Types of witches. Do witches really exist and who are they?

There are many belief systems - I haven't touched on them all, but the ones I thought were important to understand are listed below. Knowing how to properly define who you are and what you will become is important to what life path you will choose or follow.

There are positive people, there are negative people, “it’s the law of attraction”, if you act negative then you attract negativity (and vice versa), it’s physics, that’s what I believe. I categorize people this way, I don't care what religion - you act and treat others, yourself and this precious earth we ALL live on.

“Magic is magic, it is used to help or hinder. What you use will define who you really are."

Wicca: A modern pagan religion with spiritual roots in the earliest expressions of reverence for nature. Some main motives: worship; Acceptance of reincarnation and magic; Ritual observance of astronomical and agricultural phenomena; And the use of magic circles for ritual purposes.

Witch: A practitioner of folk magic, especially of the kind that involves herbs, stones, flowers, wells, rivers, etc. It is used by some Wiccans to describe themselves. Being single or part of a coven. This term has nothing to do with Satanism.

Witchcraft: Witchcraft is a pagan folk religion. personal experience. Witch's Ship - magic, especially magic that uses personal power in combination with the energies within stones, herbs, flowers and others natural objects. This belief system also has nothing to do with Satanism - black magic (mistaken by some as witchcraft) traditionally refers to the use of supernatural powers or magic for evil and selfish purposes. Modern practitioners of Wicca and Witchcraft have sought to distance themselves from those who intend to practice the dark arts. Voodoo has its own distinct history and traditions that have little in common with the traditions of modern witchcraft. Their penchant for magic associated with curses, poisons and zombies means that they, and Voodoo in general, are regularly associated with black magic in particular.

Maleficium (Magic): This is a Latin term meaning "misdemeanor" or "mischief", and is used to describe malicious, dangerous or harmful magic, "villainy" or "malicious witchcraft". In general, this term applies to any magical Action intended to cause harm or death to people or property. Maleficium can involve the act of poisoning or drugging someone, and is often used in dark arts(black magic) and Necromancy (a form of magic involving communication with the deceased).

Paganism/Neo-Paganism/Paganism: A general term for followers of Wiccan and polytheistic religions on Earth. The term "neo-language" provides a means of distinguishing between the historical pagans of ancient cultures and the adherents of modern religious movements. These religions include syncretic or eclectic approaches such as Wicca, Neo-Druidism and Neo-Samanism at one end of the spectrum. Also used to refer to pre-Christian religious and spiritual belief systems. "Neo-language" is often considered offensive and is not used by many modern pagans, who argue that the inclusion of the term "neo" disconnects them from their ancient polytheistic ancestors. Beliefs and practices vary widely among different pagan groups; However, there are a number of basic principles common to most, if not all, forms of modern Paganism. Polytheism is one of the most important tenets of the Pagan movement, the belief in and veneration of multiple gods and/or goddesses. Animism and pantheism are a holistic concept of the universe that is interconnected. In both beliefs, divinity and the material and/or spiritual universe are one. For pagans, pantheism means that "the deity is inseparable from nature and that the deity is immanent in its nature." Animism can mean the belief that everything in the universe is full vitality or spiritual energy. In contrast, some modern Pagans believe that there are specific spirits that inhabit various features in the natural world, and that one can actively communicate with them - some of which use animal spirits as a spirit guide. Similar views have also led many pagans to revere the planet Earth as Mother Earth, often called Gaia after ancient greek goddess Earth.

Shamanism: The shaman is a mediator between this world and the spiritual world. Shamans believe that invisible spirits permeate the world around us, act on us and control our destinies. They act on behalf of the community performing ceremonial rituals, healing people and helping others navigate the shamanic path. The life of a shaman belongs to the village and it is their responsibility to ensure the well-being of the family, community and all creation. Shamanism is an ancient healing tradition and, moreover, a way of life. It is a way to connect with nature and all of creation. Their practices harness the power that Mother Earth has to offer, and the ancient teachings of the indigenous peoples are based on the simplified truths of nature. Their goal is to create internal and external harmony with all creation. In remote places where tribal culture is still a way of life, shamans continue to occupy positions of advisor, healer, and spiritual guide. Shamanism is a path of direct and immediate personal contact with Spirit, deeply intuitive and not subject to definition, censorship or judgment by others. It does not have the attached dogmas and hierarchies etc of modern organized religion. All shamans must undergo an intensive apprenticeship, learning the methods of their calling.

