Experiences and mistakes in the work The Cherry Orchard. The direction is pride and humility. Possible essay topics

Experience is acquired by every person. Living life, we learn not only school subjects, but also the experience of communicating with friends, teachers, and parents. Feeling the bitterness of defeat, we tie a knot as a keepsake, remembering what we did wrong. Having been disappointed in the first experience of falling in love, we try to avoid similar problems at the next meeting. This is how life goes. We learn from our own mistakes, and emotions preserve islands of certain rules of life in our memory.

It has always been this way. Even during the time of Ranevskaya from A.P. Chekhov’s comedy “The Cherry Orchard”. A former landowner, the mistress of an estate with a beautiful cherry orchard, is practically ruined by her young Parisian lover. She hides from reality all the time, unable to perform the right actions dictated by reason. She lives in the past. Remembering her deceased son, her deceased nanny, she literally demonstrates calm. Life has battered her, but even after losing her son, she leaves her minor daughter under the care of her stepdaughter, not much older than Anya. He has been “suffering” in Paris for five years, having managed to squander all his savings and sell his property. Seventeen-year-old Anya finds her prodigal mother in some smoky room on the fifth floor, surrounded by strangers. The young man left her, and she suffers again. Upon arrival home, she decides to break up with her Parisian lover and resolutely tears up the first two telegrams, without reading, with the words: “Paris is over...”, but in each new action we see how her decision gradually changes: at first she is all... he still tears up the telegrams, although he reads them, then he doesn’t tear them up anymore, and in the end he decides to return to Paris. What awaits this aging woman, not adapted to life in this city? It’s as if she was created to suffer and revel in the pleasure of this suffering. She has experience of ruin and loss, but experience gives her nothing, she does not want to learn from her mistakes.

In the era of Stalinist repressions, almost the entire multi-million people Soviet Union went through the Gulag camps. The hero of A.I. Solzhenitsyn’s story “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich” is prisoner Shch-854 - former peasant, who ended up in the camp, like many soldiers during the war years, as a traitor. And his fault was that, having found himself in German captivity, he did not hide it, but honestly told it during interrogation. During the eight years of imprisonment, he gained experience, learned to endure, take care of himself, managed to get up every morning half an hour before rising, which created the illusion of a certain freedom. He checks every step with the rules of conduct in the zone. Eating in the common dining room turns into a process: he tries to “... enjoy the fact that he chewed and crushed heavy raw bread with his tongue in his mouth for a long time...”, this helped to saturate the body gradually, creating the effect of satiety. He never shot a bull, but patiently waited for the remaining cigarette butt to be offered and did not interfere with the process: “He looked past and seemed indifferent... .. Caesar turned to Shukhov and said: “Take it, Ivan Denisych!” And he also feels sorry for everyone who surrounds him, because he understands that many jackals will not live out their sentences, that former commanders will die from diseases acquired in the punishment cell, because they do not tolerate false accusations, impolite treatment, and rebel against the system. But he knows how to survive in the inhuman conditions of the Gulag, experience helps him live day after day, waiting for his now imminent return home.

Experience is a gain, as older people say. But experience is given to everyone, but few know how to use it. I believe that you should be smarter, learn not to repeat mistakes, but use not only your own experience, but also the experience of other people who create works that convey this experience.

Well, May 30 is getting closer and closer, minus vacations and all sorts of holidays, a little more than two months remain, and I sincerely hope that you are all almost ready for the exam. And yet it would be useful to repeat once again how to complete task 25 and show specific examples how to and how not to write an argumentative essay.

Essay blocks

Your essay should consist of 4 blocks: in the first block, the problems raised by the author, author's position.

The second block is an expression of your own position (agree - disagree) and the first, proving your opinion.

The third block is the second argument. One of the arguments must be from artistic, journalistic or scientific literature, another may rely on reasoning or on life experience.

The fourth block is the conclusion.


