How to make your own soap from soap base. How to make soap at home. The simplest recipe

Salt the fish. This provides access to quality products and savings. I was interested in the question of how to make soap with your own hands at home.

It cannot be said that there are savings in use homemade soap big. But we take baths and wash our faces every day, and we want to use healthy and safe hygiene products. These properties are the secret to the success of homemade soap.

Homemade soap made with your own hands is a high-quality, environmentally friendly and beautiful product. It satisfies the hygiene requirements of family members and is suitable as a gift for a close friend, for example, on March 8 or a birthday.

Homemade soap making recipes

Many people make their own soap. For some it is a hobby, for others it is a way to make money at home. Even a beginner can master this art.

The work uses a ready-made soap base, which is often replaced with baby soap or soap is boiled using solid oils, additives and other ingredients.

Regardless of the recipes for making soap at home, the end result is a beautiful and healthy product.

How to make classic soap


  • Purified water – 700 ml.
  • Lye – 270 g.
  • Olive oil – 1 l.
  • Coconut oil – 500 ml.
  • Grape seed oil – 500 ml.


  1. Heat the oils indicated in the recipe, as well as the alkaline mixture, separately to 40 degrees.
  2. Slowly add the lye into the oil mixture, lower the blender into the container and, using short approaches, mix the contents for three minutes.
  3. Pour ten milliliters of cinnamon oil into the resulting composition. After additional mixing, pour the mixture into the mold, cover with a warm blanket and leave for a day. This will retain heat and help the chemical reaction complete.

Video recipe

Making your own chocolate soap

The following recipe will appeal to those with a sweet tooth. Let's make chocolate soap that is characterized by a seductive look and a delicious smell.


  1. Soap base – 100 g.
  2. Almond oil – 1 tbsp. spoon.
  3. Coffee – 1 tbsp. spoon.
  4. Cocoa – 2 tbsp. spoons.
  5. Essential oil (vanilla).


  1. First melt the soap base. It can be replaced with baby soap, which is recommended to be grated or finely chopped. Mix the resulting mass with almond butter, cocoa and ground coffee.
  2. Fill the shaped molds with the composition and wait until it hardens. I advise you to use small shapes in the form of flowers, shells or animals. As a result, each piece of homemade chocolate soap will resemble candy.

Milk-honey soap recipe

You can make wonderful milk and honey soap at home. The manufacturing technology is simple and understandable, and the output is a product that will give a head start to many store-bought products.


  • Baby soap – 100 g.
  • Honey – 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • Milk – 0.66 cups.
  • Sea buckthorn oil – 1 tbsp. spoon.
  • Citrus essential oil – 15 drops.
  • Glycerin – 1 teaspoon.
  • Chamomile flowers.


  1. Combine the baby soap passed through a grater with heated milk, wait a little, and then keep in the bath until it melts. Add remaining ingredients.
  2. Add honey to the mixture, then sea buckthorn oil with glycerin, then chamomile flowers with essential oil. Keep the mixture on the fire and stir without letting it boil. When it becomes homogeneous, distribute into molds.

How to make handmade cleansing soap

I present to your attention a recipe for making cleansing soap self made. If you regularly take care of your skin, it will help in this matter.


  • Baby soap – 0.5 bars.
  • Camphor alcohol – 0.5 tbsp. spoons.
  • Ammonia – 0.5 tbsp. spoons.
  • Glycerin – 0.5 tbsp. spoons.
  • Citric acid – 0.25 teaspoon.
  • Hydrogen peroxide solution – 0.25 cups.
  • Water – 1 glass.


  1. Pour the baby soap through a grater into a container of water and wait a few hours until it swells.
  2. Place the dishes with the soap solution in a container of water and heat them slightly.
  3. Add alcohols together with citric acid diluted in a spoonful of water into a homogeneous mass. After mixing, remove the mixture from the stove and stir until it cools.
  4. While continuing to stir, add hydrogen peroxide. Handmade soap is ready.

Video instructions

I think while reading the material you noticed that in all cases the base is the same, but the recipes differ in the additives. If you wish and have some imagination, you can easily create your own soap recipe, which will be characterized by an excellent composition, wonderful color and unique smell.

How to choose a soap base and avoid making mistakes

In conclusion, I’ll talk about the intricacies of choosing a soap base and the mistakes that novice soap makers make. Soap base is an almost finished product, neutral in properties, colorless and odorless. The base is needed to make homemade soap.

It is not difficult to buy soap base made in China, Latvia, Germany, England and Belgium. Basics from Belgium and Germany are very similar in properties. This transparent composition is odorless and gives large number foam.

Products from England and Latvia are characterized by a low surfactant content. As a result, soap made from them foams worse. But these foundations contain more natural ingredients.

The Chinese soap base foams beautifully, but it smells. Fortunately, it’s easy to drown out the smell with the help of a fragrance. Some bases can be mixed if desired. The main thing is that they match each other in fat content.

I recommend using an organic base. It does not harden as quickly and foams worse, but it brings benefits to the skin. And this is important, especially if you take care of your facial skin.

