What are the benefits of coloring a mandala? Mandalas for coloring as psychological help for yourself

Mandalas for coloring are not just coloring books. The result of such work is changes in thoughts, actions, attitudes towards oneself and others. Mandalas for coloring are a variant of anti-stress coloring books. When coloring a mandala, the unconscious is activated, which knows exactly what to this person need at the moment, what are its capabilities. Inner experiences are manifested in the choice of colors, symbols, images and words.

Practice shows that drawing and coloring a mandala has a positive effect on the psyche: anxiety, uncertainty, sadness are overcome, A New Look new ideas come to oneself, to the current situation, a way out opens up difficult situation, awareness comes, internal resources are revealed, a state of peace and satisfaction sets in.

True, to obtain a high therapeutic effect, you need to draw or paint mandalas regularly, at least 20 minutes a day. It is advisable that this be at the same time, for example, early in the morning immediately after sleep or in the evening before bed. Only in this case can the changes be analyzed as correctly as possible and the appropriate conclusions drawn.

It is best to draw the mandalas yourself and then color them. How to draw mandalas is described in the materials on this site. Here we will talk about coloring mandalas.

How to color mandalas correctly?

  1. Set aside time in your daily routine to color mandalas.
  2. Find comfortable spot for working with mandalas.
  3. Take a set of colored pencils (the more colors the better).
  4. Take the mandala template you like.
  5. Take a few deep, slow breaths and relax. Think about what worries you now, about your desires, about doubts.
  6. When you're ready, start coloring. Color as your intuition tells you. Don't hesitate when choosing the next color. It is not necessary to fill all areas of the mandala with color.
  7. You can color the same mandala several times (several days in a row) as long as you want to color it.
  8. When you think that the mandala is ready and there is no need to repaint it anymore, look at what you have for a while. On the back of the drawing (or just in a notepad), write down the words that come to your mind. Ponder these words. How do they relate to the question you asked yourself when you first started working with this mandala? What thoughts do these reflections lead you to think?
  9. Mandalas for coloring can be printed and colored with colored pencils. Or you can color them by loading the picture into any one on your computer. graphics editor.

Mandalas for coloring

I offer you several mandalas templates for coloring. Click on any picture, a new window or tab with a picture will open in larger size, save the template to your computer, and then load the template into a graphic editor. Download all these mandalas at high resolution You can print it on a printer.

Color mandalas, get to know yourself, look for your own path. Wish you luck!

A mandala is not just a drawing, it is a journey within oneself. It reflects the human essence and shows what is deep in the subconscious. The information obtained from the drawing can complement psychotherapy sessions or even replace them. Contemplation of the mandala will point in the right direction - a person will be able to independently understand his own problems, the causes of anxiety or other conditions that are uncomfortable for him.

But mandalas can also trigger the reverse process: knowing the meaning of the zones of the drawing, you can fill them with the necessary colors, which will change internal settings and remove blocks.

Before you start coloring, you need to prepare for this lesson. To do this you will need the following.

  • Preparation. You can not only print out mandalas for coloring with meaning, but also draw the matrix yourself. If you follow certain rules, then the energy of such a mandala will be very strong and will attract the necessary flows into the life of its creator.
  • Colored pencils, paints and brushes, gel pens, wax crayons - any painting accessories.
  • Free time and a calm environment for maximum concentration on the process.

Coloring methods

There are different patterns for coloring, and the meaning of each will be different from the others. You can choose a suitable mandala based on the response that the drawing evokes, that is, allow the subconscious to choose the mandala. Or you can choose by the meaning of the picture and enhance its energy by painting it with certain colors.

Meaning of colors

When analyzing, it is important to understand that color can be used not directly, but indirectly. For example, red is used as a base for pink and orange.

The meaning of the symbols

Each pattern in the mandala also has its own meaning..

The same symbols are used in mehendi- applying henna designs to the body.

Figure analysis

When creating and coloring a mandala, first of all you need to pay attention to the symbolism and colors that were used in the patterns.

Types of mandalas

Each mandala consists of symbols and signs that help attract certain events or emotions or, conversely, get rid of them. The same goes for flowers.: each color is responsible for a certain area of ​​life; when using the right paint, you can achieve significant changes - some bring us wealth and success, others help in love affairs, others are a powerful anti-stress and help cope with depressive conditions. When creating a mandala, it is important to know what symbolism and what colors need to be included in the drawing in order to achieve the desired effect.

