What are the signs that you are a witch? How to recognize a real witch.


Hmm, I wouldn’t say that the article struck me, but the systematization of the signs was interesting.

An interesting read for those who are still looking for themselves. Don’t look for 100% similarity, but the ancient signs presented here are true.

How to find out if you are a WITCH?

Take a closer look at your relatives and friends.

  1. As a rule, most witches and witchers have an admixture of Cossack, Gypsy, and Jewish blood. However, this is still an admixture, not necessarily a close relationship. With a detailed study, even 100% Russians find out that it’s good to be Russian if they have a surname. Of course, the blood can be Indian, Arab, Tatar. But the above options are simply super common.
  2. Family wisdom. Nowadays, for some reason, “mind” is understood as “education.” Of course clever man It’s quite easy to turn out to be educated, but there is no reverse relationship. Further, “intelligence, honor and conscience” in a family is not always represented by its most educated member. BUT! If you have a certain legendary grandmother in your family (lovers of romance novels will probably remember Scarlett O’Hara’s grandmothers from “ Gone with the wind”, a mysterious aunt or grandfather, an old man from Borovovich, to whose tune the rest of the candidates and professors related to you are dancing, then it makes sense to talk with this character. It is quite possible that this will be the subject of your search.
  3. Witches are still rarely born into large families. The fewer siblings (of the same gender) you have, the more likely it is that you have the Gift. If there are more than 4 children, then it’s unlikely. Although it is quite possible that life will refute my words. But even if there are several children and everyone has a Gift, then it will certainly not manifest itself to the same extent. Everyone will have a talent for something special. Sometimes you can observe a funny “compensation effect” when “one pant leg trades, the other steals.” That is, one brother literally heals, and the other cripples. I will note that, as a rule, they treat consciously, but they cripple simply “out of the kindness of their hearts.”
  4. Witches have always been different. And what place was considered ideal for others for a long time? Find out if any of your dearest (or rather, their ancestors) stayed in such places. Of course, you need to know when to stop, but dissidents, exiles, exposed under Article 58 suffered to a large extent not only for their political views... but simply because they were not like everyone else, simply because they were feared.
  5. Way of thinking. You are different. From classmates, from classmates who are obsessed with rag boys. Everyone shouts “good”, but you think “bad”. Everyone is on strike, but you think that you need to work.
  6. Manner of behavior. Even though you think differently, you can behave as you please. You can adapt to any company. You can remain silent in time if it suits your goals. You know when you can speak out more harshly than usual. Or rather, you feel it. / Here the woman is more likely to say what she feels, and the man what he knows. In fact, the truth, as usual, is somewhere in the middle. This is also sometimes called the inner voice).
  7. Appearance. Someone will, “pumping up their breasts,” convince everyone that witches are brunettes. Somewhere they will start looking closely at redheads. It is more difficult for witchers (or magicians) to gain “recognition” in the mirror, because, for example, the natural Central Russian hair color is “something” that is indescribable in words from the same Russian language. There is NO single standard of “color” for witches/magicians. But there is another feature: we are changing. We can easily find a couple of our own photos, where an outside observer will see two completely different people. Moreover, none of them will be identified as you. Moreover, if you want to be recognized, then this will certainly happen.
  8. Sexuality. Witches have already been accused of everything: homosexual relationships, preferring oral sex to other types, and imposing sadomasochistic delights on innocent people. But if you call it in one word, it’s simply nymphomania. I’ll say right away: if for example we take a lady who is not at all interested in sex, and a lady who finds a lot/at least some pleasure in it, despite the fact that one of them is certainly a witch, then I myself will point to the second one. BUT! There are always exceptions (in the form of special witch vows, for example, in some covens that regularly held covens every 40 days, it was not customary to enter into sexual relations with men / or with witchers / during this period, and the witch is quite capable of intentionally extinguishing her desire, if the Case requires it). At the same time, one cannot equate “sexual pleasure”, “sinful” and “a sign of witchcraft”. These are all three completely different things. Witches are specialists in what is often confused with sadomasochism: SD (sub-dom, so-called). That is, according to the game (or not the game in a certain context) of submission. Just notice! Both in the game and in life, both sides enjoy this state of affairs. But it’s more like witchers who gravitate towards anal sex. (meaning sex with a woman, more likely)…..Although the reasons for this are completely prosaic: due to their broader outlook, magicians know, can, want (and get!) more from life, not only when it comes to curses and artifacts. What I wish for you too.
  9. Special relationship with:

