The most profitable agribusiness. Where to start agribusiness - choosing an organizational form and direction. Development of water wells

In agribusiness there can be nominal and real entities. Nominal- those who have the right to engage in business; real- those who have the conditions and prerequisites for this (capital, personal qualities, professional skills, etc.) and who organize their own business that generates income.

Agribusiness entities are closely related to each other. Each of them occupies its own niche in entrepreneurship and the functioning of the market, providing services to other subjects of market relations.

A businessman first of all faces issues related to the choice of type and form of entrepreneurship, scope of activity and legal form. Solving these issues in to a large extent depends on the functions that the entrepreneur assumes and will perform. The main functions of agribusiness are reflected in the types (directions) and forms entrepreneurial activity.

The main types (directions) of agribusiness are shown in the figure. As we see, the forms and types of agribusiness are very diverse and require professionalism, knowledge and skills.

Agribusiness is always associated with one-time investments (capital investments in fixed assets) and annual operating costs. Without this, it is almost impossible to ensure its effective functioning. Perhaps only consulting is an area of ​​entrepreneurial activity in which you can start working successfully with almost zero initial capital. In fact, all you need is a computer, telephone, fax and fresh professional ideas. And in working capital there is practically no need. After all, the basis of cost consulting services- remuneration of specialist consultants.

IN agriculture, in the agro-industrial complex, as in other sectors of the economy, various forms of agribusiness.

  • Sole (private) - carried out by an independent entrepreneur-owner.
  • Collective - carried out on the basis of collective or personalized property.
  • Corporate - an association, a union of entrepreneurs-owners, each of whom has their own share in the combined capital.
  • State - carried out government agencies management.
  • Contract - carried out by a professional manager who, on a contractual basis with the owner of the property, performs the functions of an entrepreneur, is endowed with the rights and responsibilities of a businessman, bears a certain responsibility, takes risks and sets the main goals - the development of production and making a profit.

Types (directions) and forms of agribusiness do not operate in isolation, but in specific conditions that together constitute the business environment.

What to do with grandma’s garden and beds, and most importantly, how not to let go of the house that grandpa himself, as soon as he got married, built for big family? There is a way out - agricultural business. But so far Alina has not found answers to these questions. I didn’t find it until I met a realtor from the regional center. No, she did not intend to sell the estate, but when registering the inheritance, she had to add up the price for it. The realtor was sure that he couldn’t get much from the sale, although the house, the land, and the place itself were worth a lot. “We still need time to understand this value,” he said with sadness in his heart.

For Alina, the value was obvious: a fruit-bearing luxurious garden, magnificent air a couple of hundred kilometers from the bustle of the city, mushroom spots in an age-old forest, generous with berries from early summer until autumn, lakes rich in fish in the area. A fragrant cucumber from the garden, a tomato still in the dew, a red-sided apple, a juicy pear straight from the branch... And in general, most of the products are of enviable quality, they cannot be compared with store-bought vegetables and fruits. In office conversations every now and then, tired managers dream of being in some kind of paradise for at least a couple of days. “So why not offer it all in the city?” - Alina asked herself a question.

And the garden blooms

Such an idyll of nature is worth a lot. Just to understand what monetary units we are talking about. Alina scrolled through the notice boards, studying land rental offers. There were more hectares available for rent, which was of interest exclusively to farmers. And the flashing “vegetable gardens for rent” were offered for a very modest fee, or even barter - the owner of a small plot of land laid claim to part of the harvest. A different picture emerged among the advertisements for houses for rent for the summer. There are more than enough people wanting to leave the melting asphalt for fresh greenery. And the closer to the city the house is located, the more expensive its rent. “My house is not that close,” Alina was upset at first. “To travel from here to the city to work every day, you would have to get up at sunrise and go to bed long after midnight, and there is no financial benefit in such a long journey.” Alternatively, it would be possible to rent out the house to those wishing to do so for two or three weeks of vacation, which is very troublesome for the owner, and the benefits are small.

“It was important for me to organize things so that both the house and the garden remained well-groomed, and the land did not turn into virgin soil,” says our heroine. The solution was suggested by my husband: he found a note on the Internet about how two companions in Germany implemented a similar idea. They began to sublease vegetable gardens planted with various vegetables, which would be tended by city gardeners themselves. But little can be applied from their experience here. “Many people have a dacha or grandma’s garden with a garden, but they just don’t have enough time to cultivate them,” Alina comments, “and then you also have to pay to work on the land yourself.”

