Dream book online knife. Dream Interpretation - Kitchen corner. Why do you dream about a knife - according to the esoteric dream book

Why did you dream about the Knife (interpretation of AstroMeridian’s dream book)

Ambiguous dreams, like those about a knife, traditionally foreshadow strong feelings and acute changes, as in social aspect life, and personally. Subtle nuances easily shift the emphasis of the symbolism of this image. For example, a strong blade is needed both for housekeeping and for killing unwanted people, which only makes it more difficult to find the right path.

  • Why do you dream of a knife in the stomach - the image of a knife in dreams often becomes an omen of a quarrel out of nowhere, separation from dear person.
  • I dreamed of a rusty knife in the hands of another person - grievances gradually dissolve.
  • If you saw an ordinary kitchen knife in your hands in a dream, in reality there will be a need to make decisions with the utmost caution.
  • When in a dream you successfully defend yourself with a knife from an attack, then in reality you will receive a substantial compensation and improve your financial situation.

Why did you dream about Knives (Psychiatric dream book)

The psycho-emotional subtext of dream plots with knives is characterized by a certain ambiguity, which is based on the interpretation of the accompanying details.

  • Why dream of a beautiful knife as a weapon - a dream can symbolize the emergence of a threat from someone from your environment. Some dream books interpret such an image as a symbol of cruelty, destructive aggression and even death.
  • Sometimes the weapon represents a real projection of activity associated with the presence of the Oedipus complex.
  • In a dream, how do you cut something with a dull knife? This means that you have taken too long in getting rid of your teenage complexes, fueling the subconscious fears that are already quite strong in you.

Why do you dream about a Knife (Romantic dream book)

  • Why does a man dream of a knife in his heart - love dream books offer two interpretations of signs. If you dream of a knife that is well sharpened, with a shiny blade and a beautiful handle, it means that in reality you will experience strong feelings and explosive passion that must be controlled in order to avoid tragedy.
  • Have you seen an unkempt knife with a rusty blade in a dream? This is a symbol of your activity with phallic overtones, which is most often based on dissatisfaction with family relationships.
  • The image of a closed penknife is interpreted as an omen of deceit and betrayal.
  • Why dream of a knife lying on the table - a reflection of your fears of new acquaintances.
  • If you dreamed of a knife in someone’s hands, this can serve as a warning that your frivolity in behavior is really fraught with consequences.

We analyze the vision in which the Blade was dreamed (psychologist A. Meneghetti)

A dreamed knife is a symbol of aggression, cruelty, death, sexual aggression or the male genital organ. Usually, when a person sees such an image, then highest value represents the plot as a whole than this image itself.

Destructive, destroying, killing aggression is associated with this image. In another case, this image represents the real background of activity, the mechanism of which is the Oedipus complex, activity in a phallic sound, where the Oedipus complex is considered as a kind of programming. In other words, a kind of alien programming from a number of controlling structures.

Why does a woman dream about a Knife (according to Natalya Stepanova’s dream book)

  • In a dream, lowering a woman means events, enemies, betrayal.
  • Rusty knives dream of dissatisfaction in family matters or a break with a lover.
  • Why dreaming of a sharp and polished knife often means anxiety and worry.
  • A broken knife is the ruin of all hopes.
  • If in a dream an attacker with a knife tries to attack you, expect changes in your personal life.
  • Seeing someone stab you in the back with a knife is a warning that in reality ill-wishers will try to deal you a treacherous blow from around the corner.
  • To dream that you yourself rushed at someone with a knife means that you will show baseness of character. You need to make a lot of effort to develop high feeling justice.

Everyday interpretation of a dream about Knives (allegory of the writer Aesop)

Why do you dream about a knife? The knife is a symbol that is associated, on the one hand, with farming, and on the other, with murder.

  • According to the dream book, to see in a dream that you are riding a knife, like a horse, means you pay little attention household, and for this reason problems may arise.
  • According to the dream book, to dream that you are looking for a knife or an ax, but cannot find anything - this is a symbol of a vicious circle, the confusion of affairs, the inability to find the beginning and end, to solve a problem, a symbol of hopelessness.
  • To see a dream in which you are talking to a person who utters insults at you, and you cannot object, you only feel a dagger pain in the heart - to deep experiences that will weaken your health; to conflict with strangers; be careful of your enemies and those you have previously hurt or offended.
  • To see that you learn news that makes you not want to live, and you understand that you were stabbed to death without a knife - if you tend to exaggerate what is happening around you, do not pay attention to it; stop communicating with people who irritate you, with those who do not find a common language with you.

