Posts tagged ‘example of completing an Unified State Exam assignment in literature’. Preparation for the Unified State Examination in Literature from scratch Analysis of the Unified State Examination in Literature

The most effective preparation for the Unified State Exam in literature is consistent preparation on tasks ranging from simple to complex. To implement it, the Many-Wise Litrekon will analyze each of the 17 questions that you will get this summer. Our tasks are to determine what the task is, find out what is required of us, and develop recommendations for its implementation and preparation, based on.

The analysis of the Unified State Examination in literature begins with the first tasks - the simplest ones on the list. They are very similar to each other, they are even rated the same (1 point), so the Many-Wise Litrecon considers them all together. They represent a short answer from a word, phrase or sequence of numbers. The topics of the assignments are prose works.

The creators of the literary Unified State Exam formulated in an official document the skills that must be possessed in order to complete the assigned tasks:

  1. Determining whether a literary (folklore) text belongs to one or another type and genre;

  2. Identification of linguistic means artistic imagery and determining their role in revealing the ideological and thematic content of the work;

  3. Conscious, creative reading works of art different genres.

Your preparation for assignments should begin with mastering these skills. It is assumed that by 11th grade graduates already master them. If you are preparing from scratch, then here simple tips How to quickly prepare in these areas:

  1. Make a cheat sheet with genres (novel, story, short story, short story, etc.) and types of literature (epic, lyric, drama). Identify each book from the codifier () using this cheat sheet. In the end, you will remember everything.
  2. Make a plan for text analysis (here) and analyze small texts first (it’s easier to get better at it), and then move on to larger ones. If you have any questions during the analysis, write to us to the group, we respond promptly. In addition, on our website you can find detailed and high-quality reviews of the books you need.
  3. Make a note of the main trails and refer to it when looking for funds artistic expression. You will gradually bring the skill to automatism and understand that, logically, the role of tropes everywhere lies in one property: the transfer of emotions and hidden meanings from the author to the reader.
  4. Read books, noting those points that will be useful in analysis: characters, conflict, issues, ideas ( full list needs you will find in)

It is no coincidence that the wise Litrekon writes not “learn”, but “do”. Only practice gives stable and useful knowledge, and not cramming that you will forget in the first minute of the exam.

Having dealt with the scope of work, let’s pay attention to an example of tasks 1-7 from the demo version at FIPI:

How to solve 1-3 tasks? A logical approach is appropriate. So, great work in prose with a large number of characters - just like a novel. Bazarov is a nihilist, you’ve been using this word for a whole quarter, and you definitely haven’t heard anything like it before. Even without knowing its meaning, you can dig deeper into your memory and remember it. There are only a few critics in school, and the most famous is V. G. Belinsky. It is worth writing in the answer. Thus, it is obvious that all answers can be found by elimination if you have attended at least half of the literature lessons. Let's move on.

Task 4 is devoted to finding correspondences. IN in this example it's very simple if you remember at least approximately what happened in the novel. Even if you don’t remember, look for clues in the fragment presented. There you can find out that Nikolai is Arkady’s father, Pavel is his uncle, and Evgeniy is a friend who came to stay. The conflict is already brewing in the presented passage: Pavel did not shake hands with the guest. So the duel was between them. Pavel is much older and has been sitting idle for a long time, which means he was wounded. There remains a choice, in which at least some knowledge about the plot should help. Nikolai lived at home all the time, never leaving, so he could only marry Fenechka, an inhabitant of his estate, who is called by name because she is a commoner. The old man would have to go to the noblewoman Odintsova, which does not fit in with his age and character. Evgeniy – tragic hero, and all that remains for him is death. Thus, even without remembering the exact plot, you can complete the task, relying on common sense and scraps of knowledge.

5-7 – the basics of literary criticism, the first part of the codifier. Task 5 can also be solved by elimination, knowing approximately the basic terms from the codifier. The rest (portrait, landscape, etc.) are simply not suitable, all that remains is artistic detail. Task 6 is also quite simple, because the answer to it can be obtained by remembering the prefix meaning “against” - “anti”. Only one word from literary criticism is suitable for our case - this is antithesis. Well, 7 is psychologism, because there are simply no other suitable options in the codifier. This means that in order to complete these tasks, you just need to roughly understand the meaning of the terms described in the codifier.

Thus, even without all the skills that the creators of the Unified State Exam in Literature told us about, you can cope with these tasks, having at your disposal a superficial knowledge of the contents of the codifier and using the Sherlock Holmes method.

8 and 15

Tasks 8 and 15 are mini-essays that present a detailed answer to a question. The organizers listed the skills needed to complete this task.