(1) I listen to brilliant sounds, penetrating and eternal. (2) They make you think that there is no difference between the living and the dead. (3) The soul is immortal because it is alone and is not like anyone else. (4) “Autumn Song” is not like anyone else. (5) Isn’t she, not the soul of Tchaikovsky, hovering in my hut? (6) When I am alone, I do not feel the difference between my dead and living friends in different places. (7) For me, they are equally alive, like the soul of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. (8) His “Autumn Song” sounds, and I hear the mushroom smell from the creaking heavy basket, I shudder from the forest moisture and dying birch and aspen leaves, I smell everything that is happening outside the gates... (9) But suddenly in this music I hear Valdai the bell of his great-grandfather... (10) And the invigorating rhythmic running on a slippery road, and the laughter of the cheerful Maslenitsa crowd, and the sledding that my mother so often talks about - everything seemed to be reincarnated, contained in these immortal sounds. (11) And it becomes clear that nothing passes without a trace, nothing disappears and nothing happens in vain. (12) My bitter heaviness softens in my throat and then disappears; I again clearly hear the morning ringing of snow frozen overnight, they blind me with the reflection of the golden early rays. (13) But now the first black starling is sitting in the clearing, and the first snowdrop hatches in surprise from under the snow into the white light. (14) Listening to music, I feel the infantile helplessness of this tiny green creature. (15) But what is the power that is not subject to anything, indomitable and eternal life! (16) There is snow-white, blinding cold everywhere, and our arrow has ripened everywhere. (17) All around are white layers of snow, petrified by frost, and here on a small thawed patch the ice shell melts and retreats. (18) And he - the baby snowdrop - not having had time to hatch from the ground, was already in a hurry to bloom... (19) “Life stronger than death" (20) A banal phrase begs to be written down on paper. (21) I give in and put it on paper, although I know that comparing the concepts of life and death is illegal. (According to V. Belov)

This is a famous text by the writer Vasily Belov about memory from the past Unified State Exam options. The text is good, understandable, with a clearly expressed author's position.

First block: comment

For the first block you can get 5 points: 1 for the problem, 3 for the comment if you provide two arguments illustrating the author’s position and 1 point for the author’s position.

Several comments taken from real student works, the authors’ style and spelling preserved:

  1. “The author in the text asks the question: does humanity need memory? Reflecting on this issue, V. Belov gives several arguments. First he writes about Pyotr Tchaikovsky, whose memory will live on as long as his poems are read. Belov further claims that nothing passes without a trace. Indeed, every event has a reflection in the future; even the most insignificant decisions can change your life. Thus, the author leads the reader to the idea that without the past there will be no future, chaos will begin on the planet.”

This comment cannot be considered successful. Firstly, the problem of the text is formulated inaccurately and too generally. You can simply answer: yes, memory is needed, and not go into further discussion. Secondly, the author’s position is inaccurate, even incorrectly defined: V. Belov does not talk about the chaos that will begin on the planet (!) if humanity loses its memory. Thirdly, two arguments (about P.I. Tchaikovsky and “nothing passes without a trace”) still exist, but they are not commented on properly: it was necessary to show what memories and reflections the sounds of music evoke in the author, what he thinks, when listening to Tchaikovsky. The second argument is generally some kind of general one, the author has such an idea, but in what context, what else V. Belov claims and what he is thinking about is not shown. Besides, Tchaikovsky did not write poetry! This is a factual error for which the essay writer will be penalized with points. The idea of ​​“reflection in the future” is generally suspended in emptiness and is in no way connected with the text. The maximum score for the first block is 2 points.

  1. “Does a person need memory of the past? Can a person live without it? V. Belov suggests thinking about this. Under the penetrating and eternal sounds of music by P.I. Tchaikovsky, the author reflects on the immortality of the soul, on the fact that there is no difference between the dead and the living. The plays of the Russian composer awaken dear memories of family and friends. Musical paintings convince the writer that the past never disappears, it is only reincarnated into immortal sounds that help to realize the power of “unsubject to anything, indomitable and eternal life.” Thus, V. Belov comes to the idea: a person vitally needs the memory of the past, since it helps to comprehend the present, to clearly understand that “nothing passes without a trace, nothing disappears and nothing happens in vain.” According to the writer, it is memory that “softens the bitter heaviness” of the soul and helps to live on.

This comment can be rated 5 points. There are two arguments from the text, they are commented on, the problem is precisely formulated, the only thing that can be advised to the author of the essay is - main idea the text must be conveyed in your own words and less verbosely: the second sentence should either be raised higher, or “fit” into the idea.

  1. “The author of the text asks the question: what does memory mean to a person? In his text, he reflects on the importance of music in our lives, saying that it helps us preserve people and memories of them in our memory. At the end, he writes: “Life is stronger than death” and thereby brings us to the idea - despite how alone we actually are, memory gives us the opportunity to forget about it and feel all the charm of bygone times. In addition, memory is one of the most important sources human knowledge and experience passed on from generation to generation."

Second block. Argumentation

In earlier articles I wrote how important this block is. It is the main “indicator” of your ability to prove your position and level of proficiency in the logic of thought, and in the Russian language in general.

