What is export? How long does the export-import stage last?

What does export mean?

Selling goods at wholesale prices to customers in another country; goods are exported by air, land or sea. To export goods you require an export license, the export process is controlled by your country's Customs and Excise in the same way that the import of goods is controlled upon arrival at your destination.

When you own a large-scale business, the export process will be managed by an export management company as well as a logistics company. Thanks to advances in tracking that are now available to logistics companies, exporting goods is now a safer and more secure process, with goods being tracked throughout transit.

Exporting has been going on almost as long as trade and commerce have existed. This occurs globally and is most common where countries have fewer trade restrictions such as tariffs. Almost every major company in advanced economies derives some of its revenue, sometimes quite substantially, from exports to other countries. Exporting is one of the keys to help an economy grow, and one of the key functions of foreign diplomacy is to increase trade between countries.

Through exporting, a country can boost its domestic economy by increasing sales of products that generate additional corporate income, increase the tax base, and create employment opportunities. Global exports are in the trillions of dollars, and China exports approximately $2.2 trillion. Additionally, the US exports approximately $1.6 trillion, while Germany exports approximately $1.4 trillion. Other major global exporting countries include Japan, South Korea, Australia and Mexico.

Benefits of exporting for companies

There are a number of reasons that prompted the company to decide to start exporting. The most obvious is the increase in sales and profits that can be generated by exporting. There is also an opportunity to increase the company's market share. By expanding into different markets, companies also reduce their risk through diversification. As production volumes increase to meet global demand, the company may also see unit costs decrease due to economies of scale. Finally, companies gain new knowledge when expanding into new markets, which can help them become more competitive and also help them discover new technologies.

Export problems

Exporting is not without problems. Additional costs are given due to the resources required to explore new foreign markets. Product changes may be made to suit local regulations and tastes. Export also introduces additional financial risks, since collecting payments will typically be slower and more complex than when dealing with internal customers.

Export is understood as the export abroad of goods, technologies, and services for their sale on the foreign market. Goods made in the country and goods imported into the country and processed in it can be exported. A special form of export is re-export, i.e. export of earlier imported goods that have not been converted in that country.

Export of goods– this is a special customs regime, which is characterized by the export of certain goods outside the country, that is, abroad, with the main goal of selling them on the foreign market. Of course, not only goods can be exported, but also such important “products” as services and capital.

But mostly export of goods- this is nothing more than the export of various material goods abroad or the provision of various services (material and intellectual) to a partner, or rather a foreign partner, on a paid basis. Export also occurs as a result international division labor, in addition, it is one of the material prerequisites for imports. It is known that it is the proceeds from exports that are the main source material resources for purchasing imports. In fact, all import and export operations are interconnected.

Export of goods must be carried out in accordance with certain requirements that are specified in the legislation of a particular country. Firstly, when exporting, export customs duties and taxes are paid. Secondly, the export of goods requires compliance with certain financial and economic policy and safety, and other requirements stipulated by the Code and various legislative acts of the country on customs affairs. You should also pay attention to this important point: those goods that are released under the customs regime for export must be exported outside the country in the condition in which they were at the time the customs declaration was accepted. Exceptions include items that have changed due to normal wear and tear, or items that have changed but were not properly transported or stored.

Goods falling under the export category require declaration and special customs clearance in the general manner and at the same time, taking into account the peculiarities and specifics of this customs regime. The main instruments of state regulation of the export of goods abroad (export of goods) are tax and tariff regulation, currency control and, of course, various non-tariff means. Exporting goods is a rather complex procedure in the field of foreign economic activity That's why these tools exist.

Export of goods It also has its own specific tariff, presented in the form of a whole set of government decrees, which contain certain duty rates for the export of goods, a list of these goods, and there are also all provisions for changing these decrees. Export tariff rates for individual species goods are established by the government of the country, and are not subject to special regulation by customs and tariff authorities. In accordance with certain legislative acts, the export of goods, or rather some of them, is characterized by the presence of certain tariff benefits, which are established by certain legislative acts, as well as acts of the government and the president. Exporting goods, as a rule, has its own specific duties. They depend, first of all, on the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity of the product. IN modern world there is a so-called non-tariff regulation export of goods, that is, licensing and quotas. The export of some goods requires a special package of documents and permits. For example, when exporting cultural property, you should have a special certificate issued by the country’s service for the preservation of cultural property.

On the way from China, your parcel will have to wait at one stage, which Aliexpress buyers call “ Bermuda Triangle" And in fact, the parcel is being exported, and the tracking statuses do not change for some time. And visually it seems that the parcel has simply disappeared somewhere. Moreover, the postal company that transported your order to the border no longer has information about the parcel, since they handed over the parcel and it will then be sent by local mail. But the local post office does not yet have information, since the parcel has not yet reached them.

How many days to wait for import?

Of course, the question immediately arises, how many days do you need to wait from export to import? Which deadlines are considered normal, and which already indicate that the package is stuck and something needs to be done.