  1. Conscious, creative reading of works of art of different genres;

  2. Identification of linguistic means of artistic imagery and determination of their role in revealing the ideological and thematic content of the work

  3. Written interpretations of a work of art;

  4. Independent search for an answer to a question, commenting on a literary text.

If the Many-Wise Litrekon discussed the first three points in the previous paragraph, then he has yet to describe 4 and 5. How can you independently learn to interpret and find from scratch? Here are some simple tips:

  1. Do individual plan answer questions based on the text. Formulate the main questions for the books you read and answer them in writing using an outline. This is how you train this skill;
  2. Make a plan for analyzing the text and independently fill out those points that reveal your opinion about the content of the book: problems, ideas, conclusion, conflict, morality, themes, etc. For help, contact us at group.

Having dealt with the preparations, let's move on to the battlefield. This is what an example of task No. 8 from the Unified State Examination in literature looks like.

Task 15 is similar, but about a lyrical work:

How to make them? We are forming a universal plan for mini-essays 8 and 15 on the Unified State Exam in literature.

  1. Introduction– paraphrased question: The conflict in I. S. Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons” arises already on the first pages of the book.
  2. Main part– 2 theses (different!) and arguments for them: Firstly, the author conveys the tension that has arisen through the gestures of Pavel Kirsanov: he hid his hand in his pocket, and did not greet the guest, because he disdained to give his well-groomed hand to the unkempt Evgeniy. Secondly, the writer shows the contrast between the worldviews of his heroes through their attitude to appearance: Bazarov did not want to clean himself after the journey, although he was covered in dust, and Pavel Petrovich, on the contrary, carefully looked after himself, showing off his thin hands and a fashionable suit even in the village .
  3. Conclusion- answer to the question posed: Thus, the author, through gestures and appearance The heroes made it clear that these people were very different from each other, and conflict between them was inevitable.

This work is assessed according to three criteria. When answering, it is important to maintain literacy and culture of speech (2 points), use the given text for argumentation (2 points), but the main thing is to constantly check the main question so that the answer is logical and accurate (2 points). Only such an essay will earn a maximum of 6 points.

Thus, in order to complete tasks 8 and 15, you need to be able to express yourself in writing and read the text carefully. This is enough to get as many as 12 primary points!

9 and 16

Tasks 9 and 16 are mini-essays with a search for correspondence between the objects mentioned in the task. To do them, you need to have the skills outlined by the creators of the specialized Unified State Examination. You need to be able to do almost everything that we described in the previous sections, as well as compare, contrast, classify, and rank objects according to one or more proposed grounds. In addition, you need to independently determine these criteria and justify the comparison positions. How to learn this yourself and from scratch? Here are tips from the Many-Wise Litrecon:

  1. Make thematic, genre, event collections of poetic and prose works. They must be similar according to the criterion you have chosen.
  2. State this similarity in writing. So, you will gnaw the dog in this matter to the last bone.

The preparation is clear, so the analysis of each task from the Unified State Exam in literature continues with the analysis of the tasks themselves and the methods for completing them. Here are examples from the demo:

How to deal with this? You need a plan for essays 9 and 16 and, of course, you need to remember at least two similar works. Here's an example:

  1. Introduction– this is a cliché + wording of the question: Many writers (poets) reflected the conflict between representatives of different generations in their works.
  2. Main part– two short examples of comparison and analysis. First, we describe the similarities of the books, and then the differences: Thus, A. N. Ostrovsky in the play “The Thunderstorm” also raises the topic of the relationship between fathers and children. The patriarchal stagnation of the elderly inhabitants of Kalinov is contrasted with the rebellious desire of the youth for freedom. But in this drama the author focuses on the confrontation of ideas and eras, and not on the clash of different generations. The same topic is touched upon by A. S. Griboedov in the play “Woe from Wit.” He contrasts young people in the image of Chatsky with older people in the person of Famusov. However, the conflict between fathers and children does not occupy the most important place in the book, where the confrontation between the future and the past comes to the fore.
  3. Conclusion- answer to the question posed: Thus, the conflict between representatives of different generations in their dramatic works reflected such classics as A. S. Griboyedov and A. N. Ostrovsky. The authors of both books talk about the clash of two different generations, but this is not the main conflict of these works.

Essays are assessed according to 4 criteria. It is necessary to correctly compare one work (2 points) and the second (2 points), and it is important to observe speech norms(2 points). But the most “expensive” criterion is the use of the text of the work for argumentation (4 points).

Thus, having a clear essay plan and minimal knowledge about similar books, you can get your 20 primary points without much difficulty.


Tasks 10-14 are short answers to questions (a word, a phrase, a sequence of numbers), but related to the lyrics. To do them, you need to have the same arsenal of skills that the Many-Wise Litrekon has already described in the first paragraph for tasks 1-7. But here are specific preparation tips specifically for this group of questions:

  1. Make cheat sheets of tropes, genres, movements, and sizes of poems. Analyze the works of Russian poets using these reminders. Over time, you will remember everything.
  2. From time to time it is useful to read analyzes of famous poems, and in this regard, the Many-Wise Litrekon will help you, as it weekly releases new works devoted to the analysis of poems.