The main mistakes of newbies

While staying true to the topic of homemade soap making, one cannot fail to mention the mistakes and problems that beginners encounter. All errors are related to the aesthetic side of the issue. The soap thickens slowly and breaks or falls apart when cut. Observing proportions and using quality materials helps to avoid such problems.

  • If the soap breaks when cut, it means there is a lot of caustic soda in it. This defect does not affect the quality of the product, it only affects appearance. In some cases, essential oils cause excessive breakage.
  • If the result is soft soap, and when cut, the briquette falls into pieces, it means that the gel stage has ended unsuccessfully. To solve the problem, leave the product to ripen for two weeks, and then cut it guitar string.
  • Often the finished soap block becomes covered with plaque. The quality does not suffer from visual defects. To remedy the problem, cover the soap after placing it in the molds. The plaque is removed with a knife or water.
  • If the soap does not thicken, be sure to use the correct amount of lye. This effect is often associated with a high percentage of soft oils. In this case, prolonged stirring of the solution using a regular mixer will help change the situation.

There are errors that are dangerous to health. In some cases, white spots appear in the soap. They are formed by alkaline crystals that are poorly dissolved in liquid. Test several of these crystals using a special strip. If it really is lye, throw away the soap.

I've covered 4 step-by-step recipes for beginners, homemade instructions, and tips for choosing a base. Now I’ll tell you some interesting information about the origin of soap.

What do we know about soap?

According to historians, early humans washed themselves regularly to prevent potential prey from smelling the scent. They used water and sand as cleaning agents. Contributed to the invention of soap low efficiency washing with sand. It is difficult to say when the soap appeared and who its author is. One thing is certain, it is older than paper and gunpowder.

Later people They began to rub the body with fat or oil, and then scraped off the dirty film from the skin. Clay was also used for this purpose. According to one Roman historian, the first liquid soap appeared in Gaul. Residents ancient state Ash was added to melted goat fat, and the resulting mixture was used for washing hair and washing.

Later, the product was borrowed from the Gauls by the Romans, who used it to create fashionable hairstyles. In 164, the Roman doctor Galen found out that soap washes and cleanses.

By the creators solid soap are considered Arabs. To make it in the 7th century, they used ash, seaweed, lime, olive oil, goat fat and potash. The Spaniards brought this recipe to Europe. As a result, in European countries The development of soap making began.

Making soap at home is not only very exciting, but also useful, you get a 100% natural, environmentally friendly and high-quality product. Homemade handmade soap is a great gift for any holiday for family and friends.

An interesting fact is that at the beginning of the 20th century it was common to make this product at home, using, as a rule, animal fats. Medicinal plants, herbs and dried flowers were used as additives. IN modern world They use alkalis, oils and all kinds of decor as additions. Despite the popularity of this type of handmade, many are interested in the question - “How to make soap at home and what is needed for this?”.

Devices for soap making

To make soap at home you will need the following tools:

  1. pots or bowls of different sizes;
  2. food scales;
  3. measuring cup;
  4. mixing spoons;
  5. soap molds;
  6. whipping mixer;
  7. paper towels or napkins;
  8. apron.

Making soap at home is very interesting because you control all the processes yourself. One of the most popular cooking methods is the cold mixing technique.

Which ingredients are suitable for different skin types?

It's no secret that it is important to choose this hygiene product individually. You can come up with a recipe for making soap at home with your own hands, depending on personal preferences, the main thing is that the components are combined.

Useful tips for selecting components:

  1. For normal skin type, it is recommended to add milk instead of water. Base oils can include lavender, geranium, jasmine and chamomile. You can also include as an additive oatmeal, poppy seed crumbs, strawberries, orange and eucalyptus oils;
  2. Include clay supplements, celandine, and horsetail if you have problem skin. From essential oils, choose juniper, fir, sandalwood or tea tree oil;
  3. For oily skin, it is recommended to add camphor alcohol. With its help you will narrow your pores. Calendula, chamomile and propolis tincture will add antibacterial qualities to your soap. Crushed herbs and fruit seeds in homemade soap will give a scrubbing effect. Homemade handmade soap will definitely not cause any harm to the skin;
  4. If you have dry skin, it is not recommended to rinse your face with soap more than ten times a month, as the product can dry out the skin. Choose castor oil as a base oil; it will soften your face. Lavender and jasmine are also ideal for dry skin.

Soap Making Recipes

Based on “baby” soap

For this recipe, you can even use a soap base (colorless and always of plant origin).


  1. “baby” soap – 230 g;
  2. liquid (water) – 170 g;
  3. cosmetic oil – 50 g;
  4. essential oil – 7-12 drops.

Cooking method:

Grate the main ingredient. Place 2 containers on the stove, creating a steam bath.

Pour a glass of water over the soap shavings and begin to melt until completely homogeneous.

Adding honey will help reduce the melting time of soap on fire. Cool the semi-finished product slightly and pour in oil base. Beat thoroughly with a mixer. Add aromatic oils and your chosen decor into a homogeneous mass. Distribute the product among containers. Cool in the cold until firm.

