Become a strong witch. How to become a witch

It is very important to decide on the most suitable time of year for yourself, because it determines what kind of witch you will turn out to be.

The following relationships are distinguished:

  • Spring. A woman will retain her youth for a long time and will look very good throughout her life. Spring witches have a particularly strong connection with nature and the water element; they can cause rain and floods. But their main talent is the ability to accelerate growth. This ability can be used both for good (to speed up the process of fruit ripening) and for harm (to provoke the accelerated development of a malignant tumor in an enemy).
  • Summer. The warm season gives a woman passion and strength. The witch will be able to subjugate the will of people - and they will happily fulfill all her whims. Summer witches get along well with animals and know how to love magic, they know how to cause drought, hear unspoken thoughts and see hidden treasures (not only ancient, but also quite modern stashes in apartments).
  • Autumn. The period of gradual extinction of nature - best time to become a knowledge witch. A woman will acquire true wisdom and understanding, thanks to which she will equally be able to cope with the problems of the universe and everyday troubles. Autumn witches are impartial. They are soothsayers, keepers of ancient secrets, healers. They are interested in everything related to knowledge. Witches can communicate with birds and use them as their messengers.
  • Winter. The end of the natural cycle brings with it numbness, coldness, but at the same time resilience, severity, and the ability to survive. Winter witches are the most powerful, as it is almost impossible to destroy their power. A woman who performs the ritual in winter gains power over the dead, the ability to communicate with spirits and demons, and a talent for necromancy. The sorceress can travel in dreams and even move into another body. She is not afraid of amulets and talismans used by people.

The time of year gives only the general direction of the witch's development. In any case, a woman will reveal all the talents available to her, just some of them will be more pronounced. If the ritual is carried out at the junction of periods, then the characteristics are a little blurred. For example, by becoming a witch at the end of August, a woman will not only acquire summer properties, but will also receive the gift of knowledge, although less manifested than if autumn had been chosen for the ritual.

Conspiracy to become a witch

Since the witch nature is gifted to women by nature, activating it is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Difficulties may arise only with collecting the necessary tools.

You will need the following items:

  • sharp knife;
  • black scarf;
  • thirteen red and the same number of green candles;
  • white poultry feather;
  • a tuft of black cat fur;
  • tooth of any animal;
  • thirteen yellow coins.

You need to determine the place for the ceremony yourself, taking into account your inclinations. This could be an abandoned church, an old attic, your own bedroom, a field, a crossroads, an unused stable, etc. The main condition is that there should be no people or animals larger than a mouse there.

You need to arrange the lit candles in a circle: green on the left, red on the right. Then you should let your hair down, undress if possible, wrap your head in a scarf and recite the spell from memory:

“The black mare neighed, gave me her strength, the bird flew swiftly, conveyed its will to me, the silent stone lay there, gave me its peace. Just as winter comes to the earth, how spring revives the earth, how summer decorates the earth, how autumn covers the earth with fruits, So I also gain power, I awaken my witch soul. Let the true power be revealed to me, let the human and animal will submit to me, let the elements bow before me, let the incorporeal creatures obey me, I call myself a witch, I call upon the heavenly spirits as witnesses.”

After this, you need to remove the scarf and spread it in front of you. Having cut off a lock of hair on the left side of the head with a knife, you should throw the hair on a scarf and put a feather, a tuft of wool and a tooth there. Each coin must be spoken individually, saying:

“I call myself a witch, I pay off sins, I put powerful powers into my service.”

Each time you cast a spell, you need to add a coin to the rest of the things on the scarf. At the end of the ritual, you should tie a scarf and bury it under a birch or aspen tree. This place will become a source of power, on which the witch will be able to restore energy reserves at any time.

Signs of a successful ritual

The spell works within nine or forty days - the time depends on the strength of the sorcerer. In rare cases, the waiting period extends for a whole year. You can find out in advance about the success of the ritual by certain “symptoms” that appear literally from the next day after the ceremony.