German experience

Still, the Germans gave me a hint competitive advantage. Alina decided to rent out a house for the summer with a garden and small beds, which her aunt, who lived in a village not far from her parents’ house, helped cultivate. This allowed the rent to increase. And together with my husband, I decided to add bonuses to vacationers. Enterprising people did everything to make the house stand out from the rest: they tidied up the barn, put two bicycles, footballs and volleyballs, tennis rackets and badminton, even an inflatable boat and fishing gear. Some were on the farm, some were bought used.

The first tenants were co-workers and several families of workers from different companies who rented offices in the same business center where our heroine works. The first advertising campaign for the new haven for the weary urban soul was modest: a stack of business cards in a cafe and an ad in the lobby of an office center.

House in the garden

This is the third year that both our heroine’s house and garden are in perfect order. Moreover, even the garden is plowed and every autumn pleases with a fruitful variety of vegetables, herbs, berries and fruits.

And an extraordinary atmosphere reigns in the house, thanks to the fact that Alina recreated the atmosphere of a rural house the way she remembers from childhood. There are towels and ceramic dishes with authentic geometric patterns, and pots of glelics (still grandma’s). You can even light a stove or heat a house with a pipe. How to do this correctly and how to cook food in the oven is described to the smallest detail in special instructions. There are also instructions on how to wash and bleach things in the sun, without powder, just as the grandmothers did in the village some 30-50 years ago. Separately, especially for culinary housewives, a handwritten cookbook was prepared, where Alina wrote down the recipes for all those dishes that her grandmother treated the guests to, and then her mother prepared both for the holiday and on weekdays, her aunt suggested something.

A main instructions- how to care for the garden and what to do in the garden. This is real work that deserves special attention even from the most learned agrarian. Rules for using the garden, cultivating the land, growing each of the 150 crops that give a good harvest on the ground, Alina and her husband made up for the whole year. Everything to make a business idea work.

Garden chores

At the height of spring, Alina’s garden is already occupied by tenants who plan to vacation here in the summer for a week or two every month. They dig their own (rented) beds, sow dill, cabbage, carrots, beets, and even set up a small flower garden in front of the house. All this was previously agreed upon with the landlady, after which it was spelled out in the lease agreement. The tenants will take care of everything, and the heroine’s own aunt will help with this (she has been serving as an “on-site” managing administrator for the second year now, and even joined Alina’s business with her vegetable garden). In the fall, when the harvest is harvested, the rental agreement can be extended or another one can be drawn up, according to which you will be able to store the harvest in the cellar and book a house for the holidays or any weekend in the fall-winter, when you suddenly want to wander into the forest to pick mushrooms or go fishing above a hole in the lake, which is nearby.

Cost itemAmount, $
House renovation (with arrangement of amenities and cesspool)1000
Preparing gardening tools150
Tillage, planting material150
Creating a blog site50
Legal support150
Total 1750


It is difficult for a city dweller to find time to care for a large garden and cultivate a large plot of vegetable garden. As a rule, those who rent a house are content with 2-3 acres of beds. Alina rents out the rest of the land for a vegetable garden. Moreover, since last year, garden tenants can choose: either to cultivate the rented acres themselves, or to rent an already planted garden, from time to time relaxing on weekends with a hoe and shovel. In this case, you can stay in the house of the owners living in the village, at a negotiable, very modest price. In the first case, the service is cheaper (about $12/area) than in the second (from $20/area, depending on the crops planted), but in both cases the tenant controls the harvest.

The expected harvest is also specified in the contract. Alina, by providing seeds and planting material, is confident that even under not very favorable conditions everything will bear fruit. In addition, it also provides fertilizers - exclusively organic, no chemicals. “It is the naturalness and natural purity of the grown products that is emphasized,” explains our heroine. - In the zone special attention and the principles of organic farming that have been traditionally practiced since my grandfather and great-grandfather. All this brings tasty vegetables and fruits to the table that are truly healthy for the body.”

Differentiate yourself from competitors

Everyone who rested in our heroine’s garden left extremely positive reviews. Vintage home interior, rare household items and kitchenware, authentic stove - everything contributes to a special atmosphere, coziness and comfort, which seems as if you have come to your to my own grandmother like I once did in childhood. And the opportunity to independently grow your favorite vegetables for your table and enjoy the generous gifts of the garden enhances the experience many times over. “There is nothing like this anywhere,” they told Alina more than once, “ best holiday and it’s not worth looking for.”

“My agricultural business is a unique phenomenon for our area.”