  1. “Of course, the author of the text is right. Indeed, memory is eternal. The problem of time (?!) was raised in their work by many writers, poets, artists, one of them was A.P. Chekhov. In his work “The Cherry Orchard,” the author describes the story of people lost in time. The heroes live with memories of the past, for example, Ranevskaya thinks only about her cherry orchard, which she will later lose. Anton Pavlovich wonderfully revealed the problem of time.

IN everyday life the memory of the history of ancestors occurs constantly. Walking along the streets, we see monuments to various cultural figures, politicians, and so on. Why is this necessary? To remember the past of your people, your ancestors.

Thus, the memory of our past is an integral part of our life, because without the past everything will end, because it teaches us not to repeat the mistakes of our ancestors.

This is such an interesting argument. What did the author prove? Absolutely nothing. In the first argument, I changed the problem: the text is not about time, but about the importance of memory. The student gives an example from “The Cherry Orchard”, there is also a problem of memory, but if he mentioned the image-symbol - the cherry orchard, which also personifies the memory of the past, and showed that people who have lost their memory are doomed to unhappy life, according to A.P. Chekhov, the argument would prove the author’s position.

The second argument is also no good. What is it about? Nothing. Well, there are monuments, and that’s fine. The idea had to be developed: to show that monuments are erected so that a person does not forget, does not erase from memory facts or people that are important to everyone. It would be nice to end with the conclusion that memory helps to understand the past so that the present and future are better, and thus life continues.

The conclusion is generally correct: there is a conclusion, but it is “suspended” in the air due to the fact that there is no argumentation as such.

There are violations of the logic of presentation: in the first argument, the conclusion does not follow from the previous sentence, and there are speech errors: “Ranevskaya thinks about the past...”. The maximum score is 3 points for everything.

  1. “I agree with the author’s opinion. Indeed, it is impossible to live without memory of the past. This concept is eternal and necessary for each of us; today we often hear that we need to live in the present, and not look back at the path we have taken. I think this is a misunderstanding, because memory is the basis of human life. It is memory that helps maintain connections between people, preserve the integrity of the world, and shape culture. Lessons from the past help prevent mistakes in the future. Memory is a thread that connects people. Therefore, each of us needs to take care of preserving memory, which makes our life omnipotent and eternal.

Let us remember the story of A.P. Chekhov's "Student", in which theological seminary student Ivan Velikopolsky talks in Good Friday two widows a story about what happened 19 centuries ago on this day: the story of Christ, the betrayal of Judas and Peter’s denial of his Teacher. The seminarian sees an unusual reaction of women: they cry, as if living through those distant events. This meeting helped the heroes to feel the connection of times, to realize that the past is inextricably linked with the present and the future, to change their attitude towards the world around them, to rise above darkness and poverty - so grateful memory gives a person joy, strength and enlightenment.

I would like to believe that each of us realizes how important historical and human memory. The history of our ancestors does not pass without a trace, home country. We must remember this so that the connection of times does not fall apart.

In all respects, a successful argument and conclusion. Two different arguments (“Memory is the thread that connects...” and “thanks to memory, a person rises above darkness”), both supported, in one case by the student’s reasoning, in the other by an illustration - Chekhov’s story “The Student”. Brief and precise conclusion. Please note that in each of the arguments a thesis is formulated, which is proven. The score for the block is 7 points.

  1. In the story by A.P. Chekhov's "Student" the connecting link between the past and the present is the student's story. The women who heard this story burst into tears, because the sad events told lie in their memory, and these events are important to them. Thus, every person should be grateful to the events of the past, because nothing happens in vain in our lives.

IN real life In addition to music, paintings and books are sources of memories. Old things keep the memory of our grandparents, which plays a huge role in our upbringing.

Thus, memory for a person is the source of morality and ethics, the source of countless examples to follow and the repository of the entire history of mankind.

This essay has a number of advantages and just as many disadvantages. The position of the author of the essay is not expressed at the very beginning, so we can talk about a logical error. The first argument begins correctly, but the conclusion does not entirely correspond to the author's previous statements. Why are events important? The author did not answer this question. There is also a second argument, the conclusion is also successful - a conclusion from everything that has been said, or rather, it should be like this, but the conclusion does not follow from the arguments and can be regarded as a logical error. The second argument is not developed and is unproven. So, 1 point for K4, 0 points for K5, 1 point for K6 (there is speech error“in their memory lie...”). Result: 2 points.

