How to interpret what a black rat means in a dream. Why do you dream about a black rat: description and meaning

A black rat dreams of deception or betrayal. According to the dream book, an animal of this color symbolizes an enemy that the dreamer is destined to encounter in reality. When interpreting a dream, it is important to remember the behavior of the rodent. A hostile animal portends revenge on the part of the offenders. The number of rats also matters. The more black rats you see, the greater the troubles and conflicts associated with your enemies.

Why do you dream about a black rat?

Key meanings of dreams about a rodent:

  • If you dream of a black rat running next to the dreamer, it means that luck will pass him by. During such a period, you should not trust unfamiliar people, as this animal symbolizes a traitor from your close circle. If the vision is often repeated, this promises a hidden disease that will soon make itself felt.
  • If you dreamed of a rat running away from home, the dream prophesies a quick move - for yourself or one of your relatives.
  • If a black rodent falls into a mousetrap, the dream means that close person will be caught cheating. But if the creature managed to successfully get out of the mousetrap, then the dreamer’s affairs will go well.
  • If in a dream a rat climbed into the bed of a sleeping person, this portends a serious illness for him. But if the bed belonged to another person, then the disease will transfer to him. If such a vision was dreamed by a seriously ill person, then he will soon recover.

What does a dream portend in relationships with loved ones?

To correctly interpret the vision, you need to remember all its details:

  • If you dream that one of your friends has taken the form of a dark rodent, the vision personifies disappointment in this person. Observing several rats in a cage symbolizes offensive conversations behind the back in a team.
  • If a woman dreamed of a black rat with red eyes, and according to the plot of the dream she lived at home, this means that among her closest friends there is a rival who wants to quarrel between her and her husband.
  • If the rat was giant, this is a symbol of serious problems. If the animal was friendly towards the sleeping person, the dream means that there is a bad person around who wants to gain confidence.

Black rat bite

When interpreting a dream, it is important to remember where the rat bit the dreamer:

  • If an animal bites a finger, the dreamer will have difficulties in his work that will require a quick solution.
  • A dream where an animal bites a person sleeping on the heel promises loss cash.
  • A vision in which the dreamer is bitten on the knee means a quarrel with neighbors.
  • If a rodent bites a sleeping person’s hand in a dream, the offender will soon show his worst side.

If you dreamed of a black little rat that unsuccessfully tries to bite the dreamer’s hand through his clothes, then soon all conflicts will be resolved.

Aggressive animal

Any manifestation of hostility on the part of an animal is a sign of a negative attitude from others:

  • If you see a black rodent that wants to rush at a sleeping person, then real life the dreamer has a secret envious person. Kill an attacking animal - discover a traitor among your friends.
  • To be frightened of a rat in a dream means a false accusation and public censure.
  • A fight between a black and white rat in a dream represents internal conflict and the repentance of the sleeper for some matter.
  • A dead rat in a dream predicts a deterioration in health.
  • If an animal climbs onto the shoulder of a sleeping person, elderly relatives will put moral pressure on the dreamer.

Large rodents from night dreams are a symbol of betrayal, betrayal or lies. This information will help to more accurately determine why a woman dreams of rats. Only in rare cases do they become positive harbingers.

Why does a woman dream of rats in a dream: interpretation from dream books

According to many modern dream books, the rat promises the sleeping person many unpleasant minutes. Miller’s work notes that an animal that appears in night dreams becomes a harbinger of minor quarrels or conflicts. They will not occur with close people, but, for example, with colleagues, neighbors, friends or just random passers-by. The incident could even lead to a fight.

According to Vanga’s dream book, the fair sex is told by rats from a dream that the husband has begun to look to the side. Treason has already occurred or will happen in the very near future. The plot of the dream in some cases suggests how the situation will be resolved. If the rat ends up being killed by the woman herself or by someone else, then the outcome will be positive. The wisdom and calmness of the sleeping woman will allow her to show herself worthily and return her husband to the family.

According to Tsvetkov’s dream book, aggressive biting rats foreshadow unpleasant gossip from distant relatives. They can negatively affect a woman’s reputation as a whole.

Black, white rat

When interpreting a dream, you need to pay attention not only to its main plot, but also to small details, for example, the color of the rats you saw.

  • The black rodent is considered to be a symbol of a dangerous bloodthirsty enemy. Seeing a rat of this color in your dream is very bad sign. The dream book suggests that you need to be more careful when choosing people for your immediate circle. The sleeper is too trusting and naive, which can lead to serious troubles in the future. Also, a black rat often symbolizes the negative attitude of his relatives towards the dreamer.
  • The white rat from a dream is an ambiguous symbol. It can mean both kindness and pure thoughts, as well as loneliness and internal discomfort. If a snow-white rodent speaks in a human voice in a dream, such a guest can be considered a harbinger of ill-gotten gains. A tiny mouse of the indicated color suggests that you should get rid of your own fears and doubts. You can confidently move forward without fearing anything.

