and when I found her, she was smeared with soot from the fire, but she was white with black


Mom has a lot of packs of soap on the table, and I stole 10-15 packs from her and put them in a bag, but I don’t know how to take them out, because she saw them. I confess to her that I stole some soap from her, and she speaks so kindly; OK. And I woke up.


I dreamed that I was running away because of something somewhere because I was found but not identified (apparently a girl came to some office I work there, she’s a prosecutor, I know her in life and she said my first and last name, then she pressed something on the tablet I brought it to my chin and from her eyes I realized that something was wrong with her and she was supposedly giving me the opportunity to escape) I have money with me, 36 thousand rubles, my brother (twin - who has been drinking for 10 years and has never was a motorcycle) gave me a motorcycle, a cool new modern one, but for some reason, in order to ride it, I put white bags on my legs in which there are several DVDs in a small stack, like a sole like that. I’m riding a motorcycle to a familiar investigator along a country road ,expensive, good, flat, illuminated from all sides. to some locality, and I hand over my video camera to him (a professional one, I work with it) at the docks. The investigator invites me to relax right in his office (I don’t know the investigator in real life, but in a dream he seems familiar to me) I wake up to the fact that there are a lot of people in the office, the table is set and everyone congratulates this investigator on his birthday, but he says that it’s not a birthday only from him but also from me (which is actually true) and everyone drinks to my health and goes somewhere, I understand that in vain I handed over the video camera to the docks and with regret went to look for my motorcycle while wearing my strange shoes shoes with big with difficulty I found my motorcycle (we walked with some person through car parking lots (like fine parking lots) where there were crumpled cars and even good traffic police cars were parked, then I finally found a motorcycle and rode it while going out onto the highway, I noticed that when I I turn the throttle, the motorcycle does not immediately respond, picking up speed, but somehow slowly, little by little, but it picks up and rides normally, although a couple of motorcyclists overtook me at a good speed and I regretted that I couldn’t do that on my motorcycle. Then I found myself at the border, as I understand it that I was crossing the border with Ukraine and along the road there were neatly stacked pieces of soap, each packed in its own wrapper, like in a store, and everyone was offered to take the soap with them for free. So as not to arouse suspicion, I took a couple of pieces and put them in a bag on the side of the motorcycle (in my opinion, I tore this bag a little out of excitement because I didn’t know how to unzip it). Then I realized that the neutral zone ends, and the road passes through a planted, well-cultivated vegetable garden, and all the people walk along the paths laid between the beds, and for some reason I ended up right on the beds and we walked on foot and I carried the motorcycle in my hands and I walked a little drowning in the well-cultivated black earth, accidentally trampling green and yellow sprouts, The transition ended with some kind of wooden barrier over which horses jump, but he was in a dugout (I can’t explain it any other way) I had to climb over the barrier and then they put me on some kind of document and asked me that you would live right in the port? I answered yes. And I realized that when I started crossing the border, for some reason I didn’t give the exact address of residence in Ukraine, I was glad that I had a good ride, I went out to the road but there was only two lanes of traffic on the road and there was a lot of traffic in the opposite direction cars were driving, I I looked and saw that my direction was behind the Cypress trees about a kilometer away from me and I thought that I needed to go there and woke up.


I dreamed that my friend was asking me for soap, a knife and 2 dollars, what did I see with all these items in the dream? and with bewilderment tried to give them to her, but did not give them. I didn't wake up in time. But she demanded them urgently.


I’m standing near the sink, the water is flowing and only my hands are on the soap, I went into another room, there’s also a sink there and the water is clogged, I’m standing there, I look at their hands in the soap on the sink, a printed pack of Bond blue cigarettes and someone smoking on the balcony


Hello Tatyana! I had a small piece of fragrant lilac-white soap, I dreamed that my friend arrived, after him I saw that there was the same soap as mine, only new, I thought what a good guy, I bought the same soap.


Hello! I saw in a dream that an elderly woman was selling soap. I approached, asked the price, and bought a lot of toilet soap.


