Problems of strength and powerlessness at the present time. An example of an Unified State Exam essay based on the text by B.M. Bim-Bada

Russian teacher B.M. Bim-Bad in his article discusses the problem of confrontation between human nobility and cruelty.

To attract the reader’s attention, the author reflects that a noble person will never die in the fight against evil, because “none of the people who are narrow-minded, selfish, cruel, cunning and secretive due to mental defects have ever managed to achieve success.” On the contrary, “to win in life, to win beautifully and firmly, reliably, you must have high soul". Thus, only a good person who adheres to moral principles can “count on rapid progress and achieving perfection in skill.” Without the purity of the soul, there is no well-being. Nothing can be achieved by being a hypocrite, being self-willed and being evil.

The author’s position is clear and expressed in sentences: “Will a noble man die surrounded by competition and anger? No! It is he who will win.” Indeed, a noble person will never fall to evil, “since nobility is based on strength of spirit.” A noble person is always strong, which means victory will remain his.

It is difficult to disagree with the point of view of Boris Mikhailovich, because when entering into a fight with an immoral and cruel person, a person with a high soul will most likely win.

To be a person capable of resisting cruelty, you must always remember such concepts as nobility, kindness, and humanism.

Thinking about this problem, it is not difficult to remember the novel by A. S. Pushkin " Captain's daughter"Peter Grinev is more than once faced with a choice: nobility or cruelty and indifference? He chooses the first, relentlessly follows his principles, without betraying them even in the face of death. For this Peter was awarded: for example, for selflessly giving up a hare sheepskin coat, Pugachev spared him for execution. Grinev is strong in spirit and brave, noble, so no amount of cruelty can defeat him in a fight.

In “Letters about the Good and the Beautiful,” D. S. Likhachev says that the most important thing in a person’s life should be kind and noble.

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The essay was written by a student secondary school. There may be errors.

Text by Boris Mikhailovich Bim-Bada:

(1) Only weak people, constantly in need of compensation for their
insufficiency, they usually weave intrigues, build intrigues, and secretly deliver blows.
(2) Great power is always generous.
(3) I knew a super-strong man who, throughout his long heroic life, never laid a finger on anyone, wishing no harm to anyone. (4) Mental strength and nobility go hand in hand, and this explains why in our time nobility has again become in demand, valued and so widely practiced that it sometimes turns almost into a mass profession.
(5) In salvation armies, smart risk and true nobility are inseparable.
(6)The craft of salvation naturally filters people according to their spiritual qualities. (7) As a result, only the rescuers stay for a long time strong people, capable of protecting the weak who are in trouble. (8) Thus, for those who want to get a job in the Centrospas detachment, it is not enough to have an impeccable military or sports background and master the necessary set of specialties.
(9) “Good” from the medical board is not the key to success. (10) Almost a thousand correctly selected psychological testing answers also do not guarantee a candidate a place on the staff of an elite unit. (I) The newcomer needs to prove to future colleagues during the internship that he can be relied upon in any situation, that he shows the kindness and tolerance necessary in their daily missions.
(12) To cope with his responsibilities, a person must have a noble soul, full of best qualities. (13) But why, even having virtuous qualities, does a person commit immoral acts? (14) To a similar question, Confucius answered: “All people are close to each other by nature, but diverge from each other during their upbringing. (15) A person can lose noble qualities under the influence of bad communication. (16) Therefore, so that all members of society fulfill their civic duties and human
norms, it is necessary to educate a person in the spirit of virtue.”
(17) Education of culture, getting rid of bad manners and inclinations is aimed against arrogance, arrogance, self-will, malice, envy, feelings of inferiority, indiscipline, excessive suspicion, treachery, hypocrisy, duplicity, deceit, meanness and self-interest. (18) Only by getting rid of bad manners and inclinations, purifying your own soul, expelling
everything is bad from it, you can count on rapid progress and achieving perfection in skill. (19) None of the people who are narrow-minded, selfish, cruel, cunning and secretive due to mental defects have ever managed to achieve any significant success, and if they did, their triumph did not last long. (20) In the end, everything ended badly for both
themselves and for those around them.
(21) Will a noble man perish surrounded by competition and anger? (22) No! (23) It is he who will win. (24) Since nobility is based on strength of spirit. (25) To win in life, to win beautifully and lastingly, firmly, thoroughly, you must have a high soul. (26) Good character. (27) The most reliable thing in our world is nobility of spirit. (28) Not by birth, not by blood, but by intelligence and honor.

(According to B. Bim-Bad*)

* Boris Mikhailovich Bim-Bad (born in 1941) - candidate pedagogical sciences, senior researcher Research Institute of General Pedagogy.