The heroine herself knows that no one offers such a service. At least she didn't come across anything like that. Until now, ad sites are not replete with offers of vegetable gardens for rent. And the fact that you can come, relax in communication with plants, “ground yourself” and receive positive emotions, staying in a surprisingly cozy house, makes our heroine’s offer super-competitive. Another nuance that allowed the resourceful heiress of the garden house to stand out from the competition. When she and her husband began to improve the small bathroom and Kitchen Area“like in the city,” having brought water into the house and equipped a well in the yard with a pump, our heroine immediately set about creating a blog site.

Access to the network

On a simple free template, she posted a photo of her inherited estate, talked about every tree in the garden, about every rare thing in the house, preserved from time immemorial. And then posts appeared about the vegetable garden and its rich harvests. And a rental application form. True, there is not yet a queue of people lining up on the site who want to rent a hundred or two hundred square meters of land so that they can also work their butts off there. Rather, all this is thanks to word of mouth, which even works through social networks.

But Alina’s recommendations on growing this or that crop, advice on how to care for a garden, preserve the harvest until the beginning of summer, original culinary recipes for dishes that are prepared specifically in this village - all this caused a lot of responses, questions and requests to tell even more and more details. This is how our heroine got her own video channel on social networks, and over time she began to gather quite a large audience for webinars on organic farming. This became another source of income. And an additional channel for promoting the garden rental service.

Agricultural business: Results

Over three years, more than a hundred people stayed in the house and garden. We did a little less work in the garden. But during this time Alina already had regular clients. She explains her successful agricultural business with the support of her aunt and the disbelief of everyone else that anything could come of her plans. Now, when my aunt’s garden is also a beauty, giving generous harvests to both the owner and the tenants, other village residents are wondering whether they should join the cause? There are no young people in the village, and those who remain to live here no longer have much strength, and their farms are not large enough to cultivate all the land. But the earth requires care; it’s bad when it “walks around.”

In agriculture, there are an unlimited number of niches for organizing a business. IN rural areas There is always something to do - breed birds, fish, animals, crayfish, or grow vegetables, fruits, berries, or open a store or pharmacy. To have your own production in a village, a profitable and full-fledged business, it is important to choose the right project and organize it correctly. But where to start an agricultural business?

Agricultural business - where to start

In order to have a profitable agricultural business in the future, it is important to choose the right activity, that is, an idea to implement. The profitability of a business can be judged after calculating its profitability. And this indicator depends on the existing conditions for the selected business and the region as a whole.

As mentioned above, there is a large selection of business opportunities in the village, but each entrepreneur must decide for himself what he likes to do.

There are several important nuances to consider when starting an agricultural business.:

Relevance. When choosing a business idea, you should conduct a market analysis and determine whether there is demand for future supply;

Competition. To ensure high income from the chosen field of business activity, it is desirable that in one village there are no competitors in this business niche;

Focus. Achieving success in any field of activity is possible only with great effort and desire, therefore, when choosing an activity for the soul, you should not rush between ideas, but choose one thing and devote all your free time to this activity.

You can find out about other equally profitable areas of rural business in the section - “”.

Options for agricultural business ideas

Today, doing agricultural business is profitable; government assistance in the form of state programs and grants for business development, combined with tax incentives, makes entrepreneurship in the village promising occupation. For family business where family members work, you should choose one direction, for example, growing vegetables, raising animals or beekeeping.

Breeding areas:

Poultry farming - you can breed broiler chickens, geese, ducks, turkeys, pheasants, laying hens and so on;

Animal husbandry – breeding rabbits, pigs, goats, sheep, nutria, horses, etc.;

Beekeeping – the possibility of obtaining honey and honey products;

Fishing – carp, trout, sturgeon, catfish, carp and other types of fish are bred.

Growing Areas:

Greens - can be grown different kinds greens: basil, onion, parsley, dill, cilantro, garlic, etc.;

Vegetables - tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers, peppers, cabbage, potatoes, carrots, eggplants and so on are suitable for growing;

Fruits and berries – mainly strawberries, cherries, raspberries, cherries, apples, plums, grapes, melons, watermelons are grown;

Grain – oats, rye, corn, millet and so on are suitable for growing.

A fairly popular agricultural business is growing vegetables, fruits, berries, or herbs for sale. It is very easy for even a beginner to gain a foothold in this field of activity. Vegetables and herbs can be grown all year round; it is enough to equip a greenhouse, and the products can be sold on the market.

Breeding animals (rabbits, pigs, goats, sheep), birds (chickens, ducks, quails) at least popular view business in the village. This will require a room with the required microclimate parameters for a specific animal, as well as equipment for processing animals after slaughter.

Naturally this is not full list of what you can do in the village, but these industries are the most popular among other areas of agricultural business that are in demand in Russia.