It's time to look at the tasks themselves based on their clothes, here are examples from the demo:

What to do with them? If you have superficial knowledge, you can give correct answers. Blok (even judging by this poem) is only suitable for symbolism. Only the contents of the sixth stanza are similar to the mentioned stylistic figure. Since central image– Russia, the answer to question 12 is “robbery.” In task 13 you may not know anything at all, because the answer is found by the method of elimination: there is no irony or exaggeration, and this is obvious. That leaves numbers 2, 4 and 5. The meter is iambic, but if you have absolutely no idea about them, then you could guess, there is a high probability of a random coincidence.

Thus, in order to quickly and efficiently complete these tasks from the Unified State Exam in literature, you need to master the terms from the codifier and gain the skills of analyzing lyrical texts during practical classes.


Task 17 is a full-length essay-reasoning on one of 4 topics. To prepare for it, you need to master all the skills described in the previous paragraphs. In addition, there are two more that were formulated by the same creators of the Unified State Exam in Literature:

  • Writing detailed answers, including in the essay genre, based on literary works;

  • Various types of retelling.

How to prepare for this yourself from scratch? Here are tips from the Many-Wise Litrecon:

  1. Write reader's diaries. These are brief retellings with feedback that teach the reader to fully master literary material. Here .
  2. Write essays according to the exam model and check them yourself. If you have any questions, write to us at

Currently Unified State Exam time in literature was not included in the list of mandatory tests at the end of school. However, the results of this state exam are necessary in order to enroll in various specialties at Russian higher educational institutions. This could be philology or journalism, television, as well as vocal and acting arts. Our article will tell you in detail what you need to know to pass the literature exam (Unified State Exam).

Exam Features

In 2017, there were active rumors that the structure of the final test in literature would be significantly transformed. But in September of the same year it became known that this testing had undergone minimum quantity changes. Nevertheless, in one of her interviews, Minister of Education Olga Vasilyeva said that next year another, more promising model of the state exam, developed by leading specialists from the Institute of Pedagogical Measurements, will come into force. Thus, test tasks were excluded from the CIMs. Now about literature? Let's figure it out together.

Why were the tests removed?

In the opinion of the developers, multiple-choice tasks for students do not pose any difficulty. They are just an extra element for assessment. In such tasks there is a huge probability of guessing the correct answer, and experts at the Institute of Pedagogical Measurements fundamentally disagree with this.

In addition, it became known that in the literature exam, graduates will no longer see open-ended questions and tasks where they must give an answer in the form of one word or a sequence of numbers. Thus, graduates lose the opportunity to score points for knowledge literary terms. Therefore, C grade students will not be able to get away with “little loss” by passing one part of the exam. In 2018, graduates are expected to demonstrate the ability to express their own thoughts beautifully and clearly.

Test requirements. Essays

It is known that during the literature exam you need to write several essays. The developers of test materials have increased the minimum volume of the “main” essay. In previous years, this volume was at least 200 words, but already in 2018, the graduate will be required to compose a text 50 words more than in previous years.

Institute specialists have specified the requirements for mini-essays for next year. They must be at least 50 words long. Since 2018, this requirement applies not only to the issue of text analysis, but also to comparative tasks. A natural question arises for future graduates: “What is needed to pass the literature (Unified State Exam)?” Therefore, we will smoothly move on to recommendations.

How to pass the Unified State Exam in literature?

In order to get the most out of testing, firstly, you need to read all the literature that is required to pass the exam. Please note that reading will require a lot of time and effort. We will tell you what literature you need to read to pass the Unified State Exam a little later.

Secondly, bookstores sell huge amount benefits that guarantee passing the Unified State Exam without much knowledge and effort. You can purchase all these collections, but you shouldn’t expect real success. However, if you solve the problems in these books, it will be much easier for you to answer the questions in the exam.

Thirdly, there is an opinion that an interested and competent teacher is able to teach his student everything necessary to pass the exam. Having asked themselves in advance how to pass the Unified State Exam in literature, students hire tutors.

Fourthly, among schoolchildren and students there are a huge number of rituals and signs that supposedly help them pass exams. In fact, nothing to do with real world These rituals do not exist. But by doing them, perhaps you will feel more confident in the exam.

Alumni Experience

We present to your attention the experience of students of the Faculty of Philology, who give recommendations and explain how to pass the Unified State Exam in Literature. As a rule, on September 1, eleventh graders go to the bookstore and buy a huge number of collections on this subject. Current students are advised to buy collections from previous years, since the structure of test materials does not actually change, and their price is much lower. Many perform tasks as often as some solve crossword puzzles. There are schoolchildren who lack the theoretical basis necessary to write essays. But they make plans where they write out theses. Over time, this becomes a habit that a person uses today while studying at the institute.

Note that many universities often enroll in preparation courses for the Unified State Exam in various subjects. Many people recommend attending these classes. As a rule, you need to attend lectures once a week, which last about two hours. There is a lot of work before the exam: you need to constantly write and read in order to come to class already prepared. In addition, school literature teachers often come to the rescue. Teachers share theoretical materials with graduates, as well as the experience of specialists who test exam papers. Thus, many students pass the exam with a hundred marks.

