Bullfinch. Description, habits and habitats. Bullfinch - a trusting bird

An amazingly beautiful and interesting bird is bullfinch. They are so original in everything that they are known to almost everyone. From their name we can conclude that this is a winter bird. And this is true. It is in winter that bullfinches become noticeable to people. They stand out more with their diversity against the background white snow A.

In the summer, they merge with external environment and are less likely to catch the eye of inquisitive people because they are so busy with their offspring.

Description and features

What can you say about these unique birds? Even on photo of bullfinches their enchanting beauty is visible. The size of the bird is no larger than the size of a sparrow. But his thick build misleads people; for some reason everyone thinks that bird bullfinch much larger.

An adult bullfinch does not exceed 18 cm. They weigh no more than 30 g. This bird belongs to the order of finches. There are clearly visible differences between female and male bullfinches.

The abdomen of males, their cheeks, neck below and sides are colored deep red. The wings are black and decorated with a white stripe. They seem to have a shiny black cap on their head.

Female bullfinches are not so colorful; their color is dominated by brown-gray tones. Young birds are also mostly brown and gray in color. A clearly visible bright white stripe runs along the lower back of both sexes.

The female bullfinch has gray plumage

This beautiful bird has long attracted the attention of everyone who likes to keep something original at home. Bullfinches precisely belong to this category.

In addition to their beauty, birds can sing beautifully. Very often their singing can be heard in the park or in the forest. The melody is gentle, incomparable and pleasant to the ear.

Besides this, about bullfinches they are known to be excellent imitators. They can repeat some sounds and melodies. While in captivity, birds begin to sing within a couple of days. Initially, their songs can hardly be called sophisticated, but some time passes, and they hone their skills to such an extent that people simply listen to them. To those who want buy a bullfinch You should know that this bird does not like too hot rooms. It is advisable to keep them in a room with moderate temperature.

Character and lifestyle

Most often you can find these handsome guys in coniferous or mixed forests. In addition, residential areas, squares, and parks are also full of these bright birds. Bullfinches quickly get used to people. During a period when there is a shortage of food, they feed with great joy and pleasure from man-made feeders.

The behavior of these birds is slow and calm. They are neat and careful in everything. As we approach stranger the bird initially prefers to stay as far away from him as possible.

With prolonged contact with people, bullfinches quickly become domesticated

A bullfinch can simply watch a person warily for a long time. Females are more cautious. But over time, after they see that a person is pouring food into the feeder, they begin to eat this food first, and then, over time, fearlessly react to the appearance of their already familiar breadwinner.

Bullfinches living at home get used to their owners and can calmly sing their beautiful songs while sitting in their arms. Bullfinches in winter They are forced to stay close to humans, this helps them survive hungry times.

This is a very friendly bird. In flocks of bullfinches, such fights almost never occur as among, for example. Sometimes, however, females experience aggressive attacks, which go away over time. They are characterized by beak tapping and head rotation.

In moments when danger threatens bullfinches and their offspring, they do not flee, but steadfastly and aggressively defend themselves to the last. A flock of these birds consists of approximately 3-10 individuals.

Especially often visible bullfinches on the branches at dusk. They choose daytime hours to stay awake. When night comes, they remain on the bushes or tree branches they find for the night.

During severe frosts, the mobility of bullfinches is significantly reduced. The first half of winter is especially colorful with the colors of bullfinches’ breasts. Birds singing can be heard more and more often. In the second half of winter they become less and less noticeable. By mid-April it is difficult to notice them anywhere. Before the cold weather arrives, you won’t see them at all. People wonder: are bullfinches really migratory?

There is no specific answer to this question. The bullfinch is considered both a sedentary and nomadic bird. Those that live in the tundra and forest-tundra in winter, in order to survive and provide themselves with food, must fly a little further south. Bullfinches that live in the south can live there all year round.

In a flock of these birds, primacy always remains with the female. More than once you can see a picture of a female sitting in a feeder and not allowing anyone to approach the food, not sparrows, tits, or even her fellow bullfinches. Often big problem bullfinches is their obesity.

The transformation and nature of the flocks depends on the seasons. In the summer, these birds prefer to live in pairs. And after the birth of their offspring, they group into small flocks.

In winter, several family flocks can group into one, which does not happen so often. They don't make large gatherings. Winter bullfinch for many people it is associated with winter, snow, frost, snow-covered trees and holidays.