When planning the chosen project, you should consider whether it is possible to receive additional income separately from your main income. For example, when growing vegetables and fruits, you can also sell frozen vegetables and fruits; when raising animals (pigs or cows), you can produce stewed meat, homemade sausage and other delicacies. When keeping cows, you can sell not only meat, but also milk, cream, sour cream, cottage cheese, and cheese. If you grow grain, you can organize flour production, as well as equip a mini-bakery and bake bread and bakery products.

Many entrepreneurs who do not want to grow or breed anything, perhaps without such experience, decide to open a supermarket in rural areas. This business idea has every chance of becoming successful and bringing good income to the entrepreneur. But all this is possible without great competition, if there are several grocery stores in the village, it is better to open another establishment, for example, of an entertainment nature.

A profitable solution would be to open a pharmacy in a village, especially if the village is located far from the city. But this type entrepreneurship requires significant material costs and pharmaceutical experience. Business registration will also be required tax office, license for pharmaceutical activities, permission to trade in medicines.

Stages of business planning in a village

Like any other business, agricultural also cannot do without a planning stage. It consists of drawing up a business plan. For farming, the first stage will be to search for a plot of land, for raising animals - premises for a farm; it may be easier to find a ready-made farm, for example, if someone sells it, it is more difficult to start all over from scratch.

How to start an agricultural business from scratch? A plot of land for farming and premises for a farm can not only be purchased, but also rented, it is desirable that the access roads to it be convenient.

Next, you should analyze the costs of organizing a business, as well as calculate the approximate profit. Why approximate? Because the agricultural business is full of risks, for example, the crop may not grow due to weather conditions, and animals may die due to an epidemic of various diseases, and naturally these costs will not be recouped.

Therefore, costs are the main point of a business plan in building an agricultural business. For example, for farming you will need to purchase seeds, fertilizers, equipment for an irrigation system, pay workers (if you plan to hire workers), transport the crop to the place of sale, use special equipment - all these costs must be described and provided for in this paragraph of the business plan. After analyzing all costs, you can begin to analyze possible income.

To count possible profit you need to know the profitability of a particular area of ​​activity. Let’s say when planning to grow tomatoes, you should study the average yield of the vegetable in a given climatic region for one season. Then this figure must be multiplied by average cost tomatoes during the season, thus giving an approximate amount of possible income from growing tomatoes.

The next important point in the business plan is the sources of financing for business activities. One of the few reasons why many entrepreneurs abandon their venture into farming is the lack of the required amount of funds.

The state today pays enough attention to increasing the level of development of agriculture, and also allocates colossal cash to support beginning farmers who want to work in the village. An entrepreneur can apply for a loan for the missing amount; for this, there are preferential lending programs designed specifically for beginning farmers, but this will require a comprehensive business plan for the future farm.

If you don’t want to pay high interest on a loan, you can take the opportunity and participate in the distribution of grants for agricultural development - this is Government program helping young people or existing entrepreneurs, which does not need to be returned - it is free of charge. Obtaining this grant is not so easy; it is necessary to draw up an entire program for future production or a plan for modernizing an existing one and prove to the expert commission that the proposed project deserves to win.

The Russian government is interested in ensuring that agricultural products satisfy the needs of the entire population, which in turn will help to completely abandon imported products and goods. Today, the dairy cow breeding industry is a priority, as it is very poorly developed. Therefore, having received government support and competently organizing production and sales, it is quite possible to cover a large part of the relevant market.

Once possible costs and income have been calculated, a plot of land or premises for a farm have been found, you can draw up documents - register the future enterprise.

To do this you need to do the following::

Pay the state fee at the bank;

Write an application for business registration and have it certified by a notary;

Collect the necessary set of documents for the inspection of the Federal Tax Service (IFTS);

After a set time, pick up the finished documents from the Federal Tax Service;

Register in Pension Fund and other required authorities;

Obtain statistics codes from the Federal Statistics Service;

Open a current account at a financial institution;

After completing the documents and registering the business, you can begin organizing the selected farm. An entrepreneur must have an idea of ​​the business he will be engaged in; if he does not have the skills to conduct agricultural activities, it is necessary to invite an experienced worker - a farmer with appropriate education - to help with the work.

To grow plants and vegetables, it is better to organize greenhouses, if the area is small, and harvest all year round. You need to start with a small plot and then gradually expand the farm every year. Modern technologies today they can significantly facilitate the farmer’s work and increase farm productivity, and this should be used.

Next you need to buy necessary equipment, individual for each industry. For example, to raise broiler chickens, you will need special heaters, cages for keeping chickens, feeders, drinkers, equipment for removing feathers from slaughter birds, and so on; to grow greens all year round, it is necessary to equip the room with shelving and optimal lighting above each tier of the shelving, as well as provide appropriate microclimate for a good harvest.

