Is a black rat in a dream an ominous symbol or a timely warning? Why do you dream of a black and white rat?

Not everyone knows why a black rat dreams, but you really want to unravel your dream, because it doesn’t give you peace.

You dreamed of a black rat

Basically, any black animal in your dream indicates that this is your immediate environment, that is, family, friends, other half or colleagues. This largely depends on who you saw in the dream, what was around him and what you yourself did. It’s not difficult to answer the question why you dream of a black rat; it means that conspiracies, an envious attitude, anger await you, and the color of the rat itself only aggravates these circumstances. A woman who saw a rat in a dream would quarrel with her neighbors.

In the interpreter of Medea, the rat reflects both its emotions and feelings of guilt in front of its family and friends. Another Italian dream book says that this rodent comes in a dream to people who are very worried that they may lose their success, profit or their power. Since rats don't live in good places, but they run closer to the cereals, where it’s warm, and no one will touch them.

Behavior of a black rat in a dream

When you see in a dream that a black rat is biting your finger, this is a very bad sign. In such a situation, you need to concentrate on your main problem and try to make every effort to solve it in the very next few days. Otherwise, everything will end not as you wanted, but very badly. In a dream where a black rat climbs onto your shoulder, it speaks of parental pressure on you, that you do not want to obey someone else, or simply alienation.

If a black rat runs away from the house, this means a warning that says that you should either move from this apartment or house, or simply change the situation if it is not possible to move out. When a rat chews something in a dream, it means that a financial crisis awaits you, then you need to save up more money and make provisions for the future. When you set a mousetrap for a rat in a dream, then real life All the plans of your enemies will be revealed to you, and if it falls into a mousetrap, then you will be able to defeat your enemies.

If, on the contrary, she escapes from the mousetrap, then this predicts the collapse of all your plans, and everything you have planned will not happen. When a black rat crawls into bed in your dream, it means that a serious and serious illness awaits you. And when the same dream is dreamed by a person who is very seriously ill, on the contrary, it promises his complete recovery.

What does such a dream portend?

There is no doubt that when a person dreams of a black rat, he gets scared and upset, because all its meanings have only negative connotations. But nevertheless there is a positive point. When you manage to catch a rat in a dream, this dream suggests that good luck will soon await you real life. And if you were able to kill a black rat in your dream, then this will bring you victory in your endeavors and achievement of plans in real life. If you kill a rat with your own hands, then success awaits you in real life, you will be able to reveal all the intrigues against you and defeat your enemies.

If a rat in a dream died from being hit by some object, then good luck awaits you in labor activity. For example, you may get a promotion in your career or some new unusual position, or a salary increase. A dream in which you made friends with a black rat or simply talked to it foreshadows a good and devoted friend in real life, or you will enlist support from old and good friends, proven over the years.

If you had a dream from Friday to Saturday, then the rat will mean some kind of good and profitable deal or just a big profit. If an unmarried lady had this dream, then it means for her the appearance of a rich man with whom she will have serious and long relationship and most likely they will lead to a wedding.

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Usually, if you dream about a rat, you should be a little wary. In general, seeing her in a dream is not entirely good sign. In most cases, she dreams of betrayal. They say that if you dreamed of a rat, then you need to expect a quarrel with some person, because he will soon set you up in some matter.

What if you dream about a black rat?

The black rat is most often dreamed of before very important matters. It is worth noting that everyone has enemies. And having any opportunity to frame a person, they will do anything. Sometimes it turns out that a close friend or good acquaintance can do something nasty.

Therefore, you cannot be sure that the dream will not come true. Everything happens at the most unexpected moment. Almost all dream books have the same interpretation - enemies and quarrels. However, there are still details by which you can even find out which person intends to betray or take revenge.

It is worth paying attention to the size, color, and activity of the rat. It is also advisable to remember what this animal did in a dream. Many people dream of a dead rat. But that doesn't mean everything is fine. Here it is better to weigh everything and try not to tell anything to friends, acquaintances and even friends. After all, nothing is known for sure yet, and perhaps we need to wait.

It is important to read the interpretation of sleep in different sources. It is advisable that these are books of a very old edition. If this is not possible, then you can go to city ​​library. In general, everyone in the house should have a dream book. That's enough useful book which can help avoid unpleasant situations.

Many people say that if a person sees a dead rat in a dream, then this is a sign of victory over enemies. However, it's not quite that simple. Psychic, Dmitry Volkov, says that this means envy. That is, the rat is dead and it cannot do anything, but the feeling of envy cannot physically cause harm.

So, if someone reassures that dead rat, dreams about something good, then you shouldn’t believe it. Of course, none of the people show this. Therefore, this person could be anyone. But when you dream of a live rat, it’s much worse, especially if it’s big and fat.

So the enemy is also enough big man in every sense of the word. Here it is important to pay attention to your own boss. Perhaps he is up to something somewhere. Sometimes, attentiveness and caution can save a person from impending danger. Maybe it's worth thinking about?

What does it portend?

In general, if you look at Miller’s dream book, you can find out that a rat portends deception and betrayal. Tsvetkov’s dream book is not far behind him. It says that this animal brings tears in dreams. If we take for comparison modern dream book, then its interpretation is practically no different from all others.

Everywhere the rat symbolizes nothing but misfortune. However, if a person killed rats in a dream, then there is a high probability that he will soon recognize his enemy and expose all his insidious plans. In this case, you need to be as careful as possible, because the rat can bite.

And this is usually a very bad sign. In general, if the question arises, why do you dream? black rat, then you should expect a bad answer. But you absolutely cannot fall into depression. After all, God specifically gives a sign so that a person knows about the danger awaiting him. But, of course, you shouldn’t remain indifferent to this.

It is also worth noting that if you had a dream on some church holiday, then it will come true in the shortest possible time. And from Thursday to Friday all dreams tend to come true. The fact is that Jesus Christ was crucified on Friday. Therefore, this day is considered very important and mysterious for otherworldly forces.

Of course, to believe or not to believe is everyone’s business. However, in most cases it turns out that the dream comes true. But don’t despair if in the dream book terrible interpretation, because you can’t escape fate! Therefore, it is better to take these signs into account and be a little more careful.

Why do you dream of a Rat in a dream according to the dream book?

A dream about a rat reflects your dissatisfaction with yourself and your hostile attitude towards others. Also pay attention to your own health; your health may worsen.