I dreamed that I was washing dishes with my lover at his house. But it still wasn’t his home. He stood behind the sink and was not wet and covered in foam, but I had no room and had to stand in the sink, so I was covered in foam, but I didn’t feel wet.


Good evening! Today I dreamed of two pieces of soap that I tried to glue together. one is lilac, the second is smaller - the rest is white. I see my hands, look. to sleep, just like in life, when I wash my hands. sleep is short. thanks in advance!
[email protected]


Hello! In a dream I bought laundry soap and I remember a lot, even the price and the soap was long bars


I’m standing in the middle of the street naked and lathering myself with soap, and my husband is standing next to me and holding my clothes. I suddenly realize that there are people around and I want to step aside, but I end up in some kind of bathhouse, where a fat guy starts giving me some gifts and I wake up.


I dreamed that I came to work for soap and the boss took some of it away. the soap was in the form of ice cream sticks


good morning. At the beginning of the dream, it was a hotel, all in gold with wide steps, rich. Then night came, it was as if I was in a room at this hotel, but the view was already from the reality of my private house in one of the rooms. I stood at the window and I saw how they were stealing, I didn’t understand exactly who in the dream, but I saw that it was soap in which there was money and drugs, but in the dream I understood that this was a huge fortune, all this soap (pieces of the usual size of pink soap) was in four transparent huge boxes (from the feeling of the thieves, I knew it was my brother’s wife or they were together).. After everything changes, I’m in some Toli old apartment Toli is in an old house and there are huge holes in the floor at the entrance, and I’m worried about it situation, but after I realized that I had all four or five boxes of these boxes with rich soap... I hid it all in the car garage and was very happy... then again old apartment with a hole in the floor and I was in one of the rooms and decided to see what was inside, taking out one soap, opening it I saw four bank cards and I was sure and knew that there was a lot of money in the settlement accounts of these cards and it was all mine, but suddenly two men came to the doorbell (as in KGB films) and began to prowl and interrogate, during the conversation they were constantly looking for something, but after long conversations, having found nothing, they left. I then realized that my family and I were rich and that I would fill up these holes at the entrance, make repairs and go abroad...afterwards I dreamed of a colorful concentration camp, where everything was green, beds with seedlings and a lot of people who were being chased by people in black, they were releasing stinking steam on their legs (feet) (the people were all barefoot and half naked) releasing steam minus 30, they talked about it. I was there too, but I managed to escape. I woke up, I didn’t watch anything or play anything the day before [email protected]


I was on the street bus stop. Suddenly, I see my son running towards me, completely naked and covered in soapy foam, as if from a bathhouse. He runs up to me and hugs me.


I dreamed of a man who was close but betrayed him, in the dream he wanted to wash himself with delicious soap, but there was no soap

Dream interpretation soap

Currently, we have been given an excellent opportunity to enjoy those benefits that were unavailable to previous generations. In past centuries, such a cleansing agent as soap was a rare guest in people's homes, and the poor segments of the population could only dream about it.

What associations come to mind when we think about this little thing? You immediately feel a feeling of purity and freedom. When wondering why you dream of soap, you may come across the same associations. After all, it is a vivid symbol of cleansing and getting rid of painful problems. Leading psychologists and seers will help lift the veil of secrecy and give the correct online interpretation.

Be an observer

According to the dream book, soap is a pretty sure and good sign for everyone. However, for a correct interpretation it is necessary to take into account the most important factors that took place in the embrace of Morpheus.


How many events we see in our dreams! And the first thing your eye falls on is appearance visited the phenomenon.

Features of soap

The modern industry produces many cosmetic products that are suitable for different needs and ages.

