Where in the world are monuments to Stalin installed? Where in your city was the monument to Stalin? Mari El Republic. Full size monument

For this post. Below the cut are photographs of monuments to our leader and teacher that still exist today. But, as the author writes, this is not all. I would be grateful to friends and foes for adding additions to this list. I remind you that it's coming soon. I plan to be there in person

Monument to Stalin in Moscow in the MUSEION park near the Central House of Artists

In the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War on Poklonnaya Hill in Moscow there is a bust of Stalin as one of the commanders of the Red Army.

Monument to Stalin in the courtyard of the Tretyakov Gallery

Currently, in public places in Russia, monuments to Stalin are installed in Chelyabinsk (school-gymnasium No. 2), in the village of Taiginka (Kyshtym, Chelyabinsk region), on Oktyabrskaya Square in the city of Ishim, in Vyritsa ( Leningrad region), in the Tyumen region, on railway station Skuratovo in the Tula region.

Village of Vyritsa, Leningrad region (to my shame, having a dacha nearby, I have never come across this monument - shame on me)

Bas-relief to Stalin on Communa Street in St. Petersburg. Until recently, it was covered with a special bar, but after restoration it again pleases us with the profile of the Leader.

On the stele of the Memorial in honor of 1200 guardsmen of the 11th Guards Army in Kaliningrad

Monument in Gruto Park (Lithuania)

Ukraine, Zaporozhye region, Mikhailovsky district, village Plodorodnoye
An excerpt from a newspaper article on this matter:
In the Mikhailovsky district there is the only monument to Stalin in Ukraine
And no one is encroaching on the figure of the Soviet leader. The initiator of the installation of the monument on the main street of the village of Plodorodnoye is private entrepreneur Leonid Vereshchaga.
In order to assemble the monument, three years ago we had to look for the missing parts of the figure even in a landfill. The figure of Stalin is just one of the unique “exhibits” of the history alley; there are also monuments to Lenin, Zhdanov, Sverdlov, as well as a wartime lorry and a MiG aircraft. By the way, this unique “museum” began with him, which this year celebrates its fifth anniversary. According to L. Vereshchagi, “monuments do not have artistic value, but they are symbols of their era. And to understand the future, we must not forget about the past."

Outside Russia, there are monuments in The Hague (Netherlands), Georgia (Kutaisi, Gori, Zestafoni, Sighnaghi, Dusheti, Khashuri and other places), Belarus, Ukraine, Albania

Monument to the Leader on the “Stalin Line” in Belarus.

Gori city, Georgia

Restored monument in Kutaisi, Georgia

Village "Old Ikan" in Kazakhstan.
How the monument has survived to this day: “When, after the 20th Congress of the CPSU, the statue was ordered to be demolished, the village residents opposed this. The protest of the village residents ended with the monument remaining standing in the courtyard of the village council. Later, the land on which the monument is located was purchased local resident. A house was built nearby, and the monument was left in the yard."

North Ossetia. Tseyskoye Gorge. Portrait on a stone.

Kurtatinsky Gorge, North Ossetia, Alania, village. Upper Fiagdon.

Monument to Stalin in Beslan.

This bust stands in the city of Zelenokumsk (Stavropol Territory), it was found in a pond, it was cleaned and installed on the outskirts of the city next to one of the illegal city landfills, after which the landfill began to rapidly decrease in size.

Monument in the Park-Museum of the city of Atkarsk.

Monument in the village of Taiginka, Chelyabinsk region


The monument was erected on the outskirts of The Hague in the early 90s, where the red light district soon grew. Due to repeated incidents of vandalism, at the end of 2002 the monument was moved to the area museum complex downtown.

Shkoder city, Albania.

Water tower in the city of Novgorod-Seversky, Chernigov region of Ukraine

Gurjaani. Bust of Stalin with a girl.



Monument to Stalin, Roosevelt and Chechel in Sochi.

Bust of Stalin in Vladimir.

Mirny, Yakutia.
Monument to Generalissimo Stalin from WWII veterans and grateful descendants. Opened May 9, 2005

Ishim, Tyumen region.


Albania, Tirana

And these are not all the monuments to Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin that stand all over the world in memory of this Great Man...

And today there will be a completely different topic. As you know, Stalin was the only leader of the USSR to whom monuments were erected during his lifetime. And literally in every city. In some places these were rather modest standard sculptures, and in others they were truly monumental works, which have become part of the city’s image for a long time. Thousands of tons of granite, the labor of an army of builders and the best master sculptors. Almost all of this was swept away overnight immediately after the XXII Congress of the CPSU, held in October 1961.
Now only local historians can remember where the formidable figure of the leader once stood in their city.
Let us remember too. Add information and photographs about your city.

