How to select content for a VKontakte group. We are looking for the best content to fill the VKontakte group

Why does copy-paste, so hated by SEO optimizers, work great in the SMM field? There are two main reasons for this. The first of them is the comparative primitiveness of the algorithms operating within social networks. Views, likes, reposts, comments - all this is taken into account when ranking the content posted in the VK group, however, with the determination of the uniqueness of text and graphic materials things are much worse. Platforms that were originally created for people to communicate with each other naturally rely on taking into account behavioral factors, leaving latent semantic analysis and other intricacies to large search engines.

The second aspect is the crazy rhythm modern life. Most users simply do not have time to independently search for the information they are interested in, so they strive to find a source of current publications, whose administrators will do all the “dirty work” for them. This is exactly what it is main secret popularity of news aggregators, and by offering your readers a similar service, you can win their loyalty, ultimately achieving desired results, whether it is an increase in traffic or an increase in sales.

High-quality content for the VKontakte group

When searching for community materials on social networks, you must follow the following rules:
● The subject of posts should correlate with the focus of your business. For example, if you offer legal assistance, it would be a good idea to post news about government legislative initiatives, while traders should tell their readers about the situation on the stock markets;
● When filling the group with content, avoid any mention of competitors, without giving the audience any reason to even think about the possibility of obtaining goods or services from someone else. Carefully filter articles for external links and mentions of products similar to yours.

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Having firmly understood these two points, you can get to work. Below we list the main sources of content, consider who they are suitable for and the features of their use.

1. News sites

Clarification is required here - we are referring to highly specialized projects. Firstly, online publications that talk about everything under the sun present information superficially, and when covering complex topics, journalists make factual errors due to simple incompetence. Secondly, when an editor is faced with a choice of two news stories, in 99% of cases he will give preference to the most “pop” one, which can cause a wow effect, and something really important will be missed. The conditional Lenta is more likely to tell you that Google has broken another record for the number of registered patents than about a vulnerability in the search engine’s authentication system. However, if the target audience of your VK community are IT specialists, they will be more interested in the second. Therefore, in search of food for the minds of IT specialists, feel free to go to “Habr” and “Giktimes”, for financiers - to “RBC” and “Kommersant”, and try to ignore general news web resources and, especially, the yellow press.

2. Aggregators

A lot of information passes through the Big Two search engines, which is why Yandex.News and a similar Google service are the most useful. Both services offer the widest possibilities for customization, which greatly simplifies the search for content for VKontakte. For example, in the Yandex.News interface you can create your own group of trusted sources by selecting suitable ones from the thematic catalog. After this, they can be viewed in any application that supports the Rich Site Summary format.

Using third-party RSS aggregators is also a good idea. Of all their diversity, Feedly should be highlighted, which replaced the beloved Google Reader, closed on July 15, 2013. The service is shareware: basic functionality, namely adding 100 sources, creating 3 feeds and 3 boards (the so-called collections of selected materials) is available to every registered user. To run a group and fill it with quality content, the stated limits are more than enough. The tool works great with Russian-language publications, including allowing you to search by keywords.

3. Brand information portals

Large companies often start corporate blogs, from which you can learn a lot useful information, including the latest industry news. For example, IBM Corporation has dedicated an entire section on its official website called “developerWorks”, where applied publications dedicated to various aspects system administration and programming, including detailed guides, completely devoid of veiled advertising of the company's products.

4. “Humor” section on industry resources

People come to Odnoklassniki, VKontakte or Facebook not only to find the necessary information - many users just want to relax after working day, and the most reasonable approach is to give them this opportunity. But if demotivators, jokes or topical satire can be found in any entertainment public, then when it comes to professional humor, you should go to specialized portals for interesting content. Even if you see the “IT humor” section on a purely entertainment website, you can be sure that there you will only find a bunch of mediocre “bayans” that everyone involved knows by heart. So, for hardcore jokes about programmers, it’s best to go to TProger, and, for example, for SEO jokes, to SEOdemotivators.