A) nature - a very characteristic feeling of unity, merging with the light, with the forest, with the sand of the beach.
C) knowledge - curiosity, interest in both the humanities and technical sciences. A magician will never say “bullshit” about philosophical disciplines.
C) others. If I were to express the magician’s opinion about those around him, then perhaps it would be “you need to stand out with your mind, with your mind!” Most of all, magicians are irritated by stupidity, ignorance and obstinacy combined with pathological deceit.
D) authorities, society. If this is not the “specialization” of the magician, then he (s) tries not to interfere in public life. In short: “the state is not me. I am the state itself!”

Whether you believe it or not, there are witches among women. At first glance, they are no different from other people. If you are a little more attentive, and by certain signs inherent in a witch, you can easily identify her. This way you will protect yourself and your loved ones from the evil intentions of the witch.

Is it possible to recognize a witch?

Although the witch prefers not to reveal her affiliation dark forces, but even by her appearance she can be recognized.

  1. The witch has a hard gaze, it pierces you right through and seems to paralyze you. There is a desire to leave as soon as possible. If her eyes different color– then this only confirms your guess.
  2. Its strength is felt in everything. There is something masculine about her that makes others obey, but at the same time she is feminine and attractive. Beauty seems to be shrouded in something devilish. Men often fall in love with such women.
  3. At all times, witches walked with long flowing hair. They believe that their hair gives them witchcraft powers.
  4. Mystical women do not like light clothes, their outfits are dark in color, as they are associated with dark forces.
  5. During the Inquisition, witches were identified by their birthmarks. If a woman had a birthmark in her private parts, in her mouth, or on the bends of her arms and legs, then she could not avoid the fate of a witch.
  6. When a witch worships dark forces, this does not mean at all that she is afraid of the church and does not go there. It is easy to recognize her by her behavior in the temple. The witch always leaves the church with her back to the exit, because... the holy spirit emanating from the altar “burns” into her spine, and she tries to protect it.
  7. In the old days they believed that witches in church became invisible. And if you go to the Temple on Maundy Thursday (before Easter) wearing clothes turned inside out and not touching anything, you can see a naked witch near the priest.
  8. You can also expose a witch using church candle, consecrated in Palm Sunday. As soon as you light it in the Temple, the witch will immediately turn upside down.
  9. With the help of a rowan twig hidden under clothes, you can expose a witch in the Temple. The witch will stand with her back to the altar and pretend to pray.
  10. Be alert if you notice a stranger walking around you in a counterclockwise circle and lightly pushing you on the shoulder. Feel free to push her too. She wanted to take your energy.

How to recognize a witch in our time

It is difficult to imagine a modern witch in the image of a hunched old woman in a black robe. Nowadays this is successful woman with innate witchcraft abilities. She can, just like witches in the old days, predict a person’s future and intervene in the course of current events. How to recognize a witch in our time, what signs distinguish her from her contemporaries?

These women don't age. Without plastic surgery at 45 she will look 20. These include conspiracies and managing your energy.

Thanks to her sexuality, she attracts men to her, but does not experience family happiness. Men feel like a femme fatale in her and are afraid to cast their lot in with her.

So should we try to recognize witches? Definitely yes. After all, a witch does everything intuitively, because IT (witchcraft) was given to her from birth. And she simply cannot live without taking other people's energy.