Potential problems of agricultural entrepreneurship

Agricultural business at first glance may not seem so attractive, but this is partly true; organizing farming requires considerable capital investments and a large physical labor. In organizing and establishing a business, at first you will have to work independently in order to save money to pay wages workers.

In some industries, the payback period is quite long, for example, when breeding animals, although this cannot be said in the case of growing vegetables. If successful, you can recoup the costs in one harvest season. However, even here there are risks - seedlings may not sprout, part of the crop may die due to weather conditions, plants also have diseases and often they damage a large area of ​​plantings. All these nuances need to be taken into account.

In livestock and poultry farming it is also possible high risk loss of livestock and poultry due to disease epidemics, sometimes even healthy animals and birds have to be slaughtered in order to avoid a global epidemic. Therefore, the entire agricultural business is quite risky.

The most profitable agricultural business

To find a profitable niche in the agricultural business with minimal investment, you should carefully analyze the technologies and conditions for the implementation of various projects. Through long-term research into the conditions for organizing a business, calculating its profitability, costs for feed, equipment and the resulting income, the most profitable agricultural business was determined - poultry farming, namely geese breeding.

Firstly, geese are unpretentious birds; they live in any climate zone, gain optimal weight and are resistant to disease. Goose meat is high-calorie and not expensive compared to beef and pork, so it is in high demand on the market. When breeding geese, a related business is the sale of eggs, feathers, down and fat of geese.

Geese breeding technology consists of the following cycles:

Obtaining eggs and ensuring the incubation period;

Hatching goslings from eggs;

Intensive fattening of goslings for at least three months with a special, highly balanced feed;

Fattening to obtain fatty liver within two weeks;

Poultry slaughter and processing;

Sales of carcasses and related products;

Considering the costs of raising one bird, from the moment it emerges from the egg until the moment the meat is sold, which amount to about 600 rubles, we can say that running this business is quite profitable. Labor costs for servicing a herd of up to 100 heads will require only 3 man-hours - this figure is also relatively small compared to, for example, raising cows or pigs.

In the final weeks before slaughter, the geese are kept in individual cages, which practically do not allow them to move; they are given water and force-fed with special syringes. They sell goose meat, liver, offal, down and feathers. On average, one goose brings a profit of up to 2,000 rubles, and the profitability is up to 400%. Therefore, we can safely say that breeding geese is the most profitable agricultural business.

Is it profitable to do agricultural business in Russia or not? The answer to this question can be answered unequivocally yes, it is profitable, even despite the fact that some sectors of agriculture require large capital investments, hard physical and mental labor, and also have a long payback period. It can be argued that agriculture is a highly profitable occupation, an object of production as it passes through the stages of the technological cycle from its beginning to the moment of sale of the finished product increases in price several times (cleaning, processing, sorting, moving, packaging, etc.).

And in conclusion of the article, briefly about the main thing. Agricultural business where to start? As described above - from planning. Without a good competent business plan profitable business impossible to build. A difficult stage in business is the sale of manufactured products; it sometimes takes years to find regular customers and points of sale. You should clearly choose one direction and develop it. Many new farmers grab everything at once (a few chickens, ducks, a couple of cages with rabbits, a pig, a cow) - for household this is good, but not for business, in the end they don’t succeed.

Agriculture is a complex occupation, so manual labor should be mechanized to the utmost, using automatic machines (watering, irrigation, drinking troughs for livestock, milking machines, etc.).

For further development already successful farm you can try to join a well-known agricultural brand, but this will require a franchise. Buying a franchise will not be cheap, but with its help you can count on an increase in sales volumes and, accordingly, profits.

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For those who live in a metropolis, it is much easier to come up with a business idea and implement it. Large population and high demand for goods and services in various fields, gives rise to interesting and profitable ideas of your business. But what about those people who live in small towns or villages? In this article we will share with you best business ideas in agriculture and tell you how you can minimum investment start your own business.

The main contribution to business development in a small town or village, of course, comes from a small number of people. But you shouldn’t think that the only way to make money in the village is farming. Thanks to the development of new technologies and the introduction of the Internet, today there are many alternative options for making money in agriculture.

Speaking about the relevance of business projects in this area, it is necessary to note the demand for agricultural products, which are needed by residents of small and large cities.

The development of the agricultural sector and the production of environmentally friendly products has become especially urgent now that the market is widely occupied by large companies offering products with pesticides and GMOs.