5. Free photo banks

Pictures are the basis of VK, however, finding a truly original image is problematic, because most of the photographs on the Internet have already been recounted many times. To make your life easier, we recommend taking note 2 useful links:

As the name implies, this site is an aggregator of free photo banks. The owners of such resources rarely care about such “little things” as Title and Alt, so many images are inaccessible from the Yandex and Google image search, which means they turn out to be unique from the point of view of your subscribers, since they have never seen them before;

Own search engine of the Creative Commons organization, which develops licenses on the basis of which the relationship between the copyright holder and the consumer is determined. An advanced filter helps set various compliance parameters, including showing only those photos whose modification and use for commercial purposes are officially authorized by the author. Thus, the service turns out to be not just a source of little-known illustrations, but will also be useful legal entities who want to protect themselves from possible problems legal nature in the future.

Posting content in a VK group in a couple of clicks

To make it easier to create a post based on materials found on third-party resources, we recommend installing the SmmBox plugin, available for browsers Chrome , Firefox , Opera And Yandex.Browser. The “Constructor” included in it allows you to quickly prepare a recording for a group or public. The principle of its operation is simple: after activating the tool, just select a piece of text that needs to be added to the publication, or click on the picture you like, highlighting it. After this, copy icons will appear on the screen, clicking on which will send the selected content to the editor.

To make your life easier, it is important to remember the following:
1. A post preview is formed from the first selected text block;
2. The second and all subsequent text blocks are sent as an attachment (available by click);
3. If a picture was first added to the constructor, then all other text also becomes nested.

Having collected everything you need, click on “Assemble post” and edit the publication in a convenient visual editor. Now just click on the “Publish Now” button and the entry will immediately be sent to the group.

To summarize, we can derive the main, unified rule for selecting content for filling VKontakte groups, which lies on the surface: the community should be led by a professional who is not only well versed in SMM, but is also well aware of the specifics of the topic. Only such a person will be able to understand what the target audience of the project wants, and therefore will be able to satisfy their needs. And there are exactly two ways out: either find a manager who is ready to delve into the specifics of your business, or engage in promotion on social networks yourself. Taking into account the fact that SmmBox is able to simplify and automate most of the work, last option in the current realities of a competitive market it becomes the most preferable.

In this article I will discuss the issues of promoting business on social media. VKontakte network, I’ll talk about how to promote a VKontakte group for business, how to automate the routine work of promoting on VKontakte, how to increase the group’s activity and much more. But first things first!

Why should your business be on VKontakte?

The answer is actually simple – your customers are there! To be closer to customers, you need to go where they are constantly. It’s no secret that VKontakte sales are going well and for my online store the VKontakte social network ranks second in terms of sales.

How to get clients from VKontakte

First of all, you need to get a group. Then advertise your group in order to get the first members, and then retain these members. If you think people join your group to find out about discounts? Yes, but that’s not all there is to it! Interesting content attracts them much more! If your group contains interesting posts, and not just posts with your products, then the group’s activity will grow at a high speed. Therefore, you need good content, competitions and surveys, then by means of likes and shares you will not need to spend big money for promotion, the group will begin to grow on its own!

Where can I get good content for the group?

The most ideal option is to invent it yourself. But it’s no secret that all groups and publics take content from each other, rarely remake it, and even less often look for it somewhere else. Unique content is good, but for business you don’t have to look for uniqueness; it’s enough to post something that already gets a lot of likes, thereby you publish a sure-fire post (which will already be liked, which means it’s more likely to get a lot of likes and shares in your group) . Such posts usually need to be taken in large public pages (mean, theft, but it works). Now I’ll tell you how to automate the process.

How to automate posting on VK

You can, of course, hire an administrator and he will post posts, but it costs money, so we use auto-posters on VKontakte. Nowadays there are many computer programs and online services on delayed publications, in order to fill in posts for the day ahead and not worry about the fact that the group is not full. But these posts still need to be found, and this is the routine! I personally hate rummaging through public pages and looking for interesting posts, but just recently I found cool software called Mix Poster, who himself finds posts that get a lot of likes, shows them to me and posts them to my group! In my opinion, this is a brilliant invention, because it takes on the routine work, and gives me the opportunity to communicate with clients and do sales!

