Dream Interpretation. Why did you dream about rats? “Dream book big Rat dreamed of why a big Rat dreams in a dream

Not everyone knows why a big rat dreams, but you really want to unravel your dream, because it doesn’t give you peace.

You dreamed of a big rat

As a rule, if you dreamed of a rat, this is not very good and should alert you. Such dreams occur if they want to betray you. Many people say that if you see a rat in a dream, then a person can expect a conflict with someone who will set him up for something in the near future.

Usually you can see a big rat in a dream before some very important and responsible task. Basically, almost every person has ill-wishers, and they are ready to go to great lengths if there is a chance to set up someone they dislike or hate. It also rarely happens that even the closest friends and good acquaintances are capable of doing something very unpleasant. Therefore, there is no need to think that your dream will not come true. This can happen when you least expect it.

What kind of rat was it?

Basically, all dream books and interpretations say that seeing a rat in a dream means enemies and quarrels. But there are also other points by which it is possible to determine who exactly wants to betray you or take revenge for something. It will be very good if you can remember what size the rat was, its color and whether it was active or, on the contrary, passive. More important point is what that rat was doing in your dream.

If you saw white rat, then this means that a girl or woman will set you up; if the rat was black, then perhaps this will be a crushing blow for you. If a rat wants to bite, then some kind of disorder and illness await you.

Very often people see a dead rat in their dreams. However, there is no need to rejoice ahead of time and think that everything will be fine. You need to think carefully and analyze the situation and it will be better if you do not tell your acquaintances and friends about this dream. It is believed that seeing a rat that has already died in a dream means that you will defeat your enemies, but even here everything is not so simple. This symbolizes feelings of envy. It turns out that there is a rat, it is already dead and incapable of causing you any physical pain, but envy does not cause you pain either. Therefore, you should not calm down and rejoice if the rat is dead, anyway, there is no positive aspect in this. After all, not everyone expresses envy openly, that is, it can be anyone from your environment, even those from whom you least expect it. In the case when you see a living rat, and even a huge one, this indicates that the person who wishes you harm is also huge.

What does such a dream portend?

Basically, all dream books foreshadow deception and betrayal or tears. A rat in a dream brings nothing but misfortune and misfortune. But if in your dream you destroyed it yourself, then this means that soon you will be able to find out who this person is and unravel all his plans for you. But you need to act very carefully, because a rat is capable of biting you, and this is already bad. However, one should not fall into depressive state, because this is a special sign sent from above to warn you of impending danger.

I would also like to add that if you had a dream on some holy holiday, then it will come true in the very near future, and also all dreams come true when they are dreamed on the night from Thursday to Friday.

But whether you believe it or not, this is your personal business, but most often all dreams come true, we just don’t focus our attention on this and don’t always check the interpretation of our dreams. But if you solved your dream and saw terrible things, do not be upset, as they say, this is fate, but you have a chance to change or meet this moment with dignity.

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Seeing rats in a dream means the appearance of secret enemies that are not so easy to get rid of.

Huge, impudent rats running around the house in reality foreshadow family troubles and insincerity of friends, business discord and losses.

If in a dream you set a trap for rats, it means that in reality you will become aware of the intentions of your enemies.

A rat caught in a trap foreshadows a robbery of an apartment or a scandal with neighbors.

Kill a rat - get rid of slander and rivalry.

A dead rat means a contagious disease. To drive rats out of the room, wielding a poker or something of the like, is a struggle with varying success and disastrous results.

If you are afraid of rats in a dream, in reality you will end up in an unpleasant situation and be falsely accused.

To grab a rat with your hands - you will experience disgust for a low, vile person.

Seeing a cat catching a rat means you will receive life-saving support in time.

If a cat eats a rat before your eyes, you will witness an unpleasant family scene in the house of your friends.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Dream Interpretation - Rat

Rats in a dream are dangerous enemies. They can also mean our loved ones who cause us constant trouble and grief.

Killing a rat in a dream is a symbol of victory over an enemy or troubles. Such a dream also means that you are intolerant of human weaknesses and will not put up with meanness, cowardice, and hypocrisy.