There are few people in the world for whom the image of a rat would not evoke a feeling of disgust. Humanity has long been wary of these representatives of the fauna, and for good reason. Rats are smart and resourceful creatures that can survive in the most extreme conditions. Centuries ago, rats were the main carriers of plague, and since then their status as infectious animals has been firmly established.

It is clear that dreams with these rodents cause a feeling of anxiety and even fear, and are associated with something very bad that will have to be experienced in reality. Is this assumption correct? Why do you dream about a black rat?

Most dream books agree that a person dreams of a black rat before some difficult period in life: illness, ordeal or misfortune.
But there are also interpretations where the image of a rat is associated with wisdom, cunning, and foresight itself.

Why do you dream of a black rat, and what does such a dream mean in most dream books?


In Miller's dream book, a black rat represents meanness, cowardice, and hypocrisy.

  • The interpretation is all the more unpleasant because such baseness should be expected from a loved one.
  • To catch a black rat, put it in a cage, destroy it - such a vision should be taken as an allegory: the villain will be exposed and neutralized.


In the English dream book the black rat is a symbol of anxiety, vanity, restlessness. For a family man, a dream with a gloomy rodent foreshadows jealousy, which will be caused by the infidelity of the other half.


A large, dark-colored rat is dreamed of on the eve of a theft, robbery, or major damage. There is a possibility that a car or large household appliances, you will need urgent repairs to your apartment or cottage.

Quarrels, scandals

You dream of a black rat on the eve of quarrels, altercations, and altercations. The larger the rat, the greater verbal battles await the dreamer in reality. Women dream of a rat before a clash with their neighbors, but for a man, a dream with a large rodent promises a huge quarrel with his wife.

Positive interpretation


In some dream books the image of an animal (including a rat) is compared with the image of a loved one.

  • If this living creature had a dark or black color, most likely you dreamed of a relative or good friend in such an unusual guise.
  • A nice conversation with a rat in a dream (and you may not even dream like that) most often promises help or wise advice in an extreme situation from a faithful, reliable person.


A dream with a black rat can only promise prosperity and future profit in one case: you eat rat meat. If this process does not cause internal protest in you, you enjoy your meal - profit will not be long in coming. Big win, an unexpected bonus or a fabulous fee is guaranteed to you.

A black rat in a dream can become a secret messenger from the world of your own subconscious. If you are in difficult life situation, you need help or just friendly advice. A rat in a dream can become a kind of mentor who, with its behavior, will tell you a way out of a confusing situation. After all, it is known that for rats there are no unsolvable circumstances; they will always find a way out of the most hopeless situation.

Interacting in a dream with a black rat

  • Chasing a horde of black rats - such a dream promises complete victory over difficult life circumstances. You will have to work hard to achieve your goal, but you will still prevail over troubles.
  • Poison a pack of rats - similar dream predicts that you are in a difficult position, but your determination will help you in the fight for the right word. You will be triumphant by defending your point of view.
  • A rat or rats attack you in a dream - a serious illness may develop or a chronic illness may worsen.
  • Hearing a rat squeak in a dream means in reality someone is trying to destroy your reputation by spreading gossip around your name.
  • Kill a large black rat - this dream has a clear and precise interpretation: the enemy will be defeated, trampled and destroyed.

Seeing a black rat in a dream is unpleasant, but dreams with her participation are not always a fatal prophecy. Sometimes the image of a black rat in a dream can suggest a solution to a complex life puzzle. Analyze, compare details, take into account the emotional coloring of what you see: this is the only way to correctly decipher the mysterious sign emanating from the world of the subconscious.

Its appearance portends bad news and troubles. Very often large black rat, especially if she bites or spoils things, it means that the dreamer has a hidden enemy, an ill-wisher, whose tricks are not immediately noticeable.

To understand why she is dreaming, before looking at the dream book, pay attention to where exactly she appeared in your dream and what happened next.

Unexpected night guest

Very often, black rats hunt for what they need in the dark. If in a dream you heard them running around the room and carrying food, it means that a thief will enter the house or you will take by surprise a person who is harming you or trying to engage in witchcraft rituals in a dream.

If you managed to turn on the light and catch a rat in the act of a crime, then the dream book writes that in reality you will be able to reveal the cunning plans of your enemies or catch the hand of a thief who turns out to be a house thief or a petty sorcerer who is planning to cast a spell on someone or cast a love spell or drying on your spouse or wife.