We often hear that someone has been damaged, and some may even cite the example of someone they know who suddenly suddenly lost their luck in life. The ability to recognize a witch among the people around you will help you avoid unpleasant situations.

Witches have long been considered the friends of the devil himself and the receptacle of evil otherworldly forces. People have always been sure that witches could cause damage or the evil eye; they were feared, hated and at the same time respected. Nowadays, half of the people are skeptical about the existence of witchcraft, and the majority are confident that witches, psychics and sorcerers exist and live among us.
How to recognize a modern witch by appearance
Appearance is the most striking indicator of a witch's nature. Many people endowed with psychic abilities have a noticeable flaw or a bright, catchy appearance.

Hair color and length are the most striking feature. Often witches have fiery red or blue-black hair. long hair, which seem to be filled with power.

If a woman carefully braids her hair in public or, on the contrary, constantly wears it loose, strictly ensures that her hair is not touched by strangers and scrupulously destroys hair removed from the comb, then you can take a closer look: it is possible that this woman knows the secrets of nature and familiar with the concepts of energy metabolism.

External flaw is the second extremely important indicator. A squint, lameness or noticeable birthmark is considered a mark indicating the otherworldly power of the owner of the imperfection.

However, the absolute, striking, perfect beauty of the face and figure is also a clear sign of this woman’s abilities.
Rare eye color is another sign of witches, who often have green, black or blue eyes. Also, women with a penchant for extrasensory perception and witchcraft often have the ability to put a person in their place with one glance or to win them over.

If a woman from your not-so-close circle causes you irrational fear or, on the contrary, you cannot resist her silent participation and tell her all your secrets, and she sits silently and does not take her eyes off you, then you are almost certainly a witch.

The wardrobe of women with witchcraft abilities is often characterized by a predominance of dark and natural colors, natural fabrics and loose fit. But if it is natural in some certain days your colleague or friend, who constantly wears elegant, discreet and modest clothes, suddenly puts on a bright, flashy dress and drives the entire male half of the team crazy, then most likely this is not without reason: witches, due to the attention of others, can raise and feed their energy.

Jewelry and accessories of unusual girls are often incomprehensible to many people: for example, witches rarely wear a combination of silver and gold, they may wear an incomprehensible symbol on their necks and not allow anyone to touch their jewelry, much less try it on.

Dear friends, you know very well that witches live among us. And we will try to give some practical advice to understand

They are not embarrassed that now is the age of practicality and advanced technology: any time is submissive to magic. Every random person you meet, employee or childhood friend may turn out to be the one who, according to legend, is supposed to fly to Bald Mountain, spoil livestock and keep a black cat in the house. How to recognize a sorceress?

It is impossible not to pay attention to the witch. Dressed in the most modest attire, she attracts the attention of both men and women. The main external features of a witch include:

  1. Eyes of different colors. Traditionally it is believed that people with this feature were conceived during a woman's relationship with an incubus. From such sexual contact, either magicians or witches are invariably born. As a rule, the eyes are “colored” green and brown. Very rarely the eye color matches, then they have a green-brown or green-gray tint.
  2. A piercing gaze. Even if the witch is in a crowd and at a great distance from a person, he will feel her catching gaze, feeling how an invisible energy thread is stretched in space.
  3. Physical imperfections. In extreme cases, witches are hunchbacked, lame, or have pronounced bald spots. But the appearance of the overwhelming majority of sorceresses is still more “forgiving”: usually there are too large lips or nose, an uneven little finger, and earlobes of different sizes.
  4. Large mole or birthmark. All witches are marked with the so-called seal of Satan, located on the lower back, on the genitals or at the hairline. It is a dense birthmark or large mole that can be pierced painlessly and bloodlessly with a needle.
  5. Flashy clothes. Sometimes witches disguise themselves and wear the usual outfits typical of most people around them. But even then, the witch is given away by large jewelry, a desire to use black, red and green colors, a dislike of real fur. Whatever the witch wears, her image will be bright and memorable.