Stroking a rat in a dream is a harbinger of trouble from a person whom you considered your friend and whom you trusted. A white rat in a dream is your hidden enemy.

See interpretation: animals, beasts.

Skinning it in a dream means that you will be able to outwit an insidious enemy and profit at his expense. The main thing is that the skin does not tear during sleep, because this is the most valuable thing a rat has.

Interpretation of dreams from

When they see rats, many people experience a real nightmare, not only in reality, but also in their dreams. When interpreting, it is necessary to remember the main object and other details of the plot. In addition, it is worth considering that numerous dream books offer different information, so it is worth drawing an analogy between it and events real life.

Why do you dream about a big rat?

Most often, such rodents are a symbol of betrayal, and you should expect set-ups from those closest to you. If a rat is in the house, it means that enemies often appear under your roof. This could also be a harbinger of serious problems in the financial sector. A big rat can be seen in dreams before serious matters. A fat rodent is a symbol of powerful enemies. Seeing a big rat gnawing on something in a dream means at the moment you are tormented by some doubts and worries. If rodents bite, it means that your reputation may suffer significantly due to the actions of enemies. A bite on the hand is an indication that enemies will try to harm interests or work. A big rat has bitten your finger, which means you can expect unpleasant conversations ahead that will long time bother you. , in which a large rat attacks a person, is a warning that you may become seriously ill in the future. If rodents are running away from you, then you have missed opportunities to improve your existence. A night vision where a rat is crawling on you indicates that you can count on success in love affairs.

Seeing a large dead rat in a dream means you should be on your guard and not trust the people around you. Such a dream also promises victory over enemies. If you feed pests - this is a warning that you have “warmed a snake on your chest.” Treating your big pet rat means you are making attempts to improve your own financial situation. If you had to kill a big rat in a dream, it means that soon you will be able to recognize the true enemy and reveal his insidious plans. This plot can also mean that you can emerge victorious from any situation. For lovers, a dream about rodents indicates the existence of a rival who wants to destroy. In one of the dream books there is information that if you dreamed of a big rat running past, it is a harbinger of joy. Large quantity rodents are an omen of a quarrel with a loved one.

Usually, if you dream about a rat, you should be a little wary. In general, seeing her in a dream is not entirely good sign. In most cases, she dreams of betrayal. They say that if you dreamed of a rat, then you need to expect a quarrel with some person, because he will soon set you up in some matter.

The gray rat is most often dreamed of before a very important matters. It is worth noting that everyone has enemies. And having any opportunity to frame a person, they will do anything. Sometimes it turns out that a close friend or good acquaintance can do something nasty. Therefore, you cannot be sure that the dream will not come true. Everything happens at the most unexpected moment. Almost all dream books have the same interpretation - enemies and quarrels. However, there are still details by which you can even find out which person intends to betray or take revenge. It is worth paying attention to the size, color, and activity of the rat. It is also advisable to remember what this animal did in a dream. Many people dream of a dead rat. But that doesn't mean everything is fine. Here it is better to weigh everything and try not to tell anything to friends, acquaintances and even friends.

It is important to read the interpretation of sleep in different sources. It is advisable that these are books of a very old edition. If this is not possible, then you can go to city ​​library. In general, everyone in the house should have a dream book. That's enough useful book which can help avoid unpleasant situations.

Many people say that if a person sees a dead rat in a dream, then this is a sign of victory over enemies. However, it's not quite that simple. Psychic, Dmitry Volkov, says that this means envy. That is, the rat is dead and it cannot do anything, but the feeling of envy cannot physically cause harm. So, if someone reassures that dead rat, dreams about something good, then you shouldn’t believe it. Of course, none of the people show this. Therefore, this person could be anyone. But when you dream of a live rat, it’s much worse, especially if it’s big and fat. So the enemy is also enough big man in every sense of the word. Here it is important to pay attention to your own boss. Perhaps he is up to something somewhere.