At the same time, the level of knowledge among people is increasing and there is a need for clean products without GMOs, which large companies simply cannot supply to the market. This is where small businesses come to the rescue, which, due to the peculiarities of taxation, small production volumes, etc. can offer truly high-quality and pure products.

One article is not enough to list everything effective ways make money from agriculture. Here we will give preference only to the most popular and profitable options.

Features of business in agriculture

Creating a farm, of course, takes a lot of effort and time. In order to achieve success in this business, you need to work hard. Therefore, you should not count on passive income here.

You need to determine the specifics of business development. This can be implemented in two directions: highly specialized in breeding animals, birds, etc. Or simply create your own agriculture, which is considered the most attractive direction in terms of profitability and profitability.

To open a business, you need to register an individual entrepreneur and receive permits. You also need to draw up a detailed business plan that will help you analyze the competitive environment, see the pros and cons of entrepreneurial activity, and understand the threats and development prospects.

You will especially need to create a business plan if you plan to attract investors to start a business. No investor or bank will issue a loan without familiarizing itself with detailed business a plan reflecting the production, organizational and financial parts.

When creating a business plan, do not ignore hidden threats, consider all possible weak sides project.

Considering the specifics of business in agriculture, seasonality, weather conditions, etc. play a big role. Also, do not forget about the competitive environment, which will dictate its own rules and largely influence profits. Therefore, before entering the market with your offer, analyze it and find a niche that is not filled.

Calculate the payback, costs of purchasing equipment, raw materials, outline the path for selling products. It is quite possible that after writing a business plan you will see that the available capital is not enough for you to start a business. Then you will have to contact the bank or investors. This, in turn, will entail a new factor affecting payback and profitability calculations. Now calculate these economic indicators taking into account the new inputs.

After drawing up a business plan, it will be necessary to resolve the issue of land with local authorities. If you decide to involve business partners, neighbors, relatives, etc. to open a project, then be sure to enter into a farm agreement certified by a notary. This will allow you to avoid legal disputes and misunderstandings regarding the division of property, profits, etc. in the future.

After this, start building the structures that you will need to implement the project (shed, workshops, greenhouses, sheds, administrative buildings, etc.). It is necessary to provide electricity, water, and heat.

The next step will be to find personnel, which will also require a lot of effort. Given the rural location, you won't have much choice when it comes to hiring staff. At the same time, the success of the enterprise entirely depends on the efficiency and specialization of employees. Therefore, before you start looking for personnel, clearly outline the list of necessary requirements.

10 Best Farming Ideas

Idea No. 1. Greenhouse farming

To implement this idea, it is necessary to rent a small plot of land, build a greenhouse, purchase equipment and seeds.

For greenhouse farming and growing vegetables and herbs, it is necessary to purchase special equipment that will provide the plant with heat and light. In addition, it is necessary to consider the irrigation system in the greenhouse.

Before you start implementing this idea, you need to decide on the format of the business and the type of product that you plan to grow. To do this, you need to conduct a market analysis, study the competitive environment and determine sales channels.

The analysis will allow you to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the project, calculate the payback and profitability of the business.

For different regions, depending on the climate and the intensity of the competitive environment, they may be in demand different types vegetables and herbs: tomatoes, cucumbers, Bell pepper, lettuce, parsley.

To expand the sales market, you can take into account the seasonality of products and grow different vegetables in different seasons.

A well-equipped greenhouse allows you to obtain up to 5-6 harvests per year.

To implement this type of business, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the production plan, greenhouse equipment and personnel selection, but also to marketing. It is important to think through sales channels and find intermediaries.

One of the optimal solutions is to conclude an agreement for the supply of products to a supermarket chain. This will allow you to achieve financial stability and think about expanding your business.

We have already written about how this plan will allow you to calculate business payback, profitability and assess the competitive environment.

Idea No. 2. Sunflower cultivation

One of the advantages of this type of business is little competition with high demand.

At the same time, growing sunflower does not require huge capital investments and can be implemented even by a novice entrepreneur.

To implement the idea, it is necessary to purchase seeds, rent a plot of land, sowing equipment and workers. It is also necessary to take care of storing seeds.

As for paperwork and taxation, a simple individual entrepreneur form is suitable for this type of business.

If we talk about the very specifics of the cultivated crop, then it is very unpretentious, not susceptible to weather conditions or pests. Harvesting after sowing occurs after 5 months. At minimal cost you can count on good profit.

But if you decide to start growing sunflowers, you must take one factor into account. This crop completely removes all useful substances from the soil, so for 5-7 years, nothing can be sown in this area. Therefore, it is not worth taking out a long-term lease for sowing sunflowers.

If you want to focus only on growing sunflowers, you will have to rent a new plot every year.