Soap based

If you don’t know how to make soap quickly at home, then use this recipe. For those who don't like to wait long, this is perfect way soap making As a result, the product is natural, the color is original, and the individual scent will be exactly the way you want. A soap-based hygiene product can be used immediately after completing the cooking stage, which has a great advantage compared to other manufacturing methods.

To prepare you need to take:

  1. piece of soap base - 375 g;
  2. essential oil – 12 drops;
  3. soap decor.

Cooking method:

Melt white soap shavings over steam. Cool and, stirring, pour in the essential ingredients and selected additives. Distribute the mixture among the molds and leave to cool in the cold. Yours home remedy hygiene according to an exclusive recipe is ready, it will be tender beige color. You can even out the transparency using titanium dioxide, or you can buy a specialized base white. Various impurities will give the product the desired shade, texture and aroma.

Volume soap

This homemade hygiene product can be of various shapes and textures. The volume is obtained by using special plastic molds or by connecting containers to each other.


  1. colorless soap base – 250 g;
  2. "blue (liquid)"– 3-4 drops;
  3. apricot oil – 0.5 tbsp. spoons;
  4. ginger or grapefruit oil - 5 drops each.

Cooking method:

In order to make soap, you need to prepare molds that, when connected, form a volume. Pour the semi-finished soap product into the prepared molds and let it cool. The soap will harden more slowly because it is placed in closed molds.

Pepper balls

For those who like to soak in the bath after a hard day at work, you should prepare these balls. They make the water less hard and your skin becomes soft and silky.


  1. baking soda – 460 g;
  2. lemon – 315 g;
  3. corn starch – 275 g;
  4. essential oil – 3.8 ml;
  5. liquid of your choice – 10 g;
  6. red pepper – 8g.

Cooking method:

Pass soda, starch and lemon through a sieve. While stirring, pour in the essential ingredients. Sprinkle the mixture with water until the mixture sticks together. Divide the resulting volume into equal parts, into one of which add hot pepper. Place the mixture tightly into the molds. There is no need to cook anything. Leave the preparations in the cold for a day. Once completely cooled, leave the pepper balls to dry for 3.5 hours. You can add flower buds and petals as decoration.

Liquid soap

For production, you need to take leftovers from past experiments, soap remnants from the store, or potassium hydroxide.

Your product will have more emollient properties if you add 10 ml of alcohol and glycerin to the main composition.

Melt the remainder, previously crushed in a food processor, in a steam bath and add liquid. Starting to beat the resulting mass, add essential oil little by little.

The demand for handmade foaming products is growing every day. Soap has gained popularity not only because it looks beautiful and unusual: this factor It was also influenced by the fact that such products do not contain chemicals which can harm the skin.

Soap making at home for beginners - recipes

To make soap with your own hands, you don’t have to own a soap factory, because you can make personal hygiene products at home. Soap making for beginners involves several ways to create decorative products; they differ in the type of the main component - the base, into which you can then add natural dyes, scrubs or essential oils.

What are they made from?

The raw materials for obtaining the soap base can be animal and vegetable fats or fat substitutes: rosin, tall oil, synthetic fatty acids, naphthenic acids. Before making soap, you need to know that the process is based on the saponification reaction. This means that under the influence of alkalis, hydrolysis of fatty acid esters with glycerol occurs, and as a result, salts of alkali metals and fatty acids, trihydric alcohol, are formed.

What you need for soap making

After looking at all kinds of soap recipes and choosing the most suitable one from them, check whether you have all the necessary ingredients and equipment prepared:

  • water (or other liquid required by the recipe);
  • kitchen scales;
  • two mixing dishes;
  • hand and eye protection;
  • oil, fat;
  • caustic water;
  • two thermometers;
  • spoons for mixing and measuring;
  • handmade soap molds;
  • measuring cup;
  • blender (if possible);
  • disposable towels.

How to cook at home

There are several ways to brew your own personal care product:

  1. Use a ready-made soap base (some recipes even recommend using remnants of old soap). The component is melted, ingredients are added to it according to the recipe, then new pieces are formed.
  2. Rub with regular baby soap. Milk and water are added to the crushed mass, everything is melted together in the microwave (or a water bath is built), combined with the components indicated in the recipe and poured into molds.
  3. Creation from scratch, i.e. without a foundation. The method implies that you can do it yourself natural soap handmade from glycerin, oils, alkali and other additives.

Liquid soap at home

The production of hygienic soap is a process whose technology must be followed. So, to cook it with your own hands, you need to prepare:

  • a saucepan that is not used for culinary purposes;
  • glycerin – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • dyes (optional);
  • essential oils (1 or 2 types) – 3-4 drops each;
  • soap base – 1 pc.;
  • herbs (mint, chamomile, rose petals).