In general, if you look at Miller’s dream book, you can find out that a rat portends deception and betrayal. Tsvetkov’s dream book is not far behind him. It says that this animal brings tears in dreams. If we take for comparison modern dream book, then its interpretation is practically no different from all others. Everywhere the rat symbolizes nothing but misfortune. However, if a person killed a rat in a dream, then there is a high probability that he will soon recognize his enemy and expose all his insidious plans. In this case, you need to be as careful as possible, because the rat can bite. And this is usually a very bad sign. In general, if you have a question about why you dream about a gray rat, then you should prepare yourself for a bad answer. But you absolutely cannot fall into depression. After all, God specifically gives a sign so that a person knows about the danger awaiting him.

I would also like to note that if you had a dream on some church holiday, then it will come true in the shortest possible time. And from Thursday to Friday all dreams tend to come true. The fact is that Jesus Christ was crucified on Friday. Therefore, this day is considered very important and mysterious for otherworldly forces.

Of course, to believe or not to believe is everyone’s business. However, in most cases it turns out that the dream comes true. But don’t despair if in the dream book terrible interpretation, because you can’t run away from fate! Therefore, it is better to take these signs into account and be a little more careful.

Dream Interpretation Gray Rat

Why do you dream of a gray Rat in a dream according to the dream book?

The dream about a gray rat is ambiguous. Almost always a dream means imminent betrayal, unpleasant events in reality.

Expect a conflict episode, a quarrel with a loved one. It is possible that someone in your environment will turn out to be a traitor, capable of striking on the sly.

What kind of gray rat did you dream about?

I dreamed of a big gray rat

If you dream of a big gray rat - be careful, there is an enemy hiding in your environment, pretending to be a friend. Perhaps he is among his work colleagues, but is already trying to plot against you.

Why do you dream about a dead gray rat?

The dream book considers a dead gray rat as a symbol of getting rid of envious people, ill-wishers who can harm your reputation or are plotting against you.

Dreaming of a living gray rat

If you dreamed about a live gray rat, your ill-wishers are actively discussing you and your behavior, spreading unpleasant gossip. Their machinations will have no result; you should not pay attention.

What did the big gray rat do in his dream?

Big gray rat runs away in a dream

Why do you dream about a big gray rat running away? You can expect a profit, a profitable business that will significantly affect your financial situation for the better.

The rat runs away according to the dream book

Reading dreams like an open book and understanding exactly what clues the subconscious gives is the dream of all humanity. It's actually not as difficult as it seems. It is enough just to remember the images and connect logic. Why do you dream, for example, that a rat runs away in a dream? The dream book will help you understand this dream.

Magic problem solving

To begin with, we should remember that this rodent symbolizes enemies, troubles, scandals, illnesses, and in general is an extremely negative sign in a dream. Based on this, it is easy to guess why a running rat is dreamed of.

IN real world you will be able to avoid major problems, and your enemies will retreat due to their own mistakes. The dream book believes that this dream indicates that everything will happen without the personal participation of the sleeper. That is, problems will be solved literally by magic.

Miraculous recovery

According to some interpretations of the dream book, a fat pasyuk represents a disease. And if in a dream you happen to see a rat running away, it means that in reality the disease will bypass you.

It is considered especially favorable if a sick person had such a dream. A running away rat in this case guarantees a speedy recovery.

By the way, if you dreamed that many rats were running away from your house, it means that soon a period of prosperity and mutual understanding will begin in the family, and quarrels and discord will be left behind.

Life without conflicts

Why else do you dream that a rat is running away? The dream book recommends remembering that these creatures in a dream represent a symbol of conflict situations with others. Particularly with neighbors, friends or colleagues.

And if in your night dreams you saw how many rats are running away from the road, then we can conclude that the brewing showdown, both at work and at home, will pass you by.

Moreover, if you dreamed that a cat scared away a big gray cheat, then in reality some event will happen that will literally turn your whole life around, and exclusively in a positive direction.

Appearance of the creature

According to the dream book, in order to understand why you dream that a rat is running away from you, you need to remember its color and appearance. So a disgusting and vile animal symbolizes a very bad person. Moreover, this in no way concerns his appearance, but only his internal content and intentions.

But a white animal is a sign that a woman is an enemy and ill-wisher. The red “lariska” reflects the financial situation, the gray one – household and family affairs, and the black one, according to the dream book, embodies all human evil, negative emotions, troubles and conflict situations. And if you dreamed that they were running away from you, then you can relax and live in peace.