Many entrepreneurs who invest in agriculture do the following. The first year, they sow the field with sunflowers. And in the next 7-8 years, a greenhouse will be equipped on this site.

The profitability of a sunflower growing business exceeds investments by 2-3 times.

Idea No. 3. Growing hazelnuts

This is a fairly profitable business with little competition and high demand. Hazelnuts grow in Russia, mainly in the foothills.

As a domestic crop, this tree is not very common, which explains the lack of much competition in this segment. At the same time, hazelnuts do not take up much space, do not require much care, and tolerate weather fluctuations well.

And it’s not worth talking about the benefits and excellent taste of hazelnuts. Rich in fiber and high in fat, this nut is very popular among the population and is used as a raw material for making confectionery, cosmetic products.

In addition, interest in this business is due to the fact that hazelnuts can be sold in several directions:

  • in raw form;
  • in purified form;
  • in packaged and fried form.

The nut kernel occupies about 50% of the total mass of the nut.

Before purchasing a plot of land for sowing hazel, it is necessary to conduct a soil analysis. It should contain a rich composition of magnesium, sodium, calcium and phosphorus. In addition, the pH should not go beyond 6.8-7.2 units. Otherwise, you won’t have to count on high hazelnut yields.

Seedlings for hazelnuts should only be from vegetative propagation, and the planting interval of seedlings should be within 3-4 meters. To sow one hectare of hazel, you need to purchase about 600 seedlings.

To reduce risks, use several hazel varieties that will cross-pollinate. If you are planning to implement large scale business, then allocate 2-3 rows for each type of plant.

During the first 5 years, until the hazel has grown very much, it is recommended to plant the space between the rows with other crops that are in demand on the market. This, firstly, will allow you to immediately start making a profit, and secondly, it will minimize risks. Pay attention to early vegetables and herbs, such as onions, beets, potatoes, and herbs. In any case, you will begin to receive income from hazel only in the fifth or sixth year.

Idea No. 4. Breeding meat chicken breeds

Among the positive aspects, it is immediately necessary to note the profitability of this type of business. Broilers are considered the best breed for breeding. Chickens, depending on the species, can vary in color and weight.

To implement this business idea, you need to rent or build a room, buy cages, an incubator, food and the birds themselves.

To minimize the risk, select your chicks very carefully.

Plant food is suitable as food. At the same time, to reduce costs, you can rent a small plot of land and grow potatoes, pumpkin greens, beets and carrots yourself.

Main type of risk of this business is a common disease in chickens. That's why great attention it is necessary to pay attention to care, examination by a veterinarian, and quality food.

Idea No. 5. Breeding dwarf cows

This is a very exotic type of business that can bring good profits. The advantage of this business activity is the lack of competition, which will allow you to take a leading position in this niche in a short period of time.

One cow produces approximately 6-8 liters of milk per day. Milk yield depends on the breed, on quality care and feed.

To ensure this business, you must immediately take care of good pasture, where dwarf cows will have adequate nutrition. The advantage is that the pasture for feeding dwarf cows is 2-3 times less than for standard cows. From an economic point of view, keeping a standard one cow is not justified today. But dwarf cows show very good business profitability with proper organization.

One more distinctive feature The content of the dwarf cow is the taste of the milk. It is much healthier and tastier and retains its freshness for up to a day, without refrigeration.

Idea No. 6. Freezing vegetables and fruits

This type of business today is considered very promising and in demand. Despite the great competition, it has a good return on investment.

This type of production allows you to save healthy vitamins and minerals in fruits and vegetables and store them in the freezer for a long time.

To implement the idea, it is necessary to rent a room, purchase equipment, an installation for cleaning and drying vegetables and fruits, a blast freezing chamber and a packaging machine.

In addition, it is necessary to immediately think about where the finished products will be stored until they are sold. Very important stage is to search for distribution channels, because each freezer costs a lot of money, so storing a large amount of products will be unprofitable.

Practice shows that the average payback for a business is 3-4 months.

Idea No. 7. Sales of chicken eggs

This business is similar to broiler breeding. In terms of costs and equipment, for laying hens it is necessary to purchase incubators, cages, and light.

To start a project, you can purchase from 15 to 20 chickens. The principle of the business is simple - selling eggs on the market or through a chain of stores.

Considering the great competition in this niche, it is necessary to think in advance marketing strategy and distribution channel. This business is distinguished by the fact that it generates profit all year round, which allows you to receive a stable income and contributes to the establishment of stable trade relations.