Analysis of the dream in which the Knife was dreamed (interpretation by psychologist S. Freud)

  • Why dream of a knife lying on the table - you are too afraid to meet new people. This happens because you were once burned very badly. Try to be more objective and not be led by your own fear.
  • You saw that one of your friends takes a knife in his hands to cut something, then the dream suggests that you are currently walking on the verge of what is permitted, but for some reason you think that no one around you doesn't notice. Expect the consequences of your frivolous behavior soon.
  • Seeing a beautiful knife means you will receive a gift from someone you didn’t expect. But this gift will not be completely harmless - expect a catch.
  • Cutting something in a dream with a dull knife - it’s time for your complexes, which come from adolescence, to become obsolete a long time ago. But you constantly feed subconscious fears, thereby not only not getting rid of them, but on the contrary, making them even stronger.
  • You have lost a knife and cannot find it, then the dream suggests that you are currently too tired and this does not give you the opportunity to relate to sex easily. You perceive it as a duty that does not bring any pleasure. For a man, such a situation in a dream indicates that he cannot completely relax in the company of his partner, perceiving her solely as a sexual object. In both cases, a good solution would be a change of environment, which gives a lot of room for imagination.
  • Why dream of buying a decorative knife in a store - you always strive to control the situation, you want your partner to always do only what you want. If you achieve your goal, you are unlikely to be satisfied with the result - you will have no one to love, except perhaps your shadow, as the dream book predictor reports.

Knife - what do you dream about in a dream (Dream Book of the 21st century)

  • Being stabbed in a dream means that you may be subjected to insult and violence.
  • Dreaming of knives in a pile of pregnant women means resentment and quarrels in the family.
  • Seeing someone else's knife in a dream means be careful when dealing with enemies.
  • If you dreamed of sharpening a knife, beware of rash steps.
  • Receiving a knife as a gift in a dream means that you will make peace with your enemies.
  • Throwing knives or disks in a dream means you have embarked on a slippery path of unseemly actions.
  • I dreamed of the handle of a knife, without steel - too riotous and fun life will cause significant damage to your health.

Why do you dream about a Knife in a dream (Miller's Dream Book)

  • Seeing knives in a dream foretells separation, quarrels and losses in business.
  • Dreaming of a rusty knife in your head portends dissatisfaction in family matters or a break with your lover.
  • Seeing sharp and polished knives is a sign of future worries.
  • I dreamed of a broken butterfly knife - the collapse of all hopes.
  • To dream that you are wounded with a knife means domestic troubles or the machinations of your opponents.

The meaning of a dream about a Knife (Vangi's Dream Book)

  • Why do you dream of a knife in blood according to the dream book - in a dream this symbol means events, enemies, betrayal.
  • In a dream, you were preparing dinner for your family and cut your hand with a knife - in reality, your loved ones will try to curb your character, but all this will develop into family squabbles and quarrels.
  • If a knife falls out of your hands in a dream, it means that someone is in a hurry to enter your house. unknown man.
  • Seeing someone stab you in the back is a warning that in reality ill-wishers will try to deal you a treacherous blow from around the corner. Be careful!
  • To see that some mysterious stranger is trying to attack you with a knife in his hand - this dream predicts changes in your personal life.
  • In a dream, you hit someone, and the knife was stained with the victim’s blood - in reality you will be haunted by misfortunes caused by the unclean thoughts and self-interest of your ancestors. You can avoid disasters and misfortunes only if you devote your life to serving people.
  • Seeing that you have been given a set of knives means that in reality you will be cruelly deceived.

What does the dream symbolize (Idiomatic dream book)

  • “Sharpening a knife against someone” means preparing for an attack.
  • “On a knife’s edge” is a critical situation.
  • A “double-edged sword” is a hopeless, contradictory situation.
  • “Crossing swords with someone” means an argument, a duel, a confrontation.
  • “Being at knifepoint” – conflict, quarrel;
  • “Sheathe the sword” – reconciliation.
  • “Kill without a knife” - greatly surprise or upset.
  • “Put on a knife” - kill; "weapon of retaliation"
  • “Stab yourself with a knife” - change your mind, change your plans.
  • “Stab a knife into another” - to fall in love, to experience the desire to be loved.