traditional witch

Traditional Witch - Witches who travel traditionally, are interested in the old ways (pre-Christian), and are followers of history and art, providing a foundation for their craft. Typically a ship is passed down from generation to generation within family units. These witches are less likely to engage in the worship of the Goddess or Gods, preferring to work primarily with the Spirit World and often call upon their ancestors or earthly spirits for power. They work with lunar cycles, planetary symbols and cycles, rune symbols, herbs and their chemical applications, land and ancestors are very important to a traditional witch. Traditional witches are drawn to the dark and the light, performing banishing and repelling spells. They do not follow the triple law or Wiccan Rede (just to be clear traditional witchcraft is not Wicca), but take careful consideration and responsibility when performing any magic, be it healing, hexing, hexing or banishing spells. They perform a shamanic journey, inducing a trance that includes drumming, heavy dancing, rocking, entheogens, meditation, volatile salves and more. Hedge riding is a practice that involves traveling into the spirit world through the use of trance and other various techniques to alter the conscious mind (including entheogens, which are herbs and other substances used to induce trance), allowing the spirit to leave the Corps. Animism is part of Traditional Witchcraft because they believe that everything on this earth has a spirit or soul. They believe in Upper world, Middle world and Under the World. Under - those who died while waiting or choosing not to pass or who cannot rise. The middle is here and now. Higher spirits/souls that have ascended and no longer need a body as they can survive without recharging the spirit/soul that is life or were never connected to physical fitness/ body for starters.

Kitchen Wit ch: (aka - witch witch and magic witch) Kitchen Witch This witch carries the practical sides of Wiccan/Pagan religion, magic, precious stones, elements and earth. The Kitchen Witch is generally recognized as a practitioner of Celtic Wicca: walking the elements, the Ancients, and nature. They tend to be healers and are treated with respect and once they reach their 40s they tend to take on the role of "Wise Woman" as they have an abundance of knowledge and are admired. They work with plants, stones, flowers, trees, elemental people, gnomes and fairies. But above all, she works her magic in the Kitchen and has a Goddess, given to talents for cooking. Potions, herbal remedies and natural instincts to protect the hearth. More often than not, they make the best companions, as they are very cunning in love and relationships - and it is said that whoever is a friend of the Kitchen has many privileges.

green witch green witch:
Is the practice of natural and earth-oriented witchcraft based on folklore, folk religion and folk magic of ancient cultures as they relate to the forest; Such as the tree worship of the Druids, the kitchen arts of the Italian witches, or the keeping of sacred groves as represented in Gallic paganism. Green witches typically practice a traditional form of witchcraft in which the earth, trees, herbs, plants and flowers are consulted for their medicinal and magical value. They will grow their own herbs or wildcraft them, and are very good at herbal remedies. Belief in deity depends on the individual witch, although many green witches recognize an earth mother or a number of nature spirits as their deity. Typically nature spirits, the dead (humans and animals) or fairies have a large part in green traditions. Ann Mora popularized a form of green witchcraft that is better classified as Green Wicca.

wise woman

Hedge Witch:
Hedge craft is a path that is inherently shamanic (sometimes called wise man and wise woman) as they are practitioners of earth-based spirituality. These are those who participate in the flight of the spirit and the journey to. They can be very powerful midwives and healers in this capacity. A bird of one kind or another is usually associated with the witch of the witch, most commonly the raven and the goose. The term "hedge" means the boundary of a village and represents the boundary that exists between this world and the spiritual realm. (They are said to be night travelers or wind walkers). Their main function is as an intermediary between spirits and people. They may also work as herbal healers or midwives. Some claim it is a continuation of the practice of cunning folk and wise women, while others say it is a modern tradition.

Eclectic Witch.jpeg Eclectic Witch
An individual approach that selects and chooses from many different traditions and creates a customized form of witchcraft that suits their individual needs and abilities. They do not follow a specific religion or tradition, but study and learn from many different systems and use what works best for them. Many Eclectic Witches call themselves solitary practitioners, wizards, hag-witches, green, white and gray witches. Some consider themselves Wicca, as long as the Reda is followed, the Earth and Universe are revered. One main complaint leveled against the Eclectic Witch is that they are not true Wiccans because they build a Taylor-made religion or tradition for themselves from scratch rather than following the established or correct form of Wicca. Their minds remain open and receptive to the knowledge, ideas, beliefs and methods practiced by others. They adapt well to different situations and create their own paths according to what they believe to be true and right at that time in their life (simply put, they don't follow rules). They love to explore and make their own mistakes and learn from experiences, in turn creating their own rules and traditions. This is why you can bring 2 Eclectic Witches into a room, but they are completely different in how they practice, live and believe, as they are all different in some way.