To attract love

The drawing should contain circles, spirals, flowers and hearts. Green, orange and Blue colour. It is not necessary to use pure colors - you can mix them with white and with each other. While working on a drawing, you need to try to imagine in detail what you want to attract into your life. If this is love, what is it like?? Is it the love of a partner, acceptance of oneself or the world around you? Detailing the goal, the right colors and symbols will help you achieve results faster.

For good luck and fortune

Symbols to use: squares, pointing triangles, spirals and hands. Success will be attracted to red, yellow and purple or colors based on them. While drawing, you can say affirmations to yourself - positive questions to your subconscious. For example, why am I lucky and success accompanies me throughout life? The question should not contain the particle “not”. This method is suitable for any mandala.

For happiness and a positive attitude

Eyes, circles, spirals, trees and all the abundance of colors, except black and gray, will help to lure happiness into life. While drawing, you can chant the mantra “MANGLAM DISHTU ME MAHESHWARI” or turn on an audio recording of its performance. You can also draw while listening to music that evokes a state of happiness or pleasant memories.

Attracting material well-being

Stars, squares, spirals, triangles with the vertex up will strengthen the mandala to attract money and material well-being, will increase income and help prosperity. It is better to color the picture in red, orange, yellow, blue and purple, as well as colors based on them. They will help you intuitively sense money wells, make useful contacts, and give you the strength to act.

Mandala by date of birth

You will need to draw a template or find it on the Internet and print it. The template is a pentagon consisting of five triangles connected by vertices. Each triangle must be divided into 16 equal lines. They will need to be divided into cells. There will be 16 cells at the base of the triangles. Each subsequent drain contains one less cell. Thus, there will be one cell at the vertex of the triangles. To make the drawing look harmonious later, it is better to make the cells in the form of rhombuses.

The procedure for calculating the date of birth triangle.

Purple - 9, orange - 8, pink - 7, turquoise - 6, blue - 5, yellow - 4, green - 3, blue - 2, red - 0, 1.

This mandala helps to achieve harmony, accept your own essence and adjust internal and external energy flows.

Stress relief

Coloring in the form of a mandala helps to cope with stress, allows you to concentrate on drawing and discard negative thoughts. For a more pronounced effect, it is better to use yellow, blue, blue and purple colors. They will help calm the mind and balance raging emotions. Any mandala has a calming effect. You can draw it yourself, buy it ready-made in a bookstore, or print an image from the Internet.

With the help of a mandala, you can fulfill any intention and find harmony. For a drawing to work, you need to invest energy and emotion into it. This can be achieved through concentration, pleasant music, chanting or listening to mantras - each person has his own way. And symbols and colors will help strengthen the energy message and direct it in the right direction.

Attention, TODAY only!

Even those who have never tried to meditate can easily cope with these exercises, which are more like a game familiar to each of us since childhood. Give yourself pleasure! Take a set of beautiful colored pencils, sit down in a bright place where you feel comfortable and at ease, and start creating.

Coloring these mandalas helps you calm down and access your inner energy resources. You don't need to tackle everything at once. Start with the one you like the most.

Mandala 1: “How can I feel better?”

This mandala will help you identify what you need to feel better - both emotionally and physically. First, choose one color. And, without hesitation, paint with it those parts of the mandala that you want. The most important thing in this exercise is to act as your inner voice tells you.

Meditate on the half-colored mandala for a few minutes. Then use other colored pencils to complete it. Don’t strive to make it look beautiful, don’t think about color combinations, let everything happen spontaneously! When you are finished, look at the mandala. And write down the three words that came to your mind first. Ponder the meaning of these words in relation to the original question this mandala is intended to answer. Download mandala in PDF

Mandala 2: “What color is my breath?”

We rarely think about how we breathe. And we do it even less often breathing exercises. So take the time to do this right now! Relax, look closely at the mandala and choose a color that symbolizes your breath. Color the center circle with it. As you do the exercise, focus on your breathing.

Become aware of exactly how you breathe. Then color the rays of the mandala one by one. To do this, take one or those pencils that you think will help “activate” your breathing: make it slower, deeper, calmer. Now that you have completed coloring this mandala, you have come into contact with the deep energy of life that lives within you. Use it! Download mandala in PDF

Mandala 3: “How to find yourself?”

Choose the pencil you like best and color the center circle. Then use a different color to highlight the part of the mandala that you like best. Choose it intuitively! Use a pencil to follow the rays of the star in this part, as if you were wandering through a maze.