Who dreamed of a rat?

A woman dreamed of a rat

A woman dreams of a rat - in your environment there are hypocritical individuals, secret enemies, ill-wishers plotting deception against you. You should be more attentive to strangers.

Pregnant woman dreams of a rat

A rat for a pregnant woman, according to Felomena’s dream book, is associated with fertility. You should expect the birth of a large and healthy baby, and the possibility of twins or twins is possible.

What kind of rat did you dream about?

Dreaming of a tame rat

A dream about a tame rat portends prosperity family relations, end of financial difficulties. Enemies will bypass you, and luck will accompany you in any matter.

I dreamed about a domestic rat

A domestic rat is dreamed of as a symbol of people's deceptive appearance. You should be selective in your relationships with people from your close circle; there may be traitors among them.

Seeing a little rat in a dream

The dream book regards a small rat as deception on the part of an admirer or lover. You will be betrayed by a person whose loyalty you had no doubt at all.

Dreaming of a kind rat

I dreamed of a kind rat - expected profits and an improvement in the financial situation. You will be able to find a fairly easy way out of a difficult situation.

I dreamed of a decorative rat

Why do you dream about a decorative rat? An unexpected surprise is coming or good news, which will cause you a lot positive emotions, joy for loved ones.

Seeing a red rat in a dream

A red rat in a dream promises anxiety and trouble. The animal symbolizes a traitor who has appeared in your environment. If you have a family or a relationship with a lover, it is possible that your opponent will intensify his actions and can destroy everything.

I dreamed of a pregnant rat

A dream about a pregnant rat promises household chores. It is possible that they will begin on your initiative. This could be general cleaning, repairs, or a simple change in the interior, rearranging furniture.

If you dream of a running rat

A running rat dreams of travel. In the near future there will be a desire to see new places or break out of the daily routine. Don't resist it, go on a trip for a couple of days or weeks.

Seeing a giving birth rat in a dream

The dream book considers a giving birth rat as bad sign. Soon a new enemy will appear on the horizon. Be careful, it can be extremely dangerous.

Bald rat according to the dream book

If you dreamed of a bald rat, you can rejoice because the enemy will weaken and will not be able to continue his machinations. You can leave him alone, or you can take advantage of the situation - your choice.

Dreaming of a pink rat

Why do you dream about a pink rat? As a rule, this dream is a warning that one of your friends is a traitor, although he convinces you otherwise. Beware of cunning and resourceful people.

Why do you dream about a fat rat?

You see a fat rat in a dream - there is a reason to enjoy life. In the near future you will be able to make a very impressive profit. The main thing is to manage it wisely.

Seeing a fat rat in a dream

A dream about a fat rat symbolizes the emergence of an influential enemy. It's worth taking a closer look at your boss. It is possible that he has some not very honest plans.

I dreamed of a fried rat

A fried rat dreams of unforeseen circumstances. You should stay away from tempting offers and adventures, and also not interfere where they are not asked.

What did you do with the rat in your dream?

Catch a rat according to the dream book

If you dream that you caught a rat, you will be able to cope with the danger. Catching a rat with your hands - you are disgusted by the base actions of people; you prefer to deal with your enemies in honest ways.

Feeding a rat in a dream

Feeding a rat, according to the dream book, means making wise decisions, as well as active actions that can correct the situation. Think about the implementation of your plans, consider everything down to the smallest detail, this will increase the likelihood of their implementation.

I dream that I strangled a rat

If you dreamed that you strangled a rat, you are expecting victory in business, good luck on the love front, and a winning resolution of disputes or conflicts. Try to control your emotions and show restraint.

I dreamed that we were petting a rat

Why do you dream of petting a rat? Credulity will play a cruel joke on you. You will warm the snake on your chest and allow a traitor who is preparing intrigues against you into your inner circle.

Eat a rat in a dream

If you ate a rat in a dream, your enemies do not know about the strength of your potential. You will be able to deal them a crushing blow, which can ruin their insidious plans for you for a long time.

Chasing a rat in a dream

Chasing a rat - such a dream indicates the need to be careful in communicating with people from your close circle. Among your friends there are hidden enemies that will not be easy to detect.

Why do you dream of chasing away a rat?

If you dream that you are driving away a rat, then victory over an insidious enemy awaits you. Drive away the black rat - you will be able to deal with envious people in the most effective way.

Drive out a rat in a dream

According to the dream book, driving out a rat means solving a difficult problem, dealing with a long-standing matter that haunts you. You will be able to settle all matters as best as possible, but you will have to try a lot.

What did you see in your dream with a rat?

Dream about rats and cockroaches

If you dreamed about rats and cockroaches, there are many ill-wishers and envious people around you, but their threats will be empty, they will not be able to cause real harm to you or your business.

I dreamed about rats and kittens

Why do you dream about rats and kittens? Your defenselessness against human meanness is too obvious. You should be more careful in communicating with those around you; perhaps you will be able to identify a traitor among your friends and prevent him from carrying out his plans.

What did the rat do in the dream?

The rat ran in a dream

If you dreamed that a rat was running, dangers await you. Be extremely focused and attentive in reality, then the situation will be under your control. Seeing a large running rat is lucky. A black rat runs away from home - you urgently need to move or radically change the situation in your home.

A rat gave birth to pups in a dream

Why do you dream about a rat giving birth to baby rats? The dream has a clearly negative interpretation. Soon you will make an enemy who will not be so easy to deal with. You should initially be more careful when communicating with strangers.

The rat smiled in his sleep

To see a rat smiling in a dream means getting into a dangerous situation. You should not take it lightly; everything may turn out to be more serious than it seems at first glance.

What did the rat do in the dream?

Rat in the room

I dreamed of a rat in the water

A rat in the water is described in Felomena’s dream book as an enemy that can greatly harm you, darken your existence, and ruin your reputation. Be careful when dealing with suspicious individuals.

Dreaming of a rat in a cage

I dreamed of a rat in a cage - idle conversations, minor failures, and gossip are expected. Try not to let others in on your plans, especially if you are not sure of the selflessness of their thoughts.

Seeing a rat on a leash in a dream

Why do you dream of a rat on a leash? Despite your manner of keeping everything under control, including your relationships with people, danger can still take you by surprise.

Why do you dream of a rat in bed?

Seeing a rat in bed in a dream means there is an insidious enemy in your environment who has managed to get close enough to you. Be especially careful with friends you aren't sure about.