Mother and Daughter Hereditary Witchcraft: The term hereditary witchcraft is given to a witch who has inherited magical gifts through genealogy. (Keep in mind, just because your grandparents or parents were witches, it doesn't necessarily mean you are too. Sometimes it can skip generations.) These witches are usually born into a magical family and begin their journey very early in your life, using Gifts passed down from generation to generation. Born into a tradition of esoteric origins (the belief that nature is a living being due to divine presence or vitality). These traditions are often not written down, with the exception of the Grimoires, which are also passed down but are very protected, but rely mostly on oral and physical traditions. Each family has its own unique traditions. Most will stick together as family units rather than covens.

gemstone Sea Witch: (water witch) As the name suggests, witches are believed to be able to control many aspects of nature associated with water, most commonly the ocean or sea. They specialize in water magic and worship Sea Gods and Goddesses. However, in more modern times sea ​​witches can also practice witchcraft on or near any source of water: lakes, rivers, baths, or even just a bowl of salt water. Witch-witches use , associated with the moon, tides and weather, and are believed to have complete control over the seas. In some folklore, sea witches are called phantoms or ghosts who have the power to control the destinies of their passengers. Sea witches often improvise with what they have rather than purchase from a store or another person. Common tools include clam, scallop, or oyster shells instead of bowls or cauldrons. They are vagabonds and collect items including seaweed, fishing net, shells, sea grass, driftwood, pieces of sea glass and even sand. Driftwood was used as a walking stick and charged like a stick. Sea Witch works with what is called "gray magic" to maintain a balance of light and dark - most of them are solitary.

There are many more types of witches - these are the most common. IN last decade An increasing number of people have begun to get divorced as individuals and have found certain strengths and attractions to become their own strength. Deal with how you as an individual feel about yourself, as you never have to "fit" into a category - this is only here to help you if you don't quite know what type you are yet. You can only have one connection. Good luck on your journey


11 Signs that you have a strong Witch in front of you. We often hear that someone has been hexed, and some may even cite the example of someone they know who suddenly suddenly lost their luck in life. The ability to recognize a witch among the people around you will help you avoid unpleasant situations.

Witches have long been considered the friends of the devil himself and the repository of evil otherworldly forces. People have always been sure that witches could cause damage or the evil eye; they were feared, hated and at the same time respected. Nowadays, half of the people are skeptical about the existence of witchcraft, and the majority are confident that witches, psychics and sorcerers exist and live among us.

How to recognize a modern witch by appearance
Appearance- the most striking indicator of witch nature. Many people endowed with psychic abilities have a noticeable flaw or a bright, catchy appearance.

Hair color and length are the most striking feature. Witches often have fiery red or blue-black long hair that seems to be filled with power.

If a woman carefully braids her hair in public or, on the contrary, she constantly wears them loose, strictly makes sure that her hair is not touched by strangers and scrupulously destroys hair removed from the comb, then you can take a closer look: it is possible that this woman knows the secrets of nature and is familiar with the concepts of energy exchange.

External flaw is the second extremely important indicator.

A squint, lameness or noticeable birthmark is considered a mark indicating the otherworldly power of the owner of the imperfection.

However, the absolute, striking, perfect beauty of the face and figure is also a clear sign of this woman’s abilities.
Rare eye color is another sign of witches, who often have green, black or blue eyes. Also, women with a penchant for extrasensory perception and witchcraft often have the ability to put a person in their place with one glance or to win them over.

If a woman from your not-so-close circle causes you irrational fear or, on the contrary, you cannot resist her silent participation and tell her all your secrets, and she sits silently and does not take her eyes off you, then you are almost certainly a witch.

The wardrobe of women with witchcraft abilities is often characterized by a predominance of dark and natural colors, natural fabrics and loose fit.

But if it is natural in some certain days your colleague or friend, who constantly wears elegant, discreet and modest clothes, suddenly puts on a bright, flashy dress and drives the entire male half of the team crazy, then most likely this is not without reason: witches, due to the attention of others, can raise and feed their energy.

Jewelry and accessories of unusual girls are often incomprehensible to many people: for example, witches rarely wear a combination of silver and gold; they may wear an incomprehensible symbol on their necks and not allow anyone to touch their jewelry, much less try it on.

What does her behavior say about a witch?

The behavior of a witch in almost any life situation will be different from the behavior of an ordinary woman. There are several of the most obvious signs of a person’s unusualness and the presence of certain abilities.