What does it mean to dream with a Knife (according to the Seasonal Dream Book)

  • In the spring, why do you dream of a knife in your hands, being wounded by a knife - To fierce love. Knife - For the arrival of guests. Sharpening a knife - To the intention to sort things out. Knife at the throat - To the requirement.
  • If in the summer you dreamed of being wounded with a knife, you will fall deeply in love and suffer. Sticking a knife in the back - Seeing someone stabbing a knife in a dream means a bloody reprisal against you or your family. Knife - Seeing a knife in a dream means meeting someone strong man. Sharpening a knife means starting a bad business. Seeing someone threatening you with a knife means an unpleasant showdown.
  • In the fall, why dreamed of being wounded with a knife in a dream means that your friend will put a pig on you. Stick a knife - Seeing a stuck knife in a dream is a curiosity.
  • In winter, why dream of finding a rusty penknife in a dream - your whole life will be accompanied by a series of misfortunes. Knife - Sharpening a knife in a dream means preparing some kind of dirty trick. Seeing someone threatening you with a knife is a sign of unfounded threats.

>> Knife

Why do you dream about the Knife?

Thanks to this page you will learn Why do you dream about a Knife in a dream? according to the dream book.

What a knife means in dreams is often projected onto the aggressive part of your nature. Very often everything depends on the plot of the dream rather than on the object itself. For example, this could be a symbol of betrayal, illness, or some other important events. Sometimes this is a harbinger of future troubles or quarrels with a man, also a nuisance.

It is bad if you give someone a knife or give it as a gift, as it is to a dangerous enemy. If there are too many of them, then it leads to a quarrel, resentment towards someone. It is very bad if they are stacked on top of each other and represent a cross. After something like this, a murder can often occur or a war can break out. If you are saddled with this object, then it is a signal that you have abandoned your life.

Why do you dream about a knife according to Miller?

Miller regarded what the knife meant in dreams as a rather dangerous omen. He assumed that such a dream entails scandals, discord, financial problems and saying goodbye to people important to your life. Then everything depends on the subject itself. If you notice traces of rust on your knife, then there is something that is preventing you from enjoying your family life. It is possible that you are even unhappy with your other half or her attitude. These are also problems in love, loneliness, lack of understanding and depth. But even a sharp knife will not bring joy, since it is followed by a state of anxiety. But a broken one with a bent tip means the collapse of your hopes, unfulfilled plans and losses. Of course, it is stupid to expect something bright if in a dream you were attacked and injured. Get ready that they want to set you up. Surely there is an envious person at work or a competitor colleague. You can also get a blow in the family. And if you attack someone and threaten them with a knife, then in reality you will act very badly. You will not be too lazy to commit meanness just to achieve your goal. The psychologist advises in this case to better understand what justice is and change your worldview.

Why do you dream about a knife according to Vanga?

Vanga also attributes the dream of a knife to the appearance of dangers and ill-wishers. A cut speaks of your indigestible disposition. If you inflict a wound on yourself while cooking, then this means a quarrel with your family, which is not happy with your character, and they will try to break you. If you dropped it on the floor, then soon a male guest will come to the house. It's very bad if you get stabbed in the back. Since this is a well-known sign of betrayal. Your enemies have become active and are preparing to strike serious blow. Moreover, your fall will not be enough for them. They dream of ruining life to the ground. Girls should not worry if an unfamiliar man attacks her in a scene. This is not for trouble, but for simple changes on the love front. Vanga draws your attention if you attacked someone. It is important if someone else's blood remains on the handle or blade. IN such a case, some misfortune will befall you. But the fault will not be your actions, but the sins of your ancestors. Therefore, in order to change your destiny, you need to bring good to people. It’s bad to receive a whole armful of knives as a gift. Get ready for the fact that you are going to be deceived.

Why do you dream about a knife according to Freud?

Freud attributes a certain sexual understanding to what the knife means in dreams. For example, if the cutting object just lies on a stand or any other plane and you do not touch it, then this is fear. Most likely, you have previously had experience with unsuccessful relationships that ended very badly. Because of this, you are very worried and afraid to get involved in new novels. In this case, the psychoanalyst says that you do not need to hold on to the past, otherwise you will get bogged down in your complexes. It's best to plunge into a new relationship. For girls, a dream in which the knife is in trusted hands is important. This is a hint that you are behaving too loosely, and this looseness is already developing into vulgarity. If you continue like this, you will soon receive punishment. Beware of beautiful daggers. They will give you something, but there will be a catch hidden in the souvenir. If you purchase your own knife, but with decoration or patterns, then this demonstrates you as a person who wants to be in charge in the relationship. If you continue to insist, it will end in a breakup. Scenes where you are trying to cut something with a dull blade always speak about complexes and fears in sexual terms. But if a man has lost his knife, then for him all the girls are just objects for satisfaction.