A few words about the list of fiction

As mentioned above, the list of literature to pass the Unified State Exam in literature is quite large. There is no point in publishing this list, since it is in every exam book. In any case, you need to know ancient Russian literature, as well as texts written in the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries. Need to know and understand school works Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol, Fet, Nekrasov, Turgenev, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Ostrovsky, Tyutchev, Chekhov, Bunin, Akhmatova, Tsvetaeva, Gorky, Yesenin, Pasternak, Mandelstam, Mayakovsky, Blok, Sholokhov, Bulgakov, Tvardovsky, Solzhenitsyn and other writers , whose texts are included in the list fiction, studied in lessons from grades 5 to 11.


At the beginning of this article there was a question about the difficulty of passing the exam. It is not easy to answer, since the concept of complexity is relative. For some children it is difficult to write essays, for others it is difficult to analyze a literary text. In any case, an exam is a test for which you need to prepare conscientiously in order to get the desired result.

Thanks to our article, you now know how to pass the Unified State Exam in literature and what you need to do to get a good result. Remember that teachers checking essays expect graduates to have a conscious understanding of the problem and a clear vision of the author’s position. Also, the person being certified must be familiar with genres and literary terms. We wish you success!

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As you know, since 2009, the Unified State Exam in Literature has become a mandatory test for admission to a number of specialties, including such popular ones today as “Journalism”, “Advertising”, “ Graphic art and design” and others. This fact could not help but force graduates to choose the subject “Literature” as a compulsory exam.

My students were no exception either. Finding myself in the situation of having to prepare graduates for the exam, I started by buying literature that would help me determine where to start. After analyzing the manuals received, I concluded that it usually consists of the following components:

  • methodological recommendations for students on preparing for the Unified State Exam,
  • features of task types,
  • training tasks from open options KIM,
  • training options for the Unified State Exam,
  • criteria for checking and assessing the completion of tasks C1, C2, C3, C4, C5-1 – C5-3,
  • list literary texts for required reading.

All this is not enough to answer the questions: where to start preparing for the exam, how to divide the material, what scientific and educational literature can be useful, and similar questions. Identified problem: lack of sufficient methodological assistance in solving difficulties when preparing for the Unified State Exam in literature

The demand for the subject today and a number of unresolved issues in this regard allow us to talk about relevance my work.

Real methodological development has purpose creating recommendations (cheat sheets) for preparing graduates for the literature exam in the Unified State Exam format.

  1. Advice from psychologists to graduates.
  2. Structure of control measuring materials.
  3. List of literary texts according to different literary eras.
  4. Criteria for checking and assessing the completion of tasks with a detailed answer (C1, C2, C3, C4).
  5. Memos for the analysis of epic, dramatic and lyrical works.
  6. Criteria for checking and assessing the implementation of part C5 (C5.1, C5.2, C5.3 at the choice of the examinee).
  7. Recommendations for the essay-reasoning part C5.
  8. Recommended literature and Internet sites.

How to prepare for the Unified State Exam

  • First, prepare a place for studying: remove unnecessary things from the table, conveniently arrange the necessary textbooks, manuals, notebooks, paper, pencils, etc.
  • You can introduce yellow and purple colors, because they increase intellectual activity. For this, some picture in these tones or a print is sufficient.
  • Make a lesson plan. First, determine whether you are a “night owl” or a “lark”, and depending on this, make the most of your morning or evening hours. When making a plan for each day of preparation, it is necessary to clearly define what exactly will be studied today. Not in general: “I’ll study a little,” but what specific sections and topics.
  • Start with the most difficult one, with the section you know the worst. But if it’s difficult for you to “swing,” you can start with the material that is most interesting and enjoyable to you. Perhaps you will gradually get into a working rhythm, and things will go well.
  • Alternate between classes and rest, say, 40 minutes of class, then a 10-minute break. At this time you can wash the dishes, water the flowers, do exercises, and take a shower.
  • There is no need to strive to read and memorize the entire textbook. It is useful to structure the material by drawing up plans, diagrams, preferably on paper. Outlines are also useful because they are easy to use when reviewing material briefly.
  • Take as many different published tests as possible. These training sessions will familiarize you with the construction of test items.
  • When preparing for an exam, never think that you will not cope with the task, but on the contrary, mentally paint yourself a picture of triumph.
  • Leave one day before the exam to review all the answer plans and once again focus on the most difficult questions. Appendix 1
  • Part 4

    Criteria for checking and assessing the completion of tasks with a detailed answer (C1, C2, C3, C4)

    Tasks of types C1 - C4 are tasks of an increased level of complexity - this is a question to which you need to give a short (limitedly developed) coherent answer. Completing tasks C1 – C4 involves entering a broad literary context: the issues of the analyzed work (fragment) are included in the literary connections of the course.