If you dreamed of soap

  1. Children's. It doesn’t matter whether you happened to see him in a fancy child’s form or in standard form. This suggests that very soon you will experience nostalgia, which will be caused by the old times. Perhaps you will have the opportunity to visit the region where you spent your early years.
  2. Liquid. The online interpreter says that you are very seriously preparing for the upcoming important event. It will be very important for future fate and there is a high probability that it will end in your success.
  3. Economic. Exhausting, but at the same time pleasant chores at home await you. They will be associated with some kind of celebration or simply a traditional holiday.
  4. Bathhouse. Expect invitations to visit or for a walk from old friends and comrades. The meeting will evoke bright and pleasant memories for everyone, and will also strengthen your already strong relationships with your friends.
  5. Toilet. Unfortunately, this is not a very good symbol for premature aging. You need to pull yourself together now and take care of your appearance so that old age will bypass you for a long time to come.


What kind of packaging did you see this hygiene product in? Such a detail can reveal many circumstances awaiting in the future.

  1. Bright wrapper. This means that all unresolved problems will soon be resolved. However, the dream book notes that you should not put things off and do nothing.
  2. A beautiful bar without a wrapper. IN in this case you can safely expect generous financial returns. Now you will not worry about your income, since the money will always be in the house.
  3. Transparent packaging. This picture indicates that you are lucky to have loyal and reliable friends who have stood the test of time. You can never doubt their loyalty for a minute, because they are always ready to come to your aid.
  4. Cardboard. Was it in your hands or did you just see it from the outside? In any case, this episode characterizes you as a very good-natured person who knows how to keep secrets. This is why relatives, close friends and even strangers decide to trust you with their deepest secrets.

Where did you dream about soap?

The online interpreter notes that important factor is also the place where soap was discovered.

Where did you see the soap and how was it packaged?

  1. Pocket. This good sign, which is a harbinger of a salary increase, a bonus, or even a change of position. The management notes your conscientiousness and diligence in your work, so they will definitely reward you in some way soon.
  2. Bag. But this circumstance promises new, albeit expensive, purchases. It is worth noting that they will be of very high quality and will last a long time.
  3. Showcase. A symbol that your apartment needs a thorough spring cleaning. It is necessary to set aside a day off and attract relatives to help in order to clean up those places that have been ignored for a long time.
  4. Kitchen . Expect guests who will be very nice to you. Although the visit will be very unexpected, it will be quite pleasant. Show due hospitality and cordiality.
  5. Bathroom. Why do you dream of soap on a shelf? This means that now you are in search of your style. Changing your appearance will benefit you, and you will be able to find something in which you will feel attractive and comfortable.

If you don’t like the aroma of soap, then this is an indicator that you are very tired from work and current affairs. But a pleasant smell foreshadows a long and pleasant trip.

Participate in a dream

Continuing to analyze why you see soap, you need to remember what you did in your dreams.

Wash with soap

Most often we get to use this hygiene product for its intended purpose. However, there are some nuances here too.

  1. Wash. A harbinger of a prosperous and worry-free life. Love and harmony will reign in the family, and you will not experience any problems in money matters.
  2. Wash your hands under running water. This is an indication that at some point you have tarnished your own reputation. However, soon there will be a chance to restore it and regain the respect of the people around.
  3. Wash in small pieces. You are a rather conservative person, not prone to adventures and risks. Preferring a bird in your hands, it never occurs to you to change current situation business
  4. Big piece. The house will soon be filled with celebration and feasting. You will be able to relax and escape from everyday worries. You will also be able to strengthen your relationships with the people present at the celebration.
  5. Bath with laundry soap. The online interpreter claims that this is an indicator of your employment in household chores. You will plunge headlong into these worries, sometimes forgetting about the people closest to you.
  6. Wash your hair. In your family you enjoy considerable authority and respect. Relatives listen to your advice and consider you a very educated person.
  7. Take a bath. It doesn't matter whether it was baby soap or laundry soap. This is an indicator of future changes in better side. Don't be afraid to take risks and bring your wildest plans to life.
  8. Lather the body. You live in love and harmony with your soulmate. Your beloved one loves you immensely and admires your kindness, love and beauty.

The French dream book claims that buying soap means stable cash flows and respect in the house.

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