The ability to predict the future is perhaps, the fundamental sign of a witch. Many women, who do not want to be suspected of having abilities, deliberately hide them, but spontaneous predictions can be impossible to hide.

For example, if your colleague always guesses what mood your boss is in and never gets into trouble, talks about some matter and subsequently always turns out to be right, or in a bad mood gloomily wishes “good” to a colleague who irritates her, and she words come true after a while - then in front of you is probably a witch who has the power of words and the gift of fulfilling her plans.

Love for animals is another sign of a modern witch, by which it can be recognized. A witch will never throw a kitten into the street and will not be afraid of a street dog. She will talk to the dog as if it were her own, and she will take the cat off the street, wash it, and somehow incredibly place it in good hands in a couple of days.

A woman with abilities is very rarely afraid of spiders, snakes or mice, almost certainly gets a black or red cat - the color of her hair, and is able to “agree” with an evil yard dog so that she will sincerely rejoice at every meeting with the witch, hating all other neighbors.

Witches have knowledge of edible and medicinal herbs and roots, adding them to almost any dish and constantly experimenting with spices.

And this does not spoil the food, but on the contrary, makes it more tasty.
The witch loves unusual teas, is often scrupulous about using dishes, and when complaining of a headache, she can offer a herbal mixture that will help.

Speech and manner of speaking will help to recognize a witch: these women carefully monitor their speech, as if weighing every word, especially when they are angry or upset.

Even at the peak of emotions, you won’t hear useless curses or screams from a witch: she knows that her words can come true, and if she wishes evil, then it is measured, thoughtfully, and in such a tone as if she is saying goodbye forever.

How to identify a witch by date of birth

It is no secret that witches often have esoteric abilities from the day they are born. Most often, people with abilities are born into numerologically strong numbers, and the types of abilities are inherent in the essence of different Zodiac Signs and their elements.

For example, fire signs: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are often presented as psychics who see the future, are skilled in handling fire and have a good understanding of animals.

Representatives of earthly zodiac signs such as Virgo, Taurus and Capricorn are most often born with the ability to predict the future using tarot cards, runes or the book of destinies.

Air Signs - Aquarius, Libra and Gemini- often seen prophetic dreams, easily master the technique of lucid dreaming and cannot imagine their life without meditation.

Photos of witches, their names and other information regarding followers of many occult movements are now of interest to many. But it is worth noting that distinguishing fact from fiction in modern world quite difficult. Traditions of ancestors and historical facts- here are the best sources of truly truthful information.

In the article:

Witches - photo and appearance

Photos of witches that are processed in photo editors and taken by professional photographers have nothing to do with reality. In fact, a witch can look like anything. The external signs of a witch are not very noticeable. The appearance of a witch can completely correspond to her preferences and tastes, which, like any person, she has.

Even in those days when recognizing a witch was considered difficult. This was done by experts in this field - inquisitors. They left many secret signs and marks of sorceresses, hidden from the eyes of casual viewers.

Only mythological characters who are usually classified as witches may differ in appearance from ordinary people. A good example is Baba Yaga, known to everyone since childhood. Almost everyone remembers descriptions of fairy-tale witches, but real witches are rarely like them.

Witch names - why do you need an occult name

The occult names of the witches are kept secret.
They have nothing to do with nicknames on forums about magic and social networks. With their help, you can adjust your personal energy and even strengthen it. Another function of such a name is protection. Spells almost always include names. Without knowing the real, witchcraft name of a person, it is impossible to harm him.

Witches take the choice of names very seriously. They believe that names can shape a person's character and preferences. Everyone knows the proverb - “whatever you call a ship, that’s how it will sail.” A secret name is needed not only for an experienced witch, but also for a beginner. The correctness of the selection may determine how far he will go in the study of esotericism.

As a rule, the pantheon that the witch prefers, as well as her religious views in general, play an important role in choosing a name. People who practice Christian magic use the names that were given to them at baptism. Witches following the path of their ancestors choose Slavic names. Names from fantasy, as well as Western variations, are very popular. Sometimes witches use numerology when choosing a name.

When choosing a witch name, it is not recommended to give preference to the names of gods and famous personalities. It is believed that this forces one to live up to a big name, which not everyone can do. There is another opinion - a sonorous name with a certain history and reputation will help the young sorceress in developing her abilities.

What names do witches have nowadays?

Witches in our time prefer to leave the name received at birth exclusively for worldly life. It is unlikely that you will meet a classmate or colleague with an unusual ornate name, by which it will be easy to recognize her as a witch. IN ordinary life witches use names that are written in their documents.