There are many misconceptions regarding hair color: it is believed that witches are exclusively red-haired (according to some versions, they are scorching brunettes). But in fact, among them there are fair-haired, obvious blondes, and brown-haired women...

Some witches practically do not change with age: at forty they look almost the same as at twenty. Others, on the contrary, turn into a different person over a couple of decades, and this is not about aging, but about a real change in appearance.

How to recognize a witch by behavior

If outwardly the witch can still adapt to ordinary people, then with behavior the situation is much more complicated: not everyone wants to hide their inner nature for the sake of an unclear goal.

Sorceresses tend to:

  1. It is easy to maintain direct gaze. They do not care who is in front of them - the director of the enterprise or a deceived lover: the witch feels her superiority and understands that none of those around her are able to break her.
  2. Be calm and confident. The sorceress doesn't care if they shout at her or make fun of her: she will only smile discreetly and return to her thoughts. Nothing can unsettle her (unless we are talking about really serious interference in the magical deeds of a witch, but average people are not capable of this).
  3. Act like an introvert. The witch will not be the ringleader in the company, but not a single gathering will be complete without her: the witch is always invited to any celebrations, because they feel an inner need to be next to her. But even in society, the sorceress keeps herself apart, not trying to maintain contact with anyone.
  4. Disappear periodically. Each witch has her own rhythm of life, but it necessarily includes periodic disappearances from the sight of acquaintances. At this time her phone is switched off social media are silent, and all kinds of messengers are forgotten. Nobody knows what happened, but the witch returns. And an attentive person will notice changes that have occurred in her: her eyes take on a different shade or a strange spot appears on her hand.
  5. Speak prophetic words. Of course, this is how they appear only to the average person. The witch does not prophesy - she charges the space with the necessary energy, as a result of which events voiced by the witch occur. After quarrels with the sorceress, the second party to the conflict invariably fulfills the will of the witch: for example, what is said: “Go underground!” will come true very soon when a person inadvertently steps on a poorly closed sewer hatch.

Each witch has its own character and can have exclusively personal behavioral “notes”. But in any case, all the actions of the sorceress are clothed in her powerful charisma, obvious to everyone.

If you would like to supplement the article with your own observations from life, write them in the comments to the article. This way we will collect more information and be more aware of what .

And also share information with your friends, maybe among your circle you will recognize such a mysterious person;)


Incredible facts

Who is this witch?

And how to recognize her among a crowd of people?

Is it a curse to be her or a reward from above?

As a rule, the word witch is pronounced in a half whisper.

You, in turn, give them advice or prepared herbal tinctures and various potions(because she is well acquainted with the properties of plants). People leave you with hearts full of hope for happiness and healing.

How do I know if I'm a witch?

3. Closeness to nature

Do you live in a forest or near a pond? If not, do you spend a lot of time in such places, preferring them to urban areas?

Witches, being inextricably linked with nature, try to be as close to nature as possible and spend as much time with it as possible. Her natural beauty and energy nourish the witches and give them strength.

Many perform their rituals near water or in the forest. If you are a witch, you feel right at home in nature.

Signs of a witch

4. You are not afraid of storms and storms

You do not feel fear, even when nature is raging so much that it seems like the apocalypse has arrived. Moreover, you enjoy storms and storms, and sometimes you wonder if perhaps your own energy caused such a disaster.

The witch revels in the power of nature in all its manifestations. She rejoices in the rain and the wind.

5. Love for animals

You like animal world and empathize with all living beings on our planet. You are able to feel their pain and cry with him.

In some strange natural way, you know the entire animal race, are able to understand it, and also see the signs that animals give you.

Often lost dogs come into your house or birds fly into your windows. And it also happens that in the field an unfamiliar horse will come close and lean its head on your shoulder.

Can you talk to animals, understand their requests and heal them from illnesses?

Witches and animals are so dependent on nature that they can speak a similar energetic language and easily recognize each other.