How many rats were there in the dream?

Dreaming of a pack of rats

The dream book considers a flock of rats as your shortcomings, especially if you have not come into contact with rats. Think about your own worldview, analyze your behavior in lately, you might want to fix something.

What did you dream about that had to do with the rat?

Seeing rat droppings in a dream

If you dreamed about rat droppings, expect a new addition to your family; soon you or one of your close relatives will have a child. It is possible that you will receive important news.

I dreamed about rat shit

Why do you dream about rat shit? A very pleasant surprise is expected. For those who own their own plot of land, the dream promises a rich harvest and fertile soil.

How are other dream books interpreted?

Vanga's Dream Book

Dream Interpretation Big Rat

Why do you dream about a big Rat in a dream according to the dream book?

I dreamed about it big rat- expect important things to begin. Be careful with your friends and acquaintances, some of them are capable of committing meanness.

A huge rat symbolizes the gigantic size of difficulties and problems that have befallen you and require immediate solutions.

Where was the big rat?

I dreamed of a big rat in the house

Why do you dream of a big rat in the house? Expect the beginning of a streak of disasters, failures and problems. You have to withstand many tests of strength prepared by fate.

What did you do with the big rat in your dream?

Kill a big rat in a dream

Killed a big rat in a dream - you will be able to find a hypocrite, a traitor in your own environment. The dream also indicates the ability to escape from an unfair action against you.

What did the big rat do?

I dreamed that a big rat bit

A dream where a big rat bites you promises big troubles in the family, deteriorating health, difficulties, problems at work. You must gather all your strength for the fight and prepare yourself for it mentally.

Dream Interpretation Rat

If you saw a Rat in a dream or had to Catch a Rat in a dream, Dream Interpretations advise you to reconsider your surroundings as carefully as possible. A rat for you may turn out to be some cunning, dishonest person who uses you in every possible way in reality. In general, Dream Interpretations claim that Rats and Mice in a dream are not the most favorable sign, which promises you various kinds of troubles and problems.

I dreamed of a rat, Rats and mice in a dream, Many rats in a dream, Dreamed of two rats- troubles, bad news; illnesses and problems; otherwise - a negative emotional mood.

I dreamed of a white rat- the road to the treasure; help and support from unexpected quarters.

I dreamed of a gray rat- an insidious woman.

I dreamed of a black rat- enemy.

The color of the Rat you saw in your dream will help you make a forecast- what kind of events await you in the coming days in real life.

Eat a rat in a dream- major troubles and disappointments; to illness.

Be careful - in reality you are now at a very high risk of various types of infectious diseases.

I dreamed of a rat without a tail or a dead rat- troubles will pass by.

Strangle a rat in a dream, Kill a rat- victory over an unpleasant person.

Dead or destroyed by you Rat in a dream- an encouraging sign, Predicting that in reality you will be able to neutralize a cunning and unpleasant person, troubles, troubles and problems will pass you by.

A rat bites in a dream- you will suffer from some cunning and deceitful person.

Catching a rat in a dream- desire to get rid of an unpleasant person.

Stroking a rat in a dream- to betrayal.


Dream Interpretation BROWN RAT dreamed of why there is a BROWN RAT in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a BROWN RAT in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Rats

Dream Interpretation - Rat

Dream Interpretation - Rat

Dream Interpretation - Rats

Dream Interpretation - Rats

Dream Interpretation - Rat

Dream Interpretation - Rat

Dream Interpretation - Rat

Dream Interpretation - Rat

Seeing rats in a dream means that you will be deceived and beaten by your neighbors. Quarrels with your companions are also possible. Grabbing a rat in a dream means that you will despise human baseness and will defeat your enemies with dignity. Killing a rat in a dream is a sign of victory in any business and in any situation.

Dream Interpretation - Rat

The appearance of rats in a dream means serious quarrels and clashes with neighbors. Conflicts with your colleagues are also possible. Grabbing a rat in a dream means disdaining human baseness. You will show dignity in encounters with your opponents. Killing a rat in a dream is a sign of victory in any business and in any situation.

White-brown rat

Dream Interpretation Rat white-brown dreamed of why you dream about a white-brown rat? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a white-brown Rat in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - White Rat

Hidden danger.

Dream Interpretation - White Rat

One of the wonderful animals, sometimes speaking, in a dream symbolizes unexpected, but dubious (!) enrichment, profit, prosperity, family happiness, based on unseemly affairs and connections, unclean aspirations. Occasionally, it indicates real treasures and represents help in business (or rather, a form of perception in a dream of a future event with a successful but dishonest deal). In general, the white rat is a great success, material success with bad consequences and often a tragic outcome. The energetic influences of the original prophetic plot of the dream, in which the main element was this “wonderful animal,” can be traced using a specific example. After accepting help from a white rat in a dream, one man after some time suddenly became rich in reality, but over time he became addicted to alcohol and eventually became an alcoholic, who eventually lost his family and health.

Dream Interpretation - Rats

Seeing rats in a dream means the appearance of secret enemies that are not so easy to get rid of. Huge, impudent rats running around the house in reality foreshadow family troubles and insincerity of friends, business discord and losses. If in a dream you set a trap for rats, it means that in reality you will become aware of the intentions of your enemies. A rat caught in a trap foreshadows a robbery of an apartment or a scandal with neighbors. Kill a rat - get rid of slander and rivalry. A dead rat means a contagious disease. To drive rats out of the room, wielding a poker or something of the like, is a struggle with varying success and disastrous results. If you are afraid of rats in a dream, in reality you will end up in an unpleasant situation and be falsely accused. To grab a rat with your hands - you will experience disgust for a low, vile person. Seeing a cat catching a rat means you will receive life-saving support in time. If a cat eats a rat before your eyes, you will witness an unpleasant family scene in the house of your friends.