Women with paranormal abilities do not reveal their real witch names even to like-minded people and close people who are far from magic. Witches prefer to call these names only during rituals that are performed without witnesses.

Sometimes a witch may have several names, especially if she is part of a coven - a group of practicing witches. So, such a woman will have an official name that is known to everyone, a name known only to her companions, and a secret name that only spirits and gods know.

The most famous witches of Russia

In the photo Marina Tsvetaeva

It is interesting that Marina Tsvetaeva often called herself a daughter. It is known that she is considered the mother of all witches. It was Lilith who started the witch dynasty, which still exists today. Most likely, this is a poetic comparison that has nothing to do with the poetess’s involvement in witchcraft. Although this may be the case.

As for mythology, everyone knows the “damn grandmother” or “damn mother”. In the old days they believed that the devil's closest relatives were witches. True, no one recognized their names.

The witch hunt also partially affected Russia. True, it has not reached such a scale as in Europe. Among the women who had a reputation as a witch or were accused of witchcraft were famous historical figures. For example, Ivan the Terrible’s grandmother Anna Glinskaya was considered a witch. The reputation was enhanced by foreign origin. It was her gossip that was blamed for the fire in Moscow.

Anna Glinskaya

Nastasya Pavlova, a friend of the goldsmith, was accused of causing damage to royal family. Her friend accused her after a quarrel, and immediately after that two princes died. Nastasya was considered a witch, tortured, and the woman died in prison. Her husband was a Lithuanian subject, and the authorities believed that the witch was causing damage by order of the rulers of Lithuania and Poland.

Among the famous witches of Russia today, the leading ones are the participants in the Battle of Psychics. For example, it is very popular in Novosibirsk and Moscow. The winner of the last season of the “Battle of Psychics” project won the trust of millions of viewers.

Names of witches from other countries

The mythology of different countries is full of stories about women practicing magic. So, Calypso, according to the myths about Odysseus, was a nymph living on an island in the middle of the ocean. It is known that she kept Odysseus in her house for seven years. He missed his wife and children, but could not reject the love of the beautiful nymph. Modern witches suggest that Calypso was one of the most strong witches Greece.

Medea, according to legend Ancient Greece, the sorceress who helped Jason take possession of the Golden Fleece. She knew recipes for witchcraft potions and other secrets of witchcraft, knew how to heal the wounded and deal with enemies who tried to interfere with the well-being of the witch. Some versions of the legends call Medea a priestess of Hecate, sometimes even a disciple of the goddess of the night. Euripides wrote that Iphigenia was a priestess of Hecate and a powerful sorceress.

photo of the white witch Lucy Cavendish

Lucy Cavendish- a white witch from Australia. She became involved with magic in 1987, and in 1993, Lucy Cavendish launched a magazine about witchcraft. In 2001, the whole world already knew about her, and currently she gives master classes, recruits students, and produces meditation recordings, Tarot cards, and books on magic. Tarot by Lucy Cavendish is a great success all over the world.

Laurie Cabot

One of the famous Salem witches of our time is considered Laurie Cabot, author of many books on witchcraft. She was initiated into a witch at the age of sixteen. Her book, The Power of Witches, opened the eyes of many to what light witches really are. Laurie Cabot officially fought the superstitions that resulted from the persecution of people suspected of witchcraft in Salem. In 1977, she was given the title of official witch of Salem.

Bridget Bishop (film)

The famous witch of Salem Bridget Bishop lived during the time of burning people at the stake. She was the owner of several taverns, a widow with a good fortune. Therefore, it is now generally accepted that Bridget Bishop was accused of witchcraft for the purpose of profiting by the city government. Agnes Sampson from Scotland was accused of witchcraft and burned at the stake. Under torture, she betrayed her accomplices. The name of one of them has been preserved - Anna Coldings.

Kael Merry from the Netherlands after being accused of witchcraft, he was expelled from the city. Local judges took pity on a woman accused of spoiling children, animals and cow's milk and saved her from torture and execution. However, soon after leaving the city, she was tracked down and drowned in the river. Another witch from the Netherlands was a midwife. She was accused of defacing and killing unborn babies and was sentenced to death by hanging. Antienne Gillis was tortured, as a result of which she betrayed more than 60 accomplices.

The names of the patrons of each witch and witch

The most famous patroness of witches and sorceresses - Lilith, Adam's first wife. She is called the mother of all witches. It is known that Lilith was created in the image and likeness of God. The first woman turned out to be freedom-loving and willful. She considered herself equal to man, since she was created in the same way as he was. Adam was not satisfied with this, Lilith was expelled from Paradise, and Adam received new wife– Eve, who was created from his rib. It is believed that witches and sorcerers originated from Lilith.