How to spot a witch

6. Influence of the Moon

Your activity and mood depend on lunar phases? The energy of the moon affects you. When you were a little girl and standing by a moonlit window, did you talk to the moon? Are you adjusting to her phrases now?

For example, do you start any new projects or relationships when the moon is exceptionally waxing? Have you noticed that when the moon is full, things around you begin to behave strangely, and when it is waning, all endeavors or relationships weaken and decline?

If you have the traits of a witch, you will not miss the opportunity to sit alone in complete silence on a new moon. In the dark, you like to dream and make plans for the future.

So, on a new moon, you adapt to the phases of the moon, drawing on its energy.

Witch Abilities

7. Powerful power to make wishes come true

Do you have any suspicions that your wishes have the ability to come true? Be careful with them, because both good and bad wishes can come true.

Witches are as old as time. If you are a witch, in your eyes you can see ancient stories and secrets of the earth, myths and secrets, answers to many questions.

8. The ability to heal people

Most likely, you have the traits of a witch if you have the desire and ability to heal people.

You have the gift of choosing medicinal herbs, natural energy products for yourself and loved ones. You are undoubtedly a witch if you simply place your hand on someone’s sore back or bruise, and the next day the pain disappears and the wound heals.

People can be cured of their illnesses, even if they are just near you. Witches, being very close to the earth, are natural healers.

Witch Traits

9. Memories of a past life

As a rule, witches remember their past lives. Many of them have painful memories of being burned at the stake or drowned in the Middle Ages simply because they were wild, wise and free.

Witches are desperately trying to drive away images from the past.

10. White Crow

As a rule, witches always feel uncomfortable around people. They are often considered black sheep and underestimated, despite the fact that they are wise and insightful. People around them simply do not understand them.

Sometimes they are said to be outsiders, since they often withdraw into themselves and avoid people, although serious passions are seething inside them.

If you are a witch, most likely you do not fit into generally accepted norms and rules. You know secret and sacred things and can discern what others cannot understand.

You do not blend in with a large crowd, but, on the contrary, prefer loneliness. You are very sensitive and fragile, but at the same time you have the strength of a lone wolf.

You need a lot of time to think, dream, communicate with nature and adapt to a new wave.

11. Mystical crystals as personal possession

You are attracted to beautiful rocks that contain the energy of the earth. Rose quartz, turquoise, amber – these natural stones have been at your disposal for a long time.

You have been keeping them since those times when you did not yet know about them. magical properties. Some of them were given to you, others you collected yourself.

The witch knows about their properties to heal ailments, knows how to charge stones, use them as protection against negative influence outside, and also wears them as jewelry.

If you are a witch, you know how to use a burning candle and some stones to summon spirits and angels, and also create a magical divine aura.

12. Magic

You believe in magic like a child, you see mysticism in the air and around you. You are attracted to unusual things, stories, objects.

Despite the fact that the people around you do not believe in mystical signs and omens, there is a corner in your heart in which you keep faith in magic.

You are attracted to films, books, creepy and strange stories about witches, ghouls. You think that there are no coincidences, and that everything that happens to us cannot be called an accident.

You believe in signs and symbols and you always see them. You adhere to the principle “there are no coincidences in this world” and you know that, even if you are somewhere in all alone, you are never alone.

13. Fortune telling

You have a very developed intuition, and very often you anticipate and predict events as accurately as if you had that same magic crystal ball inside you.

When you talk about what you think might happen, people tend to listen to you. Sometimes you can see the distant future and predict the result of one or another action. But you see not only the future, dreams and visions also tell you about your past life.

You can read a person like an open book, and you can tell a lot by their energy. You have a developed sixth sense. For this reason, you are attracted to Tarot cards and other mystical things and objects, thanks to which you can predict love, separation and other events.

If you can confidently attribute at least a few of the 13 signs to yourself, it is quite possible that you are a real witch.