In the center there was a rather modest sculpture opposite the entrance to Tretyakov Gallery(photo by Lawrence Monthey, 1959):

The monument, erected in 1939, after dismantling, was moved to the courtyard of the State Tretyakov Gallery.

There was another monument in the capital.

Moscow Stalin Monument on Mechanization Square (1939):



Balashov. Monument to Stalin in Kuibyshev Park

Vilnius. Monument to Stalin on the station square

Vladimir. Cathedral Square

Burn. On small homeland Stalin's monument to him lasted until June 25, 2010:

Grozny. Monument to Stalin, corner of Ordzhonikidze Ave. and st. Kr. front-line soldiers. Demolished in 1957



Kaliningrad. View of the street Zhitomirskaya and the square equipped between it and the street. Teatralnaya after the transfer of the monument to I.V. from Victory Square to this place. Stalin by E.V. Vuchetich:

Now Mother Russia stands there:

Kyiv. Monument to Stalin on the square Stalin (European) in the late 1930s:

Kislovodsk, 1954

Leningrad, Baltiysky station

Makhachkala. The area named after Stalin (now Lenin). 1940s

Minsk, Central Square 1960

Minsk, Central Square 1961

Novorossiysk. Monument to J.V. Stalin near the Moscow cinema

Omsk, 1959


Rostov-on-Don 1955

Sevastopol, railway railway station

Simferopol. Station Square, 1960-61.

Smolensk, 1963

Sochi. Monument to Stalin in the Sochi circus area on Kurortny Prospekt

Stavropol, 1955

Stalingrad, at the entrance to the Volga-Don Canal, 1958:

Stalingrad, city center:

Tallinn, 1955

Totma. The monument stood in the Freedom Fighters Park on the site of the current Victory Monument

Chernigov, Red Square, 1954

Stalin's personality today is extraordinary and ambiguous. A personality whose role in the history of the twentieth century is quite difficult to overestimate.

Some consider him a tyrant who destroyed many lives (mass repressions, the great terror of 1937, etc.). Some people associate Stalin's death with the end of terror and mass repressions and the release of millions of innocent people from prison.

Others consider him a hero, a great leader (he created a powerful state capable of competing on an equal footing with the United States, made him a nuclear power, won the Great Patriotic War, etc.)

The first monument to J.V. Stalin was made by sculptor M.Ya. Kharlamov in 1929, on the eve of the celebration of Stalin’s 50th anniversary. Monuments to Stalin of significant size, as a rule, were installed in the center of the city, village, town on main street, a square that often bore the name of Stalin himself, near administrative buildings.

In Moscow, a monument to the leader was even installed in the altar of an Orthodox church

In 1935, on Bolshaya Ordynka in the Intercession Cathedral of the Marfo-Mariinsky Convent, the House of Sanitary Education was opened. They set up a stage in the altar, placing a statue of Stalin in the High Place.

Stalin was often depicted next to Lenin. The monument was called "Lenin and Stalin in Gorki". Such monuments with minor modifications were in many cities Soviet Union.

After the 20th Congress of the CPSU, Stalin began to be removed from the twin monuments, leaving Lenin alone. In some places such monuments have survived to this day.

After the XXII Congress of the CPSU in October 1961, at which it was decided to remove Stalin’s body from the Mausoleum (burial took place on October 31, 1961) and rename the city of Stalingrad to Volgograd, almost all of the numerous monuments to Stalin that stood throughout the USSR were destroyed and dismantled as part of the final de-Stalinization.

The most famous monuments Stalin


Monument to Stalin at the All-Russian Agricultural Exhibition in Moscow

The monument was erected in 1939 for the opening of the All-Union Agricultural Exhibition (VSKhV) in front of the Mechanization and Electrification pavilion Agriculture"(now "Pavilion No. 32", better known as the Space Pavilion)

The height of the sculpture is 15 meters, the height of the pedestal is 10 meters

The monument was dismantled in 1951 in accordance with the post-war plan for the reconstruction of the All-Russian Agricultural Exhibition.

After the opening of the exhibition, a fountain appeared on the site of the old monument.

A new monument was supposed to appear on Kolkhoz Square, but in 1953 its place was taken by the ground floor of the Stone Flower fountain.