After watching it, I immediately downloaded the program and started trying to work with it. I also gave a link to it to my partner, VKontakte promotion specialist Vladimir Kondratenko, and he was also delighted. I don’t think it’s worth talking about the advantages, because you saw everything in the video. I can’t make my own video, but next time I’ll write an article about my experiment with this software. The program is free for the first time, so you can download it on the official website, here HERE!


As promised - bonus! I contacted the leader and developer of the Mix Poster project and asked him for a discount for my readers. He gave the go-ahead, although the cost of the software is already a penny: 520 rubles PER YEAR. And my readers and I get a 10% discount. In the meantime, test it for free right here!

How to increase activity in a group

Competitions, polls and a lot of posts increase activity. As you saw in the video, the program can increase activity significantly, but what about competitions? Come up with interesting polls with answer options, it's not difficult. You can offer some of your goods or services for free and organize a competition. But only under the conditions of a competition there must be a repost, because by reposting you gain more audience!

A service or product, like a prize in a competition, may not necessarily be expensive, but you also don’t need to give unnecessary trinkets, it won’t be interesting for subscribers.


If you post a lot of interesting posts, do competitions and surveys, then activity in your group will be higher, and therefore sales will also increase. Therefore, look for good content for your group, download automation software (it will help a lot in your work), and delight your readers with interesting publications.

Happy sales to you on VKontakte!

Hello friends!

Today’s article will be dedicated to those who run VKontakte groups, and more precisely, to the issue of content. Content is an important component that can significantly increase your chances of promotion on social networks, so this article will be very useful for you.

And before we move on to the main thing, I would like to say a few words about the promotion of VKontakte groups. If, along with the high-quality management of your groups, the dynamics of their development is still not enough, then this fairly high-quality service will help you - Soclike. The service’s specialists are truly professionals in their field; they have been on the market for several years; all subscribers attracted by the service are real Vkontakte users. What distinguishes Soclike from many similar resources is that they are only legal and extremely safe methods attracting audiences to your groups. We use it.

I wrote a lot about content in my . I received it a couple of days ago and I hope it will be useful to you.

What type of content is there on VKontakte.

Let's start in order. VKontakte has a variety of content. The most standard is text + picture. You can also attach polls to your posts (they are needed for user engagement and activity), videos and audio recordings.

Traditionally, posts with photos and text appear on social networks. However, I advise everyone not to get stuck and give a variety of content. This is necessary so that people see that you provide different usefulness and interesting things.

Content is the foundation of everything. For example, using surveys you can find out what your subscribers like and what they don’t, and so on. The only thing to remember is that all your posts must include a photograph, since VKontakte users are mostly visual people, that is, they respond well to images. The text is simply perceived much worse.

Options for creating content for your public pages

Where can I get content for the VKontakte group? This question plagues most group administrators and those who are just starting their VKontakte business.

There are actually several options here:

  • Make unique content
  • Take content from other VKontakte groups

My personal advice is to make unique content. Firstly, users will appreciate it, and secondly, uniqueness will help attract more users. Now let's look at how to make unique content.

Where to get unique text for posts

First, let's look at where to get unique text for your posts. Again, there are several options here.

Perhaps this is the most effective method creating unique content for your communities.

Where to get photos for VKontakte posts

Now let's look at where to get photos for your VKontakte posts. Here again, you have the choice of taking from other people’s groups or finding photos from unique sources.

These are probably all the ways to get photos for your posts.

Video content for posts

Everything is simple here! There are two powerful video hosting sites where you can find a wide variety of videos. Naturally, this is and perhaps its main competitor is

Among the content, surveys and audio recordings also stand out. Everything is clear from the surveys, make them interesting for your clients, and audio recordings can be easily taken from VK itself.

Perhaps that's all about the content. For those who didn’t know where to get content, the issue is resolved, and I want to say one more important thing! Many people think that it is very important to make 10-20 posts a day. Actually this is not true. 3-5 quality posts per day is enough right time and your public will be remembered constantly. The main thing is quality, not quantity, remember this.

That's all guys. If the article was useful, subscribe to blog updates and share the link on social networks.