Look at the resulting colored thread. And ask yourself: “What does this path remind me of?” Write down three words, phrases or sentences that come to mind to describe your path. Reflect on them for a few minutes. Download mandala in PDF

Mandala 4: “What energetic state am I in today?”

Let the flowers speak to you! Trust your intuition, color this mandala the way you want. The colors you choose will help determine the state of your energy. Look at the painted picture and write down three keywords that come to your mind.

Meditate for five minutes on their meaning in relation to the question: “What energetic state am I in?” Please note that an excess of warm colors dissipates energy, while cold colors paralyze it. And do not forget that the mandala reflects your state in this moment. Tomorrow it could turn out completely different.

Mandala 5: “What are my three best traits?”

This beautiful mandala will help you identify what you like most about yourself. Think about what three traits make you happy? Write them down under the mandala (for example, gratitude, honesty, kindness, creativity...) Choose three favorite colors so that each symbolizes one of these qualities, and color the mandala.

When the drawing is finished, take a good look at it. Look at each color that embodies one of your favorite qualities individually. Try to figure out what feelings you have in relation to these qualities of yours.

Mandala 6: “Where can I find peace within myself?”

Choose a color that symbolizes inner peace for you. Use it to color all the center circles. complex figures, some of which are intertwined. After that, take other pencils to fill in the outer circumferences of these circles one by one. Don't think, just follow your inspiration.

When finished, look at the mandala. Try to remember three times when you felt surprisingly calm during the difficult moments of coloring these complex intertwined shapes. Write down these memories.

Mandala 7: “What prevents the free flow of my energy?”

Color this mandala, moving from the center, ask yourself the question: “What is preventing the smooth circulation of my energy?” Once you've finished coloring the mandala, look at it for a few minutes. Do this calmly and serenely. Let go of your mind, let thoughts come and go like clouds in the sky.

Now look, what colors did you use - cold (green, blue, purple) or warm (red, orange, yellow)? The former “close” energy channels, the latter “open” them. Take a close look at where you placed these colors. Try to remember what images and emotions arose in you in those moments when you used pencils different colors. And write down what you remember.

Mandala 8: “How to strengthen your energy?”

Starting with the central “flower” of this mandala, meticulously color its petals using three colors that appeal to you. To color the other “colors,” change the pencils, choosing ones that you think will complement and activate the first three colors. After that, choose a different color for the center of the flowers.

Breathe slowly, look at your drawing and write down three expressions that suddenly come to mind. Reflect on them in a calm environment.

Mandala 9: “How to balance emotions?”

Define three negative emotions that especially bother you (for example, fear, anger, envy...). List them below the mandala. Then choose three colors that will symbolize them. Following your intuition, paint the leaves in these colors. Take other pencils and use them to color the stems and background of the mandala. Relax, close your eyes for a minute. Then look at your drawing. Describe what you feel under the mandala.

Mandala 10: “I activate and harmonize my energy”

Look at this mandala for a couple of minutes. Then start coloring it from the central circle, choosing a pencil of your favorite color for this. Then take seven pencils of all the colors of the rainbow (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet). Listening only to your feelings, color each of the human figures with one of these colors.

Finally, you can paint the borders of the mandala with any color you like or the one that you think will most harmoniously complement the drawing. This exercise activates and harmonizes energy. Write down how you feel after you finish the drawing.

A mandala for coloring will help you enter a state of creative meditation, relax and free yourself from negativity. It is important to know the designation of each mandala in order to choose the right colors and get the maximum effect.

Designation of figures in mandalas

To start creative meditation, you don’t have to have the talent of an artist; it’s enough to learn simple rules and listen to your inner voice. He will guide your hands and help you choose the right shades. A mandala is not a painting, but a reflection of your soul.

Just download ready-made mandalas for coloring from the Internet and start creating. The designations of the figures located inside the mandala are as follows:

  • Round and oval shapes are a symbol of a complete personality. This is a display spiritual world and the ability to protect yourself from negativity coming from outside
  • Cross shapes are a symbol of a crossroads. This means that a person is standing on the threshold important decision and ponders which way to go
  • The stars represent masculine energy. These are qualities such as self-confidence, the ability to bear responsibility and make decisions based solely on logic
  • Squares and triangles symbolize a person’s ability to open up emotionally. They can indicate either a closed personality, which is not characterized by bright manifestations of emotions, or they can indicate that you are used to throwing out all the storm of feelings into the world around you.
  • Spirals and the sign of infinity, eights indicate that a person is in a continuous process of spiritual development
  • The heart is the personification of love. Both internal - towards oneself, and external - unconditional, towards others and the world as a whole.