The main features include:

  1. Excitement, restlessness, inability to concentrate. Such a state indicates an ongoing energetic restructuring, which is necessary for reincarnation into a witch.
  2. Unusual dreams. They can be either vague and poorly remembered, or very bright and even conscious. Most often I dream about a road and a journey, someone’s eyes, dead relatives, wild animals.
  3. Strange memories. Often, a newly minted witch comes up with pictures supposedly from the past, although in real life no such events occurred. This indicates the connection of the mind to the cosmic sphere, which stores information about the past of all people.
  4. The ability to foresee. A woman becomes prone to sudden insights. For example, she sees images of all kinds of accidents, robberies, etc. The scale of visions can be different - from global disasters to everyday trifles concerning friends or strangers. Consciousness is simply training to work with the talent that has been revealed to it to recognize the future.
  5. Knowledge from nowhere. Information begins to appear in your head, the origin of which cannot be determined. The data received can be from any field - cosmetology, physics, construction, etc., even if the woman has never come into contact with this field.
  6. Increased attractiveness. Witches are always beautiful - you can’t take that away from them. A woman who connects to a witchcraft channel becomes very charismatic and attractive to both sexes.
  7. New acquaintances. Other witches always feel that a “newborn” witch has appeared next to them, and they strive to get to know her. You should pay close attention to new friends - there may be a magical background to meeting them. Sometimes witches send lower magicians who serve them on reconnaissance: in this case, the man will make the acquaintance.

It is impossible to describe everything that happens to a woman after she becomes a witch. It is necessary to observe your condition - your inner essence will tell you the right line of behavior. When the configuration stage is completed, a complete understanding of one’s own personality will come, and then all questions will disappear. It happens that a woman does not turn into a witch after the ceremony. This indicates her closedness and immunity to external energies. There is no need to despair - if your determination to become a real witch is strong, you need to repeat the ritual, trying to feel each action as fully as possible.

Being a witch is the prerogative of the strong. Discovering this side of yourself, you should be confident in your readiness to face enormous responsibility, and sometimes danger. After all, there will be no way back.

Paranormal abilities have always been interesting to humanity. And this concerns women most of all. Previously, they were constantly accused of witchcraft. But few people know what to do to receive this gift and become a witch.

What is witchcraft

This is a very broad concept. Witches are often considered healers. They consider themselves followers of Western neo-pagan cults. From the point of view of Christianity, a witch / witcher is a person who is related to the occult without church rank. If you look from the point of view ordinary person, a witch is a woman endowed with a “black gift.” This gift allows you to use your will to cause not only illness, but also the death of others.

How to become a good witch

Many people are tormented by the question: Do good witches exist and how can one become one? Everyone associates the word witch with the image of a terrible and evil sorceress who practices black magic. This is wrong, dark magic Not all witches practice. Yes, to become a witch of the forces of good, you will need patience and a lot of strength.

  • You need to cast the right spell, not aimed at dark forces, and vice versa – to light ones. Please note that finding a real spell is not so easy; on the Internet, 90% of spells are not working.
  • You will need a lot of time searching and studying special magical literature. Everyone is wondering what literature to look for? There are books on practical magic, and which one you will (or will not) be able to find is a mystery. In any case, you will have to learn the magical tendencies of plants, master hypnosis and meditation, develop psychic capabilities.

How to become a witch right now

Get rid of doubts and fear. Witches do not know these feelings, because they themselves instill horror in those around them. If you cannot get rid of doubts, then the instructions below will not help you.

Attracting energy

Tie a red bandage on your left wrist, which has previously lain in the dark for at least a week. It can only be put on after sunset and taken off before dawn. This is your personal energy trap.

Getting power

To accumulate enough energy, you must not give in to emotions. Try to gain as much knowledge as possible: play sports, watch science channels and read encyclopedias. Inner fire and willpower will begin to generate forces and deposit them into your trap.