    Assessment of the completion of tasks C1 and C3

    Assessment of the completion of tasks C2 and C4


    Part 5

    Memos for the analysis of epic, dramatic and lyrical works

    Analysis of epic and dramatic work

    1. The place of the episode in the development of the plot and composition of the work;
    2. Speech structure (description, narration, reasoning, presence of author's digressions);
    3. What events take place in the episode, who participates in them, what aspects of the characters’ character are revealed;
    4. How and for what purpose the author uses the details of visual representation;
    5. What visual and expressive means artistic speech uses by the writer, for what purpose;
    6. What is the emotional pathos of the episode and how is it created;
    7. The theme and problem of the work that was developed here, the significance of the episode for revealing the idea of ​​the work, expressing the author’s position.

    Analysis of a lyric work

    1. Author, title;
    2. Genre of the poem (sonnet, elegy, confession, miniature, letter);
    3. Main theme (love, friendship, heroism, loneliness, poet and poetry);
    4. Plot, composition, problem.
    5. Motive for creation: what served as the source of writing, inspiration;
    6. Lyrical hero;
    7. The author's place in the work;
    8. Emotions, feelings that arise when reading a poem;
    9. Artistic media(portrait sketches; speech characteristics; landscape, its role; dream; letters; dialogues; monologues);
    10. Linguistic means (phonetic, lexical, tropes, morphological, syntactic); [ ]

    Part 6

    Criteria for checking and assessing the implementation of part C5 (C5.1, C5.2, C5.3 at the examinee’s choice)

    1. Depth and independence of understanding of the problem proposed in the question Points
    The examinee demonstrates an understanding of the problem proposed in the question; formulates his opinion taking into account the position of the author, putting forward the necessary theses, giving reasons and arguments developing them and drawing appropriate conclusions; demonstrates knowledge of the subject matter of the work and the ability to substantiate judgments; There are no factual errors. 3
    2. Level of knowledge of theoretical and literary knowledge.
    The examinee demonstrates a high level of mastery of theoretical and literary knowledge, appropriately using the appropriate literary terms when analyzing literary material and explaining the functions of certain literary devices. 3
    3. The validity of using the text of the work.
    The text of the work in question is used reasonably and quite comprehensively (quotes with comments to them, brief retelling content necessary to prove judgments, reference to micro-themes of the text and their interpretation, various kinds of references to what is depicted in the work, etc.). 3
    4. Consistency and logic of presentation.
    The parts of the statement are logically connected, the thought develops from part to part, there are no violations of the sequence within the semantic parts of the statement and there are no unfounded repetitions. 3
    5. Following the norms of speech.
    Maximum score


    How to write an essay?

    Composition of the essay:


    Main part


    1. Introduction - introduces the topic, gives preliminary, general information about the problem behind the proposed topic.

    In the introduction you can:

    • contain an answer to a question asked on the topic;
    • your opinion is presented if the title contains a reference to the writer’s opinion (“how do you understand the meaning of the title...”);
    • contain a fact from the author’s biography or characterize historical period, if this information is important for subsequent text analysis;
    • your understanding of literary terms is formulated if they are used in the title of the topic (“ theme of fate”, “image of a hero”...).

    2. Main part: represents an analysis of a literary work in accordance with a given topic.

    In general, you should avoid:

    • Retelling a literary work;
    • Presentation of information not directly related to the topic;

    In the main part, it is necessary to demonstrate knowledge of literary material, the ability to logically, reasonedly and stylistically correctly, and competently express one’s thoughts;

    The main part is checking how correctly the topic is understood.

    3. Conclusion: summing up, summarizing what has been said, completing the text, once again drawing attention to the most important thing.

    The final part should be:

    • Short but succinct;
    • Organically connected with the previous presentation.

    In conclusion, the writer’s attitude towards the work, its characters, and the problem can be expressed. It must be presented correctly, without excessive enthusiastic assessments, and have a clearly defined certain meaning and be prepared with the material of the main part.

    In the final part of the work, I will outline the greatest difficulties that arise when preparing for the Unified State Exam in literature, and ways to solve them.

    Difficulties Solutions
    1. Psychological: anxiety, confusion, lack of clarity in structured thinking, etc. 1. Form an internal action plan;

    2. Organize a work area;

    3. Understand the specifics of the work;

    4. Select necessary literature;

    5. Explore the Internet in search of useful links.

    2. Lack of information base 1. Seek help from your comrades;

    2. View and select the necessary literature in the library catalogs;

    3. Visit official websites preparing for the Unified State Exam

    3. Large volume of material 1. Divide the material into blocks convenient for repetition;

    2. Create a conceptual dictionary with the necessary literary terms;

    3. Use reference books and manuals like “All works of Russian literature in summary”;

    4. Systematize the material using a reader's diary.

    5. Lack of necessary practice in writing essays in literature lessons. 1. Select a convenient guide for writing detailed answers and the necessary recommendations for writing a literary essay;

    2. Practice writing short works, analyzing episodes from epic, dramatic and lyrical works in accordance with the criteria;

    3. Select the most frequently encountered topics in the essays of part C5 and work through some of them in detail.

    6. A small number of rehearsal exams in the Unified State Exam format. 1. Systematic review of Unified State Exam options with self-test;

    2. Test performance with a literature teacher.

    Do not forget that, if possible, it is necessary to consistently read and study literary texts in accordance with the school curriculum!!!