Monument to Stalin in the Muzeon Art Park in Moscow

At the 1939 World Exhibition in New York, monuments to V.I. Lenin and I.V. Stalin, made in 1938 from pink granite, were exhibited. After the exhibition, the monument to V. I. Lenin was erected in Kyiv on Bessarabia Square, and the monument to I. V. Stalin was first in Moscow in Izmailovsky Park (then Stalin PKiO), during the time of the “cult of personality” it was removed, and then, By decision of the Moscow City Council of People's Deputies on October 24, 1991, it was moved to the Park of Arts.

The monument to Stalin was a small copy of the monument in Stalingrad on the Volga-Don canal. Later, such copies appeared in many cities of the USSR.


Monuments to Stalin at the Baltic Station and on Poklonnaya Hill

Monuments to Stalin on Obukhov Defense Avenue and Srednyaya Rogatka

All of them were installed for the 70th anniversary of the leader, in 1949, and dismantled after the 20th Congress of the CPSU


Monument to Stalin in Stalingrad on the Volgo-Don Canal

The height of the sculpture is 24 meters, the height of the pedestal is 30 meters.

In 1961, Stalingrad was renamed Volgograd; 10 days later, the monument was dismantled during one night. Further fate sculpture of the leader of the peoples is unknown. After that, for 12 years there was an empty pedestal on the embankment.

In 1969, a decision was made to install a monument to Vladimir Ilyich Lenin on the pedestal.

The height of the sculpture is 27 meters, the height of the pedestal is 30 meters.


Bust of Stalin at 7031 (now 6999) km of the Trans-Siberian Railway west of the village. Amazar, Trans-Baikal Territory

The bas-relief was built during the construction of the second tracks of the Trans-Siberian Railway by unknown prisoners in 1936. The base of the bust was a stone outlier ~6 m high, located on the top of a ridge at the bend of the railway. The materials used were stone, brick, iron reinforcement and concrete. The bust, ~3 m high, covered with lime, was clearly visible from the line of the iron road.

Approaching the location of the monument, train drivers sounded a warning whistle so that passengers could see the monument to the leader.
For Stalin’s 70th birthday (December 21, 1949), spotlights began to illuminate the bust at night. Excursion groups often visited here, and a ceremonial reception for pioneers took place.
On the day of Stalin's funeral, a rally of passengers from two oncoming trains took place.
In March 1956 it was announced that there was a threat of collapse of the rock mass with the bust on railway and on September 20, 1956, the bust was blown up.


Monument to Stalin in Yerevan, Armenia

The monument was erected in 1950

In 1967, the monument was dismantled, Stalin was removed from the pedestal, and Mother Armenia was erected

Monument "Mother Armenia" in Haghtanak (Victory) Park in Yerevan

Opened in honor of the victory of the Soviet Union in the Great Patriotic War in 1967

The height of the statue is 22 meters, the height of the paste is 32 meters

At the base of the monument there is a museum of the Ministry of Defense, which displays exhibits from the Great Patriotic and Karabakh wars: personal belongings, weapons, documents and portraits of heroes. Around the pedestal are displayed samples of weapons of that time.


Monument to Stalin on Central (Oktyabrskaya) Square in Minsk, Belarus

Pedestal of the monument to Stalin on Central Square in Minsk was surrounded by Belarusian national ornaments.
It served as a reminder that Soviet Belarus owes its creation to a decisive extent to Comrade Stalin, People's Commissar for Nationalities.

On November 3, 1961, the monument was literally “razed to the ground.” In the evening, the square was cordoned off along the entire perimeter, and about two hundred onlookers watched what was happening from the park in front of the House of Officers, a residential building on the street. Engels and nearby courtyards. The monument was hooked to the torso with a hand-thick steel cable and two tank tractors got to work. On the first attempt, although the engines were roaring at full speed, the monument did not even sway - the tank tracks helplessly scratched the paving stones with which the square was paved. The second and third attempts also did not bring success. After some time, the monument to the leader was eventually shaken and toppled, and the pedestal was blown up and taken out in pieces. The resulting pit was concreted. By morning, it was even difficult to find the place where the monument stood on the square, and on November 7, a military parade and demonstration of workers took place on the renovated square.


Monument to Stalin in Budapest, Hungary

It was installed in December 1951 as a gift from the Hungarian people on Stalin's seventieth birthday (December 21, 1949).

The height of the bronze statue of Stalin is 8 meters, the height of the pedestal is 17 meters

The monument stood on Dózsa György Avenue, destroyed on October 24, 1956 by a crowd during the Hungarian Uprising of 1956.