When choosing a mandala for coloring, a person intuitively chooses precisely those figures that most fully reflect his spiritual state.

Mandala color symbols

How to color mandalas correctly? It all depends on the effect you want to get. For this you should choose required colors and shades.

The meanings of the colors of the mandala are as follows:

  • Red is the personification of irrepressible, passionate, seething energy. This is the choice of people who are active, attractive, but in some way aggressive if they are unable to cope with emotions
  • Pink is a symbol of vulnerability, speaks of deep mental problems or the presence of a serious illness
  • Orange is the desire to live. Full, bright, rich. This is the color of optimists and enthusiasts, people who are unable to sit in one place
  • Yellow expresses solar energy. Represents qualities such as iron strength will, enormous intellect
  • Green indicates a person's deep inner maturity. Infancy is completely absent, this is a harmonious and happy personality
  • Blue is a symbol of motherhood, care, compassion. Indicates truly feminine qualities that may be hidden and suppressed
  • Blue is a symbol of peace and tranquility. But only if the shades are bright and light. Deep and rich blue, on the contrary, speaks of constant conflicts and an unfavorable psychological state
  • Purple is a symbol of stagnation, a stop in development. a lack of vitality that are necessary to achieve goals. Lack of energy, apathy
  • Lilac speaks of problems with the lungs and other respiratory organs. The person probably has bad habits, which he wants to get rid of
  • Gray - indifference, indifference, indifference to everything that happens. It can be both true and feigned when a person suppresses emotions.
  • Brown is the color of low self-esteem and lack of self-confidence. These are complexes, phobias, fears, psychological pressures and limitations of thinking that prevent you from developing and loving yourself unconditionally.
  • White and pastel shades are a symbol of spiritual purity and innocence. It's all bright, unsullied
  • Black talks about depressed state. The person is devastated, he has no energy, no desire to do anything, to move forward

These are the primary colors that you can base your meaning on. However, there is no need to choose a shade to color the mandala element with the mind. Rely on the sensations of your own soul. And when the drawing is ready, analyze which of your emotions found a way out.

This will help you understand yourself better. Perhaps you will discover something in yourself, you will be able to better understand what is missing.

Watch a video about the types of mandalas and their coloring:

How to color mandalas?

There are a few simple rules which are important to follow:

  1. Don't think of creating mandalas as painting a picture. Get rid of perfectionism - you are not creating artistic masterpiece, and meditate, express yourself in creativity
  2. Try to spend at least 15 minutes daily drawing or coloring mandalas. Regular practice will solve your problem.
  3. Listen to the sensations of consciousness. Is it possible to completely “switch off” or does the tension not subside? Understand what exactly prevents you from completely immersing yourself in the process - this will help identify internal problems to work on them further
  4. During the process of creative meditation, abstract yourself from extraneous thoughts. Try not to think at all - you must turn into one continuous emotion
  5. If the purpose of creating a mandala is to throw out negative emotions, then be sure to destroy the drawing. It needs to be burned and the ashes scattered to the wind. Do not give a mandala as a gift - you will give all the negativity to the person
  6. Try to draw or paint your creation symmetrically. It is the observance of symmetry that helps to achieve harmony, concentrate, relax and calm down, and rest your soul completely and completely.

Mandala is one of the most mysterious symbols in the history of mankind. Images and designs called by this word are traditionally common in countries professing Buddhism and Hinduism. But even those who are not adherents of these religions can try to create a mandala or color a ready-made one, which can be found online and downloaded for printing. With the help of this drawing you can achieve the unity of man and nature, bring harmony and tranquility to life, as well as open the subconscious and achieve what you want.

Usually a mandala looks like a circle, the most main symbol most religions, sometimes like a square or triangle, inside of which there is a complex ornament. In religious rituals, the mandala is painted with colored powders, sand, laid out with flowers, stones, and then destroyed. In Buddhism, this symbol means a map of outer space, the realm of divine power.

Many experts believe that the creation of a mandala is the creation of a model of the universe, a feeling of harmony with the world, and an understanding of one’s own “I”. That is why working with her calms you down, puts you in a positive mood, relieves stress, helps you concentrate, become self-aware, and bring love, comfort, peace, health and, of course, wealth into your home. In accordance with religious beliefs, every home should have such a picture, because during meditation it accumulates positive energy, and then shares it with a person and protects the house.