Essay based on the text:

B oris Mikhailovich Bim-Bad - teacher, member Russian Academy Education, as well as Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences and Professor. He talks about the problem of human strength and weakness.
A the second writes that nobility goes along with spiritual strength, so it has become in demand in modern world. A grateful person will never die surrounded by competition and anger. He says that he knew a strong man who never offended anyone, who did not wish harm on anyone.
B Oris Mikhailovich believes that human weakness manifests itself in the desire for destruction, that is, in aggression, and strength in nobility and generosity.
I I can’t help but agree with the author and I think that this problem relevant in our time. People cease to understand the concept of nobility. Someone is capable of offending a smaller person to show his strength, and someone actually wants to do a good, noble deed, but he doesn’t succeed and everything turns out the other way around, since he does not do it from the heart and understanding of reality, but for the sake of gaining status a noble man.
ABOUT Let’s take a look at N. S. Leskov’s work “The Enchanted Wanderer.” Main character, Ivan Flyagin, takes the name of a young peasant and joins the army for him, freeing him from hard military service.
I I have seen more than once how people, in order to look stronger, humiliate their own kind, but we understand that in reality they are very weak. Those who do the right, kind and noble deeds.
IN In conclusion, I want to say that you should not do noble deeds so that everyone knows that you are noble, they should be done sincerely, and not for your own glory.

Essay based on the text:

Boris Mikhailovich Bim-Bad is a teacher, member of the Russian Academy of Education, as well as a Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences and professor. He talks about the problem of human strength and weakness.
The author writes that nobility goes along with spiritual strength, which is why it has become in demand in the modern world. A grateful person will never die surrounded by competition and anger. He says that he knew a strong man who never offended anyone, who did not wish harm on anyone.
Boris Mikhailovich believes that human weakness manifests itself in the desire for destruction, that is, in aggression, and strength in nobility and generosity.
I cannot but agree with the author and believe that this problem is relevant in our time. People cease to understand the concept of nobility. Someone is capable of offending a smaller person to show his strength, and someone actually wants to do a good, noble deed, but he doesn’t succeed and everything turns out the other way around, since he does not do it from the heart and understanding of reality, but for the sake of gaining status a noble man.
Let us turn to the work of N. S. Leskov “The Enchanted Wanderer”. The main character, Ivan Flyagin, takes the name of a young peasant and joins the army for him, freeing him from hard military service.
I have seen more than once how people, in order to look stronger, humiliate their own kind, but we understand that in reality they are very weak. Those who do the right, kind and noble deeds are rightfully considered strong.
In conclusion, I want to say that you should not do noble deeds so that everyone knows that you are noble, they should be done sincerely, and not for your own glory.

Text by Boris Mikhailovich Bim-Bada:

(1) Only weak people, constantly in need of compensation for their
insufficiency, they usually weave intrigues, build intrigues, and secretly deliver blows.
(2) Great power is always generous.
(3) I knew a super-strong man who, throughout his long heroic life, never laid a finger on anyone, wishing no harm to anyone. (4) Mental strength and nobility go hand in hand, and this explains why in our time nobility has again become in demand, valued and so widely practiced that it sometimes turns almost into a mass profession.
(5) In salvation armies, smart risk and true nobility are inseparable.
(6) The craft of salvation naturally filters people according to their spiritual qualities. (7) As a result, only strong people who are able to protect the weak who are in trouble stay for a long time in rescue teams. (8) Thus, for those who want to get a job in the Centrospas detachment, it is not enough to have an impeccable military or sports background and master the necessary set of specialties.
(9) “Good” from the medical board is not the key to success. (10) Almost a thousand correctly selected psychological testing answers also do not guarantee a candidate a place on the staff of an elite unit. (I) The newcomer needs to prove to future colleagues during the internship that he can be relied upon in any situation, that he shows the kindness and tolerance necessary in their daily missions.
(12) To cope with his responsibilities, a person must have a noble soul full of the best qualities. (13) But why, even having virtuous qualities, does a person commit immoral acts? (14) To a similar question, Confucius answered: “All people are close to each other by nature, but diverge from each other during their upbringing. (15) A person can lose noble qualities under the influence of bad communication. (16) Therefore, so that all members of society fulfill their civic and human responsibilities
norms, it is necessary to educate a person in the spirit of virtue.”
(17) Education of culture, getting rid of bad manners and inclinations is aimed against arrogance, arrogance, self-will, malice, envy, feelings of inferiority, indiscipline, excessive suspicion, treachery, hypocrisy, duplicity, deceit, meanness and self-interest. (18) Only by getting rid of bad manners and inclinations, purifying your own soul, expelling
everything is bad from it, you can count on rapid progress and achieving perfection in skill. (19) None of the people who are narrow-minded, selfish, cruel, cunning and secretive due to mental defects have ever managed to achieve any significant success, and if they did, their triumph did not last long. (20) In the end, everything ended badly for both
themselves and for those around them.
(21) Will a noble man perish surrounded by competition and anger? (22) No! (23) It is he who will win. (24) Since nobility is based on strength of spirit. (25) To win in life, to win beautifully and lastingly, firmly, thoroughly, you must have a high soul. (26) Good character. (27) The most reliable thing in our world is nobility of spirit. (28) Not by birth, not by blood, but by intelligence and honor.