    Practical use of the work:

    1. Psychological mood.
    2. Dividing the material into convenient blocks.
    3. Save time when searching for information.
    4. Ready-made reminders and analysis algorithms.
    5. This systematization of the material allows you to better prepare for Part C of the Unified State Exam in the Russian language.

    Promising areas of work are

    – compiling a dictionary in accordance with the blocks;
    – systematization of essay topics into sections;
    – selection of sample essays for part C5 and answers for parts C1-C4.

    The first thing you need when preparing for the Unified State Exam in literature from scratch is knowledge of texts. You need to read a lot.

    Literature is a cumulative subject, one might say archaeological. For example, the program for students of the Russian department of the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University is designed so that they read for 6-7 hours every day for five years. And if you haven’t accumulated this resource in large quantities, you simply won’t know what to rely on.

    On the Unified State Examination in literature, unlike mathematics, there are no single correct answers to questions. You may think that your answer is wonderful, but it will turn out to be meaningless. This means you need to do more than just read. You need to know where to focus your attention. We need to get feedback in any way.

    How to prepare for the Unified State Exam in literature from scratch?

    Literature is based on knowledge of texts. If you are preparing for the Unified State Exam in literature, you need at least two years. If you want to get done in a year, you must “read” all the main texts.

    And at the same time, it is important not just to “familiarize yourself with the plot,” but also to remember all the details and structure of the work.

    For example, you need to know the answers to questions of this nature:

    Is there an epigraph to “Eugene Onegin”?
    Answer: Yes, and for every chapter. There is also an epigraph to the entire work (and it must be remembered). We must also remember in what languages ​​the epigraphs to the chapters of “Eugene Onegin” are given, how many chapters there are in “Eugene Onegin” (answer: 8).

    How many parts are there in Oblomov?
    Answer: Four! Like the seasons.

    What parts does “A Hero of Our Time” consist of?

    Answering this question, the high school student recalls chronological order actions and lists: “Taman”, “Bela”, “Princess Mary”, “Fatalist”... People usually forget about “Maxim Maksimovich”.

    But in fact, the order of the chapters is completely different! First, a preface to the novel. Then - the first part, this is “Bela” and “Maxim Maksimovich”, then the preface to Pechorin’s journal, where it is reported that Pechorin died and his notes can be published, and finally, “Taman”. The second part consists of “Princess Mary” and “Fatalist”.

    Yes, Lermontov rearranged parts of his narrative, and this is world-class innovation, this is pre-modernism - although we do not speak such terms to schoolchildren. “Hero of Our Time” is a brilliant text and a brilliant ending. “A Hero of Our Time” ends not with the death of Pechorin, but with a description of the conversation between Pechorin and Maxim Maksimych about predestination.

    But usually the schoolchild does not see this, does not understand the logic of the novel, because he pays attention only to the plot, to the development of the action. And when preparing for the Unified State Exam in Literature with high scores, you need to know the structure of the work, and not just the plot. We need to remember all the details, not just the main events. You need to be able to retell the text in detail, surprise with “tricks,” and answer all the difficult questions.

    Next, we must remember and not confuse the names of the characters, the location of the action, and the details of the biographies of the heroes. Let's test ourselves:

    What was Bazarov's name?
    Answer: Evgeny Vasilievich.
    What was Pechorin's name?
    Answer: Grigory Alexandrovich.
    What was Tatyana Larina's patronymic name?
    Answer: Tatyana Dmitrievna.
    What was the name of the fortress where the main events in The Captain's Daughter took place?
    Answer: The fortress was called Belogorskaya. Graduates write either “Belgorodskaya” or “Belozerskaya” and lose points. This typical mistakes on the Unified State Exam.
    Where do Petrusha’s parents live in the same “Captain’s Daughter”?
    Answer: In a village in Simbirsk province.
    Which city is under siege?
    Answer: Orenburg.

    And this is only the first step in preparing for the Unified State Exam in literature from scratch.

    The second thing you need is an analytical mind. The Unified State Exam in Literature has its own specifics. You need to understand that there is a certain algorithm or technology.

    Is it possible to prepare for the Unified State Exam in literature from scratch in a year?

    Yes, you can do it in a year if you have very good time management. This really means that you need to devote at least an hour to this work every day. Literally set a timer. Honestly check what you wrote against the criteria. Show to an outside observer - e.g. school teacher or a tutor.

    At the first stage we study texts. On the second, we write options for the Unified State Examination and check them against all criteria.

    This year, the Phoenix publishing house released my book “Literature. The author’s preparation course for the Unified State Exam.” In it I talk in detail about preparing for the Unified State Exam in literature from scratch.