Another patroness of witchcraft is Hecate, goddess of the night, darkness and magic. Modern witches still perform rituals in her honor, trying to receive the blessing of the dark goddess. They consider her the patroness of women in general, capable of protecting each of her daughters from any harm. According to legend, the witch goddess travels through night roads, cemeteries and crime scenes, and her approach is predicted by dogs barking for no apparent reason.

Often identified with Hecate Circe, which turned Odysseus's companions into pigs, according to Greek mythology. Some mythographers call her the daughter of Hecate. Circe was also considered the goddess of the night, the moon and witchcraft.

William West "Symbolography"
(London, 1591).

Sorcerers are those who, by muttering certain superstitious words, do things beyond nature, evoking the ghosts of the dead, feigning the discovery of things in remote and secret places, and showing them in any image or likeness.
Divination sorcerers:
They foresee and foresee things that are about to happen, and summon evil spirits with the help of certain spells and certain formulas. And with the help of these words, as required of them, they respond with a voice or in some other way, looking at the pictures or images of the objects they are looking for that appear before their eyes in glass, crystals or rings.

Fortune tellers:
Experts in the art of divination, which can be spoken by divining spirits. They can identify who stole the items and tell you where the lost or stolen items are located.
Magicians and false healers who, to heal all diseases and ailments of humans and livestock, use either certain spells or writings, called charms or incantations, which are hung on the neck or some other parts of the body.
Sorcerers and Spellcasters:
Sorcerers or spell casters who believe that by means of spoken special words, inscriptions, simulacrums, herbs or other objects they can do what they claim because the devil either helps or guides them in performing miracles. Somewhat different from them are witches or hags, and augurs or predictors of the flight of birds, as well as predictors of the entrails of sacrificial animals.

A witch or hag is one who, deluded by, persuaded, incited or deceived by an alliance made with the devil, believes that she can do malicious intent or by using a curse to shake the air with lightning and thunder to cause hail and storms, to move green fields or trees to another place, to travel on one's pet spirit (which is tricked into taking the form of a goat, a pig or a calf, etc.) to some sufficiently distant mountain in a surprisingly short period of time, and sometimes fly on a staff, pitchfork or some other implements and spend the whole night long with his beloved, playing, wrestling, feasting, dancing, having fun and gratifying the devil's lust with a thousand obscene games and monstrous ridicule.

In the writings of demonologists one can find many synonyms for the word “witch.”

Giordano de Bergamo (1470) notes:

bacularia - from "stick riding"

fascinatrix - from “evil eye”

herberia - from its poisonous herbs

maliarda - from the evil or damage it brings

pixidaria - from her box of magic ointments

Binsfeld in 1589 gives other names:

femina sage - wise woman

lamia - blood-sucking night monster

incantator - sorcerer

magus - medicine man maleficius - a villain who causes harm to people, animals or property

sortiariae mulier - woman who predicts the future using lots

strix - night bird

veneficia - poisoner

vir sortilegi - wizard

But, as the Jesuit Caspar Schott notes, lamia and strix meant the same thing, that is, saga (Physica Curiosa, 1657). Other Latin terms for "witch" appear in classical treatises on witchcraft, including anispix, auguris, divinator, januatica, ligator, mascara, phitonissa, sortilega, stregonis, and stregula.
Pott gives the most common German synonyms for the word "witch": Hexen, Tochter des Donners, Unholdinnen, Cabelreiterinnen [fork riders] Wellermachennnen, Zauberinnen and sometimes Truten and Wickhersen [from wichen - "to predict the future"]. Hexerei first appeared at the trials in Lucerne, where a man named Hegler was tortured for witchcraft.

A wide range of definitions is given in English works. Wycliffe in his Apology for Lollard Doctrines, for example, lists:
arioler [ventriloquist], augurer [fortune teller], enchantress [enchantress], haruspex [entrail soothsayer], phytoness [exorcist], sortileger [future predictor] and many -mancers - people whose profession was to predict future events by air, numbers and lines, water or fire. As witchcraft developed, it became necessary to classify the different types of witches.

Adey, basing his classification on Deuteronomy, establishes 9 varieties by W. John Gole in 1646. admitted in court that there are 8 classes of witches:
1. Fortune teller, gypsy or fortune teller.