Dream Interpretation - Rat

The rat is a symbol of pickiness, fastidiousness, fertility, death, and good luck. Seeing a sea of ​​rats eating crops - this dream warns that if measures are not taken to preserve the land and intelligently exterminate pests agriculture, this could turn into an environmental disaster that will lead to famine. Seeing an unusually beautiful white rat riding in a carriage means that negotiations with a northern power will not be as easy as it seems at first glance. The dream warns that appearances are deceptive and a penchant for luxury does not indicate a soft character and a willingness to compromise. Seeing pairs of rats walking along the street like people is a harbinger of what conservationists will declare in 2020 as the year of the sanctity of living things. Seeing a ship driven by rats - this symbol means that before the era of universal prosperity, you will have to go through a difficult period, which will begin with a flood in 2066. Seeing people preparing a dish from rats means that 2008 will be marked by widespread worship of rats, experiments on which will make it possible to discover a medicine that is very necessary for humans. Seeing people with rat tails is a sign that warns of illness and should make you think about health and concern for life safety. Seeing rats preparing to attack is a harbinger of aggression from Great Britain.

Dream Interpretation - Rat

Rats dream of quarrels, so try not to aggravate relations with anyone. If in a dream you grabbed a rat, then you will be able to adequately defeat your enemies. If you killed a rat in a dream, you will become a winner in any business and in any situation. According to Nostradamus, the rat is a symbol of legibility, fastidiousness, fertility, good luck and... death. The dream in which huge amount rats eat crops, talking about crop failure. If you saw an unusually beautiful white rat riding in a carriage, keep in mind that appearances are deceptive and a penchant for luxury does not indicate strength of character and a tendency to compromise. If you dreamed about people with rat tails, take care of your health and safety. D. Loff wrote: “In modern world Rats are almost universally treated with contempt. For most people, dreams about rats indicate their fears of becoming lonely scavenger eaters - losing friends and becoming outcasts. According to another version, the sleeper feels that his public safety has begun to leak. Unlike theft, which occurs with lightning speed, rats destroy their environment gradually.”

Dream Interpretation - Rats

In the modern world, rats are almost universally treated with contempt. The reputation of garbage-eating carriers of infection always precedes them wherever they appear. However, some people keep rats as PETS, their attitude towards them is, of course, different. For most people, dreams about rats indicate their fears of becoming lonely scavenger eaters - losing friends and becoming outcasts. According to another version, the sleeper feels that his public safety has begun to leak. Unlike theft, which occurs with lightning speed, rats destroy their environment gradually. In reality, do you perceive rats as pets or as dangerous predators? In your dream, do rats pose a serious threat to your health and property, or are they simply a nuisance with their presence?

Dream Interpretation - Rat

Seeing rats means a lot of enemies. A woman sees herself holding a rat - foretells the birth of a child. Catching a rat means meeting an unreliable person or that people are preparing trouble for you. Seeing a cat catch a rat is a sign of prosperity. Seeing a rat in a hole means your home is being robbed. If a man saw that he was bitten by a rat, there would be trouble.

Dream Interpretation - Rats

Why are there rats in a dream? You dreamed of rats... In general, rats, like other “carriers of infection” (!), dream exclusively of diseases. Pay attention to the size of rats in your dreams! How they behave, their quantity, quality... If there are 2-3 rats in a dream, then the illness will not be long or severe; if there are a lot of rats, especially if they are large, and even worse, if the rats hiss, pounce, attack you, and even try to eat you (and there are such sizes, it’s a dream!), then the situation is bad: you will either have a sharp, either a protracted illness or its threshold... The beginning.

Dream Interpretation - Rat

Rats in a dream are dangerous enemies. They can also mean our loved ones who cause us constant trouble and grief. Killing a rat in a dream is a symbol of victory over an enemy or troubles. Such a dream also means that you are intolerant of human weaknesses and will not put up with meanness, cowardice, and hypocrisy. Stroking a rat in a dream is a harbinger of trouble from a person whom you considered your friend and whom you trusted. A white rat in a dream is your hidden enemy. See interpretation: animals, beasts. Skinning it in a dream means that you will be able to outwit an insidious enemy and profit at his expense. The main thing is that the skin does not tear during sleep, because this is the most valuable thing a rat has.

Dream Interpretation - Rat

Dreaming of rats are secret or obvious enemies that are difficult to get rid of. Such dreams are a sign of misfortune, failure, and illness. Quarrels with neighbors, partners, colleagues are possible. Fighting rats means suffering from deception, rudeness, arrogance, and betrayal. Catching a rat means great luck. Kill a rat - defeat your opponent. A white rat is a hidden danger, someone’s location that you don’t need at all.

Rat white brown

Dream Interpretation - Rat

To illness. If you kill or expel a rat, then this sign indicates a successful completion of the disease. A conversation with a cunning, but very smart person. If the rat is black, the meaning of the dream is enhanced.

Dream Interpretation - Rat

Internal feelings of anger, shame, guilt. A sign of violent influence or a harbinger of illness. If a rat bites you, the dream foreshadows failure and illness. If you killed a rat, you will overcome difficulties and avoid alien interference.

Dream Interpretation - Brown

Brown is the color of earth. It is necessary to return to your roots or to the origins of the problems.

Dream Interpretation - Rat

If you dreamed that a rat was crawling on you, then in the near future you will experience success in love affairs. To avoid any problems, always carry some cheese with you. If you dreamed of a dead rat, then someone is very jealous. To prevent this person from harming you, always wear a gold chain on your left leg.

Dream Interpretation - Rat

Hunting a rat means anxiety, but at the same time the rat is a symbol of material well-being.

Dream Interpretation - Brown color

Always associated with the earth. Do you feel the need to be more grounded? The leaves turn brown in the fall. Do you need to take advantage of your resources now? .

Dream Interpretation - Rats

Seeing rats in a dream is a warning about many enemies that will cause you worry and anxiety. For lovers, this dream means a rival who has enormous influence on your betrothed, who will do everything to oust you from her heart and take your place. The dream also warns that some imaginary friend is trying to disturb your happiness and peace of mind.

Dream Interpretation - Rat

The Rat is a sign that you need to be more careful in life, since you have enemies who wish you harm. Eating rat meat in a dream means victory over danger and evil.

Dream Interpretation - Rat

Rats are enemies.

Dream Interpretation - Rats

Rats are enemies that need to be gotten rid of.

Brown rat

A choice is always a choice. If you are married, then such a dream may indicate your fatigue from this type of cohabitation. Marriage requires revitalization or revision of the partner. The second part of the dream is a continuation of the first! That man in a dream is the other half of your life. It dies in your subconscious, and, emphasizing its illusory nature, it ultimately remains alive. And here is the logic - the denouement in the third part of the dream! If you are truly married, then your marriage is in jeopardy. A man connected by your subconscious with work is exactly your choice (brown shoes - “your pair”, albeit shoes). If nothing is holding you back in your marriage, then most likely the time is not far off when they will start to wear you out, excuse the allegory. And remember this is just a dream! Fate is in your hands, and dreams are just lanterns - beacons, you choose where to turn the sail!