    No matter how much 11th grade students want the opposite, the Unified State Exam is getting closer and closer. Very soon, graduates will sit down to write very important exams, on which further admission to higher education depends. educational institution. Those who have chosen to take literature can now begin to repeat the main works of the school curriculum and actively write essays on a variety of topics. It is the latter that will be discussed. A good essay on literature can bring a student large number points. Many people are very afraid of him, but in vain. The most important thing is to draw up a clear plan and provide relevant literary examples. And what more essays will be written before the exam, the greater the likelihood of a high result!

    1. Before writing an essay, make sure that you know the material well and can expand on the proposed topic using literary works.
    2. If you have decided on the topic of your essay, you can start writing a plan. It can be simple or complex. The main thing is that each point expresses evidence of your point of view or reveals the main topic of the essay.
    3. If necessary, after the plan, you can write abstracts or key points of a particular book, which will further expand on the chosen topic.
    4. It is best to write a draft of your essay first. There you can calmly correct errors or shortcomings and make the necessary corrections to the material.
    5. After writing a draft of the essay, re-read it and make sure that you have fully covered the topic, taken into account all the points of the plan and selected correct/accurate literary examples.
    6. Then you can rewrite your essays into a clean copy. But do not forget that the material needs to be double-checked in order to avoid errors and inaccuracies!

    Templates and cliches

    Part of the text structure Template or cliche
    Introduction 1. This topic has been of concern to humanity for a long time;

    2. More than one author has thought about this problem. (author's name) was also no exception;

    4. This topic interests many writers.

    Problem Identification 1. (Author’s name) poses a very pressing problem for us - ...;

    2. (Name of the problem) is still relevant today;

    Problem comment 1. This/this problem means...

    3. The essence of the problem is that...

    Author's thought 1. The author’s position is that...;

    2. B this work the author's main idea is very clearly expressed;

    Own opinion 1. I fully share the author’s point of view;

    4. I agree with the above point of view.

    Literary argumentation 1. The main idea is clearly expressed in the work (title);

    2. This topic displayed in (name of work);

    3. This problem/topic has bothered many writers;

    4. This theme is found in many works.

    Conclusion 1. Thus, the author's opinion truthfully and accurately reflects reality;

    3. These works teach us; prove/show us...;

    4. To summarize, we can say that....;

    5. As we see...

    Sample Topics

    1. What internally unites the “city fathers” and landowners in N.V. Gogol’s poem “Dead Souls”?
    2. How is the theme of the earthly and eternal revealed in I. A. Bunin’s prose?
    3. How do the themes of love and the theme of conscience overlap in A. N. Ostrovsky’s drama “The Thunderstorm”?
    4. What is unique about the sound of the patriotic theme in the lyrics of M. Yu. Lermontov?
    5. What role do the hero’s monologues play in revealing the image of Chatsky? (Based on the play “Woe from Wit” by A.S. Griboyedov)
    6. Pages of Russian history in modern times Russian literature. (Based on the example of one or two works from the 1990s-2000s)
    7. Subject native nature in the lyrics of S.A. Yesenina
    8. Which of the characters in the novel by L.N. Tolstoy's "War and Peace" is most interesting to you and why? (Based on analysis of the work)
    9. What is the role in the novel by I.S. Turgenev's "Fathers and Sons" play descriptions of nature?
    10. What is the problem and what is the fault of the garden owners? (Based on the play “The Cherry Orchard” by A.P. Chekhov.)
    11. How does the feeling of love appear in the lyrics of F. I. Tyutchev?
    12. How are dream and reality contrasted in M. Gorky’s play “At the Lower Depths”?
    13. As in the novel by A. S. Pushkin “ Captain's daughter"Is the theme of honor and dishonor revealed?
    14. What role in the formation spiritual world Was Gregory played by the Melekhov family? (Based on the novel by M. A. Sholokhov “Quiet Don”)
    15. Essay plan

      The structure and composition of an essay is a reminder necessary when working on an essay. It is advisable to learn it so that you can calmly work on the spot according to a long-familiar plan. It is important to remember that it is not necessary to start with an introduction; you can sketch out the main part and build on it, so that all parts of the work are logically justified and connected.