Why do you dream about a knife according to Nostradamus?

A knife is often perceived as a negative sign in most dreams, as are most bladed weapons. Likewise, Nostradamus equates what a knife represents in a dream with a manifestation of deception or lies. It is possible that right now you are being misled or being used for their own insidious purposes. He thinks that it is very bad sign will get injured. It turns out that in everyday life people can also show violence towards you. You can also be greatly insulted, humiliated, your self-esteem hurt and used in dirty games. It’s bad if you found a dagger (no matter what it looks like) and held it in the palm of your hand or handed it to someone. This indicates danger is approaching you. Your enemy is not asleep, and while you were trying to improve your life, he was preparing a trap for you. Be careful or you will get caught. It's good if you decide to clean the blade. Such dreams promise a wedding. But things like sharpening will lead to fights and misunderstandings. Be afraid if you see two knives folded in the shape of a cross, as this may be a harbinger of a terrible murder or even military action.


Many of us encounter a knife every day in the kitchen, in the office, while fishing, or while camping. These items are household, sports, hunting, combat, and collectible. In the hands of a professional chef, such a tool helps create the wonders of haute cuisine, and when used bad person poses a threat. But this is all real. Why do you dream about this image?

There are objects that we encounter every day in everyday life, often using mechanically and without thinking about their danger. Knives are included in this list. In everyday life, these sharp objects are very useful and irreplaceable - not a single housewife or cook in the kitchen can do without a knife. But if we happen to see this symbol in our night dreams, our intuition immediately begins to sound the alarm.

Dreaming about a knife causes anxiety

Explanation of a knife seen in a dream various dream books often similar - it is an aggressive object carrying negative energy. But at the same time, such a dream can be called a warning against wrong behavior or action:

  • Vanga interprets knives as betrayal, ill will, or some eventuality, women's dream book I completely agree with this interpretation;
  • Miller in the dream book interprets this object as a negative sign, it is a harbinger of a quarrel and separation, and indicates possible material losses in business;
  • the dream book of lovers does not see anything positive in the dreamed symbol; on the contrary, it indicates that disagreements and quarrels will arise between lovers or spouses, mutual reproaches and other unpleasant moments are possible;
  • a modern combined interpreter warns of impending scandals that will provoke quarrels and separation from relatives and friends; this thing in a dream can be a harbinger of collapse commercial enterprise;
  • family - separation and quarrel, losses in business;
  • XXI century - the possibility of being subjected to violence or insult;
  • Martyn Zadeka urges those who see a knife in a dream to be more careful in their affairs;
  • the Italian dream book interprets this symbol in a dream as an image of hostility, cruelty and death;
  • Azar and Jewish interpreters interpret the dreamed object somewhat differently: someone experiences an uncontrollable desire to see the dreamer;
  • newest dream book G. Ivanova portends material losses, quarrels, separation.

The knife is a ritual tool in many pagan religions. It was with his help that sacrifices were made. This explains the dark symbolism of the item, associating such a thing with death and destruction.

Many dream books interpret a knife as an aggressive object.

How is sleep interpreted for men and women?

A knife carries a masculine aggressive principle, and for a woman who dreamed of it, it can mean self-doubt, internal disharmony, and be a reflection of hidden fears. To relieve negative tension from such a dream, you need to get rid of internal anxieties. You can restore internal balance after a disturbing dream through meditation, or by retiring in a secluded corner with your favorite book. Also, a sharp object in night dreams can foreshadow troubles on the personal front: quarrels in the family, outbursts of jealousy.

The knife, according to Yevgeny Zamyatin, is the most durable, most immortal, most ingenious of all that man has created.

For a girl or unmarried woman, a dream about a knife hints at a passionate desire to acquire a fan. This symbol also foreshadows an imminent meeting with a strong-willed and strong patron, with whom the dreamer may connect her life. If a pregnant woman dreams of this sharp object, there is a risk of premature birth.

A girl's dream about a knife may mean a desire to have a fan.

For a man who saw the tip of a blade in a dream, everything is much more clear:

  • V real life the consequences of a dream can turn into betrayal, disappointment, a trick, envy; You can expect troubles from partners, friends, and girlfriends;
  • according to Freud, an elegant and beautiful knife symbolizes the dreamer’s sexual health; romantic contacts await him in the near future;
  • dropped this item - due to your negligence you may encounter financial problems.

For married people, a dream about a knife may indicate infidelity of one of the spouses. If one of the lovers dreamed of such a thing, a break in the relationship can be expected.