To make homemade soap, you need to carry out the following manipulations:

  1. Prepare herbal decoctions: pour the mixture with 10 tablespoons of filtered water, boil the liquid for 2 minutes, leave for 30 minutes. Strain the infusion, add 10 glasses of water.
  2. Grate a piece baby soap so that you end up with 1 cup of chips. It is important to take a product without additives or other fillers.
  3. Pour the broth into a saucepan and add the soap base there. Do not turn off the heat until the chips dissolve; it is important not to overcook the mass, otherwise it will not have the desired density. Cool the mixture, remove the foam, pour in glycerin.
  4. Add essential oil to the solution (two types are possible). If you want the product to be colored, then a natural dye must be added at this stage.
  5. Pour the prepared homemade liquid into a container with a dispenser.

From remnants

Step-by-step master class shows that the process of turning old remnants into a new original product (as in the photo) is not too labor-intensive. Knowing how to cook it from leftovers, you can create a natural product with an unusual airy texture. For preparation you will need:

  • titanium dioxide diluted with glycerin (white dye);
  • essential vanilla and rapeseed oil – 6 drops each;
  • Santal – 3 drops;
  • alcohol;
  • transparent base – 120 g;
  • soap remnants – 120 g.

Making a product like the one in the photo involves using chocolate and different colors. Find out how to make such an original product:

  1. Separate the remnants. Grate some of the chocolate color. Mix the shavings with half the base, cut into small cubes.
  2. Melt the workpiece by placing it in a water bath and covering the container cling film.
  3. Grease the silicone mold with rapeseed oil.
  4. Pour the melted base into a glass, add vanilla oil and 0.5 tsp. rapeseed Beat the contents into foam using a mixer, then pour into the mold.
  5. Melt the colored soaps with the remaining base in the same way. Pour the mixture too, mix with white dye, 3 drops of santal, 0.5 tsp. rapeseed oil. Beat until foamy.
  6. Sprinkle the already hardened first layer with alcohol and pour the whipped foam on top. You can decorate with small shavings.
  7. After all layers have hardened, remove the block from the tray and cut it.

Liquid household

Numerous positive reviews confirm that a homemade gel based on a solid piece of laundry soap is an excellent option for washing even in a machine. To make it you will need:

  • soda ash – 50 g;
  • essential oil – 4 drops;
  • grated soap mass - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • water – 1 l.

The process of preparing homemade gel for washing things from any material is not at all complicated:

  1. Send the soap shavings into the boiling water, without stopping stirring, wait until the product dissolves.
  2. Add baking soda and mix the ingredients until a pearlescent jelly is formed.
  3. Cool the mixture and add a little essential oil.

Here is a description of the process for those who are interested in the topic of how laundry soap is made using the direct method:

  1. Vegetable and animal fats are used as the basis.
  2. The components are boiled in special digesters, then soda is added to them. The result is a viscous liquid - soap glue, consisting of glycerin and soap mass.
  3. After hardening, it is cut and labeled. The numbers 40-70% indicate how many fatty acids are contained in one bar.

There is also an indirect method, which consists in treating the resulting adhesive soap with electrolytes. This is done using a solution of caustic alkali and sodium chloride. The consequence of the influence of these components is that the liquid stratifies. The top layer - the soap core - contains about 60% fatty acids, and the bottom is an electrolyte solution with glycerin.

Making soap from scratch at home

Beginners who are interested in how to make soap without a soap base are recommended to start practicing with the cold method. The recipe data must be entered into the calculator - this way you can find out the exact ratio of alkali and water. So, to do this at home, you need:

  • linseed oil – 10%;
  • coconut and palm oils – 20% each;
  • overfat – 7%;
  • olive oil – 50%.

It is worth noting that superfat is added to protect human skin, and the oils in the composition react with alkali to form soap. How to make a homemade product? Do everything step by step:

  1. Measure out all the ingredients (without water and lye) by combining them in a saucepan. Melt at 50 degrees.
  2. Required quantity Place the alkali in ice.
  3. Make sure that the temperature of the alkali solution becomes the same as the temperature of the oils.
  4. Using a sieve, pour the lye into the oil liquid, then beat the mixture with a blender until it becomes like cream.
  5. Pour the liquid into the mold. You can make a beautiful inscription or draw a pattern. Once the product has hardened, it is ready for use.

From soap base

It’s worth making your own organic soap at least once, if only because it will moisturize your skin much better than what you buy in the store. Knowing the intricacies of the process, you can not only provide your family with natural hygiene products, but also make a gift set by tying the original products with a ribbon. To make soap at home you will need:

  • essential oils;
  • flavorings;
  • soap base;
  • alcohol;
  • form;
  • dyes.

The process of creating original soap, as in the photo, is not very complicated:

  1. Prepare the base: grate or finely chop.
  2. Melt the product by placing it in the microwave (experienced soap makers recommend placing the product in a water bath). Remember that it should not be allowed to boil.
  3. Add oils and selected flavorings to the completely dissolved mass. Mix everything together.
  4. Sprinkle the mold with alcohol, then pour the prepared soap mixture into it.

How to make tar soap at home

This product is often used to treat lichen, various skin diseases, dandruff or psoriasis. You can buy this useful hygiene product in the store, but it’s very easy to make it yourself:

  1. Mix 100 g of grated baby soap with half a teaspoon of honey, 5 drops of any essential oil, 10 ml of tar.
  2. Leave the components in a water bath and wait for them to melt.
  3. Pour the soap mixture into molds and leave for 3 days.