Let's look at the official documents. In the regulations of the Universal Postal Union, the standard time frame for a parcel to pass through the export-import stage is not indicated in any way. That is, no regulatory deadlines no and you cannot make any claims. And even the seller himself can only roughly tell from his own experience the usual time frame in which the parcel arrives in a given country.

If you are lucky, the parcel can go through export-import in 3-6 days. On average, this stage lasts 2-3 weeks. During periods of pre-New Year congestion, parcels may be stuck at this stage for a month or more.

In some cases, when the mail is heavily loaded and when the parcel passes very “slow” sorting points, the parcel may be stuck for 2-3 months. This is why mediators believe that parcels to Russia and neighboring countries can be sent within 90 days and usually ask to wait for this period before returning the money for the reason ““.

Why are parcels stuck at export-import?

Your parcel is sent by the postal company to the border of China. Then it is transferred to customs and the “Export” status appears. The first delay may be at customs if there is a congestion there. The second delay may occur after customs inspection, when the parcel is distributed into the required container, where it will await its flight. Also, she can wait until this container is completely filled. And it is not known how long it will take until the goods physically leave China.

Further, upon arrival in the destination country, the parcel will wait its turn to clear customs at a temporary storage warehouse. It is impossible to predict how long she will spend here. Maybe a few days, maybe even months. Everything will depend again on the workload of customs.

The “Import” status appears when the goods have been transferred to customs, or when they have already passed customs clearance and arrived at the postal sorting center of the recipient’s country.

The parcel is stuck at export. When to open a dispute?

If at the export-import stage your order is stuck and the tracking statuses do not change, then the thought immediately arises of opening a dispute. But in fact, if the track was tracked earlier and it is clear that the parcel was sent, then a dispute should be opened no earlier than 2-3 days before the delivery deadline.

If you open earlier, both the seller and the mediators will insist that you wait until a certain date for your goods.

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Deliveries have now become especially in demand. After all, people are increasingly using online services, in particular ordering various kinds of goods on online platforms, among which Aliexpress has become the most popular. At the same time, many people prefer to independently carry out tracking throughout the entire stage of cargo transportation.

And this is very correct, because thanks to this option you will be able to find out in time what delays are occurring, what procedures and points, stages of verification are being carried out or will only be carried out.

In general, thanks to tracking you can get detailed information about delivery. However, to do this, you need to know what tracking statuses mean. Only their correct understanding will allow you to benefit from tracking.

When making international deliveries, you can often encounter the status “Export from the country of origin.” Many clients courier services wondering what it means this phrase. We will consider its meaning within the framework of this article. However, first you need to understand what exporting international mail itself means.

Export is

The word “export” itself comes from the Latin exporto. This same word, in turn, has the meaning of “export of goods and services from the port of the country,” if we talk about its literal meaning. Buyers of these same services and goods will call the country an importer. That is, when tracking a parcel, it is important to correctly understand the statuses:

  • Export means that something has gone outside the country.
  • Import means that something, on the contrary, arrived in the country.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated here.

The meaning of the status Export from the country of origin

This status is second in order. It is issued at the delivery stage, when the goods are exported outside the sending country. You can also understand the message this way: there is still time before receiving the goods.

To make it easier, let's look at an example: Ivan bought headphones from Aliexpress and ordered delivery. The product is located in China, but it needs to be delivered to Russia. When, during tracking, Ivan sees “Export from the sending country,” this means: the headphones were exported from China.



(exports) Goods and services produced in the country and sold to non-residents. “Visible” exports include deliveries of goods abroad; “invisible” exports are services sold to non-residents. Some “invisible” exports, such as sea and air transport, are represented by services provided abroad. As for other items of “invisible” exports, they consist of the services of hotels, hospitals, universities, casinos, etc., provided to non-residents who arrived in the country. For some services, such as insurance, it is not possible to determine where the service is provided. Exporting capital means providing loans to non-residents or purchasing real assets located abroad. The export of capital should not be confused with the export of capital goods. Some countries export both capital and capital goods, but nothing prevents a country from exporting capital without producing capital goods at all (this situation is typical for some oil exporting countries), while many industrial developed countries are both exporters of capital goods and importers of capital in the form of foreign loans.

Economy. Dictionary. - M.: "INFRA-M", Publishing House "Ves Mir". J. Black. General editor: Doctor of Economics Osadchaya I.M.. 2000 .


(from lat. exporto - output)

export abroad of goods sold to foreign buyers, intended for sale on foreign markets or for processing in another country. Export also includes the transportation of goods in transit through another country and the export of goods brought from another country for sale in a third country (re-export).

Raizberg B.A., Lozovsky L.Sh., Starodubtseva E.B.. Modern economic dictionary. - 2nd ed., rev. M.: INFRA-M. 479 pp.. 1999 .

Economic dictionary. 2000 .



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