In the photo there is a bullfinch chick


The main thing for bullfinches is plant food. These are mainly seeds of trees and shrubs. Their favorite delicacy is berries. Bullfinches on a rowan tree– a fairly common occurrence.

The interesting thing is that they do not completely eat the rowan fruits. Those who are more observant can remember how exactly under this tree there are many torn berries. This is the work of bullfinches. They take out the seeds from the pulp, feast on them, and simply throw away everything else.

Birds do not refuse buds, tree shoots, and flowers. They are indifferent to insects and only occasionally treat themselves to such food. These have no boundaries when it comes to food. They can peck at something endlessly, which affects their weight.

All flights and travels of bullfinches are associated with the availability of food. If food is plentiful they can stay long time in the same place. When paired with babies that have already been born, the female takes on all the responsibility for finding food. The male is busy with the chicks at this time.

Reproduction and lifespan

During the breeding season, the male's singing becomes even more melodic and gentle than usual. At the same time, the female’s response singing can be heard. In early March, these colorful singers form pairs in which the female initially begins to dominate.

All major responsibilities fall on her. Females are engaged in the construction and improvement of nests. The location of the nest can be seen at a height of about 2 meters, not at a close distance to the tree trunk.

The female spends a lot of time weaving the nest. She does this with incredible patience from thin branches and dry grass with the help of her beak and paws. The bottom of the bird's nest is covered with moss, lichen, dry leaves or feathers of other birds.

Bullfinch chicks in the nest

After the preparations for the home are completed, the female lays 4 to 6 blue eggs with brown speckles in the finished nest. It takes birds 2 weeks to hatch their offspring. Newborns have a good appetite, so their mother does nothing but get food for them.

After 14 days, the chicks make their first attempts to fly. And after a month they are completely ready for independent life. Bullfinches live for about 15 years.

The bullfinch is one of the most beautiful birds. This bird is known to everyone in Russia; it decorates winter New Year cards, winter poems are written about her. For example, remember:

In the garden where the finches sang,

Look today

Like pink apples

Bullfinches on the branches

Indeed, the bullfinch is traditionally considered a winter bird. We were told at school that bullfinches fly from our places to the north in the summer because it is too hot for them here. However, only in Russian the name of this bird is associated with snow. The idea that the bullfinch is a winter guest is a common misconception among residents of the middle zone. In fact, the bullfinch only becomes noticeable with the onset of winter. In the summer, against the background of other birds, with its quiet voice, the bullfinch simply gets lost in the treetops, and it is quite difficult to see it. Bullfinches nest throughout almost the entire territory of Russia where there are coniferous trees. They also like city parks. The bullfinch at this time does not seek to catch the eye: family concerns are a troublesome and dangerous matter. The dandy outfit for which the common bullfinch received its scientific Latin name Pyrrhula pyrrhula (pyrrhula) means “fiery.”

One of the mysteries of the bullfinch is its bright color. It must be said that the red breast is an attribute of the male, the female is more modest, gray. Bright color is not very justified from the point of view of protection from predators, although it helps attract females and procreate. How do male bullfinches hide from their enemies? It turns out that it's quite simple. Bullfinches settle in coniferous forests, but prefer mixed areas where there is good grass and deciduous trees. This is where the bullfinch “disappears.” In a clearing it is a flower, but in the foliage it is a withered leaf or an old twig.

According to ornithologists, bullfinches are quite smart birds. In the magazine "World of Birds" No. 36 there is interesting article about bullfinches, in which the author tells a real-life incident when one bullfinch, feeling that he was being hunted, turned over and lay on his back to hide his bright feathers and become invisible.

A few words about the pedigree of bullfinches (from the same source). The ancestor of all modern bullfinches is the brown or Nepalese “buffalo finch”. These birds live in South Asia and are more similar in color to young bullfinches that have just left the nest. From them, thousands of years later, came five modern species bullfinches with a characteristic “cap” of black feathers on their heads. These are the Philippine or barnacle (Philippines), Azores (Azores), gray ( Eastern Siberia and Far East), Ussuri (Far East, from the Kuril and Japanese Islands to North Korea) and common (Europe and Northern Asia) bullfinches. Of all these species, only the males of the common and Ussuri bullfinches have red color in the plumage of the lower part of the body and cheeks. The males of others are almost indistinguishable from the inconspicuous females, and only gray bullfinches are completely devoid of red pigment. Each species of bullfinches has many subspecies. By different sources, the common bullfinch alone has about nine subspecies forms. And there are also ecological races and local populations, whose voices can differ greatly from each other. In general, bullfinches are an inexhaustible topic of research for ornithologists.