Liberation from negativity

Note that in some cases a very large rat represents a person's intuition. In this light, it is not difficult to understand why you dream that she is running away. Apparently, for some time you will be deprived of the support of your subconscious due to the fact that you have not previously addressed it.

Another interpretation of the dream book says that a large gray or even black creature is collective image all vicious character traits. For his part, the dreamer may be afraid of them or may not even realize that they live in him. And then the fleeing creature symbolizes the process of getting rid of everyone negative qualities, and therefore sleep can be considered especially favorable.

The meaning of a dream in which you dreamed of a big gray rat

A variety of animals and insects often appear in human dreams, but the rat is a symbol of very big troubles. This article will tell you in detail why you dreamed about a big or small rat, paying attention to the variety of interpretations.

If a person dreams of a rat, big trouble will definitely overtake him. This is exactly the interpretation of vision given by most dream books. Almost always in the vision it is noted that the rat is a symbol of major quarrels and global troubles that are about to happen.

If in a dream a rat behaves aggressively, trying to bite a person, it means that the enemies will also take active actions. It is quite possible that by unleashing implausible intrigues, these people will try to harm the dreamer’s reputation.

Seeing a rat running away from a person in fear in a dream means success, for which, nevertheless, you will have to fight a lot. Despite the fact that the dreamer has considerable potential in business, his successful future will directly depend on his own activity. The fact is that the dreamer’s enemies are quite powerful, and are capable of greatly ruining his life with their actions and intrigues. If a rat retreats in a dream after a person gives it a fight, it means that in reality you will have to use all methods to defeat your opponent.

The most negative interpretation is a dream in which a person is surrounded by a group of rats. Usually such a vision means that in real life a person will find himself in a dense ring of enemies who will definitely try to hurt and humiliate him.

Seeing a rat in a dream large size with offspring - to a whole galaxy of troubles. Perhaps, in the fight against the main problem, a person will not notice minor troubles, which will later affect both his career and his reputation.

A dead rat in a dream means a wave of gossip that will make the owner of the vision unhappy. It is quite possible that with the help of gossip and slander, rivals will try to hurt the owner of the vision, depriving him of career prospects.

A vision in which a person sees a rat in own home. Usually such a vision means that the enemy and friend are among close people. Perhaps the person closest to him, a relative, is plotting against the dreamer. In such a situation, it is necessary to identify the traitor as soon as possible in order to settle accounts with him for his atrocities.

If in a vision a person sees huge rat on the street, which means in real life the opponent will be a stranger who will try to find out all the weak and strengths dreamer

If a person holds a rat in his hands in a dream, it means that in real life he will encounter betrayal that will really hurt him greatly. Perhaps a person whom the owner of the vision trusted completely will decide to commit meanness.

If a decorative rat with white fur and red eyes appears in a vision, then the real danger will not be so great. Sometimes a person overestimates his problems, but in the end manages to easily cope with them.

A good interpretation is a vision in which a person sees a rat locked in a cage. Usually such a dream means that the owner of the vision will be invincible and relentless in his aspirations. Despite the intrigues of his rivals and ill-wishers, his career and personal successes are so far out of danger.

Seeing a huge rat, the size of a man, in a dream means trouble that can break the owner of the vision. Perhaps the trouble will be so big that it will destroy a person’s life to the ground.

Despite the fact that the interpretation of a dream about a big rat seems very tragic, you should not despair. Typically, such a vision warns a person about upcoming problems, and therefore, the dreamer can destroy troubles in their infancy.

Dream Interpretation Live Rat

Why do you dream of a living Rat in a dream according to the dream book?

If you dream of a living rat, get ready for deception from your neighbors and possible clashes with them. It is possible that there will be conflicts at work.

If you killed a rat, you will be able to overcome any difficulties without much loss, and deal with the most difficult situations.

Why did you dream about a rat?


Isabella Marie

American dream book

English dream book

Eastern dream book

Children's dream book

Idiomatic dream book

“Become angry” - become embittered.
Imperial dream book

Icelandic dream book

Italian dream book Meneghetti

Lunar dream book

Rats - grief and tears.
Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

Family dream book

Modern dream book

If you dream that you are catching rats, in real life you will despise human baseness and gain the upper hand over your enemies.