Content is the basis for promoting a VKontakte group, as it has always been. High-quality and interesting posts published in the community increase audience coverage and also increase the number of reposts, which has a positive effect on the natural growth of subscribers. Goodcontent plan for a VKontakte group is the only way that will allow you to quickly promote yourself in social network VK. This action plan for promoting a VK group must be excellent, then everything will work out for you.

Teamwork is important when promoting, because working together is always easier, especially when it comes to creating and adding content.

There are 4 main types of content:

  1. Audio recordings.
  2. Video.
  3. Articles.
  4. Images

To develop a competent strategy for publishing posts, a content plan is used. With its help, a schedule for publishing posts is drawn up and what type of content will be published on a given day.

An illustrative example of the use of a content plan is a community dedicated to modern technologies. The group publishes news and articles from the world of IT and science.

At the beginning of its promotion, publications in the community were published without any frequency. Sometimes, several articles could be published at once in one day, after which there would be a lull. Because of this instability, community coverage has remained at a consistently low level.

To rectify the situation, the group owner decided to develop a content plan for several months in advance, which indicated the main topics of publications, as well as exact time their exit.

This made it possible to close the problem of the lack of ideas for materials and reduce the time for searching for them. Thanks to the daily release of materials according to the previously developed plan, the community statistics went up: it increased total number likes, reposts, and a natural increase in subscribers began.

Drawing up a group content plan

To develop a competent publication strategy, you need to understand how to create a content plan.

First of all, choose the main formats for your publications based on the topics of your community.

The most common formats include:

  • news;
  • educational materials;
  • expert opinions;
  • interview;
  • podcasts in audio and video format;
  • statistical data in the form of infographics.

This can be done in the form of a table:

Release date 16.02.18 17.02.18 18.02.18 19.02.18 20.02.18 21.02.18 22.02.18
Release time 14: 00 17:00 12:00 19:00 10:00 16:00 21:00
Publication type News Interview Podcast Article News Video Article

Of course, it will be much better if you also indicate the topic of the materials. For example, news about the release of a new smartphone, an interview with a famous blogger, a podcast about the dangers of smoking, etc.

The main thing is not to post posts in the group that violate the rules of the VKontakte social network. Prohibited materials include:

  • Shock content;
  • Advertising of alcohol and tobacco;
  • Entries that are 18+ in nature.

If you don't want to create a content plan, you can always use ready-made templates.

Most often, templates are distributed in the form of tables for Excel and look like this:

To collect group activity statistics, go to the community menu.

Select the "Community Statistics" section.

A window will open in front of you with all the statistical indicators of your group.

Here you can get the following information:

  • total coverage of all publications;
  • gender and age of the target audience;
  • geography of subscribers;
  • public attendance;
  • activity of participants.

Based on this data, you can evaluate your content strategy. Increased reach, traffic and activity will confirm that your plan is working.

Creating publications – filling the group with photographs, articles and video materials

How to fill a group with content? To do this, go to the community and click on the “Add entry” area.

After that, start writing a note in the field or select the format you need:

  1. Photo. Allows you to post images.
  2. Video recording. Used to add videos.
  3. Audio recording. Adding content in audio format.
  4. Article. New mode in the form of separate articles in VK with the ability to format the text and obtain separate statistics on views, etc.

Search for ideas - where to get content to fill the public

To create high-quality and interesting materials, you need to know where to get content for the VK group.

For text format, use the following sources:

Thematic sites. Find a website or blog related to your topic. Select 10-20 topics that you think are interesting on which you can write a useful article.

Forums. Visit thematic forums, pay attention to what questions users ask. Based on this analysis, you can create a large list of topics for publications that concern your target audience.

News portals. Stay informed latest news your industry. Share this news with your subscribers. This type content is one of the easiest to create and highly sought after by users.

When creating graphic materials, use the following sites to search for high-quality images:

  1. GoodFon. A large site with images of all subjects available for free download.

  1. Shutterstock. Most large bank images in the world. More than 100 million photos are available on the site high quality. Some of them are distributed free of charge.

To search for interesting videos, use the popular video hosting YouTube. Find 5-10 channels dedicated to your topic and add these videos to your group, or get ideas for creating your own videos.