Bullfinches feed mainly on plant seeds, rowan, viburnum, and hawthorn. Bullfinches, however, are not interested in juicy pulp; they take it from the berries fruit trees and shrubs seeds, crush them in the beak, clearing them of hard shells, and eat them.

According to observations of city residents, their lately becoming less and less in city parks and squares. Why are bullfinches disappearing?

There is an opinion that birds of prey, sparrowhawks, whose numbers are growing in cities, are to blame for the disappearance of bullfinches. Sparrowhawks are migratory birds. Recently, sparrowhawks remain in Moscow throughout the winter. Kind-hearted people regularly replenish the feeders for tits, and at the same time provide prey for sparrowhawks. While the tits are busy arguing over the sunflower seeds, a rapidly flying sparrowhawk manages to grab one of them and hide before being discovered by the annoying hooded crows.

With the regular appearance of sparrowhawks, smart bullfinches stop feeding in open places, where they can become easy prey for a predator. At the same time, the number of bullfinches changes slightly, but they switch from feeding, for example, rowan seeds to other foods. In Moscow, wintering bullfinches can be found feeding in the crowns of maple and ash trees on the outskirts of forest parks, and in public gardens they hide in dense thickets of bladderwort, where they feed on its seeds, scattering the husks of dry bolls on the snow. An attentive observer can easily spot bullfinches there by their characteristic creaky whistle. In addition, bullfinches feed on nettle seeds in wastelands.

It should be noted that the bullfinch is one of the most common domestic birds. Bullfinches are successfully bred and even a number of color forms have been developed. It is known that in Germany a hundred years ago, young male bullfinches were caught in large quantities, taught to sing, and exported throughout Europe for a lot of money. Now it is almost forgotten, and the bullfinch is valued only for its bright color. Although his abilities for onomatopoeia are almost unique. Other species of passerine birds do not have such talents. Female bullfinches can sing almost like males, which not many people can do.

People love bullfinches. A pet bullfinch can even be a child's dream New Year. Like in Agnia Barto’s poem “The Bullfinch”.

On Arbat, in a store,
There is a garden outside the window.
There's a blue dove flying there,
Bullfinches whistle in the garden.

I am one such bird
Behind the glass I saw in the window,
I saw such a bird
That now I can’t sleep.

Bright pink breast
Two shiny wings...
I couldn't for a minute
Break away from the glass.

Because of this very bird
I cried for four days.
I thought my mother would agree -
I will have a bird.

But mom has a habit
The answer is always wrong:
I tell her about the bird,
And she told me about the coat.

There's a hole in your pockets,
Why am I fighting in the yard?
That's why I should
Forget about the bullfinch.

I followed my mother
He was waiting for her at the door,
I'm on purpose at lunch
He talked about bullfinches.

It was dry, but the galoshes
I obediently put it on
Before that I was good -
I didn’t recognize myself.

I almost didn’t argue with my grandfather,
Didn't move around at lunch
I said "thank you"
I thanked everyone for everything.

It was difficult to live in the world,
And to tell the truth,
I endured this torment
Only for the sake of the bullfinch.

How hard I tried!
I didn't fight with girls.

When will I see the girl?
I'll shake my fist at her
And I quickly go to the side,
It's like I don't know her.

Mom was very surprised:
- What's wrong with you, pray tell?
Maybe you're sick with us -
You didn't fight on your day off!

And I answered sadly:
- I’m always like this now.

I stubbornly achieved
I didn't bother in vain.
“Miracles,” said mom.
And I bought a bullfinch.

I brought it home.
Finally, now he is mine!
I shouted to the whole apartment:
- My bullfinch is alive!

I will admire them
He will sing at dawn...
Maybe we can fight again
Tomorrow morning in the yard?

The bullfinch is no larger than a sparrow, but looks much larger due to its dense build. This bird belongs to the finch family.

A distinctive feature of males is their red belly, as well as their cheeks, neck and sides have a scarlet tint. In females, this area has an even brown-gray tone.