Of course, you will have a question: how to work with this? Just read the essays several times and try to find the flaws yourself and understand HOW not to write. Read, think, do it yourself.

The material was prepared by Karelina Larisa Vladislavovna, teacher of the Russian language of the highest category, honorary worker general education RF

Experience and mistakes Essay "Experience and mistakes."
As the ancient Roman philosopher Cicero said: “To err is human.” Indeed, it is impossible to live life without making a single mistake. Mistakes can ruin a person’s life, even break his soul, but they can also provide rich life experience. And let it be common for us to make mistakes, because everyone learns from their own mistakes and sometimes even the mistakes of other people.
Many literary characters make mistakes, but not everyone tries to correct them. In the play by A.P. Chekhov's "The Cherry Orchard" Ranevskaya makes a mistake, since she refused the proposals to save the estate that Lopakhin offered her. But you can still understand Ranevskaya, because by agreeing, she could lose the family’s legacy. I think, main mistake in this work, this is the destruction of the Cherry Orchard, which is a memory of the life of the past generation and the consequence of this is a break in relations. After reading this play, I began to understand that we need to preserve the memory of the past, but this is just my opinion, everyone thinks differently, but I hope that many will agree that we must protect everything that our ancestors left us.
I believe that every person should pay for their mistakes and try to correct them at any cost. In the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky's “crime and punishment” character's mistakes cost two innocent lives. Raskolnikov's erroneous plan took the life of Lisa and the unborn child, but this act radically affected the life of the protagonist. Sometimes someone can say that he is a murderer and should not be forgiven, but after reading about his condition after the murder, I began to look at him with a different eye. But he paid for his mistakes with himself, and only thanks to Sonya he was able to cope with his mental torment.
Speaking about experience and mistakes, the words of the Soviet philologist D.S. come to me. Likhachev, who said: “admiring the skaters’ ability to correct mistakes during the dance. This is art, great art,” but in life there are many more mistakes and everyone needs to be able to correct them, immediately and beautifully, because nothing teaches you more than realizing your mistakes.
Pondering over destinies different heroes, we understand what exactly mistakes made and their corrections, eternal work above yourself. It is the search for truth and the desire for spiritual harmony that leads us to gaining real experience and to finding happiness. Folk wisdom says: “Only those who do nothing make no mistakes.”

Next question >>

All our lives we try to achieve the desired goals, although we often make mistakes and blunders. People endure all these difficulties in different ways: some become depressed, others try to start over, and many set new goals for themselves, given the sad experience in achieving previous ones. In my opinion, that's the whole point human life. Life is an eternal search for oneself, a constant struggle for one’s purpose. And if “wounds” and “abrasions” appear in this struggle, then this is not a reason for despondency. Because these are your own mistakes, which you have the right to make. There will be something to remember in the future, when the desired is achieved, the “wounds” heal and you even become a little sad that all this is already behind.
You never need to look back, regret what you have done or, conversely, what you have not done. It's just a waste of energy. It is only useful to analyze the experience of past mistakes and think carefully about what to do to avoid them in the future.
Studying biographies famous people, we can be sure that they were not perfect either. Their creative path was a series of ups and downs, gains and losses. But they became famous, respected and revered. We remember them, study their work, argue and admire. The main thing is that they left behind this significant mark.
A very interesting fact is that many discoveries also occurred as a result of an error. For example, the discovery of America (search for a new route to India) and many others geographical discoveries occurred only thanks to the persistence of courageous researchers who expected to discover completely different countries.
Such mistakes can be called happy accidents.
So a mistake is a stepping stone to knowledge and success. You just need to overcome it and not stumble. Our life is a high ladder. And I would like to wish that this staircase leads only upward. I believe that a person is born in order to do a lot of good and necessary things, in order to leave his own, even small, mark on history. To do this, you need to know a lot. Young children make mistakes very often because they don’t know much yet. They learn: they try, make mistakes, then draw conclusions and ultimately do the right thing.
But it's not easy and long haul. And many people help us along this path: parents, friends, teachers. From childhood, our parents teach us what is good and what is bad, how to act correctly in a given situation. We learn by reading good books, getting to know the lives of great people. In order not to make mistakes, you need to know and be able to do a lot, and this knowledge only comes with experience. The child wants to build a tower out of cubes - and gradually, cube by cube, he learns to build it. One unsuccessful attempt, second, third, and then the tower stands stable and strong, does not fall. Desire helps the child cope with his task. Desire will help any person overcome many other matters.