Soap Making Ideas

Most recipes for self-made Even a beginner in this field can use soap. Modern ideas for soap making help everyone create fragrant and harmless skin care products. The products can then be used for personal hygiene purposes or, having been beautifully decorated, given to loved ones just like that or on the occasion of a holiday.

With photo

You can create a wonderful product from an old photograph, dried flowers and a few more components:

  • transparent base – 100 g;
  • apple flavoring – 4 drops;
  • hop branches with cones;
  • titanium dioxide – 0.33 tsp;
  • macadamia oil – 0.33 tsp.

The process consists of the following steps:

  1. Print on water-soluble paper black and white photo, trim it according to the size of the mold.
  2. Melt the base, adding flavoring and oils. Place the mold on the picture, pour a little soap mixture inside.
  3. Using the image as a guide, place a hop branch on the bottom of the mold. “Drown” the cones so that they do not stick out.
  4. Once everything starts to harden, spray with alcohol.
  5. Pour a thin layer of base.
  6. Place the photo in the form, turning it face down. The photo should be completely covered.
  7. Remove the scales from the cones, pour them in, and mix.
  8. Add titanium dioxide to the mixture to color the base, pour in the oil mixture and flavoring.
  9. Sprinkle the cooled soap in the mold with alcohol and fill in the last matte layer. After hardening, carefully remove the product.

DIY scrub soap

A product that helps in the fight against cellulite or for skin care, which will additionally moisturize the skin, is easy to make yourself. The scrub is obtained by mixing the main (sour cream, honey, cream) and abrasive ( coffee grounds, finely ground apricot kernels) parts. For example, you can make your own coffee scrub from:

  • bases – 180 g;
  • sea ​​salt – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • ground coffee or grounds - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • olive oil – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • boiled water– 0.5 tbsp.

Cooking steps should be performed step by step:

  1. Melt the soap shavings, pour oil into the mixture first, then water in small portions. Stir the mixture all the time.
  2. After a couple of minutes, the mass will become plastic and homogeneous.
  3. Pour salt and coffee into it and stir.
  4. Place the future soap in greased molds for 3 days. When you take it out, the bar should be dry and have a dense, uniform consistency.


This product has bactericidal, relaxing and antiviral properties. Try making it from lavender oil, because it is not only healthy, but also has a wonderful, captivating aroma. To prepare you need to have:

  • base – 100 g;
  • mixture of oils (2-3 types) – 5 g;
  • lavender flowers – 1 tsp;
  • lavender essential oil – 15 drops.

The bar can be made into any shape you like, but before that the liquid needs to be properly prepared:

  1. Melt the grated base by creating a water bath.
  2. Add selected oils and dried plant flowers to the mixture.
  3. Treat the silicone mold with alcohol and pour the resulting mixture into it.
  4. Leave the liquid until it hardens, then take out the finished products and place them in a dry place. After 6 hours you can use it for its intended purpose.

With glycerin

Products can be poured into molds with any images, but first you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • mixture of oils (soybean, coconut, castor, safflower) - 800 ml;
  • lye – 115 g;
  • distilled water – 140 g.

Check out how to make your own glycerin soap step by step:

  1. Add lye to water, stir. Let the solution cool to 65 degrees.
  2. Heat the oil mixture to 57 degrees.
  3. Combine the liquids and bring the mixture to a pudding consistency using a blender.
  4. Keep the resulting mass warm for 3 hours. When the solution reaches the gel phase, it will appear translucent, like Vaseline. Stir.
  5. Next, take some of the product and try to dissolve it in hot water. If it dissolves, you can continue. If it forms a lump or there are pieces floating on top, you need to let it sit longer.
  6. Add 370 g of 70% alcohol and 85 g of liquid glycerin.
  7. Combine 225g sugar and 140g water and cook until the sugar crystals are completely melted. Pour into soap base. Stir, cover, cool slightly.
  8. Pour the soapy liquid into the molds, cover with film, and leave in a dry place for a week.
  9. Cut the bars into pieces.


In everyday life, people constantly encounter the use of various chemicals. Every day, to maintain cleanliness, millions of people use them to wash dishes, floors, wash clothes and, of course, for personal hygiene. Moreover, a person comes into contact with toxic substances in the course of his normal life activities. This cannot but affect our health and general condition: dangerous components of common products - hair dyes, cosmetics, shampoos and hair conditioners, etc. enter the body through the skin, negatively affecting the body as a whole and causing various diseases.

One way to avoid such exposure would be to make various products yourself. You can start simple - by making homemade soap. Soap is one of the simplest and most affordable things that makes it easy to maintain cleanliness and maintain personal hygiene. Having mastered soap making, you can avoid unpleasant allergic reactions to purchased products, and also enjoy the process itself.