A dream about a knife is a sign of a trick on the part of partners

Does the number of knives you dream matter?

A single object, as already mentioned, carries negative energy associated with quarrels, separation, collapse and failure in business. Two knives in a dream also have an unpleasant meaning:

  • the image may be dreamed of by a person with suicidal tendencies; they symbolize two death wishes: to the one who pushes towards the irreparable, and to the dreamer himself;
  • warning about conflict with relatives.

If you dream about several of them at once, the dream may mean the following:

  • in reality there are many dangers, you need to be extremely careful in your actions and desires;
  • there are a large number of temptations and temptations around you; if you succumb to them, you risk getting into trouble, but a realistic assessment of the situation and calculating each step will help you avoid possible consequences;
  • on the dining table - a difficult period is approaching in the professional sphere, a disastrous situation is possible; By showing hard work and reasonable savings, you will be able to cope with problems;
  • for a dreamer who has a conflict situation in real life, difficult circumstances will affect not only you, family or good friends can also become participants in unpleasant squabbles with mutual misunderstanding and claims.

Two knives in a dream warn of quarrels with relatives

Description of the dreamed object

To correctly interpret a dream, it is important to remember some details.


As for the color of the knife, dreams are interpreted as follows:

  • a black knife should alert the dreamer, it foretells an imminent quarrel with a very close person, and a quarrel will arise due to empty suspicions of treason;
  • received a gold-plated sharp object as a gift - do not rush to rejoice, this is a bad present; the symbol means experiences caused by unfulfilled hopes for loved ones;
  • red or covered in blood - according to Vanga’s dream book, generational curse; other interpreters recommend that after such a dream you try to devote your life doing the right thing And good deeds, so you will atone for the unrighteous deeds of your ancestors.

Golden knife - to disappointment in loved ones


An exquisite knife in a dream can turn into an unexpected gift in life. But don’t rush to rejoice, the present will be malice and can result in disappointment. If you bought a decorative item, in real life you strive for dominance. The dream is a warning against the desire to suppress the will of others and control the person dear to you. This behavior will lead to complete loneliness.

Knives often acted as amulets. With their help, medieval Europeans protected themselves from the night serpent, which entered the house through the chimney, and in Abkhazia, from the evil golden-haired witch Dzyzlan.

A kitchen knife can be a harbinger of family feuds. There is another interpretation of this symbol - an invitation. Perhaps someone will want to be alone with you and invite you to dinner, a visit, a date, or even a short trip.

Buying a decorative knife in a dream means a desire to dominate

Interpretation of other types of knives:

  • hunting or combat - in your environment, someone is planning a provocation or meanness against you, perhaps even an attempt on your life; this image also signals a long and painful separation from a loved one;
  • broken - collapse of hopes; modern interpreters dreams offer another meaning of this symbol - a warning against ill-considered actions, really evaluate your strengths and capabilities, give up illusions, even the most beautiful ones;
  • rusty - disappointment in family affairs; Miller points out that an uncleaned blade is a symbol of dissatisfaction in a relationship and foreshadows a break with a lover;
  • with jagged edges - division of property awaits you.

A rusty knife is a symbol of dissatisfaction in family matters.

Sharp and shiny knives warn of danger. Your enemies are weaving a web of intrigue against you.

Freud's dream book explains that a dull blade is a symbol of constant feeding of your subconscious fears, their strengthening. But if you dream that you are cutting something with a dull knife, it’s time to get rid of your complexes. They have outlived their usefulness a long time ago, but you have not yet realized it.

Shiny knife - enemies weave intrigues

A pocket knife has several meanings:

  • closed - a warning about possible betrayal on the part of a loved one;
  • open - your enemies pose a clear threat;
  • finding a rusty one means a series of misfortunes.

Also, a folding or pocketknife may indicate health problems.

Actions with a knife

Actions with a knife in a dream can be harmless or, conversely, bloody. Based on this, they are interpreted differently.

Actions that do not cause pain

If in a dream you play with a knife, in reality there is anger in your heart against someone. You are harboring bad plans towards this person. Please note that unfriendly actions taken may turn against you.

Interpretation of other harmless actions with a sharp object:

  • to find - to an acquaintance, but this friendship will not turn out to be anything good, your new acquaintance will turn out to be an evil person, spreading gossip behind your back; to protect yourself, you will have to refrain from contact for some time;
  • to lose - to the loss of acquired property and complete ruin; the dream encourages you not to take unnecessary risks, but to think about every step;
  • you or your relatives cut meat - be prepared for unreasonably large expenses, which will certainly lead to a deterioration in your financial situation;
  • sharpen - you are trying to sort things out or even make peace with an old enemy; another meaning - you have to take up unusual or unloved work for the well-being of your family;
  • if you dreamed of a dead person protecting you, you will find a patron or real protection.