Dream Interpretation - Imitation of death, new men's brown shoes

Recently you decided (shelf, expression - put on shelves) with the topic of choosing (shop) a life partner (men's shoes). You admitted to yourself that yes, there are a lot of men around in general (black shoes), but there is one who is not like everyone else / in your loving eyes / (brown low shoes) and only to him does your heart lie (you liked the most). The heart also tells you that this is a successful, promising choice (beautiful; you always dream of beautiful things! Good luck). From 12 to 13 - sleep on the new moon. What you have been thinking about for a long time and intensely, what is most relevant to you. Although this dream is also about a partner, the theme of your “expansion”, so to speak, comes first (dream with the Moon in Sagittarius). What you didn’t allow yourself before, what you limited yourself in, what you didn’t even dare to think about, what you buried the hope for (a man died). As it turned out, it was the temporary death of your brown boots, your beloved. Now you have let thoughts, feelings about him, him into your life (in your apartment) and slowly (guy - what do you associate him with?) imagine your life together (walks, wears them out). Allowed!!!

Dream Interpretation - Imitation of death, new men's brown shoes

The guy lives by the experience gained during his work under your command. Perhaps the girl is “leaking” information to him. Or, through her he will seek your advice. It is also possible that a new employee will appear that you will pay attention to.

Dream Interpretation - Brown Bull

To meet a man

Dream Interpretation - Brown Bull

will happen in your life love triangle, which will be quite exhausting.

Dream Interpretation - Unclean

The first plot most likely reflected anxiety, fear, born from the unknown (an evil force) before the events that you yourself began to develop (untying a rag, a deal). In short, heightening passions. And the second story told about pursuing one’s own interests (driving). Your affairs are going less and less well (the vehicle becomes smaller as it transforms). But your determination, perseverance and ingenuity (I am eating, flying, driving away, from last bit of strength...) attracts the attention of people on whom something important for you depends (a man and a woman at a table). The rat may well represent the woman whom you will safely pass (take off).

Dream Interpretation - Unclean

Good day, Sylvia! You can’t decide whether to leave or not based on your dreams. This is determined by your unyielding intention. Are you ready to fight or want a quiet life, etc. You can find a positive moment in everything. But if you walk away from the situation, then life will present the same thing, but in a more sophisticated form. All tests that are given are an exam. But unlike college, which you can quit, in life it is impossible not to pass the exam, even on the tenth attempt. Only if death closes this opportunity. It seems to me that you, with some sense of self-esteem, “without saying goodbye or calling”, made a kind of beautiful move. But there is no dignity or heroism in this: “Deprived of a sense of self-importance, we become invulnerable. “And you yourself are invited to take this lesson. Think soberly, weigh the pros and cons, turn to your heart: “A warrior chooses a path with his heart and follows that path. When he looks, he rejoices and laughs; when he sees, he knows. He knows that his life will end very soon; he knows that he, like anyone else, is not going anywhere; and he knows that nothing is more important than anything else. “And after that, make a responsible decision: “In a world where death is hunting for everyone, there is no time for regrets or doubts. There is only time to make decisions. And it doesn’t matter what these decisions are. Nothing is more or less serious or important than anything else. In a world where death is the hunter, there are no big or small decisions. The only solution is that the warrior must face his inevitable death. “But when you make a decision, you should carry it out unwaveringly, regardless of your mood, the advice of others, doubts, etc. As an example, I will give you a method on how to make serious decisions: 1. First, praise God. 2. Then thank Him for the benefits shown to you. 3. Next, confess your sins and the transgressions of His commandments. 4. And, finally, ask Him for what you need, especially in the matter of your salvation, and then in material goods: Lord, my God, YHWH! I praise and glorify Your ineffable glory and Your immeasurable greatness - I thank You that, by Your sole goodness, having given me existence and making me worthy to be a partaker (partaker) of the saving benefits of Your incarnate economy, You have repeatedly delivered me, unknown even to me (to me) myself), from the troubles that threatened me and from the hand of my invisible enemies, - I confess to You that countless times I have trampled (trampled) my conscience and fearlessly violated (violated) Your holy commandments, being ungrateful (ungrateful) for Your so many good deeds . But my Most Merciful God, may this ingratitude not overcome Your goodness, despise my sins and indecencies, look at the tears of my contrition and, according to the multitude of Your bounties, help me even now, give me what is necessary for my salvation and direct my entire life to please You May Thy all-holy name be glorified by me, unworthy (unworthy)! With this last word You can count, by name, all your real spiritual, mental and physical needs. But ask for everything, if it is the will of God and your need. And to do this, ask the Holy Spirit to indicate whether you really need this or whether there is another way to achieve your goals and whether these goals are true. Ruach YHWH lavash eved YHWH. Therefore, ask this at least three times at intervals. 5. If the decision is truly conscious, then you need to take responsibility for what you are doing and go to the end. Act without doubt or regret. 6. Create an unyielding intention to achieve the goal. 7. Clear the mind of thoughts, silent action: turning off the internal dialogue or the unceasing Isusov prayer. 8. Be detached and put aside any concern for the result of the actions taken. Thank God in advance for any outcome of the situation. 9. Start practical actions immediately, without delay. Impeccably, by all possible, and even impossible, means, achieve the goal. 10. Regardless of whether the battle is won or lost, be calm, balanced, detached. Thank God for His blessings. Accept everything as it is, as the will of God. 11. Next comes practical work in life... Regarding the dream: "I am with cousin It seems (I know for sure that this is a woman I know) we are coming out of some barn (hut, small house) and I notice a tied rag on the door handle and untie it. My sister is scared because we made a deal with some evil force and now something bad will happen. “Your excessive impressionability from the words and deeds of others. It may even be that you are screwing yourself over, but they don’t think anything like that about you, and they don’t plan anything bad. Moreover, you didn’t tie this rag. Rag is pagan magic ritual, asking the pagan “gods” (spirits) for help. “Then we go into a larger house, which is nearby, and she shows me: look, look!! Mom slept here and now she is gone - she has disappeared! I reassure her: we will cope, everything will be... It turned out that I was stroking her head and calming my daughter. “- home, mother - this is the help of your Family, ancestors. The fact that you reassure your sister says that deep down you are confident in your abilities: “your head is afraid, but your hands are doing.” “The road is wide, cars... I'm driving. Right in front of me, the driver’s wheel breaks and rolls away, but he doesn’t see. I stopped and tried to pump up the second one, but it was also damaged, torn... I managed to slow down and am trying to tell him that he lost one wheel, but he doesn’t pay attention to me...” - the road is your life. The driver is your boss, who is confused in his life, he has no time for you, and has no time for intrigues in your direction. “I drive on - there are problems with my car... It began to look like a motorcycle - then it gets smaller... Then the light doesn’t come on, but I’m not going to stop - there’s just a little snow on the road and I decide to go further on a sled))) and a sled already appears before me, then the road narrows like a special sports track for sledding, in front there is a small arch through which I must pass - and behind it, right in the middle of the road, is a rat (as fluffy as a bunny, brown) and looks at me - and I at it I drive her away, wave my arms - she is afraid of me, runs to the side, but does not want to leave there. Right on the edge near the arch is her nest - it’s exactly like a bird’s nest and she runs up and down the edge of this path near the nest. "-rat is a good sign, sel, an ancient light rainbow creature Slavic mythology, which came to the righteous to help them in difficult situation, for example in a dungeon. Heavenly patrons will help you, although you drive them away from you, because you yourself do not understand what you need, who is your friend and who is your enemy. What vehicles the passage is getting smaller and narrower - it is the Higher Powers that leave you no choice and show you one single possible solution. You're even better off when you don't have to choose from so many options because it's too complicated. “then another passage... I already decide to take off, since my sled doesn’t really want to go either, and I take off, flying just like a witch, only without a broom)) And I fly to a table on the street - a man and a woman are sitting there - and it’s as if it’s in the air something doesn’t allow me to fly further and my speed decreases significantly - I’m already nervous that something is holding me back again - with the last of my strength I pick up speed and brazenly fall right on his head))) feet first)) and wake up. “The fact that you did it with effort is good. Firstly, this is an indicator of good development of the dream body. Secondly, it is an indicator that the situation is already unfolding in your favor on the physical plane. Be more decisive and everything will work out for you - “I pick up speed and brazenly fall right on his head)))” - you will sweep away all enemies from your path. The blessing of the Lord is upon you always, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen!