There are many types of handmade soap: each sample can be absolutely anything and suit your tastes different people, and also meet various tasks. To soothe problem skin, you can make honey, milk or chamomile soap. In this case, it will soften the impact environment and relieve irritation. This product is perfect for dry and normal skin.

For various purposes, you can prepare cream soap, scrub soap, shampoo or anti-cellulite soap. A self-made product can be used not only by adults, but also by children; the children's version is especially relevant for those parents whose children suffer from allergies.

Glycerin soap can be especially distinguished, but you need to be careful with it and use it in moderation, since despite its positive properties - high degree moisturizing the skin and the ability to make it more toned and elastic, it has a number of contraindications and possible side effects. It is especially dangerous to use it on inflamed and sensitive skin, and if used excessively, it will dry it out, depriving the outer layer of moisture. When making it at home, you should ensure that the percentage of glycerin does not exceed 5% and under no circumstances mix it with substances containing silicone. However, you should not be afraid of it - with moderate use it will only be useful.


Soap sold in stores is usually far from ideal, so homemade soap making can guarantee you reliability and confidence in the absence of side effects. Among other irrefutable advantages, such soap, unlike the sold samples, will be fragrant and healthy. The process of its manufacture will be of interest to people of any age: you can use not only all kinds of aromatic additives and color dyes, but also various shapes and interesting decorations, the result will be not a simple toilet soap, but an original work of art.

Manufacturing process

Experienced soap makers make soap from scratch from lye and fats. Beginners are offered a ready-made soap base, which can also be replaced with baby soap. On modern market There are many options for creativity, including special kits for beginners.

Basic set for soap making

The standard soap making kit is very simple. You need to prepare a container in which all the ingredients will be mixed, prepare the necessary raw materials: base or baby soap, oils and desired additives (it is better, of course, to use everything natural) and a form into which the prepared solution will be poured. Before use, the mold should be greased with oil so that the finished product can be easily removed from the container. It’s good to have alcohol on hand: it will help get rid of bubbles on the surface if they appeared while mixing the composition.

In order for you to be pleased with the result, it is recommended to use various additives when preparing homemade soap. Popular are options with dry herbs (celandine, string, chamomile), with sea ​​salt. These options can be used as a scrub: grains of salt and herbs cleanse the skin well of impurities, so the effect of salt soap will be doubly useful. In addition, the product can be manufactured using goat milk or make it with clay or honey. Such products will be very useful if your skin is prone to redness and rashes, as they will relieve irritation.

Another way to make your soap unique is to add colorants to it. Soap making is very creative process, and with dyes you will get a beautiful and interesting result. Decorative soap will not only please your eyes when used, but can also be an excellent gift for any occasion.

Natural dyes:

  • Green – grass.
  • White – clay (white) or milk powder.
  • Orange – sea buckthorn oil or carrot juice.
  • Pink and burgundy - clay (pink), grated beets or their juice.
  • Yellow - turmeric will give rich color, calendula petals.
  • Brown – coffee (ground), cocoa powder.

To decorate gift soap, you can make it with a picture: just insert the printed image into the sample that has not yet hardened. Also, the soap can have prints with lemons, oranges, watermelon and other fruits or flowers - depending on the smell of the soap itself. Another decoration option is fancy ornaments inside the product - swirls, and coloring. And if you put some inscription on top, for example, with the name of the gift recipient, it will become even nicer.

Step-by-step instructions with photos

To make classic soap you need:

  • soap base,
  • form,
  • essential oil,
  • dye.

Manufacturing stages:

  1. Add essential oils to the soap base.
  2. Add the dye to the mixture and stir carefully so that no air bubbles form inside the mixture.
  3. Pour the mixture into pre-greased molds. If you want the surface to be perfectly smooth, sprinkle a little alcohol on top.
  4. Remove the soap from the mold. Ready! This product is suitable not only for washing hands, but also for washing wool and textile products.

We offer you a simple and quick master class on making glycerin soap. He will help you prepare an excellent product with your own hands that can be used for frequent use, including shaving. You will need:

  • a piece of baby soap or soap base;
  • 2-3 tbsp. tablespoons of basic oil (you can use natural olive, grape seed, almond, rose hip, sea buckthorn, cedar, palm and others);
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of glycerin;
  • 50 ml boiling water.

First you need to prepare the raw materials: an alkaline mixture (mix glycerin and base; if using baby soap, melt it first) and oils, and then heat them to 40 degrees separately. Gradually pour lye into the oil mixture, immerse the blender in a bowl and mix the contents for three minutes, using approaches of several seconds.

Pour a teaspoon of cinnamon oil into the prepared solution to add aroma, at the same stage you can realize any of your ideas: use dyes or other additives to obtain desired result. After stirring again, pour the mixture into a mold previously greased with olive oil, wrap it in a towel or blanket and let it harden for a day.

The best options for making homemade soap are difficult to choose, each of them is worthy of attention. We offer you the most interesting ways, everyone will find something to their liking.

For those who live outside the city in their own home in a simple way It may turn out to be making soap from ash - lye.