Males and females are easy to distinguish from each other. In addition to the color of the chest, they also have differences in plumage. The male has white stripe on wings, but poppies do not. Young birds, before the first autumn molt, also differ from adults. Young birds do not have a black cap; they have a dark brown color throughout the entire plumage, except for the tail and wings. They are black.

If you observe a brood of bullfinches in the forest, then the differences between male and female, as well as younger generation are very noticeable.

There are also slight differences in the color of birds, depending on the region where they live. Birds that live closer to the south of our Motherland have a bright red chest and cheek color. And the closer to the Far East, the brighter this area is. On the Kuril Islands you can find a bird with a pale pink breast. And again, this only applies to males.


The bullfinch bird lives throughout Russia. It is generally accepted that he comes to us in winter. However, this is fundamentally wrong. It’s just that in summer, among the foliage, this bird is difficult to spot. But in winter, against the background of white snow, red-breasted bullfinches are very noticeable.

This bird lives in forests where there is dense undergrowth. Avoids clean pine forests. Frequent guest he is in city parks and
squares. It prefers not only dense undergrowth, but also mature dense forests, preferably deciduous.

Like other birds, it flies south in winter and flies back to its nesting site in March. And by mid-April they almost completely disappear from the southern and middle latitudes of Russia. The main nesting area of ​​this bird is northern latitudes up to the Arctic Circle.

These birds inhabit all of Europe, Siberia, the Kamchatka Peninsula and Japan. The boundaries of their habitat in the south lie approximately at the latitude of the Apennine Peninsula, and in the north they are limited to the Arctic Circle.

Bullfinches are sedentary birds, so they return to the same nesting site every April. Bullfinch families are matriarchal. The snowflake gets food here, and it also resolves “conflict situations.” The male takes care of the offspring.

Bullfinches food

These birds have an unusual beak - it is black in color, thick, wide and blunt at the end, with a flat and hard palate. This beak is very convenient for removing seeds from rowan berries, hop cones and juniper. However, the favorite food of these birds is the seeds of ash, maple, and alder.

Males are quite phlegmatic and lazy by nature. That's why there are feeders that people hang. These birds are very popular. Then the male (and the female too) will not disdain both millet and buckwheat.

These birds build nests in a “standard”, cup-shaped shape. The diameter of the nest can reach 20 cm and the height - 8 cm. The female can lay about 6 eggs. This usually happens by mid-April. Bullfinches prefer to build their nests on spruce trees.

The female incubates the eggs only for the first 10 days, then after the chicks hatch, she flies off to get food for the family, and the male remains in the nest. The female feeds the chicks with plant food and brings insects only by chance. In total, the chicks stay in the nest for about 2 weeks. After which they begin to learn to fly.

In September, the first molt of the younger generation occurs, after which they fly to southern latitudes.

Winter nature opens up many amazing and charming places, but most importantly, beautiful birds appear that you cannot see in summer. On bushes and trees that are neatly and beautifully covered with snow, you can spot handsome bullfinches. These wonderful birds live throughout Europe. They do not settle in the northern and southern regions, as well as near Japan and the Himalayas. Most of all, bullfinches prefer to occupy places among thickets of bushes, as well as among forests.

Bullfinches are not a very good bird large size. It weighs no more than 40 grams. Males differ from females in their beautiful and noticeable color. Their cheeks, neck and chest are red, while their head is black. Females are very similar to males, but they lack a red breast. In females it gray. The thick beak of birds helps them easily get berries from branches and separate seeds from grains. In addition to the beautiful coloring of the bird, bullfinches are famous and attract the attention of passers-by with their song. The voice of the bullfinch cannot be compared with any other bird singing. The most interesting thing is that everyone in this family is talented. Both males and females perform their singing, this is how they differ.

Bullfinches interesting birds, even in extreme cold they can eat berries on the branches and then sit motionless near them. This is how the bullfinch’s whole day can go. When night falls, the birds fly away and hide among the trees and bushes. Of course, bullfinches choose dense forests for housing. In these places they build nests and hatch chicks. Any available materials will be an excellent way to make a nest. Birds collect animal hair, twigs and twigs. The bottom of the nest is lined with moss or dry grass. Bullfinches are lovers of plant foods. Most of all they love berries and plant seeds, especially rowan fruits.