Dream Interpretation - A dream in which everything is mixed up

That's what a dream is for, so that everything in it is confused. There is no stability in your life (4 corpses), which forces you to do a lot of unnecessary things (mouse, rat), and even with tension (red color). You need to listen more to logic and wisdom (man, eyes), and not to your fantasies (dolls). Good luck.

Dream Interpretation - Catastrophe.hunger

Your thoughts about the spiritual do not satisfy you; you need a new, fresh look at it. Good luck.

Dream Interpretation - Basement

If two days before bedtime you didn’t watch movies with similar genre, then the dream foreshadows good luck, but which will be given to you with great difficulty, you will have to try very hard. Look for ways to achieve it, so to speak.

Rat white brown

Dream Interpretation - Dance, big white dog

Maybe some mistake of yours will come to light at your former job. Not necessarily in work, maybe in relationships, but this will probably be revealed by a person either taken in your place, or treated well, or maybe some kind of revision, audit. The director will hush up the matter without involving you in this matter, having understood your train of thought and the motive for your behavior.

Dream Interpretation - Sturn phenomenon or square white light

Saturn is represented by a sickle. The moon in your dream also had something underneath that looked like a sickle. The sickle is a symbol of agriculture, Saturn is a symbol of crops and the “golden time”, fertility. Saturn's orbit around the Sun is 30 years. To avoid being dethroned, Saturn ate his newly born children. In addition, Saturn is a symbol of the passage of time. Saturn is a planet that is associated with a ring around itself. And the rest of the elements also moved in a circle in the dream. Based on everything I have written above, I assume that you will not have much good period time, walking in circles and “circles”, where not only strangers, but also you yourself will “give you a light” - in search of your place in the sun, family, children... Sitting in the entrance and looking out the window is some kind of transitional a period during which you will lose something, which you will later regret, this will bring losses. A room with a bed and a table is your inaction, for which you will be punished. Something will smile at you around your thirtieth birthday, and it will be connected with something that happened in the past. The light that blinds your eyes is your blindness and the understanding that nothing moves, everything remains constant, or even dies away...

Are you worried about some difficulties in life? Trying to fight. That's it. It's OK

Dream Interpretation - Man in a white suit

A man in a dream is a symbol of active activity. Seeing a slender, pleasant-looking man in a dream foretells things that will please you. However, your dream suggests that some tempting offers will turn into trouble and worries for you.

Dream Interpretation - Long worms about 5 cm white

The dreamer washed himself in the bath and immediately there were many Protozoa around him. The Dreamer is not afraid of them and tries to destroy them with Water - this means in reality the Dreamer’s desire to realize and take control of simple human manifestations. But…. After removing the external “creatures”, the same thing comes out of the Dreamer - this means nothing more than “like generates like” and you must always start with yourself (internal frequencies always generate external ones). In short, if the Dream brings very philosophical meaning- any external transformation begins with oneself. Best regards, Livia.

Dream Interpretation - Black and white photography

Such a dream is a warning - An unexpected turn in relationships with women close to you is possible. One of them may be in danger. Long-forgotten connections and relationships may be renewed. Difficulties in sexual terms, conception is undesirable and can happen unexpectedly. Previous grievances and disagreements can lead to a breakdown in relationships, separation and separation are possible. Secret enemies are becoming more active, and there may be secret attacks from around the corner. You are unable to repel attacks, your will is constrained, your energy is chaotic, depression, negative uncontrollable emotions, the desire to do everything contrary, ridiculous ideas and unreasonable actions can have dire consequences. You are tormented by fears, a tendency towards self-destruction appears. You urgently need protection, a talisman. The roots are being undermined and the authority of family members is being reconsidered. No matter what age a person is, he wants to start a separate, independent life from everyone else. A long period of changes affecting your financial, property and economic spheres and especially family life

Dream Interpretation - Cat and white moth

The butterfly is a symbol of transformation, but also of frivolity. The repetition of the plot draws your attention not to frivolously miss an important period of evolution in life. Most likely we are talking about family life, if your cat really exists. It is like a symbol of a homely atmosphere. Perhaps you are sacrificing (catching and eating) the overdue changes in the foundations of the family (gender), fearing to harm everyday well-being (fruit and shrub plants).