Why dream of finding several black rats in the kitchen at night, stealing food or ruining things? The dream book writes that your house is in danger of a fire or robbery, which will not be terrible, but will make you quite worried.

Very often, such a dream can be associated with petty hooliganism or simply a childish prank, which can turn out to be quite unpleasant and lead to you punishing those who play around.

See as one big rat tinkering in the kitchen at night - you can catch a woman who is casting spells or starting quarrels in your house. After this, family relationships deteriorate. To kill a black rat is to win victory over evil.

Unpleasant news

Why do you dream of a black rat during the day that crossed your path or slept peacefully in your documents on your desktop? The dream book writes that soon you will learn unpleasant news that will greatly upset you. Hitting her or simply driving her away means that you will accept this news or find a way out of a difficult or not the best situation.

If a girl dreamed of a black rat that crossed her path on the way to visit or to her lover, then she will soon stop visiting this place due to an unpleasant situation associated with bad rumors or gossip. The dream book here does not give a clear indication of what exactly will cause the breakup - the ill will of the lover’s relatives, disappointment in him or slander against her, which will cause jealousy and a big quarrel.

Why dream of a rat destroying a pleasant or memorable thing? For example, will she ruin a family photo, a gift from her husband or lover? This is a very bad sign, which means a breakdown in relationships due to troubles and minor quarrels. The dream book writes that if you can find a compromise with each other and at least try to understand each other, the destruction of cohabitation can be stopped.

Why do you dream of a big, unpleasant black rat in the bathroom or in bed?

This dream means illness or severe irritation and guilt after this. In this case, the disease can be very complex, difficult to cure, or simply long and unpleasant.

Not everyone knows why a black rat dreams, but you really want to unravel your dream, because it doesn’t give you peace.

You dreamed of a black rat

Basically, any dreamed animal of a black color indicates that this is your immediate environment, that is, family, friends, other half or colleagues. This largely depends on who you saw in the dream, what was around him and what you yourself did. It’s not difficult to answer the question why you dream of a black rat; it means that conspiracies, an envious attitude, anger await you, and the color of the rat itself only aggravates these circumstances. A woman who saw a rat in a dream would quarrel with her neighbors.

In the interpreter of Medea, the rat reflects both its emotions and feelings of guilt in front of its family and friends. Another Italian dream book says that this rodent comes in a dream to people who are very worried that they may lose their success, profit or their power. Since rats don't live in good places, but they run closer to the cereals, where it’s warm, and no one will touch them.

Behavior of a black rat in a dream

When in a dream you see a black rat biting your finger, this is a very bad sign. In such a situation, you need to concentrate on your main problem and try to make every effort to solve it in the very next few days. Otherwise, everything will end not as you wanted, but very badly. In a dream where a black rat climbs onto your shoulder, it speaks of parental pressure on you, that you do not want to obey someone else, or simply alienation.

If a black rat runs away from the house, this means a warning that says that you should either move from this apartment or house, or simply change the situation if it is not possible to move out. When a rat chews something in a dream, it means that a financial crisis awaits you, then you need to save up more money and make provisions for the future. When you set a mousetrap for a rat in a dream, then real life All the plans of your enemies will be revealed to you, and if it falls into a mousetrap, then you will be able to defeat your enemies.

If, on the contrary, she escapes from the mousetrap, then this predicts the collapse of all your plans, and everything you have planned will not happen. When a black rat crawls into bed in your dream, it means that a serious and serious illness awaits you. And when the same dream is dreamed by a person who is very seriously ill, on the contrary, it promises his complete recovery.

What does such a dream portend?

There is no doubt that when a person dreams of a black rat, he gets scared and upset, because all its meanings have only negative connotations. But nevertheless there is a positive point. When you manage to catch a rat in a dream, this dream indicates that good luck will soon await you in real life. And if you were able to kill a black rat in your dream, then this will bring you victory in your endeavors and achievement of plans in real life. If you kill a rat with your own hands, then success awaits you in real life, you will be able to reveal all the intrigues against you and defeat your enemies.

If a rat in a dream died from being hit by some object, then good luck awaits you in labor activity. For example, you may get a promotion in your career or some new unusual position, or a salary increase. A dream in which you made friends with a black rat or simply talked to it foreshadows a good and devoted friend in real life, or you will enlist support from old and good friends, proven over the years.

If you had a dream from Friday to Saturday, then the rat will mean some kind of good and profitable deal or just a big profit. If an unmarried lady had this dream, then it means for her the appearance of a rich man with whom she will have serious and long relationship and most likely they will lead to a wedding.

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