It cleans dirt very well and quickly, leaving you feeling clean and fresh. To cook it, you need to take a third of a bucket of wood ash (precisely wood, preferably the ash of deciduous trees) and fill it to the top, removing the floating pieces. The ash should be allowed to sit for about three days, or the mixture should be boiled until it becomes soapy to the touch - this will take an hour or a little longer. It is important to dilute the lye with water 1 to 10 or more, otherwise severe irritation cannot be avoided. Then you can add natural flavors and healthy additives to the product and let it harden in molds for a day.

Used to fight cellulite and lose weight soap with orange shavings. Orange peel has scrub properties, gently cleanses and massages the skin.

To prepare this soap we need the following ingredients:

  • soap base (preferably transparent);
  • grape seed oil;
  • orange zest;
  • orange essential oil.

Grind the orange zest in a blender or coffee grinder. Prepare 150 g of soap base, melt it and add grape seed oil. Add one heaped teaspoon of orange zest to the base and mix well. The zest will not only add a natural scent, but will also color the future soap a light orange color, so you can do without other dyes. When the base has cooled slightly, add a few drops of orange essential oil.

Prepare the molds and fill them with the resulting mixture. If bubbles appear on the surface, sprinkle alcohol on top. Wait for the base to cool completely and remove the finished handmade soap from the molds. The next day, pack it in film.

Another soap option is a product with loofah (natural loofah). There are practically no allergies to it, so it is suitable for all skin types and perfectly cleanses it of dead cells. In addition, to prepare washing scrubs, you can use oatmeal (rolled oats), which must be ground in a coffee grinder before adding to the base. After using such products, the skin becomes very smooth and silky.

Aleppo soap- This is one of the varieties of Castile soap. It is considered one of the most delicate and suitable for delicate skin, and its recipe is simple: 100% olive oil and a precisely calculated amount of alkali. Alleppe soap differs from Castile soap in that it contains laurel oil.

Laurel oil is taken in various percentages. To increase the antiseptic and antibacterial effect of using Aleppo soap, a larger percentage is added. Soap is traditionally recommended for cleansing and caring for oily, problematic skin.

Another option, similar to Castilian - Marseille soap. Unlike Castilian, it does not contain 100% olive oil, but not less than 72%. It is very soft and pleasant, and most importantly, it does not tighten the skin after use. The process of its preparation is similar to Aleppo.

Sweet lovers will definitely like it chocolate soap. It is a natural antioxidant, which means it is a fighter for a beautiful appearance. It lifts your mood by stimulating the production of serotonin (“the hormone of happiness”), and also invigorates and increases blood circulation.

Required ingredients:

  • 500 g soap base;
  • 50 g dark chocolate;
  • 1 tbsp. spoons of cocoa;
  • 0.5 tbsp. spoons of coconut oil;
  • 50 ml wheat germ oil;
  • 10 drops essential oil (lavender, mint, bergamot, cinnamon, cypress, coriander, cardamom or fennel).

The soap base should first be crushed and melted. As soon as it melts, add grated dark chocolate and stir the mixture until smooth. After this, add cocoa, add coconut oil, mix and pour in wheat germ oil. As soon as the mixture becomes homogeneous again, it should be removed from the heat or water bath, add essential oil, cool slightly and pour into molds.

If you add not cocoa, but ground coffee to chocolate soap in the process, you will get an excellent coffee option. The smell of such soap is unusually attractive and even arouses appetite: closing your eyes, you can imagine that you are drinking freshly brewed coffee and eating a delicious cake or pastry.

Floral and soap motifs are very popular. This soap is usually somewhat jelly-like, transparent, and every flower and blade of grass can be seen in it. Chamomile and lavender soaps hold the lead in this regard, being the most popular among home soap makers. Aroma also plays a certain role in their success: when using such a product, it seems that there is a bouquet of freshly cut flowers somewhere nearby.

Affordable way to get rid of acne and blackheads is to cook soap with activated carbon. To do this, you need to follow the standard cooking recipe, but before adding oils and other additives, you need to pour crushed coal tablets into the solution. If you use this soap regularly, within a week the problem areas on your face and body will become noticeably smaller, and after a while you will completely forget that you once had acne on your skin. It’s also a good idea to add lavender oil to this soap to strengthen the effect of charcoal.

Frequent visitors to the hammam know that it is customary to use national Moroccan black soap Beldi. It simultaneously acts as a scrub, skin cream, and also perfectly cleanses. To prepare an analogue of beldi at home, you need:

  • 100 g grated baby soap;
  • 150 ml green tea(welding);
  • 0.5 teaspoons of dry ginger;
  • 50 g ground eucalyptus;
  • 20 ml olive oil;
  • 40 drops of eucalyptus oil.

Homemade soap making is becoming increasingly popular today. And this is understandable, because making soap with your own hands is extraordinary. interesting process, which quickly becomes addictive and turns into a favorite hobby.

Perhaps everyone who has ever tried to make soap at home falls in love with this exciting activity. At first glance, it seems that the cooking is beautiful scented soap It’s very difficult on your own, but in fact everything is very simple. We invite you to get acquainted with this technology and make real homemade soap.