When adding other people's videos to the community, do not forget to provide a link to the author so as not to violate copyright.

Possible problems

Possible problems when creating a content plan:

Lack of ideas for publications. To solve this problem, conduct an analysis of competitor groups. See what types of content they post in their communities. How many likes and reposts does this or that type of post get?

A selection of previously uninteresting article topics. To solve this problem, you must have good taste. Find articles and photographs that interest most people. Do good video, which will be really interesting to watch several times a day. You need to understand what will be interesting for the majority tomorrow and work in this direction.

Bottom line

Using a content plan will allow you to save time searching for and creating quality publications. With careful planning and strategy, you can measure the effectiveness of your posts and increase the number of new members in the group.

VKontakte groups have long become more than just places for communication and dust collectors for the thoughts of the creators. They sell, and how! In improvised VK online stores you can keep track of company news, promotions and discounts. But feeding the client only information marked “SALE” is bad form: they will unsubscribe. How to diversify the VKontakte group using contact marketing? We have made a selection of ideas that will help generate keen interest in the group and the product.

1. Useful tips

Of course, related to your products. In a group that sells flowers, you shouldn’t talk about the rules for choosing plumbing fixtures. But a couple of phrases about how the bouquet will live longer if you cut the stems diagonally before putting it in water will catch “likes” and make the user feel: “Yes, they care about me.”

2. Interesting facts

People love to receive interesting information: caught new fact, put it in the erudition box - nice! Therefore, do not miss the opportunity in a group dedicated to clothing to tell that jeans were created by a poor man and the son of a tailor, Levi Strauss - he sewed them from canvas and began selling them to gold miners. It’s interesting and will give you something to show off to your friends.

3. Instructions for use

People are lazy and not everyone wants to come up with something on their own. Why don't you give him entire collections of instructions on how to use your product in interesting ways? In clothing groups you can create complete looks from items and accessories. Or give your clients a master class on floristry or remodeling old shoes into the designer hand-made trend. Or - instructions for installing a washing machine.

4. Inspirational phrases and thoughts

Noticed: a short remark that “You only have to trust your heart, your mother and the music” can cause a stir among 15-year-old dreamers. Anyway, motivation is God modern society. Therefore, do not neglect the opportunity to inspire clients. Even if you sell microwaves.

5. Quotes from the greats about your product

Do you remember Oscar Wilde saying something about armchairs? But he spoke about comfort: “Comfort is the only thing that civilization can give us.” Well, who can argue that it’s not about upholstered furniture?

6. Holidays

Every day is a holiday! International Thank You Day, parrot holiday, or even World Left-Handed Day. Congratulate your customers every day and give them a smile or the opportunity to congratulate a neighbor - joy will be associated with you, and the group will become an informant about holidays. Friday, by the way, is also a small holiday.

7. Polls

On abstract topics - “How are you going to spend the weekend” or on the most thematic ones - “What material of shoes do you prefer?” People are interested to see what else their fellow tribesmen think. Well, it’s a dirty trick to click on the “View answers” ​​option. By the way, in the case of the last survey, you will also receive information about activity in the group and the balance of opinions that prevail among users.

8. Videos – humor, films, tips

Actually, don't neglect the visuals. Users can be entertained with KVN selections, funny videos, the same video instructions, which, by the way, you can film yourself - the more expensive the recording. You can also recommend films. Just like that - on topic and without: clients are people too and love movies.

9. Music

Yes, you can post it too. Goes especially well with beautiful pictures. Imagine - a photograph of a refrigerator, and under it a song - “And you are as cold as an iceberg in the ocean...” Or simply - a wish to clients good morning– and cheerful dubstep :)

10. News and events

Information about fashion shows is in the group dedicated to clothing. Or about upcoming IT conferences - in a group dedicated to software sales. Inform people about what's happening in your city if location matters to sales.

11. Real activities

That is, your body movements in real world. Talk about your team - in a non-boring way, with humor - help people get to know you. Take photos of the happy owners of your product and do a short interview - a couple of lines for a VK wall will be just right! Organize promotions and also talk about them in the group.