On October 23, 1956, a crowd of rebel Hungarians destroyed the statue, leaving only his boots, in which the Hungarian flag was hoisted. Bronze inscription "Leader, teacher and best friend of the Hungarian people" was torn from its pedestal.
After the events of 1956, the empty pedestal was reconstructed and for a long time was used as a government platform during festive processions and demonstrations.
In the early 1990s, the remains of the pedestal-tribune were finally dismantled.

In 2006, in the socialist era sculpture park in Budapest (Memento Park), the brick pedestal and the lower part of the sculpture - Stalin's boots - were reproduced in a reduced form.

Stalin's chopped off boots became one of the unique symbols of the Hungarian revolution


Monument to Stalin in Gori, Georgia

Installed in 1952

The height of the statue is 6 meters, the height of the 3-tier pedestal is 9 meters.

They wanted to remove the monument in 1956 and even tried to do it, but the population of Gori pitched tents and guarded the monument day and night.

On the night of June 24-25, 2010, the monument to Stalin was dismantled for subsequent relocation. In its place a monument dedicated to those killed during the August 2008 war will be erected.

The dismantling of the statue was organized at night to avoid protests from outside local population, part of which is categorically against moving the monument. At the same time, the surrounding area was cordoned off, and journalists were not allowed to film.


Monument to Stalin in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

The monument was erected in 1949.

After the 20th Congress of the CPSU, despite the personal request of Nikita Khrushchev, the Mongolian government refused to dismantle the monument. The monument stood opposite the Mongolian National Library up to 1990.

The dismantled statue was sprinkled with milk and milk vodka. This was done so that “the spirit of Stalin, thus appeased, would never return.” The sculpture was sent for storage to the library's utility rooms, where it was kept in a specially made wooden box. The monument's pedestal was also dismantled.

In 2001, a four-meter statue of Stalin was purchased by an entrepreneur and installed in the summer cafe "Ismus".

In June 2005, in its place, a monument to Stalin was inaugurated as a monument to the Mongolian scientist B. Rinchin.


Monument to Stalin in Revolution Square in Tashkent, Uzbekistan

(Mourning meeting in March 1953)

The monument was opened in the late 40s for the anniversary of Stalin

In 1962, the monument was dismantled, and the pedestal was used for the monument “Peace, Labor, Freedom...” This monument was popularly nicknamed the “Russian-Uzbek dictionary.” It stood until 1968. From 1968 to 1993 there was a monument to Marx on this site.

On August 31, 1994, on the eve of the third anniversary of the independence of Uzbekistan, the square was renamed “Amir Temur Square”, and in its center was opened new monument- bronze equestrian monument to Tamerlane.

In November 2009, the old elms and plane trees, many of which were more than 100 years old and which were a symbol of the square, were cut down by decision of the authorities and everything became bare again.


Monument to Stalin in Odessa, Ukraine

IN post-war years in the city garden they created a giant model of the USSR on the lawn. And in the middle stood a monument to the leader. Odessa residents who lived at that time still remember the post-war years with the words: “It was hungry to live. But it was fun.” The terrible war was over.


Monument to Stalin in Prague ("The people of Czechoslovakia - their liberator")

Nikita Khrushchev came to the opening of the monument and presented it to the creators of the Order of Lenin.

The weight of the monument is 14,000 tons, length - 22, width - 12 and height - 15 meters, consists of 32 thousand stone fragments

After the 20th Congress of the CPSU, at which the First Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee N.S. Khrushchev sharply criticized I.V. Stalin, it was decided to dismantle the monument. In 1962 sculptural composition was blown up. After the first explosion, only the granite facing blocks crumbled, exposing reinforced concrete structure. In order to completely destroy the monument, a second and third explosion was required. The latter was held on the eve of the celebration of the 45th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution, on November 7, 1962. The operation to eliminate the sculpture cost 4.5 million crowns, while construction cost 140 million (according to some sources, 260 million crowns).

In 1991 in Prague, during the General Czechoslovak Exhibition, on the site of the monument to Stalin, it was decided to place a giant metronome on the old pedestal. The length of the rod was 20 meters. According to the original plan, the metronome was supposed to be dismantled at the end of the exhibition, but then the city authorities decided to leave the attraction.

The Club “For Old Prague” came up with an unusual idea: to add to the list historical monuments, protected by the state, the base of the former monument to Joseph Stalin. The club's proposal stems from the fact that the magistrate is mulling over the idea of ​​opening an Oceanarium at 250 sea ​​fish, under which, in particular, the granite platform of the monument will be used.