How to work with mandalas

Mandalas can be like create it yourself(draw or lay out different ways), Can i paint ready-made ones– the collections are easy to find online for free, download and print, you can purchase a collection of coloring books in bookstores.

Colors for coloring

Traditionally, three colors are used for these designs:

  • green,
  • yellow,
  • red.

But in fact, you can decorate them with any colors that seem appropriate at that particular moment. The same mandala can be colored in different ways - your heart itself should tell you what colors to use. The fact is that each color has a meaning; the subconscious, by choosing certain shades to decorate an ornament, thereby lets you know what is missing in your life or, on the contrary, is bothering you. That is, the drawing will express the state of your soul at the time of drawing.

The color red symbolizes Love, yellow - well-being, joy and happiness, green – understanding and support.

As for other colors that can also be used in coloring, they mean the following:

  • orange – emotionality,
  • blue – sky and water, the source of life,
  • blue – secrets, mysticism, intuition,
  • purple – emotional dependence,
  • lilac – excitement, worries,
  • light green – weak energy field,
  • black – darkness, death, despair.

The main condition is that the mandala can only be multi-colored, it cannot be painted in one color. In this case, you should move from the center to the edges of the circle.

Coloring rules

When coloring, you must comply with other conditions:

  • silence,
  • loneliness.

These conditions allow you to remain alone with your magic circle, dissolve your consciousness in it, and focus on your desires and needs.

You don't have to color everything at once. However, it is advisable that the drawing be colored during the day. And under no circumstances throw away or tear up the half-drawn mandala, because this is not a simple picture!

If you want to create your own mandala, then keep in mind that this is, in fact, a square inscribed in a circle, and all the elements and figures of the ornament must be positioned strictly symmetrical to each other. You must be aware of why you are drawing these patterns, because ultimately the mandala is an object of worship, symbolizing the Universe and cosmos. It is not for nothing that it is called frozen prayer. But not everyone can draw beautifully and correctly. Therefore, it is best to print ready-made templates and work with them.

What problems does a mandala solve?

Please note that printable coloring pages have a specific meaning and are aimed at working with a specific problem. So, you can find templates:

  • to fulfill a wish;
  • to attract wealth;
  • to attract happiness;
  • to attract love,
  • for protection from negative forces;
  • for health, etc.

Choose a template you like - and decorate it! For best effect you need clearly formulate the purpose of meditation and concentrate on it while decorating. Color only in good mood to convey your positivity to the drawing.

The most popular coloring books are mandalas for attracting money and material well-being. They help shape positive attitude to money and the so-called money thinking, remove obstacles to the flow of finances in the subconscious. In addition, these coloring pages provide an opportunity to find new ideas and options that will add more money to your wallet.

Very popular now anti-stress coloring pages. Mandalas with this effect help to distract from problems, as they relax the soul in the same way as the body can relax. When coloring them, you don’t need to concentrate on your desire, just try to let go of all thoughts and think about the good. Anti-stress mandalas are very effective, therefore they are recommended for everyone who wants to get away from everyday hustle and bustle and stress.

They also help get rid of negativity self-forgiveness mandalas. Their help is so that a person, during meditation, can forgive and accept himself and at the same time get rid of the negativity that he has absorbed into himself. Everyday life, concentrate on your best sides, get away from depression and apathy.

They also help to tune into a positive mood and heal from diseases. mandalas for health: It has been scientifically proven that the desire to get well helps to get rid of diseases.

Coloring books can be used not only by adults. This activity is also useful for children: it helps them become calm and balanced, and teaches them to focus on their goals.

Contemplation of the mandala

After the mandala is completed, you need to place it in front of you at a distance comfortable for the eyes and look at it carefully for at least 10 minutes, trying to feel and accept the energy emanating from it. You can also print a ready-made drawing for contemplation, always in color. These magic circles can be called a brain trainer. Like any simulator, mandala therapy should be used systematically, ideally every day for a month.

Carl Gustav Jung noticed the beneficial effects of mandalas on humans. Meditation while coloring was introduced into psychotherapy and was called mandala therapy. The idea is that a person paints his own circle, travels in his own inner world, revealing secret after secret, approaching the center of the mandala, that is, the center of everything - the place where God stands.

It is enough to determine what problems are bothering you at the moment, find it online, download and print the necessary coloring book - and immerse yourself for a while in the mystery that occurs during the coloring of the ornament, focusing on your desire. And you will be surprised at the changes for the better that will happen in the very near future!