Killing a rat is a sign of overcoming all difficulties.

Tatyana TYPE

A quarrel with neighbors or work colleagues, where it seems you are right.

Natalya Bernikova

Lena Verkholantseva

Rat - internal feelings of anger, shame, guilt. A sign of violent influence or a harbinger of illness.

If a rat bites you, the dream foreshadows failure and illness.

If you killed a rat, you will overcome difficulties and avoid alien interference.
American dream book

The Rat is a traitor; intruder.
English dream book

Seeing rats in a dream is a warning about many enemies that will cause you worry and anxiety. For lovers, this dream means a rival who has enormous influence on your betrothed, who will do everything to oust you from her heart and take your place. The dream also warns that some imaginary friend is trying to disturb your happiness and peace of mind.
Eastern dream book

Seeing a rat means quarrels with friends, colleagues, neighbors.

A dream in which you catch rats predicts a victorious war with your enemies.

If you kill a rat, it means you will be able to overcome all difficulties.
Children's dream book

Rat - you have a false friend in your company who will betray you at the first danger.

If the rat is white, then this traitor is female.
Idiomatic dream book

“Become angry” - become embittered.
Imperial dream book

The squeak of a rat portends damage that will be caused by some nosy, spoiled person or thief.
Icelandic dream book

Seeing a rat in your own home means wealth.
Italian dream book Meneghetti

The rat is an exceptional animal that seeks to be in close proximity to humans, food, is predisposed to be in places of extreme wealth, and has a tendency to cause damage to the environment it occupies. This is an image of a vampiric takeover, it has a negative connotation and is a symbol of destructiveness. Fear of losing luck symbolic meaning guilt, health concerns, concerns about the devaluation of some loved one. An expression of emphasized female negativity associated with the desire to capture, subjugate oneself, hidden under the guise of attractiveness, the desire to possess. This image may be associated with negative maternal influences.
Lunar dream book

Rats - grief and tears.
Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

Rat - danger, grief, illness, hunger, tears, troubles, threat, enemy, news of a bad friend; catch, kill - good luck, avoid danger.
Family dream book

Rats dream of quarrels, so try not to aggravate relations with anyone.

If in a dream you grabbed a rat, you will be able to adequately defeat your enemies.

If you killed a rat in a dream, you will become a winner in any business and in any situation.
Modern dream book

If you dream that you are catching rats - in real life you will despise human baseness and prevail over your enemies


Rat - internal feelings of anger, shame, guilt. A sign of violent influence or a harbinger of illness.

If a rat bites you, the dream foreshadows failure and illness.

If you killed a rat, you will overcome difficulties and avoid alien interference.
American dream book

The Rat is a traitor; intruder.
English dream book

Seeing rats in a dream is a warning about many enemies that will cause you worry and anxiety. For lovers, this dream means a rival who has enormous influence on your betrothed, who will do everything to oust you from her heart and take your place. The dream also warns that some imaginary friend is trying to disturb your happiness and peace of mind.
Eastern dream book

Seeing a rat means quarrels with friends, colleagues, neighbors.

A dream in which you catch rats predicts a victorious war with your enemies.

If you kill a rat, it means you will be able to overcome all difficulties.
Children's dream book

Rat - you have a false friend in your company who will betray you at the first danger.

If the rat is white, then this traitor is female.
Idiomatic dream book

“Become angry” - become embittered.
Imperial dream book

The squeak of a rat portends damage that will be caused by some nosy, spoiled person or thief.
Icelandic dream book

Seeing a rat in your own home means wealth.
Italian dream book Meneghetti

The rat is an exceptional animal that seeks to be in close proximity to humans, food, is predisposed to be in places of extreme wealth, and has a tendency to cause damage to the environment it occupies. This is an image of a vampiric takeover, it has a negative connotation and is a symbol of destructiveness. Fear of losing luck, symbolic meaning of guilt, fears about health, fears about the devaluation of a loved one. An expression of emphasized female negativity associated with the desire to capture, subjugate oneself, hidden under the guise of attractiveness, the desire to possess. This image may be associated with negative maternal influences.
Lunar dream book

Rats - grief and tears.
Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

Rat - danger, grief, illness, hunger, tears, troubles, threat, enemy, news of a bad friend; catch, kill - good luck, avoid danger.
Family dream book

Rats dream of quarrels, so try not to aggravate relations with anyone.