2. Astrologer, astrologer, witch predicting the planets.

3. A singing, whining or counting witch using signs and numbers.

4. A witch who poisons with drugs.

5. Exorcist or witch who conjures spirits.

6. Gourmet Witch.

7. Witch, wise, learned or skilled witch.

8. Necromancer.

This classification was largely theoretical nature, since all these atrocities were considered to depend on the Devil and were equally considered heresy. Thus, Damhuder in “Praslie a Rerum Criminalium” (1554) comes to the conclusion:
“So, soriioegi, dwinalores (prognosticators) and malefici (causing corruption), practicing this diabolical superstition, should be called enemies of Salvation, and should be believed that they are the enemies of the human race.” And the Englishman Gifford remarked: “The wizard, the sorcerer, the soothsayer and all their other types form one circle” (“Discourse of the Subile Practices of Devils by Witches and Sorserers” - “Conversation about the vile devilish affairs of witches and sorcerers”).

Unlike Christian statements, which claim that the Witch is an evil woman who flies on a broom and serves the devil, in fact, the Witch from Old Slavonic is the Knowing Mother. Slavic terms or names, such as: Witch, Witcher, Vedun, Vedunya, have a common root “ved”, which means nothing more than “to know or to know.”

Among the Slavs, this is not at all a designation of the dark essence of a person, and certainly not an abusive expression. It is customary to call wise women and women who know how to use magic a witch.

The magic of the Slavs more often turned to the forces of light and the forces of Nature. So, if you learned about this for the first time, know that the Witch does not mean anything bad about herself. A witch can be called a midwife, a fortune teller, or just a woman who occupies a certain position in society.

It is believed that in the ancient Slavic world, most or even all women possessed magic (to one degree or another). Some, naturally, at the level of fortune telling and rituals, others at a deeper and more powerful level. However, most women, having become adults and wise, having experienced all the hardships of life, having learned all the instructions and knowledge of their ancestors, became Witches. They know how to use magical power Nature, contact the mysterious forces of the underworld and use it for good or bad purposes. Slavic Witches knew all the rituals, various spells, whispers, conspiracies. If a person had the idea that he had been jinxed, then who else but a witch should he turn to!? Before sowing or before harvest, the witch had to whisper over the field so that the spirits of the Earth would make the hard work a little easier. Starting from the construction of a house and ending with weddings, most of the events in the life of the Slavs were accompanied by the presence of the Knowing Mothers or Veduns, who gave their strength and helped to call upon the necessary forces of nature, so that the pagan Slavs would always live closely with nature and other worlds connected life and did not forget who they really are.

Of course, as a result of the wild persecution of Witches in Europe (where they were subjected to inhuman torture and painful death), the active propaganda of the terrifying essence of all wise women and knowledgeable men, the word Witch itself suffered a strong conceptual change. Now the Witch is understood as a hunched old woman, whose companion is a black cat, and whose means of transportation to the Sabbath is a broom. And yet, the more Russian people know true meaning this word, the faster it will be forgotten as bad dream and everything will finally fall into place.

Who is a witch, or 64 qualities of a woman

Who is the Witch? Usually they represent an evil and terrible old fury who practices evil witchcraft, eats small children, etc. This image has been embedded in our consciousness for many centuries in order to hide the truth and ancient secret knowledge. Why this was done and is being done is the topic of another article. So who is a witch?

By medieval Christian standards, a female witch was a servant of the devil, supposedly possessing a supernatural ability to harm people and animals. And even now the attitude of Christianity has not changed. How many women were burned at the stake by “harmless” Christians. I wonder why such an attitude towards women developed in the Middle Ages?

A witch (from another Slavic “to know” - to know) is a woman who practices magic, witchcraft. The Slavic word “witch, witch, witch” has the Old Russian root “ved”, which has the meaning: “ved” (“to know”). But the true meaning of the word Witch has been perverted. And now in modern Russian the word witch already has a pejorative and envious meaning.

A witch is a knowing, knowing mother. Knowledgeable women know how to find family happiness. In order to become a good mother, you first need to be a good wife, and even before that, a good woman!

A real woman (witch) must have 64 qualities necessary for a fulfilling family life.