Why should you learn soap making?

There are plenty of reasons to make soap at home. After all, handmade soap is an environmentally friendly and natural product, unique both in form and content, unlike store-bought soap stuffed with chemicals, homemade soap does not dry out the skin, but cares for it.

You can add natural additives to it that suit your skin type. These could be:

various vegetable and essential oils,

  • herbal decoctions,
  • citrus zest,
  • natural coffee,
  • oat flakes,
  • seaweed,
  • flowers,
  • chocolate pieces,
  • loofah, etc.

At the same time, you and your loved ones will always be confident in the effectiveness and naturalness of homemade soap, because it, like homemade food, is made with soul and only from quality products!

In addition, making soap is a real creative process. The form and content of homemade soap depends only on your imagination. It could be just cute colorful pieces of fragrant soap or a whole work of art. Let's take a closer look at the process of making soap at home.

How to make soap at home

Ingredients for homemade soap

So, to make soap you will need:

  • Soap base. You can purchase a special clear or white soap base at a specialty store, or use regular baby soap. White soap base is practically no different from baby soap, except that it has no smell. But a transparent base will allow you to make a very beautiful transparent soap. But for beginners it is better to practice on children's soap.
  • Base oil - almond, olive, peach, apricot, it can be anything.
  • Essential oil. The choice of oil depends on your skin's needs. For example, tea tree is suitable for oily and problem skin, orange will saturate the skin with vitamins and get rid of cellulite, ylang-ylang will rejuvenate sensitive skin.
  • Dyes. You can purchase special soap dyes or use food coloring. You can also add color to soap using natural products: cocoa, chocolate, fruit and vegetable juice.
  • Supplements To give your soap some extra beneficial properties, you can add various additives to it: glycerin, cream, honey, herbal infusions, dried flowers. And if you want to make scrub soap, add ground coffee, oatmeal, ground nut shells, etc.
  • Dishes for a water bath.
  • Soap molds. You can use any molds: pastry molds, children's molds, special molds for soap, any plastic or ceramic containers.
  • Alcohol to lubricate the surface of the mold.
  • Warm milk, decoction or water to dilute the base.

How to make soap at home

So, now that everything is prepared, you can start making soap.

  1. The first thing you need to do is cut the soap base into small pieces or grate the baby soap, this will help them melt faster.
  2. Now melt the soap base in a water bath, stirring it occasionally. Add base oil to the soap at the rate of 3 teaspoons per 100 grams of base.
  3. While the base is melting, it is necessary to occasionally add a little milk or cream to obtain a creamy mass. Instead of milk, you can add a drop of water or a decoction of herbs, but water can cause the soap to separate. It is best to replace water and milk with sugar, this will allow the base to melt faster and better.
  4. When the soap base is completely melted, remove it from the heat and add various ingredients: 5 drops of essential oil, a teaspoon of glycerin, dyes, flavors, coffee and any other ingredients you wish.
  5. Now you need to pour the soap into a mold and spray the surface of the soap with alcohol from a spray bottle, this will remove bubbles on the surface.
  6. We leave the soap in the molds until it hardens completely; you can put it in the refrigerator or a cool place. After about 2-3 days, the soap will be completely dry and ready for use.
  7. We take it out of the molds and show off the result!

Homemade Soap Recipes

  • Homemade facial soap: white soap base, 2 tbsp. spoons of lanolin oil (or lanolin), 1 and 1/2 teaspoons of some aromatic oil (almond, avocado, etc.), 1 table. l. oatmeal
    1 table. l. ground almonds, dried and crushed flower petals, a little sunflower oil.
  • Chocolate vanilla soap: baby soap bar, vanilla essential oil, cocoa powder or cocoa butter, oatmeal (ground or not as desired), ground coffee, carrier oils (almond, olive), vitamin E in oil, a few drops of Ylang oil -Ylanga, honey.
  • Soap-scrub: baby soap, olive oil, glycerin, green tea decoction, cosmetic clay,
    crushed oatmeal, green tea aroma oil.

Secrets of home soap making

  • When using a microwave oven, do not allow the soap base to boil. The remaining base will melt while stirring;
  • When melting baby soap, intensive stirring is not required so as not to saturate it with air. This will make it softer and air bubbles will appear;
  • essential oils are not mixed with food flavorings;
  • A spray bottle with alcohol is used when it is necessary to glue several layers of soap;
  • to speed up the cooling of the soap, place it in the freezer for 15 minutes;
  • Do not use fresh vegetables, fruits and flowers. They deteriorate quickly and the soap will smell unpleasant;
  • It is necessary to store soap for no more than six months in a dark place, since it has the property of drying out;
  • per 100 g of base it is allowed to add: up to 5 drops of fragrance (flavor), 1 spoon of herbal decoction, up to 6 drops of food coloring, a spoon of glycerin, 1/3 spoon of mother-of-pearl or dry pigment.

Ideas for making soap at home

This way you can prepare the most various options soap different forms, shades and with different components. It can be soap in the form of animals, cakes, hearts, etc. It all depends on your imagination.