Dream Interpretation - Spit out a pile of crumbled teeth with white worms

I gave up insults and other destructive programs that destroy the psyche from the inside. You don't hold a grudge anymore.

Dream Interpretation - Black and white sky and TV

Probably, at that time, your life alternated between black and white stripe, there were ups and downs in all areas of life, from working hours to personal life. You probably thought that you were deeply unhappy, since this alternation of black and white is very tiring and can lead to sadness. I hope this period in your life is over.

Dream Interpretation - Dead grandmother. Bull. White tent

From any destructive force (bull) there is salvation (door), but it is not in illusions (window), but in new understandings, new views on life (on the roof) and in wisdom (grandmother,). Also, do not suppress your feminine side (the girl in the tent), you need this for a holistic perception (white color). Good luck..

Rat white brown

Perhaps so. At first, circumstances changed and you found yourself in different countries, far from each other. You were separated, so to speak. Circumstances or something, someone. Then, after cleaning the room, you found yourself in a bright room, in a white, clean place, clean. I think what this means is that now your relationship has acquired real purity. That is, no one is deceiving anyone, everything is in its place. And if you communicate, or have such intentions, then you just need to communicate, nothing more. Then you will be left in a clean white room. And your lives (karma) will be pure...

Dream Interpretation - Cleaning a dusty apartment, lying in a white room

Hello. The woman the guy slept with is his wife... But it looks like she will leave him for another man. The guy will have a showdown with him... This is all about the first dream... The second dream shows that you will put things in order in your life (wipe off the dust), some girl will help you with this. After this, you will “get in touch” with the guy. There will be a reassessment of values, both for you and for him (in the dream he changed). And so, you, renewed, will build your new, pure relationships (at the end of the dream you are in a bright room...)... All the best to you!

Well, Dmitro... Apparently the time has come to combine all three of your dreams together. So, the first dream about a Girl, teenagers in the bathroom and a biting fish symbolizes your desire to be together with your beloved, but at the same time indicates your unpreparedness for this... So, you don’t know at all what to do next - well, they say, we’ll live together... Living together appears to you as something inherited from deep antiquity, inherent to parents for whom romance has disappeared from the relationship (you live in an old house in a dream). And you - like a real man - decided to take care of the frightened girl by leaving... Playing snowballs and fishing... You, brother, are not ready to live with a girl, no matter how much you love her. The second dream is about a snake from under your beloved’s pillow. There are two options - either you suspect her of infidelity (less likely) or your mother is against your relationship (more likely). I can’t say more precisely - you wrote few details. But it seems that your girlfriend is perceived by your mother and you as a threat. Threat to your family relationships. I will assume that your family is incomplete, because the image of the father is completely absent in the dream... It turns out that you are torn between love for your mother and feelings for the girl, but it’s not possible to arrange it so that everyone can live peacefully together. The third dream is compensatory. It compensates for your sexual experiences and idealizes the ideal image of a girl you have chosen and created. What does not fit with previous dreams, which can only indicate one thing - now you are not together and are forced to be apart. Longing and separation makes you experience a storm of feelings - positive towards the girl and aggressive towards the current situation... Well, if I'm right, then this is your first strong feeling. And let me say an ugly thing, but nothing will work out with this girl, because you, Dmitro, live in dreams, and a real girl is too different from the image and the traits that you endowed her with in your heart. This is wonderful, it happens to everyone, but the main thing is don’t mess things up, don’t quarrel with your family - and you will be happy! Something like that. As a guess. Sorry if I offended you in any way! Not out of malice. Good luck! Best regards, Desdichado

Dream Interpretation - Summer, sun, bicycles and white clothes!!!

Judging by the symbols this dream describes the current picture, when you are more likely to be friends than to love, as you say. Because riding separately, although nearby (bicycles). And sit opposite each other on different benches. With your actions you encourage your intentions to go through life with your beloved girl (her legs are on your lap, you touch them). There is no doubt for you here (clear, sunny, summer). Dialogue of your hearts.

Dream Interpretation - Three white doves at home

A dream about sincere love and the waiting dangers associated with it. Royal DOVES are pure and beautiful love ideally. The royal pigeons entered the BEDROOM, and then the white cat entered the same room - you will have to take care of your pure love, otherwise it will turn into something else (connected with the bedroom). The dreamer is trying to understand that there is a cat's paw in the guise of a dove - the dreamer is trying in reality to understand the whole fate of very close relationships, and what their influence will be in the future on the development of the relationship. CAT in a dream - always primary instincts, betrayal, quarrels and the like, for general information. Sincerely, LIVIA.

Dream Interpretation - Groom on a white horse

Coming soon there will be an option with new job, or a new project at work. At the same time, pay attention to new options in your personal life.

Dream Interpretation - Bed, linen, balcony

A very good Dream, suggesting that the Dreamer is striving for Peace of mind, but just the wrong way. A dreamer on the Street in only Underwear - current social Vulnerability in reality; The bed linen is clean, but human chaos in the Sanatorium is internal moral purity in the absence of a strong Will. The need to wash your dirty laundry by hand in a bath that is not your own with clear Water (someone else’s necessary Supply) is a unique hint to the Dreamer to be her own Mistress (with her own Hands) and not allow others to use her Inner Moral Purity in a friendly manner, so to speak. Friendship is friendship, and Spiritual Foundations must be preserved and protected, since this is your Reserve, your purest Source, your Soul. Best regards, Livia.

Strong worries and worries await you, but in the end everything will be fine!

Dream Interpretation - Lying in a white coffin alive

To begin with, I’ll say right away that this girl sees you in such an unsightly form, not only in a dream, but also in life. What she says, not everything needs to be believed. She considers you to be inactive, inactive, but quite noble with an unlikely feeling for continuing the relationship with you (but, alive, right?) That is, it could be, but... She is not upset, no matter how it is none of her business, she just observer. Perhaps, subconsciously, she expects some kind of activity from you, telling you her waking dream. It is necessary to change something radically, not to be inactive, i.e. - to rise from the coffin (in her eyes in reality, and not in a dream!) The image of the coffin is interpreted as the end of some period of life, possible losses, sometimes massacres, etc. D.