In summer, this bird is almost impossible to detect; they are excellent conspirators. But in winter, as soon as the frost outside is severe, the birds move closer to the city in search of food. In winter, bullfinches straighten their plumage and look like beautiful multi-colored balls. It’s simply amazing to wake up, look out the window, and see ruffled bullfinches sitting on a tree. They are like a bright addition to a snow-white winter. The bullfinch is even considered a symbol of winter and frost. It gives a certain festive mood and a feeling of something beautiful in such a cold season.

Message-report Bullfinch

One of the most prominent representatives of the world of birds is a bird whose name is directly related to the winter season. The appearance of the first snow often evokes associations among residents of some areas associated with the arrival of bullfinches.
This beautiful bird is close in size to the size of a sparrow. But her body is much denser, and her warm, massive plumage is designed to protect her from the cold.

Bullfinches are easily recognizable due to their unusual plumage. The bright color of the breast is present in male bullfinches, which resembles a scarlet spot against the background of white snowy expanses. Females are closer to gray-brown. And the chicks do not look at all like an adult bird.

The upper part of the head, wings, long tail and beak of bullfinches are black. The back of an adult bird is bluish-gray with a characteristic metallic tint. The wings are distinguished by white patches in the form of stripes.

Particularly noteworthy is the black, thick beak of the bird, which is not as powerful as it actually seems. Foraging for seeds and plant buds, catching and eating bugs and insects is a common activity for representatives of this family. But thanks to their wide beak, they crush the fruits of trees, enjoying their pulp, but are unable to crack a hard nut.

Bullfinches feed mainly in flocks. They can be found in both cloudy and clear weather on the lilacs or rowan trees of a city square. Therefore, against the backdrop of snow, they become an object of admiration, a kind of decoration of forests and parks of various settlements. This bird gives preference to mixed and coniferous forests, one of the conditions of which is dense undergrowth. Often gravitates to where people's houses are.

Sedentary bird. Her jumps on the ground smoothly turn into wave-like flight. In this case, the movement of the wings resembles a forward-backward movement.

The diligence and slowness of bullfinches is also reflected in the arrangement of the nest. This process is a ritual for them. A certain height from the ground and distance from the tree trunk - the most important condition when choosing a place for it. The next step is to carefully select dry leaves and twigs using the beak. When weaving the nest further, they use spruce branches and herbaceous plant stems.

For two weeks, the female diligently incubates the eggs (their number reaches five pieces) under the strict supervision of the male, who takes care of the safety of the future family by feeding the female. This way of existence for both continues a month after the chicks appear.

Songbird. When the time comes to build a nest, their songs are not heard. However, at the end of winter you can hear a quiet, gentle trill, similar to the playing of a flute.

In its behavior, this harmless bird is calm and lacks fussiness. She is trusting, often allowing strangers to come close and remain in that position for some time. The rare opportunity to see her appear and observe her makes you want to find out even more information, to be closer.

Not every bird can enjoy such popularity due to its appearance. The description of the bullfinch takes place in different genres arts: painting, literature, folklore creativity. The handsome red-breasted bird deservedly takes pride of place as an ornamental bird. He quickly gets used to life in captivity, subject to high-quality maintenance, compliance with temperature conditions and decent care.

For children of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 7th grade. Description of the bird, the world around us briefly