Did the knife break in your dream? This is a warning that you should abandon the work you have started. Otherwise, difficulties and failures will befall you.

A broken knife urges you to abandon the work you started

Actions that result in injury or death

Various dream books explain bloody scenes in dreams differently.

Did you dream about your own injury? You should take a very careful look at those around you. Perhaps among them there are many hypocritical friends who are ready to strike at the most inopportune moment. The location of the wound is important:

  • throat - the dream foreshadows a hopeless situation for you; not only your reputation, but also the inviolability of your family will depend on its resolution;
  • belly - a warning to take care of all the most valuable things you have; avoid conflicts, enlist the support of people dear to you, then the unpleasant dream will melt away like a haze;
  • back - expect treacherous actions on the part of competitors; the blow may be delivered unexpectedly.

Killing a real enemy in a dream means your complete triumph over the enemy. If this was preceded by a long fight, your victory in real life will not be easy.

When you dream that you are being killed, the interpretation of dream books varies somewhat:

  • good health And long life;
  • the dreamer has a weak character and finds it difficult to cope with difficulties;
  • the blow hit the heart - there is a real threat to your health.

Killing a person who does not resist is very wrong good sign. It can be interpreted as an opportunity to lose someone close to you.

Murder scenes in a dream are interpreted differently by different dream books

Meaning of other bloody actions with a knife:

  • cutting another person is a favorable sign; in the near future you may have a pleasant surprise associated with material profit;
  • hit a stranger with this object - expect a new friend to appear who will obey you of his own free will, he will go to great lengths for you;
  • killing a snake is a symbol of obstacles; in order to overcome them, you will have to show restraint and self-control; strength of character will result in reward and desired happiness.

In a dream, did you kill a predatory and dangerous animal? For a person experiencing a difficult conflict situation, this plot means victory.

Other actions with a knife

There are many more actions with a knife. Let's look at some of them:

  • thrown at someone - disagreements between friends or friends, relationships can turn into hostility;
  • you were threatened - the possibility of being drawn into a scam;
  • you made threats - the situation reflects your aggressive mood; moderate your ardor, otherwise problems in the family cannot be avoided;
  • hitting the enemy means victory in a difficult matter; The stronger and more accurate the blow, the sooner the ill-wisher will yield.

Your inner defenselessness may be symbolized by a dream in which you attack a stranger. Problems with relatives cannot be ruled out. They will demand from you some decisive actions in which you yourself are not interested. Perhaps one of your colleagues is trying to trick you and is slandering your boss.

Sharp knives in a dream most often turn out to be a symbol of violent passions and emotions. Exact value the plot depends on its details. When understanding why a knife is dreamed of, you need to take into account the gender of the dreamer, his mood in his night dreams, and many other factors.

Why do you dream about a knife - interpretation in dream books

In Freud's dream book, a knife lying on the table is a symbol of the sleeper's fear of new acquaintances. The reason for this is most likely the person's past mistakes. Once he had already managed to get burned, and now everyone possible ways warns himself against pain.

If an acquaintance of the dreamer takes a knife in his hands and at the same time looks at him carefully, it means that the man or woman in real life behaves too aggressively and straightforwardly expresses an opinion about which he was not asked. You need to reconsider your manner of communication, become more correct and restrained.

  • Miller suggests that a very beautiful knife foreshadows a gift for the dreamer. At first, a person will be pleased with the gift he receives, but soon he will understand that the gift is not so simple - there is a catch to be expected.
  • A sharp, polished knife symbolizes future worries.
  • Broken edged weapons promise conflicts with family members or warn of the activation of enemies.

Vanga notes: if in a dream you had to cut your hand while preparing dinner for everyone at home, it means that the latter are trying to curb the character of the sleeper. But an attack by a stranger with a bladed weapon promises the dreamer pleasant changes in his personal life.

The man himself stabbed someone and the blade became stained with blood? In real life, the dreamer will be haunted by misfortunes for a long time. Their main reason will be the mistakes of their ancestors.

Kill a person in a dream with a knife

I wonder what killing a person with a knife in a dream is a good sign. He never foretells anything bad for a person. For example, killing a stranger with a knife, after which the sleeper felt joy and/or relief, promises him an improvement in his financial situation. A man or woman will finally gain financial independence; ideal conditions will exist for this.