You will have enough energy in just 2 weeks. To understand this, put your ear to the bandage - you should hear a distinct and at the same time quiet noise. It cannot be associated with anything; it can be either the rustle of grass or the sound of the sea.

Deception of the Universe

Nature does not see a person as a threat until he begins to break through to dark side. You only have 1 chance! If you won't be able to follow the next instructions or something If you do it wrong, you can die or turn into an ugly old woman.

Without removing the red bandage, with your left hand touch a tree that is more than 66 years old. Touch right hand to the ground and lift it into the sky. Cast the spell "Vito Queliz Mantio". After this the wind should pick up. After a minute, shout “Ito No.” The wind should subside.

Note! You have destroyed the natural barrier and crossed the line towards dark energy. Not everyone reaches this point, only a few. Those who are destined to feel its power and understand how to use it.

How to become a witch - the last spell

In order to complete the transformation and bind forces, all that remains is to say ancient spell, created by the first dark sorcerers and witches.

How to become a witch - passing on the gift by inheritance

Everyone knows that this gift is passed down through the family line. This happens after one generation (to a granddaughter from a grandmother). The gift can never be passed on from a mother to her daughter.

How does the gift transfer take place? All her life the witch prepares her successor. This is important, because a young witch may be confused by an unexpected gift.

You will be very lucky if your mentor is an experienced witch or witcher. As stated above, the witch passes on the gift before death. There are times when there is simply no one to transfer abilities to, and you can take advantage of this. Just think carefully, do you need it?

Many people are interested in how to become a witch. By casting various spells and performing rituals, you special success you won't achieve it. And that's a fact! Remember how you started studying at school. It all started with letters and numbers, that is, small. It’s the same in witchcraft: the origins must be taken in your subconscious.

This practice is easy for those who have received the gift from relatives. But those who are ordinary people without any signs of supernatural abilities, they must persistently develop them.

How to become a witch: the origins of the practice

It is best to start with fortune telling. Firstly, the cards will help you connect with your subconscious and learn to interpret signs, dreams and develop intuition (you can’t do without it, because your inner voice should warn you against committing rash actions that will seem right to you). In general, all magic is based on feelings and sensations, and not on dry logic. If we return to the question of fortune telling, the second thing that the cards will give you is the ability to look into the future and, if possible, change it.

By the way, when making predictions with the help of Tarot to other people, be prepared for the fact that they will pester you with questions about the future and the present, but will not listen. This is human nature. Even knowing where the situation can be improved, they will do it their own way, and then come to you again with the same problems. Therefore, when asking the question of how to become a witch, you must realize that you will have to start from the very basics.

Step two - clairvoyance

In parallel with fortune telling, you can interpret dreams, but you should not turn to numerous modern dream books. Your intuition and subconscious should also work here. At first, answers may not come immediately and, quite likely, you will be wrong, more than once. But training and training must take place regularly. By the way, prophetic dreams do not come certain days, and then when your subconscious is as open as possible. You yourself must understand that becoming a witch without natural abilities is very difficult.

Step three - light exercises

Next, you will have two options on how to become a witch and in which direction to move. You can become a light magician, which is quite difficult, since very few people can maintain a good beginning in themselves and help people, and not themselves. As a rule, such witches are much stronger than dark ones. The latter obey their negative self and the forces that guide it. Repayment for such witches, as a rule, comes at the end of the contract, and if one was not concluded, then they can pay for the rest of their lives (and after death too). In addition, they endanger all blood relatives, especially children. The bright path is more difficult and thorny, but as a result you will get more. The dark path is much easier, but you won't like the pay. In any case, you will need to start doing light rituals based on who you decide to become. It is best to start with easy conspiracies that will require a minimum of energy from you. Then continue incrementally. By the way, advice for the bright: do not try to help others without their request.