(According to B. Bim-Bad*)

* Boris Mikhailovich Bim-Bad (born in 1941) - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, senior researcher at the Research Institute of General Pedagogy.

In the story “Student” A.P. Chekhov tells about a chance meeting of the main character with two women working in the garden. A simple desire to warm up from communication forces Ivan Velikopolsky to speak and begin to tell the widows a story from the Gospel that came to his memory. The story of how the Apostle Peter showed weakness and denied Jesus, his teacher. “And he went away, weeping bitterly,” the Church Slavonic text narrates, and the student finds his words: “And in the silence of the garden, muffled sobs can barely be heard”... Peter in Ivan’s story appears as an ordinary person, who is characterized by both weakness and the ability to repent.

At the end of the story " Garnet bracelet"A.I. Kuprin walks along the very edge of melodrama. The artist's instincts told him the right decision: to focus the drama of the finale not on suicide, but on Zheltkov's suicide letter. In every line there is a feeling of genuine, burning to the point of unconsciousness love. Not a single word that evokes pity or evokes a feeling of repentance in Princess Vera. Before his hour of death, Zheltkov finds completely different, unexpected words, words of gratitude. Love, which seemed a pitiful, ridiculous eccentricity, love, rejected contemptuously and arrogantly, won.

In the spring of 1912, the whole world was informed about the collision of the largest passenger ship, the Titanic, with an iceberg, about the terrible death of more than one and a half thousand people. This event was a warning to humanity, intoxicated by scientific successes, convinced of its limitless possibilities. The huge Titanic for some time became a symbol of this power. But the inability to withstand the elements, the helplessness of the team confirmed the fragility and insecurity of man in the face of cosmic forces. I. A. Bunin perceived this catastrophe most acutely, which he wrote about in his story “The Gentleman from San Francisco” three years later.

arguments for an essay

In my opinion, cruelty is not only when you hurt people physically or psychologically, but cruelty is also a lack of concern for people who expect help from you or just words of sympathy. And we encounter this type of cruelty almost every day, because, and this is my deep conviction, cruelty is, first of all, a product of human indifference and selfishness.

The title of the story refers us to W. Shakespeare's play "Lady Macbeth", where Lady Macbeth's deceit and intrigue elevate her husband to the throne. The desire to achieve primacy makes Lady Macbeth even go beyond murder. Such is Ekaterina Izmailova: being the wife of a rich merchant, she falls in love with Sergei, her employee, and is expecting a child from him. Realizing that very soon her illegal relationship will be exposed, she, with the help of Sergei, kills her husband and father-in-law. And then, in order to remain the only heir to the entire fortune, she goes on to kill Fedya, her husband’s nephew.
We find a character similar to Katerina Izmailova

This is Vasilisa Kostyleva, who persuades the thief Vaska Pepel to kill her husband, old man Kostylev. Vasilisa, married to Kostylev without love, during their years life together, was never able to penetrate my husband with at least a sense of respect. The only thing she feels towards him is hatred. The murder of her husband would have freed Vasilisa’s hands, making her the heiress of a small but fortune. And she easily decides to kill, calmly explaining her plan to Ash.

a boy picks up a stray dog ​​and brings it home. We see how full of care he is for a lonely, useless dog and how he does not understand his father, who demands that the dog be kicked out of the apartment. It just doesn’t fit into his head that one can offend a defenseless creature who has been offended more than once:

The ending of the story is tragic: having called trusting dog, his father shoots him in the ear. After reading this, we understand that in fact the father did not kill the dog, or rather not only the dog. First of all, he killed his soul in the child. Thus, the writer argues that the cruelty of an adult can only lead to hatred, to the loss of faith in goodness and justice.

The main character, Lena Bessoltseva, who took responsibility for an ugly act that she did not commit, is humiliated by her classmates in every possible way and even tries to be burned at the stake as a traitor. The cruelty of these still very immature people is truly enormous. She brings Lena unspeakable suffering: she is an outcast in the class, she is despised, hated, demonstrating her attitude in every possible way. But for a teenager, and for a person in general, there is nothing worse than exile and loneliness. The worst thing is that the person who actually committed this act (Lena’s classmate Dima Somov) could not find the strength to confess, and two more classmates, Shmakova and Popov, who accidentally found out the truth, decided not to interfere and see how the matter would end for Lena Bessoltseva. In my opinion, their indifference, even worse than cowardice Dima Somov.