If in a dream you grabbed a rat, you will be able to adequately defeat your enemies.

If you killed a rat in a dream, you will become a winner in any business and in any situation.
Modern dream book

If you dream that you are catching rats, in real life you will be despised

Why do you dream about a rat?


David David

Buy a mousetrap



Daria Rud

Why do you dream of a Rat in a dream: Rats, a lot of rats - the dream reflects your dissatisfaction with yourself and this world. YOU consider all people to be evil and see how imperfect the world is. Why do you dream of rats, a lot of rats - they are also a symbol of betrayal. Be careful. There are a lot of rats - chasing them in a dream - you are able to step over troubles and solve all your problems. Poisoning a lot of rats in a dream means success. Rats that bite - to big quarrel with friends or, if the rats bite until they bleed, with relatives. Why do you dream of rats that bite - unpleasant events; to see someone being bitten by rats - problems will arise for this person. Rats that bite your legs mean they are gossiping about you behind your back. A black rat is a nasty, vile act, betrayal on the part of a loved one. Why do you dream of a black rat - if it is dead, then the troubles are minor, if it is big and fat - you can only imagine the size of the upcoming problems that will have to be solved. Gray rat - bad sign, be careful, you may be set up. Why do you dream of a gray rat - lies and deceit, your tears. Kill or drive away a gray rat or a black rat - defeat your enemy.

Baltic Mouse

To the Baltics


In general, a rat can’t dream of anything good. Obviously someone is "ratting" behind your back

Depends on your attitude towards them. How do you perceive rodents? Like parasites or like cute pets? In what form did they appear in your dream? Pets and ubiquitous pests are completely different things. And the interpretation will be different!

What does it mean when you dream about pest rats?

Unfortunately, all sources interpret this image pessimistic. After such a vision, there is no need to have your head in the clouds. This means you are surrounded by enemies. At the same time, even if the rodent does not do anything bad to you, you need to prepare for a not very pleasant turn of events. Enemies will attack you. And the result of the skirmish depends on your determination. If you manage not to be afraid and build protective bastions in time, you won’t get hurt; if you make a mistake, the enemies will win. If she attacks you, you will suffer from betrayal. A person in whose loyalty you were one hundred percent sure will demonstrate infidelity to you. His action will leave a very strong negative mark on your soul. It will take you a long time to start trusting people again. Killing a vile rodent in a dream means victory over the enemy. A dream about dead animals has the same meaning.


This image also promises trouble, but not of such a terrible nature. Rather, the white rat is a harbinger of misunderstandings. You may fall under the influence of an unkind person, but come to your senses in time. Or maybe such a dream suggests that in difficult situation you yourself will not show exactly the qualities that you should be proud of. Killing a white rat means getting rid of an uncertain situation in which you feel shame for your behavior. Seeing an animal without signs of life - your thoughts about some unseemly actions for which you should be condemned do not correspond to how others treat you. That is, you are in captivity of self-deception. Cheer up! Everything is much better than you think.

Why do you dream about a huge rat?

An incredibly large rodent attacked you - to trouble. However, you have no way to avoid it. Be strong! This situation will change to a more prosperous one over time. If in a dream you kept a huge rat under control, it means that in real life you will be dealing with a very dangerous companion. At any moment he can turn into your enemy. Be careful! You need to be extremely careful with such a person. But the dream foretells that everything will go without trouble.

Why do you dream about rats as pets?

If you ever had such pets, then most likely you are just bored. This is not If you didn’t have such favorites, but you dreamed that you were playing with them, this means that the behavior of your loved one will arouse your suspicions. Calm down! There is no reason for gloomy thoughts. Loyalty and constancy are the traits that characterize your soulmate. And with unnecessary suspicions you can really offend good man. Feeding domestic rats means illness, but not severe. If they damage your property, get ready for small but unpleasant losses.