Idea No. 8. Growing oyster mushrooms

Growing mushrooms will allow you to achieve a stable income in just enough time. a short time. Despite high competition, there is great demand for this category goods. In addition, oyster mushrooms, unlike other varieties of mushrooms, are unpretentious.

The most minimally costly method is to grow mushrooms on stumps. But the disadvantage of this method is low yield and long waiting period. In addition, you will be dependent on weather conditions, which increases financial risks.

Hemp for growing mushrooms must be clean, with a smooth surface, and free of mold. The growing technology is quite simple. The stumps are soaked in water for three days, which creates the required level of humidity. This level of humidity will be enough to establish mycelium (seed material).

Starting in May, the stumps are taken out into the garden. This should only be done after the threat of frost has completely passed. Stumps should be in a shaded area. To increase productivity, it is necessary to monitor the moisture content of the stumps.

To implement this business idea, it is necessary to prepare a basement and a greenhouse.

Idea No. 9. Preparation and packaging of chernozem

This startup is original and will help bring in good income, given the low competition in this area.

The principle of the idea comes down to the following. Processing and procurement of black soil, which is characterized by a high content of useful substances for growing various crops. The main emphasis here needs to be on identifying the target audience, which will allow you to properly organize a sales channel and achieve a stable income.

The target audience of this business will be gardeners and farmers. Chernozem is a unique product that will allow farmers to increase their productivity. The fact is that there are not many fertile areas in Russia, so purchasing high-quality black soil for growing plants, flowers, and vegetables is important for many farmers.

Idea No. 10. Rabbit breeding

Rabbit farming has become a popular option for doing business in agriculture recently.

The advantage of animal breeding is high profitability and quick payback, as well as ease of maintenance. This makes rabbit farming an ideal startup for aspiring entrepreneurs.

Rabbit meat is dietary product with high digestibility (90%). This compares favorably with pork, which is digestible by 60%. Rabbit meat is low in fat and cholesterol, which makes it popular among young mothers, pregnant women, and people who are on a diet.

The business pays off within 8-9 months with proper planning. In addition to direct supply of meat, farmers can breed rabbits for sale to other farms. This will allow you to organize a business in two directions and eliminate the seasonality factor.

Another area of ​​business activity could be the sale of rabbit skins. The disadvantage of this entrepreneurial activity is the high mortality rate among animals, which necessitates the purchase of high-quality feed and payment for veterinarian services.

Depending on the type of business, it is important to purchase the right breed of rabbits. Among the large number of rabbit breeds, there are pure meat breeds, intermediate and skin breeds.

People who are not knowledgeable in this area will find it difficult to purchase the right equipment and breeds of rabbits, so it is better to seek help from experts. For example, meat breeds are not suitable for selling skins, since their wool is not good enough.

In this article, we have provided only a small list of business ideas for the agricultural sector that will help you start your own business with minimal investment.

Video. Profitable business ideas for agriculture

Currently, the agricultural industry is developing very quickly. Farming is a profitable and attractive type of business for beginning businessmen. That is why business ideas in the field of farming are in great demand.

Agricultural Business Ideas

There are many business ideas for implementation in the field of agriculture . Let's list some agricultural ideas:

  • bee breeding;
  • pheasant farm;
  • growing strawberries;
  • sale chicken eggs;
  • pig farm;
  • sale of dairy products.

A business idea for a farm in the service sector may be promising. It is possible to offer rural residents plowing, weeding, and harvesting services.

In rural business, the idea of ​​trading can be profitable. You can sell: feed, fertilizers, machinery, equipment.

The agricultural business is quite profitable and pays off quickly. At the same time, the disadvantage of such ideas will be high competition. Although this minus can help advance the case. An entrepreneur will be able to develop the enterprise by improving the quality of the product and lower prices.

When choosing a concept for your business, a businessman must analyze the demand in the chosen area and calculate the costs of implementing an agricultural project.

Catalog of ideas in the farming area

The Internet offers a large number of concepts in the field of agribusiness. Our website contains many promising and original agricultural projects. For example, the following farm options:

  • rabbit breeding;
  • growing onions;
  • beekeeping;
  • chicken breeding

On the portal you can study in detail rural business. Our catalog consists of articles with information about ready-made ideas. We touch upon issues of paperwork, equipment purchases, costs, and sales of goods.

It is possible to introduce your concepts into finished project to create an enterprise. By observing all the points of the proposed business plan, the businessman will be able to organize his own production.

In addition to ready-made concepts in the rural area and many other industries, the site directory site offers a large number of options ready-made enterprises from verified owners, franchises of well-known companies.

You can sell and distribute farm products at various agricultural exhibitions. The main thing is that your agricultural goods and services are in demand and interesting to consumers.