Qualities of a woman that make her perfect

1. Have the determination to follow your husband.

2. The ability to give the greatest pleasure to your spouse.

3. The ability to guess and anticipate the husband’s wishes.

4. The ability to be collected in any environment.

5. Possession and control of sexual power to embody highly spiritual ancestors in their children.

6. Cleanliness.

7. Knowledge of love games and the art of lovemaking.

8. Agility in love positions.

9. The ability to undress beautifully.

10. The ability to arouse the interest of your spouse with your behavior and attire.

11. Ability to present yourself.

12. The ability to excite your husband.

13. The ability to leave a sleeping husband without disturbing.

14. Know ways to fall asleep after your husband.

15. Be able to sleep in any position.

16. The ability to do various massages, maintain longevity and health.

17. Healing treatment: herbal medicine, spells, treatment with vital force.

18. Household and ritual witchcraft, knowledge of folk customs.

19. Knowledge of the basics of star reading: favorable and unfavorable days.

20. The ability to communicate with the elements of nature.

21. The ability to use your space; Knowledge of hair styles and ability to style hair.

22. Knowledge of different characters.

23. The ability to demonstrate the necessary character.

24. The ability to express and subdue your feelings.

25. Knowledge of the necessary protection of one’s honor and dignity.

26. The ability to reason, identify patterns and draw conclusions.

27. The ability to express thoughts eloquently.

28. Knowledge of games that develop human thinking abilities.

29. Conducting business calculations, knowledge of measures, weight, volume, density.

30. Knowledge of the tax system.

31. Ability to negotiate and conduct business.

32. The ability to prove that you are right.

33. The ability to recognize the qualities and abilities of people.

34. The ability to solve dreams and interpret omens.

35. The ability to settle in and create comfort in any environment.

36. The ability to make utensils, household items and toys from clay.

37. Making fabrics and yarn from various materials, making and decorating clothes; knowledge of the hidden meaning of patterns and characteristics of products.

38. Preparation of paints; dyeing of fabrics, yarn, clothing, utensils, knowledge of the basics of color science.

39. Knowledge of the properties of stones and the ability to use them.

40. Cooking and preparing drinks.

41. Knowledge of wild plants, their use in everyday life, nutrition and treatment.

42. The ability to get a good harvest from the garden, preserve it and make food preparations.

43. Knowledge of animal husbandry.

44. Communication and play with animals; training them, instilling the necessary actions.

45. The ability to recognize a person’s condition by his handwriting, to express himself beautifully and competently in writing.

46. ​​The ability to convey one’s state and perception of the surrounding world using painting and drawing.

47. Making garlands, wreaths, bouquets and knowing their hidden meaning.

48. Knowledge of fairy tales, epics, legends, proverbs, sayings and folk songs.

49. Making dolls for games, rituals and witchcraft.

50. Writing poems, songs and performing them.

51. Knowledge of favorable and unfavorable musical rhythms, sizes, melodies and their reproduction on various instruments.

52. The ability to move fluidly and dance to different tunes.

53. Art in entertaining games; dexterity and dexterity.

54. Ability to locate oneself on the ground.

55. Ability to juggle various objects.

56. The ability to deceive (“deception” is what is next to the mind, to the truth: tricks, tricks, practical jokes, sleight of hand, guile).

57. Ability to guess numbers, names, objects, phrases

58. Knowledge of guessing games (riddles, puzzles, charades, hide and seek).

59. Ability to mislead opponents.

60. Knowledge various games for a bet.

61. Ability to cry.

62. The ability to appease an angry spouse.

63. The ability to manage your husband’s jealousy.

64. Carry out your duties conscientiously even if you lose your husband

The scriptures give three reasons why these arts should be studied:

1 - By applying these arts, it is easier to win the affection of your lover.

2 - A woman who masters these arts naturally occupies an honorable place in society.

3 - Knowledge of these arts contributes to greater charm, affection and attraction of a man to such a beloved.

Such a Witch woman will be protected by the Almighty Family of the Progenitor; it is impossible for her to impose an alien worldview; such a woman is dangerous for any religion. It's easier to burn it and destroy it. This is what the valiant Christians did in the name of the prophet they crucified.

But before becoming a Witch, the girl was taught and prepared to become Vesta - the one who carries the message. Vesta became a witch after the birth of her child. If the girl did not comprehend necessary skills and qualities she became the Bride. A love union with the bride was and is defective, i.e. marriage.

Thanks to technological progress, we consider ourselves more advanced than our ancestors, but in reality we have no idea about some of the things they owned. Much knowledge was lost and destroyed.

We all love to make claims to each other. Husband to wife, wife to husband, we look for flaws in each other, forgetting about our own. Instead, you should think: “Do I myself live up to my claims to another person, to the world?” And it turns out that we still need to work and work on ourselves. And by changing and developing ourselves, we change the reality around us. By making ourselves better, we make better than those next to us.

The next time you are offended by your husband or start making complaints against other men, read this list and think about whether you should change yourself. The same applies to men.