You will cause more harm to both them and yourself. Yes, and it is worth taking care of the initial protection and cleansing of the surrounding space from negativity and evil. As for the dark ones, before creating curses, it is worth protecting yourself and your family from the “boomerang”, because if the person being cursed strong protection, then everything will come back to you in triple equivalent. As they say, if you decide to do evil, get ready for it to come back to you. Therefore, a simple “I want to become a witch” will not get you far.

What's worth knowing?

By the way, if you do not have birth abilities, then training should begin no earlier than sixteen years. Yes, and you need to weigh all the pros and cons. It is worth understanding that you always have to pay for magic, and the stronger your action, the greater the retribution. Moreover, the “bill” may come many years later in the form of an incurable fatal disease, a destroyed personal life or the life of your family, relatives, and loved ones. And one more thing. Such knowledge is very difficult, and over time you will become more and more unhappy, bringing grief to everyone around you. The death of a witch is never easy, do not think that retribution will bypass you. Therefore, carefully weigh all the pros and cons of such a decision. After all, once you take this path, you can’t turn back. Before you learn how to become a witch, be prepared for the fact that you will not be happy for a particularly long period of time, and will have to think about what you have done for most of your life. And the last piece of advice for all witches: never regret the rituals you have done - this creates a gap in your defense, and the blow will come very powerful.

In fact, this word comes from two others - knower and mother. Putting them together, no negative context will result; moreover, they reflect a personality endowed with maternal traits and the talent of a healer. Moreover, it was the Orthodox Slavs who gave a negative connotation to witches, who considered any magical activity that was not related to the official religion to be evil.

A knowledgeable mother undoubtedly has extensive knowledge of witchcraft and magic, but does not necessarily use knowledge for evil. They do not use skills when there is no need, do not talk about the gift, and do not interfere in the lives of other people.

Among the witches there are both white and black.

Unfortunately, obtaining the status of a good witch is not easy, but it is possible. The most effective rite of passage to become a sorceress is the transfer of knowledge through the touch of a dying witch. You can become a witch after confessing to another witch. However, the easiest method is to perform a ritual, which is accompanied by reading a conspiracy.

What to remember when becoming a sorceress

For girls who want to become a real witch, you should definitely take our advice. Before you begin, it is recommended to thoroughly study most of the possible sources of information that will tell you about magic, the path, and the rules of the use of force. Having finally decided, take a notebook, write questions and answers in it. The questions will be: Why should I become a witch? What will I achieve with magic?

Describe your doubts, fears, hopes in a notebook, and later it will mark the beginning of the “Book of Shadows.”

Practice managing your internal energy. Learn to relax, concentrate, visualize thoughts. At the next stage, you can begin learning spells. A real sorceress does not mindlessly copy them from books or the Internet, but develops on their basis unique ones that have greater power.

A professional witch easily develops an effective spell, rituals, and conspiracies. One of the most important parts of becoming a witch is the initiation ritual. There are several ways to become a sorceress, but do not be afraid, most likely, your inner voice will tell you which one is best.

The ritual of becoming a witch

You should not think that after the initiation rite you can immediately become a powerful sorceress, commanding time and physical objects with the power of thought. It will be only the first brick in building your new destiny.

The ritual must begin on the full moon. Before this, it is recommended to undergo 3 days of strict fasting; before the ceremony itself, wash your body with a decoction of herbs, relax, and you can meditate. Light the incense sticks prepared in advance and use salt to draw a magical pentagram or circle on the floor. You need to place one burning candle on the four cardinal points. When midnight comes, strip naked and stand in the center of the circle with your arms crossed over your chest.

Cast your favorite magic spell. Then a symbolic sacrifice is made to the spirits. The ritual must end with a sincere appeal to higher powers

, after which the candles must be extinguished and the circle must be left. In order to develop your skills, it is very important to constantly practice and improve existing skills.

What to strive for Witches are the owners enormous power, deep knowledge, therefore have incredible opportunities.

With great power comes great responsibility, so if you decide to become a witch as a joke, life can get much worse after the initiation rite. You will be responsible not only for yourself, but also for those around you. Great importance

has a choice of the side of light or darkness.