Russia - 93
Ukraine - 10
Georgia - 35
South Ossetia - 3
Lithuania - 3
Estonia - 2
Azerbaijan - 2
Belarus - 5
Kazakhstan - 3
Tajikistan - 2
Uzbekistan - 2
Czech Republic - 5
China - 3
Netherlands - 3
USA - 2

Monuments to Stalin were also erected in Belgium, Hungary, India, Albania, Mongolia, Germany, Slovakia....

In the post-Soviet period, old monuments to Stalin were restored and new ones were installed, primarily in many cities and towns of Georgia (Kutaisi, Zestafoni, Zemo-Alvani, Sighnaghi, Dusheti, Khashuri, Tkibuli and other places), Dagestan (Chokh), North and South Ossetia (Vladikavkaz, Mozdok, Beslan, Chikola, Ardon, Mizur, Digora, Alagir, Zmeyskaya, Nogir, Kadgaron).

In addition to North Ossetia, monuments to Stalin in Russia are installed in public places in Moscow, Vladimir, Sochi, Novocherkassk, Nizhny Novgorod, Atkarsk, Mirny, Chelyabinsk (school-gymnasium No. 2), in the village of Taiginka (Kyshtym, Chelyabinsk region), now the monument from Taiginka has been moved to the city of Satka, Orenburg, Tambov, Chita, Penza, on Oktyabrskaya Square in the city of Ishim, in Vyritsa (Leningradskaya region), in the Tyumen region, in the museum of the Skuratovo railway station in the Tula region and other places.

Most of the modern monuments to Stalin are in North Ossetia, as well as newly discovered monuments in Orenburg, Penza, pp. Sadovoe and Tambov, are typical busts cast from concrete according to the model of the Ossetian sculptor M. N. Dzboev.

In the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War on Poklonnaya Hill in Moscow there is a bust of Stalin as one of the commanders of the Red Army. The issue of installing a monument to Stalin on Poklonnaya Hill in Moscow was discussed. In 2009, according to the chief architect of Moscow Alexander Kuzmin, it was planned to return the monument to Stalin to the lobby of the Moscow metro station "Kurskaya", but the former mayor of Moscow Yu. M. Luzhkov denied this statement.

In Kaliningrad in 2005, on the stele of the memorial to 1,200 guardsmen of the 11th Guards Army who died during the storming of Koenigsberg, the Medal “For the Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945” was engraved. with Stalin's profile.

In the village of Starye Burasy, Saratov region, there are two monuments to Lenin and Stalin standing next to each other. full height. It is unknown whether these are new monuments or those preserved from Soviet times.

In the village of Konevo, Arkhangelsk Region, near the local substation, a life-size monument to Stalin has been preserved. Most likely, this is not a new monument, but an old one, preserved since the 1950s.

In the early 2000s (in 2001 and 2003) there were several attempts to install a bust of Stalin on the central square of Makhachkala, for which permission was received from the city administration, but it subsequently revoked it. In 2005, on one of the buildings located on Station Square in Makhachkala, Memorial plaque with a bas-relief of Stalin, in memory of J.V. Stalin’s stay at Port-Petrovsky Station in 1920.

In the village of Lashmanka, Cheremshansky district of Tatarstan, there is a full-length monument to Stalin (model from the 1930s).

In the village of Dolina, Ussuri District, Primorsky Territory, busts of Lenin and Stalin were installed in a private courtyard called the “Alley of Communism”.

On May 9, 2012, a bust of J.V. Stalin was installed in the center of the village of Novokayakent, Kayakent region of Dagestan.

Outside of Georgia, Russia, South Ossetia, monuments to Stalin have been installed or restored in some places in Belarus (in the cities of Slutsk, Svisloch), Lithuania (in the city of Druskininkai), Azerbaijan (in the villages of Alibeyli, Gakh district and Astrokhanovka, Oguz region), Ukraine, as well as Albania , the Netherlands (in the cities of Amsterdam, The Hague) and in many cities and towns of China (in the cities of Harbin, Shenyang, Changchun, etc.).

On May 5, 2010, in the Ukrainian Zaporozhye, communists erected a bust of Stalin on the territory of the headquarters of the regional party committee. This caused a mixed reaction both among the citizens of Zaporozhye and in Ukraine as a whole. The bust was blown up by unknown assailants on December 31, 2010. The communists restored the monument to Stalin for the next anniversary October revolution. On November 7, 2011, the monument to Stalin was unveiled in its original location. Along with him, a monument to Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya was erected.