      1. Epigraph. This is not required, but may add points. It is necessary to select an exact quotation from the work so that it is logically connected with the content of the work. If you are not sure of the accuracy of the wording or its semantic load, do not write an epigraph (it is written without quotation marks, the writer’s full name without parentheses. If you quote poetry, format them in a column, also without quotation marks).
      2. Introduction- at the very beginning of the essay, you can talk about the history of the creation of the book, corresponding to the cultural era or about the author. It is also necessary to logically bring your thoughts to a discussion on the chosen topic, formulate a question from which you will build in subsequent parts. It is important to indicate what exactly the problem is in the text, and what exactly the author himself is thinking about. The most popular “introductions” can be called a rhetorical question (What did Bulgakov want to say between the lines?) or a quote from a supporting work (the book that you use as a source of arguments). However, the second option is more difficult, because the quote can easily be distorted, and the jury may have doubts about your honesty (Did he copy off an hour?).
      3. Main part. In this section of the text, you indicate what place the problem occupies in the text itself, its meaning in modern society. For credibility, you can indicate the writer’s opinion about a particular problem. The most important thing is the accurate transmission of his thoughts. Your own opinion is also necessary, at least at the level of agreement or disagreement with the author’s point of view. But remember that you need to deny it based on something, and criticism of the author’s position is much more difficult. If only because writers in such texts convey basic truths that are usually shared at least in words. It happens that a smart student receives fewer points than a mediocre one only because he defended his beliefs, confused the examiner with a wave of emotional attacks against the author, and turned the teacher against himself. But the basis of this section is, of course, literary arguments. As an example, you only cite those works that have a similar problem. If necessary, you can briefly retell the content, but the most important thing is to logically justify how your argument is related to the topic of the essay.
      4. Conclusion- generalization of all of the above. This is the same introduction, but there you asked a question, now it’s time to give an answer. You should summarize your reasoning, expressing the same thoughts as at the beginning, but in different words.
      5. It is important to remember that in an essay on literature great attention paid to terminology. For a high score, the text must have at least 5 terms (for example, novel, author, hero/heroine, plot, epithet, comparison, etc.)!

        Essay example

        How is the ending of A. A. Blok’s poem “The Twelve” related to its main content?

        (279 words) As you know, the poem “The Twelve” quarreled the author with many friends. In particular, readers were confused final scene, where a squad of killers was led by Jesus Christ. It contrasted with the main content of the work and at the same time gave it an assessment. Disputes still rage about what Blok wanted to say with this.

        There are two main versions of the ending. The first is that “in a white crown of roses” comes the Antichrist. Together with the Bolsheviks, he wins, Russia plunges into chaos. This version is supported by ominous symbols: the intellectual elite in the image of a mangy dog ​​is expelled from the country. The same gloomy notes, for example, sound in the poem “Scythians” (1918). The symbolist poet calls the Russian people “darkness” and says that “treachery is accessible to them.” That is, he evaluates changes negatively. All this is logical, but somehow artificial, but Blok wrote that he composed the work in a fit of inspiration.

        The second version says that it is Christ who goes at the head of a detachment of Red Guards. This is also logical, because the messiah himself proclaimed truths that were revolutionary in the time of Caesar. We see the same rebellion in the words of the heroes. They are not accepted yet, but the future is on their side. The white crown of roses on the brow of Christ is a symbol of purity, and also of sacrifice, because the thorns of a rose hurt. We can also see the author's approval of the coup in the work “On the Kulikovo Field.” Speaking about the fate of the fatherland, he mentions the upcoming “high and rebellious days.” This means he believes in the success of the revolution. Thus, I am of the opinion that the ending explains the content of the poem: Blok expresses the hope that Russia will be reborn in a revolutionary tribe.

        In conclusion, I would like to say that the author himself sincerely believed in the healing power of the revolution, but later became disillusioned with it. However, this does not change the meaning of the ending: Blok welcomed the revolution and considered its all-consuming fire (murders, robberies, violence) to be saving for Russia.

        Evaluation criteria

        The first criterion, “Substantial aspect,” is the most important. If the examiner gives 0 points for it, then the essay is not checked further, and the student does not receive anything for it.

        1. Compliance of the essay with the topic and its disclosure. If the essay is written on a given topic, it is presented correctly author's position and the topic is correctly indicated, then the work is given 3 points. In case of incomplete disclosure of the topic, the essay receives 2 points according to the first criterion. The work is written on the topic, but the author’s idea is distorted and the topic is not fully disclosed - 1 point. The essay is written off topic - 0 points.
        2. Using the text of the work for argumentation. If the student gave two correct and accurate literary works(V lyrical themes three examples are needed), analyzed at the level of important fragments and did not make a single factual error, 3 points are given. If one or two mistakes are made and/or two examples of poems are analyzed, 2 points are given. 1 point - if the examinee analyzed the works at a general level or at the level of retelling, did not make factual errors or made one or two and/or indicated only one poem in lyrical themes. Incorrectly selected texts and the presence of three or more errors allow you to give 0 points.
        3. Reliance on theoretical and literary concepts. 2 points are given for use literary terms during analysis and absence of errors. 1 point - if there are terms, but they are not used in the analysis and/or one error is made in the concept. If there is a complete absence of terms or there is more than one error, a 0 is given.
        4. Compositional integrity and logic. If compositional integrity is maintained, there are no repetitions and there is a violation of the sequence, 3 points are given. The presence of a violation of the sequence and unjustified repetitions gives the right to give 2 points. 1 point - the idea of ​​the composition is present, but the connection between the parts and/or main idea does not develop and repeats itself. 0 points - no composition, gross mistakes were made, the sequence was broken.
        5. Compliance with speech norms. If there are no speech errors or if there is one, 3 points are given. Two - three speech errors give the right to give 2 points. 1 point is given for four speech errors. From five and above - 0 points.

        Let us remind you that the maximum score for an essay on literature is 14.

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