  • Killing an enemy with a knife in night dreams foreshadows victory over him in real life. The more serious the fight in the dream, the more difficult it will be to cope with troubles in reality.
  • Stabbing an acquaintance in a dream means stopping all communication with this person.
  • If in her dream a girl kills a person for the sake of self-defense, it means that in reality she will have to go alone towards her goals. You shouldn't expect outside help. But at the same time, the chances of making all dreams come true for a representative of the fair sex are very high, even without the advice and support of others.
  • The murder of a spouse with a knife promises Italian passions in family life in reality. The couple faces many quarrels and conflicts ahead, but they will all end in a stormy, sweet reconciliation.

But suicide with a knife suggests that in reality a man or woman dreams of dramatic changes in your life.

Knife attack

If you dream of an attack with a knife that happened unexpectedly in the dark, in reality the person will be dealt a serious moral blow. He will face meanness, deception and/or betrayal.

An ambush attack is dreamed of as a warning that you need to behave more carefully and carefully. Especially on the road. There is a high probability that ill-wishers have prepared an unpleasant surprise for the sleeper.

It happens that in a dream a person watches with fear an attack with a bladed weapon from the side.

For a sleeper, such a plot may foreshadow surgical intervention in reality.

This interpretation is especially relevant for unhealthy people.

Does the dreamer himself attack a stranger with a knife and wound him? In reality, a person will commit a low act, but will quickly repent of it. Injuring yourself with a sharp blade means a desire to free yourself from responsibility, memories and various negative thoughts.

Knife wound

Had a dream knife wound? It is necessary to postpone all matters designed for financial profit until later - such a plot is considered a harbinger of major material losses.

A knife wound that causes pain to a person even in his sleep portends a deterioration in his health. The sleeper will be overtaken by a serious illness. We need to protect ourselves from injury and take measures against diseases during the epidemic season.

Why do you dream of a knife in your hand?

If a knife ends up in the dreamer’s hands in a dream, it means that he is very hostile towards the people around him. Most likely, there is no apparent reason for this.

  • In a dream, a person holds a bladed weapon in right hand? In reality they are waiting for him major quarrels with others. As a result of a protracted conflict, a man or woman may lose their own property.
  • If the dreamer holds the knife with the tip in the direction of some friend, this is a clear sign that in reality there is a difficult psychological situation around him. A person feels like a victim and constantly suffers from groundless attacks, cruel jokes, criticism and prejudice.

A huge cleaver in his hand suggests that the sleeper is inclined to exaggerate the seriousness and scale of problems. A shoemaker's tool promises sadness and tears.

Cutting something with a knife in a dream

If in a dream a woman or man with a knife cuts an object, you need to try to remember what exactly:

  • Grinding raw fresh meat is a futile effort. The sleeper will never be able to achieve his goal, no matter how hard he tries.
  • Cutting fried meat means the successful completion of all matters. This interpretation is especially relevant for businessmen.
  • Trying to cut wooden objects with a long knife is a sign of negative emotions in reality.
  • Using a small kitchen knife to chop very hard objects means it will be impossible to convince the dreamer that he is right.

Buy, accept a knife as a gift

Buying a very beautiful original weapon in a dream is a sign that in reality a man or woman strives to control everything.

If the sleeping person has problems in his relationship with his soulmate, most likely the reason is precisely this feature of his.

  • I was able to buy a knife decorated very cheaply precious stones, in a dream - to receive a large inheritance in the very near future.
  • Accepting edged weapons as a gift means making peace with ill-wishers.
  • Receiving such a gift from loved ones means disappointment in them.
  • Giving someone a whole set of knives means separation from the person who accepted the gift.

Lots of knives

Knives in large quantities, appearing in night dreams, suggest that a person needs to be more careful not only in words, but also in actions. If sharp objects are simply dumped on the floor in a large pile, it means that in the near future the dreamer will experience severe resentment.

For a woman, many knives from a dream symbolize temptations. If a representative of the fair sex follows them, this will lead to very dangerous consequences.

A large number of dull knives indicates that soon a man or woman will have to worry a lot about their loved ones.

Broken knife

A broken edged weapon can be either a positive or a negative sign from a dream. If the blade of a knife breaks off, the person will soon face health problems or painful experiences associated with the past.

Do they give a broken rusty object to a sleeping person? He does not enjoy authority among his acquaintances. Main reason Such an attitude towards the dreamer means his disrespectful attitude towards others and frequent causeless aggression.