Dream Interpretation - Lying in a white coffin alive

Here the coffin symbolizes completion, the outcome of the situation, and possibly the end of the relationship (not necessarily in general, maybe only the current one). White symbolizes the need for peace. Good luck.

The brown rat ran to

Dream Interpretation - Color brown

associations: earth, dirt, clay, unclean.

Dream Interpretation - Dark Brown

Deep grief.

Dream Interpretation - Poisoning mice or rats

To victory over the enemy.

Dream Interpretation - Kill an enemy, as well as a rat or snake

To liberation or healing.

Dream Interpretation - Kill a rat

Dream Interpretation - Rats

While solving one of your problems, you will discover another while you are solving it... You will make “accidental random mistakes”, which you will then worry about..

Dream Interpretation - Rats

Judging by the fact that you have a rat living in your house, your attitude towards these animals is positive. And the common association of aggressiveness and cunning does not apply here. Most likely, in the near future your “head will spin” (lots of rats, mice) from the need to resolve problems of ancient origin (mother’s house, dusty and dirty behind the closet). Your attentiveness, a thorough analysis of the past situation will be required, an erroneous conclusion is possible (crushed)

Dream Interpretation - Rats

Relatives will try to intimidate you, or instill uncertainty in you, recalling your negative experience. life together With ex-husband. Your inner Guardians are rather weak, but someone more experienced will help.

Dream Interpretation - Rats

Hello. Your enemies will try to harm you. There may be big troubles. You will try to confront the enemy on your own, but this fight will be beyond your strength, and at the very last minute one person will come to your aid and “destroy” your enemy. All the best to you! Good luck! May the Light Forces be on your side and help you! SO BE IT SO!

Dream Interpretation - Rats

You will fight evil and win. Good luck.

A black rat dreams of deception or betrayal. According to the dream book, an animal of this color symbolizes an enemy that the dreamer is destined to encounter in reality. When interpreting a dream, it is important to remember the behavior of the rodent. A hostile animal portends revenge on the part of the offenders. The number of rats also matters. The more black rats you see, the greater the troubles and conflicts associated with your enemies.

Why do you dream about a black rat?

Key meanings of dreams about a rodent:

  • If you dream of a black rat running next to the dreamer, it means that luck will pass him by. During such a period, you should not trust unfamiliar people, as this animal symbolizes a traitor from your close circle. If the vision is often repeated, this promises a hidden disease that will soon make itself felt.
  • If you dreamed of a rat running away from home, the dream prophesies a quick move - for yourself or one of your relatives.
  • If a black rodent falls into a mousetrap, the dream means that close person will be caught cheating. But if the creature managed to successfully get out of the mousetrap, then the dreamer’s affairs will go well.
  • If in a dream a rat climbed into the bed of a sleeping person, this portends a serious illness for him. But if the bed belonged to another person, then the disease will transfer to him. If such a vision was dreamed by a seriously ill person, then he will soon recover.

What does a dream portend in relationships with loved ones?

To correctly interpret the vision, you need to remember all its details:

  • If you dream that one of your friends has taken the form of a dark rodent, the vision personifies disappointment in this person. Watching several rats in a cage symbolizes hurtful conversations behind the back in a group.
  • If a woman dreamed of a black rat with red eyes, and according to the plot of the dream she lived at home, this means that among her closest friends there is a rival who wants to quarrel between her and her husband.
  • If the rat was giant, this is a symbol of serious problems. If the animal was friendly towards the sleeping person, the dream means the presence of a bad person around who wants to gain confidence.

Black rat bite

When interpreting a dream, it is important to remember where the rat bit the dreamer:

  • If an animal bites a finger, the dreamer will have difficulties in his work that will require a quick solution.
  • A dream where an animal bites a person sleeping on the heel promises loss cash.
  • A vision in which the dreamer is bitten on the knee means a quarrel with neighbors.
  • If a rodent bites a sleeping person’s hand in a dream, the offender will soon show his worst side.

If you dreamed of a black little rat that unsuccessfully tries to bite the dreamer’s hand through his clothes, then soon all conflicts will be resolved.

Aggressive animal

Any manifestation of hostility on the part of an animal is a sign of a negative attitude from others:

  • If you see a black rodent that wants to rush at the sleeping person, then in real life the dreamer has a secret envious person. Kill an attacking animal - discover a traitor among your friends.
  • To be frightened of a rat in a dream means a false accusation and public censure.
  • A fight between a black and white rat in a dream represents internal conflict and the repentance of the sleeper for some matter.
  • A dead rat in a dream predicts a deterioration in health.
  • If an animal climbs onto the shoulder of a sleeping person, elderly relatives will put moral pressure on the dreamer.

A huge number of people are afraid of rats, and black individuals look much more terrifying. Dreams in which this animal was seen leave behind an unpleasant aftertaste. Now we will try to figure out what fate has prepared for you. To do this, try to remember maximum quantity details and use the proposed interpretations.

Why do you dream about a black rat?

More often, such night vision promises losses and serious damage. The dream book recommends being more careful and not making long trips. For representatives of the fair sex, dreams about such creatures indicate that they should prepare for problems at work ahead. If you catch a black rat, this is a warning that some kind of evil man wants to harm you. See large number black rats, which means that in reality you should expect different things with relatives and friends. This dream also foreshadows problems with colleagues at work or with partners in business.

A dream in which a black rat wants to attack, and you kill it or drive it away, is a harbinger that you can easily expose a friend behind whom the enemy is hiding. This may also be a symbol that some events will occur that will negatively affect work. If black rats scatter and try to hide, this is an indication that you have offended someone with your words and will have to pay for it in the future. Seeing a black rat in a dream and eating it means that in the future, material stability and wealth await you. A night vision in which you killed an animal, portends good luck and success in life. At this time, you will be able to cope with all difficulties without any problems.

A dream in which you see a dead rat is a symbol that in the future you can expect victory over your enemies. For a young girl, a dream about a rat is a harbinger of problems in her personal life. The Dream Interpretation recommends taking a closer look at your partner, as he may not be at all who you take him for. A dream in which you saw a big black rat is a harbinger of a serious illness or violent influence. Such night vision also indicates a serious problem, but it will not affect you, but will only leave something unpleasant. One of the dream books contains information that a black rat is a symbol of cemetery life. In the near future, it is recommended to be careful and not get into arguments with strangers.