In June 2012, a monument to Stalin was erected in Bratislava (Slovakia) on Stura Square

Near Odessa under open air The Museum of Monuments of the USSR was opened, in which monuments to Lenin and Stalin are located.. On the eve of Victory Day over Germany, on May 8, 2013, a monument was opened - a bust of Stalin in Yakutsk, on the territory of one of the diamond mining enterprises of the republic. It is the third in Yakutia. The first was opened in 2005 in the city of Mirny, and the second in 2009 in the village of Amga, Amginsky district of Yakutia. The opening of the monument caused protests from human rights activists and the local Yakut and Lena diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church.

On September 1, 2013, in a solemn ceremony on the initiative of public organization“Stallineli” unveiled a monument to Stalin in Telavi (Georgia). However, on September 7, city authorities demanded that the monument be dismantled within five days. The monument was dismantled on December 31, 2014.

In Volgograd, a new monument was erected on the territory of the Prichal Recreation Center.

On February 4, 2015, in Crimea, in Yalta, on the territory of the Livadia sanatorium, on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the Yalta Conference, a monument to the “Great Three” Stalin, Churchill and Roosevelt was erected.

February 22, 2016 on the territory of the branch of the State Budgetary Educational Institution "Military Historical Museum-Reserve" Memorial Complex"Stalin Line", on the initiative of financial support Russian Military Historical Society, a bust was erected to the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the USSR, Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin.

"Stalin Line", was in the 20th century one of the most powerful systems of military-technical fortifications, which are on a par with the French Maginot Line, the German Siegfried Line, and the Finnish Mannerheim Line.”

Complex "Ostrovsky fortified area" is a fragment of the “Stalin Line” - a system of key defensive structures on the “old” (that is, before 1940) border of the USSR, consisting of fortified areas (UR) from the Karelian Isthmus to the shores of the Black Sea. The complex consists of fortifications from the late 30s in the form of bunkers with field fortifications - trenches, dugouts, various anti-personnel and anti-tank obstacles and obstacles, a collection of rare equipment, a memorial military burial,” the museum’s website reports.

Today they are quite careful about installing monuments to Stalin, for example, in Saratov we have Victory Park - an open-air museum, where they do not dare to erect a monument to him, among our great commanders: Alexander Nevsky, Mikhail Kutuzov, Fyodor Ushakov, Pyotr Nakhimov, Alexander Suvorov, Peter the Great, Dmitry Donskoy, Georgy Zhukov, Konstantin Rokossovsky.

Victory Park in the Great Patriotic War, without the author of Victory... It’s strange, to say the least, because... and Zhukov, and even more so Rokossovsky, could not imagine Victory without Stalin.
In my opinion, there should be another bust in this row, both from the point of view of historical truth, and from the point of view of the re-Sovietization taking place among us. Bust mounted with support The Russian Military Historical Society is clear evidence of this. Perhaps this event was a hidden signal to pay back what was deserved. “For the Motherland, for Stalin” is it not a shame to say again?

Other “voices” are also heard, Ramzan Kadyrov stated :
« kadyrov_95 Seventy-two years ago, Joseph Stalin deported the Chechen and Ingush peoples. The operation was led by Lavrentiy Beria. And may they both be damned forever and ever! Millions of soldiers and officers died on the fronts of the Second World War, and Stalin sent them to reprisal Chechen people 120 thousand people. During the operation, about 800 residents of Chechnya were shot. The losses of the people exceeded 54% of their number. Stalin and Beria also dealt with a dozen other nations».

I would remind Ramzan that there really is a tragedy of the Chechen and other peoples, just as there is a Victory over absolute shaitans, which was achieved to the Soviet people huge blood. If we had then lost the Caucasus (historians claim that the threat was quite real), it is not known what the outcome of the war would have been. And did the war in the Caucasus end after the Second World War? I urge you to consider not your individual grief, which exists, but also the general grief of the entire Soviet Union. Ramzan himself knows that in war, victory and tragedy are shoulder to shoulder. When defending your Fatherland, what can you sacrifice and where is the measure for this when everything is at stake? Everything for the front, everything for Victory!

The figure of Stalin cannot be separated from the Victory, which we honor throughout the country, just as it is impossible to separate it from repression. But in the end we must agree with all of us multinational country, to be honest, Stalin is a complex historical figure, where the milestones of history, victorious and tragic, are intertwined. They need to be understood based on facts and given an unambiguous assessment. And put an end to the curses and crazy praises.