Repairing a broken knife in a dream foreshadows the restoration of close relationships with a friend from the past or a relative with whom the sleeping person had a major quarrel.

Seeing a knife lying on the table, on the floor

The interpretation of the dream even depends on where the knife was located. It’s great if it was at the head of the sleeping person’s bed. This means that great happiness awaits a person.

If a knife lies on the table in a dream, such a plot suggests that the sleeper has closed himself in his “shell” - he avoids meeting new people and even minimizes communication with old friends. We need to try to understand the reasons for this behavior.

Did the blade end up on the floor? The dream encourages a man or woman to become more economical. If the sleeper does not heed the hint from his night dreams, he may find himself in a difficult financial situation.

"A large universal dream book for the whole family by O. Smurov"

A knife in a dream is a symbol of lies, betrayal, deceit and danger. Taking a knife from someone in a dream is a sign of caution. Sometimes such a dream foreshadows that you are in real danger due to the machinations of your enemies.

Giving a knife to someone in a dream indicates that you will deliberately enter into dangerous game with your ill-wishers, trying to quarrel between them.

Throwing a knife at someone is a sign of discord that will develop into hostility. After such a dream, you need to restrain your emotions so as not to make an enemy.

Throwing a knife at someone in a dream means that you will enter into open combat with your enemies. Next, see who hurts or kills whom. It is better to see that you have injured or killed someone, since such a dream predicts victory over your enemies, which, however, will cause you a lot of worries and troubles.

If you lose in this battle, are wounded or killed, then you are in danger of all sorts of troubles, losses, damages, poverty and, possibly, separation from a loved one. See cut, divide.

A table knife in a dream is a symbol of domestic squabbles. For spouses, such a dream predicts that they will divorce and divide property. Cutting yourself with a knife in a dream means that you will have a quarrel with a loved one. A broken knife in a dream foreshadows the collapse of your plans. See by name what you cut.

Why do you dream about a knife according to the dream book - "Vanga's Dream Book"

In a dream, a knife means events, enemies, betrayal.

Cutting your hand with a knife in a dream:
In a dream, you were preparing dinner for your family and cut your hand with a knife - in reality, your loved ones will try to curb your character, but all this will develop into family squabbles and quarrels.

The knife fell out of my hands in a dream:
A dream in which a knife falls out of your hands means that a stranger is rushing into your house

Stab in the back with a knife in a dream:
Seeing in a dream how someone stabs you in the back with a knife warns you that in real life ill-wishers will try to deal you a treacherous blow from around the corner. Be careful!

Attack by a stranger armed with a knife in a dream:
If in a dream some mysterious stranger with a knife in his hand tries to attack you, this dream promises you changes in your personal life.

Hitting someone with a knife in a dream:
In a dream, you hit someone with a knife and it became stained with the victim’s blood - in reality you will be haunted by misfortunes caused by the unclean thoughts and self-interest of your ancestors. You can avoid disasters and misfortunes only if you devote your life to serving people.

Receive a set of knives as a gift in a dream:
If in a dream you received a set of knives as a gift, this means that in reality you will be cruelly deceived.

Why do you dream about a knife according to the dream book -
"True dreams - the most complete dream book"

If you dreamed of a knife, this is a warning of betrayal, a sign of aggressiveness. Admiring a knife means harboring a grudge against someone. Fencing with a dagger means quarrels and disputes. Being wounded by a knife means illness, unfavorable circumstances. A pocket knife portends a long separation from family and friends. Shoe knife - to significant monetary losses. Garden knife - you will be unfairly punished. A jagged knife foreshadows the division of property and disagreements with relatives. Broken knife - you will be forced to commit an unseemly act. Rusty knife - you will soon find yourself in the unenviable position of a supplicant. Find a knife - do not trust secrets to the people around you. Losing a knife - not working out love relationship. Dull knives mean emotional unrest and anxiety for loved ones. Sharpening a knife - you will have an activity that does not suit your inclinations. Cutting yourself very badly with a knife means trouble at home.

Why do you dream about a knife according to the dream book -
"Dream book: truthful interpreter of dreams L. Moroz"

If you dreamed of a table knife, a division of inheritance awaits you; a penknife in a dream is a favor from a friend; if you dreamed of a hunting knife - be careful, you may be ambushed; find a knife in a dream - be careful, weigh all your words so that there are no annoying misunderstandings; buying a knife in a dream means a profitable acquisition; cutting with a knife in a dream means financial gain; to receive a knife as a gift means to be invited to a name day.