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Common bullfinch

Bullfinch, common bullfinch(Order Passeriformes - Passeriformes, Family Finches - Fringillidae, Genus Bullfinch - Pyrrhula, Common bullfinch (obsolete) - Pyrrhula pyrrhula) - one of the well-known migratory birds of the forests of Russia. The bullfinch lives in forests with dense undergrowth, avoids only pure pine forests, and can also be found in gardens and city parks (especially during migrations). Distributed throughout almost the entire forest zone of Russia, except the south Far East. Bullfinches can be sedentary or nomadic. In summer, the bird lives both in dense forests and in open forests on the edges of burnt forests and clearings, but since it is very secretive and rarely seen, it is rarely seen at this time of year. But in winter it is simply impossible not to meet a colorful flock of bullfinches. In winter, flocks of bullfinches are very clearly visible, as are individual birds on the leafless trees of the park against a snow-white background. Speaking about the color of bullfinches, one cannot fail to note one more interesting feature. Their young are dark brown until the first autumn molt (only the wings and tail are black). When you have to observe a brood of bullfinches, these sharp differences between males, females and young ones are very striking and involuntarily attract attention. This bird is slightly larger than a sparrow and has a very dense build. This bird is bluish-gray above with a black cap, chin, wings and tail, white rump and wing stripe. The male and female differ sharply in plumage (sexual dimorphism). The female bullfinch has a breast of an even brownish-gray tone (lighter and browner than on the back). Male bullfinches have a pinkish-red breast. Young birds without a black cap are dark brown (only the wings and tail are black) until the first autumn moult. The wing stripe is pure white; The cheeks and chest of males are red (in the Caucasus and most of the forest zone) or red-pink (in birds from the Magadan region, Kamchatka and the Northern Kuril Islands); in females, the color of the breast does not differ depending on location. If you are lucky enough to observe a brood of bullfinches in the forest, these sharp differences between males, females and young ones are very striking and involuntarily attract attention. In winter, a significant part of the birds migrate to the south, leaving the boundaries of the nesting area - to the Amur basin, Transbaikalia, Central Asia, Crimea and North Africa. In March - April, bullfinches return back to the north. The bullfinch feeds mainly on seeds, buds and berries. The bullfinch's beak is very unique: it is black, plump, wide and blunt with a flat and hard palate, well adapted for removing seeds from rowan berries, elderberries, bird cherry, and skillfully deals with black juniper berries and hop cones. They especially love the seeds of ash, hornbeam, Norway maple, alder, birch, and linden. Although bullfinches stay in flocks all autumn and winter, they often have quarrels; by their temperament, the bullfinch is a phlegmatic, sedentary and not very accommodating bird. The main instigators of all quarrels are female snowflakes. Matriarchy reigns among bullfinches - males are completely subordinate to females. Lazy birds usually don’t come to the point of fights and brawls, but the wide-open beak and threatening creaking hiss are quite expressive. Bullfinches become noticeably more numerous at the end of winter, in February, in middle lane Russia. It is the birds that flew south in the fall that are beginning to return to the north. At this time, you can already observe males courting females. Closer to spring, the courtship of males becomes more persistent, in flocks one can even distinguish couples staying together, but still the dominance of females over males remains. Males always yield to them a more luxuriant cluster of berries and a branch with abundant seeds, but not voluntarily, but under the threat of a wide-open, creaking beak. The bullfinch nests in coniferous and mixed forests, preferring areas dominated by spruce. Bullfinches arrive at nesting sites in the second half of March - early April. In April, bullfinches almost completely disappear from the southern and central regions of Russia. Only a few pairs of them remain for the summer and nest, for example, in the Moscow region, Tatarstan and Bashkiria. The main nesting zone of our bullfinches stretches across the northern forests (up to Arctic Circle) - from Scandinavia, through the Urals and throughout Siberia to Kamchatka. It is interesting that towards the east, in Siberia, the size of the birds becomes larger and the color becomes lighter (a large and light-colored Kamchatka subspecies has been identified). Ornithologists found nests with clutches in different numbers May, fledglings and already flying chicks were observed in June. The nest is most often located on dense horizontal spruce branches, often far from the trunk, at a height of 2-5 m from the ground. Less commonly, it is located on pine trees, birch trees, and tall juniper bushes. The nest is made of closely intertwined thin spruce and other dry twigs and herbaceous stems. The tray is lined with soft plant material mixed with a small amount of wool and feathers. Sometimes moss and lichen are present in the outer walls. Bullfinches' nests usually have a classic cup-shaped, sometimes somewhat flattened, shape. Socket diameter 110-200 mm, nest height 40-80 mm, tray diameter 70-100 mm, tray depth 35-60 mm. Typically, a clutch of eggs is 4-6 pieces, measuring (19-23) x (14-15) mm. light blue in color with spots, dots and dashes of red-brown and dark brown color, forming a corolla at the blunt end. Only the female incubates the clutch for 13-15 days; the chicks stay in the nest for about two weeks. In September - October, bullfinches emerge from the forest and join the northern populations migrating to the south. The chicks are fed mainly with plant food, and insects are eaten only accidentally.

Bullfinch female

Bullfinch and man

The bullfinch is often kept in cages as a beautiful songbird.

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See what “Common bullfinch” is in other dictionaries:

    Common bullfinch- Pyrrhula pyrrhula see also 18.26.11. Genus Bullfinch Pyrrhula. Common Bullfinch Pyrrhula pyrrhula Wing stripe pure white; The cheeks and chest of males are red (in the Caucasus and most of the forest zone) or red-pink (in birds from Magadan... Birds of Russia. Directory